Holly made Lucky an offer: General Hospital recap for Monday, September 9, 2024

In Africa, Holly made Lucky an offer
In Africa, Holly made Lucky an offer

In Africa, Sidwell and Lucky played poker as they discussed Isaiah returning with backup in time to save Lucky. Sidwell warned that even if Isaiah managed to return, it would be too late, because Sidwell would soon have what he was seeking. Sidwell proudly showed his hand of four jacks and an ace, but Lucky won with a straight flush. “Your luck will run out eventually,” Sidwell promised. Before Sidwell could have Lucky searched for hidden cards, the guard reported that Sidwell was wanted at the mine. Delighted, Sidwell left.

A short time later, Holly slipped into Lucky’s cell and found him handcuffed. Lucky implored Holly to find the key, so they could escape before Sidwell returned. Rather than help, Holly asked where Sidwell had gone. Lucky told her about the message Sidwell had received, but Lucky didn’t know the details. Holly perked up and asked what “Jenz” had been after. “Gold, diamonds, the Holy Grail. What does it matter at this point?” Lucky grumbled.

“Did you say diamonds?” Holly asked. Lucky soon realized that Holly was after some diamonds. She explained that it would be the biggest score of her career, and she offered to cut Lucky in. Lucky pointed out that a fortune would be worthless to him if he was dead, but Holly had faith that Lucky could keep Sidwell entertained a while longer. She insisted that Lucky was his father’s son. “Endlessly entertaining,” she said.

At General Hospital, Sidwell’s hitman stood next to Isaiah’s bed and prepared to inject a syringe into the I.V. line. However, Jordan's arrival foiled the plans. The hitman hid the syringe behind his back as he slowly approached the door, but Jordan asked to see his badge. Without warning, the hitman knocked Jordan to the ground and fled. Jordan jumped up and ran to the nurses’ station to ask Elizabeth to call for security because someone had tried to murder “John Doe.”

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Seconds later, Jordan spotted the hitman darting into the stairwell, so she gave chase. When she entered the stairwell, the hitman struck. After a brief tussle, Jordan managed to knock the syringe out of the would-be killer’s hand and pinned his arms behind his back. When security arrived, Jordan escorted the handcuffed hitman to the nurses’ station. Elizabeth confirmed that she’d seen the hitman in John Doe’s room earlier. Jordan asked for the hitman’s name. “Screw you,” he told Jordan.

After Jordan left with the hitman and security guard in tow, Elizabeth checked on her patient. Isaiah suddenly bolted awake. “Lucky,” he said in a weak voice.

In Portia’s office, Portia spoke to the lab, asking for Heather’s test results. Her tone filled with annoyance as she explained that she needed the results right away. After she ended the call, she saw Curtis standing in the doorway. He affectionately greeted his wife and admitted that he had hoped to steal her away to show her the newly opened Aurora Wellness Center. Portia was happy for Curtis, but she told him that she couldn’t get away because she was expecting the results of Heather’s recent blood work.

Curtis was curious if Portia really wanted to put her life on hold for Heather. “Are you sure you want to give her that much power over you?” he asked. Portia admitted that Curtis was right, but things had changed because Ric had taken over Heather’s case, and Ric had a reputation for being a good attorney. Portia was certain that Ric would use the results of Heather’s blood work to Heather’s advantage. Curtis assured his wife that he would never forgive Heather for what Heather had done to Trina and the other victims, but he reminded Portia that Heather had been suffering from a medical condition.

Curtis admitted that, to his trained eye, Heather had seemed changed. Frustrated, Portia asked if Curtis expected them to do nothing while Heather was released. He clarified that he intended to fight Heather’s release. “Metallosis may have influenced her behavior, but she made some unforgiveable and horrific choices—and she needs to pay for her crimes,” Curtis explained. Portia remained concerned because she suspected the results of Heather’s blood work would persuade a judge and jury that Heather was cured and no longer a danger. Portia was equally convinced that Heather would play into that narrative.

Curtis conceded that Portia might be right, but he reminded her that they couldn’t take matters into their own hands, so they would have to trust the system. After Curtis left, Portia returned to her desk and pulled up Heather’s online chart.

At the Aurora Wellness Center, Ric spotted for T.J. as T.J. finished bench pressing a barbell with heavy weights. As T.J. sat up, Ric confessed that he was impressed with the place because it had new equipment, fitness classes, and a steam room. T.J. admitted that he had lucked out because Curtis had given him a free membership. T.J. took the opportunity to confide in Molly’s father. “If I don’t get my anger out at Kristina here, right now, I am afraid of what I’m going to do with it,” T.J. shared.

T.J. disclosed that Kristina had promised that she could be trusted and that she was the perfect candidate for surrogacy because she was family. “Now, the selfish little princess decided that our baby was hers, and she was going to keep her,” T.J. said in a bitter tone. He admitted that his anger could “power the sun.” Ric was understanding, so T.J. opened up about his fury over the realization that he and Molly would have faced a custody battle to take Irene home if his daughter had lived. T.J. was adamant that he would never forgive Kristina, but he suspected the same might not be true for Molly.

“She’s a good sister. She has a good heart,” T.J. said of Molly. He worried that Kristina would get into trouble. “And she’s gonna call my good-hearted daughter to help her pick up the pieces,” Ric finished for T.J. T.J. was certain that Kristina would find a fresh new way to hurt Molly all over again. Ric agreed that it wasn’t a matter of if but rather when Molly would be pressured to let Kristina back into her life. Ric was equally convinced that Alexis would lead the charge.

T.J. resented Kristina receiving support from her family, while Molly was left to deal with her heartache without the support of her mother and sisters. “You and I—we have to care for Molly in a way that her so-called family won’t,” Ric said.

Later, Ric was on the treadmill when Curtis entered, looking for T.J. Ric explained that T.J. had left for work, but he quickly shifted gears and praised the new center and expressed an interest in getting a membership. Curtis directed Ric to the front desk and started to leave, but Ric took the opportunity to thank Curtis and the Ashfords for supporting Molly.

Curtis decided to ask Ric about Heather. Curtis reminded Ric that Heather had terrorized Curtis’ daughter, so Ric explained that he would be working to get damages for the faulty hip, which was a separate issue from Heather’s criminal charges. Ric revealed that it had become a big issue because more patients who had suffered from the effects of cobalt poisoning stepped forward every day. Ric warned Curtis that another lawyer would have taken Heather’s case if Ric hadn’t, but Ric vowed to do everything in his power to do right by Curtis, Portia, and especially Trina.

“Would anybody else promise you that?” Ric asked. Ric shared that he had made it clear to Heather that his objective was to make the medical supply company pay, and he reiterated that it was a civil case. Curtis argued that it might lead to Heather’s criminal case being reopened. “How are you going to protect my family then?” Curtis asked. Ric promised that he and Curtis were on the same team. “You want justice for your family. I’m gonna deliver it,” Ric said.

At Alexis’ house, Alexis thanked Molly for stopping by. Molly wondered if it might have been better for them to meet somewhere else. Just then, Kristina entered the room. Molly looked at Alexis accusingly. “No, this is a bad idea. I cannot be here with her,” Molly said as she turned to leave. Kristina acknowledged that Alexis’ heart had been in the right place, but Kristina agreed that she and Molly couldn’t be in the same room together. Desperate, Alexis implored Molly to stay because Molly and Kristina were sisters.

Molly remained resistant, but Alexis insisted that she was Kristina and Molly’s mother, and she knew better. Molly asked if she was expected to pretend that Molly’s own sister hadn’t betrayed her in the worst way possible. “That it isn’t abundantly clear that she was going to steal my baby after giving birth to her?” Molly asked. Kristina sat on the sofa, threw her head back, and let out an exasperated sigh.

Alexis assured Molly that she had heard Molly, but Alexis insisted that things were more complicated than that. Frustrated, Molly reminded Alexis that Molly had been at her lowest pointing and afraid that she would never be a mom when Kristina had approached Molly with an “amazing gift.” Kristina jumped up to defend herself, but Molly accused Kristina of deceiving her. Molly asked if Kristina had considered how her choices had affected T.J. When Kristina remained silent, Molly accused Kristina of seeing T.J. as an afterthought, even though he’d been the baby’s father.

“A fact that you conveniently forget whenever you like so that you can make Irene’s death entirely about yourself,” Molly angrily said. Molly pointed out that Kristina hadn’t once asked about T.J., who was so bereft by the loss that Molly didn’t know if he would ever recover. “You don’t know what you’re talking about,” Kristina argued. Molly confronted Kristina about the custody papers, but Kristina insisted that she’d been protecting the baby because of the tension between Molly and T.J.

“You were the only thing we fought about,” Molly shouted. “So you say,” Kristina shot back. Molly revealed that T.J. hadn’t trusted Kristina because he’d seen Kristina for who she really was. Molly pointed out that Kristina was unable to even acknowledge that Irene was Molly’s baby. “Adela was mine for eight months,” Kristina insisted.

Molly asked if Alexis was happy, so Alexis admitted that her heart was breaking. “Well, get used to it,” Molly said. The argument between the sisters escalated when Kristina continued to refer to the baby as Adela, and Molly insisted the baby’s name was Irene. Horrified, Alexis cried out for both of her daughters to stop. Moments later, Alexis answered a knock at the door. It was Michael. Kristina leaped at the chance to escape.

At Sonny’s penthouse, Sonny asked how long Anna intended to search his place. Anna suggested that Sonny could save everyone time by producing the missing gun, so it could be eliminated as the gun used to kill Agent Cates. Sonny reminded Anna that people were presumed innocent until proven guilty. Jason agreed with Sonny. Moments later, Diane arrived.

Diane was not pleased to see Anna, and she wondered if Anna believed that Sonny would be “dumb enough to kill a federal agent.” Anna shared her theory about Sonny’s motive, but Diane pointed out that it was all speculation. When the police officers returned empty-handed from the back rooms, Anna asked Jason to accompany her to the police station. Diane objected because Jason had an alibi for the time of Cates’s murder. Anna claimed that she had hoped Jason would want to make a statement, since he’d known Cates since their teens. “I’m not going anywhere,” Jason said.

Anna was disappointed, but Jason insisted that he didn’t have any information to share. Diane reminded Anna that Cates had been obsessed with Sonny, not the other way around. Sonny freely admitted that he had hated “Jagger Cates,” and he was glad that the agent was dead. Diane made it clear that the visit was over. Just as Anna was about to leave, Michael and Kristina arrived. Concerned, Michael asked what was going on, so Sonny explained that Anna was on a fishing expedition. Anna told them about the missing gun. “Either of you take it?” Anna asked.

Michael and Kristina each denied any knowledge of the missing gun. Anna acknowledged that Cates had lost his way, but she vowed to bring his killer to justice. After Anna left, Diane advised everyone not to talk to the police without her present. Once Diane was gone, Sonny walked Jason to the hallway. “You know what to do,” Sonny quietly said. Jason nodded and left.

When Sonny returned, Kristina confessed that she had taken his missing gun. Sonny assured her that it was okay, but he wanted to know where it was. Kristina explained that Alexis had assumed that Kristina had intended to use the gun on herself, so Alexis had gotten rid of the gun.

At the police station, Dex approached Chase and asked for help writing a report. Chase asked about the search of Sonny’s penthouse, so Dex admitted that they hadn’t found anything. However, Dex revealed that one of Sonny’s guns had been missing. According to Dex, it had been odd because Sonny hadn’t seemed worried. Chase suggested that Sonny hadn’t been concerned because Sonny knew that Anna had been barking up the wrong tree.

Chase shared with Dex that Ric and Elizabeth had seen Alexis toss a gun off the footbridge over Blackstone Canyon. Dex realized they had two different avenues to investigate, but Chase reminded Dex that they didn’t know the caliber of the gun that Alexis had ditched. When Chase commented on Alexis’ lack of motive, Dex told Chase about Alexis’ heated exchange with Cates hours before the agent’s murder. “I remember thinking that lady would kill Cates if she could,” Dex said.

Later, Dex filled Anna in about Alexis being a person of interest in Cates’s murder. When Chase walked up, Anna asked Chase and Dex to keep her updated.

After Chase and Dex left, Jordan arrived with the hitman. Once Jordan had instructed a police officer to put the hitman in an interrogation room, she told Anna about the incident at the hospital. Anna and Jordan went to a computer to review the security footage from the airport when “John Doe” had arrived in town. Jordan quickly spotted the hitman following John Doe.

At Alexis’ house, Alexis asked Molly not to give up on Kristina. “Even though Kristina is determined to keep Irene all to herself?” Molly asked. Alexis gently explained that no one could have foreseen how hard the pregnancy would have been on Kristina. “She was not prepared,” Alexis said. Molly cut her mother off. “Stop. Will you please stop talking about how hard this is for Kristina?” Molly asked.

Molly insisted that she was done feeling sorry for Kristina, making excuses for her sister, and putting Kristina first whenever Kristina made a horrible choice and refused to take responsibility. “It’s not really fair,” Alexis said. Molly wondered if it was fair that her mother kept taking her sister’s side. Alexis denied it, but Molly scoffed and admitted that she had made peace with the knowledge that Alexis would always side with Kristina and lift Kristina up when Kristina was down, in ways that Alexis had never done for Molly.

“That’s not true,” Alexis cried. Alexis explained that Kristina was not in her right mind, and she was all alone and needed her mother. Upset, Molly insisted that Kristina would always need Alexis. Molly admitted that it was the reason that Molly knew she could stand on her own two feet. Alexis tearfully assured Molly that she wanted Molly to need her and to lean on her. “I can’t count on that,” Molly admitted.

Molly collected her things to leave, but when she opened the door, Dex and Chase were standing on the doorstep. Chase asked Alexis to accompany them to the police station to answer questions because Alexis had been seen disposing of a gun at Blackstone Canyon the night of John Cates’s murder. “And we need to know why,” Chase said.

At an undisclosed location, Jason wore thick rubber gloves as he dropped the gun used to kill John in a vat of acid.

Next on General Hospital

  • “How do you know Lucky Spencer?” Elizabeth asks Isaiah
  • “I’m all in if you are,” Drew tells Jordan
  • Brennan admits that he’s intrigued
  • Molly questions Kristina about the missing gun

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