Billy rejects Victoria's attempt to compromise; The Young and the Restless Recap for Monday, September 23, 2024

Victoria pitches an alternate solution to Billy
Victoria pitches an alternate solution to Billy

In Chancellor Park, Audra thanked Sally for getting her out of the office on a beautiful day. Sally wished they were meeting over many drinks instead, and Audra guessed it was because of Adam. Sally groused that she was furious at the way he’d treated her, and she wanted her feelings for him to stop because he didn’t deserve to take up any more space in her life. Audra clucked that it wasn’t the first time Adam had shown Sally who he really was, and she urged Sally to cut him out of her heart for good.

Sally contemplated how she could completely erase Adam from her life after what they’d been through with Ava. Audra advised Sally to get tough, stay strong, and fake that she didn’t care until it became a reality. Sally recognized that what she and Adam had shared had been real and good in many ways, and she worried that she’d never be able to fall in love again if she shut down her feelings. Audra considered that to be a blessing, since the ability not to care was a powerful weapon, and it was the perfect revenge against the people who’d mistreated them.

Sally pondered whether revenge was just another way of caring. Audra explained that revenge was a way of showing the world that they weren’t to be messed with, and a bonus was that revenge could be fun. Audra recounted the joy it had given her to steal Tucker’s company out from under him, but Sally questioned whether Audra was sure he wasn’t plotting revenge of his own. Audra hoped Tucker had learned his lesson and wasn’t taking advantage of another woman with his phony declarations of undying love.

Audra indicated that Kyle would be next. She crowed that he had no clue who he was dealing with, but he’d never forget once she was through with him. Audra griped that he’d been actively trying to sabotage her by trying to make her look bad to Victor, but she intended to get Kyle booted out of the company and ensure he never held a prestigious position ever again. Sally remarked that she was glad she wasn’t on Audra’s bad side. Audra firmly stated that she hadn’t gotten that far by letting people walk all over her, and she wasn’t going to start then.

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Sally decided that getting revenge didn’t interest her, and she opted to focus on the positive things in her life, like work. Sally added that Audra wasn’t the only one in her corner, since she’d found someone else who’d given her support and understanding when she’d needed it. Sally shared that she and Billy had bonded over their shared experience with Adam and Chelsea. Audra speculated that there was revenge sex in the making, but Sally swore that wasn’t going to happen—then or ever.

Cole and Victoria met for lunch at the Athletic Club. He sensed something was troubling her, and he prompted her to share. She worried that she was always taking advantage of him, but he assured her that was impossible. He encouraged her to lean on him, and she considered herself lucky to have him to turn to. Victoria declared that it was no secret what had gotten her upset—her family. Cole surmised that Victor was up to something.

Victoria revealed that her father was still planning to make a move against Billy, even after she’d told Victor how she felt about him going after the father of her children. She didn’t understand why Victor insisted on stirring up constant conflict, making it obvious to his grandkids how much he disliked their father. Victoria shared that she’d suggested a compromise that would give Victor what he claimed he wanted while allowing Billy to walk away with his dignity intact and enough capital to start his own company, but it had been too easy and bloodless for her father. Cole sympathized that she’d been struggling with whether to tell Billy about Victor’s plan, and he asked if she was considering breaking ranks with her dad.

Cole recognized that going up against Victor was a daunting proposition that could impact Victoria’s whole family. Victoria wailed that she couldn’t bear the thought of her kids seeing their grandfather humiliate their father in a public takedown. Cole imagined the kids would learn how ruthless Victor was, so there was only one thing for Victoria to do if her children were her priority. Victoria acknowledged that anything she did would be potentially risky, since Billy might do something reckless that would make things worse. Cole urged her to follow her motherly instincts, which would always lead her in the right direction.

Victoria stressed that Billy had to be prepared for what was about to happen, and the best move was to protect him for his own sake and for their kids. Cole jokingly volunteered to help after the fallout by serving as a human shield between her and Victor. Victoria realized that Cole didn’t see Victor the way other people did, since Cole didn’t seem intimidated and almost appeared to be fond of her dad. Cole recalled that he’d experienced Victor’s vitriol, and he’d found he just needed to stand his ground. Cole noted that Victoria had done the same thing in the past, but she lamented that it didn’t make it any easier.

Victoria thanked Cole for helping her realize she had to do what was right for her family. He credited her for doing the hard work to fight for her kids. Victoria wondered if he’d get bored being there and want to go back to the life he’d had. Cole reiterated that he wanted to be there because he’d missed out on too many years with her and their daughter.

Victoria anticipated that when it was time for Cole to research his next book, it would be more stimulating than listening to her go on about her family and the chaos of the day. Cole explained that his life at Oxford had simply been a job, and months had led to years of striving for something that had never reached fruition. Cole insisted that being with Victoria and Claire was a world he’d never thought had been possible, and he didn’t think he could live without it.

At Society, Billy demanded to know what Adam had said to make Chelsea run out of the restaurant. Adam snapped that it was none of Billy’s business, but Billy disagreed because Adam had been publicly harassing her. Adam insisted Chelsea was fine, but Billy warned that he’d only ask one more time what Adam had said. Adam growled that Billy had forfeited his role as “protector in chief” when he’d turned his back on her. Adam started to turn away, but Billy grabbed his arm. Adam responded by slugging Billy, sending him sprawling to the floor.

Billy stood up and lunged at Adam, but Phyllis held Billy back. Adam dared Billy to take a swing, since he knew how much Billy had wanted to do it ever since he’d found out about Adam and Chelsea. Billy hissed that it wasn’t worth it, and he released Adam from his grasp and stormed off. Phyllis chased after Billy.

At Crimson Lights, Summer called to a harried Chelsea and asked if she was okay, since it looked like she was on the run from something. Chelsea bemoaned that she’d just been running from her own feelings, and she hadn’t realized her stress was that obvious. Summer said she’d thought Connor had been doing better, and Chelsea reported that he’d been great. Summer pointed out that Chelsea should also be proud of herself for rising above everything she’d been through. Summer added that she’d learned from experience that it sometimes helped to talk about things, and she was there if Chelsea needed someone to confide in.

Chelsea fretted that she’d imposed enough by taking a sabbatical, and she didn't need to unload her problems on her boss. Summer joked that Chelsea could quit, and Summer could hire her back once Chelsea opened up about what was going on with her. Chelsea lamented that her life had been one stupid mistake after the next, and they were always mistakes she’d sworn she’d never make again—yet there she was. Chelsea revealed that she and Billy had broken up, and it was all her fault.

Chelsea said she’d really screwed up, but Summer argued that Billy had done the same and was in no position to judge anyone. Chelsea shared that Billy had convinced Connor that Billy was the reason behind the breakup, because Billy had wanted to avoid making her look bad to her son and to make sure Connor didn’t feel responsible. Chelsea admired how kind and gentle Billy had been, but she felt she hadn’t deserved any of it. Summer thought it said something about how much Billy still felt for Chelsea, but Chelsea relayed that he’d made it clear that things were over between them.

Summer doubted Billy would have made such an effort for both Chelsea and Connor if Billy didn’t still care deeply for Chelsea, and she sensed the door was open for reconciliation. Chelsea noticed Adam watching them from the patio. Summer asked if Adam had been involved in Billy and Chelsea’s breakup, and she encouraged Chelsea not to beat herself up. Adam approached and explained that he was there to check on Connor, but he hoped to have a few minutes with Chelsea first.

After Summer headed back to the office, Adam guessed that the women hadn’t been talking about work but something more personal. Chelsea snapped that if he was there with more of what he’d been saying at Society, she didn’t want to hear it. Adam apologized for putting her in an awkward position, but she ordered him to drop it. He insisted on at least explaining, but she demanded that he let it go. She walked out.

At Abbott-Chancellor, Billy told Phyllis that a small part of him wanted to thank her for intervening, but a bigger part wished she’d butted out and let him do what he’d wanted to do to Adam. Billy imagined that he would have thrown Adam out the window if she hadn’t jumped in, and Phyllis thought Billy would have regretted it. Billy scolded her for denying him the satisfaction of having his fist meet Adam’s face. Phyllis cautioned Billy against pushing Adam when Billy already had enough fires blowing up all around him. Phyllis contended that she was Billy’s “right-hand man,” and she was supposed to protect him from enemy fire.

Phyllis recommended that Billy get ice on his face before it turned purple. He claimed that it looked worse than it was, but he conceded that it hurt. As Phyllis handed Billy an ice pack, she observed that Billy had provoked Adam to the point of violence because Billy had felt Adam had upset Chelsea. She saw it as a sign that Billy’s feelings for Chelsea were stronger than he was admitting. Billy countered that he just stood up to dirtbags like Adam, no matter who they hurt.

Phyllis was sure Billy could forgive Chelsea and that he wanted to, but he was too stubborn to admit it. Billy maintained that Chelsea had hurt him deeply by sleeping with a man he despised, and maybe one day he’d be able to get over it, but it wasn’t that day by a long shot. Phyllis acknowledged that situations involving infidelity could rip people apart inside. Billy figured that Adam’s right hook wouldn’t leave a lasting scar, and he still wished he’d gotten a few licks in before she’d stopped him. Phyllis imagined it would have only resulted in a second ice pack for Billy’s hand.

Phyllis related to what it was like to hate someone to the point of it evolving into a physical fight. Phyllis recalled that it hadn’t been worth it or made her feel better, but Billy reasoned that it was nice to let off steam sometimes. Phyllis lectured that they were wasting time talking about Adam when they should be discussing how they would rule the world. Billy grumbled that Lily had stabbed him in the back a second time by leaking information to someone with deep pockets and substantial influence.

Phyllis questioned whether Billy no longer suspected Lily was colluding with Victor. Billy pointed out that it also could have been Devon, who’d warned him not to hurt Lily. Billy conceded that Victor was the more likely culprit, and he intended to sweeten the offer to Odyssey 7’s CEO and do whatever he had to do to outbid Victor.

Victoria entered the office and gasped when she noticed Billy’s swollen face. Billy explained that Adam’s fist had been flying around, and his face had gotten in the way. Victoria surmised Phyllis had had something to do with it, but Phyllis swore that she’d tried to deescalate the situation. Victoria wondered what Phyllis was doing there, and Phyllis announced that she worked there as the new COO. Victoria said she had something to discuss with Billy in private, and Phyllis pointedly stated that she had executive work to do in her luxury executive suite.

After Phyllis sauntered off, Victoria pressed to know what the fight with Adam had been about. Billy quipped that her brother hadn’t changed—but snakes never did. Victoria proclaimed that she was there about business, and she had a proposition for him that she hoped might lead to a peacekeeping mission. Victoria warned Billy to be prepared because Victor was about to make a move against Abbott-Chancellor. Billy confirmed that he was aware, and he suggested that Victoria go back and warn her father about him.

Victoria explained that she was trying to keep things from escalating into war, but Billy retorted that Victor would be the one to blame if they did. Victoria contemplated what effect a public battle would have on Johnny and Katie. Billy saw nothing wrong with his kids seeing their father successful and happy, and he refused to stand down. Billy vowed to show his children that he fought for what he loved. Victoria pitched an alternate solution that would benefit everyone concerned.

Victoria offered to buy Abbott-Chancellor for a price Billy couldn’t possibly refuse. She suggested he take the cash and launch his own company, but he questioned why he’d sell a successful, established company to create a startup. Victoria cited their kids as being enough motivation, but Billy wondered if Victoria was working with Victor to sabotage the deal Billy was about to push through by convincing him to give up. Victoria pleaded that she didn’t want their kids to see Victor destroy Billy. Billy demanded to know what made her think he’d lose to her father.

Victoria confirmed that Victor didn’t know she was there, and Billy noted that she was taking a big career risk to warn him. Victoria asserted that there were more important things in the world than her job—like their kids. Billy questioned why Victor had chosen that moment to go after him, and he suspected Victoria wasn’t telling him the entire truth. Victoria begged him to accept the buyout to avoid the impending fight with her dad. Billy countered that the fight wasn’t his. Victoria admitted that she believed it was a battle Billy would likely lose, but Billy swore that she was dead wrong.

Victoria cautioned that corporate combat was always ugly and never ended without casualties. She implored Billy to stay focused on business and not let things get personal, since Johnny and Katie didn’t need to know he was at odds with Victor. Billy suggested that Victoria have the conversation with Victor, who was going after Billy’s company for no good reason, and Billy didn’t understand why. Victoria reiterated that the only thing that mattered was that the children didn’t get caught in the crossfire.

Billy pointed out that Abbott-Chancellor could be their kids’ future, but Victoria countered that Newman was an option for them, too. Billy barked that unlike Victor, he was willing to let his kids choose which path to go on. Victoria realized there was nothing she could say to get him to accept her compromise, and she silently walked out. Phyllis returned, and Billy informed her that Victoria had made him an offer to buy him out of Abbott-Chancellor to avoid a fight with Victor.

Phyllis asked how much money Victoria had offered. Billy sourly inquired whether it made a difference, since it wasn’t something he’d consider. Billy proclaimed that it was his company, his mother had entrusted him with it, and it was an opportunity to prove to everyone that he wasn’t a failure. He predicted that the first thing Victor would do would be to remove the Abbott name, which was there to honor Billy’s mother.

Phyllis argued that Billy could build his own empire at the right price, but Billy refused to get bullied into walking away. He insisted that it wasn’t about the money. Billy knew he would appear to be scared of Victor if he left, but he wasn’t scared—and he was tired of people thinking he was a loser. Billy hissed that if Victor wanted a war, he’d get one, but Victor would regret the day he’d gone after Billy. “Yes, Billy! That is the Billy I know. That is the Billy I want to work with!” Phyllis cried, and she declared that she was all in.

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Edited by Lisa