General Hospital Recaps: The week of March 17, 1997 on GH

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General Hospital Recaps: The week of March 17, 1997 on GH
General Hospital Recaps: The week of March 17, 1997 on GH

Brenda realized that she had a drug problem and took a pregnancy test. Luke arranged for Carly to spy on Katherine and Stefan. Bobbie began to have doubts about Stefan.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of March 17, 1997 on GH

Monday, March 17, 1997

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by Soap Central

Brenda tries to tell Jax the truth. Anemotionally distraught Brenda tells him about her addiction to the painpills. She's ashamed of herself, but Jax tells her it's no problem,we'll fix it together. He suggests maybe she should be under a doctorscare to wean her slowly. She reacts strongly by telling she alreadytalked to Alan who told her it's not a problem. But she knows herselfbetter than that. There's something wrong. She wants him to take thepills and put them someplace she can never find them. He promises herwhen she feels better, they will fly to New Orleans and get married. Shestarts to cry and says as long as things are the way they are she can'tmarry him. All she can think of is wanting another pill. She doesn'tfeel like she deserves him. Not to worry Jax assures her. He's notgoing anywhere. He vows he's never going to let her go.

Ned and Alexis have dinner together. They findthey have much in common, especially coming from very powerful families. He confides in her that he and Katherine Bell were married to each other,for about 10 minutes. He doesn't go into details, but advises her not tohire Katherine.

Miranda shows up at Sonny's under the pretextthat she wants to see how he is. Sonny doesn't believe her for a minute.Sonny asks her to have a drink to his health, but she refuses. As shegets ready to leave, they all here a banging sound in the hallway. Sonnycautions all of them to be quiet. Meanwhile, we see Stefanbreaking down Katherines door (she happens to live next doorto Sonny), and rushing to her side. She can't believe he's there. Howdid you know I needed you? He explains he was the one on the phone. Hecradles her head and they are staring into each other's eyes as Sonny,Mike and Miranda walk in. They help Katherine get back intoher wheelchair. She informs them the only thing wounded is her pride andasks everyone to leave. She then introduces Stefan to her neighbors andto her friend Miranda. You can tell both Stefan and Miranda areuncomfortable but they acknowledge each other. After the men leave,Katherine confirms what Miranda figured out. Stefan is the "friend" shewas speaking about. Miranda says it's obvious that he adores her. ButKatherine is quick to notice that Miranda doesn't approve.

Stefan interrupts Ned and Alexis' dinner. Heneeds to talk to Alexis. Ned tells her he hopes they can do this againreal soon. She agrees. Once he's out of hearing Stefan informs Alexisabout what just transpired in Katherines apartment. She is veryconcerned. He thinks he covered up very well and tells her not to worry.But then he asks her to find out whatever she can about someone else whowas there....Miranda.

Sonny calls Luke. He was right. He found Stefan and Katherine in aclinch that didn't look at all like business, which Stefan wanted themall to believe.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of March 17, 1997 on GH

Tuesday, March 18, 1997

by Marie Forte

Mac and Felicia meet up with Lucy.They tell her about their little jail escapade. Lucy watches them andsays it seems like they had a good time. Felicia agrees. It seems likesince Tom left for Switzerland she just wants to Rock and Roll. Tom walks in at that moment and declares that maybe heshould go back. A surprised Felicia welcomes him home but says shewasn't expecting him back for a few days. Lucy is impatient and pullsFelicia away to talk to her in private. "What have you found out aboutthe Cassadines?" she wants to know. Felicia has not had a chance to getstarted but will get right on it. Lucy looks at Felicia intently anddecides that Felicia looks too happy. If she didn't know better she'dsay Mac and Felicia had something going on she tells her. Feliciabrushes it off by saying they are just friends. Meanwhile Mac isrelating the story to Tom about Felicia ending up in jail. A veryuptight Tom, declares he doesn't find it amusing at all. Then he tellsMac that "I don't appreciate you undermining mine and Felicia'srelationship." First Mac suspects he's the stalker, then tails himbecause he thinks he's having an affair and it leads to him discoveringhe was working with Luke. "Stop trying to make him look bad." Tomstates. Ruby tells Felicia there's a long distance phonecall from New York. A friend of hers, who lives in the town whereFelicia was arrested, has called to let her know she looks nothing likethe suspect they really did arrest for the crime spree. Felicia issuspicious and is worried someone may be after her. They get ready toleave when Tom pulls Mac to the side and tells Mac to butt out of theirlife. An angry Mac storms out of the restaurant.

Katherine flashes back to the previous evening when she wasin Stefen's arms. She is brought back to reality by thesound of her doorbell. The nurse answers it and finds it isBobbie. Taken aback, Katherine tries to sound calm, andasks Bobbie why she is here. She says she has something she needs totalk to her about. She doesn't understand why Katherine would go toLuke's hearing, and go out of her way to help him. If she wereKatherine, she would have been angry and want to see justice served. Katherine says she was just telling the truth. Sending someone toprison, is just not her way. Bobbie confides that when Katherineinformed the people at the hearing that the fued between the Spencers andthe Cassadines was futile and should stop there and then, it really movedher. She thanks Katherine, who is still trying to keep her composure. She doesn't want to be rude, but would Bobbie mind leaving? She iswaiting for the physical therapist.

Carly wakes up to find a note from Tonyreminding her about her appointment with Katherine. Apparently she is not in a good mood and it doesn't get any better when Luke rings her doorbell. She tells him to leave, and he barges in. when she threatens to call the police, he unplugs the phone. He tells her to "hurry up and get dressed because he intends to drive her to work." When she tells him no, he snarls at her that it wasn't a request it was an order. She is going to give him information about Katherine and Stefan, or he will tell Tony that Carly is really his stepdaughter. She is trying not to be intimidated by him and says "he wouldn't tell Tony, because if Bobbie found out she would never forgive her brother." Luke finds this all very amusing. In case she hadn't noticed, they are already estranged. As they open the door to leave the apartment, a startled Bobbie is ready to knock on the door. Carly makes up an excuse to leave the room and Bobbie questions Luke as to why he's here. He says" Tony, Carly, Lucas and Ruby are about the only family he has left in town." She questions why he would befriend a woman she so obviously dislikes, and he counters by asking why she would marry a man he dislikes. They bicker about Stefan and Bobbie gives up and tries to leave. But before she does, Luke asks her, "Honestly, are you sure you don't have any doubts about the man you married, any suspicions etc. Because if you don't then you're just lying to yourself. And time is running out." She can't answer him, but she can't tell him no either.

Back at the Cassadine mansion, Alexis joins her cousin for breakfast to find out what Bobbie said about Stefan rescuing Katherine. "She doesn't know yet because she was working last night." Agitated, Alexis warns Stefan he really should tell her before her brother does. She thinks Stefan is standing on a landmine. "Stop worrying", he snaps. She cautions him to "stop acting like you have control when you don't. The future of the Cassadine family is at stake." He calms down, and tells Alexis "Bobbie has no reason to doubt him. He can't help himself. He's responsible for what happened to Katherine." Nikolas walks in and overhears them talking about Katherine. His uncle tells him what happened and Nikolas offers to call her and see if she is okay. Instead he goes to her apartment and offers to do Tai Chi with her.

Jason informs Sonny he found a warehouse that is perfect for what they need. Jason tells Sonny why Keesha needed to see him. "AJ is drinking again and Keesha thought he could help." He tells Sonny AJ was drinking and driving the night he got hurt. "So AJ drinks because he feels guilty." Sonny doesn't understand why Jason never told him this before. Jason didn't think it was important. "Who cares if it was AJ or Ned." But he would use the information to blackmail the Quartermaines if they tried to remove Sonny from ELQ. Sonny is touched. Jason says the only reason AJ is so upset is because he misses his brother. And for the first time, Jason understands. If he had lost Sonny in the cave in, he would have missed him.

Stefan daydreams about Katherine. Her image tells him to let her go. Stefan says out loud "I know love is a weakness. Just ask Laura. I loved her, but when she turned on me and our son, I crushed her. She robbed me of my belief that I could be better than my family. The only person I've never destroyed is Nikolas. But Nikolas is infatuated with you, and Nikolas is very attached to Bobbie. I couldn't hurt him by being with you." "Yet..." he wonders,." can I lose the one part of myself that can still hope, still dream. To love you would hurt Nikolas. And I just can't do it." Katherine's vision tells him he needs to let her go. Stefan cries, "I can't."

Bobbie returns home and tells Stefan she had some errands to run and stopped by Katherines apartment. At first Stefan is relieved. "Oh good, then you know." When Bobbie looks puzzled he relates to her what happened. It's obvious that Bobbie doesn't look too happy.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of March 17, 1997 on GH

Wednesday, March 19, 1997

by Marie Forte

Carly and Luke try to leave the apartmentagain, but this time Tony's at the door. Luke questionsboth of them as to why they are there. Luke covers by saying he waslonely since his family went to Switzerland. He offers to take Carly towork, and Tony tells Luke he's welcome to come over anytime. He tellsCarly he's taking Lucas to the zoo this afternoon, so he won't be home.

Bobbie is still thinking back to Katherine's reaction whenshe stopped in to see her that morning. Stefan says theyagreed to no secrets and Bobbie tells him what's troubling her. Shespent almost 30 minutes with Katherine and she never mentioned whathappened. "Don't you think that's a little odd", she asks Stefan. Stefan tries to come up with reasons why she may not have saidanything.No matter what he says, Bobbie is still suspicious. When sheleaves to take Lucas to his Dad's, she doesn't even kiss him goodbye. Stefan looks worried.

When Bobbie drops off Lucas, she asks Tony ifhe can watch Lucas for a couple of days. Tony readily agrees. He wantsto know if everything is okay. Bobbie covers by saying it's just aschedule thing. But Tony seems to sense something is wrong and offersBobbie his friendship if she should need anything. Bobbie says no andleaves, but almost turns around before she walks away.

At Katherine's apartment, Nikolas and Katherinetalk over lunch. Somehow the conversation turns to Bobbie and Stefan. Nikolas says his uncle waited a long time to find the right woman. Hethinks Bobbie is wonderful. He speculates that since Stefan and Bobbiegot married Stefan seems different. He seems almost vulnerable for thefirst time. And for the first time it seems like he's not sure ofsomething. Uncomfortable, Katherine says it's probably just theadjustment to a new marriage. "Maybe", Nikolas says, "but for a man soused to being in control, he sure seems off his game lately." Katherinechanges the subject and tries to talk about his mother. Nikolas saysit's still a touchy subject with him. He's too bitter. He vows he'llnever let her hurt him again. Katherine hugs him before he leaves andtells him she hopes they will always be friends. Carlyshows up late and apologizes, it will never happen again. Whenthey start therapy, Carly notices the bruise on her leg. Katherinebriefly explains she fell, but she's okay. Then the phone rings. It'sStefan. He offers her the job at General Hospital. With Carly listeningshe turns him down, explaining she has a company to run.

Carly returns home before Tony and Lucasleave for the zoo. They kiss and Lucas flips out. He tells Carlyhe hates her. Tony tries to calm him down, and explains to the confusedlittle boy that no one will take his Mom's place.

Tom and Felicia have a heart to heart. Tomadmits he may have been a little hard on Mac. She says he's lost hisperspective regarding Stefan, and it's changed him. He agrees to keephis perspective in check if she promises to keep an open mind about hisdealings with the Cassadines. She confides that she was hired by Lucy tocheck out the Cassadines. Tom is thrilled. Felicia doesn't want Luke toknow. They kiss and make up when Luke shows up. He wants to know howeverything went in Switzerland. Tom tells him Stefan sent the medicalrecords for Leslie, and Luke scoffs at that. "Records can be altered",he tells Tom. Felicia changes her mind, and tells Luke she isinvestigating his "favorite" person. She informs him she hasn'tuncovered much but all arrows seem to be pointing to Katherine. Bobbie arrives in the restaurant and overhears them talking aboutStefan. She berates all of them and is especially upset with Felicia. Felicia assures her they are not ganging up on her. Bobbie wonders howanyone can believe anything Luke says, especially after they fakedLaura's death to set up her husband. At this point Luke comes ungluedand asks Bobbie how she can keep harping on that point but "won't look atthe fact that Stefan used Bobbie to help fake Leslie's death. Stefandrugged Leslie into a near death state and then used Bobbie to identifyher." He thinks because of Bobbie's reputation in Port Charles nobodyquestioned it. Bobbie defends Stefan by saying he was trying to saveLeslie's life. Luke responds by asking her, "what do you think we'retrying to do here. She's been drugged for over a decade. But you can'tface that fact or you would have to admit that Stefan is not who youthink he is. And furthermore, that would mean he used you then and he'susing you now." Bobbie leaves but is visibly shaken. She calls Audreyand asks her to meet her at the hospital records room. She needs to findLeslie Webber's death certificate.

Sonny confides to Jason about Brenda's drugproblem. They talk about Karen Wexler and her addiction. Sonny tellshim everyone thought it was all his fault. Until Karen, he never thoughtpills were as dangerous as hard drugs. Now he understands. He sawBrenda going through withdrawal, and he couldn't do anything for her buthold her. Drugs kill, he declares. That's why he wants to keep drugsout of Port Charles. Jason assures him that once Harry's partner moveswe've got him. "We'd better", states Sonny. Jason tells Sonny thatwarehouse space is perfect for what they are looking for. Sonny orders atitle search and says he'll make up his mind tommorrow.

Katherine calls Stefan back as soon as Carlyleaves and warns him to leave her alone. For emphasis, she slaps herthigh. When she gasps, Stefan asks "Are you alright?" Katherinewhispers, "My leg, I can feel my leg...."

General Hospital Recaps: The week of March 17, 1997 on GH

Thursday, March 20, 1997

by Marie Forte

Mike Keeps pestering Sonny to pursue Brenda. Afrustrated Sonny finally explains to Mike about Brenda's drug addiction. He tells him he's giving Brenda space and time to deal with heraddiction. Mike thinks Sonny should help her.

Brenda goes into the bathroom to take thepregnancy test. Jax thinks she is taking one of her pills. She hides the pregnancy test and lies that she was going to take a bath. The two sit down and talk about her addiction. She admits to him howbleak the future seems without her pain pills. When Jax leaves, Brendaflashes back to Sonny in the cave in and is about to take anotherpill...

Katherine tells Stefan over the phone she hasdeveloped some feeling and movement in one of her legs. She get's offthe phone with him when Miranda stops by to visit. When shetells Miranda what's going on, Miranda calls Tony forKatherine. Tony tells her he will send another doctor to come out to seeher. He sends Dorman, and Miranda questions him, "Don't Iknow you from somewhere?."

Bobbie meets Audrey at the record room. She issurprised to discover that her husband moved all hospital records to awarehouse for "safekeeping." Bobbie looks suspicious. She tells Audreyshe wanted to see Leslie's death certificate because she wanted to knowhow she could have been fooled so easily. Audrey declares she issuspicious of Stefan also because of things Tom has said. Bobbie wondersif Stefan could be keeping other secrets from her as well.

Lucas yells at Carly to leave his daddy alone. Tony tries to tell him he loves him more than anything in the world. Lucas starts to cry and accuses him of giving all his love to Carly. Carly is bitter and hurt when Lucas insists that his Mom come to pick himup.

Alexis and Stefan discuss Miranda. She tellshim the only information she has been able to come up with is that shewas once married to Jax, and was involved in a terrible explosion. There's no record of her before that. It looks like she never existed. Later, we see Alexis at her home writing a letter to someone.

Emily talks to Ned about being a Quartermaine. They all lie to get out of trouble and to get what they want.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of March 17, 1997 on GH

Friday, March 21, 1997

by Marie Forte

Brenda is contemplating taking a pill, when someone knocksat her front door. It's Robin! An estatic Brenda confidesto Robin what happened between her and Sonny, as well as her addiction tothe pain pills. When Robin questions her about what Jax knows, she tellsher nothing. "Maybe he'll understand" Robin says. "I told Sonny I lovehim, I don't think he'll understand that", Brenda replies. Robin tellsBrenda Sonny probably expects her to end her marriage and come to him. Brenda tearfully confesses she is confused and doesn't know what to do. She tells Robin how grateful she is that came by. She feels much betternow that she's talked to her. As Robin prepares to leave, Brenda opensdoor to find Sonny standing there.

As Dorman examines Katherine, he comes acrossas a real jerk. He irritates and aggravates both Katherine andMiranda. Oblivious to her obvious dislike, Dorman tries tohit on Miranda. Jax calls Miranda and says he needs to seeher. Miranda invites him over to Katherine's penthouse, and tells himit's across the hall from Sonny Corinthos' penthouse. Dorman looks upwhen he hears Sonny's name mentioned. After examining Katherine, heseems to dismiss her belief that she felt something in her leg. Mirandawhispers to Katherine not to let him bother her. "You know what youfelt" she tells her. As he leaves Jax arrives. Jax is there to tellMiranda that he has chosen Brenda. Miranda says she already figured thatout, and isn't terribly thrilled about it.

On the way to the elevator, Dorman stands in front ofSonny's door. Without warning, Jason opens thedoor and asks him what he wants. Dorman leaves but not before seeingTaggert is in Sonny's apartment talking with Sonny andMike. Under Jason's watchful eye, Dorman turns around andgets on the elevator. Meanwhile, Taggert insinuates that since Sonny wasinvolved in the cave in, all the heroin in Port Charles has dried up. Coincidence? He thinks not. An exasperated Sonny berates Taggert fornot doing his job. He warns him if he isn't careful whoever is behindthis might pick Taggert as his next victim. He asks Sonny if it's athreat. Then out of nowhere he asks Sonny "Will I end up like Deke witha bullet in my head?" There is dead silence in the room as Mike andSonny look at each other in astonishment. How does he know about Deke? Taggert tells them Sonny mentioned him when they pulled him up out of thecave in, but no one buys it. Is there some kind of connection? AfterTaggert leaves Sonny tells Jason to keep digging into Taggert'sbackground. Jason tells Sonny Dorman was the person at the door. Jasondoesn't trust him, "he's a fake" he tells Sonny. Sonny tells him he'd bedoing Monica a favor if he could prove Dorman was lying.

Nikolas receives a letter from his grandmother with apicture of Lesley Lu and Lesley enclosed. Stefan sneersthat Lesley was in no condition to write that letter, it must be Lauratrying to get to him through his grandmother. Bobbiecautions Stefan to back off. Nikolas deserves a chance to have arelationship with his grandmother. Stefan gets agitated when Bobbiesuggests that Lesley may have been better off without his interventionyears ago. A presumably worried Stefan tries to seduce Bobbie later thatday, but she says no, she has something she needs to do and leaves. Stefan doesn't look very happy. While Bobbie is gone,Katherine calls...Stefan tells her he'll be right over.

Dorman returns home and check the heroin he has taped behindthe picture. Just then someone starts knocking. Imagine his surprisewhen he opens the door to Jason. Jason informs him "ohgood, I thought for a minute I might have to break down the door" andjust walks into his apartment.

Bobbie goes to the warehouse where all the records have beenmoved to. She starts searching for Lesley's gift certificate, when aloud noise startles her. In her surprise she knocks some shelves downand a spark occurs from some exposed wires. Before she knows it, theboxes of files and papers all go up in flames and she's trapped...

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