General Hospital Recaps: The week of September 7, 1998 on GH

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General Hospital Recaps: The week of September 7, 1998 on GH
General Hospital Recaps: The week of September 7, 1998 on GH

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General Hospital Recaps: The week of September 7, 1998 on GH

Monday September 7, 1998

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by Soap Central

Liz and Lucky shared a romantic dinner at theexclusive "No-Name Club" and they agreed not tomention Liz or Laura's rape. Liz and Lucky'sattraction to each other grew as they talked abouttheir hopes and dreams. They then shared aromantic dance and almost kissed. Lucky, however, seemed uneasy about his feelingsand called it a night. Jax urged Brenda to get tested to see if she was carrying the genethat was responsible for Veronica's mental illness. Still reeling from the bad news,Brenda thought it might be better not to know for certain if she was destined to goinsane. Brenda asked Jax to leave her if she had the disease, but he vowed the onlyfuture he wanted was with her. Jason and Robin discussed life once he was out of theorganization. Jason received a letter from Carly which indicated that she may bereleased soon. Robin asked Jason to consider sharing custody of Michael, but he didnot want be separated from his son. Justus told Taggert all about the Jacks family'shistory with organized crime and convinced him that this would make a bigger arrestthan anything dealing with Jason. Taggert took the files and gave Justus the tape of hisconfession. Dara waited for Taggert in front of his apartment, but he was still upset overwhat she had done and slammed the door in her face. Bobbie and Jerry basked in theafter glow of their love making and agreed to keep it a secret.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of September 7, 1998 on GH

Tuesday, September 8, 1998

by Soap Central

Lucky made an appointment with Tammy, the hooker. He told her he had $100to spend and she wanted to know if he had someone who would be testing himon this later, like a girlfriend. He said he does have someone but theydon't really call each other anything. He admitted to feelings he has forLiz, but said that he doesn't feel right having them because she was raped. He wants tokeep the sexual feelings and Liz separate. Tammy assured him what goes onwith her and what he is talking about with Liz are two separate things. Finally, Tammy agrees but Lucky doesn't' go through with it. He goes backto the docks to find Liz. He tells her he canceled his appointment becausehe started thinking about her and the carnival she wanted him to go to. She is delighted he has decided to go.

Brenda goes to see Veronica and tells her she knows about the illness. Shealso tells Veronica she knows there is a fifty percent chance she herselfhas the gene and she plans to get tested. Veronica urges her not to havethe test. Brenda says she has to because her and Jax want to havechildren. Veronica believes she should have the children if she wants thembut not be tested first. Veronica and Brenda bond and their conversationends in an embrace.

Taggert brings the file on the Jax family's connections to organized crimeto Mac. Mac is hesitant and Taggert wonders if he will turn the file overto the FBI. Mac wants to know how he got the file on the Jax family whenthey were looking for evidence against Jason and Justus. Taggert lies toMac, telling him Monica picked the file up from Justus' desk without everlooking at it.

Jerry surprises Bobbie by moving into the Brownstone. She warns him shehas 24 hours to reverse her agent's decision. He assures her he will bevery discreet about their personal relationship.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of September 7, 1998 on GH

Wednesday, September 9, 1998

by Soap Central

Brenda has reservations about having the test for the gene that causedVeronica's illness. Jax lets her know he will stand by whatever decisionshe makes. After talking it over with Jax, Brenda decides she needs toknow if she is carrying this gene. If she is, they can prepare. If not,she and Jax can have children and enjoy life. Jax goes to the hospitalwith Brenda and she has the test. The doctor tells them it will take acouple of days for the results to come in. Jax and Brenda go home and makelove.

Mac calls the FBI and informs them he has evidence of the Jax family's tiesto organized crime. Taggert goes to Monica and tells her that her familyis in the clear. He also tells her that Justus will not be arrested. Shewants to know how that happened but he won't give her any specifics. Heassured her Mac doesn't' know of Justus' confession and that Mac believesshe turned in a file on someone else without looking at it. Monica tellsJason the Quartermaines are off the hook but he remains skeptical.

Justus learns from Jason he made a deal with Moreno to leave theorganization. Justus becomes very angry, thinking Jason was only lookingout for himself. Jason assures Justus he is in no danger and he can workfor Moreno if he wants to stay within the organization. Justus, evenangrier than before, leaves saying he has learned in the last few weeksthat when push comes to shove, it's every man for himself.

Edward invites Katherine to move into the Quartermaine mansion. Beforemaking her decision, she goes to see Mac. She tells him her fall was anaccident but he doesn't believe her. He saw the railing himself and heknows it was tampered with. Katherine goes on to defend Helena but Macremains skeptical.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of September 7, 1998 on GH

Thursday, September 10, 1998

by Soap Central

Laura and Stefan discuss Katherine's involvement with Helena. Stefan issure Katherine is being used by Helena. They worry that Katherine knowsStefan is Nikolas' father. If Helena knows the truth then Nikolas could bein danger. Stefan admits he had never told Katherine he loved her. Later,Stefan warns Helena not to manipulate Katherine. Katherine arrives just intime to ask, "why? That's what you always did."

Nikolas and Laura grow closer later as they discuss Katherine. Nikolassays Katherine only had nice things to say about Laura but it is obviousher feelings for Stefan have changed.

Brenda tells Robin about Veronica's illness and that she may have the gene.Brenda later goes to see Veronica but discovers she checked out of thehotel two days ago.

Jerry asks Jax about marrying Brenda if she has the illness. Jax sayseveryone always talks about him being Brenda's world but what they don'tknow is that she is his entire world. He wishes the wedding were tomorrow.He decides he wants to marry Brenda as soon as possible.

Edward announces to the rest of the Quartermaines that Katherine will beliving with them. They are not pleased with this news.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of September 7, 1998 on GH

Friday, September 11, 1998

by Soap Central

Tony, Mac, Bobbie, and Felicia all end up in Mac office with Tony trying toget the restraining order lifted so that he may see Lucas again. Mac tellsTony Bobbie is the only one who can do that. Tony has no legal recourse. Tony is furious and tells Bobbie she is hurting Lucas.

Laura takes Lesley Lu to visit Nikolas at Wyndemere. Nikolas and Stefanask them to stay.

Katherine tells Helena she is moving in with the Quartermaines. Helena wassure Edward would ask her to move in. They agree that the Quartermaineswill make powerful enemies against Stefan.

Jax learns that Brenda followed Veronica to a seaside lodge. Jerry tellsJax he learned from one of Veronica's previous nurses that she is suicidaland her attempts involve the ocean, like walking into it. Jax becomesalarmed and calls for a helicopter to take them to find Brenda andVeronica. Jerry comes along, saying he will fly.

Meanwhile Brenda convinces Veronica to come back to Port Charles with her. She tells Veronica if she does have this gene she will need her mother withher. She says they can face the future together. While driving back,Veronica tells Brenda she loves her and is only doing what is best for her.Veronica then grabs the steering wheel and drives the car over a cliff. Jax witnesses this from the helicopter.

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