Soaps in the time of real-life drama

Soaps in the time of real-life drama

The real world has gone madder than the soap world, but I'm still thankful for the distraction the loony citizens of Port Charles provide. Aren't you? Let's discuss in this week's GH Two Scoops.

Dear readers, usually, it's the soaps that provide us the kind of intense and unthinkable drama that's playing out in real time on our TV news reports right now. A global pandemic. Deaths worldwide. For instance, Tony Jones died during an encephalitis outbreak at General Hospital. Pandemics are the things of cheesy sci-fi movies and soap operas, not real life. At least until now.

Before all the quarantines, I went on a cruise a couple of weeks ago to celebrate my wonderful husband's retirement. I'm so happy we went. As of this moment, all the major cruise lines have ceased operation, and who knows when they will be sailing again? But it's not just the cruises. All the major sports leagues have suspended their seasons. Concerts and events are canceled. States are closing down their schools, and bringing it back on track -- GH has suspended production until mid-April to ensure their cast and crew stay safe.

We will still have new episodes for a bit because they film a few weeks in advance, but who knows how long this will last and when production will resume? Right about now, I am glad I subscribe to Netflix, Hulu, and Disney Plus.

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Both of my daughters are now on lockdown with their kids, as all the schools have closed in Ohio. Store shelves are bare, and all of the hoarders in America are saying "Who's laughing now?" I would love to hear how this is impacting you in your community. Will you please write and tell me?

But back to GH...where do I even begin! Okay, let's start here. Wow, is Molly ever going to feel guilty for rebuffing T.J. when she learns he has been kidnapped and beaten. If she had just said "yes" to his proposal, they would have had a lovely dinner and some Champagne and gone home to make love. Instead, while he was off moping and licking his wounds, he was kidnapped and beaten. You suck, Molly!

After the reveal yesterday that Harmony was working for Cyrus and that he now has Jordan under his thumb, too, I am hoping Jordan caves and works with Sonny and lets Jason whack Cyrus in prison. He's not even a fun villain like Faison or Helena. He's just a murderous creep.

I also hope that Taggert isn't really dead and that Sonny has him holed up in some safe house somewhere and that Sonny's mob doctors are treating his gunshot wounds. It seems absurd to me that GH would bring back the extremely popular Rel Andrews and make Taggert be Trina's Daddy just to kill him off. Here's hoping there's a soapy plot twist ahead. Some of my readers have indicated that they think Trina's real dad is Curtis, since Trina's mom and Curtis were giving each other knowing looks, but I hope they are wrong. Gimme more Taggert.

I also hope everyone who thinks Nelle will get custody of Wiley is wrong. Here's what I think...Michael will have to marry Willow. She is definitely "a combination of Mary Poppins and Snow White." While Michael loves Sasha, she has a shady past and will not be prime "mom" material in a court of law. Willow, on the other hand, already has a deep bond with Wiley and no scandals in her past. If that happens, I see Michael, Willow, and Wiley becoming a family, and Chase and Sasha being left in the dust. But this is GH, and they will never let two basically good, kind people be in a relationship together forever. Anyone remember Sabrina?

Okay, readers, there was a time I was rooting for Peter/Heinrik, but no longer. He went and messed with my Liesl Obrecht. I think Kathleen Gati is one of the best casting decisions GH ever made. I adore her. Liesl started out as pure villain but truly has changed and grown into an imminently loveable character. Is she still rough around the edges? Indeed. She's the comic relief, and dear God, we need that right now. I was disappointed that Franco didn't believe her yesterday. Like deeply disappointed. She has been loyal to him through everything, and I thought he would have her back, too. He didn't.

Her only hope now is Britt. I was so happy when she showed up on canvas to lend a shoulder to Brad. I hope we get to keep her for a while. She has her medical license back, and God knows GH needs more doctors. Don't forget that Britt has a history with Prince Nikolas, too. An Ava/Britt showdown could be so much fun. Spencer loved Britt, too -- maybe her presence will be the thing that brings him home?

A couple of weeks ago, I was so mad at Brad, and now I feel sorry for him. I want Nelle to pay, and the fact that she is roaming free while Brad rots in jail makes me crazy. Isn't Brad supposedly from a mob family, too? Why doesn't he call in his mob connections and get Sonny and Julian to back down?

Readers, I am jonesing for Peter to pay. He might be trying to be a better man, but he is failing. If you commit crimes to cover up your old crimes, you have not evolved. Maxie is being so dense. I just want Spinelli to yell "Levi Dunkelman" loudly at her face. She knows Spinelli has her best interests at heart and genuinely loves her -- I don't understand why she is so unwilling to just hear him out. When the truth finally comes out and Peter is found to be the bad guy that he is, I want Anna to be left cold and alone, thinking about how dumb she was, and to discover that Peter was Alex's son and not hers and that she lost Finn for nothing. I want Finn and Violet reunited with Hayden, anyway, so that all works out in my dream scenario.

So, readers...what do you think about Britt and Julian? One-night stand or the beginning of a relationship? Do we need to come up with a hashtag-smooshed-name for them? Is she only sleeping with Julian to get dirt on him for Brad? It's hard to tell with Britt.

Now for some snark. Who dresses Brook Lynn? I swear, her Grandma Tracy gets more stylish outfits than she does. Amanda Setton is a doll, and I don't understand why they are dressing our budding rock star so frumpy and conservative. She's bohemian. She's creative. She is not business casual, but they always have her in sensible shoes and blazers. Stop. Let the girl look like the rock star that she is!

Here's a discussion topic. GH has done a lot of virus storylines over the years. Do you think they'd be wise to avoid another one or would a realistic coronavirus story be an impactful representation of real life? Do we want soaps to mirror real life right now or call back Casey the Space alien and live in fantasy world?

What will happen tomorrow, dear readers? Will we still have GH to watch after April? Will Wiley go through five more sets of parents? Will widow Nelle marry Valentin? Will Trina's mom ever explain why she hates Ava so much but is totally fine with active mobster Sonny? Will Jordan cave to Cyrus, get killed off, and put Mac back in charge of the PCPD? Will Brook Lynn sell her ELQ shares to her skeevy manager who will in turn sell to Valentin? Will she use money from the sale to buy herself some rock star clothes? Will Anna apologize to Liesl when she realizes it's her sketchy son who did the dirty deeds? Will anyone ever notice Kevin and Aiden are both missing?

Only tomorrow knows, dear readers, and I will tune in tomorrow as long as there are tomorrows.Tamilu

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