I am a big girl!

I am a big girl!

Carly's in cuffs, Sonny is armed, Danny is happy, Molly is mean, Anna is cagey, Ava is seductive, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. Find out why everyone is acting the way they are in this week's Two Scoops!

Dear readers, when I heard Carly declaring that she was a big girl, I immediately knew it was all going to come crashing down. It was merely a matter of time until Jason's years of sacrifice to protect her were going to be for nothing.

But can we fault her? Carly has the same instinct to protect Jason that he has to protect her. Once she realized he had to play dead and stay away from his kids on her behalf, the guilt was more than she could live with. Jason said he did it so she could stay with her kids, but Carly's rage against John "Jagger" Cates got the best of her, and she thrust her hands out and told him to cuff her -- and he took her up on the offer. Oh, Carly.

Just for fun, when she said "I'm a big girl" this jingle started playing in my brain.

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To be honest, I am glad that she did it. A) I didn't want to spend weeks or months watching Jason in some prison gang in Poughkeepsie, and B) I can't bear seeing Danny so sad. Asher Antonyzyn has done a wonderful job portraying Jason's lonely son who is hungry for his dad's love and attention. Their connection on-screen is magical. Steve Burton's eyes well up every time he sees Danny, and it chokes me up, too. In those scenes, I see every dad who has to be away from their child due to military deployment, custody issues, etc. Jason has a deep blue regret in his eyes every time he looks at Danny. Meanwhile, every time Danny sees Jason, he lights up, like it's Christmas morning and he got the gift he asked Santa for. The two of them together are simply perfect.

Thus, Carly getting herself arrested means Danny will get to keep Jason. I am 100% Team Carly on this issue. She is correct that no judge and jury are going to send her to jail for that two-minute recording. I mean, I could sit here at my desk and record myself saying, "I am the head of the Corinthos organization." But that doesn't mean I am. She may go to jail for a day or two, but no doubt, Diane will get her out. Or, worst-case scenario, Sonny would go to jail to protect Carly himself, if only he wasn't off his meds. Who knows what he will do now -- he's volatile and unpredictable.

When Carly walked into the holding cell at the PCPD and Sonny was sitting there, I thought, "Who let him in?" But hey, I suspend my disbelief all day to watch GH. Sonny asked, "What happened?" and Carly whimpered, "You died." Still heartbreaking! The more Carly explained, the more Sonny's face tensed. It was like we were waiting for Old Faithful to erupt. You knew it was coming. And then, KABOOM!

Kudos to both Maurice Benard and Laura Wright -- after all these years of working together, they still make it seem fresh and new every time. When Sonny finally erupted, Carly flinched in fear, as if she had forgotten what it was like to live with him after four marriages. After watching soaps for decades, I can always tell when people start coasting into autopilot. But not these two. Never. Their scenes on Friday had just as much fire as the first time I saw them together on-screen.

What I am waiting for, though, is to see the first scene when Jason and Sonny are eye to eye now that Sonny knows the truth, Jason did everything to protect Carly. I want a big emotional bromance reunion, and I want it now! Hugging, regrets, apologies, and tears. All of it. Make it extra messy. Steve Burton and Maurice Benard are magical together, and we have rarely seen them in the same room since Jason returned. It's time!

Sonny is slowing unraveling, and I fear what he will do next. His best line was "He started with nothing, he has nothing, and he's going to die with nothing." Yikes! Sonny is off balance and thought everyone was his enemy, but now he is starting to realize that Jagger is the one that he should focus on. The last thing he needs is for another lifelong nemesis to show up in town. So...hey, did you hear that his estranged brother Ric Lansing is coming home? Oh, this is going to get juicy.

When I heard the fantastic news that Rick Hearst is coming back, I was delighted. I love Ric. I loved Ric with Alexis. I loved Ric with Liz (right up until he locked Carly in their panic room). https://youtu.be/XKTW2_YOofI?si=jTlynv5VxlS7G3A I have to wonder what the writers have in store for him. My best guess is either A) The fight between Molly and Kristina will heat up, and Ric will come to defend his daughter in a custody battle against Sonny's daughter Kristina, pitting Alexis between them. Or B) Ric comes to town to help Diane represent Sonny when he kills Jagger or Ava or Michael or Nina or whoever it is he's going to kill. But option A is far more likely.

Poor Kristina. She was trying to do the right thing by not outing her sister's business over the baby bump, and T.J. and Molly jumped to the worst possible conclusion and are about to attack her again. Seriously, they are so volatile.

Kristina used to be the problem child, but lately, Kristina has been very focused and levelheaded. It kind of bugs me that Molly doesn't see that. Did you ever watch This is Us? It was the best family drama to ever air on television, in my mind. In that show, there was one son of three siblings who was the messy child in his family. Over the course of the show, he grew and matured, but his siblings still treated him like he was a messed-up kid. It took until the last season before they acknowledged he had grown up. I am getting that same vibe with Kristina right now. She thought she was protecting Molly and T.J.'s privacy, but instead, they freaked out.

I understand why Kristina wouldn't sign the papers as Molly was shoving them in her face, demanding she sign on the spot, without reading them, without a lawyer to advise her -- would you sign a binding legal document under those circumstances? Not me. I need a minute. Readers, maybe it's just me, but I would be much more interested in this storyline if Haley Pullos were back as Molly. Isn't it nearly time for her to come home? As soon as she is free, I am ready to welcome her back to Port Charles with open arms. I'm a believer in second chances.

Speaking of second chances, Laura is about to get a second chance at motherhood, since two of her kids are coming home. Well, one for sure, Jonathan Jackson as Lucky -- and hopefully Lulu is going to wake up from her coma, too. We got a glimpse of her this week, so there is hope, but no official word. I wonder if they have Julie Marie Berman or Emme Rylan in their sights? I enjoyed them both and would be delighted to have either actress back.

But if Lulu wakes up, this will cause a great stir. 1) Valentin has run off with Charlotte, and Lulu would stop at nothing to track down her daughter. 2) Dante would have to decide if he wanted to stay with Sam or go back to his first love and Rocco's mom. If he chose Lulu, that would free Sam up to be with Jason again, and Danny could be happy.

Of course, Sam is nowhere near wanting to reunite with Jason, but what if Jason chose to stay on the right side of the law and not go back to Sonny? Is that even possible? I don't want him to be under Jagger's thumb, but if he wanted to become a P.I. with Spinelli or Anna and work some cases, I would be all in. Jason getting out from under Sonny's thumb has been fantastic. He's gotten to interact with other characters, and I like Steve Burton having a bit more freedom in the role. But it appears that he will have to go back to Sonny to save him. I do miss their bromance, but I want more for both of them.

Laura went to Anna, panicked that she cannot reach Charlotte or Valentin, and Anna lied convincingly that she knew nothing about it. Sources are saying that this break is just to allow James Patrick Stuart to film his next season of the Disney Plus show The Villains of Valley View and that he will be back in December, but as of the time of this writing, I have not been able to confirm. I certainly hope it's true because Valentin is my favorite. I really loved where things were heading -- that last day with Anna and Charlotte making peace and thinking that maybe they could get past this Pikeman debacle and find each other again. But alas, Disney calls.

Ava seems to have made a call to Disney, too, because she has found her new handsome prince, John "Jagger" Cates. Who thought he mob princess and the FBI agent would be smooching in Ava's suite? Well, revenge makes strange bedfellows. Ava wants custody of Avery, and Jagger wants to take down Sonny, so they are working together to each get what they want. I can't complain.

One reason I watch soaps is to watch two pretty people kissing each other. They are a very attractive twosome. I don't think I can call them a couple just yet, but I would love more scenes of them together. I adore Maura West and want her there forever, but I have been worried lately that Ava was going to get backed into a corner she couldn't escape from. Ava has already confided to Agent Cates that Sonny's meds were replaced with a placebo. Bold move, Ava.

I like Adam Harrington as Jagger, even though his character is doing things I wish he wasn't. But will he last? I am unsure at this point -- he has a target painted on his back, and if he doesn't realize that, he's a terrible FBI agent.

Speaking of agents, who sprung and erased Jack Brennan? Was it Valentin on his way out of town? Robert? Frisco? What don't we know, and who is helping Brennan disappear? I'm very curious about this storyline. At least Carly will be able to back up Anna that she visited Brennan at Pentonville, unless she's the one who helped him vanish. Side note, ever since I heard Brennan speak with that sexy Australian accent, I've kept suspecting Jerry Jacks will show up.

Now, just some sweet scenes I loved this week: Ned and Tracy. Wally Kurth and Jane Elliot have played mother and son for so long, and yet they look at each other with such tenderness in those scenes, I like to think they have a real, genuine affection for each other that shines through. Ned came to sit with his mom, knowing it was Luke's birthday and recognizing that, despite Luke's faults and their tumultuous relationship, Luke ended up being the love of her life. The only thing missing from all the Luke birthday reminiscing was... Laura. I've been watching a lot of old Luke and Laura on YouTube lately, and it's still so sparkly. I know some of the storylines are problematic, but that doesn't take away from the mad talent and fiery chemistry that Genie Francis and Anthony Geary had.

Michael was so desperate to help Carly that he actually went to his archenemy Nina for help. Michael wants an introduction to Senator McConkey to try to get an investigation opened on Jagger for his vendetta against Sonny and bullying Jason into helping him by blackmailing him about Carly. Michael agreed to peace with Nina and that he will give her credit for the save if it helps his mom get out of jail. There are too many people trying to fix this, so it's bound to blow up.

What will happen tomorrow dear readers? I feel like I need to file a missing person's report! Will Lulu finally wake up? Will Nikolas get out of prison before Carly goes in? Will Valentin be home for Christmas? Will Finn get out of rehab before Violet is 17? Will we ever see Jack Brennan again, or is he just another WSB spy who vanished forever? Will Charlotte come back or get ditched at boarding school again? Will Violet's mom, Hayden, return?

Will Jake come back after art school in Spain? Will Cameron ever come home on college break? Will Aiden appear again once Lucky comes to town? Will Luke turn up alive, since everyone talked about him on his birthday like Beetlejuice -- say his name three times, and he appears? (I wish. Make it so!) Will Roger Howarth be recast as a new character, or any of the old ones from Todd to Franco to Austin?

Will Erica Kane make an appearance? Will Kelly Ripa come to town, or will it be Hayley Vaughn? Will Ron Carlivati return to GH? Will Monica move into a condo in Florida and transfer ownership of the Q mansion to Tracy, or someone little and cute like Wiley? Will Sasha make Violet eat more ants? Will Michael keep making his ELQ employees attend Drew's political rallies?

Only tomorrow knows, dear readers, and I will tune in tomorrow as long as there are tomorrows.-- Tamilu

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