Give them the old razzle dazzle

Give them the old razzle dazzle

Couples are switching it up to help preserve custody of Wiley, but somehow, Nelle still has a horse in that race. Neil and Alexis are out of jobs because of each other, and now they might not have a relationship to show for it. And we've got more classic episodes to warm the cockles of our hearts. What is going on in Port Charles? Let's discuss it all in this week's GH Two Scoops.

Readers, you have probably noticed that the flashbacks are increasing. The new material is decreasing day by day, and I fear we are running out of original content at a very rapid pace.

No matter, I am glad we still have a show, and I will take the jigsaw puzzle episodes as long as they can keep them coming. Once we run out, we will get to view more classic episodes like our friends at CBS Daytime, where every day is a classic episode, and they're reminding viewers of beloved people and moments. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy watching the old episodes! It reminds me of why I started watching. I'd be thrilled if they showed some of the really old episodes, too.

For instance, I'd love to see Stone and Robin, B.J.'s death, Luke and Laura's wedding, a montage of all the Carlys, all the Luckys, or all the Nikolases. Any day of the week. Maybe we got the recent Oscar episode to remind us about him because Josslyn has basically forgotten about Oscar. She's thinking more about Dev, Trina, and Cam than she is about her long-lost love at this moment in time.

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Let's get to this week. Where do we begin? I'll start with one of my favorite characters, Spencer Cassadine. I love Nicholas Bechtel. When he first came on GH as Spencer, I was instantly smitten with him, and that's never going to change. He was an adorable child actor who got the best lines and delivered them with humor and wit beyond his years. In his most recent scenes, Nicholas Bechtel grew into a formidable young actor. He can easily hold his own with masters of the craft like Genie Francis, Maura West, and his dear old (not dead) dad.

Spencer's letter contained an ultimatum. Immediately upon hearing the text, I began imagining the scene where Spencer discovers Nikolas traded away their fortune to be rid of Ava. Imagine the day Spencer realizes he now has to live with "the townies." I'm already laughing.

I'm curious about how this will unfold. Will Nikolas and Ava ever become a couple? I think they'd be a great one if the writers would let them. Two wounded people raised by criminal families, straddling the line between good and evil and sometimes slipping over. But before that can happen, Ava would have to win over Spencer. Ava would have to tell Spencer that she was a vain and selfish woman. Ava valued her beautiful face over Spencer's father's memory. Ava would have to convince Spencer that she has changed. But has she? I have to ask because Ava having her portrait painted to hang in Wyndemere doesn't seem like a woman who is over the sight of her own face.

Ava and Franco are great friends, and when all of our couples are in turmoil, I wonder if the writers are trying to steer Ava and Franco together. Please don't. I love them as friends with a complex history.

This week, there was a lot of screaming. Ava and Nikolas, Liz and Franco, and all of the Davis girls screaming in each other's faces. Then Brook Lynn was yelling at basically any female she saw. Screaming with Carly and Nina and with Jax and Nina over Nelle. It made my head hurt. But I am chalking it up to the unplanned COVID-19 editing and assuming the writers didn't intend to give us an entire week of yelling.

I want to unpack some of those fights... Let us begin with Brook Lynn. She hates Lulu, Sasha, Maxie, and potentially Chase. Are the writers going to try out a Brook Lynn/Chase coupling? It appears they are using the old soap ploy of two people yelling at each other until they accidentally fall into a passionate kiss. But, no. Please don't. I know Chase and Willow are syrupy sweet and too kind to be real, but I like them, anyway. I want them back together.

My wishes are not in the cards, however. Wiley's custody hearing is supposed to start "tomorrow" -- or soap tomorrow, which might be another week. Who knows? That doesn't leave a lot of time for Willow and Michael to get married. Are they going to fly to Vegas tonight and get married in the Elvis chapel by a middle-aged dude in a rhinestone jumpsuit? Are they going to make Sonny get his online pastor's license and get married in Carly's kitchen with the incredibly large moss as the backdrop? If they are going to marry them off, they'd better hurry up. If they do marry, Willow will totally fall for Michael, just as Sasha predicted.

Brook Lynn socked Sasha in the nose. If I were Sasha, I would sue Brook Lynn for damage to my beautiful model face, under contract to Deception, and own ELQ shares by the end of the week. Wouldn't you love to see a rich bitch Sasha? I would. But let's rewind. Brook Lynn has been a menace since she got to town. Unless I blinked, we have yet to hear her sing a note, and the previous Brook Lynn honestly had a glorious voice. Does anyone know if Amanda Setton can sing?

I have tried to find her singing. I cannot. While I love her as Brook Lynn -- and she's been a great addition to the cast -- it seems odd to cast someone who doesn't sing as a wannabe rock star known for her golden pipes. Am I wrong? Can she sing? I would love to hear her. For fun, and to give reference for those of you who weren't around for the last incarnation of Brook Lynn, here's a great little video clip to bring you up to speed. Also, notice Brook Lynn did not dress like a CEO back then? But you already know my opinion on her wardrobe.


The biggest shouters this week were the Davis girls. The fight between Kristina and Sam was epic. For me, any scene with Lexi Ainsworth in it is a good scene. Readers, do you think she was right about what she said to Sam? Are Sam and Jason danger junkies? Does Jason care more about Carly and Sonny than he does about Sam? I mean, Kristina's observations weren't that far off.

I'm beyond bored with Sam trying to lure Jason to sneak to see her, and on this topic, I am Team Kristina. Just stop. Either A: get a lawyer and appeal the decision legally, or B: suck it up and wait out the time, so you don't end up back in jail. Has Sam ever heard about military couples that are separated for months and years due to deployment? If they can do it, she can too. It is possible. Hard, yes, but possible.

The big Davis girl cliffhanger on Thursday was that Alexis has been disbarred...again. Seriously, how many times is this? So now, both she and Neil are unemployed. Great going, guys.

Do you know who does have a job? Nelle. And she has a boss that is trying to be supportive of her. Is it a maternal bond? We don't know yet, but we suspect. If Nina is Nelle's mom, can it heal them both? If Nelle knows she was loved and wanted by her mother (but stolen), would that change her? If Nina discovered that her daughter was a wounded mess because of what Madeline did to them both, would they be able to "fix" each other? I think that could be a fantastic storyline.

But Jax might not accept Nelle, which means he and Nina would crash and burn. Then she could go back to Valentin, which is what I want, anyway. Put them back together.

What will happen tomorrow, dear readers? Will T.J. find out about Molly's one-night stand with Brando, since half the town knows about it now? Will Robert find out that Peter paid a thug to "distract him" and that he may be involved with Holly's death? Will anyone attend Cyrus' dinner party? Will Franco start tagging CO77X on things again for some quick cash? Will Neil and Julian keep fighting over Alexis, and if so, how long will it take for Julian to crush him like a bug?

Will Liz forgive Nikolas for Spencer's sake so they can be the Two Musketeers? Will Carly decide to mentor Nelle if she gets custody of Wiley, since they are precisely the same? Will Mike be able to remember anything else, or is this the end? Will Dr. Obrecht show up via Skype from The Hague to testify against Nelle? Will Mac's detective work lead him back to Jordan and get her kicked out of the PCPD? Will we run out of shows before the month ends?

Only tomorrow knows, dear readers, and I will tune in tomorrow as long as there are tomorrows. (And this time, there might not be for a little while due to the production stoppage. But keep checking in because we might have some creative ideas for the writers for when our shows are back on the air!)Tamilu

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