General Hospital Recaps: The week of February 10, 1997 on GH

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General Hospital Recaps: The week of February 10, 1997 on GH
General Hospital Recaps: The week of February 10, 1997 on GH

Lois returned to Port Charles with her baby daughter. Ned and Monica's affair was revealed during the sexual harassment trial. Stefan vowed revenge on the Spencers. Felicia feared that her relationship with Tom was beyond repair.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of February 10, 1997 on GH

Monday, February 10, 1997

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by Soap Central

Lois is in the doorway of the Gatehouse with the baby. Ned is surprised to see her there. He invites her and the baby inside. Lois introduces littleBrook to her father. Ned takes Brook in his arms. Lois says that she cango and get her car seat, so that he can put her down, but Ned wants tokeep holding her. They talk about whether or not she looks like Lois,Ned, or Lois' father. Lois apologizes, not for leaving, but for keepingNed from his daughter for so long. Ned asks if he can give Brook a present and Lois agrees. Ned walks over to the closet and opens it up toreveal that it's completely stuffed with presents. He gives the babya brown teddy bear to play with. Lois is shocked. Ned says overkill is hismiddle name. He asks her when Brook's nap time is and Lois says is was ahalf an hour ago. Ned pulls out a basonnette from the closet and layshis daughter down inside it. Lois tells him to count to ten and littleBrook is asleep by the time he gets to 7. Ned is surprised and asks if shedoes that every time. Lois says she does, she's just like her mom. Nedwhispers sweet things to his child adn Lois tells him that he doesn't haveto whisper. She plays Eddie Maine records for Brook all the time, eventhough he's sort of retired right now. Ned guesses that Brenda has beenwriting to her about Ned. Lois says Brenda calls her or leaves herlong messages on her ansering maching. Lois also admits to gettingupdates from Robin. Brenda told Lois about Ned's plan to get her back.Ned is a little upset because Brenda hasn't told him anything about Lois.Lois says she asked Brenda not to say anything. Lois asks Ned abouthow he got Jax off the ELQ board. Ned admits that he muscled Jaxoff the board by blackmailing him with information about his first wifethat he got from Sonny and Brenda, even though Brenda told him the infoas a friend--not a source. Lois is upset, but Ned defends his actions bypointing out some bad things that Jax has done in the past. He announcesthat he'll be leaving ELQ soon and coming to be with her if she'll still havehim. Lois doesn't respond and Ned wonders if she still loves him.She says she's sure that she does. Ned then asks if she still wantsto be married to him, but stops her before she can answer. Lois asks himif he's angry with her and they argue for a few minutes, but Ned stops andsays that he's so happy she and their daughter are there that he shouldn'task for anything more.

Nikolas is at Laura's grave. Bobbie comes and Nik tries to get her togo away, but she won't. Bobbie tells him that Laura wanted to followhim after their confrontation, but she wouldn't let her do it. Nikolasasks Bobbie why Laura lied to him and left him again. He says thatLaura must really hate him, but Bobbie disagrees. She says Laura's justused to being excused. Bobbie then tells Nikolas about her own troubleswith her mother and father when she was younger. She tells thestory of how her mother died of appendicitis because her father waspassed out drunk and couldn't take her mother to the hospital. Nikolasasks her how she dealt with it and Bobbie says she just hung onto Lukeand he got them to Florida and their Aunt Ruby's. She tells Nikolasthat the idea that whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger is a crock.She says that whatever doesn't kill you is your life. She encouragesNikolas to get through his pain. She knows he can do it because he's doneit before. Bobbie tells him if life gets too hard his family will alwaysbe there for him--the Cassadine side of the family. She tells him thatone day he'll wake up and feel like God remembered him at last. Nikolassays that he wants Laura to cry at his grave and he wants to be able towatch. Bobbie asks him to trust her when she says that Laura wasn't tryingto hurt him. She was just going along with one of Luke's schemes thathe probably gave her like 5 minutes to think about and she figured shewould just worry about the consequences later. Nik doesn't understandhow she can live that way. Then he expresses all the guilt he feelsfor having blamed Stefan for Laura's death. Bobbie tells him that Stefan loves him no matter what. They talk about the differences betweenBobbie and Luke and Bobbie tells Nikolas that he's a good person.She offers to drive him to the hospital so that he can talk to Stefan.They exit.

In the holding cell Sonny is trying to deal with his claustrophobia. He's gotTom pinned up against the wall. Brenda enters and tells Sonny that his lawyeris there and tells the guard to let him out. The guard tells her he can't letSonny out because of Taggert's orders. Brenda charms him with the promise of abox of Jax perfume for his wife and just as she's getting somewhere Taggert enters with a club (!) in his hand. Tom asks where Sonny's attorney is and Taggert makes excuses about the paperwork not being done. Shetells Taggert to let him out now unless he wants to take Sonny's place inthe holding cell there tonight. Tom points out how angry Mac is goingto be when he finds out what Taggert is doing, but Taggert is unmoved andmentions that Mac might not be police commisioner after his talk withthe mayor that he's having right now. Brenda says that if Taggert doesn'tlet them out she's going to call the press. She explains that she is the modelfor Jax cosmetics and she can get the press there in a second, ready to hearanything she has to say. She says they'll love to hearabout the poor state of the civil liberties in New York. Taggert asks Brenda ifshe can spell that. Then he asks Sonny if he always lets girls fighthis battles for him and Sonny says only if their good at it. Brendaorders him to let Sonny go and Mac enters and tells Taggert to let Tomand Sonny go.

At Jax and Brenda's. There's a knock at the door. Jax answers it. It'sMiranda. She apologizes for not calling ahead of time. Miranda thankshim again for the book of poems and for the old picture of the two of themtogether. She says it made her grateful to all of her surgeons andhairdressers. She asks him if he still has the photo album of all oftheir time togther that he had before. Jax says that he does. Miranda askshim for it, so that she can have a ceremonial burning of them. Jaxis suspicious (and rightfully so) and asks her if she wants to the burnthe pictures to protect herself. She confirms that and Jax asks her ifshe's being stalked. Miranda says that she just wants to protectherself from being ambushed by someone from her past. Miranda askshim to send her the pictures and not bring them in person because she'sgoing to be keeping clear of him, now that they're divorced. Jaxrefuses to give her the pictures if he's not going to get to see herat all. The phone rings. It's Virgil, his chauffeur. He tells Jaxhe's at central lock-up and that Brenda has been in there for a longtime and he's worried about her. Jax is confused about why Brenda isthere when she said she'd be at Ned's. He says he's coming down there andhangs up the phone...

In the park, Sonny apologizes to Tom for jumping him in the cell and Tomaccepts his apology. Tom exits. Sonny is worried about Brendabeing out in the open unprotected, but Brenda reminds him that her driveris right across the street and the she _is_ there with him. They sitdown on a bench and Sonny compliments her on how well she was with Taggert earlier. He tells her that he's glad she was smart enough notto mention his claustrophobia because if the cops knew about it itwould prompt them to bring him in and hold him over night any timethey had an excuse. Brenda tells him that he doesn't have to feel likehe can't trust her ever again. Cut to Harry in the bushes watchingtheir conversation and taking pictures of it. Brenda andSonny get up and Sonny thanks her for her help. They're about toleave when Jax walks up. Meanwhile, Harry has called someone offeringthem front page material--Mob boss and the model pictures.

In Katherine's hospital room. Luke enters and Stefan tries to get himto leave by threatening to call the police, but Luke says that he's alreadybeen to the police station and now he's out on bail. He tries to getKatherine to realize that Stefan is the one who really shot her (ofcourse she already knows that because he told her the truth minutesbefore Luke got there). He tells her that Stefan preys on vulnerable women,like his sister, Bobbie and asks her to help him put a stake in this vampire's(Stefan's) heart. Luke recreates the mood of the night anddescribes the fog and dampness. He brings her into a sort of tranceand she relives what happened in her mind. She sees Stefan shoot her.She remembers and Luke can tell. He urges her to admit that she remembers, but for some reason Katherine protects Stefan. She says she canremember her feelings up to the shooting, but can't remember theshooting itself. Then she looks up at Stefan. Luke says that he'llcome back another time to talk about it and Katherine asks him not to.Stefan mentions that Luke seems ok after only a few short weeks ofmourning his wife. Luke asks him if he's seen Nikolas lately andStefan asks him why. Luke tells him he should talk to him andexits. Stefan asks Katherine why she covered up for him and Katherinecan't explain why. She tells him to go look for Nikolas. Stefan exitsand Luke reenters. He says he was stupid to ask her about it while Stefan was in the room, but Katherine sticks to her story. Lukewarns her that Stefan won't let her turn him in and he'll turn intosomething like Leslie--someone with the faculities of a shoebox--ifhe think she's going to cross him. Luke gives her his phone number and goes to leave. Katherine tells him that if he doesn't want heras an enemy he'll leave Nikolas alone. Luke tells her to call himand exits.

Meanwhile, in the hallway, Stefan runs into Nikolas. Stefan tellsNikolas that Luke is back in town and asks him if he's seen him.Nikolas says he's only seen Laura. Stefan is stunned. Nikolas issurprised that Stefan hasn't heard the news that Laura is stillalive and tells him that the whole thing was a hoax. Stefan grabsNik's face and asks him to repeat what he just said and Niktells him that Laura is alive. Stefan is so shocked!!!

Luke is in the main area of the hospital heading towards the elevator.The doors open and there is Bobbie. They look at each other...

General Hospital Recaps: The week of February 10, 1997 on GH

Tuesday, February 11, 1997

by Jessica Greig

Edward and Lila are in the living room talking. Edward is complaining aboutAlan punching Dorman during the trial and the news making all of the paperswhen Ned enters with Brook Lynn. He introduces her to her great-grandparents.

In the park by the police station. Brenda and Sonny try to explain whythey're together, but Jax knows that Sonny was arrested and that Brendacame to help him because Virgil (her driver) told him. Jax and Sonnyfight about the weird gifts Brenda has been receiving. Jax still thinksthat Sonny is sending them (Harry is listening to the whole conversation in the bushes). Brenda tries to get Jax to go home, but the phone rings.It's Lois for Brenda. She's thrilled and rushes off to visit Lois aftershe makes Sonny and Jax promise not to fight. The two men fight overBrenda some more. Jax points out that no matter what Sonny cooks up toget Brenda to come to him she always returns home to him. Sonny tellsJax it's a good thing that Miranda is around to keep Jax warm, becauseBrenda always comes back to him (Sonny). Jax gets angry and lunges atSonny, but Jason comes from behind and pulls Jax down. Jax threatensto kill the two of them if anything happens to Brenda and then tellsSonny to stay away from her and exits. Sonny asks Jason why he's back soearly and Jason tells him that Mac called Robin with the news that Laurawas still alive and Sonny was in jail. Jason says Mac wasn't too happyto find out that Robin already knew that Laura was alive (Jason toldher after the funeral), but was glad that she didn't have to grieve. Sonnyadmit he's grateful to Brenda and Mac for getting him out of the holdingcell before he killed Tom. Taggert comes by at that moment and harrassesthem for a while. They learn that Taggert has been taken off the case(what a shame). He exits. Sonny and Jason talk about what happenedin Rochester and about Robin's new HIV treatment (she has to take over30 pills a day!). They exit the park with Sonny telling Jasonto call Robin more and to talk more. Jason says he's just beinga good listener. Sonny says there's a fine line between being a goodlistener and being a mute.

Stefan is with Nikolas outside Katherine's hospital room reeling fromthe realization that Laura is alive. Katherine comes out with an orderlywheeling her and finds out that Laura is alive from Nikolas. She tellsthem they can use her room to talk because she's off to physical therapyand exits. The two men go into her room and talk about all of Laura's lies.Nikolas apologizes to Stefan for doubting him and proclaims that he wasa fool to believe Laura because she hates all of the Cassadines. Stefanhas a flashback of Laura kissing him and then agrees with Nikolas. He promisesthat the Spencers will pay for what they did. Stefan says that theyshould be going because Katherine will be back soon. Nikolas comesrealizes that Laura indirectly caused Katherine's shooting because Katwouldn't have been on the island if she hadn't wanted to comfort Nikolas.Nik wouldn't have been grieving over Laura's "death" if she'd just toldthe truth. Nik asks Stefan about how many more lies Laura is going toruin and Stefan promises that there will be no more. There's a knock at the door. It's Katherine back from physical therapy. Stefan leaves and Nikolasstays to help her get into bed. Katherine assures Nikolas that she'shis friend and tells him she's sorry for what Laura did to him. Nikolasagain blames Laura for the shooting and says whoever pulled the triggeris going to pay. Katherine looks away.

At the Gatehouse. Lois is listening to Eddie Maine when there's a knockat the door. She turns off the music and answers the door. It's Brenda.They sit down on the couch and gossip about Brenda's reignited feelingsfor Sonny and her choice to stay with Jax because of the safety hecan offer her. Lois admits to Brenda that Ned still makes her kneesweak, but she's not sure if she's going to stay or not. She says shedoesn't really know Ned, just the parts he lets her see. Brenda tellsLois that he loves her and Brook so much. She describes the nightwhen Brook was born and how Ned held her (Brenda) pretending tobe holding Brook in his arms. Lois is touched, but still undecidedabout staying with Ned. Oh, during their talk, Brenda tookanother pill for her hip (addiction!). Brenda comments on Lois nothaving any fingernails. Lois says she's going to grow them back oncethe baby is out of diapers, but Brenda tells her she looks betterwithout the long fingernails. Ned enters with the baby and Brendajumps up to say hello to her goddaughter. She takes little Brookin her arms. Ned and Brenda exit to feed the baby and Loishears a knock at the door and answers it. It's Jax. He apologizesfor his part in making Lois leave, but she forgives him and tellshim that in the end it was about Ned, not him. Brenda and Nedre-enter and Brenda intros Jax to Brook Lynn. Later, after Jax and Brendahave left, Sonny and Jason come over. Lois scolds Sonny, tellinghim that he's too thin and that he should call more often. Sonnyand Jason meet the baby and Sonny gets to hold her. Sonny tells Loisthat she and Ned did a good (referring to Brook). Lois says that theythink so.

Still at the hospital. Luke runs into Bobbie. She comments on his hair cutand says that she could have lived without seeing it. She says she couldhave lived the rest of her life without seeing him at all. She thankshim for banning her from Laura's funeral and sparing her his performance.Bobbie asks him if he feels foolish being "the man who cried Cassadine."Luke says that Stefan shot Katherine Bell and framed him for the shooting,but Bobbie isn't buying it. She says she believes that Luke went backto the island that night and saw a movement in the bushes and thought itwas Stefan, so he shot, not knowing it was Katherine. She says that hecould have shot her or Nikolas instead, but that would have been no problem because then he would have been shooting a Cassadine. Lukeasks her if that's how she sees herself and she says yes, it's betterthan being a Spencer. She goes to exit, but he stops her. He tells herif she'd rather be a Cassadine then she is one. Luke asks her if Stefanis bribing her with money or drugging her like he did Leslie. Bobbiejust tells him to go home to Laura because they deserve each other.Stefan comes at that moment and tells Bobbie they should go home.The elevator doors open at precisely that moment and they go into theelevator and the doors close.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of February 10, 1997 on GH

Wednesday, February 12, 1997

by Jessica Greig

Tom and Felicia are in her apartment at the Brownstone. Tom talks about beingin Lock-up with Sonny and Leslie Webber's condition. He says that he's notsure about her condition and Felicia says she's unsure about theirrelationship. They fight about Tom lying to her and not trusting herenough to tell her that Laura was really alive. Tom explains that Lukethought it was the only way to keep everyone safe--including Felicia. Hedidn't want the Cassadines to hurt Felicia if they found out she had anyinformation about Laura. He tells her that he'd do it again if giventhe chance. He compares the situation to when Felicia thought that hewas her stalker and pulled a gun on her. Felicia says she wouldn't do thatagain...that's the difference. Tom asks her if she'll ever forgive him forlying to her. Felicia doesn't know because he's let her and the kids LIVEa lie for so long. She exits to check on kids and explain to them about Laura. Later she returns and says the girls have a cold and she'll tell themlater about Laura. Tom asks her if she wants him to help her talk to them.Felicia says no. She can't count on him anymore because he violated somuch trust. Tom asks for another chance and says that he won't everdo this again, but Felicia reminds him that he said that he would do itagain if he had to and asks him not to make promises he can't keep.

Lucy and Kevin are in Luke's. They're sitting at a table talking and then Kevin says he has to go to court. They fight about the idea of Kevin working for the Cassadines (Alexis). Kevin says it feels good to be useful again andthey decide to stop arguing about it for now. Kevin exits to go tothe courthouse. Meanwhile Jason, Luke and Sonny are talking at thebar about getting the charges dropped and about Taggert being out forSonny. Justus enters and Sonny and Jason go off to talk in private.Justus offers to be Luke's lawyer, but Luke declines because he needsa full time lawyer. Justus says he's quitting his job at ELQ. Luke agreesto have Justus represent him and then rejoins Sonny and Jason who are nowtalking to Lucy. Lucy wants some information about the Cassadines andwhat went on in Rochester because of the fact that Kevin might goand work for Stefan. The guys promise to keep their eyes on the Cassadinesand out for Kevin. Luke walks Lucy out as Taggert enters. He's justthere to let Sonny know that he's still around. Sonny tells him he's tresspassing if he's not there to arrest him. Taggert smirks and exits.Sonny asks Jason about the background check he ordered on Taggert. Jasonsays he hasn't found anything that isn't a matter of public record. Sonnyexpresses that he's worried about people getting the idea that he's a drug dealer because if someone planted drugs on his territory everyone wouldeasily believe the drugs were his. Jason asks him if he thinks that Taggertwould frame him and Sonny says that Taggert would do it any way he could.Outside we see Keesha walking and Taggert call out to her. She'sthere to meet him to talk to him about the information that she gotfrom AJ earlier at the Q's house about Karen Wexler, her drug addictionand her involvment with Sonny and his strip club.

Alexis is At the Quartermaines'. Monica, Alan, Lila, and Edwardare there eating breakfast and talking about the case. Ned and Loiswalk in and Lila is thrilled to see them back together. Lois says she'sjust there to introduce Brook Lynn to her daddy, not about a reconciliation.Lois gives everyone a hug, encourages Monica and gets introduced toAlexis. Monica orders Ned to stay away from the courthouse and staywith Lois and the baby. She and the rest of the Q's exit to thecourthouse. Lois insists that Ned go and support Monica, butsuggests dinner later. She asks him to stay for a little while, though,and help feed the baby. As they exit they run into Keesha and AJ whogreet Lois warmly. They talk about Karen, as mentioned before. AJgoes to the courthouse and Keesha goes off to do paperwork for theCharles St. Foundation (she goes to meet Taggert).

Emily is in her room watching the news coverage of the trial whenher friend Matt enters. She's cutting to avoid the gossip aboutMonica at school and he thought he'd keep her company. They talkabout the trial and about different CD's. Matt asks if he canput one in, or will someone hear them? Emily says that shecould blast Alanis all day and no one would notice because they'reso preoccupied with the trial. Matt tells her not to worry, that afterit's over they can go back to being one big happy family. Ha, ha.There's a knock at the door. It's Lois. She heard the music and cameup to see her. They hug and then Lois notices Matt. She asks if she cancome in and Emily says of course. Lois promises not to tell that Emily cut class if she stops watching the news. She intros Matt to Lois and Lois andEmily exit to go raid the refrigerator. Matt stays in the room andreads Emily's diary. Lois and Emily go down to the living roomand talk about the baby and the possibility of Lois staying in town.Lois questions her relationship with Matt and Emily assures her that they'renot boyfriend and girlfriend and they're not having sex. Lois talks to Emily about how she shouldn't get involved with the wrong crowd, even though it's easy to do at her age and just encourages her to stay true to herself.Emily then exits to get some food. Later, she goes back up to the roomand starts watching the news coverage of the trial with Matt. So muchfor promises.

Meanwhile, Justus enters the living room and he and Lois hug. They talkabout a big donation that Ned just arranged for the Ward House. Loisis shocked that there's no strings attached to this donation. She and Justus talk about how Ned has changed since she left. Justus says thathe thought Ned was pure Quartermaine, but now he's not so sure becausehe thinks Ned is just helping him because it's the right thing to do.He encourages Lois to give Ned a second chance and Lois wants to badly.

At the courthouse. Almost all of the Quartermaine clan (minus AJ and Ned)enters and they talk about the trial. Then Dorman and his lawyer enter.Dorman's lawyer calls Alexis over and he announces a surprise witness. Meanwhile, in the hallway, Ned is served with a subpoena to testify. Whenthe judge enters Alexis and Dorman's lawyer argue whether or not Ned shouldtestify because the defense didn't have time to prepare for Ned's testimony. However, the judge allows Ned to be a witness and he is called to the stand.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of February 10, 1997 on GH

Thursday, February 13, 1997

by Jessica Greig

The show opens with Audrey and Felicia's door looking for Tom. Feliciasays that Tom is with her and invites her inside. She then goes to checkon the kids. Audrey and Tom fight about all of his lies about Laura's"death" and about Stefan. Audrey refuses to believe that Stefan is theevil person that Luke has made him out to be. They agree to disagree, moreor less. Tom then asks Audrey if she'd be willing to help him with LeslieWebber by talking to Leslie about the past. Audrey agrees and theyyell goodbye to Felicia and go to exit to visit the Spencers. Theyrun into Bobbie, say hello, and exit. Bobbie comes in and she and Feliciadiscuss their frustration with Luke and Laura. Felicia talks about theuncertainty of her relationship with Tom, which is reinforced when shesees Maxi playing "The Laura Spencer game" with Georgie (she pretends todie and then comes back to life over and over again).

Meanwhile, the Spencers and Leslie move back into their house and discusstheir failed plan to get out of the country. They talk about trying to make things right again with all of their friends. Lucky is inspiredby this talk and calls Emily who is in her room watching the trialwith Matt. She basically blows Lucky off and then hangs up on him.Audrey and Tom come over a little while later and Audrey sits withLeslie and talks about old time and old friends, like Jessie Brewer,Steve, and Leslie's husband Rick. She also remembers the time thatLaura ran away with what she called every mother's worst nightmare (Luke).Leslie has a flashback of a conversation she had with Audrey about Laura running off with Luke. She says, "I was so worried about her!"Everyone is shocked and thrilled by this breakthrough, even though Lesliereverts back into her drug-induced trance. Audrey promises to comeback every morning before work and talk with Leslie. Luke is encouragedand says that maybe there is a chance that they'll be able tofind out about what the Cassadines did to Leslie after all. Audreyand Luke argue about his bad attitude toward the Cassadines and Audrey and Tom exit. Laura says that she thinks they should stay inPort Charles because maybe the memories there will help her motherget better.

On the porch outside, Tom and Audrey argue about Stefan. Tom says thatStefan is to blame for Steve's death because stefan duped Steve intobankrupting GH. Audrey disagrees and defends Stefan, but Tom vows topay Stefa back for killing his father and exits.

In the courtroom. Just as Ned is being sworn in, Lois (who's at the gatehouse)is getting little Brook ready to go to the courthouse and visit her "good daddy." Alexis tries to call a recess when Monica tells her Ned's testimony could be damaging and the Quartermaines are scared. Alantries to talk to Monica, but Monica doesn't turn around. The recessis denied and throughout his testimony Ned reveals that he workedas a tennis instructor at Green Meadows Spa a long time ago. Therehe gave lessons to Monica Quartermaine. He is then forced to admit oneof the best kept secrets on daytime tv--that he had an affair with Monica.He admits this just as Lois enters the courtroom. She exits shortlyafter. Alexis cross-examines and enforces the fact that he andMonica were old enough and that the affair was consentual. She alsogets him to point out that Monica never used the affair to influence himor hurt him later. Alexis then asks for Ned's testimony to be strickenfrom the record. The judge says he'll take it under advisement. He saysthey'll meet again the day after tomorrow and exits. Ned apologizesto Monica and after learning that Lois was there from AJ, runs out tofind his wife (he finds her at the gatehouse getting ready to leave).Monica goes to find Alan, Emily gets stoned in her room with Mattand AJ takes a drink from the flask in his coat pocket.

High point of trial coverage:Dorman's lawyer is upset with Dorman for getting him to call Ned tothe stand and asks him what happened to him to make him so twisted .

General Hospital Recaps: The week of February 10, 1997 on GH

Friday, February 14, 1997

by Jessica Greig

At the courthouse. Monica finds Alan in the hallway and apologizes becauseher affair with Ned was revealed in court. Alan can't believe that shetold Dorman about her affair with Ned because they had spent so many yearstrying to put it behind them. Monica denies telling Dorman about it. Dorman comes up to them and wishes Monica a happy Valentine's Day. He says that hebets lots of boys watching court TV are wishing they had an Aunt Monica. Alan explodes and threatens to ruin Dorman's career and life. Monica asks Dormanwhat she ever did to him except leave. They fight some more and Dormanexits. Monica calls Emily and asks her if she saw the coverage of the trial.Emily denies it even though she and Matt have been watching all day in herroom. Emily acts weird on the phone because she is STONED! Monica makesher promise to stay there so that they can have a family talk when theyget home.

At the Quartermaine Mansion. Emily tells Matt that Alan and Monica are ontheir way home. Matt remarks on how stoned Emily is and tells her sheshould eat something before they get home. They find the chocolates Alanbought for Monica for Valentine's Day and eat them--all of them. Alan andMonica enter and Emily apologizes for eating the chocolates, but Alanis not angry. Matt exits and Monica tells Emily that she had an affairwith Ned years ago. Emily does a very bad job of acting surprised (she'sknown for weeks after overhearing a conversation between Ned and Monica).Alan and Monica fight in front of Emily and Alan ends up going to thehospital to do some work and escape his problems with Monica. Matt callsto see how things are going and Emily pretends he's her lab partner for school. Monica goes to exit and asks Emily to come and see her in herroom when she's off the phone and Emily agrees to do it. Monica leaves.Emily tells Matt that they didn't even notice she was stoned becauseof the pressures of the trial, so she can do whatever she wants.

Ned is at the Gatehouse. He arrives just in time to see Lois ready toleave with Brook Lynn. Ned begs her to stay, but she refuses. Ned explains to Lois that he didn't know that he and Monica were relatedwhen they had an affair. Lois says she understands that and she knowshe didn't cheat on her with Monica. She's just angry because it's onemore secret that Ned kept from her. Ned promises that there will be nomore secrets between them, but Lois doesn't buy it. Ned says he wants tofight for her love, but Lois just says she's gotta go and exits.Later Justus arrives and Ned informs him that he's going to Brooklynto be with his wife and daughter, so Justus will have to take overELQ. When Justus refuses and then tries to quit his job at ELQ, Nedblackmails Justus. He promises he'll tell the whole world that Justuskilled Damian Smith if he doesn't take over the job for Ned. Lois, ofcourse, walks in as Ned is blackmailing him and hears everything.

At the Cassadine mansion. Bobbie and Stefan are having a romanticevening in front of the fire. Bobbie complains about Luke and Stefanexpresses concern for Leslie. He doubts Luke's ability to care for herproperly. They talk about Luke insisting that Stefan is the shooterand the confrontation that Stefan had with Luke in Katherine's hospitalroom. Bobbie tells Stefan that they should have befriended Katherine soonerbecause Luke might convince her to lie for him (umm...) and say that Stefanshot her. She urges Stefan to go and talk to her. Stefan protestsbecause it's Valentine's Day, but Bobbie insists. He leaves to go to thehospital.

In Katherine's hospital room. Sonny is there to visit with flowersand a newspaper. Katherine knows that Sonny is there to convince her tofinger Stefan as her shooter. Sonny tells her about all the terrible thingsStefan could do to her, but Katherine doesn't fall for any of them. Mirandaenters later and she and Sonny exchange sarcastic remarks. Sonny leavesthe newspaper for Katherine and starts to leave. The headline is about Brenda and Sonny, saying that they've reunited. There is a pictureof the two of them on together in the park. Sonny suggests that Mirandashould like it, but she says she doesn't like seeing Jax embarrassed. Sonnysmirks and exits. Katherine and Miranda talk for a while about Sonny.Katherine reveals that her secret visitor is Stefan Cassadine. Mirandasays that Katherine shouldn't count on Stefan to help her get well--sheshould count on herself. Katherine promises to do so, if Miranda willpromise to try to get Jax back. After some protest from Mirandathe two agree to the deal and shake hands. Later, Stefan shows upat her door.

In Brenda and Jax's apartment. Brenda comes in with a bag full of packagesjust as someone is delivering a huge box. Jax signs for the box and thedelivery guy exits. Brenda wants to know what's in the box and says shewon't give Jax any of his Valentine's Day presents if he doesn't tell her.Jax is about to say something to her when he sees the Sonny/Brenda headlineon the newspaper. Brenda apologizes, but amazingly, Jax doesn't get angry.Jax asks for his presents and Brenda gives them to him. 6 pairs ofboxer shorts covered in hearts or some other designs for each day of theweek. Jax says there are 7 days in the week. Brenda then pulls outsome aftershave, which is all she wants him to wear on the 7th day.Brenda asks for her present and Jax pretends that he didn't get her anything. Then tells her the big box is for her, but she's going tohave to wait to open it while he goes to try on his boxer shorts.Brenda promises not to peek, but when he's gone she peeks. A loudnoise is heard and whatever is in the box starts to inflate. Brendascreams and Jax comes running. It's a lifeboat so that they can takea romantic trip together. They start kissing in the lifeboat when thedoorbell rings. It's a man with a registered lette for Jax. he signsfor it and the man leaves. It's a note telling Jax his divorce will befinal in a week. Brenda is overjoyed and they kiss and kiss and kiss...

At Miranda's apartment. Sonny and Miranda are talking about breakingJax and Brenda up. Sonny tells her that she's too much of a lady.She doesn't know how to fight for what she wants on her own. Mirandaasks for suggestions and Sonny asks her what she nees. Miranda has a vision of Jax saying he's going to leave Brenda and then proclaiming hislove for her. Sonny tells Miranda a story about how easy it is to makea house of cards fall down (I'm assuming it's a symbol for Jax and Brenda'srelationship). The doorbell rings. It's a man with the registeredletter telling Miranda that her divorce to Jax will be final in a week.Sonny says the pressure is on and asks Miranda if she can get the jobdone...

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