Sally makes a decision about her future with Adam; The Young and the Restless Recap for Monday, September 2, 2024

Chelsea, Sally and Adam amidst all the drama and chaos | Image Source: JPI Studios
Chelsea, Sally, and Adam amidst all the drama and chaos | Image Source: JPI Studios

Billy entered the Athletic Club as Sally descended the stairs. She confirmed that she’d stayed there the night before, and he inquired whether she had left Adam. Sally admitted that she wasn’t sure where things stood, but she didn’t want to have that discussion then. Billy offered to buy her coffee, and they headed into the dining room. Sally remarked that the night before had been “decidedly hellish,” and Billy imagined his storming in had only made things worse. She figured that it had at least led to the truth.

Sally flashed back to Adam finally confessing that he’d slept with Chelsea—and that part of it had been about love. Sally told Billy that she’d had to get out and take time to process everything. Billy growled that the fact that Adam hadn’t told Sally the truth until he’d been held to the fire made Billy want to get in Adam’s face all over again. Sally thought Billy was just looking for any excuse to punch Adam. Billy firmly stated that Sally deserved better, and Adam needed to be reminded he was lucky to have her.

Sally revealed that Adam still hadn’t had any intention of saying anything, and he’d continued to deny the betrayal until she’d forced it out of him. Billy found it disturbing how easy it was for Adam to lie. Sally pointed out that Adam hadn’t done it alone, and she hoped Billy wasn’t letting Chelsea off the hook. Billy regretted not considering how his actions would affect Sally. Sally stressed that it didn’t change her point, since Chelsea was hardly innocent.

Billy agreed that Chelsea was also to blame, but he didn’t want to fight with Sally about it because they were both victims. Sally clarified that she wasn’t a victim, and while there had been a time when she would have complained that the universe was conspiring against her, she refused to see the world that way anymore. Billy wished he’d had that strength instead of going off on Adam to try to take the pain away. Sally assured him that she could still relate to the way he was feeling, but Billy confided that he didn’t know where his head was. She asked if he thought he could stay with Chelsea and actually forgive her.

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Billy had doubts about being able to forgive Chelsea, noting that they’d been in the same situation before. Sally was stunned to hear about Adam and Chelsea’s history of breaking up and getting back together. Billy cited Chelsea’s claim that the most recent betrayal had been a reckless act and nothing personal. Sally inquired whether he believed it, since it had happened before, and it was hard to imagine two exes blowing up their lives by falling into bed together just because the stress had gotten to them.

Billy thought Sally was underestimating how deep the stress had run, and he didn’t think romantic feelings had been attached—unless she knew something he didn’t. Billy reiterated that he needed time to think it through, but Sally said thinking was the last thing she wanted to do. Billy intended to throw himself into work, and Sally envisioned that chaining herself to her desk would be a welcome distraction. Billy flatly told her that she would be better off without Adam.

At Crimson Lights, Nikki was glad Lily hadn’t been too busy with work to join Nikki for tea. Lily considered talking about Katherine to be part of her job, and she referred to some letters that Nikki wanted to show her. Nikki marveled that she still received many messages from Katherine, and it felt like her friend was still with them. Nikki handed Lily a card that Katherine had once sent to Nikki. “It’s hard to find a friend who is smart, funny, generous, caring, and awesome,” Lily read aloud. She opened the card and continued, “But you found me, so you’re one of the lucky ones. Love, Katherine.”

Lily laughed and complimented Katherine’s sharp wit, adding that she missed handwritten correspondence. Lily remembered the cards Katherine had given the twins, and Nikki shared that she’d saved all the ones Katherine had sent to her. Nikki fondly thought of the postcards from Katherine’s final trip and the letters Katherine had wanted read on the anniversaries of her death. Lily admired Katherine’s ability to think ahead. “More than you know,” Nikki replied, handing Lily a letter.

As Lily read the letter, she became emotional and wiped away tears. Nikki shared that she’d been in rehab when Katherine had written it, and Katherine had kept her informed about everything Nikki had been missing. Lily loved how Katherine had written about Murphy, and she referenced a part in the letter where Katherine had mentioned running into Lily, Neil, and the twins at the coffeehouse. Lily recalled that her kids had just had a good checkup with their pediatrician, and Katherine had been really sweet with them.

Lily reflected on how much had changed, since the twins had grown up, and Neil and Katherine were gone. Lily was honored that Katherine had even mentioned her, but Nikki insisted that Katherine had been one of Lily’s biggest fans. Nikki reached for the letter and read aloud: “I’m incredibly impressed with Lily. She is so strong, no matter what life throws at her. I see so much potential in her. The sky’s the limit with that one.” Lily admitted that she’d really needed to hear it.

Nikki doubted that it had been random that she and Lily had started talking about Katherine the other night, since Nikki believed Katherine was watching over them and guiding them. “Love never dies,” Nikki murmured. Lily recounted Katherine’s final request that they live life to the fullest to make her proud, and she felt inspired after reading the letter to keep going. “For Katherine,” Nikki declared as she lifted her coffee mug. “We miss you, Kay,” Lily added, and they sipped their tea.

Nikki instructed Lily to keep the letter, since Nikki felt strongly that Katherine would have wanted Lily to have it. Lily promised she would cherish it, and Nikki hoped Lily took to heart what Katherine had written because the sky truly was the limit. Lily mused that it was nice to have a reminder, since sometimes a dark cloud blocked out the sky and made her forget it was even there. Nikki urged Lily not to let a dark cloud like Billy get to her, since Lily was there to counteract any chaos he created. Lily swore that she had no intention of letting Billy get in the way of her carrying out her vision. Nikki inquired whether things had already eroded between the two of them at work.

Nikki proclaimed that Lily was more formidable than Billy would ever be, and she advised Lily not to let him bully her. Lily insisted that she was fine and more determined than ever to protect Katherine’s legacy. Nikki confided that she also had a soft spot for Billy, but she’d seen how self-destructive he could be. Billy entered the coffeehouse, and Nikki muttered that someone’s ears had been burning. Lily’s expression darkened. Billy greeted the ladies, and Nikki said she had to get going. Nikki stopped and looked back at the two from the door.

Billy assumed Lily had received the letter of termination and the check to buy her out of her contract. Lily snapped that she hadn’t read the letter, and she wouldn’t be cashing the check, so he could cancel it. Billy taunted that it was a lot of money to throw away to make a point, but Lily intended to earn every penny by working at Chancellor. Lily reminded him that Jill had put her in charge, and she’d spearheaded the company’s growth. Billy retorted that his mother had since put him in charge, and he’d fired Lily. She refused to go down without a fight, but he countered that she had nothing to fight with. “Really? Do you wanna bet?” she challenged, and she sauntered off.

Over the phone, Billy asked someone if Lily had any grounds to contest her termination. He wondered what he had to do to make sure the case never saw the light of day.

At Society, Victor invited Nate to have a seat, but Nate declined because he was only there to pick up a to-go order. Victor suggested that Nate join Victor while he waited, but Nate coldly replied that they had nothing to discuss. Victor questioned how Nate knew the matter wasn’t urgent. Nate huffed that he was willing to take the chance, and Victor called him a brave man.

Nate reluctantly sat down but declined Victor’s offer of a cup of coffee. Nate tried to dodge Victor’s questions about how things were going at Winters, although he did share that he and Devon were doing their best work because the demerger had freed them of all the scheming and power plays. Victor imagined Nate didn’t have much time for a personal life, but Nate vaguely stated that he managed just fine. Victor wondered what had happened to his recommendation that Nate convince Lily to return to Winters.

Nate scoffed at the idea that he’d carry out Victor’s recommendation on demand. Nate asserted that Lily had her own mind and own goals, and she knew she had a standing offer to return to their family company. Victor urged Nate to talk her into realizing it was the best option. Nate contended that giving Lily the space to make her own decisions was common courtesy. Victor recalled that Nate had tried to put him in the hospital to take over his company, so he knew Nate was a scheming opportunist.

Nate recalled the risks he’d taken for Victor and the Newman family, but Victor noted that Nate had always had an agenda in mind. Nate doubted that Victor was demanding that Lily return to Winters out of the goodness of his heart. Victor explained that he thought highly of Lily, but he didn’t think a “damn thing” about Billy. Victor stated that he’d been close friends with Neil, and he intended to make sure Lily landed somewhere safe.

Nate suspected Victor intended to land Chancellor for himself, since he knew when Victor was up to no good. Nate accepted that he couldn’t do anything to stop what Victor had planned, but he ordered Victor to leave the Winters family out of it—especially Lily, who had been having a hard enough time and didn’t need the added stress. Nate walked away.

Later, Nikki met Victor at Society and reported that she and Lily were starting to form a nice friendship. Nikki gave credit to Katherine for continuing to guide things, even in death. Victor was certain that Katherine knew the company belonged with Nikki, and it would become a reality as Nikki and Lily got to know one another. Nikki indicated that she’d witnessed the palpable animosity between Lily and Billy. Victor shared that it tracked with what he’d talked about with Nate, who’d let it slip that Lily was under a great deal of pressure.

Victor’s interest was piqued when he saw an incoming call from Lily. She asked if he was available to meet to chat about business. He inquired whether it was about Chancellor, and she specifically named Billy as the topic of discussion. They made plans to meet at the Athletic Club.

In Chancellor Park, Connor, Adam, and Chelsea joked about their St. Louis Cardinals kite getting stuck in a tree with the other birds. Connor exclaimed that it was good how things kept getting better every day, and he asked if it felt like that to his parents, too. Adam and Chelsea forced smiles.

Chelsea timed a pushup contest between Adam and Connor, and Connor declared victory. Chelsea praised that Connor was getting stronger not only physically but because his DBT therapy was working. Connor asked if she understood how it worked, and Chelsea acknowledged that it gave him coping skills to help him stay calm when he faced a trigger. Connor pretended to be a game show host and turned to his father to answer another question about his therapy. Adam correctly responded that Connor used mindfulness meditation to stay calm.

Connor prompted his parents to engage in a muscle relaxation exercise together that involved touching. Adam and Chelsea both balked, and Connor wondered what was wrong. Adam claimed he was too competitive to let Chelsea beat him, and he proposed that they forget the contest and call it a draw. Connor teased that Adam was scared Chelsea would win again, but Adam called it quitting while he was ahead. Chelsea crowed that they both knew who the real winner was, and Connor proclaimed that his mom had won by default.

Connor encouraged Adam to try to learn the new exercises Connor was doing to relax when he got worked up. Connor asked if therapy had taught Chelsea techniques to change her thinking when things got hard. Chelsea admitted that she didn’t always remember to use them, and she thanked Connor for reminding her. Connor implored Adam to learn new strategies to avoid making bad choices when he got stressed out, and Connor offered to teach his dad to meditate. They heard the bells of an ice cream truck, and Adam handed Connor some cash to get some ice cream for all of them. Connor ran off. “Sally left me because of you,” Adam spat, glaring at Chelsea.

Chelsea lashed out at Adam for daring to blame her for his relationship blowing up. Adam lectured that Sally and Billy didn’t deserve the pain they were feeling, and they wouldn’t be experiencing it if it hadn’t been for Chelsea and her guilty conscience. Chelsea argued that Sally and Billy had been asking what was wrong for weeks, and Adam had been living on another planet if he’d thought they could keep the secret forever. Adam countered that it wasn’t something to be blurted out to a hothead like Billy, who’d barged into Adam’s apartment and gotten Sally worked up.

Chelsea lectured that it had been Adam’s choice to tell truth, just like it had been his choice to lie. Adam protested that Billy had left him no choice, but Chelsea maintained that the truth would have been revealed eventually. Adam cried that he’d gotten Sally to believe him, and she’d been willing to put it behind them. Chelsea suspected that Sally had wanted to believe him but had also had doubts. Adam accused Billy of badgering Chelsea into admitting something she hadn’t wanted to admit, but she blasted him for blaming Billy.

Connor returned with the ice cream, but Chelsea begged off because it was too early. Connor spotted Sally and called to her. Sally observed that Connor looked great, and he looked forward to spending time with her when he stayed with his dad. Connor chirped that they should have a movie night soon, and he tried to remember the name of a movie that his parents had suggested that he see because it was one of their favorites. Connor added that his father had told him that Sally had been awesome while he'd been away, and he wasn’t surprised because he’d always thought she was great. Disguising her pain, Sally replied that she’d tried to be.

Sally made an excuse to leave, but Connor invited her to stay and take Chelsea’s ice cream. Chelsea requested that Adam and Connor go to the park café to get her a latte, but Adam suggested that they wait until they got back to Crimson Lights. Chelsea pointedly insisted that they pick up one for her right then, and Connor mentioned that he wanted to wash his hands. After Connor led Adam away, Sally told Chelsea to save whatever she was going to say because Sally had heard enough excuses the night before.

Chelsea stressed how sorry she was. Chelsea said she hated what she and Adam had done, noting that it had been stupid and unnecessary. Chelsea recognized that she was the one causing the pain she saw on Sally’s face, and she swore she would go back in time and undo it if she could. Sally noted that Chelsea seemed sincere, and while it would be easy to hate her, Sally couldn’t do it because it would excuse Adam from his role in what had happened. Sally credited Chelsea for having the courage to admit the truth, while Adam had lied to her face until he’d been so trapped that he’d had no choice but to confess.

Chelsea reasoned that Adam had only done it because he loved Sally and was terrified to lose her. Chelsea stressed that the night had been about numbing the pain, and the love she and Adam had for Billy and Sally had never been in question. Chelsea suggested that Sally talk it through with Adam, but Sally refused to be talked into anything or be told what was best because it didn’t matter. Sally announced that she’d just made her decision about where to go from there. “I don’t think there’s any coming back from this,” Sally cried.

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Edited by Lisa