Mac arrests Alexis for murder; General Hospital recap for Friday, September 13, 2024

Sonny, Mac, and Alexis on General Hospital
Sonny, Mac, and Alexis on General Hospital

Mac and Felicia spent some alone time outside the Quartermaine boathouse. Felicia assured Mac that his relationship with Cody would go smoothly from that point on, but Mac worried about the tantrum Tracy had thrown because of Sasha's brunch. Mac worried Tracy would start treating Cody as badly as she treated Sasha.

Felicia rationalized that Tracy considered Cody to be a friend. Felicia believed that Tracy was lonely and that Cody had been there for her, so she was a bit territorial and took things out on Cody's new girlfriend, Sasha. Mac soon got a call and learned he had enough evidence to make an arrest in John's murder.

Sonny arrived at Alexis' house to discuss the gun situation. "How are we going to keep our daughter from being charged with a murder that you and I both know she didn't commit?" Alexis asked.

Alexis reminded Sonny that he was a career criminal, so Sonny countered that Alexis was an incidental criminal, considering she'd been arrested multiple times before and spent some time in Spring Ridge in 2022. Sonny took some responsibility for Kristina's troubles, pointing out how John had used Kristina to settle a score with Sonny.

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Sonny asked Alexis where Kristina had been the night John had been killed. "She was here with me until she left to steal a gun from you," Alexis said. Sonny was surprised to hear that Kristina had also gone to the baby's grave.

When Sonny asked Alexis why she'd gotten rid of the gun, Alexis explained that she had been afraid that Kristina would hurt herself. Sonny then asked Alexis what she'd told the police about the gun. "Why? What are you worried about? You worried that I am going to incriminate Kristina—or you?" Alexis asked. Sonny played dumb, but Alexis wasn't having it. "Step forward and tell the truth—that you killed Cates," Alexis said.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Sonny said. He told Alexis that Carly was his alibi, and all the Quartermaines had seen them together. As Sonny attempted to share some details about what he claimed had happened between him and Carly that night, Alexis quickly stopped him and told him, "TMI."

Sonny couldn't understand why Alexis refused to believe he was innocent. Alexis told him that if he hadn't done it, he wouldn't need Diane's help, and Diane would be able to represent Alexis. Sonny assured Alexis he'd get her the best lawyer if she was arrested. After Sonny and Alexis argued some more, Mac showed up at the door and arrested Alexis. Sonny watched as Mac took Alexis away in cuffs for murder.

Kristina met Michael in his office, fretting about Alexis' legal troubles. Kristina wanted to go to the police and tell them the truth about the gun Alexis had tossed off the bridge. Michael insisted that she keep her mouth shut, fearing that Kristina would be charged with murder and Alexis would be charged as an accessory.

Michael had a plan to help Alexis out of her jam. He was ready to give the cops a phony case against one of the many enemies John had made as an FBI agent. Michael said he wanted to pay one of them to take the fall for his murder. Just then, Chase called and told Kristina she needed to go to the police station immediately. When Kristina claimed that she was busy, Chase explained that it wasn't a request.

Michael accompanied Kristina to the station and insisted on being present during the questioning, since they had been unable to reach Diane. When Michael kept interrupting during Chase's questioning, Chase warned Michael to stop. Kristina lied and said she had been at her mother's house the entire night, except to go to the baby's grave. Chase asked if anyone had seen Kristina at the grave, so Michael declared that Chase was done. Michael and Kristina got up and walked out of the interrogation room.

Kristina and Michael returned to Michael's office, where she realized she might be a suspect in John's murder. Kristina wondered how Chase had known that she had left the house that night. Kristina suddenly realized that Alexis and Sam had called Molly, looking for her. Kristina was infuriated that Molly would report her to the police.

Michael was certain that Kristina was hiding something. He got her to admit that she had pulled into the Quartermaine driveway the night John had been murdered but that she had quickly left.

At the WSB office, Anna grabbed the phone receiver out of Brennan's hand and hung up. Anna warned Brennan that he had to play on her terms if he was going to work in Port Charles. Anna demanded that Brennan give her Lucky's location. Anna reminded Brennan that Carly would want the information.

Brennan was ready to give Anna some details on Lucky's whereabouts but warned her that he could report her to the police for "going rogue." Anna insisted she could handle finding Lucky herself, but Brennan worried that Anna would screw up the operation.

Brennan also wanted to know why Anna cared so much about Lucky. Anna said she wanted to find Lucky for Luke's sake, as she and Luke had been close friends for years. "If Robin had ever been in any kind of trouble, there's nothing Luke wouldn't have done to bring her home safely," Anna said. Brennan was moved and gave Anna a piece of paper with Lucky's location.

In the hospital hallway, Carly took a call from Brennan but was surprised that he hung up on her before he could give her any information about Lucky. Carly decided to talk to Isaiah instead and led Jason to Isaiah's room. Isaiah was surprised to hear that Jason was headed to Somalia to find Lucky. He didn't believe a coffee importer could do the job, so Isaiah offered to go with him.

Isaiah tried getting out of bed but was in too much pain. He warned Jason that Sidwell was dangerous, but Carly assured Isaiah that Jason could take care of himself. Jason asked Isaiah if Sidwell had any vulnerabilities. "There's only one, Sidwell's girlfriend," Isaiah said. When Carly asked for Sidwell's girlfriend's name, Isaiah said that Sidwell called her "English."

Before Carly could question Isaiah further, Brennan knocked on the window. In the hall, Brennan gave Carly the information she had asked for.

When Anna returned home, Felicia stopped by with anti-malaria pills for Anna. Anna revealed that she was headed to Africa to find Lucky. Felicia was excited to hear a caper was in the works and announced she wouldd join Anna. Anna managed to talk Felicia into staying put in Port Charles by reminding her friend that Mac would end up following them.

Anna soon settled in for her long flight. She was surprised—but pleased—when Jason joined her.

In the Quartermaine solarium, Brook Lynn and Lois continued discussing Brook Lynn's desire to have a baby. Tracy interrupted them to rant and accuse Violet of being a liar. Brook Lynn and Lois were taken aback by Tracy's words and defended Violet.

Brook Lynn asked what Violet had lied about, so Tracy told her. "She is going around telling everybody that you and Chase are having a baby," Tracy said. Brook Lynn admitted that she and Chase were thinking about having a baby, but they hadn't decided on a timeline yet. "Great, you're going to be perfect parents in ten years," Tracy said.

Tracy reasoned that Brook Lynn was too young to have children, but Brook Lynn argued that her biological clock was ticking. Tracy admitted she didn't want to lose Brook Lynn's input at Deception. Lois' Brooklyn accent suddenly returned as she told Tracy to mind her own business and let Brook Lynn and Chase make their own decisions. Tracy warned Brook Lynn that life changed when one had a child.

Chase walked in on the conversation and immediately wondered if Brook Lynn was pregnant. Lois led Tracy out of the room so the newlyweds could talk. Chase asked if Brook Lynn was pregnant. "No, but maybe I'd like to be," Brook Lynn said.

Chase and Brook Lynn sat down to discuss the matter and decided it was time to start trying for a baby.

At the boathouse, Lois assured Tracy that Brook Lynn having a baby wouldn't pull Tracy's granddaughter away; it would bring them closer together.

Next on General Hospital

  • Tracy gives Sasha a warning about Cody
  • Kristina took Molly to task
  • Danny pays a visit to Elizabeth
  • Ava questions Ric

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