General Hospital Recaps: The week of June 3, 2024 on GH

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Family and friends said goodbye to Gregory. Anna realized Valentin was the head of Pikeman. Ava recorded Natalia talking about Blaze and Kristina
General Hospital Recaps: The week of June 3, 2024 on GH

Family and friends said goodbye to Gregory. Finn headed to a bar to drown his sorrows. Elizabeth walked in on Finn with another woman. Jason killed one of the shooters who opened fire on him. Anna was stunned to realize that Valentin was the head of Pikeman. Trina met Gio Palmieri. Ava recorded Natalia speaking openly about Blaze and Kristina's relationship.

Anna makes a shocking discovery about Valentin

Anna makes a shocking discovery about Valentin

Monday, June 3, 2024

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by Elisabeth

At Sonny's penthouse, Ava recorded notes on her cell phone for a speech at the gallery, but she stopped when she heard a knock at the door. It was Natalia. Ava explained that Sonny wasn't home, but she invited Natalia in to wait. Natalia held up a bag as she explained that she had picked up a bottle of Sonny's favorite brand of single-malt scotch as a thank you for inviting her to the Quartermaine wedding. Ava smiled politely, but it didn't quite reach her eyes.

After Ava and Natalia sat down, Ava asked about the reception. Natalia admitted that she'd lost track of Sonny and left before the reception had ended. When the conversation turned to Blaze and Kristina, Ava shared that Kristina had been a bit of a problem child over the years and had made some bad decisions. However, Ava assured Natalia that Blaze was not one of them. Natalia decided -- since they were sharing -- to admit that Blaze and Kristina's relationship was a little too unconventional for her liking.

"In what way?" Ava asked. "Well, they're not really a normal couple, are they?" Natalia said. Natalia explained that Kristina was pregnant with Kristina's sister's baby and holding hands with Blaze out in public. Natalia feared that someone might snap a picture of Blaze and Kristina together and sell it to a tabloid just as Blaze's career was taking off. "It's gonna be such a scandal," Natalia complained. Ava reminded Natalia that it was 2024, and most people were comfortable with both of those things.

Ava warned Natalia that Sonny was completely supportive of Kristina in every way, including Kristina's sexual identity. "Yeah, it seems so. I just can't say that I am of the same mind," Natalia replied. Surprised, Ava admitted that it sounded as if Natalia didn't approve of Blaze's relationship with Kristina. "You could say that," Natalia said. Natalia assured Ava that she was not a prude, but Natalia felt that gay people -- "or whatever alphabet soup they're calling themselves these days" -- were "flighty." According to Natalia, gay people weren't serious about life.

Ava disagreed, but Natalia pointed to Ava's earlier remarks about Kristina's troubled past. Ava was quick to clarify that she could easily say the same thing about straight people. She was adamant that Kristina had gotten herself together and worked hard, and she was serious about her baby. Natalia admitted that it had been an interesting choice of word because the baby wasn't really Kristina's. "Is it?" she asked. Natalia reminded Ava that Kristina would eventually hand the baby over to Molly.

Natalia believed that Kristina and Blaze thought having a baby was fun as long as they didn't have to do all the hard work. Ava thought Natalia had an unfortunate way of looking at the beautiful thing Kristina was doing for her sister. Unapologetic, Natalia claimed that she tried to stay open minded. "Just -- if my way of thinking is considered old-fashioned, then so be it," she added.

After Ava walked Natalia to the door, she suggested they get together again, but Natalia was noncommittal. Ava closed the door, and she returned to work on her speech, only to discover that her phone had been recording. Ava rewound the recording and smiled when she heard Natalia's inflammatory words about gay people.

In Blaze's hotel suite, Kristina was impressed with the meal of Kristina's favorite foods spread out on a small table. Kristina sat down and asked what the occasion was. "Do I need an occasion to spoil you?" Blaze asked as she sat across from Kristina. Blaze conceded that she had wanted Kristina to know that Kristina was not alone. "I'm with you," Blaze assured her. Touched, Kristina admitted that it had been difficult facing the reality of who her father was, but talking to Dante had helped because he had struggled with some of the same issues.

However, it was better with Blaze because Kristina felt safe with her. Kristina explained that she had previously thought her father was the only person who understood her -- until she'd met Blaze. Things quickly took a turn when Kristina mentioned being relieved that Molly didn't know about the fight between Sonny and Dex. Blaze was forced to confess that she had accidently let things slip to Molly. Kristina was furious because she was certain that it would only be a matter of time before Molly told T.J., and both Molly and T.J. put new restrictions on Kristina.

Concerned about Kristina's agitated state, Blaze urged Kristina not to let herself "spin out" because both Molly and T.J. were rational people. "You don't know them like I do," Kristina argued. Kristina accused Blaze of betraying her trust and stormed out.

In the hotel's lobby, Carly asked what Sonny planned to do if Jason didn't sell his half of the coffee business to Sonny. Sonny was evasive. "It's just business," he said. Carly disagreed because Sonny had made it personal when he had accused Jason of being his enemy. "Well, that's who he is now," Sonny said. He added that what happened next was on Jason.

"What the hell does that mean?" Carly demanded. Sonny reminded her that he didn't have to explain himself to her after all her "lies and broken promises." Carly denied lying to Sonny about Jason, and she suspected that Sonny hadn't quite made up his mind about Jason because -- deep down -- Sonny still trusted Jason. "Is that what you think?" Sonny asked. Carly suspected Sonny had turned to her for the "reality check" that he knew she would give him.

Carly reminded Sonny that he'd never had a friend like Jason, and he never would because "even now," Jason had Sonny's back, and she was certain that Sonny knew it. Carly suggested Sonny was struggling with everything because he couldn't erase Jason from his life. "And if we're both being honest, you don't want to," Carly said. Sonny informed Carly that he was not there to bare his soul to her; he intended to talk to Blaze. Carly warned Sonny not to ask Blaze to plead his case to Kristina because it would backfire and push Kristina further away.

Carly advised Sonny to let Kristina reach out to him when she was ready. "What if she doesn't?" he asked. Carly acknowledged that it might take longer than he wanted, but Kristina loved her father fiercely. "I know what's best for my daughter," Sonny stubbornly argued. He marched over to the elevator, but he stopped to pull out his cell phone when it rang. It was Brick with news about the shooting at the warehouse.

A short time later, Carly spotted Kristina in the lobby. She called out to Kristina several times before Kristina heard. Kristina apologized and explained that she'd been in her own head. Carly smiled and blamed it on "baby brain." When Carly asked if Kristina was okay, Kristina stroked her belly as she admitted that she took comfort whenever she felt the baby move because it meant that it was safe and healthy. "It's crazy how much I care about this little life growing inside of me, considering it's not mine," Kristina said.

Carly thought that what Kristina was doing for Molly was amazing. "It's selfless," Carly said. Carly acknowledged that the baby would be Kristina's niece or nephew one day, but it would always be a part of her. Kristina smiled and thanked Carly for saying that. "Just like you're always going to be a part of your father," Carly added. Kristina realized that Carly knew about her troubles with Sonny.

Carly confirmed that Jason had filled her in about everything. Kristina conceded that Josslyn had been right, but Carly explained that Josslyn had her own issues with Sonny. Kristina admitted that it didn't matter because she would never get the image of Sonny -- violent and out of control -- out of her mind. Carly empathized.

Kristina was ashamed that she hadn't seen the truth about Sonny sooner, but Carly reminded Kristina that Kristina loved her father and had wanted to see the best in him. Kristina knew that Carly had loved Sonny, too. Carly explained that she had known going in that she had married a complicated man. Carly admitted there had been many highs and lows, but Sonny had never been cruel and had always had a reason for the things he'd done. According to Carly, Sonny had never hurt someone simply because he could.

Kristina asked if Sonny was still that man, but Carly didn't know because she and Sonny were no longer close. However, Carly knew that Kristina and Sonny had always shared a special bond and that Sonny would give up his life for Kristina. Carly explained that Kristina had to decide how much that mattered and where it fit into the relationship that Kristina had with Sonny. "What if it doesn't fit at all?" Kristina tearfully asked. Carly gently stroked Kristina's hand and asked if Kristina could live without her father.

At the hospital, Deanna guided a slow-moving Brennan to his hospital bed as a guard followed. Deanna was hopeful that Brennan might be able to make it outside for fresh air the following day. After the guard handcuffed Brennan to the bed, the guard was called away to help with a disturbance. Deanna assured the guard that she and Brennan would be fine. As soon as Deanna left and closed the door, Brennan opened his fist to reveal he'd been hiding a paper clip.

Brennan made short work of unlocking the handcuffs. Afterwards, he found a pair of hospital scrubs hidden in a drawer, which he changed into before slipping out of his room and making his way to the stairwell where Valentin was waiting for him. "Son of a bitch. Took you long enough to make this happen," Brennan said as he leaned against the railing to catch his breath. Valentin gave Brennan credit because not everyone would stab themselves in the stomach, but he reminded Brennan that they had agreed not to see each other again. "So, this better be important," Valentin said.

Brennan explained that he had important information for Valentin. Valentin was surprised when Brennan revealed that John Cates and the FBI were investigating Pikeman. Brennan was certain that the FBI had been responsible for "Alan Jacobs, a.k.a. Jason Morgan," infiltrating their organization. Valentin conceded that it made sense, but he reminded Brennan that Jason didn't know Valentin was the head of Pikeman. Brennan advised Valentin not to draw attention to himself by going after Jason.

Valentin told Brennan to relax, but Brennan asked if Valentin had forgotten how Valentin had gotten where he was -- and the people who had helped. Brennan pointed out that it had taken a long time for Valentin to get to the top, but he warned Valentin that it would take only seconds to fall. Brennan looked pointedly at the bottom of the staircase, prompting Valentin to ask if they were resorting to threats. Valentin advised Brennan to focus on healing because Valentin would take care of everything.

Brennan remained uneasy because they had no idea what Jason had told Cates about their overseas operation. Valentin was confident that Jason knew nothing, but Brennan refused to risk everything on speculation. He reminded Valentin that Jason had been smart enough to infiltrate Pikeman without detection. Valentin assured Brennan that Sonny would remove Jason from the "chessboard" before Jason figured anything out. Valentin promised to let Brennan know when Jason was no longer a threat, but Brennan wanted to know how much longer he had to wait for Valentin to get the charges against Brennan dropped.

Brennan was annoyed that Valentin had been putting him off, but Valentin assured Brennan that he just needed a little more time. Valentin reminded Brennan that they couldn't afford to shine a light on the WSB-Pikeman connection, but he promised that he had everything under control.

Later, the guard returned to his station. When he noticed the door to Brennan's room was ajar, he entered. Brennan was tucked into bed with his wrist handcuffed to the bed. "Miss me?" Brennan asked with a smile. The guard closed the door without comment.

At the Corinthos Coffee warehouse, shots rang out as two assassins took aim at Jason. Jason returned fire and killed one of the men, but the other shooter managed to escape. As Jason went to check on the fallen man, Anna appeared in the doorway with her gun drawn. Jason confirmed that the shooter was dead, but he questioned the timing of Anna's appearance. She explained that she'd been on her way to talk to Jason about Sonny's altercation with Dex when she'd heard the shots being fired. She started to call the shooting in but stopped when she heard approaching sirens.

A short time later, Jason and Anna entered the interrogation room. Anna turned on a recorder to get Jason's official statement, but Jason became tightlipped when she asked him if anyone had threatened him. Anna started to press him, but Diane marched in and demanded to have a word with her client. After Anna picked up her recorder and left, Diane asked who had tried to kill Jason. Jason told Diane about the two shooters, but he implored her to find Sonny because the police would want to question Sonny.

"Sonny just ordered a hit on you, and you're worried about me warning him?" Diane asked. Jason reminded her that Sonny was her client. Just then, Diane's phone went off. Jason was unaware that it was Sonny, but he told her to answer the call. Diane reluctantly complied. Sonny quickly asked Diane to meet him at the warehouse because there had been a shooting. When Jason realized that she was talking to Sonny, he insisted that Diane go to him.

Diane arrived at the warehouse and found Sonny standing in the middle of a busy crime scene and barking at Detective Bennet. Bennet informed Diane that Sonny was a person of interest and would be going to the police station. Diane asked for a moment alone with Sonny, so Bennet agreed.

When Sonny and Diane entered the office, Diane cut to the chase and asked if Sonny had been responsible for the shooting. Sonny denied any involvement, and he suggested that she talk to Jason. Diane revealed that Jason had been the target, and he'd killed one of the shooters. She advised Sonny to be honest with her before the police took him into custody, but Sonny insisted that he had no idea what the men had been after. Sonny reminded her that their product -- coffee -- wasn't desirable to thieves, and he opened a small metal box to show that there wasn't much cash on hand.

Diane suggested the men had had another target in mind. Sonny pointed out that the shooters hadn't succeed. "And Jason made them pay for breaking in. So, why is it my problem?" Sonny asked.

In the interrogation room, Anna told Jason that a check of the dead man's identification revealed a criminal record and connections to a low-level organization with ties to the "big guys downstate." She handed Jason her computer tablet with the shooter's mugshot and asked if he recognized the man. Jason reminded Anna that he'd been gone a long time, which she took as confirmation that Jason knew exactly who the shooter was. Anna told Jason that she knew the shooter's organization had done business with Sonny, but Jason remained silent. "Why don't you just say it? It was Sonny who tried to have you killed," Anna accused.

Jason assured Anna that he had told her everything, but she asked if he had a death wish, because they both knew that Sonny had threatened to kill Jason. She asked how many bullets Jason intended to take for Sonny, and she implored him to stop protecting Sonny because Sonny had sent men to kill Jason. "When does it end, and how much blood will be shed before it does?" Anna asked. She knew Jason had deep loyalty to Sonny, but she warned Jason that the man that Jason knew might no longer exist.

Before Jason could reply, a police officer entered and handed Anna a bag with evidence that had been recovered. After the police officer left, Jason watched as Anna pulled on a pair of gloves and retrieved a burner phone out of a plastic bag. She noticed that there was only one number on the call log, so she called it. "Is it done?" Valentin asked on the other end. Anna was stunned as she heard Valentin say, "Just tell me if it's been done."

At the hospital, Valentin frowned as he was met with silence. Seeming to sense trouble, he quickly ended the call.

Anna and Jason make plans to take down Valentin

Anna and Jason make plans to take down Valentin

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

by Rob Pivarnik

In the PCPD interrogation room, Jason surmised that it was not Sonny who had answered the hit man's burner phone. Jason asked Anna who had answered the phone. Anna abruptly told Jason that she had no more questions for him and that he was free to go. Jason reminded Anna that he had trusted her and that she needed to trust him, too. "Who picked up?" Jason asked. Anna replied, "The head of Pikeman." Jason could see that Anna had recognized the voice. Anna admitted, "It was Valentin."

Anna explained that she had thought Valentin had only been an intermediary in bringing the Pikeman deal to Sonny. However, she realized that the attack on Jason had been Valentin's use of a WSB tactic, designed to throw suspicion onto Sonny. Jason told Anna that he understood why she wanted to protect Valentin, but he added, "I need to know why he wants me dead."

Anna explained that if the hit on Jason had been successful, it would have served two purposes: eliminating Jason, who knew too much about Pikeman, and getting Sonny out of the way by framing him for Jason's murder. Anna told Jason about being at the WSB with Valentin and Jack Brennan and a bit about their history there. Anna realized that Valentin had probably been involved with Pikeman all along. Jason thanked Anna for telling him. "That's what I needed," Jason said.

Jason moved to leave. Anna stopped him and asked where he was planning to go. Jason said he was going to give Valentin's name to John Cates so that the FBI would give Jason his life back. Anna replied, "I can't let you do that." Anna explained that she had heard Valentin's voice, but she hadn't recorded the call and thus had no proof of anything. Anna made Jason realize that if Valentin got away, the FBI would never let Jason go. Jason declared that he would instead go get the evidence -- from Valentin.

Jason wanted to go search Valentin's house. Anna shot that idea down, offering instead to use Valentin's love for her to get her invited into Valentin's home. Anna told Jason she would need time. Jason said that Anna was playing "some kind of long game with Valentin" and that Jason didn't have that kind of time. Anna insisted that the only way to nail Valentin was if she took care of it personally, but she needed backup -- Jason. Jason agreed to do things Anna's way.

Drew visited Carly to tell her that he'd been thinking of running for Congress. Drew explained that Congressman McConkey would be retiring and had offered to endorse Drew. Carly asked how Drew and the congressman knew each other. Drew explained that Nina had introduced them. Drew explained that McConkey had known Nina's father. Carly asked if Drew wanted Carly to talk him into running or talk him out of it. Drew considered the downsides and acknowledged that the first issue to come up would be Drew's recent stint in Pentonville. Drew asked Carly how she would feel about all the SEC events being dredged up again.

Drew speculated that reporters would be pestering Carly, and Drew had family ties to organized crime figures. Drew stated that all he could do would be to be truthful when asked. Carly asked Drew if he really wanted to face all that, especially because she felt it would be a long shot for Drew to win the election. Drew reiterated that he was still considering his options, but he felt he could really make a difference. Carly admired Drew's idealism. Drew pointed out that the press would also have to mention his military service, his involvement with the Port Charles urban-renewal project, and his work for a nonprofit fighting cancer, the disease that had taken Drew's son, Oscar. Drew decided that he really had to step up and try.

Carly advised Drew that if he wanted to run, he should run. She assured Drew that she had years of practice saying, "No comment." Drew thanked Carly for the discussion. As he was leaving, Carly informed Drew, "If you do run, you got my vote."

At Chase and Brook Lynn's apartment, Chase returned with Gregory's ashes in a scattering box. Chase was uneasy because he felt that a burial was more "permanent," allowing a place for him to visit, while scattering the ashes seemed like throwing his father away. Brook Lynn insisted that whatever feelings Chase was feeling were valid. She suggested that they keep the ashes on their mantel, next to a photo of Gregory.

Chase explained that, as the executor, he was bound by Gregory's wishes, not his own. Brook Lynn then suggested that by spreading the ashes in the wind, water, and land, Gregory would be with Chase wherever Chase went. Chase liked that spin. Brook Lynn told Chase that all of Gregory's decency, sense of humor, goodness, and values lived on in Chase.

Chase talked about his grief and about how badly he wanted his father back. Chase felt that Gregory had held on as long as he had in order to keep his promise to officiate Chase and Brook Lynn's wedding. Brook Lynn told Chase that he could both grieve Gregory's passing and feel relief that Gregory was no longer in pain, that Chase could both want his father back and still let him go, and that Chase could both miss Gregory and celebrate his life.

Chase reminisced about how Gregory had fought his ALS by living as much life as he had been able to, including jumping out of a plane. Chase talked about how athletic Gregory had been when Chase had been a kid. Chase revealed that whenever he went running or played basketball, he thought of his father. "What if he didn't lose his battle with ALS? What if he won?" Chase mused. "Damn right, he did," Brook Lynn agreed. Chase decided the best way to honor Gregory would be to live life and chase joy.

Chase informed Brook Lynn that there was a less than ten percent chance that Chase might have inherited a predisposition for ALS. She assured her husband that should it happen, they would face it together. Chase took her hand and told her that he didn't want her to have to take care of him. Brook Lynn asked Chase if he would bail on her if she contracted ALS. Chase replied that he would stay. "Exactly," Brook Lynn said. She reminded him of their wedding vows and declared, "Whatever happens, we stick together." "We stick together," Chase agreed. They kissed.

Finn opened his apartment door and saw Elizabeth. She delivered some butterscotch brownies, which Aiden had made for Violet. Finn assured Elizabeth that he had not been drinking. Elizabeth told Finn she was there to support him on the day before Gregory's memorial -- and because she loved him. Elizabeth explained that she found the way Finn had spoken to her "unsettling." Finn wished he could undo it all.

Finn told Elizabeth that he was not an alcoholic but an addict. He recounted the story of how he had been hooked on Seconestrol while he'd been fighting Blackwood's syndrome. Finn tried to assure Elizabeth that his decision to stop drinking once he'd gotten clean had been done out of caution and that alcohol had never been the problem.

Finn acknowledged that he was wrong for feeling that his first slip had given him permission for the second. Finn declared that he felt no desire to drink again and that he hoped it would be a one-time thing. He told Elizabeth he would not "take that risk." Elizabeth believed Finn. She offered to stay and keep him company, but Finn wanted a little more time alone. Elizabeth hugged Finn. They kissed and lingered in each others' arms for a while before she took her leave. Finn came across Gregory's cane. He began to cry.

At the Corinthos Coffee warehouse, Sonny explained to Diane that nothing was missing. He assumed Jason had foiled a robbery. Diane reminded him that someone had just tried to kill Jason and that Sonny had recently been quite vocal about his anger toward Jason. Agent John Cates arrived, shouting "FBI! Step aside!" Sonny greeted him, "Jagger."

John informed Sonny that he was there to question Sonny about the attempted murder of Jason. Sonny and John traded barbs. Sonny said that he had had nothing to do with the attack on Jason. Diane invited John to search the warehouse, but his conversation with her client was over. John claimed to be glad about that, because he could arrest Sonny and question him at the police station.

Diane asked John what charges he planned to arrest Sonny on. "Attempted murder," John replied. Sonny declared that he had been across town at the time of the attack. Diane suggested John look to whoever had actually done the deed. John informed them that Jason had killed one of the hit men, someone with low-level ties to one of Sonny's mob allies. Diane called John's evidence "circumstantial" and told John it was not grounds for arrest. John stated that the FBI was in the process of gathering additional evidence.

Diane informed John that his superiors would be receiving an official complaint about John's harassment of Sonny. John told her that he would wait until further evidence came in. As John turned to leave, Sonny called out, "Goodnight, Jagger!" John turned back and told Sonny that, of all the young people Sonny had taken in and exploited, including Karen and Stone, the saddest of all had been Jason. John said, "You turned him into a killer. You took a young man with brain damage, and you turned him into your enforcer. Then, after a lifetime of doing your bidding, you turned around and tried to kill him."

John told Sonny that he would really love seeing Sonny in prison, once and for all. John left. Diane asked Sonny, "You really had nothing to do with this?" "I wasn't involved. You thought I was?" Sonny asked Diane. "I did," she admitted, then added, "and I'm not the only one."

Later, Sonny showed up at Carly's house, slightly frantic. He told Carly about what had happened at the warehouse. Sonny told Carly that both John and Diane had thought Sonny was involved, but Sonny wanted Carly to know that he was not behind it. Carly believed Sonny, to his relief. Sonny wanted Carly to tell Jason that Sonny wasn't involved in the shooting. Carly told Sonny that he should talk to Jason himself. Carly said that Sonny knew Jason was not his enemy. "You know that, deep down, or why else would you be here?" Carly asked.

Carly told Sonny that if he really thought Jason was a traitor, he wouldn't care what Jason thought about him. Sonny whispered, "Jason is an FBI informant. In my world, that means you have no code, no honor. I don't want anything to do with him anymore." Sonny left.

Family and friends say goodbye to Gregory

Family and friends say goodbye to Gregory

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

by Elisabeth

At the courthouse, Kristina tracked Molly down as Molly was about to enter a courtroom. Kristina handed her sister a cup of coffee and offered to buy Molly a snack. Molly was surprised to see Kristina, but she had to decline because Molly had a busy morning. Kristina offered to wait, but Molly warned Kristina that it might be awhile. Kristina claimed that she wanted "sister time" and would wait. After Molly entered the courtroom, Kristina took a seat on a nearby bench.

Later, Molly exited the courtroom and apologized for the lengthy wait. Kristina assured Molly that it was fine and offered to buy Molly lunch. Molly explained that she had to get to a staff meeting, but she was curious if everything was okay with Kristina. Kristina noticed that Molly hadn't asked about the baby, so Molly asked if there had been anything new to report. Kristina assured her sister that everything had been going well.

The conversation took a turn when Kristina revealed that she knew that "Allie" had told Molly about what had transpired after the wedding. "And, well, you're standing here pretending like you don't know anything about that," Kristina said. Molly pointed out that it was clear that Kristina hadn't intended to tell her, and she would have still been in the dark if she hadn't run into Allie. Molly doubted Allie would speak to her again after the way Molly had interrogated her, but Kristina assured Molly that Allie was a forgiving person. Molly confessed that T.J. was, too.

"Probably why we're still in our respective relationships," Molly said. Molly assured Kristina that she was willing to not ask about "my own baby" for the next few months to keep Kristina happy, but she admitted that she thought it was both obnoxious and unfair. Kristina quickly clarified that she neither said nor wanted that. Kristina conceded that she was quick to become defensive. "But that's not news," Kristina said.

Kristina explained that she was defensive because Molly was her perfect and overachieving sister, but Molly reminded her sister that they were in the situation they were in because Molly was unable to have children of her own. Kristina argued that Molly had rescued Kristina from countless situations, so Molly suggested that they not review every decision they had made. Molly was adamant that she was eternally grateful for what Kristina had done for her, and she couldn't wait until the baby arrived, so they could argue over who spoiled the baby more and who was too tough. "I think we already know the answer to both of those questions," Kristina said. When Molly teased that they might surprise each other, Kristina smiled.

At the recording studio, Natalia and Blaze stood in the hallway as Natalia asked if "Allie" was depressed. Allie explained that she didn't feel good about re-recording the track for her new single without Brook Lynn being there, but Natalia reminded her daughter that the studio had already been booked. Natalia was certain that Brook Lynn would not want them to waste it. "And it's not like either one of us," Natalia said as she struggled to remember Brook Lynn's father-in-law's name. "Professor Chase. Gregory Chase," Allie supplied.

Natalia quickly shifted gears because she was concerned about Allie's lack of energy. She hoped that Kristina's arrival would turn things around, but Allie admitted that Kristina would not be joining them because she had betrayed Kristina by telling her sister something that she shouldn't have. Natalia seemed empathetic until she reminded her daughter that nothing lasted forever. Allie confessed that she had thought her relationship with Kristina had had a real chance at lasting, but Natalia seemed unmoved as she reminded Allie that Allie still had her pride, enormous talent, and passion for music, which should be enough for the recording session.

Natalia and Allie entered the studio. After Allie greeted the music producer, she slipped into the small recording room. Natalia introduced herself. The producer was welcoming, but he admitted that he was surprised that Brook Lynn and "Blaze" had decided to re-record the single because it was already great. Natalia smiled as she pulled a piece of paper out of her purse and handed it to him. She was confident that her tips would make the single better.

As Allie recorded the song, it was clear that her heart wasn't in it. Eventually, Allie called for a break. Concerned, the producer asked if they should call Brook Lynn, but Natalia insisted on handling things herself and went to talk to Allie. Allie explained that she felt like a fraud singing the love song, and she was certain listeners would pick up on it. Natalia offered to call Kristina, but Allie revealed that Kristina had known about the recording session, so she would have been there if she had wanted to be.

Natalia suggested that -- as painful as the situation with Kristina was -- it was a reminder that "these relationships aren't real." Allie frowned. She assured her mother that her relationship with Kristina had been real, but Natalia wasn't swayed. "Maybe Kristina really wanted that image of you that she saw on the stage, and you misconstrued it as love," Natalia said. Allie pointed out that she would have a portfolio filled with "magic beans" if she were as gullible as Natalia made Allie sound.

Natalia assured Allie that what two people did in the privacy of their "hotel room" was their own business as long as there was mutual respect and no one got hurt. "But do not tell yourself that is love," she added. Furious, Allie decided to get back to work because she was done talking to her mother. A few minutes later, Allie was recording when she saw Kristina enter the studio. Allie's voice filled with emotion as she sang the heartfelt lyrics to Kristina. Natalia noticed the change in Allie's performance.

At Chase and Brook Lynn's apartment, Chase jotted down some notes for Gregory's memorial service. After he changed into a suit, he picked up the scattering box with Gregory's ashes. Brook Lynn walked up behind her husband and put her arms around him.

At Finn's apartment, Finn and Violet watched solemnly as Gregory's medical equipment was collected and taken away. Afterwards, Finn helped Violet get ready for the memorial service by brushing her hair. Once they were ready, Finn and Violet walked to the door, but they stopped when they saw Chase and Brook Lynn standing in the hallway as they were about to knock. Violet's eyes immediately landed on the scattering box in Chase's hands.

"You could have left that in the car," Finn scolded his brother. Chase explained that he'd been unable to set the box down and walk away. Silently, Violet fetched a small book from her father's desk. When she returned to the hallway, she took Brook Lynn's hand. Chase and Finn followed behind.

At the park, Elizabeth, Jake, and Aiden stood in the parking lot as Finn, Chase, Brook Lynn, and Violet arrived. Tracy, followed by Alexis, pulled in behind them. After everyone greeted each other, they entered the park together and made their way to a bench beneath a large tree. The bench had a memorial plaque dedicated to "Professor Gregory Chase" on it.

After everyone gathered around the bench, Chase handed the scattering box to Finn. Finn knelt down next to Violet, who gently kissed the top of the box. Chase pulled a small piece of paper out of his pocket as he explained that his father had not been a religious man, but Chase had found a prayer on his father's nightstand. Chase took the box from Finn and handed the prayer to Finn to read. Finn recited Psalm 121.

Afterwards, Finn moved behind the bench as he shared that it had been his father's favorite spot. Finn thought it was fitting that Gregory was a part of a place that had brought him joy and contentment. Violet sat on the bench as she reminded her father that she had sat there with her grandfather. Finn revealed that Gregory had loved to read to Violet on the bench, and Gregory would insist on climbing the hill, even when it had become challenging for him. Finn and Chase had offered to assist Gregory, but their father had refused because the climb had meant as much as getting to the top.

Finn confessed that it had taken him until recently to understand what Gregory had meant, and he realized that he would never be as wise as his father. Chase explained that everyone gathered had been the people who had mattered most to Gregory, so he invited everyone to share their memories of Gregory.

Elizabeth recalled how Gregory had taken her under his fatherly wing, and he'd always listened to her with understanding and support. "And now that I know that kind of kindness and compassion and wisdom like his is possible in a person all wrapped up into one, I'm not going to settle for anything less," Elizabeth said. She thanked Finn and Chase for sharing their father with all of them.

Alexis praised Gregory for being an inspiration as he had battled ALS. She assured everyone that no one could have gotten her to jump out of a plane except for Gregory. As she recalled the exhilarating experience, she revealed that she and Gregory had shared a passionate kiss. Everyone was surprised. "Did you know about that?" Tracy whispered to a shocked Brook Lynn.

Alexis also credited Gregory with her decision to fight to get her law license back. She admitted that -- if it didn't pay off -- Gregory had taught her that "even when you're doomed to lose, you try." "That's the triumph," Alexis said.

Finn spoke next. He remembered his father as a forgiving man and the kind of person that Finn wanted to be. "I am already sorry for all the ways I know I'm going to fall short," he said in a choked-up voice. Finn apologized to his father for taking so long to become the son that Gregory had deserved.

Tracy sat on the bench as she recalled that Gregory hadn't suffered fools. She shared that Gregory had once told his son -- in front of Tracy -- not to value the opinions of snobs. "I was the snob," Tracy said. She conceded that she had been foolish and deeply regretted it. She acknowledged that she had few regrets. Tracy described Gregory as a great friend. "But he was also a missed opportunity," she confessed.

Tracy told everyone that -- if an opportunity didn't present itself -- they should make one. "Contrary to conventional wisdom, you can miss what you didn't have," Tracy said. Elizabeth joined Tracy and Violet on the bench as Brook Lynn spoke about Gregory being magical. "Almost like a wizard," Brook Lynn told a smiling Violet.

Brook Lynn pointed out that Gregory had created Chase -- the man she loved -- and he had stood in the church and given Chase to her. Brook Lynn admitted that Gregory had made her believe in a life filled with magic. When it was Violet's turn to speak, she chose to read the last poem that Gregory had read to her.

"It's not always easy. It's not always fair. Some roads will be winding. Sometimes you'll get scared. But trying new things is the best way to see how wild and wonderful this world can be," Violet read. "I hope you're happy, Grandpa," she concluded.

Afterwards, everyone gathered around the tree behind the bench. Chase recalled what a good, strong, and gentle man his father had been. Chase admitted that it would take him a long time to live up to Gregory's example, but he was certain that his father wouldn't mind because Gregory had known that people weren't perfect. "Except Violet," Chase amended. Chase explained that they should strive to be ordinary and not think they were better or worse than others or that their problems were so special that no one could possibly understand or relate.

"We're supposed to find something remarkable in every single person that we meet," Chase said. He believed if he could be "ordinary" like his father, he would be extraordinary. Chase sprinkled some of Gregory's ashes around the base of the tree and handed the box to Finn, so his brother could scatter the rest of Gregory's ashes.

In Metro Court's gardens, Brook Lynn told her grandmother that she had been touched by what Tracy had said during the service. Tracy was certain that Gregory would have been pleased with the memorial service. When a waiter walked up, Tracy picked up two shot glasses from his tray and handed one to Brook Lynn. Tracy explained that Gregory had once talked Tracy into doing a shot with him, so she wanted to drink in his honor.

After Brook Lynn and Tracy finished their shots, Tracy asked how Chase had been holding up. Brook Lynn assured Tracy that Chase was doing as expected, but she was concerned about Finn. Brook Lynn confided that she and Chase were thinking about inviting Violet to stay with them, so Finn could have time to grieve. Tracy reminded Brook Lynn that Violet was grieving, too, and she doubted that Finn would want to be separated from his daughter.

Nearby, Alexis checked in with Finn. They talked about the service, but Finn credited Chase with pulling everything together. Alexis assured Finn that both Finn and Chase had been good sons. "You know how much he loved you, right?" she asked. Finn nodded, so Alexis offered to take him to a meeting with her if he needed it. Finn appreciated the offer, but he explained that spending time with Violet was his only priority.

Finn changed the subject by asking Alexis about the kiss that she had shared with his father. He wondered if she'd had an affair with his father that Finn hadn't been aware of. Alexis confessed that she'd been too afraid to risk it because she'd been too cowardly to fall in love with a man that she knew was dying.

Nearby, Brook Lynn asked how Chase was holding up. He vowed to always tell his wife how much he loved her every time they parted because his father had taught him that they never knew when it would be the last time.

Elizabeth approached Finn. She asked if the memorial service had helped because he seemed more settled. He told her that it had, but her smile faded when he confessed that he worried that he'd gotten so good at pretending that he might be fooling himself.

Later, people began to leave. Elizabeth told Chase that Finn had stepped away to take a call, but she had to leave. She asked Chase to let Finn know that she would call him later. After Elizabeth, Jake, and Aiden left, Chase decided to track down his brother. Brook Lynn walked over to sit with Violet and read.

Chase stopped short when he found Finn standing at a bar, knocking back shots of alcohol.

Finn goes to a bar

Finn goes to a bar

Thursday, June 6, 2024

by Marissa PD

At the Metro Court restaurant, Chase found Finn alone in a corner, drinking shots. He was horrified as Finn took out some breath spray after the shots. "I found him!" Georgie suddenly yelled from next to Chase, and Finn was surprised to see them behind him. Finn followed Georgie over to Maxie, who made sure that it was still all right for Violet to go to the pool with them and sleep over. Chase ran out to his car to get Violet's overnight bag, and Brook Lynn was suspicious about the way Chase was acting.

Finn was happy to let Maxie take Violet, as he needed to go through Gregory's things. Brook Lynn offered her and Chase's help, but Finn insisted on doing it alone. Chase returned with the bag for Maxie. Finn told Violet to have a great time with her friends, but Violet was worried about leaving Finn alone. Finn assured her that he would be all right, and Violet left with Maxie and Georgie. It had been a long day, so Finn decided to go home. Chase said he had hoped to spend some time with his brother that day, but Finn promised they could do something the next day. He hugged Chase and Brook Lynn and left.

Chase believed that Finn wanted to pack up Gregory's things on his own because Finn wanted to be alone to drink in peace. Chase told Brook Lynn what he'd seen, but he hadn't wanted to confront his brother in public. Chase needed a plan to help Finn, but Brook Lynn suggested that Finn might not want the help. She figured that they just needed to make sure that they were there for Violet.

At the Metro Court pool, lifeguard Josslyn blew her whistle and yelled that there was no diving. Just then, James ran in, followed by Spinelli, and she reminded them to slow down. As Spinelli expressed his worry about Jason to Josslyn, they heard James yell, "Cannonball!" However, Giovanni was right there and stopped James from jumping in. Josslyn promised that if James followed the rules for the rest of his time at the pool, he would get off with only a warning. Spinelli agreed and ushered James away.

Josslyn was surprised to see Giovanni, and he explained that Olivia had gotten him the job. He continued that he'd never had a job because his family had thought it would cut into his practice time. He revealed that he would be playing the Summer Stage concert series in town that summer, and Josslyn marveled over how hard it was to get tickets for the concerts. He offered to get her comped tickets if she did a few of his jobs around the pool, like sweeping up. "Lifeguards don't sweep," she said with a laugh, playfully pushing him, but he lost his balance and fell in the pool.

Trina arrived and became frazzled as she saw Giovanni stepping out of the pool. Josslyn introduced the two and told Trina about him. He added that he would be attending PCU in the fall, as he'd gotten a full ride after PCU had recruited him because of a large arts endowment. He mentioned that he was staying with the Quartermaines, and they joked about the family. Trina commented that she and Ava were looking for some music for a reception they were having at the gallery, and she wondered if he'd be interested. He enthusiastically agreed, and he offered to give his number to her.

A short while later, Josslyn's break was over, and she wished she could just lie by the pool with Trina. She wondered if Trina was all right. Trina answered that, after Spencer had died, she'd thought she'd seen him all over, but it had eventually stopped. She revealed that she'd seen Spencer when Giovanni had been getting out of the pool. Josslyn instantly understood and hugged her friend.

Spinelli, James, and Georgie were in the pool and invited Maxie to go in. Maxie refused, and she threatened consequences if she got splashed. Spinelli reminded the kids that they had the rest of the summer to make it happen, and they swam away. Violet, who was sitting poolside with her feet in the water, moved to sit next to Maxie. She said she was worried about Finn, but Maxie assured her that adults sometimes just liked being alone. She insisted that the offer to go home was always open, but she knew that Finn was probably happy that Violet was out having fun with her friends.

At home, Finn smelled each of Gregory's shirts before packing them in a box. He picked up a pair of dress shoes and thought back to helping Gregory put them on before Chase's wedding. He put them down and picked up a pamphlet about A.A. from the table. He called the number and asked if the meetings had resumed at that venue. Learning that they hadn't, he hung up, defeated. He went back to the clothes until he spotted his car keys. He grabbed the keys and left. A short while later, he sat down at a bar and ordered tequila.

At the recording studio, Blaze recorded her song as Kristina watched and smiled. Natalia was glad that Kristina had stopped by, but she figured Kristina would rather be out in the nice weather. The song ended, but Blaze decided that she wanted to record another take. Natalia argued that the previous take had been perfect. Blaze asked for Marv, the sound technician, to take a break, so he left. Kristina suggested that Natalia let Blaze, as the artist, do what she wanted with her music. Natalia insisted that she knew Blaze better than anyone did, and she was always right about which take was best.

Natalia was glad that Kristina was there, as she'd heard that Kristina wouldn't be showing up. Kristina replied that she'd wanted to support Blaze, even though it seemed like Natalia didn't want her there. Natalia admitted that she was still adjusting to the reality of Blaze and Kristina's relationship, but she knew how much her daughter cared for Kristina. She asked Kristina to consider Blaze's feelings above her own when their relationship inevitably ended.

Natalia explained to a shocked Kristina that Blaze was ready to jump to the next level in her career, and it would be painful to choose between that and staying in Port Charles with Kristina. She urged Kristina to take the choice out of Blaze's hands. Kristina reminded Natalia that she couldn't predict the future, but Natalia just wanted to protect her daughter. "You'll learn that that's what moms do," Natalie spat.

Blaze had just finished talking to Marv in the recording area when Natalia entered. Blaze revealed that her mother was right, and Blaze didn't need to record another take, after all. She wondered what Natalia and Kristina had been talking about. "Not much," Natalia replied. When she was gone, Kristina entered, and she apologized profusely for overreacting about Blaze talking to Molly. Natalia listened to the song as she looked on, glaring at Kristina and Blaze.

A drunk Finn takes another woman home

A drunk Finn takes another woman home

Friday, June 7, 2024

by Rob Pivarnik

At the Metro Court pool, Willow and Wiley played in the shallow end. Wiley got excited when Drew arrived. They all had a happy conversation about the weather, the pool, and Amelia's swimming lessons. Wiley pretended to be a shark. Nearby, at the rooftop bar, Nina was on the phone, angry that Drew had offered an ad rate discount to a gym machine company. She spotted Drew, who was just getting into the pool. Nina took in the image of Drew with her daughter and grandson.

Nina, from the bar, watched with a smile as Wiley practiced holding his breath underwater. Drew advised Wiley that he would need to improve his time, if he wanted to be a Navy SEAL. Wiley spotted Nina and ran up the steps and out of the pool to greet her. Willow looked on. Wiley invited Nina to go swimming. Nina suggested they swim another time, as she was at the pool, looking for Drew. Willow took Wiley aside to dry him off. Drew exited the pool and asked Nina what she needed. Nina didn't bring up the phone call she had just had.

Drew took Wiley back into the pool so that Willow and Nina could talk. Willow was glad that Nina and Drew were getting along. "You both look happier," Willow observed. Nina watched Drew in the pool with Wiley, smiled, and said, "I never saw Drew Cain like this." Nina and Willow discussed a lotion that would keep Wiley from absorbing chlorine from the pool water into his skin. Nina explained that it was something used by Olympic swimmers. Their conversation was pleasant, though Nina kept stealing glances at Drew in the pool.

Wiley stepped out of the pool. As Willow toweled him off, she explained to Wiley that they had to go because she had a date with Wiley's daddy. Nina told Wiley that it had been nice spending time with him. "I know! Let's do it again!" Wiley cried, enthusiastically. Willow smiled. Drew watched Nina leave to go back to work.

Dex greeted Gio, who was working at the pool attendant's counter. Gio told Dex about his Aunt Olivia having gotten Gio the job. They talked about the NBA finals. Dex informed Gio that Josslyn was a huge sports fan, and he cautioned Gio not to gloat if his favorite team ever beat hers.

Dex talked with Josslyn and Trina. Dex suggested that it would be best if the events that had followed Chase and Brook Lynn's wedding were to be forgotten by all. Trina left Josslyn and Dex to "catch up" while she went to get some iced tea. Trina ran into Gio. Trina explained to Gio that Josslyn and Dex had once been a couple, and it seemed they were patching things up. Gio remarked that it was obvious that Josslyn and Dex still liked each other.

Gio asked why Josslyn and Dex had broken up. Trina explained that she didn't know the details, but it had had something to do with Josslyn's ex-stepfather. "Sonny Corinthos is awful," Trina said. Gio looked concerned. Gio explained his relationship to "Uncle Sonny" to Trina, who explained that people had various opinions about Sonny, "some good, some bad." Gio asked Trina about the strange look she'd had on her face when he’d met her for the first time.

Dex told Josslyn about having seen Sonny in the park and about how Sonny had declared that the bad blood between them was done. Dex told Josslyn that he believed that the target was off of his back. Josslyn was relieved to hear it.

Gio, who had been pulled away by a guest's request for towels, returned to where Trina was sitting. Gio asked if Trina had met him before. She said no, but if she looked at him out of the corner of her eye, Gio reminded Trina of someone to whom she had been very close. "Why 'used to be'?" Gio asked. "He died," Trina replied, wistfully. Gio apologized and called himself "an idiot." Trina tried to excuse herself, but only stuttered a bit and ran off. Josslyn saw Trina leave and looked at Gio.

Josslyn caught up with Trina. Josslyn asked if Gio had upset Trina. Trina explained that a sudden memory of Spencer had knocked the wind out of her. Josslyn offered to be with Trina after her lifeguard shift, but Trina wanted to be alone. Trina grabbed her things and left, blowing past Dex without saying a word. Dex asked Josslyn if Trina was okay. "Not at the moment, but she will be," Josslyn replied. Dex reminded Josslyn that life was short, and every moment was precious. "So... have dinner with me," Dex asked.

At Chase and Brook Lynn's apartment, they talked about how angry and frustrated Chase was with Finn. Chase berated himself for not realizing that Finn had been lying to him and had continued to drink. Despite the anger, Chase wanted to help his brother. Chase wondered how they could best shield Violet while Finn was falling apart.

Chase expressed his feelings of helplessness. He'd hoped Violet would have been enough reason for Finn to stay sober but also acknowledged that a person could not be an addict's sole reason to strive for sobriety. Brook Lynn cited Finn's denial and how it would prevent him from seeing a problem with Violet. Chase wondered about how any decision they made would affect Violet.

Chase and Brook Lynn anticipated that Finn would hate whoever forced Finn to confront his drinking and that Violet might hate Chase and Brook Lynn for taking Violet away from her father. Brook Lynn suggested that she and Chase take Violet to Italy while Finn was in rehab. Chase reckoned Finn would accuse them of kidnapping. He realized Brook Lynn was trying to ease the situation by devising a plan of which the Quartermaines would be proud. "Did it work?" she asked. Chase replied, "No, but I love you for it, anyway." They kissed.

Chase and Brook Lynn brainstormed ideas about how best to help Violet. Brook Lynn proposed a series of events at the Quartermaine house, like a summer camp, spanning several weeks, at which the adults could work in shifts to supervise all the cousins and kids. Chase said he would talk to Finn in the morning, assuming his brother was sober. Brook Lynn added that while Violet was occupied at the Quartermaines' house, she and Chase could stage an intervention for Finn.

Chase wondered if his in-laws would be okay with all of it. Brook Lynn assured Chase that once Tracy knew the truth, as Finn's friend, she would be on board. Chase wanted to help Finn before his brother "hit rock bottom." Brook Lynn remarked that, as a doctor, people knew who Finn was. Chase said that if Finn did something that he couldn't take back, he would never recover.

Jake and two of his underage friends, Gordo and Dale, walked into the Brown Dog bar. As Dale left to get drinks, Jake spotted Finn, who was seated at the bar, knocking back shots with a blonde woman. Jake quickly changed seats in order to face away from Finn. Jake told Gordo that they had to leave and that Jake didn't know why his mother's boyfriend was there.

Finn told the woman at the bar about his time working for Doctors Without Borders. When asked, Finn suggested that they not exchange names. Finn told the woman to think of him as someone who was in town to visit family. She told Finn that she wanted to do something to make his trip "memorable."

Dale returned to the booth with three beers. Jake was too concerned with Finn to drink his. Jake looked over his shoulder and saw the blonde placing her hand on Finn's thigh. Finn bribed the bartender to sell Finn a full bottle.

Jake saw the woman kissing Finn. He stood and declared, "That's it!" as he moved to confront Finn. Gordo stopped Jake and reminded him that they would all get busted if Jake made his presence known. Finn declared that he needed fresh air. He and the woman left the bar without Finn having spotted Jake. Once Finn and the woman were out of sight, Jake apologized to his friends and left.

Finn took the blonde woman back to his apartment. He turned on the light and was confronted with all the boxes of Gregory's things. He thought back to sorting through his father's clothes. Finn lied and said the boxes were filled with his Doctors Without Borders things. The woman could see Finn was troubled. She offered to take away all the bad things Finn was feeling. She kissed him then looked him square in the eyes. Finn nodded. She kissed him again.

Jake went to the hospital and found his mother. Jake told Elizabeth that he and his friends had been on their way to the movies when they had seen Finn come out of a dive bar with a lady and that it had been obvious that Finn and the woman had been drinking together. Jake said he hadn't wanted to tell Elizabeth but felt that he had to. Elizabeth thanked Jake for having done the right thing. She told Jake she would handle it when she finished her work. Elizabeth told Jake she would see him at home. She walked away. Jake called someone. "It's Jake. My mom has... a situation. She needs you," Jake said.

Elizabeth arrived at Finn's apartment. She almost knocked but then decided to use her key instead. She walked in and found Finn and the blonde woman making out on the sofa, while the mostly empty bottle sat on the coffee table. Finn looked at her with a defeated expression on his face. Elizabeth's expression was unreadable.

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