General Hospital Recaps: The week of May 6, 2024 on GH

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Jason told Anna what the FBI had on Carly. Carly went to Pentonville to talk to Brennan. Jordan cautioned Laura against helping Heather. Sonny told Ava she couldn
General Hospital Recaps: The week of May 6, 2024 on GH

Jason told Anna what the FBI had on Carly. After eavesdropping on Jason and John discussing Pikeman, Carly went to Pentonville to talk to Brennan. Willow agreed to be the spokesperson for New Tomorrow Institute. Jordan cautioned Laura against helping Heather. Kristina became defensive when Alexis asked about her attachment to the baby. Sonny invited Natalia to the wedding.

Anna refuses to accept Dante

Anna refuses to accept Dante's resignation

Monday, May 6, 2024

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by Elisabeth

At Dante and Sam's penthouse, Dante told Sam about his decision to resign from the police department because of his personal conflicts. Sam was surprised when Dante explained that he was conflicted. "How many times have I erred on the side of being a son versus being a cop?" he asked. According to Dante, the catalyst had been a visit with Sonny when he had mentioned Dex joining the police academy, because Dante's first thought had been how it might affect Sonny rather than Dex making a decent cop. Sam suggested that Dante had turned one fleeting thought into a rebuke of his whole career, but he told her about the frosty reception that Dex had received from the police officers at Chase's bachelor party because of his association with Sonny.

Dante pointed out that he was Sonny's son. "Cops care about proximity to people like Sonny. I'm his son. You don't get any closer than that," he said. Sam assured him that his fellow police officers respected him because every single one of them had shown up to donate blood when Dante had needed it. She reminded him that he loved his work, but he was resigned to his decision.

To Dante's surprise, Sam admitted that she'd waited a long time to hear him tell her that he was ready to give up his badge. She opened up about what it had been like when the police officers had shown up at the hospital with their spouses to support her as Dante had lingered in a coma -- and the relief she'd seen in some of their eyes that it hadn't been them. She assured him that if he truly wanted to quit, she would be grateful.

In Anna's office, Anna and Detective Bennet finished up a meeting and talked about Anna's busy itinerary the following day. She conceded that it would be a long day, but it would be worth it because she'd be in her new furnished apartment when it was over. Anna mentioned being grateful for the invention of elevators because she had to move some boxes from storage. Bennet realized that she had opted not to use a moving company because the boxes contained sensitive material.

Later, Dante knocked on Anna's door and entered her office. After they exchanged greetings, he handed her his official resignation. Taken aback, Anna questioned what had prompted the decision. Dante admitted that the recent shooting had played a small role in things, but a talk with Sonny about Dex joining the police academy had cemented the decision. He explained why he was conflicted and admitted that the lines had gotten blurred for him.

Anna told Dante that he was being hard on himself, because he was a good cop. She pointed out that worrying about something wasn't the same as acting on it. Dante agreed, but he felt that it was a betrayal of everything his badge stood for. He set his badge on Anna's desk. "So, it's got to end. Tonight," Dante said.

Anna acknowledged that she, too, had had a complicated relationship with Sonny through the years and that her gratitude for Sonny being there for Robin when Anna hadn't been able to be there had morphed into a "bias" that had favored Sonny, no matter the circumstances. However, Anna insisted that whatever debt she had owed Sonny had been paid in full. Anna confessed that she'd been waiting for Dante to reach the same conclusion. Dante explained that he was not there yet, but she wondered what would happen if Sonny showed up on Dante's doorstep, asking for a favor. "Without that badge, how do you justify refusing your father?" she asked.

Dante assured Anna that he would set boundaries, but Anna wasn't satisfied. "This badge protected you from him and the toxic cloud that follows him around. In short, I don't think you can afford to resign," Anna explained. She suggested that Dante remove himself from any case with Sonny's name on it and that he pass along any information he might stumble across in the line of duty to her or Bennet. Dante agreed to those terms. Pleased, Anna promised that he was where he was supposed to be. "You're staying, Detective. Understood?" Anna asked.

At Sonny's penthouse, Ava was deep in thought as she held Sonny's prescription bottle in her hand. She snapped out of it when Sonny entered the living room, complaining about Carly forbidding him from seeing Donna and how Carly had stormed into his bathroom and questioned him about his medication. He resented Carly acting like she lived there and treating him like a child. Ava handed him the prescription bottle as she agreed that Carly hadn't shown him much respect. "The hell with that. The hell with you, Carly Corinthos!" Sonny growled in a raised voice, and he threw the prescription bottle.

Ava reminded Sonny that Carly's last name was Spencer. "That's what you got out of everything I just said?" Sonny asked. He blamed it on a slip of the tongue and continued his rant about Carly. Ava used the opportunity to continue to undermine Carly and sow division, but Sonny suddenly announced that he intended to get a blood test to prove to Carly that he'd been taking his medication. Ava pretended to support the idea, but she carefully manipulated him into changing his mind. When Sonny grabbed his jacket to leave, Ava offered to accompany him, but Sonny told her that he needed some time alone.

In the park, Natalia and Blaze were carrying shopping bags as they talked about Blaze's new stylist, Miranda. They sat on a bench, and Blaze expressed her gratitude for Natalia hiring Miranda. Natalia was surprised because she had noticed that Blaze had resisted some of Miranda's ideas. Blaze explained that she had no problem with Miranda choosing her wardrobe for public appearances, but Blaze reserved the right to pick her own clothes during her down time. Natalia laughed and explained that building and maintaining a brand was a full-time job.

Natalia and Blaze's conversation turned to Blaze's newest single. Natalia grew frustrated when she realized that Brook Lynn had been too busy planning her wedding to get important feedback on the single. Natalia complained that the demo had been awful because the guitar solo had been by a "mediocre" musician. Tensions mounted when Natalia suggested replacing the guitar player with Blaze's brother, Eloi. Blaze reminded her mother that Eloi had left the business and wanted nothing to do with it, but Natalia insisted that music was the air that Eloi breathed.

Blaze asked why she wasn't enough, especially since she had chosen a career in music. Blaze suspected that her mother would prefer Eloi to be the headliner. Natalia assured her daughter that she loved both of her children equally, but she conceded that she hated seeing Eloi's talent go to waste. "Yeah, well, his talent, his choice," Blaze said. Annoyed with the exchange, Blaze picked up her bags and stormed off.

A short time later, Natalia sensed someone approaching and protectively grabbed her purse. Sonny apologized for startling her, but she was relieved to see him and smiled. She admitted that he had done her a favor because she'd been sitting there stuck in her own thoughts. Natalia invited Sonny to join her, so he sat down beside her and asked what had been troubling her. She revealed that she'd had an argument with her daughter. Sonny shared that he'd had a disagreement with his ex-wife.

Sonny opened up to Natalia about his bipolar disorder and how his ex-wife had been instrumental in getting him diagnosed years earlier. Natalia suggested that his ex-wife couldn't be all bad. Sonny countered that things had changed, and his ex-wife had used the diagnosis against him. Natalia was impressed with Sonny's bravery for talking about his bipolar disorder. Sonny shifted gears and invited her to join him for a drink.

At the penthouse, Ava was relieved to see Sonny return, but her smile vanished when she saw Natalia follow him in. Sonny introduced Natalia to Ava, and he explained that Ava lived there with their daughter. Natalia greeted Ava, but her smile faded when Ava referred to Blaze as Kristina's girlfriend. Sonny didn't appear to notice as he suggested opening up a 25-year-old bottle of scotch, which he knew Natalia would enjoy. He and Natalia exchanged a secret smile as Ava went to the bar to retrieve the scotch and pour the drinks.

Later, Sonny and Natalia chatted and flirted, but Ava hovered nearby. Sonny tactfully asked Natalia to excuse him for a minute, so she stepped out onto the balcony. Alone with Ava, Sonny let Ava know that he wanted her to make herself scarce. Ava seemed surprised, but she complied with a smile. When Sonny joined Natalia on the balcony, she sang the penthouse's praises. Sonny admitted that the place needed a lady's touch, so she asked about Ava.

Sonny explained that he and Ava were not romantically involved. Natalia smiled. Nearby, Ava eavesdropped on Sonny and Natalia.

At Alexis' house, Kristina defended referring to the baby as hers by insisting that she'd only said it one time by accident. She claimed that it was "shorthand" for "the thing that's growing inside of me that's not really mine." Kristina added that the pregnancy had completely taken over her body -- with frequent trips to the bathroom and hormonal changes -- so she didn't know what else to call the baby that was really her sister's and her sister's partner's. "I can see why you might want some kind of shorthand," Alexis said in a measured tone.

Kristina remained agitated and complained that she couldn't win because T.J. didn't think she cared enough about the baby, and Alexis thought she cared too much. Kristina suggested that Alexis and T.J. get together and figure out how much she should care. "Got it. Point taken," Alexis said. Alexis appreciated that Kristina was frustrated with all the "backseat parenting." Mollified, Kristina confessed that she was falling in love with the baby, but she pointed out that it had been unavoidable. "It's a part of me," Kristina said.

Kristina explained that she hadn't planned on it, but she didn't think it was a bad thing for the baby to feel love before it was born. Alexis couldn't disagree. Kristina admitted that she couldn't understand why everyone was freaking out, but Alexis suggested that Kristina's lack of understanding was a concern of its own. Kristina reminded her mother of all the reasons that she had wanted to help Molly, but she felt that Molly and T.J. only complained. Alexis assured Kristina that Molly and T.J. appreciated all that Kristina had done, but she suggested that everyone should give each other some slack.

"You mean me. I have to give them slack," Kristina said. Alexis denied it, but Kristina asked if Molly and T.J. would be policing another surrogate the way that they had her. Before Alexis could answer, Kristina announced that she had to meet Blaze. Alexis hugged Kristina and held her. She explained that Molly and T.J. were anxious because of everything they'd been through, and they feared that the baby would be snatched away from them like everything else before.

Alexis was certain the baby would be born happy and healthy, and Kristina would know that she'd brought that life into the world "without any agenda at all but love." "And that's really cool," Alexis said. Kristina smiled and thanked her mother.

Shortly after Kristina left, Diane stopped by to talk to Alexis about Alexis' upcoming hearing. Alexis thought her chances of her law license being reinstated were bleak, but Diane had found something that might help. Alexis confessed that she had other concerns because a legal crisis was brewing that could shred her family. Alexis filled Diane in about the recent tension between Kristina and Molly. Alexis assured Diane that -- "for the most part" -- Kristina was doing everything that a pregnant woman should. When Diane asked about the "lesser part," Alexis confided that Kristina thought the baby was hers.

Diane pointed out that it was common for a surrogate to have an assortment of feelings, including possessiveness, but Alexis shared that Kristina was falling in love with the baby, and she had referred to it as "my little kicker" when Kristina had felt the baby kick. Alexis explained that it wasn't Kristina's words but the energy behind them that were problematic. Diane asked if Alexis had broached the subject with Kristina. "Yes -- and she got mad," Alexis said.

Alexis feared that it would be disastrous if Kristina's feelings evolved. Diane agreed because Kristina was the egg donor, which meant that Kristina had a legal claim to the baby in the state of New York. Alexis confirmed that Molly and Kristina had a contract, which Diane pointed out was meaningless. She advised Alexis to stay out of it because Alexis might cause one of her daughters to lose a child, which would cost Alexis a daughter in the process.

At Kristina's apartment, she was pleasantly surprised to find that Blaze had used the key that Kristina had given her. Blaze admitted that she'd had a heated exchange with her mother, so she'd fled to Kristina's apartment before she'd strangled Natalia. "I know the feeling," Kristina said. Kristina admitted that no one made a person "nuts" as much as their own mother.

After Kristina settled on the sofa with a blanket, Blaze went to answer a knock at the door. It was Molly. Molly was surprised to see Blaze and offered to return another time, but Kristina invited Molly in and asked her to join them for dinner. "We're having a meal of organic kale washed ten times by nuns with a side of polyunsaturated yogurt. Sound good?" Kristina asked in a sarcastic tone.

Molly explained that she had left work in the middle of the day because she had wanted to see her sister. "I hate the way we left things this morning," Molly admitted. Molly revealed that she had told T.J. to stop micromanaging every part of Kristina's life because it had been out of line. Kristina was skeptical, but Molly assured her that T.J. had gone too far even for her, a control freak. "Thank you," Kristina said.

Molly insisted that Kristina was her sister, not an anonymous egg donor. "I love you, and I trust you," Molly said with sincerity. Blaze asked if Molly could have a similar conversation with Natalia. Kristina assured Molly that she appreciated Molly talking to T.J., but she wanted to be clear that she wasn't expected to disown her father. Molly acknowledged that she and Kristina would never see eye to eye on Sonny, but it wasn't personal because it was Molly's job as an assistant district attorney not to ignore who Sonny was.

Kristina made it clear that she would never ignore her father, but Molly promised that she didn't expect Kristina to. Kristina asked if Molly honestly believed that Sonny posed a danger to the baby. "I do not -- and I promise that T.J. will stop making it an issue," Molly said. "Good luck with that," Kristina muttered. Blaze gently squeezed Kristina's shoulder and gave her a stern look.

Molly thanked Blaze for being there for Kristina because it meant a lot to Molly that Kristina had someone who cared about Kristina as much as Blaze clearly did. "She deserves it," Molly said as she smiled at Blaze and Kristina. Blaze agreed. Kristina smiled and thanked her sister for stopping by to clear the air; it was just one more reason that she loved Molly. Molly and Kristina exchanged a warm hug.


Carly's eavesdropping gives her an earful about Pikeman

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

by Hope Campbell

Carly barreled into the coffee warehouse to tell Jason that Sonny was in trouble. She relayed the story of visiting Sonny, having an altercation with Ava, and then wondering if Sonny was taking his meds. She thought Sonny was acting irrationally, and Jason agreed.

Jason also wondered if Sonny was off his meds. Carly told him that Sonny insisted that just because they disagreed, it didn't mean he wasn't following his doctor-prescribed regimen. Carly admitted he had a point. However, Jason thought Sonny's handling of the situations with Cyrus and Dex was proof he wasn't thinking clearly.

Jason suggested that someone Sonny trusted should convince Sonny to have a blood draw. Carly believed the only person Sonny seemed to trust at that moment was Ava. Carly thought that was crazy because of how Ava had switched Morgan's medication for placebos. Jason wondered if Ava was doing that with Sonny, but Carly didn't know what Ava's motive would be. Jason then wondered if Sonny's dosage needed to be recalibrated.

Finally, Carly thought Stella could get through to Sonny, but Carly knew Stella would have to witness Sonny's behavior firsthand. Just then, John Cates walked in to ask Jason some questions. Carly tried calling Diane right away so Jason would have a lawyer, but Jason just asked her to leave.

Carly didn't go far. As soon as she heard John speak, she began to eavesdrop and heard John tell Jason that they needed to talk about Pikeman. She also heard John mention Sonny's arrest the previous fall. Jason told John that Sonny hadn't spoken to him about Pikeman, but John stressed that there was evidence of an ongoing association between Sonny and Pikeman, something that intrigued Carly.

Later, Sonny walked through the park as the new PCPD recruits ran by.

Anna was surprised when Dex and other trainees entered her new apartment with her storage boxes. They even brought them up the stairs as part of their physical academy training. Felicia dropped by next. She was surprised to hear that Charlotte was back in boarding school, and she wondered if Anna had been talking to Valentin. Anna replied that they had talked over the drinks the other night. Just then, a delivery man arrived with flowers from Valentin.

Felicia was not happy to learn that Anna had agreed to have dinner with her ex. Anna admitted she missed Valentin, but she also didn't exactly think he was trustworthy. Felicia knew Valentin loved her, so she couldn't get too upset. Anna said that they really did love one another, but that wasn't enough. "I can't spend my life with someone I don't trust, but Valentin understands me in a way that few men do."

Felicia reminded Anna that the tragedy of Charlotte's shooting would always come between them and asked, "Do you really think this dinner is a good idea?" Anna said it was just dinner and hoped she could get some closure from it.

As Nina and Valentin enjoyed a meal at Metro Court, Sonny got off the elevator. Nina couldn't help but stare, but Sonny ignored her and walked away. Valentin wondered if Nina was okay. She said, "I'm fine. I'm not sure Sonny is, though."

Nina also couldn't help but notice Willow and told Valentin how her daughter had said she might be able to let bad feelings go after seeing Drew being friendly to her. Valentin was still worried that Drew was poisoning Willow against Nina, but Nina smiled and said he certainly was not.

Valentin then asked how things were going, since she was working with Drew after reporting him to the SEC. Nina thought it was all working out fine and apologized to Valentin for leaving the Invader for Crimson after he'd bought the paper for her. Valentin just shrugged it off. He said he had to deal with Alexis' complaints, but that was fine. He added that at least Invader circulation was up. As Valentin questioned Nina about Drew some more, she called Drew arrogant but admitted he was a savvy businessman.

Drew and Willow met up at the Metro Court bar so she could tell him that she accepted his spokesperson job offer. Drew was thrilled but made sure that Willow didn't feel pressure to say yes just because he had risked his life in Greenland to rescue Liesl the year before.

Willow asked Drew not to try talking her out of her decision. She wasn't taking the job out of obligation; she just wanted to be a part of the project. Drew was then surprised to learn that Willow was leaving her hospital job, but she insisted she was doing it to spend more time with her kids.

Across the dining room, Nina told Valentin that their relationship was a quid pro quo one. When Valentin asked if she was getting what she wanted out of it, Nina felt there was only one way to find out. To that end, she approached Drew and Willow at the bar and asked to run something past Drew about Crimson. Willow then decided Nina should be the first to know that she had accepted the spokesperson position.

When Drew suggested that Crimson do a story on the New Tomorrow Institute and Willow, both Nina and Willow thought it was a great idea. Nina was so happy, she couldn't wait to tell Valentin. "I'd put up with Drew forever if he gives me access to my daughter," she said.

Sonny sat down with Jordan, and the topic immediately turned to Molly, T.J., and Kristina. Sonny was happy to report that Kristina was enjoying the pregnancy. Sonny then got right to the point -- he wanted to make a donation to the city of Port Charles. Sonny could tell that Jordan didn't want to accept the money, but Sonny insisted anything he gave the city came from a legitimate enterprise.

Jordan wanted to know why Drew had gone to her. Sonny said she was the deputy mayor -- plus they had children who were having a baby together. Sonny insisted that with Jordan in charge, he knew his money would go where it was needed the most. He also wanted to help the community because Port Charles was his home.

Drew soon approached Sonny and Jordan's table to talk to Jordan, but Sonny gave him some bad news. He wasn't going to sell the boxing gym, after all. After Sonny left, Drew asked to speak to Jordan about the project on the pier. Jordan was excited to hear about the federal money he had requested from Nina's congressman friend.

Laura arrived at Pentonville for a visit with Heather, who was in a wheelchair due to her hip surgery. Laura was kind as she asked how Heather was feeling, and Heather had a good report. She admitted she wouldn't hate prison as much as she did if she could just see Ace. Laura gave Heather an update on the toddler as the two grandmothers chatted like they were old pals.

Heather loved all the stories and was touched that Laura was even willing to share happy tales with her. Heather was especially touched when Laura handed her a photo of Ace. Heather saw Esme in him, and Laura agreed. Heather was jealous that Laura had gotten to know Esme better than she had.

Eventually, Heather explained that while she had truly believed getting revenge on people who had hurt Esme was the right thing to do at the time, she could no longer remember why she had thought that killing all those people would help Esme. She knew what she had done was a terrible thing. The people she had killed had all had people who loved them.

Heather wondered how she could ever have thought killing people was the right thing. Laura chalked it up to cobalt poisoning. "You were inside the illness at that time, so at that time, it made sense to you," Laura reasoned. Laura explained that Heather was starting to see things more clearly. Heather pointed out that she had done horrible things before the ski accident that had led to her hip replacement.

Heather said she had given up her kids to give them a better life but had later become unhealthily obsessed with them. She wondered if she would have been a good mother had she not had cobalt poisoning. Heather expressed many regrets about her years in prisons and mental institutions. Laura remained sympathetic. Heather shared her belief that the guilt she felt was all part of the punishment for her actions. Laura was pleased that Heather was taking responsibility for her crimes.

Jason tells Anna what the FBI has on Carly

Jason tells Anna what the FBI has on Carly

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

by Elisabeth

In Sam and Dante's bedroom, Sam was eager to hear how Anna had reacted to Dante's resignation. Dante sat up in bed and revealed that he hadn't resigned because Anna had refused to accept it. He admitted that his talk with Anna had made him realize that he'd been running away from his duty. Sam's eyes glistened with unshed tears as she pulled her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. "I'm a cop, Sam," he said. He told her about his agreement with Anna about Sonny, but Sam remained silent.

"Can you say something?" Dante asked. Sam admitted that she didn't want to say the wrong thing. He assured her that she couldn't, and he urged her to be honest with him. "I should have known better than to get my hopes up," Sam said. She shared that she'd felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders when he'd told her about his decision, and she'd gotten a tiny glimpse of what their future could look like without her always worrying about him when he walked out to the door to go to work.

Sam couldn't deny that a part of her would always want that, but she conceded that she had known what she'd been getting into when she had fallen in love with Dante. She realized that she couldn't ask him to change, but she could control her responses to his choices. Alarmed, Dante asked if she intended to end things with him. Sam assured him that she loved him, the family, and life they had together, and breaking up wouldn't make her love him any less or stop worrying about his safety. "All I would lose is you," Sam said.

Sam told Dante that she would find a way to learn to live with the fear. Dante apologized for putting that fear in her and for giving her false hope about his resignation. Sam admitted that she would need time to process everything, so he assured her that she had his support. He told Sam that he loved her, and he kissed her. Afterwards, he admitted that he had no idea what he would do if he had lost her. Sam and Dante shared another passionate kiss.

At Metro Court's restaurant, Kevin noticed that Laura was distracted. He assumed Laura's visit with Heather hadn't gone well, but Laura confessed that the opposite was true. She explained that she was troubled because things had gone "really well." Laura revealed that Heather had been more clear-headed than she'd seen Heather in years and that she'd seen a glimpse of the old Heather from "way back when." Kevin wasn't surprised because Heather had finally gotten the medical help that she had needed.

Laura told Kevin about Heather's reaction to being given a photograph of Ace, but he was curious if Heather had mentioned Spencer. Laura explained that Heather had talked about Spencer in the context of Heather's regrets. Laura shared that she had realized that -- "despite all the crimes she's committed and her crazy outlook on life" -- Heather was just a grieving mother who missed her child. "You see why I'm distracted? I am empathizing with a serial killer," Laura said.

Kevin explained that cobalt poisoning manifested differently for different patients, and in Heather's case, it had tipped Heather from "transgressive behaviors" to a pathology that had led to a rampage. Laura wondered if it was right to leave Heather in jail for crimes that had been the result of the poisoning, especially when there were victims and loved ones who grieved for them. Kevin explained that the poisoning had been a major factor in Heather's crimes, but it was impossible to say if it had been the only cause. Kevin admitted that philosophically, he believed that Heather should have a shot at building a better life, but she shouldn't be absolved of everything she had done.

After Kevin excused himself to take a work call, Valentin walked over to share an update about Charlotte. He assured Laura that Charlotte was settling into the boarding school in Switzerland, and he'd exchanged text messages and had video calls with his daughter. Laura was delighted that Charlotte was thriving, but she asked if Charlotte had put everything that had happened with Anna behind her. She worried that it might be too soon for Charlotte to be far away from family, but Valentin assured Laura that he had a new business venture that would take him to Switzerland frequently. Laura was relieved. When she assumed his business was related to ELQ, he smiled pleasantly and confirmed that it was.

At the hospital, Chase knocked on Finn's office door and entered. Finn was surprised to see his brother because he'd expected Chase to be busy with wedding preparations. Chase assured Finn that he looked forward to getting married, but there was a big problem. Chase explained that he didn't want Gregory to wear himself out attending the rehearsal dinner at Coney Island. Chase worried that it would be unsafe for their father to travel. Finn agreed, but Chase confessed that he had no idea how to tell Gregory. "You don't," Finn said.

Finn offered to be the one to talk to their father. Chase objected, so Finn backed down and gave Chase some tips on how to approach the matter. Finn recalled how tirelessly Chase had worked to help Finn and Gregory reconcile, while Finn had been "stubborn and self-righteous." Chase reminded Finn that Finn and Gregory were in a better place. He urged Finn to move on, but Finn regretted that he had let his anger and pride cost him precious time with his father. "Time I'll never get back," Finn said.

Chase assured his brother that Gregory loved Finn. "And always will," Chase said. After the brothers agreed that Finn would talk to Gregory about the rehearsal dinner, Chase left, and Finn returned to work. After some time, his frustrations got the better of him, and he shoved files and his cell phone off his desk. When Finn went to retrieve his phone, he looked down and saw that "A.A. meeting near me" had been typed into the search bar of the web browser. Finn closed the browser.

Meanwhile, Brook Lynn and Lois entered Bobbie's, carrying shopping bags and talking about the rehearsal dinner. After they sat down, Brook Lynn saw John seated at a nearby table. She told her mother that "the dirtbag" FBI agent who had questioned Danny without Sam being present was in the diner. Lois followed Brook Lynn's gaze and was shocked when she saw John. "That's Jagger Cates," Lois said in an excited tone. Before Brook Lynn could stop her, Lois grabbed her daughter's hand and dragged Brook Lynn over to meet John.

John was equally surprised when he saw Lois. He stood up and warmly greeted his old friend with a hug. Lois introduced Brook Lynn, and John took the opportunity to apologize to Brook Lynn and to thank her. John acknowledged that questioning Danny had been inappropriate -- but technically legal -- and that Brook Lynn had had every right to call him out on it. He admitted that she had made him realize that he would have been equally furious if the same thing had happened to his son at Danny's age. Brook Lynn appreciated the apology. Lois was delighted to hear that John had a son, prompting John to share that his son's name was Stone.

Brook Lynn decided that it was her cue to leave, so she cut her visit short with Lois to give Lois time to catch up with John. After Brook Lynn left, John and Lois sat down to talk. John revealed that he had joined the FBI after his first marriage to Karen had ended in divorce. Lois offered her condolences on Karen's passing, so he admitted that it had taken him a long time to make peace with losing her. Lois changed the subject and asked about Stone.

According to John, Stone was 21 years old, on the autism spectrum, and lived in a great group home near Quantico. John confessed that it wasn't easy being away from his son, but they stayed in touch through text messages and video calls. The conversation shifted to the past and how much Port Charles had changed over the years. John reminded Lois that change could be good. He admitted that all the dreams he'd had when he'd been young had turned out to be wrong for him or had slipped through his fingers.

John's expression clouded with sadness. Lois empathized because being back in Port Charles had been harder than she had expected. "What's that saying? You can never really go home again," John said. "Ain't that the truth," Lois replied. She assured him that spending the last few months helping her daughter prepare for the wedding had been a gift that she would always treasure, but being in Port Charles was a constant reminder of what Lois' life had been, what she had thought it would be, and how it actually had turned out. However, she added that different wasn't necessarily bad.

John and Lois talked a bit about John's career, and he told her that he felt like he had accomplished good things by enforcing the law. When his phone chimed, he glanced at it and saw that it was work related. Lois bid him farewell and told him not to be a stranger. After Lois left, John called his contact. He scowled when he learned that Carly had paid Brennan a visit.

At the police station, Chase smiled when he saw Brook Lynn. After they shared a hug, Chase told Brook Lynn that Gregory would not be at the rehearsal dinner. Brook Lynn assured him that it was for the best because Gregory would be well rested for their wedding day. "That's the idea," Chase said. Brook Lynn shifted gears because she was excited to share all the sights of Coney Island with Chase. When Chase admitted that he didn't have any pre-wedding jitters, Brook Lynn confessed that she was a wreck, worrying about everything.

Chase assured Brook Lynn that it wouldn't matter if she wore jeans or a bathrobe as long as she married him. She was touched, but she made it clear that she expected the wedding to be perfect. However, she wasn't the least bit nervous about marrying Chase because she couldn't wait to be his wife. Chase and Brook Lynn slipped in the interrogation room to share a kiss.

At Pentonville, Jack Brennan smiled when he was escorted into the visitor's area and saw Carly waiting for him. She returned the smile as he approached the table. "This day just got a hundred percent better," he said. Carly kicked off the visit by confronting him about his lies to her and his attempt to abduct her. Brennan assured her that he had never intended to kidnap her. "You had zip ties," Carly reminded him. Brennan turned on the charm as he conceded that it had looked bad, but he explained that zip ties were a standard in his profession.

Carly suggested that they chalk it up to a "misunderstanding," and she forged ahead by asking Brennan about his connection to Pikeman, which she had overheard Anna mention at the time of his arrest. Brennan claimed that Anna had gotten it wrong, and he accused some of the enemies that he had gained during his rise in the WSB for framing him. "So, here I sit, a prisoner of my own ambitions, one might say," Brennan lamented. He steered the conversation to Carly. Carly talked about Donna's dance recital. Carly shared that she had recently ended a relationship, but she was happy because her best friend had returned. Brennan seized the opportunity to ask about Jason.

Carly assured Brennan that Jason was not responsible for the things that he'd been accused of. Carly deftly returned to the topic of Pikeman. "You sure you're not involved with them?" she asked. Brennan pointed out that if he'd been running Pikeman, he'd have had a team of lawyers working to get him out of jail. "So, it would mean nothing to you that the FBI was investigating Pikeman?" Carly asked. Brennan sat up straight, but he kept his tone light as he asked how Carly knew that.

Carly claimed that she was friends with Agent John Cates, who had recently moved back to town. Moments later, a guard walked up to let Brennan know that his time was up. Brennan invited Carly to visit him again. "We'll see," Carly said as she walked away. "Watch your back, Valentin," Brennan said as he watched Carly.

At Anna's new apartment, she was unpacking when Jason stopped by to talk to her about his encounter with John. After Anna invited Jason inside, he filled her in about John's demands. However, Jason revealed that John didn't seem to be aware of Valentin's connection to Pikeman, which suggested that the FBI had no idea that Valentin was involved. Jason assured Anna that he hadn't shared the information with John because he didn't trust the FBI agent. Anna couldn't fault him.

Anna suggested that it was time for some transparency between her and Jason before they proceeded. Anna wanted to know what the FBI was holding over Jason, and what the evidence was against Carly. Jason made it clear that it had to stay between them. "Whatever you tell me is between us. You have my word," Anna said.

Satisfied, Jason shared that the FBI had a recording of Carly at a meeting with other organized crime families saying that she was in charge of the Corinthos organization and claiming that she controlled all the business that went through the Corinthos territory. Anna was surprised that Carly had been that involved in Sonny's business. "She wasn't. It's when we thought Sonny was dead," Jason explained. Jason revealed that Sonny's organization had been under siege, so he and Carly had been doing everything possible to contain things. Jason told Anna that he had planned to attend the meeting, but he'd been shot, so Carly had gone in his place because she'd been desperate to safeguard her children.

"So, Carly's best defense was to present herself as part of the mob," Anna said. "And the FBI has it all on tape," Jason added. Anna suggested that Jason call the FBI's bluff because Carly had an excellent attorney, but Jason refused to risk it because there were no guarantees that Carly would be able to stay out of jail. Jason revealed that he had only expected his agreement with the FBI to last a few months, but it had turned into years. He explained that he didn't want Carly to know because she would try to save him. "She's going to do something crazy...wind up sending herself to prison," he said.

Anna understood that Jason had been forced to make a difficult choice. He admitted that he knew both Jake and Danny would be okay because they had great moms and stable homes, but Donna was young and needed her mother. Jason explained that he had chosen to work for Sonny, but Carly had never made that choice because he and Sonny had pulled Carly into their world. Jason insisted that Carly hadn't had any criminal intent when she'd attended the meeting; she'd done it to protect her family. "You got Carly into this," Anna said. "And it's on me to get her out," Jason explained.

Jason warned Anna that he would be done with the FBI once he held up his end of the bargain. She warned him that it was her experience with government agencies that they would bury the evidence, but they wouldn't destroy it. Jason refused to be beholden to the FBI for the rest of his life, so he told Anna that they had to take Pikeman down first. Anna glanced at the flowers that Valentin had sent her. She told Jason about Valentin's invitation to dinner, which she hoped to use to her advantage.

Anna was certain that Valentin would have his guard down, so it would be an opportunity to work him. She reminded Jason that the photo that Dex had given to Jason proved that Valentin had been in town on the day of the shooting at Metro Court's pool. She was confident that if she played things right, she could get Valentin to lead them to whoever was in charge of Pikeman.

Laura works on a case for Heather

Laura works on a case for Heather

Thursday, May 9, 2024

by Marissa PD

Laura arrived at Alexis' to talk to her about Heather. Laura explained that Heather was beginning to question her violent behavior and expressing real remorse for her actions. She wondered if Alexis had found any related cases, and Alexis revealed that she'd found two. She added that she would need to look at transcripts of Heather's court appearance to see what she could do, but she said that Heather's release was a long shot.

At Finn's, Finn and Chase discussed their plan to tell Gregory that he shouldn't go to the rehearsal dinner that night. Just then, Gregory emerged from his room and learned that his sons wanted to talk to him. He wanted to say something first, and he revealed that he'd decided not to go to the rehearsal dinner that night. He explained that he wanted to, but he felt that it was more important for him to conserve his energy for the actual wedding the next day.

Chase and Finn were relieved, and Finn chimed in that he would get someone to stay with Gregory that night, as Finn and Chase would feel better knowing that Gregory had company. Gregory refused, and the two bickered about it. Gregory yelled at Finn for lecturing him about "proper wedding etiquette," as Finn had slept with Jackie and then skipped out on their wedding. Finn quietly grabbed his keys and left.

A short while later, Finn arrived at Alexis'. He told her about what had happened with Gregory, and he lamented that he'd thought Gregory had forgiven him for the past. Alexis assured him that Gregory had forgiven him and that Gregory feeling "safe enough to snap" at him was proof that Gregory had faith in their relationship. Finn suggested that he stay home from the rehearsal dinner, even though he was the best man, as he would be worried about Gregory all night. Just then, Alexis had an idea.

Gregory apologized to Chase for the fight, and he knew he also owed Finn an apology. Chase admitted that he sometimes wondered if he and Brook Lynn had made a mistake asking Gregory to officiate the wedding, as it probably put too much pressure on him. Gregory insisted that it was the "greatest honor of my life," and he relented on Chase calling the home health agency. When Chase was gone, Gregory's phone rang, and he answered it to Alexis. She claimed to be anxious for her hearing the next day, and she offered to take dinner over if he helped her with some last-minute research. He agreed to help, and Alexis gave Finn a thumbs-up.

Natalia arrived at Blaze's hotel room and asked what Blaze was wearing to Chase and Brook Lynn's wedding, as she didn't want her outfit to clash with Blaze's. Blaze reminded her mother that she was taking Kristina, and Natalia thought it was unwise to take her girlfriend to a public event. She urged Blaze to think of herself as a brand and the wedding as "incredible PR," but Blaze refused to use the wedding as a career steppingstone. Natalia accepted Blaze's "bad decision" but warned that they would see who was right after the wedding.

At the Metro Court restaurant, Ava informed Sonny that she'd contacted two high-profile artists to see if they'd do a piece for the city for Sonny. Watching as Jordan talked to Olivia, Sonny answered that he'd moved on to another idea. Olivia approached the table as Ava's phone went off, so Ava excused herself to answer it. Olivia made sure that Sonny wasn't taking Ava to the wedding, as the Cerullos and Falconeris wouldn't appreciate her presence. Sonny assured Olivia that he would not be taking Ava as his plus-one. Ava returned, and Olivia walked away with a glare in Ava's direction.

Ava told Sonny that she'd picked out a really nice outfit, just in case he still needed a plus-one for the wedding. He stated that she wouldn't be going with him. He reminded her that Cerullos and Falconeris had long memories, and her showing up would disrespect Connie's memory. Ava thought she needed to rethink her place in his house if that was how he felt. He advised her to move out if she wanted to, and he would buy a place for her and Avery -- or Avery could stay with him. "I'll take care of my daughter myself, like I always have," she growled, and she left. Natalia arrived, and Sonny invited her to join him. She happily sat down at the table with him.

Sam burst into the warehouse and demanded to know where Danny was. Jason informed her that Danny wasn't there. Sam explained that Danny had been marked as absent at school, and his phone was at home, so she couldn't track him. Jason advised that she was just training Danny to lie to her, but she reminded him that he knew nothing about raising a teenager because he hadn't been there. A few minutes later, Sam got a call from the school and learned that Danny being marked absent had just been a mix-up.

Sam sheepishly told Jason that she would get out of his and Sonny's hair. Jason declared that Sonny wasn't there, and he didn't know where Sonny was. He divulged to a confused Sam that he'd been working undercover for the FBI, and while the undercover part was over, the connection to the FBI wasn't. Sam realized that Sonny had turned his back on Jason for that reason. He insisted that he would never choose to stay away from his family. She thanked him for sharing with her, and she apologized for jumping to conclusions. He promised to honor her boundaries with Danny, and she left. Outside the warehouse, she made a phone call and told someone that she needed to see them.

Laura was on the phone in her office, requesting Heather's court transcripts, when Jordan arrived. When Laura was off the phone, Jordan wondered what Laura's sudden interest in Heather was. Laura told Jordan about her visit with Heather, and Jordan asked what Laura was hoping to do. Laura just wanted the truth, but Jordan advised Laura that looking into the case would be political suicide. She didn't want to see Laura sacrifice her career and the welfare of the city for Heather.

Sam tells Dante she is going to help Jason

Sam tells Dante she is going to help Jason

Friday, May 10, 2024

by Hope Campbell

Dante met up with Sam in the park, where she told him that Jason had spent the last two-and-a-half years working with the FBI under an assumed identity. Dante confessed that he'd already known Jason was an informant, but he hadn't remembered until that moment. He said Sonny had told him when Dante had been in the hospital and still out of it.

Sam relayed the news that Jason and Sonny were on the outs. Dante thought that made sense, since Sonny didn't trust Agent Cates. Dante told Sam he had been doing some digging regarding all the recent attempts on Sonny's life, and he had concluded that they were not mob hits. They had all been clean sniper shots. At that point, Sam was alarmed and admitted she was worried about Jason. She wanted them to help him. "Danny can't lose his father again," she said.

Sam also felt bad about how she had treated Jason when he had first returned. She said that helping him could alleviate her guilt. She truly wanted to make amends. Dante wanted to help Jason, and Sam was determined to learn what the FBI had on him. Dante just wanted Sam to stay out of it, but Sam refused to let that happen.

Anna sat at her desk, thumbing through her file on Jack Brennan while remembering a conversation she'd had with John about her association with Brennan back in the 1980s. Dex walked in and interrupted her thoughts. She had asked him to visit because she wanted to check in and see how police training was going. Dex was happy to report he was more sure than ever that he wanted to be a cop.

Anna worried about how the other officers were treating Dex, but Dex assured her that Chase was making things easier. He said Chase had even invited Dex to his wedding. Dex was concerned when Anna asked him if he'd been interacting at all with Dante. Dex denied that Dante was "icing him out," but he did feel that Dante was trying to avoid him. Dex admitted he was also avoiding Dante so nobody thought Sonny was a conflict of interest. Anna then asked if Dex thought that Dante might work on his father's behalf.

Dex didn't think so, but Anna wondered if Dante had an unconscious bias in Sonny's favor. Dex admitted he could tell that Dante and Sonny were close. Dex thought when Dante looked at Sonny, he only saw what he wanted to see. He also stressed that Dante was the cop that Dex wanted to be.

Later, Dex ran into Josslyn when they were both taking a run through the park, and they decided to engage in a little friendly competition. Dex ended up winning and told Josslyn it was a good thing she wasn't training to be a cop because she would hurt herself trying to always come in first. When she asked how the academy was going, he said it was going well -- and that was proof that if one didn't walk away from something, it could get better.

Josslyn and Dex's talk then turned to summer plans. She reported that she was going to be a lifeguard at the Metro Court pool. She was also in the middle of switching her major to environmental science. Dex was impressed. "I have no doubt that you could change the entire planet if you set your mind to it," he said.

Jason was not happy when John once again barged into his coffee warehouse office with questions. "Why was Carly visiting the former director of the WSB in Pentonville?" John asked. He accused Jason of telling her what was going on, but Jason denied it. John wasn't sure he could believe Jason. "If you even hinted to Carly that you've been tasked with finding evidence against Pikeman, it violates our agreement," John said.

An angry Jason argued that he'd only taken the agreement to protect Carly. John finally believed Jason but still wanted to know why Carly had visited Brennan. John informed Jason that Carly and Brennan knew each other, as Brennan had been arrested at Kelly's, and Carly had been the only one there when it had happened. John wondered if Carly was somehow useful to Brennan.

After John left, Jason immediately called Anna over and asked her for all the information she had on Brennan's arrest. Anna said it had been fairly uneventful, so Jason told her everything that had just happened with John. Anna was concerned with Carly's actions, alarming Jason when she said that Brennan had looked as if he had wanted to kidnap Carly right before Anna and Dante had made the arrest. When Anna asked why Carly would make that visit, Jason knew. "There's only one thing I can think of," he said. He told Anna, "She thinks she's helping me."

Jason's assertion confused Anna, so he told her all about his recent conversation with Carly that John had walked in on. He said he had asked Carly to leave, but Jason suspected she had eavesdropped. Jason made sure that John never mentioned him being an informant because he knew there was a chance his meddlesome friend might be listening. Anna realized at that moment that Carly could have ruined their entire investigation. Anna warned Jason that Brennan was smart. She said she had learned as a WSB trainee not to give Brennan information of any kind. Anna needed to know what Carly had told Brennan, but Jason insisted he couldn't be the one to find that out. He said Anna was going to have to talk to Carly.

Ava rummaged through Sonny's bathroom drawers to find the medication she knew had been tampered with. She soon took the pill bottle to the pharmacist and asked some questions about the drug. He seemed a bit alarmed when he looked at the prescription label. He quickly told Ava that her "husband" had four refills left, and he tried getting rid of her. However, Ava wasn't done with her inquiry.

The pharmacist told Ava that the drug had recently been approved by the FDA but was perfectly safe when used with other bipolar medications. Ava wanted to know what would happen if a patient took a smaller dose. The nervous pharmacist assured her that he took quality control seriously, so that would not happen on his watch. Ava asked what would happen if her alleged husband chose to take less than the dosage prescribed or even skipped a day. He said their moods could change, but "people don't generally become axe murderers overnight."

Sonny and Natalia finished their coffee break at the Metro Court. Sonny told her he enjoyed her company, and she shared his sentiments. They flirted and made more small talk before Natalia asked who he had been waiting for before she had arrived. Sonny admitted he had been with Ava, and they had argued, so she had stormed off.

Natalia admitted she was separated from Blaze's dad, but she also had a son from a previous relationship. Sonny said his family life was much more complicated than that. He also hoped Ava was packing to move as they spoke. He explained that Ava had been mad when he'd said he couldn't take her to a wedding. After they flirted some more, Natalia got herself an invitation to the wedding as Sonny's "plus one."

When Sonny arrived home, he seemed out of breath but was surprised to see Ava still there. She apologized for their argument and said she understood why the Falconeris wouldn't want her at the wedding. She told Sonny he was right, and she was ready to find her own place. She said the most important thing was their friendship, and she felt that Avery shouldn't see her parents fighting. Sonny seemed more concerned about Avery leaving but told Ava he was okay with having her company. "Just for the record, I like the way things are," Sonny confessed.

Ava agreed to stay, but then offered to choose Sonny's tie, drop him off, and pick him up from the wedding. Sonny told her he was fine; Natalia would be his date, so he wouldn't be alone. Ava was not happy to hear this news.

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