Dreams can come true -- so can nightmares

Dreams can come true -- so can nightmares

A lot has happened in three days in our little town. Abby has jetted off, hoping to fulfil her dream of finding Chance. Phyllis has been dreaming about Jack. Will these ladies' dreams become a reality? Will Jack and Ashley succeed in finding Abby? Billy has made a mess at ChancComm. Will he be able to extricate himself unscathed? What about Devon, will he be able to return Dominic to Abby when she returns? Join our columnist, who has questions, opinions to offer, and perhaps a speculation or two, in Two Scoops for this week.

The obvious place to begin this week's column is with Abby, who is missing. Everyone believes that Abby has spiraled out of control and that she needs to be found and brought home. Why is everyone treating her like an 18-year-old teenager with no brain cells to create a rational thought? Has everyone forgotten she is an adult and able to make her own decisions?

Has Abby spiraled out of control? I don't believe she has at all. Quite often, when one has found their soul mate, they know in their heart if something is right or wrong with their partner. Abby and Chance are soul mates and very deeply in love. Abby believes that Chance is alive. She said it herself -- she would have known it in her heart if Chance had died. She had to find the truth out for herself. Abby wants her dream of a happily ever after with Chance, and she won't believe he died until she receives solid proof of his death.

After some careful examination of Chance's treasure box, Abby located a couple, Errol and Kim Dunaway. Abby recalled that Chance had said they were his friends, and he considered them to be heroes for the work they'd done in the field in Iraq. As luck would have it, Abby found an address for them and she was able to contact Kim Dunaway, who live in Solar, a town outside of Majorca, Spain. Kim told Abby that Chance was alive and in her home.

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Does Abby sound like someone spiraling out of control? I see it as Abby's dream coming true of finding Chance and reuniting with him. I wasn't for Abby going to Valencia, where the safe house had been. That was dangerous territory, but I'm all for her going to see Kim and Errol Dunaway -- and Chance. I will be very happy when Abby and Chance finally reunite. If nothing else, it will finally add some credibility and sense to this storyline.

Did Abby do the right thing leaving Dominic with Devon? I wonder. You can see how close Devon is getting to that little sprout. I have to question whether he will be able to hand Dominic back to Abby when she returns, or will he turn to Amanda and tell her he wants to try to get full custody? If that should happen, I believe Mariah will step in and countersue for full custody, or perhaps she would even settle for joint custody with Devon.

Mariah has told everyone she is okay and that she has let go of her obsession with "Bowie," but we all know she hasn't. She is hiding it well from everyone, but we could see how hurt she was after hearing that Abby had left the baby with Devon while she went to Spain in search of Chance. It will be interesting to see if any of this happens. If it does, who do you suppose Dominic is going to wind up with -- Abby and Chance, Devon, or Mariah.

This situation would certainly create a wedge in Devon and Abby's connection, and it might end a longstanding and beautiful friendship. I can't wait to see how this will play out, because we can all see Devon and Mariah will claim that Abby abandoned the baby, and there must be consequences. Abby's dream might turn into a nightmare. She has her husband back, but she might lose her son.

Shall we take a peek in on Phyllis? This gal is so conflicted between Nick and Jack. I think she has finally realized that people have been right about her relationship with Nick. It was all about video games and sex, and no substance. This has always been my opinion about Nick and Phyllis' relationship. You could never sink your teeth into anything really meaty between them. If Nick had a problem, Phyllis solved it with sex, and vice versa.

Phyllis has also realized that she yearns more for Jack than she does for Nick. At the coffeehouse, even Sharon noticed the closeness between Jack and Phyllis, a closeness that has deepened since Phyllis and Nick's breakup.

Phyllis set Sharon straight by telling her the breakup hadn't been about Jack and that she and Jack were only friends. Was the breakup with Nick about Jack, and are Phyllis and Jack really just friends? To me, Phyllis and Nick's breakup was a little too quick, and the issues were extremely lame. From what I was able to ascertain, the problem was Nick's family and Nick not being daddy's favorite baby anymore. Perhaps, subconsciously, Jack had been the underlying catalyst that had finally broken Nick and Phyllis up.

Regardless, that was a dumb reason for a breakup. How many couples have major issues with their in-laws, but those couples haven't ended their relationships based solely on not getting along with the in-laws? There had to be larger underlying problems for that to happen, and not getting along with the in-laws was way down the list of problems.

I don't get Lauren. When she met with Jack and he mentioned he'd been thinking about Phyllis, Lauren was adamant that Jack not entertain the idea of reuniting with Phyllis, especially after she'd broken his heart so many times. Yet when Lauren saw Phyllis, she encouraged Phyllis to explore her true feelings for Jack and to pursue them. I've heard of the Two Faces of Eve, but never the Two Faces of Lauren. Does Lauren want a reunion for Jack and Phyllis or not? I think it's time for Jack and Phyllis to just reunite and stop the posturing, since that isn't getting them anywhere.

I think that Phyllis' stand-alone dream episode proved that. Phyllis fought hard to prove to Ashley and Traci that she, not Gloria, was Jack's soul mate and the love of his life. I believe Phyllis has always known that she and Jack belonged together. Billy said it very eloquently -- Jack brought out the best in Phyllis; she was more honest and less defensive, and she didn't lash out as much when she was with Jack. She never questioned Jack's advice or his agenda. She liked who she was when she was with Jack, until the guilt reared its ugly head and ruined things. Billy was absolutely right. There were times when Phyllis got in her own way, and she needs to stop that.

The only thing I enjoyed about that stand-alone episode was the ending when Phyllis and Jack ate their Thanksgiving dinner together via video chat. I thought that was kind of cute, and it appeared that Phyllis' dream might become a reality.

Once again, Billy gambled and lost. It looks like he and Lily might lose ChancComm after being outwitted by Adam and Victor, and he compounded the problem by going rogue by telling Victor he would step down as co-CEO of ChancComm without consulting with Lily. Billy is no longer gambling with cards or the ponies; he is gambling with higher stakes, like his company. He did that at Jabot when he was CEO there. Wouldn't you think he'd learned his lesson? Obviously not, because he has put ChancComm in jeopardy because of his obsession with Ashland Locke. That's a fine mess you got yourself into, Billy.

When Lily encountered Ashland, he told her she'd failed the first lesson in journalism by relying on one source, a blackmailer, who had admitted his motivation was purely out of hatred and jealousy. Ashland hit the nail on the head when he told Lily that it was Billy's inability to let go of Victoria. Billy had published a story about Ashland for an audience of one: Victoria. Billy hadn't done his due diligence.

Momma Jill must be spitting nails because of Billy's screw-up. We know that Jill is returning to Genoa City, and I have to wonder how she is going to fix Billy's mess. Will she sell ChancComm, or can she save the media company? What is going to happen to Billy? At the moment, he and Lily are still together, but for how long? The spoilers indicate that Jill is going to make an intriguing offer to Lily. I wonder what that will be. It will be great to see Jill again, even if it's only for a little while.

Victor and Adam sure did a number on Billy and ChancComm, but what happened to the new and improved Adam? Have my eyes deceived me, or is he slowly slipping back to his old ways under Victor's tutelage? I have a feeling that this might be his first step to returning to the fractured Adam.

Well, well, well, Noah finally opened up about his time in London to none other than... drumroll please, Faith. Who would have thought he would open up to her? Faith has grown up a lot since she has been hanging out with Moses. He has been an amazing influence on her, and he has brought out the best in Faith. Even Noah was surprised at her maturity. Noah told Faith he'd fallen in love with a fellow artist, but their relationship had fallen apart when his success had outpaced hers. He admitted he'd been crushed when she'd left him. Noah admitted he'd left London because it held memories he didn't want to relive.

I wonder if he will ever open up to Sharon and Nick. I also wonder whether Noah and Tessa will become more than just friends and revisit their past relationship. Wouldn't that just frost Mariah's knickers if that happened. I would love to see Noah and Tessa together again. They have always had a ton of chemistry between them and a very easy rapport. They are fun together. There really isn't anyone in town to pair Noah up with. The only single female in town is Sally. Ugh! I would rather throw bleach in my eyes than see them as a couple. Sally is far too nosy, aggressive, and pushy -- and a troublemaker, to boot, all things Noah isn't. If the writers don't put Noah and Tessa together again, I hope they will bring someone new to Genoa City for Noah.

Speaking of Sally, she really frays my one and only nerve I have left. She is obnoxious. She has her nose in everybody's business, she is demanding and thinks she has the right to demand exactly what is going on at Newman Media. I believe she is trying some reverse psychology on Adam. She has told him she has given up trying to get him to date her. She claimed she is concentrating on her career and making Newman Fashion Media a success.

This I have to see to believe. Sally has been trolling the rich men in Genoa City since her arrival. First it was Jack, who saw her for who she really was. She tried to get Kyle to warm up to her, and that failed. Then, she set her sights on Adam. This little she-cat isn't stopping anything, just hiding until it's time to pounce.

It was a short week, folks, so I hope you have enjoyed my thoughts. I would love to read your comments and opinions. In the meantime, until next time, stay safe, and I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving!Nel

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