General Hospital Recaps: The week of June 1, 1998 on GH

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General Hospital Recaps: The week of June 1, 1998 on GH
General Hospital Recaps: The week of June 1, 1998 on GH

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General Hospital Recaps: The week of June 1, 1998 on GH

Monday June 1, 1998

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by Soap Central

After hitting a tree with his car, Alan hands Emily two of his pain pills. She questions why he has them in his coat pocket and Alan tells his daughter they're for just in case his hand hurts him. Alan's clearly shaken over what has just happened and what's been going on with him and Monica.

Mac places Stefan under arrest for the murder of Katherine Bell. Nikolas wants to know why this is all happening, his uncle didn't kill Katherine. Stefan orders his nephew to go inside, he does not want Nikolas to see him this way. Alexis is standing by, ready to help her brother.

Lucky meets Liz at the docks but forgot to bring the food from the club. Liz gives him the message Luke told her at the hospital. Lucky says that his mom is back and his dad must be afraid he would see her first and tell all. Liz asks how things went.

Laura rips into Luke for not keeping her informed of Lucky's disappearance and about Nikolas' shooting. What he did was a violation of trust. Laura recounts how Lucky accused her in some perverted way for marrying Luke. She sits down and asks her husband if he has something to tell her. Luke informs her that Lucky has found out, but Laura tells him there is nothing to find out about. She wants to know who put this idea in her son's head. Luke tells her it was her other son, Nikolas. Laura can't understand why Luke didn't call her. He says it wasn't really any of her concern; this was about being a man. Luke goes into further detail about what's been going on with Lucky and how he feels about his father since he found out the truth. Laura wants to know how it is she's lost both of her sons. She thinks Luke should have forced Lucky to stay. Laura realizes that Luke led her to believe Lucky was asleep the other night while he made love to her. She looks at her husband and tells him she doesn't even know him anymore.

Alan apologizes for breaking down like he just did and claims to not have meant half the things he said, especially about her mother. Alan claims to be no better than AJ but Emily says that's not true. This is not like the accident AJ had with Jason; no one got hurt and Alan wasn't drunk. (She should only know he's high as a kite on pills)Emily tells her father that Monica does not have to find out. She hands him the pain pills, thinking he might need them more than she does but he tells her to hold onto them in case her neck starts to hurt her. He has more if he needs them (we're sure you do).

Stefan is brought to the station house and Nikolas and Alexis are in tow. Mac informs Alexis that the murder weapon was a handy little dagger that was found in Stefan's drawer. Stefan tells Mac that it must have been Luke who set him up. Maybe Mac is even allied with Luke on this. Mac finds that comment amusing and wants to bring to justice the person who killed someone who was very dear to him. Dara Jensen walks in and introduces herself to Stefan, they'll be seeing a lot of each other she tells him.

Lucky tells Liz that Laura had no idea about what was going on; everything to her was a shock. But as always she made excuses for Luke and for herself. This upsets Lucky so much and he accuses his parents love of being sick. What they built on was wrong and they just hid the truth. Liz takes his words the wrong way, assuming that he meant since his mother was raped she could never go on normally and wants to know how then can it be fixed? Lucky has a thought, that if he stepped into his father's shoes, he just might fit right into them.

Laura learns of Liz's rape and asks Luke how the girl is doing. Luke explains how the rape got this whole thing started. Laura questions Luke on why he changed his mind about telling Lucky. Luke just couldn't lie to him but she sees no reason for him to have to lie. It seems that Laura can't deal with the fact that she was raped, especially when Luke says straight out that he raped her. She doesn't see it as rape and is convinced Stefan was the one who told Nikolas. She admits how she did confide in Stefan when she was on the island but she thought Luke was dead. Laura sees it as Stefan jumping to conclusions because she remembers the rape as just one bad night.

Lucky's afraid that he could do the same thing his father did but Liz does not believe that to be true. He slept in her room at the foot of her bed and took care of her. He's the only person she has and she trusts him with her life.

Alexis offers to help Stefan out but he has a lawyer who shows up at the police station. Stefan needs Alexis for something else. He asks her to take Nikolas home and stay with him. Basically he wants her to protect Nikolas from Luke and Helena. When Alexis tells Nikolas it's time to leave he doesn't want to but she explains his uncle's feelings on why he doesn't want Nikolas to stick around. Nikolas believes this is all Luke's fault.

Alan and Emily go home and AJ asks them about their evening. Emily says she had pizza with Robin and Jason while Alan waited in the car for her. AJ finds this story a little fishy.

Luke thinks they are going to have some problems getting Lucky to come home. Laura resents that Luke flat out lied to her. He suggests they'd be better off if he went to the club and she doesn't stop him. It's not until he walks out that she calls to him but he doesn't hear her.

AJ catches Alan taking his pills.

Nikolas stands at the parapet as Stefan is being fingerprinted and photographed by the police.

Laura sits in her home alone, while her son sleeps on the docks with Liz and Luke goes to his club.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of June 1, 1998 on GH

Tuesday, June 2, 1998

by Soap Central

Today's recap is courtesy ABC Daytime.

Alexis confronted Luke for setting Stefan up for Katherine's murder.Luke, however, pointedout that with Helena away and Stefan in jail, Alexis had a clearpath to seizing control of the Cassadine family. Luke also madeit clear that if Alexis did try to save Stefan, Stefan wouldeventually figure out her role in Katherine's death and kill her.Thinking that Laura's items might give the police a motive forStefan killing Katherine, Nikolas sought Stefan's advice on howto handle possible police questions. Stefan told Nikolas to tellthe truth if asked, and to be wary of Helena and to trust Alexis.Stefan again rejected Alexis's offer to represent him andentrusted her with Nikolas's future. Alexis learned that Stefanalso suspected Helena of loosening the parapet stone. Robinconsoled Nikolas and convinced him to have faith in Mac andthe justice system. Jax surprised Brenda by re-creating theirfirst wedding site. Brenda donned her engagement ring with alucky history and she and Jax then made love by candle light.Bobbie was upset when she saw Luke talking to Tony, butlistened to Luke recount his rocky reunion with Laura. Lukethen tried to temper Bobbie's lingering animosity towards Laurafor not wanting to work things out with him. Bobbie tried tocaution Jason against having Carly and Michael live with himand Robin. Bobbie pointed out Carly's deep feelings for Jasonand feared that Robin's growing attachment to Michael mayhurt her in the long run.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of June 1, 1998 on GH

Wednesday, June 3, 1998

by Soap Central

Mac allowed Stefan toattend Katherine'smemorial service atWyndemere where heand Nikolas confrontedLuke about Katherine'smurder. Moved by Katherine's death, Mac and Felicia viewedtheir relationship with new eyes. Mac admitted to Felicia thathe was not entirely convinced that Stefan was guilty. BothEmily and Robin consoled Nikolas, who later received ananonymous sympathy note. Helena visited Stefan at thepolice station and pushed enough buttons to enrage him.Audrey made plans for Sarah and Liz to visit their parents inEurope, but Liz did not want to go. Sarah told Liz that shewould not tell their parents of the rape if Liz moved back inwith Audrey. Lucky and Liz were nabbed after they broke intoLuke's office. Jax and Brenda enjoyed the new permanenceand reality in their relationship. They both felt ready toembrace their future together. Though she tried to tough outher neck pain, Emily secretly took one of Alan's pain pills.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of June 1, 1998 on GH

Thursday, June 4, 1998

by Soap Central

Lucky and Liz weretaken to the police, whocalled Luke and Audrey.Luke confronted Luckyfor what he had said toLaura, but Lucky had noregrets and made it clear that Luke and Laura were in noposition to lecture him about anything. As a result, Luckywas even more resistant to returning home now that Laurawas back. Meanwhile, Liz honored her deal withSarah and returned home. Audrey laid down new groundrules with Liz, but promised to make a better effort atunderstanding her situation. Liz then told Lucky that shewas staying home and asked him not to go far. Sonny madea cryptic call to Jason about Carlos and urged him to leavetown and meet with him. Carly allowed Jason to takeMichael with him. Robin realized that Jason was going tosee Sonny but did not press for details. Tony learned fromAlan that the damage suffered to his hand was so severethat it might end his career as a neurosurgeon. Tony thenscoffed at Alan's advice by making it clear that he was in nomood to listen to a drug addict. After Bobbie refused hisrequest to see Lucas, Tony made a deal with Luke wherehe would spy on Helena if Luke could arrange for him to seeLucas. Monica again accused Alan of having an affair withAmy but he claimed that Amy simply had a crush on him.Still thrown by Katherine's death, Mac and Felicia found away to spend some no-pressure time together.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of June 1, 1998 on GH

Friday, June 5, 1998

by Soap Central

Laura tried to explainto Nikolas thecomplexity of herrelationship withLuke and Stavros and how her rape was not a black andwhite issue. Laura eased Nikolas's concerns bymaking it clear that Stavros did not rape her and that hewas a child made out of love. Nikolas found acomforting soul in Robin when he opened up to herabout Laura's return. Laura confronted Stefan at thepolice station for telling Nikolas about the rape, butStefan made no apologies and then blamed Luke forKatherine's death. As Laura and Stefan rehashed thecircumstances that lead Katherine to fall to her death,Luke arrived and was shocked to see them together.After Jax refused his request to speed up the docksproject, Jerry was attacked by a thug. AJ visited Carly atShadybrook after he learned that Jason and Robin wereback together. Carly checked her skepticism andaccepted AJ's sympathy. Jason visited Sonny and theytalked about the troubles that may arise from Jason'srelationships with Robin and Carly. Sonny refusedJason's request to return to Port Charles permanentlybecause he still loved Brenda and did not want to wreckher life. As Sonny and Jason learned that Carlos wasworking with Jerry, Bobbie found a bruised Jerrysprawled on the ground.

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