Sonny shoots John in the chest; General Hospital Recap for Friday, August 30, 2024

Sonny shoots John on General Hospital
Sonny shoots John on General Hospital

At the Port Charles Police Station, John ordered Dex to take Kristina to a holding cell. "How are you going to charge me with the death of my own child?" Kristina asked. John informed her that sometimes a person had to do things like that to get a deal done.

As Dex walked a handcuffed Kristina out of the room, Alexis rushed in and told John that he couldn't lock Kristina up. "Try and stop me, and I'll put you in a cell right beside her," John warned Alexis. As Alexis argued some more, John threatened to call the bar association and have Alexis' law license revoked again. Anna finally stepped in and broke up their argument. Anna also ordered John to fill out all the paperwork for his prisoner first.

John finally relented and let Kristina go. Once Kristina and Alexis were home, Alexis left Kristina alone in the living room. Kristina quickly grabbed Alexis' car keys and drove to Sonny's penthouse. She let herself in and headed straight for Sonny's safe to grab his gun.

Earlier, Sonny had called Diane and told her that he needed her on call all night, since he had agreed to turn himself in to John. "It's already been decided, Diane. Just be there when I call," Sonny said.

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In the Quartermaine kitchen, Dante continued taking Carly to task for paying Brook Lynn to sleep with him years earlier. "It takes a special kind of person, Carly, to do that. To take a sledgehammer to someone else's life and just walk away. Do you have any idea what that did to Brook Lynn?" Dante asked.

Brook Lynn walked into the kitchen and told Dante and Carly that she'd heard her name. Carly explained that Dante had called her out for paying Brook Lynn to break up Dante and Lulu. Brook Lynn tactfully pointed out, "That was a very, very long time ago."

Carly admitted that she regretted what she had done, and she apologized to both Dante and Brook Lynn. Brook Lynn acceptedy the apology. Carly told Dante she didn't want to fight, especially when Lulu needed her family to fight for her. Carly walked out, leaving Brook Lynn and Dante alone.

"Okay, was it just me, or did that come out of left field?" Brook Lynn asked. Dante agreed that it had. He claimed that he hadn't thought about Carly's scheme in a long time, and he asked if Brook Lynn had. "Not really," she said. Dante admitted that it had been a lifetime before. "A very different lifetime ago," Brook Lynn pointedly said. "A lifetime Carly doesn't know anything about," Dante reminded Brook Lynn.

Just then, Sonny walked in and asked to talk to Dante. Sonny told Dante he was sorry to hear about Lulu. Dante admitted that the news was hard on Rocco, but Sonny wanted to know how Dante was holding up. Dante said Sam was helping him emotionally.

Sonny thanked Dante for not giving up on him over the past few months. "You never quit. You helped me get through it, and I appreciate that," Sonny said.

Dante put his arm around Sonny and offered his own thanks. "When I was lost and messed up and I threw away my life with Lulu, you were the one who came halfway around the world to find me. So, thank you, 'cause you didn't give up on me, either," Dante said. Sonny admitted he'd wished he'd been there when Dante had been growing up, but he was proud of the honorable man that Dante had become.

After Dante left the kitchen, Sonny tried to sneak away, but Lois found him. Lois apologized for their recent arguments, explaining that she had just been trying to protect Brook Lynn. Lois was confused when Sonny asked her to look out for Amelia, Wiley, and Michael.

Sonny's next stop was the living room, where he found Michael leaving a voicemail for Willow. Sonny told Michael what John was up to with Kristina. "The one thing I've always been afraid of is that one of my enemies was going to come after me through my children," Sonny lamented.

Michael told Sonny that he knew that Sonny hadn't been himself for a few months, but he understood it was because Sonny had not been getting the full dosage of his bipolar medication. Sonny and Michael embraced just as Carly walked in and smiled.

Later, Michael stood in the kitchen, leaving a voicemail message to see if Drew knew where Willow was. As Michael ended the call, Nina entered and asked about Willow, so Michael explained that Willow wasn't there. Nina seemed concerned when Michael told her that he had left Willow at Rice Plaza with Drew. When Nina had some time alone in the kitchen with Sasha, Nina commented on Willow and Drew's absence. Michael walked back through the kitchen and said he was headed to the gatehouse to find Willow.

In Drew's office, Drew confessed that he felt "silly" about how hard Congressman McConkey's death was hitting him. Drew told Willow there was still a lot he wanted to learn from the congressman as he campaigned to take McConkey's seat in the House of Representatives. Drew also admired the congressman's devotion to his wife. "All he wanted was to spend the rest of his life with the woman that he loved," Drew said.

Willow tried to be a comfort to Drew, telling him how people didn't realize how precious time was until it was too late. "You gave me the gift of more time when I was sick...I am so very sorry for your loss, and I hope you can take some comfort in knowing the man you believed in so deeply believed in you," Willow said.

Drew called Congressman McConkey his mentor. Willow asked if the congressman had been like a father figure to Drew. Drew admitted he had been, especially since Drew had never met his own father. "I keep asking myself if the congressman saw something in me, would Alan Quartermaine have seen something? Would he have been proud of me?" Drew wondered.

Drew told Willow how much it had meant to him when his name change from Cain to Quartermaine had become final. Drew admitted he'd wished he'd known Alan, so Willow assured Drew that "Alan's legacy lives on."

Drew and Willow continued talking about how wonderful Alan had been and how Drew had risked his life to save Willow. She didn't hear Michael calling her cell phone. Drew shared that he wanted to be worthy of Willow's belief in him. "You already are. There is no one like you," Willow said. Drew and Willow then fell into a passionate kiss.

In Africa, Lucky was escorted into a prison cell and manhandled by goons. A man who appeared to be in charge arrived and asked how long Lucky had been working with "the doctor." The man let Lucky know that Isaiah had escaped, but the man knew someone who could help track Isaiah down. "I want him here to watch me kill you," the man said.

The man told Lucky he knew Lucky was only there to save his friend, but Lucky argued that he wanted to work with his captor because his captor had money—and humanitarian aid work didn't pay much. Lucky suggested he and Sidwell play cards to kill some time, so a poker game began. Sidwell asked Lucky about his wife and children, so Lucky admitted that he preferred to be on his own.

Meanwhile, Isaiah arrived at the Port Charles airport, unaware that he was being watched.

Somewhere outside Port Charles, Ava and Agent Boyle were in a car as rain poured down. Agent Boyle claimed that she was driving Ava to a "more secure safe house." Ava was further alarmed to hear the house wasn't near Port Charles. "You can ask all the questions you want, but I don't have the answers to any of them...At this point, your life is in Agent Cates's hands," Agent Boyle said.

Finally, Ava realized they were on Route 41. "You're taking me to the Pine Barrens?!" Ava exclaimed.

Ava told Boyle that she knew Boyle wasn't with the FBI, explaining that she was a Jerome and could recognize a professional. Ava said she had a lot of resources, including Jerome and Cassadine money. "I can afford to pay you more than what Cates is paying you. Don't take me to a kill site. Take me to a bank," Ava argued. Boyle insinuated that John was not paying her.

Boyle explained that John had evidence that would take her down. "But it goes away if you go away," Boyle told Ava. Finally, Ava grabbed the wheel, not noticing that someone was on the road. As the car swerved, Isaiah froze when he saw the oncoming headlights.

At the hospital, Maxie sat vigil at Lulu's bedside as Felicia arrived with coffee. Maxie remembered how Lulu would do anything for the people she loved, but that was not who was lying in the hospital bed at the moment. Maxie said she understood why Lulu couldn't be on the public liver donor list, but it still made her angry. "It's like she has to fight with one arm tied behind her back," Maxie said.

Maxie also admitted that she wished Lulu would wake up and tell Dante she loved him. That was when Dante arrived and thanked Felicia and Maxie for staying with Lulu. Dante had just spoken to the doctors and learned Lulu's condition was deteriorating rapidly.

John arrived at the Quartermaine estate to search for Sonny at the boathouse in the pouring rain. John was relieved when Sonny finally emerged. "This must be your nightmare come to life. You must spend sleepless nights, wondering when a man with handcuffs and a badge would eventually show up and it would be over for you," John said.

John bragged that he couldn't wait to perp-walk Sonny in front of the Quartermaines so they could see who Sonny really was. "No, Jagger, you're going to see who I really am," Sonny said as he pulled out a gun. John claimed he had backup but still tried convincing Sonny to turn himself in for Kristina's sake.

"Let me tell you something, Jagger. You can come after me, but when you go after my daughter, that's unacceptable," Sonny declared before shooting John point-blank in the chest. Sonny then stood over John's body and shot one more bullet for good measure.

Next on General Hospital

  • Drew tells Willow how he feels
  • Chase announces there's been a shooting
  • Sam and Alexis worry for Kristina
  • Kristina visits Irene's grave

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