General Hospital Recaps: The week of November 2, 1998 on GH

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General Hospital Recaps: The week of November 2, 1998 on GH
General Hospital Recaps: The week of November 2, 1998 on GH

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General Hospital Recaps: The week of November 2, 1998 on GH

Monday November 2, 1998

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by Soap Central

Jax comes home to a dark apartment and finds a plate of cookies and an open Nancy Drew book. When he turns on the light, he sees Julia waking up on the couch. I thought you were Brenda and had come home, he tells her. She apologizes for not being in touch sooner and tells him she just heard about his financial situation. Julia tries to offer Jax a $2 million check, but he refuses it both as a gift and a loan. He tells her that he's got a plan that should hopefully work. She tries offering him a job, but he tells her that he only thing he knows how to do anymore is love Brenda. She agrees to leave things be, and they reminisce about Brenda's fondness for "magic" lamps. After Julia leaves, Jax pulls out the lamp he once gave Brenda and stares out the window.

Carly tells AJ that he and the Quartermaine's are the reason she's stuck in Fern Cliff. Jason will take care of me and Michael, she says. AJ questions Jason's capabilities now that he's out of the organization. He offers to pull some strings for her. She tells him that she's learned from her past mistakes. I get you, AJ, Carly says. The way you take things is by stealing what doesn't belong to you--Jason is the one I'll call. AJ suggests she do just that. In fact, AJ says, I'm going to work with Jason on getting you released. Carly freaks and tells him not to say anything to Jason. I don't want him to think I told you to do that, she says. Dr. Evans interrupts them and cuts off the visit after seeing how upset Carly is. AJ leaves and Carly realizes what she's done. She tries to call Jason, but Dr. Evans returns and reprimands her behavior. The doctor leaves and Carly paces.

Meanwhile, at the cottage, Jason tries to rationalize Carly's behavior to Robin. When she suggests that he call Carly, he tells her he won't because it is exactly what Carly wants him to do. He tells her that he won't be pulled into any of Carly's schemes to use him. They cuddle for a while and give candy to trick-or-treaters. AJ shows up at the door.

Laura tells Stefan that she won't be ambushed again, even if the event is Nikolas' birthday. He suggests having a large party, so she won't feel uncomfortable. Stefan tells her stories of Nik's previous birthdays and how Nik used to stare at her portrait every year. She excuses herself and bursts into tears. Stefan finds her and tries to comfort her by saying that he and Nikolas no longer blame her for the past. We're free to be together again, he says. You can name the terms. She admits that she once loved him and that they never ended things between them when she left, but that it's not easy for her to hear how much he still loves her. I think we can still be happy, he says. She turns away. He respects her need to be alone, but before leaving, brings her coat to her and drapes it over her shoulders. They stare at each other.

Not a word, Tom says to Liz as she starts asking questions. She stares in horror at him as he admits that he was the one who raped her in the park. She tries to run away, but he catches her and throws her in the darkroom with Emily. Liz tells Emily that Tom was the one behind everything. They try to escape, but the door is locked. Liz goes into a trance in the corner, crying and muttering to herself. Lucky and Nikolas sneak into the studio and are about to leave when they hear Emily pounding on the door. They unlock the door and Emily rushes out. She tells them about Tom and points to Liz in the corner. Lucky carries her out of the darkroom as she tells him that Tom raped her. The four of them start to leave, but Tom shows up--with a gun. He makes Emily get his keys and tells them all to get back in the darkroom. Lucky refuses and starts taunting Tom about how weak he is, preying on young girls. Nikolas offers Tom $50,000 to leave, but Tom refuses. It's too late for that now, he says. You should've paid me when you had the chance. Lucky jumps on Tom, knocking the gun out of his hand. Nikolas and Lucky are wrestling Tom on the ground when Liz picks up the gun. She points it at Tom's head. Lucky and Emily try to rationalize with Liz, telling her he's not worth killing. Liz starts railing on Tom. That was a night of filth, she says. You aren't a man. He's a man and he's a man [she points at Lucky and Nik], but you aren't. I want people to know what you did. I want you to go to jail. Then maybe you'll discover something about rape, she says. Nikolas hands her Tom's cell phone. She dials. This is Liz Webber, and I'd like you to pick up a rapist, she says. Taggert arrives and takes Tom away.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of November 2, 1998 on GH

Tuesday, November 3, 1998

by Soap Central

General Hospital Recaps: The week of November 2, 1998 on GH

Wednesday, November 4, 1998

by Soap Central

Liz is asleep in Lucky's bed. As she slowly wakes up and looks aroundfor Lucky, he comes through the door carrying a brownie with a candle init. He smiles and wishes her a happy birthday.

Alan has cleaned himself up and is dressed in a suit. Tammy arriveswith a bag full of groceries. Alan asks her how he looks and she askswhat the occasion is. Alan tells her that he is going to try to find ajob. Tammy wishes him luck and he thanks her, for everything.

The Q's are having breakfast. Edward and Katherine enter the room withEdward grumbling that he cannot find his morning paper. Meanwhile,Emily has swiped the paper and is looking for any mention of the eventsof the night before. She doesn't want the family to know about theblackmail because they would never let her model again. Once she hassatisfied herself that there is nothing in the newspaper, she carriesthe paper into the room where the rest of the family has gathered.Edward sees the paper and asks her why she has it, did she get aparakeet? Emily says that he would be surprised to know that she likesto keep up on her current events. Monica says she is surprised, sincewhen. Emily asks if she isn't allowed to develop new interests. Monicasays certainly, as long as those interests don't keep her out pastcurfew. She would like an explanation. Emily looks uncomfortable asshe apologizes and explains that she was just out with friends, it wasnothing.

Nikolas knocks on his uncle's study door and offers to explain why hewas late last night. Stefan asks if that explanation will also clarifyhis new designation of Lucky Spencer as his brother. Nikolas says thatnothing has changed, Lucky has always been his brother. Stefan commentsthat Nikolas has never referred to him as such and asks why the suddenchange. Nikolas replies that he and Lucky made a decision to not lettheir families dictate how they relate to each other. Stefan notices acut on Nikolas' lip and ask if it has anything to do with his new foundharmony with Lucky. Nikolas says no, that it goes back to why he waslate. Emily was in trouble and he helped her get out. Stefan requestsdetails. Nikolas explains that Emily has been modeling and some pervertput her face on another woman's nude body and threatened to post thepicture on the internet if Emily didn't pay. Emily came to him for helpand together they went to Lucky and Liz. Stefan asks if it everoccurred to Nikolas to come to him. Nikolas says that it did, but hewas afraid that Stefan would go to the Quartermaine's and Emily didn'twant her family to know because she was afraid that they would make herstop modeling. Stefan reminds Nikolas that their arrangement was thathe would not have Nikolas guarded as long as he promised to stay out ofdanger. Nikolas replies that he didn't think there was any danger.Emily was being blackmailed, not kidnapped. Stefan says that anyone whowould extort money from a teenage girl is by definition a threat.Nikolas explains that he wasn't violent until they discovered anothermodel in New York who he also blackmailed. Lucky tracked her down andthey went to speak to her. They discovered an assistant who had workedat the other model's agency as well as Emily. They wanted to observethe assistant so Lucky and Liz worked as interns at Emily's agency andNikolas pretended to be interested in a modeling career. Stefan isshocked that Nikolas represented himself as wanting money for having hispicture taken. Nikolas explains that it was only to distract the agentso Lucky could get into his office. Stefan says of course, that shouldhave been obvious. Nikolas says that the good news is that they foundout that the blackmailer is Emily's photographer, they called the policeand now he is in jail. Stefan congratulates Nikolas who says that he isjust glad it's over. Stefan replies that this is far from over.

Lucky sits down on the bed next to Liz and tells her to make a wish.She asks him to hold her hand and then she closes her eyes, makes a wishand blows out the candle. Lucky tells her that she aced it, one wishcoming true. Liz says that she feels like it's already on the way. Shebreaks the brownie in half and gives some to Lucky. She tells him thatshe knows that they still have to go to the police station and givetheir statements and she'll probably have to ID Tom as her rapist, butin spite of all that, she has this feeling that today is going to be awonderful day. Lucky tells her that birthdays are like that. Liz tellshim that it could be the person she is sharing it with. Lucky suggeststhat they test that theory and leans in to kiss her. Just as they areabout to kiss, the phone rings. Bobbie is calling to talk to Liz. HerHIV test results are in and Bobbie thought she might want to know. Lizasks what they are, but Bobbie says that she didn't open them, they arefor Liz's eyes only. Liz says that she will come get them right away,but Bobbie offers to drop them off at Lucky's. As she hangs up thephone, Lucky asks if something is wrong. Liz says she hopes not, andthat there is something she didn't tell him.

Mac and Felicia are discussing the whole blackmail/rape. Mac tellsFelicia that the kids seem to be all right. He thinks they all,including the fearless Lucky Spencer, are counting their blessings andfeeling fortunate to be alive. Felicia is surprised that the newsdidn't make the paper. Mac says that he asked the press to keep itunder wraps until the kids had a chance to talk to their parents.Besides, it was so late when everything got sorted out that he decidedto wait until today to take the statements. Felicia rushes off to meetwith her editor and Mac leaves to go the police station. They agree tomeet later after Felicia's meeting.

Alan visits Tony at the clinic. He tells him that he has something hewould like to discuss. Tony sarcastically says that Alan is standing soit can't be cardiac arrest, and he isn't shaky so he must not need aprescription. He asks what Alan wants. Alan says a job. Tony askswhat kind of job. Alan says that he still has his medical license.Tony laughs and asks if he is joking or if he is just so stoned that hedoesn't know what he is doing anymore. Alan says his life is in ruinsand he needs to try to rebuild. Tony points to the door and tells himnot to leave his resume on the way out. Alan says that all he needs issomeone to believe in him. Tony tells him that those are the exact samewords he used when he begged Alan not to fire him from GH. He tellsAlan to go self destruct somewhere else. The clinic deserves better.

As the Q's continue their breakfast, Mac Scorpio arrives. Everyone issurprised to see him, except Emily who is horrified. Monica immediatelyassumes that something has happened to Alan, but Mac says that he isthere to see Emily. When Edward asks why, Mac is surprised that Emilyhasn't told them everything yet. Everyone looks expectantly at Emilywho reluctantly tells everyone not to go ballistic, but there have beensome crazy things going on in her life lately. It all started with anenvelope with no return address. Inside was a picture of her supposedlynaked. The family gasps collectively as she relays the events.

Stefan is furious with Nikolas' involvement in the scheme to findEmily's blackmailer. Nikolas defends his actions saying he was helpinga friend as Stefan has raised him to do. Stefan says if he wanted tooffer assistance, he should have hired a professional. Nikolas saysthat he wouldn't rely on a professional when it comes to people he caresabout. Stefan asks if he is deliberately being obtuse. He has noexperience with degenerates. He could have been killed. AdoptingLucky's brand of misplaced arrogance will get him in trouble everytime. Nikolas asks him to please drop it. They caught the guy, it'sover. Everyone is safe and the guy is in jail. Stefan says that heneeds Nikolas' assurance that there will not be another occurrence.Nikolas angrily accuses Stefan of being most angry that Lucky wasinvolved. He isn't worried about Nikolas, just his ridiculous feud withLuke Spencer. How would Laura feel if she knew that Stefan's hatred ofLucky is greater than his love for Nikolas. Stefan says that he doesn'thate Lucky and he doesn't hate anyone, including Luke Spencer, more thanhe loves Nikolas.

Lucky and Liz are sitting on Lucky's bed. Liz explains that she knewLucky would worry so she took the HIV test and didn't tell him. Sheasks if he is mad. He says hardly, but he hates the thought of thishanging over her head with no one to ease it for her. Liz says that witheverything going on lately, it wasn't that hard not to think about. Butnow, what if it is bad news. Lucky says that he knows she is scared,but since it is out of their hands, there isn't any point inanticipating the worst. Liz asks what she will do if she is HIVpositive. Lucky tells her to remember that she won't be alone. Hewon't abandon her no matter what, not ever. The first thing they woulddo is talk to Robin Scorpio, she's been there. She could help them out,give them guidelines. They'll handle this, he swears. They areinterrupted by a knock on the door. Bobbie has arrived with the testresults. As she walks in, Liz tells her that she told Lucky. As shehands Liz the envelope, Bobbie says that she expected she would. Lizopens the envelope and pulls out a sheet of paper. She looks at it andthen asks Bobbie what it means. Bobbie looks at the paper and tells herthat it is negative. They all breathe a sigh of relief and Lucky walksover and gives Liz a big hug. Liz asks why Bobbie didn't want her tocome to the hospital. Bobbie says that she knew it was Liz's birthdayand she figured the last place she would want to be is GH. Two morenegative tests and at least the medical part of Liz's ordeal will beover. Liz and Lucky then tell Bobbie about finding Liz's rapist.

Emily continues to explain how the blackmailer was caught. Suddenly Tomshowed up with a gun. Lucky and Nikolas started a fight with him and itfell out of his hands. Liz picked up the gun and they called thepolice. Katherine asks if Nikolas is all right. Mac explains that theywould have taken their statements last night, but he thought it would bebetter if they discussed it privately with their families first. Edwardsays that this is what happens when you flaunt your body in public.Emily angrily says that this has nothing to do with her modelingcareer. They should be happy that the picture never got on theinternet. Monica says that they are happy and they are also happy thatEmily is alive to tell about it. Emily tells Edward that she owesNikolas $5,000 for the ransom. Edward says if Nikolas was stupid enoughto squander his uncle's money, it isn't their job to compensate him.Lila asks why Emily didn't come to them in the first place. Emilyexplains that she didn't want to worry them because everyone was sostressed already about Alan. Edward says that he warned them this wouldhappen. AJ agrees with Edward that if Emily hadn't been modeling, thisnever would have happened. Lila interrupts pointing out that no one hasasked Emily how she is. Emily says she is fine and that she is ready togive her statement. Monica says that they can do it in the livingroom. Emily tells Monica that she would rather do it alone. Monicaasks why now that they know the whole story. Mac explains that theydon't know the whole story, the blackmailer has also been accused ofrape.

Nikolas asks Stefan if the ethical behavior that he has learned since hewas a child was all just theoretical. Stefan says that Nikolas couldhave been killed and that is unacceptable. Nikolas says that all he didwas help a friend and that as far as Lucky is concerned, he just wantsto include him in his life like Laura and Lulu. Stefan points out thatLuke has gone to great lengths to exclude Nikolas from his family withLaura and he will not duplicate that mistake. He reminds Nikolas toremember who he is. Nikolas assures him he won't and then excuseshimself to go to the police station. Stefan offers to accompany him,but Nikolas says he can handle it. Stefan agrees, after all, Nikolas isnearly a man. He tells Nikolas that he has been making arrangements forhis birthday celebration. A dinner party at Wyndemere. He took theliberty of inviting Laura and Lulu. Nikolas asks Stefan to add Liz,Emily and Robin to the list. Stefan agrees saying that it is Nikolas'party and he can invite whoever he wants. Nikolas says, in that case,add Lucky to the list too. He then leaves to go give his statement tothe police.

Tony arrives at Wyndemere to discuss reinstating his privileges at GH.Stefan reminds him that without Monica's support, any recommendation hegives will be worthless.

Tammy comes to Alan's room to celebrate his new job. When she finds outthat Tony turned Alan down, she tells him to save the cider for laterand to not use this as an excuse to pop pills. As she leaves for a"date", Monica arrives. Alan asks why she is there. She says that sheis there about Emily and she just thought Alan should know what wasgoing on. She explains the whole sordid affair with the blackmailer andpoints out that Emily was too afraid to come to her family because shedidn't want to upset them further after everything that was going onwith Alan. Alan wants to see Emily, but Monica refuses. He chose anaddiction over his daughter and she will not let him show somehypocritical concern for her now. She tells him to think about thatnext time he pops a pill. She tells him that until he is clean andsober, she really doesn't want to have anything to do with him. Aftershe leaves, Alan sits on the bed and picks up a pill bottle.

Liz and Lucky finish telling Bobbie how they caught the rapist. Liztells her how she had the gun pointed at Tom and she kept hearing himadmit that he raped her. She thought here was her chance to hurt him theway he hurt her. Bobbie asked why she didn't. Liz said that she washis victim once, and that was enough. Bobbie says thank goodness shehad the self control to stop before she crossed the line. Liz says thatshe could never kill anyone and now she gets to face her attacker incourt and put him in jail for what he did to her. As Bobbie prepares toleave, Liz comments that between her HIV results and catching herrapist, this is one of the best birthday she has ever had. Bobbiewishes her a happy birthday and tells Lucky to make sure Liz enjoys herspecial day. Liz says that before they go to the police station, shehas to do one thing, finish her brownie. She tells Lucky that all ofthe sudden, everything feels different. Like the first warm day after areally cold winter.

Nikolas arrives home from the police station to find Katherine waitingfor him. She heard what happened and she just wanted to see for herselfthat he was OK. Katherine comments that Emily didn't mention that hewas cut. She touches his lip and asks if it hurts. Nikolas says notanymore. Katherine asks if there are any plans for his birthday.Nikolas tells her that his uncle is hosting a dinner in his honor.Katherine jokingly says that her invitation must have gotten lost in themail. Nikolas explains that they are keeping it small. Katherine asksif they can have lunch next week, a celebration of their own. Nikolasagrees and Katherine says that she will call him next week.

As Alan angrily shoves the pill bottle into the drawer, Tony arrives athis apartment. Tony tells him that if he is still interested in workingat the clinic, he can start tomorrow. Alan asks why he changed hismind. Tony explains that he has asked for second chances before and itwould be hypocritical of him not to give Alan one. They drink the ciderto celebrate.

After Emily completes her statement, she comes to Monica and apologizesfor everything. Monica says that she knows Emily is sorry, but thequestion is how to prevent this from happening again. Edward interruptssaying that a decision has already been made. Emily must quit hermodeling immediately. Emily protests, but Monica agrees. Edward saysthat the decision has been made and some day Emily will thank them. AJtells her that he knows how she feels. Emily says obviously hedoesn't. Emily walks over to Ned and tells him that she is good atmodeling and she loves it. Ned says he knows, but there are otherthings she will be good at. Emily turns to Monica and says that this isexactly what she was trying to avoid. Monica says she knows and triesto hug Emily, but Emily shrugs her off and angrily leaves the room.

Felicia arrives at Mac's office and tells her that her editor hated herbook. The only parts she liked were the romantic ones. The only thingher editor thinks she is good at writing about is sex, and frankly, shethinks she is offended. Mac says that she can take that as acompliment. Mac tells her that she can regroup if she has to. Feliciasays that he is right, she isn't going to give up.

As Lucky and Liz prepare to leave for the police station, Lucky stopsLiz and tells her that he got her something else for her birthday,because he wasn't sure that the brownie would be enough. Liz smiles ashe hands her a small box. Liz opens the box and pulls out a charmbracelet. Lucky explains that the charm is to symbolize her future as apainter. Liz tells Lucky that she loves it. She thanks him and tellshim it was very thoughtful. As she hands the bracelet to Lucky so he canput it on her wrist, he asks if she is sure, because he could havegotten her a more expensive gift, but... Liz interrupts him and tells himthat he doesn't have to buy her expensive gifts. Just being with him isthe best present she ever had. As he puts the bracelet on her wrist, wehear Lucky singing Liz and we flash back to the boxcar when heserenaded Liz. The flashbacks continue. Liz cooking the awful dinnerfor Lucky, Lucky and Liz waltzing in the garden at Wyndemere, Luckygiving Liz her bear when they were living under the docks, Liz pluggingin the blender and splattering Lucky with brownie mix while they werehiding out in the department store, Liz and Lucky getting into a paintfight in the boxcar, Liz and Lucky dancing in the photo studio, Liztripping into Lucky's arms while climbing down from the boxcar, thefirst kiss, Liz and Lucky dancing at the No Name. Back in the presentLiz and Lucky kiss as the song ends.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of November 2, 1998 on GH

Thursday, November 5, 1998

by Soap Central

Felicia is sitting under her pyramid working on her novel. She tellsMac that she has writer's block ever since her meeting with her editor.Every time she tries to start writing again she keeps seeing hereditor's face telling her to write what she knows. Mac suggests shechange her novel into a romance novel. Felicia gets angry and tells Macthat if people want to read about sex, all they have to do is pick upthe newspaper and she wants to write a witty urban detective novelbecause that what she wants to write. She tells Mac he is helping heragain and not to do that.

Ned arrives at Jax's asking when they are going to Monte Carlo. Hewants Jax to divert V because she keeps following him around trying toget him to become Eddie Maine again. Jax teasingly asks if that isn'tthat the whole point of being a rock star, so woman will follow youaround. Ned says that he is not a rock star, he is a CEO. Ned begs Jaxto keep her busy. Use his imagination. Have her practice baccarat,find the missing letters in her name, whatever, just do something. Vknocks on the door and as Jax lets her in she sees Ned and immediatelydemands that he hold still a minute so she can make him a star.

Bobbie arrives at the garage to talk to Jason. She tells Jason that shehas watched him with Michael since the day he was born. He is verycareful with him. Some people might even say he is over protective.She just knows that he would never set him out in the middle of thenight unless he felt that Michael was in some kind of danger or about tooverhear something he shouldn't. Jason says that he doesn't wantMichael when he and AJ are fighting. Bobbie says she understands, butshe thinks he is not only mad at AJ, but mad at Carly. Jason says thathe isn't angry at Carly. Bobbie is surprised that Jason is not upsetthat Carly wanted to see AJ. Jason says that he knew as soon as AJasked to visit, that Carly would see him. Carly is going to use whoevershe can to get out of Ferncliff. This is her way of threateningJason. She is saying get me out of here or I'll go to theQuartermaines, but he knows she won't because she knows that the onlyway the Q's will help her is if they get custody of Michael. She isdoing what she always does, you just have to know how to stop her.

Tony goes to GH to see Monica. He inquires about Emily and says he issorry to hear about all of the trouble she had at the modeling agency.Monica says that she is sorry that he knows about it and asks where heheard. Tony takes great pleasure in telling her that he heard it fromAlan when he visited him at his new place. He tells Monica that he gaveAlan a job at the clinic because everyone deserves a second chance.Monica is shocked that Tony offered a job in a medical facility to adrug addict. Tony points out that Alan's responsibilities and patientcontact will be limited. Tony sensed a desperate man when Alan came tosee him. Monica can't help wondering what's in it for Tony. Tony sayshe makes no secret of his wish to be reinstated at GH. And Monica can'tfault him for trying to rehabilitate himself. In fact, Stefan Cassadinesaid that he would support Tony if Monica agreed. Monica asks why shewould ever agree. Tony replies that he is going to prove to her that heis still a good doctor by curing the sickest man he knows, Alan.

Bobbie asks Jason to explain to her how Carly thinks, because he is theonly person on earth who seems to understand. Jason says that Carlythinks about herself and she wants what she wants. There's nothingwrong with that except that she does a lot of damage to get what she'safter. That's what happened with Dr. Jones. He always treated her likea jerk, and Carly knew it, but it was important to her to be in lovewith Dr. Jones. Bobbie asks when Carly told Jason about her. Jasonsays when Carly left Tony and came to him. Bobbie says that she came toask Jason to be patient with Carly, but instead Jason is explaining herdaughter to her. She wishes that she could accept Carly the way Jasondoes. Jason tells Bobbie that Carly loves her. When he visited her atFerncliff, Carly told him that Bobbie told her she loved her and she isstarting to believe it. Bobbie says that that is progress. Jasonagree, especially since when Bobbie found out Carly was her daughter shesaid that she would never see Carly or Michael again. Jason says thathe never acts without thinking. He is going to get Carly released andback to Michael. Bobbie says that Carly is lucky to have Jason and shemight even realize it. Jason says he will let Bobbie know how his visitgoes.

V asks if Ned wants L&B to succeed. He says of course he does, he ownsit. V asks how without a viable recording artist. Ned tells her to gofind one. V says to be reasonable, she has a studio full of musicianswaiting for him. She turns to Jax and asks what business Ned has withhim, she didn't see his name on Ned's calendar and she should knowbecause she cleared it. Jax admits that he has no business with Ned andthat Ned came over to get away from V. Ned sarcastically thanks Jax andoffers to put a knife in his back whenever. Ned reluctantly agrees todo the demo if Jax and V agree to join him and Alexis at the"countess's" next trial run at dinner tomorrow night. They agree andRobin arrives as V is dragging Ned off to the recording session. Robinasks Jax if he is interested in lunch. Jax comments that Robinremembered too, the anniversary of his and Brenda's second wedding.

Liz, Lucky, Emily and Nikolas are together at the police station. Lizand Lucky have just finished giving their statements and they are allpreparing to leave. Liz comments that giving her statement felt good.Now Tom is one step closer to going on trial. Lucky tells Liz that shewas great in there, solid, very believable. Liz says that she was verynervous, but Emily tells her that nobody could tell. Nikolas agreesthat they were both pretty brave. Liz says that she hates to keeprepeating herself, but she can't thank them all enough for being soendlessly supportive. Emily tells them she is really grateful for allthe help in tracking down her blackmailer. Lucky points out that ifNikolas and Emily hadn't come to him and Liz for help, they never wouldhave found out that Tom was also Liz's rapist. Nikolas says that it washis pleasure and that they can return the favor by attending a birthdayparty that his uncle is throwing for him tomorrow night, all of them.Lucky looks up with surprise and asks if that includes him. Nikolascasually says why not, Lesley Lu will be there so you might as well betoo. Lucky says well if Lulu is going to be there then why not. AsEmily and Nikolas leave, Liz turns to Lucky and says she thinks thatthat deserves a "wow". She asks if Lucky is actually going to go toNikolas' party. Lucky says yes, unless she is prepared to offer abetter suggestion. No, No, Liz thinks it would be great, surprising,but definitely great. Lucky says that Nikolas didn't let his pride getin the way of asking him for help, working with him could have beenworse, and if Nikolas wants him at his dumb party, he might as well suckit up and go. Liz smiles and tells Lucky that she really likes him.Lucky asks if she wants to count the ways, he has time. They smile ateach other as they leave.

Felicia apologizes to Mac for biting his head off earlier. She shouldbe taking this out on her editor, that is the real source of herfrustration. She asks what made her editor think that she doesn't knowanything about con men or criminals or the greedy side of town. Macteases telling her that maybe it's the world's greatest mom sticker onher briefcase. She reminds Mac of all of her escapades as a privatedetective. She can use those experiences to write a great novel. Shejust needs to put herself into the proper milieu, so to speak. Feliciawants to get an office on the meanest street in Port Charles. Macdoesn't want her to put herself in danger, but Felicia tells him torelax, she isn't going to murder anybody. And besides, if she does, Macwill be right there to arrest her.

Emily goes to the garage to talk to Jason. She asks him to pleaselisten without getting mad. She tells him all about the blackmail andhow she, Nikolas, Lucky and Liz tracked down the man responsible. Shethen tells him that the blackmailer turned out to be Tom Baker, aphotographer that she had worked with. She thought he was a nice guy,but it turns out that he is crazy. She tells Jason that Tom raped Liz inthe park on Valentine's day. Jason asks if Tom hurt her. Emily saysno, he just threw her in the darkroom. Liz is the one that Tom hurt.She explains how they caught him and that he is now in jail. She tellsJason that she wanted him to hear it from her first and she just wantedto make sure that Jason wasn't going to kill Tom.

Edward asks Katherine if there isn't a way he can buy back every pictureof Emily ever taken. Katherine tells him that that would be 1000's ofphotographs, and the only thing harder than getting your face before thepublic is trying to get it back. Emily can't be blamed for whathappened, but someone in authority should have been watching out forher. Edward agrees. Reginald enters leading Jerry Jacks. Edward askshim what he is doing, does he realize what having a Jacks in the housewill do to his theft insurance. Reginald tells him that turn about isfair play. Edward asks him what he means. Reginald tells him thatEdward let Katherine in. Edward asks Jerry what he wants and Jerrytells him that he is there to see Katherine.

Monica tells Tony that, as much as it pains her to say it, she thinks heis dreaming if he thinks he can pull Alan out of the gutter. Shecouldn't do it and neither could the combined efforts of theQuartermaine family. However, if Tony and Alan do manage to demonstratesome sort of miraculous turn around, any fair person would have toreevaluate them. She reminds him that that is not a promise. As Tonyturns to leave, a nurse stops him and asks him what he is doing there.He tells her that he is checking out office space since he expects to bemoving back in soon. Bobbie overhears and tells him that he shouldn'tcount on that. She asks for an explanation. Tony says that his returnto GH is in the works, and he would love it if she was the last toknow. Bobbie says that she can't see Monica ever agreeing to it. Tonyasks what their son is going to think if Mommy is the one stopping Daddyfrom getting well.

Jax thanks Robin for visiting him, she was just who he needed to bewith. Before she arrived, he was just remembering his and Brenda'ssecond wedding, the whole bizarre day. They were so in love, so eagerto get married. He had loved Brenda all along, but loving him was awhole new thought to Brenda. She came to him right before the weddingand told him that she was crazy in old fashioned love with him. It wasthe best, the happiest moment of his life. Until Sonny showed up withMiranda and set them back a year and a half. Robin reminds him that heand Brenda did have that time in the end and that is what matters. Whatthey had, not what they lost. Robin hopes that even though Brenda isgone, she hopes that he can find something to believe in and to beexcited about. Jax says that he is working on it in a way that hethinks Brenda would appreciate. Robin says that she too, is trying tohonor Brenda's life by going on with hers. Jax asks if he should beexpecting a wedding invitation soon. Robin says things are kind ofcrazy right now. Jax correctly guesses that the something crazy isCarly. Robin says that she and Jason have to get Carly out ofFerncliff and settled somewhere before they can even think aboutgetting married.

Jason asks Emily if the blackmail was why she came to the penthouse thatday. Emily says that she was going to ask him for help, but she knewthat he would hurt whoever was doing it and she didn't want him to getinto trouble. Jason points out that his job used to be taking care ofthings and not getting into trouble. Emily says that she didn't want himto do anything bad for her, she still doesn't. If anything happens toTom, the police will know that Jason was responsible. Then Jason wouldget arrested and the Q's would use that as an excuse to try to takeMichael. Tom has already been caught, he is going to prison. If Jasondoes anything now, it will be her fault. If he really wants to dosomething for her, just promise to stay out of it. Jason agrees, ifthat is what she really wants. Emily asks Jason to please not sayanything about Liz, because she doesn't want the news of her rape to getout. Jason says no problem. He tells Emily to come to him next time.He asks if the Q's know. She says yes and that they told her she can'tmodel anymore. Jason asks why. She says she doesn't know. Maybe shewill just keep modeling behind their backs. They never look atmagazines, they would never know. Except Katherine who would probablyrat her out. Jason asks why she just doesn't tell Edward to her face.Emily says that since she is a minor and Edward would probably try tosue her or something. While their talking, Jason gets a phone call andhas to rush off. Before he goes, he tells Emily that he can maybe helpher with the modeling thing if Ned won't. Emily thanks him as he goesto take care of his business.

Jerry tells Katherine that while he was in jail, he read up on Stefan'strial for her murder. Fascinating reading. He was particularlyinterested in her will leaving everything to Stefan. He did have a fewquestions about it. She asks why on earth she should answer hisquestions. Jerry says that some say he is a bad man and some say heisn't a bad man to know. When he gets back on top again, he will beavailable for favors. The documents used against him were forged, justlike her will. He would like to know how it was done. Katherine saysthat she can't help him after all because her will wasn't forged. Jerrytells her that the prosecution's case against Stefan was built entirelyaround her will. The defense proved that the will was a forgerydecorated with Helena's fingerprints. Katherine says that her will didleave everything to Stefan, the forgery was of a different kind. Jerryasks why anyone would create a phony will to implicate Stefan. Maybethe idea all along was to implicate Helena and let Stefan off the hook,but who could have pulled it off. Katherine points out that Helena hasmany enemies, including Stefan. Jerry doesn't think that Stefan wouldtake the risk of the scheme going sour, and besides, no one hates theirmother like that. Katherine says that Stefan does, but she never toldhim about the will. The only person who knew was her lawyer, and shedid mention it to Luke Spencer.

Bobbie tracks down Monica and asks her if she promised Tony his old jobback. Monica says of course not. Bobbie tells her that she can't, nomatter how much he wants it. Monica says that she is tough, but fair.Bobbie asks how she could even consider it. And then she realizes thatit has something to do with Alan. She accuses Monica of letting Tonyuse Alan to pressure her. Monica says that she doesn't respond topressure. Bobbie tells her not to make a deal with one criminal toprotect another. Monica tells her that if she wants someone to buryTony, it won't be her.

Felicia is searching the classifieds for a room to rent on Cortland St.

Jerry arrives at GH to visit Bobbie. He asks her to lunch, but Bobbiedeclines saying she doesn't have much of an appetite. Jerry asks whatis wrong. Bobbie tells him that Stefan is actually consideringsupporting Tony in his bid to be reinstated at GH. Jerry tells her tostop worrying. He has this funny feeling that everything is going towork out for the best.

Jax remembers the vows that he and Brenda spoke to each other on theirwedding day.

Robin goes to see Jason at the garage and he tells her about Emily'sblackmail. Robin says she heard already from Nikolas when he called herto invite her to his birthday party tomorrow night. She jokingly asksif Jason will be jealous if she goes to Nikolas' party alone. Jasonsays that he would rather be interrogated than go to a party atWyndemere, and besides he has to go visit Carly tomorrow night. Robinsays she knows, but this afternoon, he is all hers. Jason says that heis always hers and they kiss.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of November 2, 1998 on GH

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