General Hospital Recaps: The week of February 12, 2024 on GH

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Sonny confronted Michael after learning about Dex
General Hospital Recaps: The week of February 12, 2024 on GH

Sonny confronted Michael after learning the truth about Dex's mission. Josslyn learned that Dex had left town. Olivia Jerome was killed in a professional hit. Laura and Kevin agreed to adopt Ace. Curtis and Portia made love. Violet learned that her grandfather was sick. Danny landed in hot water with Sam.

Ava comforts Trina

Ava comforts Trina

Monday, February 12, 2024

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by Steve Holley

At Metro Court, Tracy joined Gregory at a table. Tracy was startled when Lucy approached from behind and threw a piece of bread at Tracy. Tracy cackled with laughter when she realized that Lucy had slept with Scott. "You have been having your tawdry affair with Scott on the installment plan! A few years on, a few years off, and now, you're back on," Tracy quipped. Lucy left to try to find Martin.

At Laura and Kevin's penthouse, Martin presented Laura and Kevin with a petition to legally adopt Ace so that Heather and Cyrus would have no claim to the child. Martin said that it had been Nikolas' idea for Laura and Kevin to adopt Ace. Martin added that he had a flight to catch and that he would be leaving Port Charles indefinitely. Laura encouraged Martin to travel safely, and he left.

A short while later, Laura and Kevin heard a knock at the door. Lucy entered to ask if Martin had stopped by. Lucy grew sad when she learned that Martin had decided to leave town without saying goodbye. Lucy began rambling about her breakup with Martin. Laura encouraged Lucy to find Martin before he boarded his flight. After Lucy left, Laura and Kevin discussed whether to adopt Ace. After some debate, they agreed to the adoption. Laura fought back tears of joy.

At the airport, Martin waited to board a flight to North Carolina. Lucy tried to reach Martin, but the door to the terminal closed before she could catch him. "He's gone. I'm too late. He's really gone," Lucy said afterwards as she fought back tears.

Back at the Metro Court restaurant, Gregory opened up to Tracy about his reservations about moving in with Finn. Gregory said that he hated the idea of giving up his agency. Tracy said that living with family wasn't something that had to hold Gregory back, and she used her family as an example.

"I come and go, time and time again. But I always end up back at Monica's. Why? Because... as much as every single person in that house infuriates me, living under the same roof with them, it feels like... home," Tracy said as her voice began to crack.

Also at Metro Court, Drew and Carly were taken aback when they stepped off the elevator and into the Crimson office. They learned that Nina had ordered a large construction project. Carly accused Nina of trying to sabotage Carly's first issue as editor of the magazine. Nina feigned surprise that the construction was an "emergency." Carly left to seek out Diane.

Afterwards, Drew proceeded to berate Nina again. Nina said that she was tired of being the town "pariah." "Did you go to prison, Nina? You don't know the meaning of indignity and injustice. But believe me, you will," Drew threatened as he boarded the elevator.

Back in the Metro Court restaurant a short while later, Carly and Drew interrupted Robert and Diane. Robert promptly left. Drew huffed about trying to find ways to "retaliate" against Nina. Carly tried to persuade Drew to think about the magazine instead of getting back at Nina.

When Drew stepped away, Diane surmised that Carly was frustrated with Drew -- in addition to Nina. Carly called Nina a "parasite," yet she claimed that she didn't care anything about Nina. Carly claimed she wanted to move on from her feud with Nina, but Drew was "pulling (her) back into (Nina's) twisted orbit."

Nearby, Drew ordered someone by phone to give him a list of every Aurora client that had ever done business with Nina. Back in the Crimson office, Nina playfully slipped a repairman cash to continue delaying the construction project.

At the Jerome Gallery, Dex and Frank were standing watch as security for Ava when Trina entered. Trina tried to use work to get her mind off Spencer's death. Trina apologized profusely when she accidentally dropped an expensive painting. Trina burst into tears, and she told Ava that she couldn't stop crying.

"It's like everything I see, everything I hear, reminds me of Spencer. And it's like I'm losing him all over again. And there's a pit in my stomach, and I can't breathe. I can't breathe. I'm gasping for air. I don't know how to live with this feeling. I can't live with this feeling. I wish it was me who died instead of him," Trina said through tears as she clutched Ava's hands.

Ava listened and spoke with empathy as she tried to comfort Trina. Ava recalled having felt similar to Trina when Kiki had died in 2018. "And truthfully, I'm -- I'm forever grateful to Spencer that he did what he did... so you could live. Because you are here with me, and you and my Avery... you girls are everything to me, sweetheart. Everything to me," Ava said through tears as she pulled Trina close to her.

Trina apologized for having dropped the painting. "This grief. This sadness. Is it ever going to go away?" she asked. Ava said that Trina's grief would dull in time. Dex returned with chamomile tea for Trina. Afterwards, Frank put his arm around Dex, and he said that the two of them were leaving. "Change of plans," Frank said vaguely.

At the gatehouse of the Quartermaine mansion, Michael and Willow were talking about Wiley when Josslyn appeared. When Willow stepped out of the room, Michael told Josslyn about the attempt on Sonny's life in Puerto Rico. Josslyn worried about Dex's safety. When Willow returned, Josslyn said that she would talk to Michael soon, and she left. Afterwards, Willow told Michael that she wanted him to return home for good. They kissed before Willow left. Michael smiled and breathed a sigh of relief.

In Sonny's office, Brick told Sonny that Dex had received two "windfall" payments from a shell corporation within the past year. Sonny learned that one of the payments had been deposited only a week earlier. "The day after you and Ava were targeted on your island," Brick clarified. Brick offered a variety of theories for why Dex would betray Sonny, who began to seethe. Brick asked what his and Sonny's next move should be.

Back at the Jerome Gallery a short while later, Josslyn greeted Trina with a hug. Josslyn was taken aback when she learned from Ava that Dex had left in a hurry.

At the same time, at a remote location in a wooded area, Dex was ordered by Frank to step into a car. When Dex stepped inside the vehicle, he found Sonny sitting next to him. "How about you and I go for a little ride?" Sonny said menacingly.

Sonny prepares to kill Dex

Sonny prepares to kill Dex

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

by Steve Holley

At Finn's apartment, Chase, Finn, and Gregory tried to delicately explain to Violet that Gregory had ALS. Afterwards, Violet told Gregory that she loved him, and she headed to her bedroom to "process" things. Chase shared that he thought Violet had handled the news of Gregory's diagnosis well. Violet returned a short while later, and she prepared to read Gregory a bedtime story.

At Kristina's apartment, Kristina told Blaze that her "purpose" in life was to bring Molly and T.J.'s baby into the world. When Molly arrived for dinner, she invited Blaze to join her and Kristina. They had a pleasant conversation before Blaze left. Afterwards, Kristina shared that she had told Blaze about being pregnant.

When Molly deduced that Kristina and Blaze had feelings for one another, Kristina confirmed that she and Blaze were dating. Molly was happy for Kristina, who shared that Blaze's family was religious and didn't know that Blaze was gay. Molly asked if Kristina was okay with the fact that Blaze wasn't out. Kristina pushed back and noted that coming out was an incredibly personal decision.

Kristina added that Blaze had never been in a serious relationship. Molly said she would never out Blaze then immediately said that she would have to tell T.J. Kristina agreed that T.J. needed to know Blaze's sexuality. Kristina asked for a chance to tell Blaze that Molly planned to tell T.J. about Blaze's sexuality.

At Laura and Kevin's penthouse, Elizabeth visited Laura, who surmised that something was on Elizabeth's mind. Elizabeth said that she was worried about Nikolas. Elizabeth was surprised when she learned that Nikolas had turned himself in to the police.

Laura shared that she and Kevin had decided to adopt Ace. Elizabeth said that she was thrilled for Laura, but she worried that the adoption might cause Heather to grow more furious with Kevin. Elizabeth recalled that Heather had confronted Kevin at the cemetery at Spencer's memorial and that she blamed him for Esme's death.

Laura said that Heather was in jail and couldn't harm anyone. Elizabeth said that Aiden loved babysitting, and she added that the two of them would be glad to babysit. "You're not alone. Call us if you need anything. We're family. We have to stick together," Elizabeth warmly told Laura.

At the Aurora office, Ava worried that it wasn't safe for Avery to stay with Carly because of the attempt on Sonny's life in Puerto Rico. Carly reassured Ava that Avery would be safe. When Ava said that Sonny was "on edge," Carly reasoned that Sonny's behavior was normal, and she asked if Sonny knew who was behind the attempt. Ava said that the shooter had inside information about Sonny's security. Carly said that Sonny wouldn't tolerate being betrayed by someone.

Back at Laura and Kevin's penthouse a short while later, Ava appeared as Elizabeth headed out. Ava shared with Laura that Trina was having a difficult time grieving the loss of Spencer, and she added that Trina's grief had caused Ava to think a lot about Kiki. Laura sympathized with Ava, who said that she had started to see Spencer through Trina's eyes. Ava added that Spencer had started to get his life on track.

Ava acknowledged that she and Spencer had had their differences, but she reasoned that Spencer had only been a "hurt kid" when he had returned to Port Charles in 2021. "It's twisted, isn't it? All this pain goes back to that one family. Ryan took Kiki from me. Esme took Spencer from you," Ava noted.

Laura blamed Ryan for Esme's wickedness. Ava said that Ryan had been evil, and she was glad that he was dead. Laura agreed with Ava. Moments later, Ava thanked Laura for listening. Laura said that Ava was always welcome in her home. Laura and Ava said they hoped that better days were ahead.

Back at the Aurora office, Brick visited Carly after Ava had left. Carly asked Brick about the attempt on Sonny's life. Brick said vaguely that Sonny was handling the situation and that things would be taken care of soon. Carly received a text from Josslyn, who wrote that she couldn't find Dex. Carly grew alarmed when she asked Brick if Sonny believed that Dex had betrayed him.

After deducing that Sonny planned to kill Dex, Carly pleaded for Brick to tell her where Sonny was so that they could put a stop to Sonny's plans. "Dex had a side hustle going on, Carly. I saw the proof myself," Brick said. "Okay, you have to trust me. You have to tell me where Sonny is right now before he makes a mistake he will regret for the rest of his life," Carly pleaded.

In a car in an unmarked area, Dex grew alarmed when Sonny said that they were headed to the Pine Barrens. "I have some business I need to take care of," Sonny quipped. Sonny revealed that he'd been given a lead on the identity of the shooter in Puerto Rico. "My rat problem... will be over soon," Sonny told a confused Dex.

Moments later, in the Pine Barrens, Sonny ordered two men to grab Dex as Frank stood nearby. Sonny then confronted Dex for having betrayed him. Dex denied that he had betrayed Sonny, who presented Dex with proof of Dex having received windfall payments before the attempted shooting. Dex continued to proclaim his innocence, but he refused to share who the payments had been from.

When Sonny demanded that Dex unlock Dex's phone so that Sonny could see who had sent the windfall payments, Dex pressed activated a kill switch to destroy the phone. Dex added that the person paying him wasn't out to hurt Sonny, who again demanded that Dex reveal the person's name.

When Dex refused again, Sonny snapped his fingers. Sonny was handed a gun, which he pointed at Dex. "Give me his name. Now," Sonny ordered. Dex said that telling Sonny would only hurt Sonny, and he insisted that he couldn't give up a name. "I can't tell you who it is. So, do what you got to do," Dex said as he and Sonny locked eyes.

Carly is forced to tell Sonny the truth about Dex

Carly is forced to tell Sonny the truth about Dex's mission

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

by Elisabeth

Chase led a blindfolded Brook Lynn to the Quartermaine lake house where things had been set up for a romantic picnic under the stars. "Happy Valentine's Day," Chase said. He admitted that he'd overheard her talking to Leo about a comet that was expected to pass over New York later that evening. Brook Lynn smiled as she shared that Leo was excited about the event because Leo believed in Valentine's Day magic. Chase wondered what could be more magical than stargazing and sipping on Champagne as they waited for a once-in-a-hundred-year event.

Later, Brook Lynn shivered as she huddled on a love seat under a blanket. Chase was frustrated that both space heaters weren't working, but Brook Lynn told him not to worry about it because they could keep each other warm with their body heat. After Chase fetched two glasses of Champagne, he snuggled up next to her under the blankets. Chase toasted to Brook Lynn and promised that it would be a Valentine's Day that they could tell their grandchildren about. Brook Lynn muttered about frostbite under her breath, but she smiled brightly when Chase slid his arm around her.

As Brook Lynn and Chase stargazed, she began to wonder when the comet would appear. Chase offered to take her inside if she was too cold, but to his surprise, Brook Lynn confessed that she didn't buy into the Valentine's Day hype. "It's just a commercial money grab to make single people feel like crap," she said. Chase burst out laughing because he felt the same way. He explained that he had made the effort for Brook Lynn's sake to make the day special. Moved by the gesture, Brook Lynn kissed him.

Afterwards, Brook Lynn and Chase decided to go home. As they looked up at the sky one last time, they saw the comet pass over the lake. Chase suggested there was Valentine's Day magic, after all. When Chase and Brook Lynn arrived home, they made love.

At the Savoy, the nightclub was decorated for Valentine's Day as Maxie, Sasha, and Lucy sat at a table. Lucy was down because Marty hadn't returned any of her calls. Maxie and Sasha tried to lift Lucy's spirits by pointing out that Lucy was out with friends. Lucy agreed to get into the spirit of things, but she warned her companions not to toast to love because she would toss her drink at them. "To friendship," Maxie said as she raised her glass.

Nearby, Cody and Spinelli arrived. Spinelli was hopeful that he would meet someone, but he immediately became suspicious when he spotted Maxie. Cody assured Spinelli that he hadn't known that Sasha and Maxie would be at the Savoy, but he suggested that they greet the ladies. Before Spinelli could stop Cody, Cody walked over to the table. Maxie was glad to see Spinelli and Cody, so she invited them to join the party. However, Lucy objected because it was "ladies' night," and "no boys" were allowed.

After Cody and Spinelli retreated to the bar, Lucy accused Maxie of breaking girl code, but Maxie was unapologetic. Lucy admitted that she thought Maxie might need a break from Spinelli, since they lived together, but Maxie quickly clarified that it was a temporary arrangement. Sasha smiled knowingly as she asked how much longer it would take to repair Spinelli's apartment, but Maxie wasn't concerned because Georgie loved having her dad under the same roof. Sasha admitted that it sounded like Maxie liked having Spinelli around, too.

Lucy changed the subject because she wanted to strategize about Deception. Sasha and Maxie wanted to enjoy a night off, but Lucy argued that they couldn't afford the luxury of taking time off because Tracy was out to decimate Deception. Sasha pushed back because she was certain that Tracy wanted the company to succeed. A short time later, Lucy excused herself and called Martin, but the call went to voicemail. She left another message begging him to return her call. Afterwards, she decided to leave without telling Sasha and Maxie.

At the table, Sasha and Maxie talked about Spinelli staying at Maxie's. When Maxie admitted that Spinelli was her best friend, Sasha asked about Maxie and Spinelli's romance. Maxie explained that things had been great, but it hadn't worked out. Sasha noticed that Maxie's gaze had turned to where Spinelli and Cody stood, so she wondered if Maxie had ever thought about rekindling things with Spinelli. "Once or twice," Maxie said.

Maxie explained that it was hard to imagine loving anyone as much as she had loved Nathan. Sasha empathized because she felt the same about Brando. However, Sasha had realized that loving someone else could still be great, even if it wasn't like the love she had shared with Brando. Maxie admitted that she had put Spinelli through the wringer too many times to count, and she couldn't do that to him again. "Then don't," Sasha said.

At the bar, Spinelli wanted to leave because he wasn't comfortable talking to another woman while Maxie was there. Cody pointed out that it shouldn't matter, since Spinelli and Maxie were just friends. Later, Spinelli checked in with the sitter. After he ended the call, Cody asked if everything was okay. Spinelli explained that James had kept getting out of bed, so Cody advised Spinelli let Maxie know. Cody smiled as Spinelli walked over to talk to Maxie. Moments later, Sasha joined Cody at the bar, and she revealed that Maxie had explained to Spinelli that James had a crush on the sitter.

Cody asked Sasha about her first crush, which she confessed had been her fourth-grade science teacher. She assured Cody that the teacher had been completely oblivious, but Cody wasn't certain about that. Cody shifted gears because he was curious how Maxie felt about Spinelli. Sasha refused to betray Maxie's confidence, but she assured Cody that she would dissuade Spinelli if he put his heart on the line and his feelings weren't reciprocated. Cody observed that perhaps the timing hadn't been right for Spinelli and Maxie before, but his comment took on a double meaning as he looked at Sasha.

At the table, Maxie and Spinelli both admitted that they had enjoyed hanging out with each other for the evening.

Curtis and Portia arrived home after Curtis' physical therapy session. He apologized that the appointment had been on Valentine's Day, but he admitted that he had noticed an improvement after each session. Portia was delighted. Once they were inside, Curtis decided to change before they headed out, but Portia saw a huge bouquet of red roses on the table. Curtis confessed that the flowers hadn't been his doing. Portia picked up a note from Marshall explaining that he and Trina would be out late and that dinner had been ordered.

"Happy anniversary to us," Curtis said. After Portia and Curtis changed into elegant evening clothes, they returned to the table, where dinner had been laid out. Curtis poured a glass of wine while Portia sat across from him. To Portia's surprise, Curtis suggested that they celebrate their anniversary "properly."

A short time later, Portia entered the bedroom, wearing a silk negligee. Candles were lit throughout the bedroom, while Curtis waited in bed. When he pulled back the covers, Portia slid into bed with him. They began to kiss and made love. Afterwards, they held each other. "Happy anniversary, baby," Portia said. "Happy Valentine's Day," Curtis replied.

Curtis admitted that he had wanted to make love to Portia for a long time, so she confessed that she had felt the same. When he asked if it had been worth the wait, she smiled softly and nodded. They acknowledged that they had overcome a lot, and together, they could get through anything. Curtis and Portia sealed their affirmation with a kiss.

At Sam and Dante's penthouse, Dante surprised Sam with a Valentine's Day gift, even though they had agreed not to exchange presents. Sam was touched when she opened a large box and pulled out a black leather jacket. Dante explained that he had bought it because she had mentioned wanting to get back to riding a motorcycle. Sam thanked him for the thoughtful gift with a kiss, but their romantic interlude was cut short by a knock at the door. Dante greeted a police officer, who had picked up Danny in the park.

Sam was horrified when Danny staggered into the penthouse, and she realized that he was drunk. Sam was shocked when Danny confessed that he had slipped out by climbing down the fire escape. She reminded him that he could have been hurt -- or worse -- but Danny was unapologetic. The police officer explained that he had decided to let Danny off with a warning because he had seen Danny with Dante. After the police officer left, Danny was glad. "Thank God that's over," he said before announcing that he was headed to bed.

Sam informed Danny that he was lucky Dante was on the police force, or Danny would have had a record that followed him when he applied to colleges. Danny reminded his mother that he was only 14 years old. Sam agreed, which meant that he was too young to sneak out and drink alcohol. She grounded him and demanded that he hand over his cell phone. To her surprise, Danny accused his mother of being a hypocrite because she had done the same thing at his age. Sam denied it, but the conversation ended when Danny began to sway on his feet.

Sam assured her son that Danny could always call her if he was in trouble -- no questions asked. Dante quickly clarified that there would eventually be questions, but he and Sam would always be there for Danny. Sam added that she and Dante just wanted Danny to be safe. After Danny went to his room, Sam admitted that she was concerned because her son had lied to her, and she had lied right back. Dante insisted that all parents "whitewashed" their pasts and that Sam had been honest with Danny about virtually everything else.

Dante reminded Sam that she couldn't be truthful about her own wild past because Danny might see it as permission to keep getting drunk. Sam explained that she wasn't worried about Danny becoming an alcoholic, but she had noticed how much her son was like his father. Sam acknowledged that Jason had been an adrenaline junkie who had taken big risks and been drawn to danger. "And in the end, it killed him," she said. Dante was certain that Danny wouldn't follow the same path, but Sam reminded him that she, too, was an adrenaline junkie, and she had been a wild teenager. Dante assured Sam that she was a good parent because she was self-aware, and he promised to be at her side to help.

Later, Danny returned to the living room. He admitted that he felt better because the room had stopped spinning. He asked if his mother was still mad. She assured him that she wasn't, but they would have to have a talk in the morning and set some ground rules. Dante emerged from the kitchen with a glass of water that he had intended to take to Danny. He handed Danny the glass with instructions to stay hydrated. Thankful, Danny started to return to his room, so Sam called out to let Danny know she loved him. "Love you, too, Mom," Danny said.

Later, Dante and Sam were cuddled on the sofa as a fire crackled in the fireplace. Dante admitted that he wished he had known Sam during her teen years. She insisted that she was reformed. Dante told her that reformed was good, but a little wild could be good, too. After Sam and Dante shared a passionate kiss, they decided to go to the bedroom.

At the gatehouse, Michael and Willow enjoyed a glass of wine as Michael assured her that Wiley was fast asleep. She was curious if he had told the children that he had moved back in, but he admitted that he thought he and Willow should do it together. Willow was certain that the children would be happy with the news. "I know I am," Michael said. He wondered if Willow had any regrets, but she reminded him that she was the one who had invited him to move back in.

Michael explained that he wanted them to have complete transparency moving forward, so Willow decided to get something off her chest. She admitted that she had overreacted when she had learned the truth about Nina's secret. Michael started to object, but Willow insisted that it had been hypocritical of her to be mad at him when she had kept her cancer diagnosis a secret for months. She pointed out that she hadn't given Michael the same grace that he had given her. Willow explained that Michael was her "person," so it had cut deep when he had broken her trust.

Willow assured Michael that it wasn't an excuse, but it had shaken her foundation because she had a history of being lied to and manipulated. Willow appreciated that Michael had been driven by a desire to protect her, but she needed to know that she and Michael would figure things out together when they faced something terrible. Michael assured her that he would never go "rogue" again. He apologized for making her feel like they weren't a team, because they were.

The conversation turned to Nina. Michael admitted that Willow's relationship with Nina didn't resemble his with Carly because his mother loved him and supported him, even when she was mad. "It's unconditional," Willow said. Michael agreed, and he admitted that it had been easier to go to Sonny first about Nina because it had been too painful to disappoint Willow. Willow pointed out that they had both kept things from each other out of a desire to protect the other. "If the underlying factor here is love, what are we doing?" Willow asked.

"I don't know," Michael admitted. Willow conceded they would have disagreements, but Michael and their children were everything to her. She told him that she wanted them to get back where they had been. She stood up and held out her hand. "Are you ready for bed?" she asked. Michael took Willow's hand and followed her to the bedroom. They slowly undressed each other and made love.

At the Pine Barrens, Sonny aimed his gun at Dex and demanded to know the name of Dex's boss. Dex refused to comply because he didn't want to take anyone down with him. "Wrong answer," Sonny said as he cocked the gun. Before Sonny could follow through on the threat to shoot Dex, he heard a noise. After Frank and one of the bodyguards left to investigate, Dex asked Sonny to make it look like he had taken off because Dex would rather Josslyn be mad at him than mourn him.

Seconds later, Carly was heard calling out to Sonny as she approached the clearing. Stunned, Sonny asked what Carly was doing there. "I'm stopping you from killing an innocent man," Carly said. She explained that Dex was not the traitor, but Sonny argued that he had proof of Dex's betrayal, even though Dex refused to name his boss. Carly was forced to admit that she had hired Dex to safeguard Sonny for the sake of their children.

Outraged, Sonny dismissed the bodyguards. Dex remained in the clearing as Sonny confronted Carly about her admission. Carly explained that she'd been worried because Sonny had been distracted with Nina at a time that he'd been getting in deep with Pikeman. Sonny didn't believe Carly because he knew about the large payments that Dex had received, which Carly couldn't have afforded. Carly claimed that she had found a way, but Sonny was certain that Carly was covering for someone. "It's Michael," Sonny realized. Dex admitted that Michael had hired him to take down Sonny, but Michael hadn't been able to go through with it.

Carly added that she had asked Dex to stay close to Sonny in case things had gone south with Pikeman. Sonny was furious that she had questioned his ability to run his organization. Dex stepped back as Carly defended her efforts to protect Sonny, and he accused her of betraying him. After Sonny stormed off, Dex thanked Carly for her intervention because he was certain that Sonny would have killed him if she hadn't shown up.

In the car, Sonny instructed Frank to keep driving. Sonny's thoughts turned to Michael when they had reconciled and Michael had confessed that he hoped he and Sonny were never estranged again.

Valentin has an idea for Nina

Valentin has an idea for Nina

Thursday, February 15, 2024

by Marissa PD

There was a knock on Dex's door, and he grabbed his gun in preparation. He heard Josslyn call out to him, so he opened the door for her. She wondered where he'd been, as she'd been worried, so he told her the story about Sonny thinking that Dex was a rat. Josslyn reminded Dex that that was who Sonny was and what he did. She realized that Dex was free from Sonny, but Dex figured that someone would be out to get him for the information he had on Sonny's organization, whether it was Sonny, another mob family, the D.A., or the Feds. He thought that the only way for Sonny to guarantee Dex's silence was to eliminate him.

Josslyn urged Dex to run, but he didn't want to leave her. She insisted on going with him, but he refused, as her "whole world" was in Port Charles. She thought there could be another way, and she figured that she would try talking to Sonny. She insisted that she could fix things, and she kissed him. She ordered him to stay there, and she left. When she was gone, he double-checked that his gun was loaded.

Ava found Sonny at home, and she admitted that she'd been worried about him the night before. Realizing that he didn't want to talk, she retreated to her room. There was a knock on the door, and a guard escorted Michael inside. "Hello, Judas," Sonny said. Michael tried to explain why he'd hired Dex and how his mind had changed, but Sonny didn't want to hear any of it. Michael observed that Sonny was pushing everyone away, and Michael urged him to find someone to talk to. Ava emerged when Michael was gone, and she admitted that she'd heard most of the conversation. While Ava acknowledged that Dex had saved their lives, she figured that he knew too much for Sonny to cut him loose.

A short while later, Ava heard Josslyn yelling at the guard outside the door that she needed to see Sonny and that it was an emergency. Ava opened the door and asked if there was something she could do for Josslyn. Josslyn wanted to speak with Sonny, but Ava revealed that she'd just missed him. A few minutes later, there was a knock on Dex's door, and he opened it to Sonny.

Blaze arrived at Kristina's, and Kristina apologized for forgetting about their plans, as her morning sickness had just started. Blaze went toward the kitchen to make Kristina some tea. Kristina stopped her and said that she had something important to tell Blaze, but Blaze insisted that it could wait. She returned from the kitchen a short while later and put the tea down. She worked on some pressure points on Kristina's arm, and Kristina was surprised that she felt better. Blaze wondered what Kristina had to tell her, and Kristina admitted that Molly knew about their relationship.

Blaze revealed that her mother was visiting soon, and Kristina insisted that they could just take a break until her mother was gone. Kristina recognized that coming out was a personal choice, and she didn't want to pressure Blaze. However, Blaze decided that it was time her family learned the truth. She'd realized that she was truly happy with Kristina and didn't want to hide it.

Outside the Metro Court restaurant, Nina told someone on the phone that they could reschedule their meeting soon, but she was hung up on. "Stood up again?" Drew wondered. He revealed that he'd put out the word that if anyone worked with Nina, Aurora would never work with them again. Nina accused him of having no faith in beating Nina fair and square. He wished that she would just vanish, and he offered to buy her share of the hotel to make it happen. "Not a chance. I'm not going anywhere," she replied.

Inside the Metro Court restaurant, Anna told Dante on the phone that she would be there soon and that Jordan wanted an update on the stolen WSB weapons. She spotted Valentin enter and ended the phone call. He approached, observing that it had been awhile, and she revealed that she was living there again until she found something more permanent. She also informed him that she'd been reinstated as police commissioner, and he congratulated her. He disclosed that Charlotte was settled at home, and he promised to keep Anna updated. Just then, he saw Drew tailing Nina to the bar, and he excused himself.

Valentin approached a heated Nina and Drew and wondered if there was a problem. Nina immediately told him that Drew thought he would be taking her share of the hotel from her. Drew wished her luck on her "underdog" magazine and walked away. "He thinks he has you wrapped around his finger," Valentin observed. Nina revealed that Drew had already crushed her magazine, so it was time for her to swallow her pride and accept defeat. He couldn't believe that she was giving up that easily, and he believed that there was another way to even the score with Carly and Drew.

Jordan entered the interrogation room and asked Dante for an update on the WSB weapons case. Dante revealed that there was nothing new, as the FBI wouldn't give any information unless it helped them. They talked about O'Neil, who had refused to cooperate, but Dante believed that there was still a deal to be made. Jordan hoped that they could find some unrelated charges on O'Neil in order to hold him in their jurisdiction. Just then, Dante's phone rang, and he answered, surprised at what he was told.

At the Metro Court restaurant, Drew congratulated Anna on becoming the police commissioner. She wondered how things were going with him, and he replied, "Making progress." "At what cost?" she asked, but she immediately backtracked, citing that it was none of her business. He valued her opinion and asked her to share. She remembered him saying that he wanted to rid his life of toxicity and move forward, but he seemed harsher than he had been before. She added that making Nina pay wouldn't bring back what he'd already lost.

Just then, Anna's phone rang. She urged Drew to think about what she'd said, and she ran off to answer her phone. She greeted Dante, who informed her that there had been a development concerning a Pentonville prisoner. Anna arrived at the police station a short while later. Jordan told her that a prisoner transport had been attacked, and a prisoner was dead. That prisoner was Olivia Jerome.

At the Metro Court restaurant, Drew returned to an exasperated Nina. He insisted that he'd made the offer for the hotel in good faith. She accused him of constantly underestimating her, which she was sick of. She refused his deal, and she revealed that he was going to regret messing with her in the first place.

Outside the restaurant, Valentin made a call and offered a proposal to someone.

Sonny reaches a decision about Dex

Sonny reaches a decision about Dex

Friday, February 16, 2024

by Steve Holley

A knock at the door interrupted Laura and Kevin at their penthouse. Laura opened the door to Cyrus, whom she scolded for having stopped by unannounced. Laura relented somewhat, and she allowed Cyrus inside. Kevin said sternly that Cyrus wasn't permitted to see Ace, and he stepped out of the room. Cyrus was thrilled when he learned that Laura and Kevin had decided to adopt Ace.

Laura and Cyrus disagreed over whether Cyrus deserved a presence in Ace's life. Cyrus said that he had arranged for Nikolas to receive protection from some fellow inmates at Pentonville. Laura yelled at Cyrus for helping Nikolas. Cyrus swore that he was removed from hardened criminals inside the prison, and he added that he had found a group of well-intentioned men to protect Nikolas.

Cyrus revealed that the inaugural broadcast of his new radio show was scheduled for later that afternoon. Laura said that something was off, and she demanded to know Cyrus' motives. Cyrus said that he hoped Laura would one day accept that he had changed. As Cyrus headed out, he encouraged Laura to tune in to his radio show. Laura raced to lock the door immediately after Cyrus left.

At the morgue, Dante received a crime scene report regarding Olivia Jerome's murder. "Transport van hit a spike strip, blew out the tires. They pulled the van over. Then they were ambushed by two masked men. They tied up the guards and took Olivia Jerome. And shortly thereafter, they heard a gunshot. They freed themselves. One of them called for help. The other went into the woods in the direction of the gunshot and found... Olivia's body," Dante told Anna and Jordan.

Anna identified Olivia's body, and she noted that Olivia had been shot at point-blank range. "Olivia was executed," Anna added. Dante handed Anna an evidence bag that detectives had given him. Anna retrieved a pistol from the bag, and she noted that it had once been in the WSB's possession. Anna added that whoever had shot at Sonny months earlier at the Metro Court pool was responsible for Olivia's murder.

Anna noted that there had been no love lost between her and Olivia. Anna added that Jagger needed to understand that the PCPD had to put an end to the shootings before more people were hurt. Jordan and Anna strategized finding ways to coax O'Neil to open up to a fellow inmate at Pentonville. Jordan noted that the inmate had to be someone that otherwise posed no threat to the general public.

Just then, Jordan's cell phone chimed with a text from Laura. Jordan found a radio nearby. When the radio was powered on, Cyrus' voice sounded through the speakers. Cyrus began his radio show by saying that everyone was a prisoner in life. "If I can find my way to a better place, so can you," Cyrus' voice said through his broadcast.

At Sam and Dante's penthouse, Sam told Alexis that Danny had gotten drunk on Valentine's Day. Sam claimed that Danny was growing more like Jason each day, and she asked what she should do if Danny was "drawn to danger," as Jason had been. Sam proceeded to compare Danny to Jason.

Alexis reminded Sam that Danny being drunk was still a one-time incident. Alexis said that Sam would get Danny through things. Sam thanked Alexis for listening. Just then, Alexis received a call from a reporter at the Invader.

At Sonny's penthouse, Josslyn tried to pressure Ava to help locate Sonny. Ava deduced that Josslyn was upset, and she said that it had to involve either Michael or Dex. When Ava revealed that she had overheard Michael confess to Sonny earlier, Josslyn admitted that she'd known Michael had hired Dex to take down Sonny.

Josslyn said that she knew Sonny intended to kill Dex. Ava slowly nodded that there was nothing Josslyn could do for Dex. Josslyn said that Ava had been no help, and she vowed that she wouldn't give up on Dex. She stormed out of the penthouse. After Josslyn left, Ava tried to phone someone.

A short while later, Ava received a visit from Alexis, who shared that she had learned that Olivia had been murdered. Ava wasn't surprised, and she scoffed when Alexis said that she was sorry for Ava's loss. "Are you really? 'Cause after what she did to you, I think you're probably wondering what circle of hell she's roasting in," Ava said.

At Dex's apartment, Sonny said that Dex knew too much about Sonny's business -- and about Sonny. "And all I know about you, is I can't trust you. So, if you were in my position, Dex... how would you handle this?" he asked. Dex said that he hadn't been lying when he'd said that he'd grown to care about and admire Sonny. Sonny said that Dex was too big a liability and that Dex would have to disappear.

Sonny added that he would have Frank send Dex to a safe house until Brick arranged a new identity for Dex. When Dex asked about Josslyn, Sonny said that Josslyn couldn't be involved. "Then shoot me! It's not worth it, okay? Joss made my life worth living. Without her, you might as well finish me off now," Dex shouted after he placed a gun in Sonny's hand and forced Sonny's hand to Dex's chest.

Dex reiterated that he couldn't lose Josslyn. "Okay, here's the deal. You want to keep your life? You're never gonna come back here again. You're not gonna have any contact with anyone again. It's up to you," Sonny said as pressed Dex for an answer.

Moments later, Josslyn entered the apartment and found Sonny casually sitting cross-legged in a chair. Josslyn asked where Dex was. "I'm sorry, Josslyn. He's gone," Sonny said matter-of-factly. Josslyn demanded to know where Dex was. Sonny said only that Dex was alive but that Dex wouldn't return to Port Charles.

Sonny handed Josslyn an envelope. Inside the envelope was an apparent goodbye letter from Dex, as well as Dex's dog tags. Josslyn screeched that she hated Sonny and that she would never forgive him. "I know," Sonny said with complete indifference, and he promptly left. Josslyn wailed as she fell to the floor to clutch Dex's dog tags.

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