General Hospital Recaps: The week of July 14, 1997 on GH

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General Hospital Recaps: The week of July 14, 1997 on GH
General Hospital Recaps: The week of July 14, 1997 on GH

Nikolas suffered a concussion. Jason was shot at Robin's house and was rushed to the hospital for surgery. Jason survived the shooting, which he blamed on the Tin Man. Rebecca agreed to help with the investigation into Dorman's murder.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of July 14, 1997 on GH

Monday, July 14, 1997

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by Alexandra Anastasio

Stefan tries to wake Nikolas after his fall but is unable to do so. As he is calling for help, his computer program is about to abort. Stefan tries to enter the information but is too late. Nikolas is brought to GH where he regains consciousness, suffering only a concussion. He tells Stefan to get away from him and to leave him alone. Bobbie is around to see all of this take place. Alexis questions Stefan on what really happened.

Emily tells Alan she is afraid of loosing Monica. The two have a discussion which is interrupted by Monica. She claims she wants to tell him what's upsetting Emily; Ned then interrupts but Monica doesn't spill their secret.

As Robin and Jason are sharing an evening together at her house, Jason is shot. Robin calls 911 and he is rushed to the hospital. Robin calls the Quartermaine's and when Emily overhears she lets out a scream. When Robin and Jason arrive at the hospital she tells Mac what happened and that Jason believes is was "The Tin Man" who shot him. She tells Mac she tried to help Jason but couldn't get her blood on him. Alan tries to blame what happened on Sonny and him and Robin have a heated argument. Jason need to be operated on.

Lucky shows up at Sarah's house and she apologizes for not meeting him at Kelly's. The two hang out and she tells him about her episode with her car and Nikolas.

Bobbie calls Luke to find out what happened with Stefan's plan; she later goes to see him and is upset with the way he handled things; Luke was the one to set fire to the stables.

Meanwhile, Jax is still working on Rebecca, trying to get her to look at the sketch of The Tin Man. At first she won't; she's upset with Jax for telling everything to Mac. After Jason is brought in and Jax tells her who they think shot Jason, she looks at the picture and recognizes the man as the same one who was in the morgue the night Pierce was killed.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of July 14, 1997 on GH

Tuesday, July 15, 1997

by Alexandra Anastasio

Sonny & Brenda are safely hidden on the yacht ( for now). Brenda expresses her concerns to Sonny regarding their escape and he tells her the real reason why he ran with her. At this point Sonny tells her they really don't have a plan but despite all their current problems they seem happy.

Lucky lets Luke know that he is upset with him for shutting him out of what went down with the Cassadines since it was him who helped Luke. He also tells Luke that he is not going to Switzerland for the summer; his reasoning, he needs to be on his own. Luke suspects it has something to do with Sarah Webber but Lucky denies it. Later on, Luke follows Lucky to GH only to see Lucky and Sarah together. It is here that Luke learns Jason was shot.

Nikolas is resting comfortably in his room but requests no visitors. However, Sarah slips into his room and he asks her to stay.

Katherine finds out about Nikolas from Amy. When she sees Stefan he tells her what happened and she comforts him.

AJ shows up at GH having just learned about Jason from the radio. Him and Ned have a confrontation once again with Ned threatening AJ to leave the family alone. Carly has also just found out and is right behind AJ.

Jason's doctor lets everyone know that he survived the operation and that he is going to make it. Robin is questioned by Garcia and Taggert. Later on the doctor lets her in to see Jason and he opens his eyes to see her there.

Jax asks Rebecca for her help and she agrees. Mac tells Jax he'll have the police come by and speak to her after they talk to Robin.

Sonny begins to wonder why Jason hasn't called yet. Brenda puts his mind to ease for the moment.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of July 14, 1997 on GH

Wednesday, July 16, 1997

by Alexandra Anastasio

Stefan searches for Nikolas who has disappeared from the hospital. Katherine tries to calm Stefan down after he lashes out at Amy and tells him she will help him find Nikolas.

Audrey is rather in a clumsy mood; Sarah points out to her it must be because it is 1 year ago to the day that Steve passed away. They reminisce about him and later on Audrey thinks back to times with Steve.(During this time old clips are shown of the two of them).

Jason's awake and he asks Robin what happened. She pleads with him to let the doctors help him get better. Robin then starts to tell him that she can't take this anymore and that she is afraid for him. She also asks him not to do this anymore. Unfortunately Jason doesn't hear her because he is sleeping. When he does wake up he tells Robin he needs to talk to Sonny and keeps saying he needs his cell phone. Robin tells him she'll get it for him.

Robin goes home to get what Jason wants and when she sees where it all happened she breaks down into tears. Mac walks in and comforts her; she tells him she didn't know it was going to be like this.

Nikolas has gone off to be alone; he winds up at an old chapel. Sarah is also there and when he sees her crying her goes over to her. They talk about why they are both there and she tells him why she is upset. He asks her to tell him about her grandfather and comforts her in the process. He then leaves giving her time alone.

Bobbie learns about Jason and comforts the Quartermaine's. Luke offers his sympathy but does so with his foot in his mouth. As Bobbie offers her best wishes for Nikolas to Stefan, he is cold to her and Luke says so to him. As always Luke antagonizes Stefan and the two have a brief argument. Luke then goes into see Jason and reassures him Sonny & Brenda are OK.

Monica and Alan go in to see Jason and when Alan leaves Monica tells a sleeping Jason that this was all her fault. Little does she know that Jason looks like he is awake.

Nikolas shows up at Katherine's for help- he asks her if he can stay there.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of July 14, 1997 on GH

Thursday, July 17, 1997

by Soap Central

On the boat Sonny is really starting to get worried. It's going into thesecond day and he stillhasn't heard from Jason. Sonny realizes that they are getting close todocking. He tells Brendathat it looks like that they are going to have to use one of Luke'sdisguises, Brenda says not toworry that she already has it covered. She comes out into the room, andshe is wearing a blondewig, Sonny stares at her and smiles. Brenda replies, I know what you arethinking. When youget tire of the old Brenda, you'll have me put on this wig.

Meanwhile, back at Mac's house, Robin is changing the bandage on her armcovering the cutthat she received from the window that the bullet came through. Mac isconcerned about Robin.She tells him that she has to get to the hospital and that she needs togive Jason the cell phone.Mac wants to know what's so special about the cell phone. Is the linescrambled so that it can'tbe traced. Mac brings Robin out breakfast, tells her to eat, that Jasoncan wait for thirty minutes.As they sit down, there's a knock on the door, it's Jax. They go outsideto talk, Robin picks upthe cell phone and calls Sonny.

All the Spencers are gathered together to wish Luke good luck and tellhim bye ( he is going toSwitzerland for the summer ). Lucy lets Luke know that she haseverything taken care of withthe club, and that she is going to miss him. Lucky also announces thathe is staying in PortCharles and not going with his dad. Ruby says " You're staying alone."Lucky tells her that hehas responsibilities at the hospital, as he is trying to convinceeveryone, Sarah walks in the door,and off Lucky darts to see her. Everyone starts to laugh. Mike wants toknow from Luke ifSonny is all right. That since he is going to be gone so long, thismight be his last chance forawhile. Luke tells Mike that if he didn't think that Sonny was all righthe wouldn't be going toSwitzerland.

At Katherine's house, she is trying to convince Nikolas that Stefan doeslove him, that he shouldcall home to let him know that he is all right. Nikolas disagrees, hetells her that he can't talk tohim until he knows what he is going to do, but he does know that he isnot going home. He toldher that he called in sick to the hospital, that he knows that if hegoes there he will run into hisUncle. She tells him that if he doesn't call his uncle she will. As heis leaving, he remindsKatherine that she promise that she wouldn't call. Just after herleaves, she picks up thetelephone, dials, and asks for Stefan.

As Mac and Jax are outside, Jason's phone rings and Robin answers it..Sonny realizing that it'sRobin he knows that there is something wrong. Robin tells him about theshooting, and thatJason is hurt bad. Sonny tells her to get over to the hospital and tellJason that he orders him offof the Tin Man case. That she is to stick by Mac like glue. He tells herthat he has to go, that hecan't talk anymore. Robin goes over to the hospital and tells Jason whatSonny said. That hewasn't asking him, that he was ordering him.

On the boat Sonny and Brenda realize that they are docking, all of asudden they hear someonecoming, so they hide in the closet. Sonny has left the cell phone on thetable, but it's to late to goget it. A man walks into the room, he see's the phone, picks it up, andwalks out of the roomwith it. Sonny runs out of the closet to find the phone gone. They sneakof the boat and go to getsomething to eat, and try to figure out how they are going to get toMiami. Sonny looks over andsees a man loading a truck. The plan is to hide away in the back of thetruck, now they have tofigure out how to get on without the man seeing them. Brenda tells Sonnythat they can sneak inwhen the man goes to the bathroom. Sonny wants to know how she knowsthat he is going togo to the bathroom, she smiles and says, " he is doing that man thing."Watch you'll see, shewalks over to the man and starts to talk to him. She bumps into him andspills her ice cream allover him so that he has to leave. They both go to get into the truck,when the they are stoppedby the police

General Hospital Recaps: The week of July 14, 1997 on GH

Friday, July 18, 1997

by Soap Central

The police that stopped Brenda and Sonny think that he is a armedrobber. He fits thedescription of the man that they are looking for. Brenda is trying toexplain to them, that Sonny isfrom Cuba and that he doesn't even know any English. Brenda tells thepolice that if they don' tbelieve her to look at his passport. Sonny pretends to look for it tostall for time. Sonnyproduces a passport, and they let him go. They sneak into the back of atruck that is headed forMiami, and they are on there way!

At the Quartermaines' Ned and Monica are talking about Jason and Emily.Ned tells the storyabout the night at the Outback, the first night he came home from thehospital, that when he gotmad that night, he thought to himself, to stop and go after Jason, but Ididn't and Sonny did. If Iwould have gone instead, maybe he wouldn't be a criminal and laying inthe hospital shot. Theyleave to go to the hospital to visit Jason. At the hospital Grandmotherand Ned are visitingJason. He's sleeping, but grandmother tells Ned that he looks so pale,when he opens his eyes.Ned tells Jason that Monica says that he is on the mend. Jason says, whydon't you tell her that,I hate hospitals, Ned says why don't you tell her yourself, Emily andMonica are waiting outsideto see you.

Outside of Jason's room, Monica and Emily are having a few words. Emilyseems to be so angryall of the time. Alexis's walks up and interrupts the conversation.Grandmother and Ned walkout of the room, Ned see's Alexis's and as usual he begins to flirtwith her. Emily leaves andgoes into Jason's room. Jason is very weak, but he asks her for helpleaving the hospital. Hewants he to bring him over his clothes to the bed for him. Emily walksaway and Jason falls tothe ground, she starts to have a flash back when she sees the blood onJason's bandage.

Stefan at the hospital, is telling Bobbie that if she doesn't sign thepapers giving up all the moneythat he gave her, that he has an interview set up with the press. Thathe will drag everything outabout her past in court and Lucas will be the one that looses. Bobbietells him that she isn't goingto sign anything without her lawyer present, when Monica Bolls walks up.Stefan announces toher that he is donating 7 million dollars to a new drug wing ( that'sthe amount that he gaveBobbie ). Bobbie agrees to sign the papers if Stefan writes a letter toAudrey dropping allcharges about the drug theft.

Jax is packing his bags to leave town, his side kick the cop is tryingto stop him. Jax thinks thathe's gotten away, he is headed for Florida, when she sticks her headinto the cockpit and tellshim to take the plane down. He tells her that if she has a gun she isgoing to have to use it. Alexisruns into Sarah at the hospital. She mentions to Sarah that Nikolas leftthe hospital before heshould have, she tells Alexis that she just had lunch with him and thathe seemed fine. Nikolashas gone back to Katherine's house, there is a knock on the door, heanswers, it's Stefan.

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