Fan mailbag

Fan mailbag
Fan mailbag

In this column, we showcase some of the fan feedback from the past few weeks.

Due to a death in my family, I wasn't able to complete my column this week, but in next column I'll comment on both the past short week along with the current. In the meantime, enjoy what your fellow fans had to say about Genoa City doings last week.

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MYRA - I have to agree with Joanne [fan comment last week]. I like Phyllis but this show has really become the "Phyllis Show". I used to like her with Nick but now I don't. They just don't suit each other anymore. Phyllis is better with Jack and Nick with Sharon. I can't stand Jack & Sharon together. What the hell are the writers thinking? There are enough people complaining about these things. Dru is a fabulous actor and I'm sorry she is leaving. Can we please have Nikki smile once in a while? I can't stand looking at her boring face anymore. Victor is even looking so grouchy lately. Make them smile! I like Daniel and Lily but I don't like them together anymore. They are a very boring couple. I'd like to see them spice it up a little but as we all know, Daniel and Amber will eventually get together. And yes, I wish they'd put some gusto back into Lauren who should tell Phyllis to go to hell! Just one last thing, I really wish that Colleen would speak up - she's always mumbling.

GRETCHEN - LOL Trish! [fan comment last column] Colleen did her best acting on the respirator! Love it. General comment, aside from the idiotic storylines, there is no continuity! What happened to extreme catwalk/catfight storyline? Doesn't Kevin do the website at Jabot? Where is the storyline where Gloria finally gets what is coming to her with the face cream? Where is Maggie the shot police officer? So many loose ends, so little time. All of a sudden Lauren has no problem leaving Fen at every opportunity? Writers, wake up.

ROCQUELLE - Why, why, why, WHY? Why is Victoria pregnant with that self-righteous man-whore's baby? I knew this was going to happen and now she's stuck in that marriage. I hate that this happened because Brad never really seems to have respect for the mother of his children. I know that a lot of people would hope Vicky loses the baby so she wouldn't be permanently connected to Brad, but she's already lost a child (Eve) and I'm not sure if the writers would do that to her again. Wait a minute, I must have smacked my little head on the pavement. Of course they would do that to her seeing as how the current writers are neither the sharpest nor most sturdy tools in the shed. I am so sick of Amber. I was happy when she left B&B, but not if it meant her destroying a show I actually love. And hey, why not go ahead and destroy the character of Allison on ATWT in the process. These writers are destroying the histories of characters and I've had enough. I like Phyllis, but she needs to let this thing w/Lauren and Michael go. They didn't do anything to purposely hurt her, they did what they thought was best, and I can't fault them for that. As for Kevin, I haven't forgotten what he tried to do to Colleen years ago, but there's a difference now. I cared when it was real Colleen, not the whiny spoiled brat she's turned into since coming back to GC. Don't get me wrong, I never condone attempted murders, I just don't care as much and won't until real Colleen comes back. For all that is good and holy please, please stop putting that red lipstick on Amber. She looks like a tramp. Oh, then maybe that was the point. Never mind! I'm also wondering when Nina and Phillip are going to be let in on the happenings as of late. Where's Cricket? How about bringing all the players back for this story? It would only make sense. I wish Daniel would stop flirting and consorting w/Amber. Who in the world would pick her over Lily, who has much more class and self-respect? Give them some romance, that's what made us fall in love with Lily and Daniel. That's all for now!

JM - Can someone tell me if Amber has a speech impediment? What U.S. dialect would that be? The skank region? Her whiny, Keeeene voice, bad dye job and bright red lips on a hard to miss underbite are about all I can take. She has replaced Colleen in my book of the most annoying. However, Dru is still a close second with her overly dramatic dialogue. And why are Michael and Katherine the only ones who call J.T. "Jeffrey Todd"? Can we just leave him as J.T.? And what has happened to my fave PI, Paul? He finally gets a storyline and poof, he disappears.

JUDY - I'm not going to take on all the comments I read [last column], because that would entail writing a book. I'll just voice my own opinions. I love Victor, hate Jack, love Phyllis (Nick I can take or leave), hate Sharon (I wish she would enter into another contract dispute that wouldn't get resolved so that she'd be off the show, hate Brad (I wish we had the old Victoria back in more ways than one), dislike this Colleen (the first one was much better), love the interaction between Jill and Kay, never have cared for Victoria Rowell, but at least she is leaving. Don't like the character of J.T. (he's a sneaky, self-righteous jerk), never have been fond of Amber (on either show), and while the guy playing Cane is cute I think it will come out he really isn't Jill's son. Finally, Michael and Kevin are the best, most well-rounded characters on the show and are played by the most talented actors. I love Gloria, also, and Lauren's okay.

SUSANNE - I agree with the fan comment [last week] that Christian LeBlanc is one of the best actors on Y&R. His character has a lot of depth, and one of the few old characters left who actually grows and becomes more believable in the role as time goes by. But what is the deal with Genoa City, is Michael the only attorney who practices there? Other than William Bardwell of course, but he's the DA! On other CBS soaps they have more than one lawyer, even in Oakdale!

CORI - I don't know if it is Phyllis and Jack you like, as much as you like Phyllis having an edge, an evil side. While their banter is good, probably because MS and PB are such wonderful actors, it just can't compete with the sexual and raw chemistry MS has with JM. I think a good compromise would be to have Phyllis have her edge/evilness and Nick to love her and want her and have to have her in spite of it. Nick is no stranger to lying, cheating, using, blackmailing people. I mean he is after all a Newman! He told his wife she is the expert when it comes to thinking out of the box and she came up with a perfect solution to get another vote on the Newman board, blackmail Brad. She really isn't hurting anyone, she's getting Nick to look good in front of his father, getting a great deal for NVP and saving a pregnant Victoria from finding out her husband and Sharon slept together. All in all, my girl Phyllis is the best!

LEANNE - I think your words "hateful, unyielding, self-righteous, hypocritical, and a butter don't melt in my mouth attitude" describe Dru much more than Carmen. Yes, Carmen was after Neil, but there was already trouble in the Winters' marriage over Dru's lies about Lily's parentage. Once she found out about Carmen's interest in Neil, Dru went physically on the attack multiple times. Now she's acting like the victim who never did anything wrong. Her entire family is acting the same way over the whole thing. I'm sick of their holier than thou attitude defending Dru as the only victim here. She sliced up Carmen's clothes and physically attacked her multiple times. Lily's acting just as awful as Dru. I wish they both were leaving the show.

VETTE - How the hell did he [Carlos at hotel] remember all of that? OK, please don't jack up what could be a good storyline by completely blowing the writing of the storyline. First of all, that was a weak excuse for Sharon to need to talk to Brad in the middle of a restaurant about their affair. You might as well have had her announce it over the PA system! Second, you had Phyllis call and get their expense reports. I work for a corporation and guess what, unless that individual reports to you, you are not getting their expense info. Phyllis works for NVP not Newman Enterprises. Third, do you really expect me to believe the waiter not only remembered Sharon and Brad; he remembered what they were wearing and what they had for breakfast? Did he videotape it? Are [the writers] smoking crack? I can't remember what I had on last week. Is it me or is GC being bombarded with women who are nothing more than just Trashy? Phyllis: she's blackmailing her sister-in-law's husband over a business deal. Nikki: I believe she said Sharon's image did not say family values. This bovine used to take her clothes off for money. Will someone please remind her of that? Gloria: trash in a fur coat. There is nothing more to say. Amber: this one did not have a trailer, she was just trash on the street! I can't look at her without feeling like I need to get checked for an STD! Now I thought about including Sharon in that list but I couldn't help feeling sorry for someone that darn stupid. Her self-esteem is so broken that she will take attention from anyone to avoid dealing with being alone. She has no one on her side. If the scribes intend on keeping her stupid, at least give her a man that will defend her stupidity at all cost. Now I don't like David Chow, but I get the feeling if he does hook up with Sharon, he won't hesitate to tell some people to raise the hell up off his girl! Now on to some of the men. I have been looking for Neil's backbone in the daytime with a flashlight and I still can't find it. Brad: seeing Kevin punk him was great! Nick: it's a good thing he's cute otherwise he would have nothing going for him. Money can't fix stupid! If Cane is Jill's son you can say the same for him. I've got a box of rocks with more brains than Cane. Daniel: you pervert! I get the feeling Lily is not handling her business in the bedroom.

MODENE - Please oh please someone explain to me how a killer of three people can still be walking around (what are the writers thinking about or are they thinking these days) and is an executive of a big company. I am talking about Brad, a former gardener before he married Tracy. And how can Victor who is so righteous let him continue in his company? Mind boggling, he says it was self defense. Three of them, my, my, what are the laws in Wisconsin? Do not know what the heck Amber is doing on the show; she is detrimental. She was bad on Bold and Beautiful but is worse then ever on the Y&R. They should fade her out as soon as possible.

CARLA - I was hoping you would mention the DNA letdown. Cane may not be Jill's son, but is it possible he's the son that was stolen from Nina about 20+ years ago? Nina's baby was never found and we know it was sold.

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