The Young and the Restless recap for March 28, 2025: Adam and Chelsea announce their reunion, Phyllis and Billy fall apart

Adam Newman and Chelsea Lawson toast their future
Adam Newman and Chelsea Lawson toast their future

At the main ranch house, Chelsea and Adam met with Victor, Nikki, Victoria, and Nick to tell them their great news: they're back together! Victor, Victoria, and Nick appeared happy over the news. Nikki, however, looked guarded. Victor endorsed Chelsea and Adam with a toast to their future. "I know that our relationship has had a few bumpy moments over the years," Adam said about his family. "The fact that we can all be here...means the world to us."

Adam added that he and Chelsea belong together, not only for Connor but for themselves. Chelsea thanked Nikki for letting her and Adam rebuild their life in her old home. Victor said that the rebuilt ranch would also be Adam and Chelsea's home. Nikki shot Victor a look.

Alone with Nikki and Victoria in the atrium, Chelsea admitted their previous group scene was a little awkward. She was surprised by Victor opening champagne and his toast. "For the record, there is no wedding the cards," Chelsea said. "Yet," Vicki and Nikki replied.

Chelsea told Nikki and Victoria the first question she asked herself when she thought about reuniting with Adam was if she could trust this. She added that she had to trust her feelings. Chelsea pointed out Adam's strengths at Newman Media. Nikki had to admit that she liked what he'd done at work. Chelsea implored Nikki to tell him that. She believed that Connor's OCD had helped prioritize Adam's life. "I can see that," she said. Nikki supportively replied, "For your sake and for Connor's, I hope you're right."

Meanwhile, the Newman men talked amongst themselves. Nick deflected any plans for him and Sharon to reunite. He said he was happy living with Christian and told Adam to stay out of his personal life.

The Newmans and Chelsea all convened together back in the living room. Adam said he was glad that he was happy to get a second chance to raise Connor. He gave Connor's mom 100% of the credit for their son. Adam thanked Nick for raising his other son, Christian. "Here is to the Newmans," Adam said. Glasses were clinked together.

Later alone, Victor and Nikki talked about Adam and Chelsea's future. A guarded Nikki wasn't sure how many toasts and good intentions could help things.

Adam and Chelsea returned to their home. Chelsea commented on the irony that Victor turned out to be their biggest supporter.

At Crimson Lights, Nick told Vicki that he was happy for Adam and Chelsea. Vicki said she liked Chelsea. Nick admitted that it was going to take time. "This is what they want. Why fight it?" Nick shrugged. He and Vicki toasted their coffee drinks to Adam and Chelsea.

On the coffee house patio, Chance told Traci and Jack that they had a point with all the information they had on Alan, but he needed more to work on. The lawman informed Traci that it would be a bad idea for her to go to Paris but wondered if Traci could convince Alan (or whoever he is!) to return to Genoa City

Jack suggested to his sister that she not be in touch with Alan at all. Traci felt that it had to be in her. She said she needs to know if the man she loves is responsible for the horrible actions that were taken against Phyllis and Sharon.

Traci's big brother tried to calm her by saying he had an idea. Jack thought that if he, not Traci, called Alan and urged him to come home so Alan and Traci could be married in Genoa City, he'd agree to it. Chance concurred. "There's no time like the present," Jack suggested.

Traci and Alan listened as Jack called Alan and urged him to come back to Genoa City. He was surprised that Alan agreed. "He absolutely understood," Jack marveled. Traci's brother said Alan only wants to make Traci happy — he claimed. Traci wondered if that was true. Jack said he wanted to believe that these were all horrible coincidences. Traci lamented that if this is truly Martin, then this is all part of his act.

Jack said the next step is to find out Alan's plan. "You can leave that to me," Traci told her brother. Later, after Chance has left, Jack brings his younger sister a beverage. He told her that if anyone deserves happiness, it's her.

Traci told Jack she could draw out Alan and get him to share whether or not he's Martin. Jack didn't like it because the man could be a murderous psychopath. Traci's eyes welled up as she acknowledged Jack watching out for her.

Traci felt that even if there was the slightest chance that Alan wasn't really Martin, she needed to know. "I'd never forgive myself if I were wrong," she said. "I have to look into his eyes and his heart."

Traci bravely stated that she was ready to face Martin, the man who has done horrible deeds, if "Alan" is indeed his twin. Jack said he wasn't going to let Alan hurt another one of his sisters after what he did to Ashley. Traci replied that if that was the case, then Jack needed to help her learn the truth.

In the park, Phyllis expressed to Billy her concerns over what he's up to with the enigmatic Aristotle Dumas. Billy pointed out to Phyllis that the old Phyllis would have been all over his partnership with Dumas. Phyllis noted that her ordeal has changed her. "Is power part of the equation?" Billy asked rhetorically. He said he wants to take Chancellor back from Victor, but he added that this plan is so much more than that. "We would take off like a rocket ship, leaving Newman Media in the dust," Billy said. Phyllis wouldn't get go of why Dumas wanted to help him. Billy would only tell her that the mystery man had reasons. Phyllis wanted to know what those reasons were.

Phyllis begged Billy to level with her. "I am being honest with you," he replied. "I can't tell you right now." A frustrated Phyllis reminded Billy that Abbott Communications was what was keeping her sane. "It's just danger signs," Phyllis said. "Why do I keep believing in you?"

Billy arrived home. Sally could sense right away that he was in a bad mood. He told her he'd met with Phyllis. Sally kept probing until Billy opened up about what was really going on. Billy revealed that Dumas offered him a big business proposal. Sally queried as to why that would bother Billy.

Billy couldn't understand Sally's hesitations. "This is exactly what I went through with Phyllis," Billy frustrated. "It's Dumas I do not trust," Sally countered. Billy said he could take care of himself, and he hoped that Sally could trust him. "That's up to you," Billy added.

Sally told Billy she didn't want to fight with him. "Is it because he's wildly successful?" Billy asked. Sally wondered why Dumas was hiding her identity, adding that anyone who'd hide their identity must be hiding something more. Meanwhile, Phyllis, back at the GCAC, was researching Dumas on her phone. She couldn't find any images of him online. "Who is this guy?" she wondered.

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Edited by Erin Goldsby
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