Sasha confides in Cody

Sasha confides in Cody
Sasha confides in Cody

General Hospital Recap for Friday, July 12, 2024

Cody stood in the doorway to Maxie's house. He was holding Felicia's phone. Felicia ran to Cody and thanked him profusely for having found the phone. Maxie immediately invited Cody to stay for dinner. Felicia eagerly seconded the idea. Cody stopped the setup in its tracks. Cody told Maxie and Felicia that Mac knew where to find him. Maxie admitted that she and Felicia had wanted to get Cody and Mac in the same room.

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Maxie wanted Cody and Mac to talk alone and follow that conversation with a family discussion. Cody said, "That's just it, Maxie. We're not a family. You guys are. I'm just the guy who gives your son riding lessons. Maybe it's better we keep it that way." Cody left.

Maxie closed the door. She and Felicia, with guilty looks on their faces, turned to face Mac. Mac sighed then calmly asked, "Care to explain the point of that humiliating exercise?" Felicia refused to apologize for "scheming to bring [Mac] and Cody face to face."

Felicia pointed out that Cody had revealed his secret of his own volition. She wondered why Mac was being so stubborn. Felicia had hoped that knowing the truth would bring Mac and Cody together, not drive them apart. "Maybe I liked the liar better," Mac snidely said. Felicia accused both men of being too proud.

Felicia suspected that Mac wanted Cody to beg for acceptance as punishment for having lied. Mac raised his voice. "Cody jerked all of us around with his lies. I'm not letting anyone--anyone--do that to my family! Not a would-be relative! Not anyone!" Maxie replied, "Funny. Now, you're the one that's lying."

Maxie reminded Mac that she had lied to her family many times, but Mac had forgiven her. Maxie also talked about how her having forgiven Felicia had taken time because of Maxie's pride. Maxie wondered why Mac could have forgiven her but couldn't forgive Cody. Mac explained that the difference was that Mac had raised Maxie, but Cody was a stranger. Felicia told Mac that they were not going to let Mac give up on his only child.

Felicia reminded Mac how disappointed Mac had been when the first DNA test had reported that Cody and Mac were not related. Mac accused Felicia and Maxie of ganging up on him. Felicia protested. She said, "No. We're loving you, Mac. We know how difficult it is for you to welcome Cody with open arms, because you're angry. And for good reason: he lied to you. He cost you a year of your lives. But ask yourself, Mac. How much time are you willing to let your anger cost you now?" Mac told Felicia and Maxie that just because Cody had had a change of heart, that didn't mean that Mac had to "fall in line." Mac told Maxie that neither did she.

At the Quartermaine stables, Michael ran into Sasha, who had been just about to deliver a picnic basket to the gatehouse after having brought one to the stables for Cody. Michael thanked Sasha for the rescue. He explained that he would be home alone with the kids that night. Sasha asked where Willow was. Michael told Sasha that Willow was working late with Drew. Sasha looked concerned.

Michael told Sasha that the meeting had arisen suddenly, but since it concerned the New Tomorrow Institute, Willow hadn't been able to refuse. Sasha asked Michael how he was feeling about Willow's new job. Michael explained that Drew having brought Willow on as a spokesperson would allow her more time with her kids. Michael commented that Willow seemed happier. Sasha agreed. Michael collected his picnic basket and left.

A short time later, Cody arrived at the stables and found Sasha laying out his dinner from the second picnic basket. Cody told Sasha that he didn't have much of an appetite. Sasha, smiling, told Cody that she found that hard to believe. Sasha noticed that something was wrong, but Cody did not want to talk about it.

Cody thanked Sasha for the distraction of her visit, but he wondered if something besides delivering dinner had led Sasha to leave the main house. Sasha wanted to talk with Cody but warned Cody that if she told him what was bothering her, Cody would have to be sworn to secrecy.

Sasha explained that she had "stumbled into something that might blow up Michael's life, not to mention his business with Aurora and ELQ." Sasha swore Cody to secrecy again then told him about Drew and Willow having kissed in the solarium. Sasha pointed out that Michael clearly had no idea, and Drew and Willow were at that moment working late together. "I don't know what to do!" Sasha exclaimed.

Cody suggested that the kiss might have been a one-time thing, brought about by some drinking and the fireworks. Cody advised Sasha to forget that she had ever seen anything -- unless she wanted to blackmail them. Cody jokingly suggested choosing Drew, since he had deeper pockets.

Sasha did not appreciate Cody's joke. She turned to leave, but Cody grabbed her arm and apologized. He explained that he had just been trying to lighten the mood. Cody called himself "clueless." Sasha smiled and agreed, "You really are clueless, aren't you?" "Yeah, about most things," Cody admitted. Cody told Sasha that one thing was clear: if one worked in someone's home, one was bound, occasionally, to hear things that one shouldn't, and because the Quartermaines were rich, the problems would be magnified.

Sasha agreed that it would be best to ignore what she had seen. "Just don't try to blackmail them!" Sasha warned Cody with a smile. With a mischievous twinkle in his eye, Cody replied, "What's it worth to ya?"

Laura sat on her sofa, reading an article that Kevin had sent her. Kevin joined her after he checked in on a sleeping Ace. The article concerned a man who had suffered cognitive and neurological disorders because of cobalt poisoning. Laura wondered if the article would help people understand Heather's situation.

Kevin noted that dialysis had helped the man in the article to recover. Kevin told Laura that something similar seemed to have happened with Heather. Laura found it ironic that the best proof of Heather's recovery was the fact that Heather did not want to be released from prison.

Curtis arrived home and found Trina setting the table for a surprise dinner she had arranged for Curtis and Portia. Curtis noted that it was the one-year anniversary of his shooting at the Metro Court pool. Trina wanted her parents to celebrate that Curtis was alive and well -- and standing and walking.

Later, after Laura tended to Ace following a bad dream, she informed Kevin that she had decided to honor Heather's wishes and let the matter go. There was a knock at the door. Kevin told Laura that the doorman had called. Trina was there to see Laura. Laura answered the door.

Laura told Trina that she would always be welcome in Laura's home. Trina gave Laura one of Ace's stuffed animals. Trina explained that she had found the toy in her car, and it had to have been there since the last time she had watched Ace. Kevin excused himself so Laura and Trina could talk.

Laura commented on not having seen Trina at the Quartermaine Fourth of July picnic. Trina explained that the political climate was too overwhelming for her, but she would catch up on the important issues before she voted in November. Laura mentioned Portia. Trina said that her mother was very invested because of Heather Webber. "Has she said anything to you?" Trina asked.

Laura told Trina that Portia had a right to her feelings. Laura informed Trina that Heather had asked Laura to drop the whole thing. Laura said that she would respect Heather's wishes. Laura asked Trina, "I'm curious, though. What do you think should have been done with Heather?"

Laura considered the possibility of finding a psychiatrist to treat Heather at Pentonville, because Laura believed that Heather was truly remorseful. Trina declared that she didn't believe a mentally ill person should be treated the same as someone who knew what they were doing. Laura nodded in agreement. Trina stated that she thought Heather should get justice according to the law, because that was what Trina would want anyone to get. "Me, too," Laura said as she smiled.

Portia arrived home and noticed the set table. As she admired the bottle of wine, Curtis entered behind her and turned on some soft jazz music. Portia asked if Curtis had set up the dinner. Curtis explained that Trina had wanted Curtis and Portia to have some alone time together after the year the two of them had had.

Portia told Curtis that she found it hard to celebrate while she was so worried about the safety of her family. Portia explained that she had lived in fear while married to Taggert, who worked in law enforcement. She expressed gratitude that Curtis had left that line of work, thus allowing Portia to breathe easier. Portia continued, "And then, this madwoman who was fixated on our daughter, she was finally captured and put into prison where she belongs, and I thought I could actually have some peace."

Portia was afraid Heather might soon be walking the streets of Port Charles again. Portia wondered if she might not be paranoid enough about Heather, because Trina had almost died in France, Spencer had died, and Laura was trying to reopen Heather's case. Portia was convinced that "the worst is yet to come."

Portia wanted to file a petition to have Laura recalled as mayor. Curtis reminded Portia that that had already been tried once but had failed. Portia was determined to make it an issue. Curtis confessed that he had gone to Pentonville to visit Heather. Curtis admitted that, after the visit, he could see what Laura had seen. Curtis wondered if Heather really should be behind bars for the rest of her life. Portia groaned with disappointment.

Curtis explained that Heather had told him that she didn't want her case reopened because she was already right where she felt she belonged. "Oh, Heather said that, so..." Portia scoffed. Curtis reiterated that he was confident that Heather would remain at Pentonville "for the rest of her days." Curtis said that he had faith in Laura's integrity to do the right thing.

Portia didn't want talk of Heather to ruin the celebration Trina had set up. Portia and Curtis dropped the subject. Curtis turned on some soft R&B music and asked Portia to dance. "It would be my absolute pleasure," Portia said with a smile. They began to dance.

Anna made a quick stop at Jason's room. She explained that she was about to make an unannounced visit to Valentin's house, where she planned to take the satellite phone, which she had found hidden behind some books during her previous visit. Anna wanted to know where she would be able to find Jason after she had "secured the evidence." Jason told Anna that he'd be parked near Valentin's house like the last time. Anna told Jason, "No." Anna said that she wanted to handle it alone.

Jason reminded Anna that she had left her last visit to Valentin's house empty-handed. Anna insisted that Valentin's security cameras posed too much of a risk, and she would meet Jason back at his room after she had obtained the satellite phone. Jason gave Anna a key to his room before she left.

Jason loaded his gun and put it in the waistband of his jeans. There was a knock at his door. Elizabeth was there to tell Jason that Jake had been accepted into the Drawing and Painting program at the Escuela de Arte in Barcelona, Spain.

Elizabeth told Jason that she hadn't expected that Jake would get accepted into such a prestigious school -- not because she hadn't recognized her son's talent but because she hadn't been sure others would see Jake as she did. Jason asked Elizabeth if he could reach out to Jake about it. Elizabeth told Jason to spend as much time with Jake as he could, because Jake would be leaving quite soon. Jason asked if he could be allowed to cover Jake's tuition and expenses.

Elizabeth tried to decline the offer, but Jason asked if he could do it for Jake because Elizabeth had been carrying the burden alone for so long. Elizabeth finally agreed to let Jason provide for his son. Jason and Elizabeth were both hopeful that Jake would let Jason help him. Elizabeth thanked Jason for the effort Jason had been making in being a better father.

Elizabeth remarked that her house would feel much emptier with Cameron and Jake both gone. Jason complimented Elizabeth on the job she had done raising the boys. Elizabeth appreciated the fact that Jason was making good on his promise to be a better father to Jake.

Valentin was pleasantly surprised when Anna showed up at his house. He invited her in. Anna had brought a bottle of wine. Valentin invited Anna to stay for dinner. Valentin told Anna that he had already prepared a meal of caprese salad and filet of sole. He asked Anna to uncork the wine while he tended to the meal.

After watching Valentin go into the kitchen, Anna headed straight for the bookcase. She was startled when she suddenly heard Valentin behind her. He asked, "Can I help you find something?" "Oh, you found it!" Anna said, after quickly noticing the corkscrew and glasses in Valentin's hands. Anna opened the wine, as Valentin retrieved their salads.

After dinner, Valentin asked Anna if she had considered his proposition for the two of them to leave Port Charles together. Anna told Valentin that she had thought about how hard it would hit her if Valentin disappeared without her. Valentin leaned in close and whispered, "Then, don't let me." They kissed.

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