People do the darnedest things

Shirtless Nate does a handstand, Phyllis flashes a Summer kissing Billy card, and Rey and Arturo are brothers
People do the darnedest things

Why is dating so hard in Genoa City? Is the dating pool so small that you need to keep it kinda in the family (especially when your family tree, instead of having branches and roots, looks more like a wreath)? Why do men go ga-ga for Sharon's meatloaf (and will she share her recipe)? Was there drama and intrigue on The Young and the Restless this week? Ja-bet your life! As my wise old uncle used to say, "With friends like this, who needs enemas?"

Last week, Dan commented on Phyllis slapping Summer. Luke, the person I watch with, was expecting and anticipating it, and when it happened, he said, "It's about freaking time!" (This may have been edited to make it more PG.) I have some concerns about Summer wanting Billy... because he might be kinda like her uncle. There was a time when everyone thought Jack might be Summer's father, so Billy was her uncle then (which is why Phyllis went to extreme measures to keep Kyle and Summer from hooking up). It's bad enough Phyllis is dating her ex-husband's brother, which would make Billy, at the very least, Summer's step-uncle, if such a thing exists. Or even potentially her stepfather. It all feels a little incestuous.

Are there no other men for Summer to date in Genoa City? The buildings look big enough for there to be more people. It just seems that everyone swims in the same dating pool, and the family trees are convoluted. I thought about trying to draw out some family trees as an illustration for the column, but unfortunately, I used a thick marker, and it all ended up looking like a giant scribble, and that wouldn't have looked good on anyone's screen. Maybe some other time!

Summer's "cruise" does help Kyle win his bet with her -- if soap days match up with our days. August is over. Summer didn't seal the deal. Kyle keeps his car. Will he really make Summer sleep with him? Part of me thinks there's some growth, and he won't want her if she doesn't really want him, but he's pretty shifty. Whose side is he on, other than his own? Wasn't it Lauren who pointed that out? She was so right! I like the actor, though, because I like Kyle despite his self-serving actions. And he's a good friend to Mariah (and yes, sometimes I wish they could be more, because I think she should be treated better than Tessa treats her), which I like.

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I have one big question as I prepare for next week: what's Summer going to do when she comes back from her cruise? It could get really ugly, and part of me thinks Summer isn't entirely wrong, even though what she is doing is wrong. Maybe Phyllis does deserve a little discomfort. Summer even went there with reminding her mother that Summer had never run someone over with her car -- something I doubt Phyllis discussed over coffee with her daughter. How awkward would that be? "I remember back in the day when I was so mad, I just had to kill someone. Oh, those were the days! Mommy's had a colorful life."

Tessa needed to get Crystal "settled," which was why she had been out of touch for weeks? No quick "I'm alive, be home soon" message or anything? How short could it have been? "I OK. CU." Not a lot of letters there. But for weeks, she couldn't fire off the shortest of messages? Especially with the way their last contact had broken off mid-sentence -- not to mention the numerous text messages and voicemails she got from Mariah. Did she not get an International plan on her cell phone? And then she comes back (sneaks back) wanting $20,000. (And the bad guys let her come back... as if they're in on her scamming the people who have money?)

I'm with Sharon here. Something feels off about Tessa's story, but there's always been a little something off about her, hasn't there? She teeters on that edge, and I don't know if I am going to like her or hate her. All this time later, and I still don't know (probably means I won't like her), but also like Sharon, I'd really like for Mariah to be happy. Her life has been challenging, and she could do with some joy. As I look at the message boards, I do see that I'm not the only one who isn't a huge fan of Tessa. That small smile she flashed at Mariah when Rey held her in the doorway seemed even more suspicious, like she'd been caught and knew she was doing something wrong. Whatever is going on, she is not more likeable now that she's back.

One of my favorite small moments of the week was when Mariah was talking with Kyle and the topic of a dumped-again playlist came up. I've had music that I've listened to when getting over a breakup (Linkin Park's Hybrid Theory, Papa Roach's Getting Away with Murder, Genesis' Duke, Elton John's Too Low for Zero to name just a few). Sometimes when we're going through tough times, it's nice to hear music that reminds us we're not alone in the way we feel. And sometimes these little moments are what make Y&R stand out. It's not like my life, but then again, some parts of it are. It's relatable.

Devon had so many visitors this week and so many conversations with people who are concerned with what he'll do to punish Lily in court. I most appreciated Victor's conversation with him. Victor didn't tell him how to feel or what to do. He was just empathetic and said Devon had to do what he had to do. It's Devon's choice... but then Victor turned it back to his own conflict with Nick. Oh, well. Victor at least had a moment that was good.

When Devon was speaking with Victoria, he told her, "When you forgive people, you give them permission to hurt you again -- or worse." He's not wrong -- especially in the world of soaps. The writers are doing a good job with his grieving, and he seems firmly stuck in the anger stage of grief right now. You can't rush him through it, though. You can't make him unfeel what he feels, or he won't get through it. And you can't force him to forgive his sister as if he's a little kid who's supposed to be all good when his sister says "I'm sorry" after breaking his toy.

And now I want to talk about Rey...who is he working for? Since the Fearsome Foursome buried J.T. in the garden, a big part of me has wondered (okay, maybe secretly hoped) that J.T. wasn't dead. It's not that I like him or respect him or want him to ever hurt another woman again (which he will do if he's not dead), but the potential for the return from the grave (especially after we saw what happened with Nick's duplicitousness while impersonating J.T.) is amazing. And if Rey really is investigating the use of the credit card, I can understand J.T. wanting to know why, especially if he was already working for someone sketchy before he arrived in town. It could explain some of his changes if he were already doing something he shouldn't oughta do. His personality transplant made no sense.

I was glad to see people getting suspicious of Rey. There's coincidence (soaps thrive on it) and there's contrived coincidence, and his appearances are hardly random. And people are getting it, especially Victoria. Rey showing up at the Athletic Club for the Newman family dinner? Nothing about that felt natural, and Victoria knew it. What an awkward scene.

Rey went to Sharon's house for dinner (because her meatloaf brings the boys to the yard), which was odd when her husband wasn't there (and where is Faith? Probably good she wasn't at the house with Rey). When Rey pulled out his gun, I asked myself, "Debt collectors are packing heat these days?" I also found it amusing when Sharon called it a "Saturday special" (Luke thought it looked more like a .45 than a Saturday Night Special). But the gun means way more than debt collection, as did him telling someone that Victoria had bought his story (but I don't think she did. I think she knows deep down that it's much worse, which is what led to that panic attack).

As I watched this week, especially as I watched Victoria, who definitely has something going on (Luke said, "There's got to be something wrong with her" very early) -- and I can't tell if it's just psychological or if there's something medical underneath it all (I know stress and specifically PTSD can do enough damage on their own, including causing physical health problems), I couldn't help but wonder if she'd end up with one of the men who she clearly did not get along with -- Rey or Nate. She hates both, so you kind of assume she'll end up with one because it's a soap. You can't find true love without first finding true hate, right?

After watching the delicate way Nate handled her when she had her panic attack (and seeing Rey push her over that edge), I'd really like to see her with Nate, even though it's icky for a patient to date someone who has been her doctor, and even though I think they wouldn't be in the same age range if it weren't for the magic of SORAS. She seems to not age (she sure doesn't look like she could have a teenaged child, or like her younger brother could have a child who is... how old is Noah, anyway? Late 20s? 30s?). Nate was a kid when he left town and came back as an established doctor. But age in relationships never seems to matter on soaps.

Anyway, one thing that did strike me as odd is that when Victoria had her panic attack, Nate took her back to his (uncle's) place, not hers. Wouldn't it make sense to get her safely home and near her bed, where she could finally unwind? It was interesting to hear her say "sometimes I still feel him choking me" about J.T., though. I suspect a part of her is most upset that someone as strong as she is allowed herself to be in that situation, kind of a "that happens to other people, not me" situation.

And Nikki's pleading with Victoria, hounding her, crawling under the covers of her bed with her (both fully clothed) seemed so pushy! Victoria was already stressed. Having her mother push and push and push and not give up had to add to the stress (even though Nikki said, "You need someone to help you with the stress you're under"). I suppose it wouldn't be a soap if Nikki just said, "Hey, honey, I see you're stressed. If you need to talk, I'm here for you. If there's anything I can do, let me know." Victoria would, of course, refuse the help, but it wouldn't be so stressful or repetitive. Nikki seemed so desperate in those moments -- and obviously Victoria is not okay -- but pushing that hard might make her refuse to seek help even longer, and it might make her seek it from someone other than Mom (which is, in fact, what happened when Victoria called Nate).

I missed Dina, so it was good to see her. Her memories of Piper were sad but adorable. Jack handled them so well, not challenging the memory and that place she was in, but playing right along, as a loving son would or should do. Billy and Phyllis putting aside their animosity long enough to commiserate, and Jack realizing that he hadn't noticed how far downhill his mother had slipped, was also sad but showed that underneath all the animosity and battles, there is love among them all. I do hope we see more of Dina, not to the point where it's uncomfortable, but to remember she's still around. The story is being handled beautifully, and I commend Marla Adams for her work. She has such a child-like innocence now that she has no memory of the people around her. But she remembers that dog from the time of the Roosevelt administration.

Billy and Phyllis moved into the Abbott mansion (Luke laughed when he saw them at the door and said, "Good for them!") -- but why the crowded Abbott mansion and not the Chancellor mansion his mother owns, where not a lot of people are living and where he'd certainly be welcome. Unless he's monitoring his enemies, which he probably has reason to do. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, right? It just seems like it would be miserable, and Phyllis is looking especially stressed about it -- although, honestly, if you're in a crowded house, do you make out on the living room couch? Their exhibitionism and being on the edge of being caught seem to be a huge part of the thrill in their relationship. Would they still be together if they kept it behind their bedroom doors all the time? Part of me thinks they wouldn't.

Random questions/observations:

I wondered, as I watched Billy and Victoria together, if Billy avoids time with his kids because he doesn't trust himself after "failing" Delia? She was in his care, he had given her instructions, yet she died when she didn't follow his instructions. Does he perhaps avoid some time with his kids because he's afraid they, too, will die under his watch? That may have nothing to do with it. It could be he's just hung up on himself and forgets he has an obligation to them, but I wouldn't be surprised if there's a bit of that fear in the back of his mind. He did say, "I left Delia in the car. My gambling nearly cost Victoria her life. Sleeping with Summer wouldn't be in the top ten things I've done" wrong when he was arguing with Phyllis. He's always carrying that memory with him (even though he looked like Billy Miller when he left Delia in the car).

Speaking of Billy, one thing that's seemed odd to me since he became CEO of Jabot is that the sign on his door says "Billy Abbott," not "William Abbott." I know it's not a big thing, and he is making it a more "fun" place to work (oh, how I would love if my office had pods for napping!), but as far as being taken seriously is concerned, I would think the more formal name for the door and then introducing himself as Billy would be the way to go.

Phyllis' pillow talk could possibly use some tweaking. She told Billy, while snuggling with him after making love, "If you ever did screw around with my daughter, I'd kill you." Then she snuggled right up next to him again. Is this an appropriate thing for her to say? Sure, she can feel that way and tell him. But her timing? Eh. I've seen better. Nothing kills the afterglow like threats of murder.

Every time I see someone with a cup of coffee, whether holding it or sipping it, I stare at the cup first because the cups are always empty. I know, coffee is hot, it burns, it stains, it can get heavy if you're holding it too long. But the to-go cups (and the cold drinks) look so much more authentic. And yes, people would probably be wired if they were drinking that much caffeine for real, but maybe seeing some coffee in a cup now and again, especially one that's freshly poured, would give it a more authentic feel.

Nikki's dress with the printed pearls on it struck me as odd. Nikki is a multi-gazillionaire. She can wear the real thing. People like me? Sure, maybe we'd wear printed pearls because we couldn't afford all those, but she could. It just seemed odd on her.

When Kyle went in for the high-five with Phyllis but she walked away, I laughed. There are some great moments like that in this show, and they feel so real to anyone who's had that happen!

The silver coffee set at the Genoa City Athletic Club needs to be polished. I mean, mine looks like that, but I don't have staff to take care of those things. And by "mine looks like that," I mean it's tarnished. It isn't as fancy (or large, or sterling) as the one at the Athletic Club.

I loved when Mariah asked Kyle if it was weird to be "up here fully clothed." He does way too much work in a lounge chair with his shirt off. Although, truth be told, I wouldn't mind a job that I could do while sunbathing in a lounge chair!

I love the touch of having a framed cover of Restless Style behind Billy's desk. Wouldn't it be interesting if he and Phyllis revived it?

As much as I try, I can't get myself interested in the bridesmaids' planning, be it dresses or shower planning. It seems lackluster (but I guess after enough marriages, how exciting can it be?), although I will say that when the ladies were trying on dresses, Phyllis' reaction to the triangle slit in Summer's dress was kind of hilarious. My attitude was probably closest to Victoria's in the shower planning meeting. Poor Mariah! This is so not her thing. And how many of the bridesmaids really want to be bridesmaids?

That's some of what happened on The Young and the Restless this past week. I hope you enjoyed some of what I had to say -- feel free to let me know if you agreed or disagreed. I don't know what will happen next week, but I know I'll be there to watch. I can't wait for the fallout when Summer gets off Jaboat -- she won't be Jablissful. I'm expecting that Devon will not condemn his sister to jail (but with Christel Khalil going to part-time status, maybe he will). I want to find out what Rey's story is. I want Mariah to be suspicious of Tessa, even though love is blind. I hope you tune in with me. I'd love to hear what you think about it all.

READ MORE OF THIS WEEK'S TWO SCOOPSThe Bold and the Beautiful | Days of our Lives | General Hospital |

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