Their Daddy made them do it -- and other stories of redemption

Their Daddy made them do it -- and other stories of redemption
Their Daddy made them do it -- and other stories of redemption

The devil made me do it. Or Daddy, or Aunt Sarah. Or it was a Monday. The people of Genoa City rarely accept responsibility for the things that they say and do. It's always somebody else's fault. So don't blame me for this week's column. It's Phyllis' fault!

Did you cry yourself a river last week? Did you feel Phyllis' pain so severely that you wept your way through a family-size box of Puffs? Tell me, did Avery's misery and abject apologies to her wronged sister cause you to wish to take her in your arms and console her through her consternation? What about Adam? Did his remorse make you sob more forlornly than you did when your first goldfish was found floating side down in its watery grave?

It was a week of whitewash and backstory redemption, and not having read any spoilers, I had no idea what I was in store for as I selected the first day's show from my DVR menu.

Picking up where it ended the Friday before, Monday found Phyllis still at her dying father's bedside, badgering him for the kind of honesty she's rarely shown in her own life. She was soon joined by Avery, and as the two women lit into their father, the whole thing began to repulse, rather than rivet, this fan. Phyllis was right. George was completely wrong in what he did to those investors who trusted him with their savings. Just as the parents were wrong to make the little-more-than-a-child, Avery, believe everything was Phyllis' fault.

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But, and this is just my opinion, using that backstory as an excuse for Phyllis turning into such a hateful, deceitful, shrew of a human being is lame at best. I don't care what her Daddy did. She was a grown woman and all the things she did were her choice. In the end, she treated people as badly, or worse, than her father did. If she truly so hated the thought of her Daddy hurting people, she should never have been able to convince herself to hurt so many people. She expected Daddy to own up to his transgressions against those investors and his family, and take responsibility for his actions. But when does she have to own up to and apologize for her wrongs? Yeah, like that would ever happen, because the scribes would have us believe Phyllis is never, ever wrong nor should she atone for her sins.

As for Avery, I wanted to shake her. I couldn't believe she let her fear of Phyllis' fury and intense need for sisterly forgiveness convince her to let her Daddy die alone. There had to be more to George than that one act, and you would think the somewhat soft-hearted Avery would one day regret her decision to stand in the hall, begging Phyllis' pardon, while Daddy drew his last breath. But that day evidently won't be anytime soon, because it appears all the days in Avery's foreseeable future will be spent lying prone before Phyllis' imperfect feet, groveling for forgiveness.

Not that Avery was the only Genoa Citian kneeling on the ground before Phyllis. In fact, by the time the week wrapped up, I was so sick of all the groveling, I could have thrown up every morsel I'd previously ingested.

Nick, too, was remorseful for his crimes against Princess Phyllis. His face filled with fear, he practically prostrated himself before her, effusively apologizing for his brief sexing of Avery and his support of Sharon, as he begged for another chance at Phyllis' love. I about laughed myself silly as Nick berated Avery for her treatment of Phyllis and for sleeping with his horn dog behind. Avery just meekly sat there and took it, but I was far more vocal -- screeching "hypocrite" at Nick's self-righteous image. These people and their blame, blame, blame mentality often irk my last soap nerve, and this was definitely one of those times. Nick chased that woman until she gave in; now he's acting as if she somehow took unfair advantage of him.

I just might have felt a tiny flicker of support for Nick through all that chastisement for the way Avery treated poor, widdle Phyllis, except for the fact that Nick has little room to point a finger at anyone else after the way he betrayed his then-wife while happily cavorting beneath the covers with Phyllis.

Adam's name was also drawn out of the hat for a chance at whitewash and redemption, however, there isn't likely to be any groveling involved, unless you can count the groveling he himself must do. So tarnished in many fans' eyes, there isn't likely a supply of whitewash large enough to make him appear as white as fresh-fallen snow or forgiven by them. Luckily, I'm not one of those, so I could completely enjoy this latest turn in his life.

Instead of back-writing him a sad story of abuse at the hands of some nameless figure, or as a result of some tragic event, Adam saw the error of his ways through a combination of blindness, a visit from Mom, the tranquil atmosphere of the farm, and a fire, which apparently taught him he was stronger and more capable than he knew. He returned to Genoa City, ready to make amends to all who would allow him to.

Unfortunately, I should have known better than to get my hopes up that anything lasting would come of Adam's newfound goodness. After the very moving scenes between father and son, Nick's stated intention to remove himself and Faith from between Sharon and Adam (my respect for Nick skyrocketed when he said that), along with his agreement to work with his brother, silly me was foolish enough to hope for a slow and well-done journey to family togetherness.

Just for a few moments, I allowed myself a quick daydream of possibilities between brother and brother, and brother and sister. I saw more moving and heartfelt meetings between Ashley and Adam, and Adam and Jack. I've been watching this soap for a lot of years. Someone should have shaken me sensible for my gullibility. Because the moment Paul learned what Adam had done to his sister, and repeated it first to Sharon and then to Jack, I realized that the stinky stuff was only a breath away from striking the fan blades.

Paul is out for blood on behalf of his demented sister. I don't blame him for that. But, although I agree Patty's elevator doesn't go to the top floor, I'm not convinced she's as crazy as she pretends. She seems to have little problem remembering things that incriminate someone else, but when it comes to the evil she has done, amnesia is alive and well in her brain.

But, Patty's craziness (or not) is something for another day, if we fans are extremely unlucky. For now, or should I say, in the coming week, I expect Victor and Nick won't waste any time snatching Adam's olive branch, spitefully breaking it into tiny bits, and tossing it back in his face. If Sharon turns away, too, Adam will once again be alone, and may return to his dark side. Short of leaving town and starting over, never to be heard from again, his only option will be to hurt back. Too bad. I'd really hoped we were in for something different with Adam instead of more episodes entitled "Evil Adam vs. the Good Citizens of Genoa City."

When it comes to redemption, I doubt there's any in Daisy's future. Sheila's bad blood, as well as the tainted strain from Terrible Tom Fisher, runs strongly in Daisy's veins, and if there is any good at all in her, she's hidden it so well I certainly can't claim to have ever caught a glimpse of it. I agree with every fan that feels Daisy cares little, if at all, for Lucy, and agree she just wants to use her as a bridge to get something that she wants. I don't know if that something is Daniel or something else entirely.

I don't dislike Phyllis so much that I'd rather see Lucy with Daisy than with Phyllis. Still, in spite of all that, I tried, but failed, to feel too bad for Phyllis when Daisy came to take Lucy away. All I could think of was that now maybe Phyllis knows how Victoria and Billy felt when it was her doing the taking and them having to do the giving up. Besides, this is Phyllis we're talking about. While she may not play Mommy to Lucy again, she will likely wind up playing Granny while Daniel fulfills his Daddy duties.

I didn't like the way certain do-gooders of Genoa City leapt on Daniel's back, browbeating him about his duty to step up and be a dad. They all go about their lives, doing exactly what they think is best, rarely letting someone else call the shots, yet they all want to tell Daniel what he should do. Michael barely has a life, what with his constant attention to Victor's behind ... I mean business. Who is he to talk about what's best for anyone's child after the way he helped Victor try to keep Billy away from his? Hypocrite! Avery is so desperate to win Phyllis' forgiveness, she's willing to do or say anything to accomplish that. As for Phyllis, she always felt her position as Granny trumped Daniel's as Daddy's.

By the way, was I the only fan laughing myself right out of bed when Michael was mumbling to Avery about the job of a highly skilled lawyer to help his client but stay within the lines of the laws? I don't blame him for mumbling. He probably didn't want us fans to hear exactly what he was saying. Because he has proven to be one of the most unscrupulous lawyers ever given a license. And is the last person who should be delivering a mini-sermonette about right and wrong.

Where was this pious rhetoric when he was helping Victor practically kidnap Billy? Yeah, Mikey, all that was well within the confines of law and order, all right. I don't know how he said all that stuff with a straight face, because I sure couldn't listen to him without laughing like a fool. In fact, I found it so amusing, I watched and listened multiple times so I could giggle all over again.

But back to the story. In truth, Daniel showed more maturity than all of them. He didn't suddenly decide, upon Lucy's arrival, that he didn't want to be a daddy. Aware of his current deficiencies, he unselfishly gave his daughter what he felt was best for her -- a home with two doting parents. In exchange, he and his headstrong mother would have had a permanent place in her life. To my mind, that was a very adult and loving decision. Lucy could have had a life untouched by Daisy's malevolent presence.

But, the great and powerful Phyllis decided that wasn't good enough. So she purposely lured the Daisy devil back into her granddaughter's life. Once she got Daisy there, she promised her the moon, then went to court and lied through her teeth, painting such a glowing picture of poor, victimized Daisy, the judge didn't see any reason to terminate Daisy's rights. She instructed her attorney to attack her son on the stand, and dug up every clump of dirt she could find regarding Billy and Victoria. And in the end, she got what she wanted. Victory and Lucy.

By the way, I wanted to smack Phyllis when she went into banshee, martyr mode, screaming at Daniel to man up, "after what I did for your daughter." Yeah, meddler, you did everything for his daughter that he begged you not to do. And look at the mess you made. Funny how some of these Genoa Citians are so fond of pointing the finger of blame. So, Phyllis, stand before the mirror and point an incriminating finger ... at yourself. You did this. Not your Daddy. Not your sister. Not Daniel. You.

Blame is always an amusing subject when it relates to the people in this town. They always want to look back and say it's someone else's fault. But I always wonder. How do they know at what point to stop. For instance, for Paul, Jack's getting shot is all Adam's fault. Because Adam let the crazy woman out. Why has he reserved all his rage for Adam, but doesn't assign any blame to Victor, the man who put it all in motion and purposely pointed Patty directly at Jack in the first place? Jack blames both Adam and Victor for his misfortune, but since he's playing the blame game, he may as well go all the way back. Like to the moment he cheated on Patty and started her on the path to nuttiness. One good thing to come out of all Jack's blaming is that I trust this means Jack won't he needing Adam's assistance to revenge himself against Victor after all.

Traci blames Patty for both Colleen's death and Jack's wounding, and professes a hatred for the insane woman. Yet she so forgave Victor for his part in her daughter's death, that she gave the man her daughter's healthy heart. When it comes to blame, what sane person can figure out these Genoa City folks?

Anyway, regardless of who's to blame for Daisy reclaiming her daughter, the damage has been done. Someone must now make the best of this very bad situation, and it appears the only possible hero available to swoop in like Superman and save the day is Daniel. I trust he will now be willing to be a father, having determined he is definitely the lesser of two evils, when one of the evils is Daisy.

Fans have been screaming foul (by keyboard), furious that Daisy so easily triumphed in court and got Lucy in the blink of an eye. But, Daisy voluntarily and temporarily turned Lucy over to Phyllis, not because the court had found her unfit, but because she couldn't take care of her from prison. So, once the same court determined she was a victim herself, and no longer deserved incarceration, it was like her slate was wiped clean and there was no lawful reason to delay their reunion. She had already been granted visitation, even while incarcerated, and all required recommendations and reports as to whether she had been rehabilitated while imprisoned had presumably been done before that final court hearing. So, voil. Mommy's home!

Redemption wasn't the only course plopped onto our plates this week. February ended and March began quite satisfactorily for this fan, with plenty of powerful moments to enjoy.

As I mentioned earlier, Victor and Adam's scenes were so wonderful, I wanted to take notes, but couldn't take my eyes off of them long enough to jot down my impressions, and ended up watching their interchanges several times. If Adam wasn't sincere, then he can probably sell me the Brooklyn Bridge, because I'm the first-class sucker that bought him, hook, line, and sinker. Victor can be so exasperating and mean, but he clearly softened and made me believe he badly wanted a reason to believe his wayward son and give him another chance. I know Victor will soon be back to his usual cantankerous self, but at least I had this moment to enjoy.

Kevin and Michael are always wonderful together. It was nice to see Michael in brother mode instead of acting as Victor's sometimes law-skirting, if not outright law-breaking, lawyer. He was even granted a few rare opportunities to play protective husband.

As their sisterly bond has continued to solidify, Lauren and Jill were another highlight of the week, and both sold me completely as close and comfortable confidants. Lauren was that soft shoulder when Jill was devastated by Colin's deceit, and now Jill has returned the favor. Jill has been much more enjoyable to watch since she somehow lost that oversized chip she used to have stitched to her shoulder. In fact, Jill has made me forget she was ever a Chancellor, and it seems the Fenmore sisters have always been a package deal.

Even if I didn't like Jill and Lauren together, I would definitely be on board with this new and empowered Lauren. My fingers had been crossed that Daisy's return wouldn't also mean a return to the cowering, jump-at-every-shadow-and-sound, Lauren, but I think it's safe to uncross them now, because clearly the scribes have decided not to go down that been-there, done-that road.

That gun in Lauren's purse, however, probably means that someone is going to die in the future. If Daisy is the deserving victim, that still may not put an end to Lauren's practically lifelong nightmare. Because, unfortunately, Daisy's equally damaged twin, Ryder, is still out there.

That was a stroke of genius on Genevieve's part, offering Victoria the CEO position of Beauty of Nature. Of course, I got excited too quickly, since Victoria ultimately turned her down. Genevieve has an obvious crush on Victor, but I think she's in over her head. Victor is no Colin, and unlike Colin, has no amorous feelings whatsoever for Genevieve. So, who will Genevieve turn to next? Jack? That sounds like a dead end, as Jack is likely to nurse his anger against Genevieve for a little while longer. That only seems to leave one other person, especially if his family turns against him. Adam Newman.

Tucker, Devon, Neil, and Harmony were one of the lighter moments of the week. But what was going on with Harmony? I don't blame Neil for wondering if she was high. She was acting like she'd been drinking Red Bulls all day. She must have been really happy to be back in Dallas. Tucker has really grown on me. I liked that he called Harmony on her flirtation with Neil. It's probably only a matter of time before Sofia does too.

I will end the column the same place I began -- with Phyllis. Misinterpreting that hug between Nick and Sharon, it looks like it might be back to the basics for Phyllis -- trashing Sharon in print. Whew! What a relief. Because if the scribes had been intent on rehabilitating Phyllis to a nice, upstanding citizen, in whose mouth butter wouldn't melt, I'd have had to start liking her. Not that my liking matters because she'll always have Nick, and even though he just said the last thing the family needs is more bad press, we know he will likely forgive Phyllis and forget, all before the first printing has even sold out. Because, after all, whatever happens, it's nobody's fault.

Well, I'm out of here, but will leave you with a few opinions of your fellow soapies. Enjoy, and keep the opinions coming by sending me your thoughts.

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  • I love daytime, but could the writers please stop treating the fans as if we have come out of a time warp, and give some good storylines like they did once upon a time and stop dragging them out so long. I'm glad about Cane and Lily, tired of every couple breaking up like there is no happiness ever. If they want to kiss and hug, so be it, need some affection without heartache every day. - Mary

  • Oh no, more Daisy! At least they didn't stuff Ryder down our throats yet! Oh well, at least it gives Lauren some screen time. I loved her at the range taking target practice. It will be another murder because you have to give the GCPD something to do. I guess you go to Genoa City if you want to commit a crime but you also want to go there if you're sick. 3 Examples: Victor had a heart transplant and he has never had any rejection issues, matter of fact, he sucks down alcohol like a Frat boy. #2 Speaking of alcohol, Nicki is cured of alcoholism. Not even a sniff of vodka since Deacon started pressing license plates! #3 Jack was flat lining in the OR and the very same episode he was sitting up in bed talking to his sisters. I'm surprised he hasn't jumped out of that wheel chair to run a marathon yet! That's ok, I still love ya Y&R. - Timothy

  • Are we really supposed to believe Nikki is surprised that Victor would lie to her face? This is a pathetic attempt to draw up interest in a Jack and Nikki pairing and I, for one, am not interested. With Nikki, Jack will only be about one-upping Victor, throwing his relationship with Nikki in Victor's face...treating Nikki like some sort of toy he took from the town bully. Doesn't Jack, Nikki and the fans deserve better than that from these adults? If George confessing to stealing money from people is supposed to endear us to Phyllis, TPTB are failing. Phyllis has tried to kill people and broken up marriages...what makes her better than her father? I still can't stand her! I still don't like Adam, even now that he is blind and I can't wait until everyone finds out Adam unleashed Patty on GC this last time! Even though I know Daisy is pure evil, I will enjoy her sticking it to Phyllis the same way Phyllis stuck it to Billy and Victoria! Lastly, I don't understand Victoria's obsession with having a baby. She acts as if she has no children at all. What is Reed...chopped liver? Something tells me that even though Chelsea signed the papers, the baby still will not be raised by Billy and Victoria. - Carolyn

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