General Hospital Recaps: The week of November 23, 1998 on GH

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General Hospital Recaps: The week of November 23, 1998 on GH
General Hospital Recaps: The week of November 23, 1998 on GH

Comprehensive daily recaps for General Hospital, dating back to 1996.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of November 23, 1998 on GH

Monday November 23, 1998

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by Soap Central

AJ went to the cottage to visit Carly and wassurprised to learn that Robin had left town. AJ tried toget on Carly's good side and offered to help her anyway that he could, but Carly saw through his attemptat friendship. After AJ left, Carly assured Jason thatshe would never let the Quartermaines get their hands on Michael and gave Jason afriendly hug. Jason then listened as Carly told Michael a fairy tale based on her own lifewith Jason. AJ returned home and Edward was impressed by his plan to split up Jasonand Carly in order to get Michael. Simon cashed in his winnings and exited the casinowith V. Jerry arrived and Julia updated him about Jax and V's scheme. Meanwhile, Simonbecame amorous with V in his hotel room. Jax had a bottle of champagne sent to Simonand followed the bellboy when it was delivered. Unable to stop Simon's advances, V hithim over the head with the champagne bottle. Jax arrived and found V and anunconscious Simon. Jax told V that Simon had been cheating and Jerry then arrived.After V accidentally clobbered Jerry with the champagne bottle, they formed a plan tomake Simon think he had slept with V and allowed her to use his funds to gamble. Alexisand Julia played cards and Alexis refused to be bothered by Julia's interest in Ned. Later,Ned and Alexis got romantic. Katherine pulled away from Nikolas' kiss, but wasobviously attracted to him. Monica and Bobbie argued about Carly's abilities as a mother.Bobbie defended Carly and told Monica she had better find a way to get along with Carlyif she wanted access to Michael.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of November 23, 1998 on GH

Tuesday, November 24, 1998

by Soap Central

Today's recap was provided by Lauren Edwards

Jax and V are back at the gambling tables when Simon comes in and takeshis chips back that V took from his last night while he was stillunconscious. V reproaches him about taking gifts back that he had given.Jax calls him on his honor. Ned and Alexis jump in to razz Simon and his"holdings". V continues to embarrass him. Jax invites Simon to join themat the tables. Tao approaches the group and reminds them that tonightthe stakes are going to be high - 1 million-dollar bets. Ned decides notto join the group at the tables; he wants Jax to shine tonight. He andAlexis head off to their suite. Meanwhile, Jax and Simon play, and Simonproclaims that he has won. Jax graciously accepts that, but tells Simonthat he wants to deliver his ante personally. He walks over to Simon,shakes his hand, and tells him that he believes that Simon won, but hedid so by cheating. Jax pulls an Ace out of Simon's sleeve for everyoneto see. Simon tries to apologize to everyone at the tables, but nobodyis buying it. Tao asks Simon to leave and Jax requests that he beallowed to stay and to continue playing with him but this time with anew deck and a new shoe. As the dealer is preparing the table, Jax and Vhave a private conversation in the corner. V is worried about Jax andthe stakes he's playing with. Jax tells V that he finally feels aliveagain and wants to continue playing.

Bobbie and Luke have a little tte--tte on the docks when Stefan andTony show up. Bobbie tells Luke about Jerry's offer to go to theCaribbean but then Jerry backed out. She's worried Tony using herrelationship with Jerry against her in a custody battle for Lucas.Bobbie is upset about how Tony seems to be sucking up to everybodytrying to convince them that he is a new changed man. Even Monica isconsidering bringing him back on staff at GH. They start to make fun ofTony. Bobbie can not stand to sit there without fighting with Tony. Shegets up to antagonize him. She berates Stefan for befriending Tony. Shetells Stefan that he had one redeeming quality left and that was hislove for Nikolas. After raising Nikolas, how can he help Tony try todestroy her son Lucas. Stefan tells Bobbie that he doesn't have anydesire to become involved in another Spencer dispute. Luke approachesStefan and throws a couple of barbs at him also until he and Tonyleaves.

While Bobbie and Luke are on the dock bench cutting it up, Tony andStefan stand off to the side in a private conversation. Tony reports toStefan that he recently had lunch with Stefan's mother. Tony tells himthat she's worried about Katherine's health. Apparently part of herspeedy recovery included using new drugs that might have causedneurological damage. Stefan tells Tony to stick with it; his expertisemay be needed as a neurologist.

Felicia shows up at the station to see Mac and they go round and roundagain about Felicia's "office" on Courtland St. Felicia reassures Macthat she can cover her own back. As she's leaving, Taggert comes in. Macjumps his case about keeping his eye on Felicia and this time notgetting caught. Taggert tells Mac that he will get on it as soon as he'sthrough speaking with Liz Webber.

Liz and Lucky discuss the reasons why they've been called to the policestation. Liz thinks it's good news, like maybe Tom has confessed toraping her. Lucky is not as optimistic. Lucky tries to convince Liz togive it up; not to hope for a confession. Liz continues to hope thatit's good news. Maybe Tom slipped up and let out some information orsome other girl has come forward admitting to being raped by Tom likeLiz was. Taggert comes in and tells them about Emily's picture makingit onto the internet. They all commiserate about Emily's misfortunatewhen Emily waltzes in like a movie star. Emily tells the group that it'sridiculous that the press is supporting the poor little rich girl thatis being exploited. Nic tells them that Emily is the hottest thingaround right now. Taggert tries to tell Emily that she needs to keep allof this in perspective and stay focused on nailing Tom. The potentialjurors need to see Emily as a victim not as a celebrity. He also tellsthem that he wishes that they could keep Tom off the street for the restof his life, but that probably won't happen. Liz gets upset at hearingthis and demands Taggert to find additional evidence against Tom. Sheasks to speak to Tom alone. Lucky definitely does not approve of thatidea but Liz is insistent. She says that she needs to confront Tom againnow that she isn't frazzled. Lucky doesn't want Liz ANYWHERE near thisguy; he doesn't even want him on the same planet. Liz agrees, but thisis something that she needs to do. He took something away from her whenhe raped her and she needs to get it back. She needs to take charge. Sewants to stare Tom in the face and tell him what she thinks of him.Lucky finally relents and asks him he can be with her but Liz says sheneeds to do this alone. Liz tells Taggert that she wants to see him.Taggert goes off to see if Tom agrees to it and comforts them by tellingthem that although he won't be able to hear what is being said, he willstill be in the room with Liz.

Felicia heads back to Courtland Street to meet with Alan and his drugdealer. Alan introduces Felicia as "Fern" but can't introduce the dealerbecause he doesn't know his name. Felicia reminds Alan that he should beat work. Alan's a little weary about leaving Felicia alone with thisguy, but he does. Felicia tells the dealer that she's a party girl andthat her husband isn't. She wants to make some new friends to party withand was hoping that he could introduce her around. The dealer ain'tbuying that. He gets up up to leave, but before doing so, he gives herhis pager number. The dealer leaves; goes to the docks where he meets upwith Moreno. He tells Moreno about Felicia and that he recognizes her atthe police commissioner's wife! Moreno is delighted with this newinformation.

Liz confronts Tom in jail. They have the glass partition between themand must use the phone to communicate. Tom starts it off by telling herhow nice it is to see her and that she looks wonderful. Liz bites intohim about what a scumbag he is, and how he terrorized her every wakingmoment but he can't hurt her again. He has no power over her anymore.Tom tells her that she disappoints him. Liz tells him that she is notgoing to listen to him. She came to tell him something and that's it.Tom continues to taunt Liz by telling her that he considered her"special". That she likes to be considered special and that's why shewore that pretty red dress. Liz catches on to what is being said andtries to use it as evidence, but Tom quickly back out of it saying thathe was using his imagination that he never saw her. He continues totaunt her even saying the phase "not a word" over and over again. Lizflees the room in tears and runs right into Lucky's arms. Lucky holdsher and comforts her. They leave the police station and head for thedocks. Liz has calmed down but is still adamant on fighting Tom incourt.

Back at the docks, Stefan and Tony have left but Bobbie and Luke areleft. They start to talk about Luke and Stefan. Bobbie tells Luke notto let Stefan into their marriage. To think of his kids. Keep focusedon what really counts, his marriage and his kids.

Ned and Alexis are in their suite spreading "chips" all over the bed.They flirt for a bit and then begin to make love. Jax and Simon continueto gamble. When Jax comes up short in funds, he pulls Brenda's rubybracelet out of his pocket and adds it to the pile. Everyone recognizesit as being Brenda's. They draw cards. Simon stands but Jax takes ahit. We don't see the cards...

General Hospital Recaps: The week of November 23, 1998 on GH

Wednesday, November 25, 1998

by Soap Central

Liz has a baseball cap pulled over her eyes so that she can't see andLucky is leading her by the hand. Liz says that she knows he wantstheir destination to be a surprise and she is sure it is going to beworth it, but if she feels one more spider web the hat is history.Lucky tells her to count to ten slowly and they will be there. Luckyleads her into Luke's club and pulls off the hat as Liz reaches ten.Liz is surprised to discover that the club is empty. Lucky explainsthat it was closed for inventory, but he reopened it. He tells her thathe saved the best table for them and leads her to a table set withcandles and a single red rose.

Jerry arrives at Bobbie's doors with flowers and an apologetic look.Bobbie sees him and slams the door in his face.

Jax, V, Ned and Alexis are celebrating on a private flight home. Theylaugh as they count the stacks of money that Jax has won. Jax says thatthey can't help but be happy. He is, after all, the man who broke thebank at Monte Carlo! He jokingly apologizes for his boorish displays ofaffluence, but it's been a while since he has been among the nuveauriche. Ned suggest that Jax use the money to purchase GuthrieTechnologies. Jax politely declines, but hands Ned some cash for hispart in the whole charade. As V, Ned and Alexis talk, Jax stares atBrenda's bracelet and thinks back to how he broke the bank. UsingBrenda's bracelet as a wager, he beat Simon Prentiss in one last hand.

Jerry is determined to make it up to Bobbie so he sets up a candlelightpicnic outside the door of the Brownstone and tries to persuade her tojoin him. She is still furious with him for canceling their Caribbeanvacation at the last minute with little or no explanation. As he triesto explain, she goes back into the house and slams the door in his faceagain. He sits on the steps and says that he will wait all night if hehas to. He then proceeds to build a small fire in a garbage can lid tokeep warm while he waits. Looks like he is settling in for a longnight.

Lucky and Liz are at Luke's club where Lucky is serving Liz a drink froma tray from "the private cellar". She thanks him and teasingly tellshim that it is a good year for carbonation. He smiles asks her to guesswhat he has made for dinner. She is surprised that he has cooked forher. She can't imagine what he has made so he tells her to wait whilehe goes to get it. As he goes to the kitchen, he asks her if this iswhole dinner thing is really all right with her since he didn't checkwith her first. She tells him that there is no place in the entireworld that she would rather be, which of course brings a smile toLucky's face. He tells her that was a damn good answer and leaves toget their dinner.

Lucky carries two plates from the kitchen and sets them on the table.Liz smiles and comments that the ribs and cheese fries look delicious,so professional. He has outdone himself. Still smiling she asks Luckyif he used a recipe. He tells her that he had one, but he likes to justlet the meat tell him what to do. When Liz looks skeptical, heconfesses that he ordered the ribs from the restaurant down the street,but hey, he made the cheese fries. She asks if he peeled the potatoesand everything so he confesses that he didn't make the fries either, buthe did melt the cheese on top. Liz laughs and says that she thinks itlooks perfect as she picks up a rib and takes a bite. They reminisceabout the first time they ate ribs together. Liz says that sheremembers it like it was yesterday, but so many things have happenedsince then. Lucky asks if she thinks she has changed. Liz says yes,she is more careful, she takes things more seriously, but when she doeshave fun, she enjoys herself more than ever. She asks Lucky how he haschanged. He says that the biggest change for him is when he is aroundher. Liz asks what the change is and Lucky tells her that he's happy.

Bobbie finally relents and goes outside to talk to Jerry who is lookingpretty pathetic with his garbage can fire and his now cold dinner infront of him. She dumps water on his fire and tells him not to botherexplaining or making any promises. Just go and take his bribes withhim. Jerry asks her to please listen. Jax needed him. He had to gohelp his brother, to show him he still cares and to maybe, eventually,win him back.

V tells Ned and Alexis how Jax uncovered Simon's cheating by pulling thecard from his sleeve. Jax arrives as V finishes her story saying thatsome people use anything to their advantage. Like some people who wouldbuy a plane from a competitor who has gone bankrupt. Ned realizes Jaxis referring to the plane they are in and says that ELQ bought it froman auction. Jax says that the plane was seized from him by thegovernment. They are interrupted by the pilot telling them to taketheir seats in preparation for landing. As they sit, Jax tells V thatwhen the plane lands, he doesn't want her to get off. They have somebusiness to discuss.

Jax tells V that he wants her to share in his winnings, it's only fair.V tries to decline saying that she helped him out of friendship, shenever expected any money. Jax says that she should enjoy the way thingsturned out. V says that she is declining his generous offer and excusesherself because she has been on this plane long enough.

Jerry continues to plead his case to a still angry Bobbie who says sheis actually glad that it turned out this way. Taking Lucas out of thecountry probably wouldn't have helped her custody battle. Jerry offersto take them on another trip to make up for the one that was cancelled.Bobbie says that he can't win her back with plane tickets. She askswhat kind of help Jax needed. Jerry explains that he received a callfrom Julia Barret telling him about Jax's trip to Monte Carlo. WhileJax refused his money, Jerry was able to help in another matter. Jaxstill hates him, but maybe a little less. He can't tell her that thiswon't happen again. If Jax needs him, all bets are off. Bobbiecomments that they just found something else they have in common.

Ned and Alexis arrive at Alexis' door and are reluctant to say goodbyeto each other after their wonderful trip to Monte Carlo. They finallyagree to get back to their real lives and give each other one final kissgoodbye. Alexis shuts the door and turns around to discover Luke lyingon her sofa. He greets her with a "hello hotlips, killed anyone while Iwas away?" Alexis demands to know what he is doing there and is angry todiscover that he has left her room a mess. Luke asks about her trip,but Alexis says that she doesn't find this amusing. Ned doesn't knowabout their...reluctant alliance. She hears a knock on the door andthinks it might be Ned pretending to be the bellman. She hides Lukeunder a blanket and pillows from the couch, holding the one on his headjust a little longer than necessary. She opens the door to discover thebellman with her luggage. She tips him and quickly sends him on hisway. After he leaves, Luke crawls out from underneath the blankets andasks what he missed, and he already knows about Katherine's"resurrection".

As Lucky and Liz finish their dinner Liz asks if he is sad to be missingThanksgiving with his Mom and sister. Lucky says that he will a little,but he just didn't want to go to North Carolina. Liz says that sheknows it sounds really selfish, but she is glad that he didn't go. Shethanks Lucky for the dinner and for helping to take her mind off ofthings. She hasn't thought about Tom all night, well until now. Luckyreassures her that he will do whatever he can to help her. Liz says sheknows he will help her, she always feels protected when he is around.Lucky says he knows it sound strange, but he feels the same way when heis with her. Not that she would beat someone up or anything, althoughhe's seen her mad and he doesn't doubt that she could. It's just thathe grew up on the run. He guesses what he is trying to say is that hefinally feels safe with her. Liz says that he has no idea how much itmeans to her to hear him say that. Lucky tells Liz that he has aconfession to make. Something has been rolling around in his head forawhile and can't ignore it anymore. It's impossible for him to imaginewanting to be with anyone but her. He was kind of hoping maybe she'dconsider being his girl, officially. Liz, who has a huge smile on herface, says that she already is. Lucky asks if that is a yes. Liz saysyes! He stands up and offers her his hand. She asks what they aredoing and Lucky says dancing. She says that there isn't any music.Lucky asks her if she can't hear it. Listen. He then takes her in hisarms and starts to sing My Girl as they dance.

Bobbie tells Jerry that she understands his connection to Jax becauseshe felt the same way with Luke. On some level she has not problem withwhat he did, but a lot of her feelings are tied to Lucas. Jerrypromises to make it up to Lucas. Bobbie says that it isn't thatsimple. Considering the custody battle, anything Jerry does couldreflect on her. Jerry promises that he won't do anything to harm her orLucas. But he won't walk away from her tonight. He then gives her agift of a new dress that she agrees to go inside and try on. Lucas isat a sleepover so they have the house to themselves.

As they arrive home V tells Jax that she will return the clothes shedidn't wear, but Jax tells her not to bother. And he wishes that shewould reconsider his offer to share his winnings. V asks how much hewants to share with her and is stunned when Jax says 1 million dollars.V says that she can't take money from him for something that was prettymuch the best time she's ever had would be an insult to her parent'smemory. V finally agrees to take the equivalent of what she would havemade if she had invested the money she loaned to him. Jax agrees tosend her a check for the amount, but tells her to know there is also ablank check waiting for her whenever she needs it. He then says that hehas one more gift for her before he goes: the card that beat SimonPrentiss. He thanks "Isabella" as he hands her the four of spades andleaves.

Jax finds Ned on the ELQ jet when he returns to replace a magazine thatNed was looking for. He tells Ned that he is going to buy back the jetnow that he has regained his fortune. Ned says that it will cost himand Jax says that he can afford it.

Bobbie and Jerry are sharing a game of strip baccarat and a romanticevening. They kiss passionately as they laugh together about Bobbiebeing the better card player.

Liz and Lucky are smiling and laughing together as they dance to My Girlplaying on the stereo.

Luke tells Alexis that he is pretty sure that Stefan is working overtimetrying to figure out who loosened the parapet railing. Eventually hewill figure out that it was he and Alexis. Alexis points out thatframing Stefan was Luke's idea alone, and it won't be as bad as hethinks anyway. Stefan has been preoccupied with other things. Lukeasks if the distraction is his wife. Alexis says she can't deny thatLaura and Stefan have gotten friendlier, but it is strictly related toNikolas. Luke says that anyone who thinks it is strictly because ofNikolas isn't looking close enough. He tells Alexis to strap on herwater wings because the current is about to get swift.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of November 23, 1998 on GH

Thursday, November 26, 1998

by Soap Central

Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, ABC opted to rebroadcast Luke and Laura's wedding. This is part of a promotional campaignfor a new book from ABC Daytime about the greatest weddings in ABC Daytime history. You can order the book, among others, through Soap OperaCentral's bookstore.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of November 23, 1998 on GH

Friday, November 27

by Starla Gist

Due to the post-Thanksgiving holiday, General Hospital will not be shown today. Regular programming will resume onMonday where Wednesday's show left off.

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