Wedding shocker!

Wedding shocker!
Wedding shocker!

One minute Sharon and Adam are drinking egg nog and sharing holiday memories, then they're on a plane for Nevada and getting married.

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Well, I don't think any of us saw that one coming! One minute Sharon and Adam are drinking egg nog and sharing holiday memories, then they're on a plane for Nevada and getting married. As if that wasn't enough to get your knickers in a twist (as the Brits would say), the Newman jet went down, Adam tried to confess his baby-swiping sin to Sharon, and after the smoke had cleared, Sharon was still married to the lout and unaware of his evil.

I know many of you are big Sharon fans out there. You feel like Phyllis stole Nick from her and you're not going to rest 'till Sharon wins her man back. Okay. I get it. But how do you explain and justify her decision to marry Adam? Was it an impulsive reaction to seeing Nick with Phyllis and all the family around Noah's new snowmobile? Probably. But shouldn't Sharon know better than to act without thinking? Her deciding to marry Adam struck me as equally dumb as her decision to let Jack "be the father" of her baby (when she was pregnant) even though she knew he wasn't.

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Here's what Doris should have given her daughter Sharon for Christmas, a Magic 8-Ball! I think that big, black ball that answers your questions when you ask a question has more wisdom that she does. So when Sharon next has a question like, "Should I have a baby with Adam?" the Magic 8-Ball can tell her "Concentrate and ask again" or "Reply is no." You see, my problem with Sharon is that after all the problems in 2009 - the kleptomania, the arrests, the nervous breakdown, the stay in the psychiatric hospital, the loss of her baby - she's learned nothing. Why did she have to marry Adam? Why not live with him for six months and see what he's like? Sounds reasonable to me.

I'd like to see Lauren try some caution, too. DaisyApril is too "good" to be true and Eden has been wisely suspicious of her. But Lauren has some weird need to give this young lady a chance, even as she's accusing Ryder of being a deviant psycho with a thing for rats! It was interesting to see that Ryder and Daisy are brother and sister, but I'm still waiting to discover if the mother of these two is Sheila? What do you think?

By the way, what's going on with Amber and the fixation on Little D? How many years have gone by with her not even mentioning the kid? And if he is revealed, how old will this kid be considering the time passage and all. I don't know about you, but I'm confused.

While we're talking impulsive actions, it's imperative to turn our focus to Jack and Emily. Jack, Jack, Jackie...what are you doing, man? Emily is a dead-ringer for your homicidal ex-wife who has a stalker/killer mentality when it comes to you. If you love Emily, why would you put her in the line of fire for Patty's wrath? Jack has to be smarter than this, but maybe he's been hanging around Sharon too much and the dumbness has rubbed off on him. But even if Jack is this foolish, what's Emily's excuse? Seriously, she's a friggin' professional. She should know better. She should know that Patty is not getting better and is a dangerous woman. Make that a deadly assassin.

I think Tucker McCall is an assassin of another kind. He's a stealth bomber in the business world, don't you think? His advice to Katherine about putting her stock up for collateral on a risky new venture made me think he was up to something. Then there was his bringing up Nikki's past. What was that all about? Of course, don't get too used to Tucker with this face and hair (too much hair). Stephen Nichols is taking over the character in a couple of weeks and I predict he'll play him very differently. Before we put the holidays and New Year's Eve behind us, I want to compliment all the powers that be for the super New Year's Eve episode - Billy's mystical mystery tour through the future led by Father John Abbott Time . Special episodes are a tricky deal. They don't always work out well. Sometimes they tank in a spectacular fashion. I think Billy's journey was excellent. Billy Miller's performance was the main reason; he carried the hour with a performance that was/is Emmy worthy.

Will it make a change in Billy's life? Will he remember what he saw and make a change for the better? I think so and I think we saw a glimpse of where the future may be going for Billy at the very end. Did you notice who reached out her hand to pick him up from the gutter and get him home? Victoria. That's right, Victoria. A Newman. Wouldn't a Billy-Victoria romance be wild? Don't think it's out of the realm of possibility, because J.T. and Victoria are falling down and they can't get up. They're a mess. I think J.T. has deep resentment over Victoria's fling with Deacon, and Victoria has drifted away from her husband. In 2010, I don't see the Hellstroms making it.

The Winterses "welcomed" back a member of the family last week when Malcolm returned to see his daughter. Neil, not surprisingly, was not happy to see his bro. I'm not sure what new ground we're covering with this return, but it does put a focus on Lily's illness. So far, Y&R has done a good job accurately portraying her dealing with cancer - although I wish they hadn't pretended to shave her head. Plenty of people simply wait to see if their hair falls out; and some don't lose their hair at all. Of all the aspects of Lily's illness, this was the only stunt as far as I'm concerned.

Before wrapping up, let's check out the mailbag...

  • Couldn't have summed up the year better myself. I fast-forwarded through the Daniel storyline as it drove me nuts and shone a bad light on Amber. Love the new Billy too and love Jack more than ever! Mac... yawn! Can't believe they killed off Brad and then CC. - Sheridan S.
  • My wife and I have been watching Y&R for a number of years. We are about to give up watching plus a lot of our friends who watch it. This storyline with Adam and what he did with Sharon's baby is carrying on too long. If they do not clean this unrealistic story soon, I am afraid that myself and friends may discontinue watching. Give us a break and clean this up. -- John M.
  • Why would Y&R use Darius McCrary to recast Malcolm? He doesn't fit the part. How could the fans take him seriously about being Lily's father when he looks more like her older brother. They made a poor decision using him. -- CB
  • Best,Allison

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