The Young and the Restless Recap for Monday, October 21, 2024: Billy and Sally's evening takes an unexpected turn

Billy and Sally on The Young and the Restless | Image Source: CBS/JPI
Billy and Sally on The Young and the Restless | Image Source: CBS/JPI

At Crimson Lights, Devon delivered a drink to Abby on the patio and asked if she needed the sugar from a latte after all the wedding cake they’d just tasted. She pointed out that he’d tasted most of it since she’d only taken small bites, whereas he’d finished whole slices. He defended that he hadn’t been able to let baked goods go to waste, and he inquired whether they had a winner. Abby narrowed it down to red velvet or lemon cake, but Devon seemed surprised that spice cake hadn’t made the cut. “I get enough spice at home,” she purred, and they kissed.

Nate joined the couple and mentioned that the location was missing from their wedding invitations. Abby explained that their original venue had fallen through, so Victor had offered to plan their wedding at an undisclosed location. Nate cautioned against trusting Victor, and Abby wondered what her dad had done that time. Nate simply responded that Victor was just a man of mystery. Abby announced that she was about to go see her father, so maybe she could solve it. She and Devon kissed and exchanged words of love.

After Abby left, Nate observed that it looked like the two were already on their honeymoon, but he anticipated that Abby might be mad once she found out what her father had done to her future sister-in-law. Devon shared that he hadn’t told Abby about Victor taking advantage of Lily to get Chancellor for himself. Nate quipped that it had been “so wrong, but so Victor.” Devon intended to let Victor know how he felt about it after the wedding. Devon continued that Lily still wanted to fight, and he was worried about it being too much for her to go up against Victor and Billy at the same time.

Nate grumbled that both men deserved to go down. Devon gave Billy credit for at least having the decency to be upfront about letting Lily go, whereas Victor and Nikki had played dirty to get what they wanted. Nate was sure Lily was going into the fight with her eyes wide open, but he expected Victor to play hardball. Devon thought it wasn’t a fight worth fighting since Lily’s reputation as an executive was at stake, and Victor would do whatever it took to protect his family. Devon wanted to do the same by convincing Lily to forget about Chancellor and return to Winters.

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Billy sat at the Athletic Club bar, drinking alone. He saw Lily sit at a table in the dining room and confronted her about what she’d thought she might accomplish by running to Jill behind his back. Lily reminded him that Jill had hired her, so she’d thought Jill should know her son had fired Lily. Billy assumed Lily had failed to mention her plan to push him out. Lily snapped that he knew what he’d done to her had been wrong, and Jill had given him an ultimatum to make things right. Lily demanded to know how he intended to do it.

Billy declared that his plans for Abbott-Chancellor didn’t involve inviting a traitor back into the company. Lily taunted that she’d settle for watching his mommy drag him out by the ears. Billy swore that her firing hadn’t been about punishment, noting that he’d given her the opportunity to run the company together as partners. He recognized that she was upset because she was on the outside looking in while he was the one with power. She told him to enjoy it since things would change once Jill was back in town.

Billy chided Lily for the joy she got from the situation. Lily recalled that she’d tried to get him to play nice, but he’d refused, and she’d warned him that she wouldn’t go out without a fight. Billy figured that her only chance was to have someone else fight her battles for her. Lily accused him of being jealous that she had people in her corner when he only had Phyllis. Billy proclaimed that he was done with the tap dance and pledged not to gloat that he was still in power when he saw her at Abby and Devon’s wedding. Lily retorted that they’d see which one of them was in a position to gloat.

Later, Nikki approached Lily and asked to join her. Lily coldly replied that she’d asked for a table for one, and she had nothing to say to Nikki. Nikki sat down anyway and requested that Lily indulge her and just listen. Lily barked that Nikki had had every opportunity to tell her that Victor intended to make Nikki CEO, and she testily asked why she’d listen to any more lies. Nikki promised to tell the truth from then on, and she thought it was a conversation Katherine would have wanted them to have.

Lily accused Nikki of using Katherine to manipulate her. Nikki argued that Katherine’s love for both of them was common ground to build on, but Lily countered that any foundation of trust was completely gone. Nikki stressed that she hadn’t told Lily anything untruthful, but she regretted her lie of omission, and she hated the way things had played out. Lily growled that both Victor and Nikki had played her. Nikki admitted that she should have been honest from the beginning and said that if Lily would let her, she wanted to try to repair the damage that had been done.

Nikki recounted that Katherine had been like family to both her and Lily, and she believed Katherine would have encouraged them to find a way to work together. Nikki offered Lily a significantly higher salary and perks, including a corner office and use of the company jet. Lily lectured that it wasn’t about perks or money, and Nikki couldn’t put a price on what Lily had done for the company to make it so attractive that the Newmans wanted to steal it from Jill. “And Billy,” Nikki noted, adding that Billy had also wronged Lily.

Nikki swore that she and Victor respected Lily’s talent as an executive, and she believed they could do great things together. Lily snarled that she’d already been doing great things by herself, and she dared Nikki to admit that she couldn’t run Chancellor without Lily. Lily reasoned that the Newmans would have had no trouble walking over her if they thought they could do it without her. Nikki asserted that the takeover was happening with or without Lily, but she preferred the former. Lily protested that it would be a leap backward for her, and Nikki assumed it was about pride.

Lily stressed that it was about self-respect. She suggested that Nikki put Lily in her rightful place if Nikki wanted to make things right. Nikki interpreted Lily’s answer as no, but she insisted the offer was still on the table. Lily huffed that she didn’t think Nikki was in any position to offer anyone anything at Chancellor. Nikki inquired whether Lily had that much confidence in Billy. Lily shot back, saying that it was how much confidence she had in herself. “So, if you’ll excuse me, this is my table,” Lily firmly stated,

Later, Devon and Nate joined Lily. Devon informed her they were there to make her an offer she couldn’t refuse to return to Winters. Lily reminded him that she’d already refused many times and reiterated that she wasn’t giving up her fight to get Chancellor back. She divulged that she’d confessed to Jill about wanting to push Billy out of the company to save it from his bad management, and Jill had given him three weeks to get it together. Lily expected Jill to take stock when she was in town for Abby and Devon’s wedding, and she planned to undermine Billy every chance she had. Lily predicted that Jill would take back control and put Lily back in charge.

Devon argued that even if Jill pushed Billy out, Lily wasn’t the only option to replace him. Devon implored Lily to go for the sure thing. He said their father would have wanted her back at Winters and not going to war with Victor over a company that her name wasn’t even on. Devon questioned what had happened to continuing Neil’s vision for their family company and building something better for their kids. Devon warned that even if Lily got Chancellor back, Victor and Billy wouldn’t just go away, and someone would always try to tear down what she’d built there. Devon hoped she knew he only wanted to do right by her.

Nate received another text message from Amy Lewis, who wanted to see him again. Nate shared that she would be in Genoa City the next day. Nate recalled his odd visit with Amy after she’d gotten in touch to give him some of Nathan’s belongings, but there had been nothing of value. Devon theorized that Amy had friends or family in Genoa City because she’d once lived there. Nate indicated that she’d only said she had something to tell him, and he had to wait until she got there to hear what it was.

At Newman Enterprises, Victor mentioned that he’d just finished reading one of Adam’s pieces about the havoc Billy had caused at Chancellor. Adam pointed out that he’d done as asked by framing Lily’s abrupt exit as an example of Billy’s bad judgment. Victor applauded Adam’s work, and Adam questioned why Victor had summoned him. Adam surmised his father wanted him to help use Kyle against Jack. Victor suggested that Adam pour some drinks as Victor had something to share. Adam obliged, noting that it wasn’t like Victor to share.

Victor said he wanted Adam to understand why he was going after Jack, which was why he did everything — to protect his family. Adam didn’t see how Jack was a threat to any of them, but Victor cited what Jack had done to Nikki. Adam defended that Jack had been trying to save Nikki as her sponsor, but he acknowledged that it had scared Victor to think about losing her. Victor questioned what Adam would do if someone did something to Sally that almost killed her. Adam conceded that he might want that person to pay if they’d put someone he loved at risk.

Adam hesitantly revealed that he and Sally weren’t together, and Victor asked what she’d done. Adam admitted that he’d been the one who’d hurt her, and he didn’t think it was something they could bounce back from. Victor suspected it had something to do with Billy breaking up with Chelsea. Victor noted the reconnection he’d witnessed between Adam and Chelsea. Adam chalked it up to both of them being focused on Connor. Victor imagined it was just a matter of time before Adam and Chelsea were back together.

Victor insisted that he only wanted what was best for Adam, and he thought Chelsea was much better suited for Adam than Sally was. Victor added that Chelsea had changed since the ordeal with Connor, and it always came back to family. Victor hoped Adam understood why he wanted to go after Jack for nearly killing Nikki. Adam said he appreciated Victor sharing, but he saw things differently. Adam acknowledged that it wasn’t the first time he’d disappointed his father, and it wouldn’t be the last, but he hoped Victor knew Kyle would eventually let him down, too.

Victor contended that Kyle didn’t interest him, but Adam was family. Adam thought Victor sometimes used family to get Adam to do his bidding. Victor urged Adam not to doubt that Victor knew Adam was his blood, and Adam implored his father not to doubt his loyalty. Victor asked if it meant Adam would use Newman Media to back Glissade. Adam agreed, provided Victor didn’t expect him to take direct shots at Jack or the Abbotts.

Abby entered the office and hoped she wasn’t interrupting. Adam told her they were just finishing up and said he’d see her at the wedding. She joked that she definitely planned to attend. After Adam exited, Victor promised Abby’s wedding would be a wonderful day for his beautiful daughter. Abby pointed out that they hadn’t discussed who would walk her down the aisle, but she’d love it if Victor and her mom did the honors. Victor gushed that nothing would give him greater pleasure.

Abby insinuated that knowing where that aisle would be would be helpful, but Victor maintained that it was a surprise. Abby recounted him getting her a miniature horse as a birthday surprise when she’d been little, and she asked if she’d be riding one down the aisle. Abby begged for a hint so she’d know what shoes to wear. Victor swore she just needed to hang on to his and Ashley’s arms, and she’d be fine. Abby refused to leave until he gave her some details.

Abby became frustrated when Victor dodged her questions. Nikki arrived and clucked that it was a waste of time to interrogate Victor. Abby focused on getting information from Nikki instead, but Nikki said she was as much in the dark as Abby was. Nikki complained that she didn’t know what shoes to wear, and Abby groaned that she’d have to pack every pair she owned. Victor offered to send a big trunk, and he finally agreed to give Abby a hint: he’d wear his black dress shoes. Abby swore her quest for answers wasn’t over, and she blew Victor kisses as she headed out.

Nikki informed Victor that she’d spoken with Lily and sensed Lily’s fight for Chancellor was far from over. Victor concluded that Lily had told Jill about Billy’s incompetence, and he expected Jill to strip Billy of his power soon. Nikki marveled that Victor was two steps ahead of everyone. “Just two?” Victor asked. She noted that it seemed more personal than usual for him, and he pledged to honor Katherine’s legacy by giving Chancellor to Nikki.

Nikki was worried about what would happen to Johnny and Katie when Billy self-destructed. Victor anticipated that Billy would slink away to lick his wounds, and they’d all be better off for it. Nikki thought Billy would look for payback as it was also personal for him. Victor assured her that there was nothing Billy could do to hurt them, and he swore he’d never let anything happen to Victoria or her kids. Nikki fretted that she didn’t like having Lily as an enemy. Victor promised that once the dust settled, he’d see to it that Lily was all right.

Adam entered Crimson Lights and locked eyes with Sally. They politely greeted one another, and a silence followed. He recalled a time when they’d never had trouble talking, and he said he was sorry he’d made things that way. Sally said she didn’t have time to talk because she was under a deadline for Marchetti Z. Adam bet she’d been knocking it out of the park, and she reported that things had been going well at work since she’d taken Chelsea’s place — and Chelsea had taken hers.

Sally added that she was struck by the irony, but she didn’t want to talk because she had to work. Adam offered to drop off some things she’d left behind, but Sally coolly instructed him to have them messengered to the Athletic Club. He guessed they’d never get to a place where she could tolerate being in the same room as him. She replied that she honestly didn’t know, and she walked off.

At the jazz club, a forlorn Sally approached Billy at the bar, and he asked if she was okay. She confirmed she was about as okay as he was, and he replied that it wasn’t good. She figured it was nothing alcohol couldn’t fix, and they agreed not to commiserate that night. He offered to buy her a lemon drop martini, but she preferred something stronger, like a shot of the sipping whiskey he was having.

Sally demonstrated how to do shots of whiskey with water on top, and she explained that she’d learned how to do it on the carnival circuit, where there was no drinking age. She acknowledged that it wasn’t something to be proud of, but Billy disagreed. He imagined he would have ended up in a lion’s stomach if he’d grown up in a carnival, but she’d built a “hell of a life” for herself. They downed more shots.

Billy and Sally continued throwing back drinks, and she slurred that she’d learned to drive in a clown car when she’d been eight. He asked if it had been a happy, sad, or scary clown, and they decided all clowns were scary. Sally became wobbly when she stood up to leave, and she was glad she didn’t have to drive because she lived upstairs. She observed that he seemed wobbly himself. Billy offered to “wobble [her] upstairs.” He chugged one more shot, and they stumbled out together.

Sally and Billy giggled as they staggered down the hall to her hotel room door. She thanked Billy for walking her home, and he joked that he made up for what he lacked in lion-taming skills in chivalry. Given how he'd handled Victor, she thought he might be better at lion-taming than he thought. Billy envisioned tying Victor up in a chair to whip him, and they laughed.

Sally complimented Billy for being not only chivalrous but funny, too. He was glad he’d been able to make her smile that night. “Not just tonight,” she replied. Billy said she had a beautiful smile, and they kissed.

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Edited by Erin Goldsby