The Young and the Restless Recap for Wednesday, October 23, 2024: Daniel asks Sharon to tell the truth

Nick, Sharon, and Cameron on The Young and the Restless | Image Source: CBS/JPI
Nick, Sharon, and Cameron on The Young and the Restless | Image Source: CBS/JPI

At Society, Phyllis told Nick that Daniel was being framed for Heather’s murder. Phyllis explained that Daniel allowed Chance to search the apartment, hoping to get answers, but he was banned from his home instead. She added that whoever was doing this was trying to destroy her son’s life. Phyllis confided in Nick that the forensic team found bloody towels and Heather’s phone, which had been planted there. “How’s that possible?” Nick asked. “I don’t know. Why don’t you ask Sharon?” Phyllis snapped.

Nick seemed astonished, but Phyllis told him to stop acting naive. She recalled how he came to her and claimed Sharon was off her meds and acting unstable. “Look into her vague, googly eyes and ask her what she knows,” Phyllis said. Nick started to say that Daniel had been a trigger for Sharon, but Phyllis told him not to make it seem like her son was the problem.

Nick said he was just trying to explain Sharon’s mindset, but Phyllis yelled at him. “I don’t care about her mindset!” Phyllis hollered. Everyone in the restaurant turned to look at them. Phyllis told Nick, “I’m so tired of everyone tiptoeing around like, ‘Oh, Sharon’s so unstable.’ Sharon. Killed. Heather. Period.”

Nick was blown away at Phyllis’ accusation. Phyllis laid out her reasoning for why Sharon was her suspect. Nick agreed that Daniel wasn’t capable of killing Heather but didn’t think Sharon was either. Phyllis asked Nick if Sharon had ever told him that she was at the apartment the night that Heather died, but it was the first he had heard of it.

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Phyllis pointed out that Sharon saw Daniel and Lucy afterward and didn’t say anything but told Chance. Nick said Sharon was back on her meds and getting her life back together, and everything was going well for her. “The last thing she needs is you in her face,” Nick said.

Phyllis lost it. She told Nick she didn’t want to talk to him anymore and went to pay her bill at the bar. Nick came over and told Phyllis that he was concerned for Daniel but didn’t believe Sharon could have killed Heather. He advised Phyllis to let Chance handle the investigation and get to the truth.

“I can’t because his investigation is leading the evidence right to my son,” Phyllis cried. She told Nick that Daniel could be arrested at any minute, and she wouldn’t sit back and watch. Nick said it wasn’t fair to Sharon for Phyllis to be spreading lies. “Oh my God, you’re so brainwashed,” Phyllis said. Nick warned Phylis to stay away from Sharon and leave her alone.

Sharon was taken aback when Daniel knocked on her door. He asked her what she was doing at his home the night that Heather died. Sharon let Daniel come inside and carefully repeated what she said to Chance. Sharon claimed she went to apologize, found Heather rattled, and that Heather told her about a terrible fight she had with Daniel. “At first, she insisted it was nothing but then blurted it out like she couldn’t hold it in,” Sharon said.

“I didn’t want to remind you that the last time you saw Heather, you were arguing vehemently, according to her,” Sharon explained. Daniel told Sharon that the last time he saw Heather, they were fine. “I kissed her goodbye and told her I loved her, so something is very off here,” Daniel said adamantly. Sharon shrugged and said, “I only know she was terrified of you.”

Daniel said Sharon was lying and she needed to go to the police and tell them the truth.

Sharon asked if the police suspected Daniel, and he said that her misinformation made him a target. He wondered if that was what she wanted. “I know you would never hurt someone…purposely,” Sharon said. “Someone did, and it was brutal,” Daniel said. He asked if Sharon and Heather got into another fight at the apartment and if Sharon had attacked Heather.

Sharon couldn’t believe Daniel would ask her that, but Daniel pointed out the police were asking him those same questions. “I haven’t once shown the level of rage that you showed Heather and Lucy the past few weeks,” Daniel argued. Sharon explained that she was in pain and took it out on others but regretted it.

Daniel tried to get Sharon to admit what happened, but she stuck to her story and calmly tried to manipulate his thoughts. Daniel sunk to a chair and told her that Lucy needed him and he couldn’t help her if he were locked up for something he didn’t do. Sharon advised that Daniel and Lucy just needed some rest. “Right now, grief is overwhelming you and causing you to grasp at irrational thoughts and actions,” Sharon added soothingly.

Sharon warned Daniel that he couldn’t take his grief to a dark place and to rely on friends and family to help. Daniel realized he was getting nowhere with Sharon, and she was starting to confuse his thoughts. “I shouldn’t have come here,” Daniel said. He walked out, pausing momentarily to say something at the door, but changed his mind and walked away.

As the door closed, Cameron appeared and told Sharon to get a hold of herself. “Who cares about his suspicions? It’s all he’s got,” Cameron told her. He said that Sharon planted enough in Daniel’s apartment to bury him in prison for the rest of his life. “I promise you this is almost over,” Cameron told Sharon.

Chance let himself into Daniel’s apartment and looked around the living room. The forensic team came in behind him. One of them began snapping photos as Chance pointed out the cabinet where he found the towels and phone. Chance told the team that this was the possible scene of Heather’s death, so they were looking for blood and a blunt object. “We have to be thorough and get this right for a lot of reasons,” Chance said as he gazed at a photo of Daniel and Heather.

The forensic team told Chance that they found something. They turned on a blue light and showed the spot on the floor where Heather’s body had been. Chance determined she had been bludgeoned there, the body was taken and dumped in the river, and the floor had been wiped up. Chance glanced around for a blunt object and found a heavy octopus statue. He shone the blue light on it, and it showed that blood had been there. “I think I found the murder weapon,” Chance said.

As they bagged up the new evidence, Chance shared that the autopsy report noted unusual marks on the back of the victim’s skull, and he was sure it would be consistent with the statue. Phyllis called and told him that she had information he would find useful. She asked Chance to meet her at Crimson Lights.

At Crimson Lights, Phyllis tried to tell Chance that Daniel was innocent, but he snidely reminded her that he couldn’t discuss the case. Phyllis reminded Chance that Sharon was the last person to see Heather alive and wondered why that wasn’t being investigated. Chance blew off that idea and said Sharon wasn’t capable of murder.

Phyllis recalled that Chance used to date Sharon. “That just means I know she’s kind and empathetic,” Chance said. “The same could be said for my son,” Phyllis argued. Chance noted that Phyllis and Sharon had a colorful past and wouldn’t listen. He reminded Phyllis that she once framed an innocent woman for murder. “You’ll go to any length when your kids are in trouble,” Chance added.

Chance defended Sharon some more, and Phyllis said he was biased and questioned if he should even be on the case. Chance said it wasn’t personal, and he was doing his job. Chance walked away to take a call. When he returned, Phyllis asked if it was related to the investigation, and he told her she would find out soon enough.

Daniel had just returned to the Athletic Club and sat down at a restaurant table when he received a video call from his dad. Daniel told him everything was a mess and he needed help. Daniel asked Danny to take Lucy on tour with him as a distraction. He explained that he was being framed for Heather’s murder and thought he could be arrested at any moment.

Daniel didn’t want Lucy to be there to see him taken in cuffs, and he needed to prepare himself. He added that whoever murdered Heather was still on the loose, and he didn’t know if they weren’t done with his family. “All I can think of how to keep Lucy safe is to have her as far away as possible with someone I trust,” Daniel said, and Danny agreed. Daniel also asked if Christine could come to Genoa City right away.

Sharon envisioned Nick in her home and begged him to help her. He told her she could tell him anything, and they would work through it like always. Cameron interrupted to warn her not to drop her guard. Sharon insisted this was not who she was, and she was a good person. Sharon wrestled her thoughts from Cameron and tried to tell him to go away, but he told her he was the only one who was helping her get the life she wanted.

Cameron asked if she honestly believed that Nick wouldn’t go straight to the cops if she confessed to him. “I’ll take my chances. This needs to end. I need to make things right!” Sharon cried. Just then, Nick knocked on the door. Sharon answered the door, clearly distressed. He asked her what was wrong and threw herself into his arms as she sobbed, “I can’t do this! I can’t take it anymore!”

Watch The Young and the Restless weekdays on CBS and Paramount Plus.

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Edited by Erin Goldsby