General Hospital Recaps: The week of February 2, 1998 on GH

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General Hospital Recaps: The week of February 2, 1998 on GH
General Hospital Recaps: The week of February 2, 1998 on GH

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General Hospital Recaps: The week of February 2, 1998 on GH

Monday February 2, 1998

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by Soap Central

Brenda finds Jax at the Port Charles Grill and sits down at his table. He thinksshe's there to meet with an agent but she tells him she would like totake him to dinner. Before he can give her an answer, Ashley shows upand Brenda is surprised to see her. Brenda introduces her to Jax notrealizing the two already know each other. She asks her what she'sdoing in PC and Ashley says having dinner but it looks like she's takenher seat. Brenda looks at the seat and seems taken aback.

Carly walks in towards the end of the baptism and Jason hands the babyto Emily and walks over to her. He tells her he thought the baby shouldbe baptized and wasn't sure when she was coming home, he would havewaited. Carly's OK with this and when he asks her to participate shesays she would rather just sit in the back. Jason goes back up to thealter and the ceremony is concluded. When it's done Jason instructsMike to watch the baby and not to let the Quartermaine's near him.Monica approaches Carly and tells her she knows she drugged her son andtricked the other one. She tells her she believes Carly doesn't carefor the baby and should leave town again for good. Jason walks over andtells Monica she should leave. He then tells Carly that they tried tosteal the baby but he's OK and healing fine from the operation. Jasonalso tells her he named the baby Michael. Carly wants Jason to go onwith the day as planned.

Edward tells the family he isn't leaving until he holds hisgreat

grandson and swears he'll have that baby back within six monthsand then he's changing his name after his.

The priest announces there's a reception afterward at Jason's house andall are invited. Jason jumps in saying not everyone.

Ashley gives Brenda some suggestions but she doesn't appear tooreceptive. Ashley's phone rings and she excuses herself. Jax asksBrenda if she really wants to go back to modeling and she says notreally but her experience is pretty limited.

Jason includes Moreno in the reception and tells Justus he better bethere. Bobbie asks if he'll reconsider inviting his family and he saysno. She says what if Carly wants them there and he says he'll dowhatever she wants. Bobbie asks Carly if they can come since they arefamily and she says she doesn't care. Bobbie makes the announcementthat they are invited.

Jason thanks Robin for coming and then walks away. Robin asks Emily toplace her gift with the rest and Emily convinces her she should come tothe party. Robin watches sadly as Jason and Carly leave the church.

Jason and Carly arrive at the penthouse and everyone is waitingoutside. He tells them to stay there until he is ready. Leticia isinstructed to feed the baby upstairs and not to bring him down. He willhave a guard standing outside the door. She asks Carly if she wouldlike to feed him but Carly declines. Carly thanks Jason for giving herson a name. The family is let in and Edward walks straight over toCarly and says they have matters to discuss. AJ then walks over to herand she turns away from him. Jason is by Emily and introduces her toCarly. Monica asks Bobbie what she did to make Jason and Carly changetheir minds and Bobbie says it was Carly and that she believes the postpardum depression has really hit her hard. Monica can't believe thatBobbie can be so nice after all she's done to her.

AJ tells Robin he's surprised to see her there and is even a bitsarcastic. He apologizes for being angry it's just that the worst thingJason could do is name that child after Sonny and let Carly anywherenear him. AJ thinks he should sue for sole custody because that is whathe would do.

Carly is sitting outside the penthouse and AJ walks over and startspicking on her. He tells her the baby is better off with his family andshe tells him they will never have him. He can't believe she would wanther son to be around guns since that is what Jason pulled on them to getthe baby back. She tells him that Jason protects that child and he isjust a wimp because Jason fooled them and they all backed down. AJcalls her names such as a user and Jason walks over and tells him to getout. Carly tells Jason that AJ hates her and he can never know.Meanwhile the guard watching over Michael brings Edward back downstairs.Edward tells Jason if he throws him out he'll charge him with assault.Everyone is laughing and Jason tells him he can stay. Lila comes in anddemands that he apologize to Jason but he tells her it's OK, he doesn'twant him to apologize. Jason does say that they can never show upagain, except Lila and Emily.

Bobbie tells Carly she did a good thing by letting the Quartermaine'scome to the reception and says it's good to have her back. Carlydoesn't' seem all too thrilled.

Moreno strikes up a conversation with Robin, telling her that he knewher stepfather and her mother. He reminisces about meeting Duke andAnna and says that it was a shame he tried to get out of that life.Jason and Justus walk over and Moreno tells them he was just telling Ms.Scorpio that Duke Lavory was a business associate of his. Jason warnshim to stay away from Robin and everyone else under his protection.Jason offers him a piece offering.

Brenda tells Jax that Ashley is probably waiting for her to leave.Brenda finds it weird to hear he's dating and she seems at a loss forwords. She tells him that any woman who has a chance with him would bea fool to let him go. He gives her a box of cookies and she is allexcited. She tells him that when V. told her his plane went down shedidn't know what she would do without him. She would never be able toaccept another present. Ashley comes back and tells Jax she is free forthe next two weeks. Brenda gets up to leave them alone and she walksout slowly, watching them from the door.

Back at the house, Edward tells Alan, Monica and AJ that they stillhave a chance to raise the baby. He thinks they can get the baby fromCarly. He plans on befriending her and isolating her from Jason. Thenthey can pay her off. First order of business is to let her know theyharbor no malice.

Jason thanks Mike for his help and Mike lets him know Sonny would behappy he names his child after him. Carly asks Robin when she's goingback to Paris and she says she's not. Carly says she doesn't know whatJason told her and Robin lets her know it's none of her business justlike her and Michael are none of hers.

Robin says goodnight to Jason and he is glad she came. Robin tells himall she wanted to do was help but she's not sure she did and when shewalks away she looks sad.

Bobbie brings the baby down to see Carly who tells her to give him toJason. She claims she caught a virus on the plane. Bobbie leaves andJason thanks her. Carly is glad this is all over and asks him what he'sgoing to do now with the baby. He tells her he's going to talk to himand she says she's going to bed. As Jason stands by the window andtalks to him she watches from the steps.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of February 2, 1998 on GH

Tuesday, February 3, 1998

by Soap Central

Felicia and James are at the Port Charles Grill and she's worried about himproposing again; he promises not to. At their table is a big bouquet ofroses per his instructions. She's not too pleased and so he has thewaiter take away the other things he has placed out.

Emily goes to Kelly's to pick up some chocolate scones for her andNikolas. Sarah is there, trying to study, but goes over to talk toEmily. She's wondering how Nikolas is and Emily tells her to trust herwhen she says things will get back to normal real soon. Ruby comes outwith her order and Sarah comments how scones are Nikolas' favorite.

Nikolas is practicing his fencing and looks at Sarah's letter again.

Carly hears her baby crying but doesn't do anything except call out toLaticia to see if he's OK. There's no response though. Bobbie walks inand at first she thinks it's Jason but when she turns around and seesBobbie she asks what she's doing there. She wants to know why the guardlet her in and he tells her that Mr. Morgan has her come by every day tocheck on Michael. Carly lets her in but is on the defensive. Bobbiehears the baby crying and says he's probably hungry. She suggests theygo upstairs but Carly refuses. Jason comes home and goes to look in onMichael. He stops crying and then Cary lashes out at her for makingsuggestions. Bobbie brought Michael a gift and tells Carly to open it.

Alexis is at GH and Tony tells her he was just thinking of tracking herdown. He'd like to continue with the custody suit because he doesn'tbelieve Jason is capable of taking care of the baby. He was led tobelieve all those months that he was the father and he feels he has somerights. Alexis tells him he has no legal rights but he won't acceptthis. She tells him that Ned told her the baby is safe and well takencare of but Tony says it's all an illusion.

Liz walks into Kelly's and sits down with Sarah . Liz tries to find outwhat's wrong but Sarah doesn't want to talk. She then apologizes forsnapping at her and Liz brings up Nikolas' name. She tries to give hersister some advice and says he will come around. Liz tells Sarah thatshe saw Emily climbing into the Cassadine boat to head over to thehouse.

Emily shows up at Nikolas' and he charges out at her.

Felicia tells James that what's different is he never cared aboutgetting on her nerves and she wants to know why he doesn't do thatanymore. He tells her he's trying to be more sensitive to her needs.Felicia acknowledges an attraction but says she doesn't want to looseher best friend; he says she won't.

Carly thanks Bobbie for the outfit and Bobbie tells her it's a goodthing she came back because Michael's going to need new clothes sincehe's outgrown what he has. Carly takes this as an offensive remark andtells Bobbie she came home as soon as she could. Bobbie tells her thatif she's not comfortable with her coming over to check on the baby thenshe won't. Carly says since that was what Jason wanted it's fine butshe leaves instead. Bobbie asks Jason what's going on with her and hetells her that Carly is afraid and that's why she left. Bobbie tellshim they have to get her to hold her baby and Jason thinks it's up toCarly, he can't tell her what to do. Bobbie leaves and says she'll beback tomorrow.

Bobbie is over at GH and bumps into Tony. She asks how Lucas is sincehe's sleeping by Tony's. She tells him he's a great dad and she may nottell him often enough. Bobbie asks him if Carly ever seemed excitedabout becoming a mother because right now she seems detached from herchild and wonders about her background and the type of relationship shehad with her mother. Tony really doesn't know and wants to know whatshe's getting at.

Carly comes back and is glad Bobbie is gone. Carly asks how Michael'sdoing and Jason offers to wake him up so she can hold him. She tellshim she can't, what if she hurts him. Carly is afraid he will hate herand thinks maybe she should leave again. Jason tells her it might taketime and lets her know she has all the time in the world to get used tohim. Carly says that she doesn't care about Bobbie's interest in thebaby, she just wishes she would have been interested in her. She goesup to bed.

Felicia hopes she didn't hurt his feelings and he tells her it's goingto be hard because he wants something more but does say he'll take itslow. His cell phone rings and he excuses himself which she findsstrange. Robin walks in and is looking for her Uncle.

Sarah puts two and two together and realizes the scones were forNikolas. Liz gives her a little slack when Sarah says he wouldn't beinterested in Emily like that. She asks Liz for her advice and shetells her big sister she should go to the island and find out what'sgoing on. The two girls leave for their little adventure to the island.

Robin tells Felicia she's afraid Jason is going to get hurt and Feliciacan't understand how she can still love him. Robin tells her aboutmeeting Moreno and can't see what happened to Duke happen to Jason.James (Mac) walks over and asks what she's doing there.

Sarah and Liz watch Emily and Nikolas through a window.

Tony makes a cold observation about Carly and Bobbie says she remembersholding her daughter just once and would give anything to do that again.Bobbie gets paged and leaves.

Tony sees Alexis again and asks her what if the mother refuses physicalcontact with the child. She tells him there might be a slight chance;they would need a sympathetic judge and some proof. He says he can getsome. He wants her help because he's going after her. Alexis finds itstrange that he says he's going after her, she thought all along theywere talking about the baby. She says she'll be in touch.

Sarah is happy to see him smile again and then after a few minutes theydecide to leave before they get caught.

Mac doesn't seem eager to talk to Robin and wants to know if it canwait till tomorrow. She says OK, she'll call him tomorrow. Feliciafinds this strange and he sits down to resume their evening. All of asudden her mood change; she's ready to celebrate and asks him to go andget her a glass of champagne. Maybe she' s on to him.

Jason talks to Michael by the window and Carly watches on with a smileon her faceRecap --->

Wednesday, February4, 1998

Bobbie tried to shock Carly into developing aninterest in her son by inviting Monica over to thepenthouse. Bobbie had hoped that the sight ofMonica, a person whom Jason had banned fromseeing Michael, would cause Carly's maternalinstincts to surface. Even though Carly and Monicabriefly clashed, Carly was unable to bring herself to touch Michael, especially after shesaw how easily he had warmed up to Monica. Monica eventually expressed herresentment and confusion over the fact that Jason had allowed Bobbie completeaccess to Michael and had barred her from him. Bobbie told Monica that she did notknow why she had been allowed into Michael's life, but saw a silver lining in the fact thathe was at least being looked after by someone who was sympathetic to Monica's plight.Jason arrived before Monica could leave, but she covered to make it look like she hadforced her way into the penthouse. Brenda refused to believe Robin when she said thatshe and Jason were history. Brenda was also skeptical of Robin's belief that Jason wascapable of changing and tried to use her relationship with Sonny as a way of warningRobin away from Jason. Brenda then arranged a meeting with Jason and told him to dowhatever it took to stay out of Robin's life. When Jason refused, Brenda made it clearthat she was not going to let him hurt Robin. Amy found Alan in the General Hospitalgarage asleep at the steering wheel of his car, but he managed to explain hisintoxicated state with a story about sleeping pills and stress. Robin also saw Alan andAmy together and Alan made them both promise not to tell anyone about what hadhappened. After consulting Felicia about "Mac's" strange behavior, Kevin talked withJames/Mac and also noticed changes in him. Kevin told Felicia that Mac maybere-evaluating his priorities after seeing Jimmy's dead body in the morgue. Kevin alsopointed out that Felicia might be having a residual "twin" reaction considering thehorrifying experiences she had with himself and Ryan. Still not satisfied, Felicia asked Vto help her search for the truth about the changes in "Mac."

Thursday, February 5, 1998

Jax throws a party to promote the proposed renovations of the waterfront by ELQ. All the Q's are there as well as Mac, Felicia and Ned. V and Felicia discuss their plan to get fingerprints from the "new" Mac and compare them to fingerprints of the "old" Mac. V tells Felicia she has a copy of the fingerprints of the old Mac all they need is for Felicia to get a set from the new Mac. Felicia decides to lift a set from a glass of wine Mac has just finished and gives them to V.

Justus and Dara arrive at the party and Ashley lets them in playing the role of the hostess. As she is closing the door, Brenda arrives and stops her from closing it. Ashley makes her usual rude comments to Brenda and suggests to her the party might be too much for her. Brenda shrugs Ashley's behavior off and goes to talk to Ned.

Mike, Emily, and Jason have dinner together to celebrate Michael. Emily asks Jason where Carly is seeing as how the dinner is about Michael. Jason tells her Carly just didn't want to come. Meanwhile, Carly is at the penthouse listening to music while she holds Michael's blanket and remembers how she hasn't wanted to hold her son. There is a knock at the door and it is Bobbie. Carly once again gets nasty with Bobbie. Bobbie confronts Carly as to why she hasn't held her son yet and Carly tears into her. Bobbie still tries to help Carly instead of yelling back at her.

Virginia Benson arrives at the Port Charles Hotel on a surprise visit to see Bobbie. She drops her reservation information on the floor and Tony picks it up for her, not knowing who she is. Tony then goes to the bar and orders a drink. He then looks around, sees Jason with the baby and decides to confront him. The two have words then Tony retreats back to the bar. Virginia later walks into the bar and sits down beside Tony. The two start to talk and she tells him she has a daughter named Caroline who is engaged to "a very nice man".

Alexis meets with Helena to discuss the next step in Helena's plot. Helena gives her a package to give to Katherine as a present. Helena leaves and Katherine walks in. She tells Alexis she doesn't have time for her right now. Alexis stops her from leaving, but Katherine tells her she doesn't want anything to do with her and she won't use Alexis' therapist for Nikolas. Alexis doesn't argue with Katherine and instead gives her the package and walks off. Katherine begins to leave, then returns to get the present as Alexis watches from afar.

Stefan comes into the main room at Wydemere and Mrs. Landsbury shows him the covered painting that has just arrived. As he goes to unwrap the picture, Katherine walks in. She tells him she decided to surprise him instead of waiting at the guest house for him. She asks what the painting is and Stefan tells her it is just one he had restored. Katherine takes off her coat and she is wearing the present Alexis gave her. It is a long, white gown and Stefan gets unnerved when he sees it. He asks her where she got the dress and Katherine tells him, "you know, sometimes you find a dress and sometimes it finds you". Stefan tells her to wait back at the guest house for him that he will be with her shortly. After she leaves, he unwraps the picture and it is a portrait of Laura wearing the same dress Katherine just had on.

Carly and Bobbie start to argue again and Carly tells Bobbie to leave Michael alone. Carly then throws the fact again into Bobbie's face that she gave away her daughter. Bobbie finally gets upset and tells Carly to stop thinking she knows what happened and what it was like for her to have to give up her child. Bobbie then proceeds to tell Carly all about what it was like.

Jax starts talking to Brenda and Ashley pulls him away. Ned, who has been standing next to Brenda, asks who the woman is with Jax and Brenda tells him it is Ashley Brett. Ned also asks her if it bothers her to see Jax with someone else and Brenda tells him no she just wants him to be happy. Alexis arrives and Ned goes to join her. Jax again tries to talk to Brenda, but Ashley again drags Jax away playing the hostess. Ned tells Brenda he and Alexis have decided to leave to go eat and she decides to leave with them. Jax later asks where Brenda is, but doesn't get an answer. Once downstairs, Brenda decides to go home, but is stopped when she discovers all the roads are closed because of the storm.

The electricity begins to flicker at the penthouse and Bobbie tells Carly they need to get candles out so when Jason and Michael come home they won't be in the dark. Carly appears unnerved and Bobbie asks her to help her again saying, "can't you do anything right Carly". Carly looks at Bobbie and gets upset telling her she wants her baby. Jason tries to call Carly upon hearing the roads are closed, but he is unable to reach her with his cell phone.

Friday, February 6, 1998

The lights go out in the hotel and Jax' party breaks up. V tells Felicia she can compare the fingerprints on the glass "Mac" just used to those she obtained from Mac's police days. All she needs is a quiet place to go over them. Mac (Jimmy) walks up as they are talking and Felicia manages to get him away so V can compare the prints. Meanwhile, Tess leaves Mac alone at the cabin telling him she will be back later. After she leaves, Mac removes his handcuffs and gets dressed to go out in the storm.

Tony and Virginia Benson talk while at the bar at the Port Charles Grill. When Virginia mentions she has a daughter, Tony asks about her. Virginia doesn't tell him her name, but tells him her daughter was once misguided, but is now with an older man who is distinguished in his field. Back at the penthouse, Carly tells Bobbie she wants her son and has to hold him right now. Bobbie tells her okay then tells Carly they will use her car to out into the storm to get Michael.

AJ and Keesha arrive at the Grill and go to the bar to order club soda. They see Tony and he introduces them to Virginia. AJ looks around seeing all the Q's that are present as well as Jason and wishes he were somewhere else. Tony tells him that at least Carly isn't there. Virginia asks who Carly is and Tony tells her no one really knows Carly. AJ and Keesha leave the bar to sit with Alan who has been left alone. Virginia then leaves Tony to go up stairs.

Robin arrives at the Grill next and Brenda goes to take her back to her table. On the way, Brenda runs into Jax and Ashley, who have made their way downstairs. Ashley is again rude to Brenda and Brenda leaves them to get Robin. Mac (Jimmy) takes Felicia into the stairwell and he again asks her to marry him. She tells him there isn't anyone in the world she would rather marry than Mac Scorpio. He is excited she says yes, but Felicia doesn't seem very happy about it. They then walk downstairs and Mac (Jimmy) announces to the room that he and Felicia are engaged.

Bobbie and Carly are on their way to the Grill when Carly asks Bobbie why she is helping her. Bobbie tells her twenty years ago, she didn't have a choice as far as her daughter was concerned, but Carly does so she wants to help her. What she does after that is up to Carly. Carly tells her she will never forget Bobbie's help. They get to within a mile of the Grill, then they run into a snow bank. They stay in the car until it is almost out of gas. They then decide to walk the rest of the way to the Grill.

Lorraine walks up to Tony at the bar. She suggests they go upstairs and he leaves with her. Lorraine starts to kiss Tony and he is obviously drunk. She doesn't get any response from him then asks if she should leave. Tony tells her no then sits down in a chair and pulls her to him. He starts acting very strange then pulls her away yelling at her, telling her to say, "I shouldn't do this it is wrong". Lorraine goes to leave and Tony acts normal and tells her to stay. When she gets near him, he again acts strange. Lorraine pulls away and figures out he is trying to get her to pretend she is Carly. Tony then tries to justify his behavior, but she tells him she can't understand what Carly wanted with him anyway.

V tells Felicia she hasn't been able to check the prints yet because she can't find a private place. Felicia tells her to try the stairwell then tells V she is engaged to Mac (Jimmy). V asks what will happen when he wants sex and Felicia says she isn't worried about sex. "Mac" walks up and tells her that is great. Felicia tells him he needs to talk to Robin about their news, but he avoids talking to Robin telling Felicia Robin is okay with it and just wants him to be happy.

V goes into the stairwell and discovers the prints on the glass aren't Mac's. She tells Felicia the prints aren't the same because the prints on the glass have a scar on one of the fingers and Mac never had one. V asks Felicia where "Mac" is and Felicia tells her he is in the wine cellar. As he is walking up from the cellar, Jimmy comes face-to-face with the real Mac.

Carly and Bobbie arrive at the Grill and she tells Jason she wants her son. Jason gives Michael to Bobbie and she in turn gives him to Carly. Carly then looks at Bobbie strangely. Bobbie asks her what is wrong and Carly tells her she is her daughter, Caroline.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of February 2, 1998 on GH

Wednesday, February4, 1998

by Soap Central

Bobbie tried to shock Carly into developing aninterest in her son by inviting Monica over to thepenthouse. Bobbie had hoped that the sight ofMonica, a person whom Jason had banned fromseeing Michael, would cause Carly's maternalinstincts to surface. Even though Carly and Monicabriefly clashed, Carly was unable to bring herself to touch Michael, especially after shesaw how easily he had warmed up to Monica. Monica eventually expressed herresentment and confusion over the fact that Jason had allowed Bobbie completeaccess to Michael and had barred her from him. Bobbie told Monica that she did notknow why she had been allowed into Michael's life, but saw a silver lining in the fact thathe was at least being looked after by someone who was sympathetic to Monica's plight.Jason arrived before Monica could leave, but she covered to make it look like she hadforced her way into the penthouse. Brenda refused to believe Robin when she said thatshe and Jason were history. Brenda was also skeptical of Robin's belief that Jason wascapable of changing and tried to use her relationship with Sonny as a way of warningRobin away from Jason. Brenda then arranged a meeting with Jason and told him to dowhatever it took to stay out of Robin's life. When Jason refused, Brenda made it clearthat she was not going to let him hurt Robin. Amy found Alan in the General Hospitalgarage asleep at the steering wheel of his car, but he managed to explain hisintoxicated state with a story about sleeping pills and stress. Robin also saw Alan andAmy together and Alan made them both promise not to tell anyone about what hadhappened. After consulting Felicia about "Mac's" strange behavior, Kevin talked withJames/Mac and also noticed changes in him. Kevin told Felicia that Mac maybere-evaluating his priorities after seeing Jimmy's dead body in the morgue. Kevin alsopointed out that Felicia might be having a residual "twin" reaction considering thehorrifying experiences she had with himself and Ryan. Still not satisfied, Felicia asked Vto help her search for the truth about the changes in "Mac."

General Hospital Recaps: The week of February 2, 1998 on GH

Thursday, February 5, 1998

by Soap Central

Jax throws a party to promote the proposed renovations of the waterfront by ELQ. All the Q's are there as well as Mac, Felicia and Ned. V and Felicia discuss their plan to get fingerprints from the "new" Mac and compare them to fingerprints of the "old" Mac. V tells Felicia she has a copy of the fingerprints of the old Mac all they need is for Felicia to get a set from the new Mac. Felicia decides to lift a set from a glass of wine Mac has just finished and gives them to V.

Justus and Dara arrive at the party and Ashley lets them in playing the role of the hostess. As she is closing the door, Brenda arrives and stops her from closing it. Ashley makes her usual rude comments to Brenda and suggests to her the party might be too much for her. Brenda shrugs Ashley's behavior off and goes to talk to Ned.

Mike, Emily, and Jason have dinner together to celebrate Michael. Emily asks Jason where Carly is seeing as how the dinner is about Michael. Jason tells her Carly just didn't want to come. Meanwhile, Carly is at the penthouse listening to music while she holds Michael's blanket and remembers how she hasn't wanted to hold her son. There is a knock at the door and it is Bobbie. Carly once again gets nasty with Bobbie. Bobbie confronts Carly as to why she hasn't held her son yet and Carly tears into her. Bobbie still tries to help Carly instead of yelling back at her.

Virginia Benson arrives at the Port Charles Hotel on a surprise visit to see Bobbie. She drops her reservation information on the floor and Tony picks it up for her, not knowing who she is. Tony then goes to the bar and orders a drink. He then looks around, sees Jason with the baby and decides to confront him. The two have words then Tony retreats back to the bar. Virginia later walks into the bar and sits down beside Tony. The two start to talk and she tells him she has a daughter named Caroline who is engaged to "a very nice man".

Alexis meets with Helena to discuss the next step in Helena's plot. Helena gives her a package to give to Katherine as a present. Helena leaves and Katherine walks in. She tells Alexis she doesn't have time for her right now. Alexis stops her from leaving, but Katherine tells her she doesn't want anything to do with her and she won't use Alexis' therapist for Nikolas. Alexis doesn't argue with Katherine and instead gives her the package and walks off. Katherine begins to leave, then returns to get the present as Alexis watches from afar.

Stefan comes into the main room at Wydemere and Mrs. Landsbury shows him the covered painting that has just arrived. As he goes to unwrap the picture, Katherine walks in. She tells him she decided to surprise him instead of waiting at the guest house for him. She asks what the painting is and Stefan tells her it is just one he had restored. Katherine takes off her coat and she is wearing the present Alexis gave her. It is a long, white gown and Stefan gets unnerved when he sees it. He asks her where she got the dress and Katherine tells him, "you know, sometimes you find a dress and sometimes it finds you". Stefan tells her to wait back at the guest house for him that he will be with her shortly. After she leaves, he unwraps the picture and it is a portrait of Laura wearing the same dress Katherine just had on.

Carly and Bobbie start to argue again and Carly tells Bobbie to leave Michael alone. Carly then throws the fact again into Bobbie's face that she gave away her daughter. Bobbie finally gets upset and tells Carly to stop thinking she knows what happened and what it was like for her to have to give up her child. Bobbie then proceeds to tell Carly all about what it was like.

Jax starts talking to Brenda and Ashley pulls him away. Ned, who has been standing next to Brenda, asks who the woman is with Jax and Brenda tells him it is Ashley Brett. Ned also asks her if it bothers her to see Jax with someone else and Brenda tells him no she just wants him to be happy. Alexis arrives and Ned goes to join her. Jax again tries to talk to Brenda, but Ashley again drags Jax away playing the hostess. Ned tells Brenda he and Alexis have decided to leave to go eat and she decides to leave with them. Jax later asks where Brenda is, but doesn't get an answer. Once downstairs, Brenda decides to go home, but is stopped when she discovers all the roads are closed because of the storm.

The electricity begins to flicker at the penthouse and Bobbie tells Carly they need to get candles out so when Jason and Michael come home they won't be in the dark. Carly appears unnerved and Bobbie asks her to help her again saying, "can't you do anything right Carly". Carly looks at Bobbie and gets upset telling her she wants her baby. Jason tries to call Carly upon hearing the roads are closed, but he is unable to reach her with his cell phone.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of February 2, 1998 on GH

Friday, February 6, 1998

by Soap Central

The lights go out in the hotel and Jax' party breaks up. V tells Felicia she can compare the fingerprints on the glass "Mac" just used to those she obtained from Mac's police days. All she needs is a quiet place to go over them. Mac (Jimmy) walks up as they are talking and Felicia manages to get him away so V can compare the prints. Meanwhile, Tess leaves Mac alone at the cabin telling him she will be back later. After she leaves, Mac removes his handcuffs and gets dressed to go out in the storm.

Tony and Virginia Benson talk while at the bar at the Port Charles Grill. When Virginia mentions she has a daughter, Tony asks about her. Virginia doesn't tell him her name, but tells him her daughter was once misguided, but is now with an older man who is distinguished in his field. Back at the penthouse, Carly tells Bobbie she wants her son and has to hold him right now. Bobbie tells her okay then tells Carly they will use her car to out into the storm to get Michael.

AJ and Keesha arrive at the Grill and go to the bar to order club soda. They see Tony and he introduces them to Virginia. AJ looks around seeing all the Q's that are present as well as Jason and wishes he were somewhere else. Tony tells him that at least Carly isn't there. Virginia asks who Carly is and Tony tells her no one really knows Carly. AJ and Keesha leave the bar to sit with Alan who has been left alone. Virginia then leaves Tony to go up stairs.

Robin arrives at the Grill next and Brenda goes to take her back to her table. On the way, Brenda runs into Jax and Ashley, who have made their way downstairs. Ashley is again rude to Brenda and Brenda leaves them to get Robin. Mac (Jimmy) takes Felicia into the stairwell and he again asks her to marry him. She tells him there isn't anyone in the world she would rather marry than Mac Scorpio. He is excited she says yes, but Felicia doesn't seem very happy about it. They then walk downstairs and Mac (Jimmy) announces to the room that he and Felicia are engaged.

Bobbie and Carly are on their way to the Grill when Carly asks Bobbie why she is helping her. Bobbie tells her twenty years ago, she didn't have a choice as far as her daughter was concerned, but Carly does so she wants to help her. What she does after that is up to Carly. Carly tells her she will never forget Bobbie's help. They get to within a mile of the Grill, then they run into a snow bank. They stay in the car until it is almost out of gas. They then decide to walk the rest of the way to the Grill.

Lorraine walks up to Tony at the bar. She suggests they go upstairs and he leaves with her. Lorraine starts to kiss Tony and he is obviously drunk. She doesn't get any response from him then asks if she should leave. Tony tells her no then sits down in a chair and pulls her to him. He starts acting very strange then pulls her away yelling at her, telling her to say, "I shouldn't do this it is wrong". Lorraine goes to leave and Tony acts normal and tells her to stay. When she gets near him, he again acts strange. Lorraine pulls away and figures out he is trying to get her to pretend she is Carly. Tony then tries to justify his behavior, but she tells him she can't understand what Carly wanted with him anyway.

V tells Felicia she hasn't been able to check the prints yet because she can't find a private place. Felicia tells her to try the stairwell then tells V she is engaged to Mac (Jimmy). V asks what will happen when he wants sex and Felicia says she isn't worried about sex. "Mac" walks up and tells her that is great. Felicia tells him he needs to talk to Robin about their news, but he avoids talking to Robin telling Felicia Robin is okay with it and just wants him to be happy.

V goes into the stairwell and discovers the prints on the glass aren't Mac's. She tells Felicia the prints aren't the same because the prints on the glass have a scar on one of the fingers and Mac never had one. V asks Felicia where "Mac" is and Felicia tells her he is in the wine cellar. As he is walking up from the cellar, Jimmy comes face-to-face with the real Mac.

Carly and Bobbie arrive at the Grill and she tells Jason she wants her son. Jason gives Michael to Bobbie and she in turn gives him to Carly. Carly then looks at Bobbie strangely. Bobbie asks her what is wrong and Carly tells her she is her daughter, Caroline.

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