Portia remembered doctoring Heather's test results; General Hospital Recap for Monday, September 23, 2024

Portia on General Hospital | Image Source: ABC
Portia on General Hospital | Image Source: ABC

Terry and Portia met in Terry's office to go over hospital administrative matters. As Portia went over the new hires for the lab, she was surprised to see that Brad Cooper was working there again.

"Brad's been back a month and hasn't caused any problems," Terry reasoned. Portia was stunned to know it had already been a month and that she was just learning about Brad's new position.

"Why wouldn't you warn me that Brad Cooper is back? Better yet, why wouldn't you stop it?" Portia demanded to know. Portia was furious at Brad having access to confidential information. Terry continued defending Brad, but Portia vowed to keep her eye on Brad.

Portia later met Trina for dinner and told her that Heather's GH lab results showed that Heather's cobalt levels had never dropped after her surgery. Trina was curious as to how Heather had so much cobalt in her system, so Portia explained it away as long-term exposure via food or skin contact. Trina didn't seem to buy Portia's explanation, but Portia didn't care.

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"Honey, whatever the reason, Heather Webber? She's not getting out of Pentonville," Portia said. Trina wasn't sure how to feel about the information. She had tried making peace with the idea of Heather being released. "Now, knowing that Heather is never getting out of prison, I feel free. I feel like a whole weight has been lifted," Trina said.

Portia flashed back to when she had sneaked into the GH lab and fiddled with Heather's blood work results.

Elizabeth and Willow discussed Lulu's case at the GH nurses' station. Lulu's vitals were on the decline. Elizabeth noted that it would take a miracle to find a perfect transplant match, but Willow assured her from experience that those types of miracles happened.

Willow noted the similarity to her own bone marrow situation in which Drew had rescued Liesl in Greenland. She pointed out that Anna and Jason had to bring a donor for Lulu home from a dangerous place. Willow went on to sing Drew's praises and marvel over the fact that in her eyes, Drew was selfless.

After Willow was gone, Elizabeth met up with Terry and told Terry that her brother, Steven Lars, had finally been released from prison. Steven was living in Sedona and planned to work in the medical field. Terry wondered if Steven would visit Elizabeth in Port Charles. Elizabeth told Terry that Steven didn't want to be anywhere near his mother, Heather.

When Elizabeth pointed out that Heather deserved the best treatment possible, despite her killer ways, Terry wondered if Elizabeth believed Heather deserved a second chance. Elizabeth said she wasn't sure, so Terry asked if Liz thought Brad deserved a second chance. Elizabeth didn't know but thought Terry giving him one could make a difference.

Molly took some time for herself in an out-of-the-way bar. After she ordered a drink, she stared at an ultrasound picture of baby Irene that was in her purse. After Molly called T.J. and left a message, Dex arrived and took a seat next to Molly. Dex surprised Molly when he asked how she was. "You're the first person to ask me that all day," Molly admitted before telling Dex that she had been better.

Dex offered to keep Molly company. Molly once again found herself opening up to Dex, wondering if she was selfish for wanting a child. She went over her and T.J.'s failed attempts to become parents. "Maybe the universe is trying to tell me something. Infertility and a miscarriage didn't do it, so the universe decided to literally throw Kristina and my baby out the window."

Molly teared up as she told Dex how she'd looked forward to all the things she would miss with the baby, like first words, first steps, and birthdays. After Molly composed herself, Dex asked about Alexis. Molly was worried about her mother but felt the truth about John's murder would come out in court.

Molly told Dex that the courtroom was her happy place for the moment. Outside court, she couldn't seem to feel peace. "Right now, I am not being the partner, sister, daughter, or mother that I should be," Molly said.

T.J. paid Curtis a visit at the Savoy. Curtis admitted that he loved his job at Aurora, but still felt an affinity for the Savoy and liked being there. Curtis asked T.J. how Molly was doing. T.J. confessed that he didn't even know where Molly was. T..J told Curtis that he and Molly had had a hard time connecting lately.

"It feels like we're going through the motions. We keep finding reasons to be apart," T.J. said. He told Curtis that they had never had a problem like that before. T.J. confessed that it was easier to be at work because he didn't have to worry about saying the wrong thing like he did when he was home with Molly.

Curtis explained how he had pushed Portia away when he'd been paralyzed. T.J. asked why Curtis hadn't let Portia help him. "It was about control. I thought I was the only one who understood what I was going through, so I isolated myself," Curtis said, admitting that his situation couldn't compare to losing a child. As the conversation continued, T.J. admitted that he was not sure if he and Molly had a future, despite their long history together.

Robert and Felicia were enjoying some Chinese food in Robert's office when Brennan arrived. When Felicia introduced herself, Brennan immediately knew she was Frisco's ex-wife, and he praised the former WSB director.

Robert and Felicia asked Brennan if he knew how Anna and Jason were doing in Africa. Brennan claimed their mission was out of the WSB's jurisdiction, but Felicia reminded Jack that she knew the bureau had eyes everywhere. Felicia threatened to tell the WSB that Jack had given Anna and Jason unauthorized information if he didn't do the same for her and Robert.

Brennan finally relented and told Robert and Felicia that Anna and Jason had made contact with Sidwell, but he didn't know any more. Felicia asked why Brennan was willing to help Anna and Jason. Brennan said it was to help Luke Spencer's son because the WSB owed Luke. Once alone, Felicia suggested that Brennan was helping find Lucky to make Carly happy.

As Josslyn bussed tables, Carly thanked her daughter for helping out at Bobbie's when they were short-staffed. Carly admitted she had been stressed and on edge ever since Jason had taken off to Africa with Anna. Josslyn told her mom that she still didn't like Carly putting Sonny's well-being over her own.

Carly was pleased to hear Josslyn say she accepted that Carly was helping Sonny, even if she didn't like it. Josslyn admitted that Michael had helped her see a different side of things. Josslyn told Carly she was "butting out," and Josslyn walked away.

Carly chased Josslyn into the kitchen and explained herself again. "Sonny and I have too much of a history for me not to side with him when he needs my help," Carly said. She then assured Josslyn that she and Sonny were not getting back together. That assertion just served to make Josslyn more nervous, as Josslyn was sure that Carly was giving Sonny an alibi for John's murder. Josslyn asked Carly if she thought that Sonny would be like Jason and give up everything to protect her. Carly defended herself, saying she couldn't let Donna lose her father.

Brennan soon arrived, interrupting Carly and Josslyn's conversation. Josslyn left Carly and Brennan alone so Brennan could give Carly an update on Jason. Brennan told Carly how Robert was trying to get information on Anna and Jason's whereabouts. Carly was surprised to hear that Brennan had given Anna a WSB dossier on Sidwell. The subject soon turned to Sonny but Carly didn't want to talk about him. Brennan said he understood because he tried not to think about his exes.

Carly then asked a pointed question: "How does a man go from Pentonville to the head of the local WSB office?" Brennan didn't want to talk business. Instead, he changed the subject and asked for a burger and a more personal conversation.

Gio was impressed when he found Brook Lynn in the Quartermaine kitchen, baking brownies for Violet's school bake sale. Gio asked why Brook Lynn didn't have Sasha make the brownies. Brook Lynn had a simple answer. "I want Violet to know she is loved and well cared for," Brook Lynn said. Gio felt Brook Lynn sounded like his late mother when she said that.

Brook Lynn and Gio made some small talk about Gio's mom, including that Gio's mother was a professional violin player and an excellent baker. Gio remembered how patient his mother had been with him when he'd learned to play violin, and he likened it to how patient Brook Lynn and Chase were with Violet.

Coming up on General Hospital

  • Marty meets with his new client
  • Chase questions Dante
  • T.J. confronts Molly
  • Natalia gives Sonny advice

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