Faith and Lucy are involved in a car crash; The Young and the Restless Recap for Monday, August 26, 2024

Faith and Lucy’s parents gather at the hospital | Image Source: JPIstudios
Faith and Lucy’s parents gather at the hospital | Image Source: JPIstudios

Kyle sipped a drink at the Athletic Club bar as Jack approached. Kyle testily supposed his father couldn’t just pretend he hadn’t seen Kyle and keep going. Jack considered it a tragedy if he had to ignore his own son, and he invited Kyle to have a drink. Kyle explained that he’d left the house to get some peace after another run-in with his mom. Jack wished Kyle wouldn’t view every encounter as a fight, since Jack and Diane wanted to heal the rift between them and their son.

Kyle clucked that the rift was of his parents’ making, but Jack argued that Kyle was still his son. Jack knew the love was there, and he wasn’t willing to let it go. Jack doubted Kyle was, either, and he suggested that they talk about how their relationship had disintegrated and what they could do to keep it from happening. Kyle barked that it had disintegrated because Jack only viewed him as a son and not a person with goals and priorities. Jack denied it, but Kyle snapped that if his father wanted a real conversation, Kyle would appreciate Jack hearing him out instead of telling him he was wrong.

Kyle continued that their family had meant everything to him, and he’d wanted nothing more than to be part of it and become the next Jack Abbott—a man known for his wisdom, fairness, and business acumen. Kyle called Jack a man he’d loved and always admired. He'd supported Jack and Diane’s reunion, but he questioned how far things had needed to go. Kyle recalled that Diane had coveted a role, gotten it, and decided to fire him. Kyle continued that his father had always been about family, but lately, Jack had been all about Diane.

Kyle confided that he’d once thought that Jack respected him and valued his opinions, but he felt like a pawn in a game to keep his mom happy. Jack swore that he had nothing but respect for Kyle, and he couldn’t be any prouder of Kyle or love him more. He added that Kyle’s happiness and success were all he wanted. “As long as I suck up the next indignity you throw at me,” Kyle retorted. Kyle recounted that both of his parents had told him he needed to grow up, find humility, and learn about consequences. Kyle declared that it went both ways—Jack and Diane had made a choice, and the consequence was having a son who didn’t trust them anymore.

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Jack was determined to rebuild the trust, and he noted that Kyle and Summer had appeared to have reached a détente. Kyle shared that they hoped to avoid a custody battle. Jack thought there could be progress in a number of areas, and he urged Kyle to revisit the idea of having a drink together as father and son, like the old times. Kyle protested that he needed to get home to Harrison.

Jack noted that the boy’s bedtime had been an hour earlier. Kyle begged off due to an early morning, and Jack wondered if Kyle would make up excuses every time Jack wanted to get together. Kyle flatly stated that they didn’t work together, and they soon wouldn’t be living together, so it would be easier to avoid one another altogether. Jack stepped away and sadly looked back at Kyle before exiting the club.

In the jazz lounge, Chance admired Summer in a slinky dress and said she looked spectacular. She reasoned that it had been awhile since they’d been on a proper date, so she’d wanted to honor the occasion. He commented that she’d outdone herself, and they kissed.

Summer proposed a toast to Chance, who she called a very wise man for recommending she shelve her anger toward Kyle. She revealed that she and Kyle had had their first civil conversation in weeks, thanks to Chance’s great advice. Chance jokingly asked if she was still toasting or if they could drink. “To you,” she proclaimed, and they clinked their glasses together and sipped.

Summer marveled that everything might actually work out, but she hesitated to jinx it. Summer continued that it felt like the universe would only let her be happy to a certain point before pulling the rug out from under her. Chance assured her that she was brilliant, beautiful, and the best mother, so the universe wanted only good things for her. She grumbled that over the past year, she’d had a dead mom, a divorce, and a kidnapped son, so the universe had a funny way of showing it.

Chance noted that Phyllis wasn’t dead and that Harrison was home safe. Summer accepted that she’d crashed her marriage by herself, with no help from the universe. Chance reasoned that things had been complicated, and she’d only been looking out for her mother. Summer recognized that some people found ways to work through the complications in a marriage to become stronger, and she wondered if she’d missed an instruction book that had been passed around when she hadn’t been looking. Chance remarked that they could all use one of those.

Summer recalled that her parents had really loved one another, but they hadn’t been able to figure it out, either. She continued that even her grandparents had been on and off over the years, and they had the greatest love she’d ever witnessed. Chance cited his own history with a single mom, an absentee father, and a failed marriage, so he didn’t know any more than she did about happily ever after. Summer pondered whether it was just a lie they’d been sold as kids. Chance bet happiness was possible, and he refused to give up on it just yet. Summer cooed that she was very lucky the universe had given him to her.

Later, in the foyer, Chance and Summer kissed and planned to go out more often. Kyle passed by and asked if Summer had given their conversation any thought. Summer suggested they both talk to their lawyers to draw up a new joint custody agreement that put Harrison first. Kyle agreed to set things up in the morning and wished them a good night.

At the cottage, Faith repeated that she’d overheard Sharon say, “Would you please just go away?” Faith pressed to know who her mother had been talking to. Sharon claimed that she had fallen asleep on the sofa, had a bad dream, and said something in her sleep. Faith glanced at the sofa, which was covered in clutter. Faith asked why Sharon was lying to her.

Sharon questioned why she would lie, and she headed to the kitchen to make some tea. Faith forced Sharon to look at the mess on the couch, and she argued that there had been no way Sharon had fallen asleep there. Sharon figured that she’d been so tired that she could have fallen asleep anywhere. Faith wished her mother would be honest, since everyone loved Sharon and wanted to help her. Faith contemplated calling Nick or Mariah, but Sharon swore she was fine.

Sharon apologized for not being honest with Faith, and she referred to her visions of Cassie. Sharon admitted that a lot had been churned up in her head, and she’d been seeing Cameron in her nightmares. Faith was horrified, and Sharon explained that she hadn’t said anything because she hadn’t wanted to dredge up bad memories of what Cameron had put them through. Faith inquired about the nightmares, and Sharon fibbed that they were just jumbled nonsense from a madman.

Sharon added that she’d kept telling Cameron to go away, and Faith asked if he had. “Sometimes,” Sharon replied, and she theorized that it was a side effect of adjusting to her new meds. Sharon promised to call her doctor again in the morning about her dose, and she urged Faith to go out with her friends. Faith offered to stay and have a cup of tea, but Sharon scoffed at the thought of her daughter babysitting her. Faith’s phone chimed with a text message from Lucy: “I’m in trouble. Can you help me?”

Sharon saw the concerned look on Faith’s face and asked what was wrong. Faith revealed that Lucy had sneaked out of the house while she’d been grounded; Faith had told her to go home, but Faith had just received a message about Lucy being in trouble and wanting to meet her. Lucy sent another message, begging Faith to pick her up because she couldn’t call her parents.

Faith showed Sharon the message, and she worried that Lucy had done something stupid because she’d been upset about what Faith had said about not being friends. Sharon counseled that Lucy was young and vulnerable, so there was only one thing Faith could do. Faith wrote back to ask where Lucy was.

Faith tracked down Lucy in the park. Lucy thanked Faith for being there and whimpered that she was sorry. Faith questioned why Lucy was still there, and she looked down and saw a bottle of liquor. Lucy complained that she wasn’t feeling well. Faith demanded to know how Lucy had gotten the booze. Lucy confessed that she’d sneaked into a bar and grabbed the bottle when the bartender hadn’t been looking. Lucy assumed Faith hated her.

Faith said she was confused because Lucy had claimed she was going home and wouldn’t drink anymore. Faith dumped the bottle in a trash can. Lucy rambled that she’d felt sad after she’d seen Faith, since Faith could never be friends with someone like her. Faith reiterated that Lucy was a great kid but that the teen needed to find friends her own age.

Faith prepared to call Lucy’s parents, but Lucy wailed that her parents would kill her. Faith insisted that Lucy own what she’d done. Lucy pleaded with Faith to drive her home, so she could get in bed before her parents even knew she’d been gone. Faith blasted Lucy for asking her to be part of another lie. Lucy swore she’d never ask for another favor again if Faith just drove her home.

At the jazz lounge, Daniel noted to Heather that they hadn’t been out in a while, and he suggested that they take Lucy there once the teen was no longer grounded. Heather wondered if their daughter would ever speak to them again, since Lucy had been moody and distant since the concert. Daniel reported that Lucy had checked in via a text message earlier, and she hadn’t been completely surly. Daniel suspected she’d realized she’d gotten off easy because it had been her first offense. Heather reminded him that Lucy had also lied to them multiple times.

Daniel recognized that Lucy had made mistakes, but they’d been course-correcting, and he was sure Lucy knew they were trying to help her. Heather questioned whether their own choices had gotten them there, since the constant moves between different cities and countries had undoubtedly taken a toll. Heather lamented that finding “your people” was never easy, and she thought it had been no wonder that Lucy was all about being Faith’s friend.

Daniel said he understood that rebelling was part of growing up, but he hoped to keep Lucy from making mistakes that she couldn’t bounce back from. Heather guessed he was thinking of Cassie. Daniel regretted that one night had changed his life and cost Cassie hers. Daniel suspected that Lucy might still be mad at him for spiraling after his art career had hit the skids, but Heather was adamant that Lucy was thrilled that they were a family again.

Heather sensed that Lucy had been happy, but something had shifted. Daniel wondered if they should chalk it up as a phase that would pass. Heather envisioned Lucy meeting friends her own age once school started, prompting the teen to stop chasing older friends and start making better decisions. Daniel hoped being grounded had helped get Lucy there.

At Crimson Lights, Nick spotted Phyllis at a table, staring down at her muffin. He remarked that not eating her carbs was a sure sign she was upset, and he asked what was going on. Phyllis unconvincingly insisted she was good, but Nick told her to tell it to someone who didn’t know her. He plopped down, and she asked if she’d invited him to sit. He teased that he’d known she’d wanted him to, but she refused to share her muffin with him.

Nick assumed Phyllis was worried about Summer. Phyllis groaned that she’d thought their daughter would have the perfect life, but Summer was divorced and in a custody battle. Nick pointed out that Summer and Kyle could still find middle ground and avoid going to war, since they both wanted what was best for Harrison. Phyllis groused that peace would be hard to get when Kyle was being “such an ass.” Nick conceded that Kyle had gone off the rails over the past few months. Phyllis blamed Diane for the changes in Kyle and Jack, adding that the men hadn’t changed for the better.

Phyllis ranted that Diane should have done everything in her power to win back Kyle and Jack’s trust, but instead, she’d conned Jack into marrying her and taken Kyle’s job. Nick countered that Jack seemed very happy and in love with Diane. Phyllis contended that Jack was blind toward everything related to Diane, but Kyle wasn’t. Phyllis thought Kyle was beginning to see Diane for the person she was—someone who believed he was expendable—and it was pushing him to the edge. Nick acknowledged that Kyle might be upset with his mother for firing him, but Kyle had forgiven Diane for the past. Phyllis spat that Diane had ruined Kyle’s life, and he was taking it out on Summer.

Phyllis maintained that Diane had ruined Kyle and Summer’s marriage. Nick reminded her that there had also been other extenuating circumstances. Phyllis conceded that Summer had lied to Kyle about Phyllis faking her own death, and it had tanked their marriage. Nick recalled that Summer had been very remorseful, and he didn’t understand how Kyle could completely forgive his mother for abandoning him as a child but not give Summer the same grace. Nick thought Kyle had also played a role in tanking the marriage, and he encouraged Phyllis to stop beating herself up. Phyllis vowed to fix things.

Nick lectured that Phyllis’ guilt didn’t give her a free pass to meddle. Phyllis bemoaned that Summer was in pain and stressed out all the time, and they were back in a good place, where Summer talked to her and trusted her. Nick advised Phyllis just to give Summer love and support because it was all their daughter needed. “She’s my heart, you know,” Phyllis cried, adding that her kids were proof she’d done something right. Nick assured her that she’d done a lot of things right, and he requested that she give her word that she wasn’t going to stir the pot. Phyllis offered him her muffin and promised that he had her word.

Meanwhile, Sharon glanced around the cottage and called out, “You there, Cameron?” She ordered him to stay gone because Faith was already worried enough without catching her talking to him, but she thought maybe talking about him would make him go away for good. Sharon clucked that there would be no more analyzing her or talking about fixating on Nick and getting closure with Cassie. Sharon’s phone rang, and she panicked when learned there had been an accident. She rushed out.

Daniel proposed that he and Heather have dessert, but she opted to go home to check on Lucy. Daniel considered taking home a piece of pie for the teen, and Heather called him a softy. Heather answered a call, and her face turned ashen. She announced that they had to go, since Lucy had been in an accident and was in the ER. They hurried out.

Nick inquired whether Daniel was still looking for a job, and Phyllis expected that something would pop up because Princess Louisa had been legendary. Nick contemplated whether the video games he and Phyllis had played had had any effect on Daniel’s career choice. They bantered over who had won the games, but a call from Sharon interrupted them. Nick learned Faith had been in an accident, and he brushed past Jack on his way out.

Jack asked Phyllis if everything was all right. Phyllis shared that Faith had been in some kind of accident, but she didn’t have any details. Jack sympathized that Nick and Sharon had already suffered an enormous loss. Phyllis declared that there was no other option than for Faith to be okay.

In the emergency room, Sharon informed Nick that Faith had gotten into a car wreck. Nick stopped an EMT and asked what had happened. The technician reported that he’d responded to the scene, and both young women were unconscious. Nick inquired whether there had been two cars, but the EMT replied that there had only been one. Daniel and Heather raced in and told a nurse they were Lucy’s parents. Nick questioned whether Lucy had also been in an accident. Daniel asked if Faith had been in the car, too.

The EMT indicated that the car had skidded off the road and crashed into a wall. Heather asked how serious the injuries were. The EMT informed them that the attending doctor would have more information, and he walked off. Sharon cried that she couldn’t stand there and wait for the doctor to tell her how Faith was doing. She pulled back the curtain obscuring the nearest patient’s bed and found a motionless Faith. Daniel and Heather rushed over to the next bed and found an unconscious Lucy. Sharon broke down in tears.

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Edited by Lisa