General Hospital Recaps: The week of January 22, 2024 on GH

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Molly and T.J. learned Kristina was pregnant. Esme attacked Kevin. Spencer and Trina arrived in Paris. Laura offered Anna a job.
General Hospital Recaps: The week of January 22, 2024 on GH

Molly and T.J. learned that Kristina was pregnant. Nina declared war on Drew and Carly. Heather gave Laura a warning about Esme. Esme attacked Kevin and went on the lam. Spencer and Trina arrived in Paris. Laura offered Anna a job.

Esme vows vengeance on Spencer, Trina, Nikolas, and Ava

Esme vows vengeance on Spencer, Trina, Nikolas, and Ava

Monday, January 22, 2024

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by Steve Holley

At the hospital, Laura continued sniping at Spencer for having given Ace to Nikolas. She demanded that Spencer tell the police everything he knew about Ace's disappearance. When Dante appeared moments later, he sided with Spencer when he said that Ace's disappearance didn't warrant kidnapping charges.

Spencer told Dante that Esme had regained her memories. Spencer added that Esme should be the one under arrest instead of Nikolas. Dante suggested that he should arrest Spencer for aiding and abetting a fugitive in Nikolas. When Dante asked if Spencer had forgotten that Nikolas was a wanted man, Spencer turned the tables on Dante.

"It's really interesting, because I would think that you, of all people, would understand what it's like to love a complicated father. Haven't you been... struggling with whether or not to report Sonny for his many crimes all these years? I believe he once shot you over that," Spencer said.

Laura scolded Spencer again, but Dante said that it was fine and that he had no plans to arrest Spencer. After Spencer callously referred to Sonny as Dante's "old man," Dante told Spencer that loved ones didn't always make the best legal decisions. Spencer remained firm in his belief that he had made the right decision by allowing Nikolas to take Ace instead of having Ace stay with Esme.

Dante said that he needed Esme's statement. Before Dante left, he asked Spencer to call the police if he saw Nikolas again. Afterwards, Spencer said that he was sorry if Laura was still angry at him. "I'm not as angry as I am worried. If you're right about Esme, and she's reverted to her old ways, then we should not underestimate her. There's no telling what she could do now," Laura said.

At Pentonville, Heather learned that Nikolas had taken Ace. When Esme asked for advice, Heather told her to run as far away from Port Charles as possible. Heather added that it would soon be discovered by everyone that Esme had regained her memories. Heather encouraged Esme to "play the long game."

When Esme mentioned Spencer and Trina, Heather asked if Esme had gone to visit Heather as a concerned mother -- or as a jealous ex. Esme said that her motives were about "vengeance." "I want every single one of them to pay... Nikolas, Spencer, Trina, Ava. They're all gonna get what they deserve," Esme vowed.

Esme stood up to leave. "Thank you, Heather -- mother -- for everything you've done for me. But taking it slow doesn't work for me. I'm out of time," Esme said. "Honey, whatever you're thinking of doing, don't," Heather pleaded with urgency in her voice. Esme smirked as she walked away. "Don't do it!" Heather yelled repeatedly.

At the Crimson office, Carly and Drew smirked and gloated over Drew firing Nina and replacing her with Carly. Nina, visibly unimpressed by either Drew or Carly, sarcastically slow-clapped. As Nina prepared to leave, she asked if the three of them were finally even. Drew condescendingly said that there had had to be a "reckoning."

Drew and Carly continued berating Nina. Nina said that both she and Carly knew how to settle a score. Drew responded by threatening to physically grab Nina and throw her out of the office. Nina left after sarcastically wishing Carly good luck. Afterwards, Drew proposed that Carly be the magazine's full-time editor.

Drew grew wide-eyed when he said that he and Carly could remake Crimson in their image. Carly asked what she would do with Bobbie's Diner. She then said that she could do both jobs because Bobbie had once worked two jobs at once. After agreeing to be partners "personally and professionally," Carly and Drew kissed.

In the bathroom at Metro Court, Nina walked in on Olivia freshening up. Nina expected Olivia to yell at her. Instead, Olivia sympathized when Nina said that Drew had just fired her. Nina was confused by Olivia's behavior. "I don't get you, Olivia. You're Carly's best friend, yet you offered to help me plan my wedding. I made your husband my fall guy, and you found out that I'm the one who blew the whistle on Carly and Drew, and you said nothing. Why?" Nina asked.

Olivia said that she had kept quiet in an effort to keep peace between everyone. Nina seemed touched by Olivia's words. Olivia added that she didn't condone what Nina had done, but she said that she still believed peace was possible. Olivia told Nina to "move on gracefully." "You're probably right," Nina said before Olivia left.

Afterwards, Nina stared at herself in the mirror. "But if Carly and Drew want a war? They've got one," Nina said with an intense look on her face. At the same time, Carly and Drew tossed Nina's nameplate into a garbage can.

At the Metro Court restaurant, Tracy joined Scott at the bar. Scott said that Lucy had it in for Tracy, who was skeptical that Scott would betray Lucy. Scott surmised that Tracy had been lonely since Luke's death, and he said that he'd like to be friends with Tracy. When Tracy agreed, Scott ordered a bottle of Champagne.

At a table nearby, Lucy joined Martin as she tried to spy on Tracy and Scott. Martin eventually stood up, and he said that he had lost his appetite because Lucy had been distracted by Scott and Tracy. Lucy begged Martin to stay. Martin agreed -- on the condition that Lucy tell him what was going on between her and Scott.

Also at Metro Court, Brook Lynn and Chase asked Gregory to officiate their wedding. Gregory initially declined because of his ALS symptoms. After some persistence from Chase and Brook Lynn, Gregory agreed to officiate the wedding.

Curtis and his family receive news about the operation

Curtis and his family receive news about the operation

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

by Steve Holley

By the nurses' station at the hospital, T.J. grew alarmed when Anna asked if he had heard from Jordan. T.J. recalled that Jordan had been doing her own investigation into Curtis' shooting at the Metro Court pool months earlier. T.J. had started to phone the police when Jordan appeared. Jordan stuttered that she was fine. T.J. remarked that Jordan was wearing the same clothes she had worn the previous night.

Jordan worked to downplay T.J.'s concern, and she said that she hadn't meant to frighten him or Anna. Before leaving for Curtis' room, T.J. asked Jordan to stay safe. Afterwards, Jordan confided to Anna that two agents had grabbed her the previous night when she had been ready to follow a lead on Curtis' shooting.

In a flashback, Jordan revealed that the two agents had taken her to a room with a two-way mirror and had ordered her to back off her investigation. During the interrogation, a man had appeared out of sight at the door and, Jordan said, "put the fear of God" into the agents by ordering them to "back off."

When the agents had returned, Jordan said, their attitude and demeanor had changed, and they'd told Jordan that she was free to leave. Jordan told Anna that she had been told to stick to her work at City Hall, but she vowed that she wouldn't. Anna proposed that Jordan have backup, and she offered to help. Jordan accepted, and she thanked Anna.

Also at the hospital, Trina and Stella joined Portia to await the results of Curtis' operation. When Stella left to light a candle in the hospital chapel, Portia insisted that Trina follow through with plans to visit Paris with Spencer. Trina smiled when she said that the thought of being in Paris with Spencer made her feel warm inside.

When Spencer called, Portia encouraged Trina to take the call. After Trina stepped away, Elizabeth joined Portia. "Need a shoulder? I got two of them," Elizabeth said as she wrapped her arm around Portia. The two friends hugged. Portia shared that she was determined to face the future, regardless of the results of Curtis' operation.

Portia added that she had been having a recurring dream about dancing with Curtis. "And then I wake up. And Curtis is lying next to me, and I realize that we're never going to dance again. We're not... not like that. But now, you know, maybe. Maybe we can. I just can't stop myself from hoping," Portia said through tears.

In Curtis' room at the hospital, Curtis admitted to Marshall that he was nervous about whether the operation had been a success. Marshall encouraged Curtis to stay positive. Marshall soon joined Stella in the waiting area, and he brought up the fact that he and Stella had almost kissed on Christmas Eve. Marshall said that he had felt something for Stella in the moment, and he added that he believed Stella had, too. Stella said that anything she had felt in that moment could never be acted on.

A short while later, Trina, Portia, Stella, and Marshall met in Curtis' room. Curtis asked his family to accept whatever the results of the operation were, and they agreed. When T.J. and Dr. Martell appeared, Curtis learned that the surgery "could not have gone better." Martell cautioned everyone not to get ahead of themselves.

After T.J. handed Martell a pinpoint needle, Martell asked if Curtis had felt anything when Martell had applied the needle to Curtis' foot. Curtis shook his head, and he said that he hadn't. When Martell tried again, Curtis exclaimed that he had felt something. Everyone gathered grew overwhelmed with joy. Trina and Curtis hugged, as did Stella and Marshall. "Praise God," Stella said softly.

At Metro Court, Scott and Tracy prepared to sip Champagne, and Gregory approached. At a nearby table, Lucy tried to reassure Martin that she only had eyes for him. Lucy deflected, and she said that Martin was being insecure. Lucy stood up to head to the restroom. Scott grew distracted when Lucy walked past him.

Martin followed Lucy into the restroom to demand answers about what was going on between her and Scott. Martin walked away, despite Lucy repeatedly proclaiming her love for him. Afterwards, Lucy phoned Martin to beg for a chance to explain. When Lucy began to cry, a man handed her a handkerchief.

Lucy believed that Martin had returned. Instead, she looked up and saw Scott. Lucy and Scott grew testy with one another. Lucy said that she'd told Martin that Lucy and Scott were "old news." Scott disagreed, and he stared seductively at Lucy. Lucy resisted Scott's efforts before encouraging him to return to his table with Tracy.

Back at Tracy and Scott's table, Tracy and Gregory agreed to a backgammon rematch. They bade each other goodnight, but a short while later, Tracy found Gregory in the hotel lobby. "I can't move," Gregory said. Tracy managed to escort Gregory to a nearby sofa after he pleaded for her not to call for an ambulance.

Gregory said that he had felt a twinge during dinner with Brook Lynn and Chase earlier and that he'd thought some fresh air might help. Tracy tried to comfort Gregory, who shared that Chase and Brook Lynn had asked him to officiate their wedding. When Tracy began to complain about Lois and Olivia's wedding tastes, Gregory cut her off. Gregory told Tracy to focus on the importance of the wedding.

Tracy agreed, and she asked how Gregory was feeling. Gregory said that he was feeling better. Tracy offered to have Yuri drive Gregory home, and she scoffed when Gregory proposed taking a ride-share. "Oh, congratulations on mastering the technology necessary to call a complete stranger with unknown driving ability to pick you up, in their car, and take you to a destination their GPS may or may not be able to find," Tracy rambled as Gregory began to chuckle.

As he stood up, Gregory apologized for having interrupted Tracy's dinner with Scott. Gregory added that it had appeared that Tracy and Scott had been on a date. Tracy quipped that appearances could be deceiving. Back inside the restaurant, Lucy fumed when she learned that Tracy had left. Lucy demanded Scott's credit card, and she used it to order two dozen white roses to be delivered to Tracy in Scott's name.

At the throwing range, Brook Lynn and Chase threw axes. She vented that Lucy had crossed a line with Tracy by downplaying Tracy's importance in Luke's love life compared to Laura. Eventually, Brook Lynn proposed that she and Chase head home and be intimate. He agreed. They kissed and left together.

At the hospital, Finn talked at an A.A. meeting about his worries over losing his medical license. He said that he was "proud of [himself]" for how he was handling things. Afterwards, Elizabeth reassured Finn by saying that he helped "all of [his] patients." They kissed.

Kevin pays a price for letting his guard down around Esme

Kevin pays a price for letting his guard down around Esme

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

by Elisabeth

At Maxie's house, Maxie followed James to help him find a misplaced toy while Spinelli entered the living room and stopped to chat with Felicia. She asked how things were working out living with Maxie, so he admitted that he'd been reminded of what a great mom Maxie was and that living with his daughter was wonderful. He also conceded that the arrangement had been a sound financial decision, and his contribution appeared to have helped Maxie. Felicia was pleased that their plan had worked. Moments later, Maxie returned to the living room just as someone knocked on the door. Spinelli's good mood vanished when he saw Cody on the doorstep.

Cody pushed his way past Spinelli just as James ran into the living room. Cody explained that he had tried to touch base with Maxie about James's riding boots. To James's delight, Cody handed him a box with a new pair of boots. While James went to try them on, Cody told Maxie that James's old riding boots had been too small, so he'd taken it upon himself to buy James a new pair. Spinelli suggested that Cody should have cleared it with Maxie before buying the expensive boots, but Cody assured Maxie that he could afford the boots thanks to his job at Deception.

After Cody helped James slide on the boots, it became clear that the boots didn't fit properly. Cody decided to step outside to call the store to inquire about the exchange policy. Spinelli followed Cody. Meanwhile, James offered to wear his snow boots for riding lessons, so that he could give his mother the money from the new boots to help pay the bills. Maxie felt terrible when she realized that James had overheard her talking about her money troubles. She assured her son that the boots were a gift, and he could keep them.

Outside, Spinelli accused Cody of taking advantage of Maxie's generous nature, but Cody reminded Spinelli that Spinelli lived under Maxie's roof. Infuriated, Spinelli waited until Cody made his phone call. Afterwards, Spinelli was quick to point out that he had moved in with Maxie out of necessity, and it didn't compare to Cody showering James with expensive gifts. Cody accused Spinelli of overreacting, but Spinelli insisted that it was unfair to James because he'd never known his father, and Maxie's last two relationships had been with men who had turned out to be poor father figures for James. Cody quickly clarified that the boots had been a gift, and that Cody wasn't interested in Maxie romantically.

Spinelli didn't believe Cody because Cody was a "scheming blackmailer" who hid behind his "rugged cowboy charm." Cody chuckled. "You think I'm charming?" Cody asked. Spinelli ignored the question because he was concerned about Maxie's welfare. Cody realized that Spinelli was jealous, so he reiterated that Maxie and her family were friends. "They're almost like family to me," Cody said. Spinelli claimed that his romantic feelings for Maxie had ended years before, but Cody didn't believe him because he'd seen the way Spinelli looked at Maxie.

Cody offered to give Spinelli some pointers to help woo Maxie, but Spinelli sputtered with frustration. Moments later, James ran out to check on the boots and to invite Cody to stay and play a game.

After Cody, James, and Spinelli returned inside, Maxie dashed off to compose herself. Felicia took the opportunity to talk to Spinelli about Cody. To Spinelli's surprise, Felicia admitted that she'd been wrong about Cody, and she hoped that Spinelli would give him a chance. A short time later, everyone was gathered in the living room as they watched Cody and James play a game. As everyone laughed, Felicia asked Spinelli if he agreed that Cody was great with James.

At Kristina's apartment, Molly stopped by with bags of groceries because her afternoon hearing had been pushed to the following day. Kristina said little, prompting Molly to worry that she might have been too pushy. Kristina pointed out that Molly was a Davis, and she expected nothing less. Molly returned her sister's smile, and she offered to reorganize Kristina's refrigerator when she filled it with the fresh groceries.

A short time later, Molly and Kristina settled on the sofa. When Kristina mentioned being determined to eat healthy for her niece or nephew, a hopeful Molly asked if Kristina was pregnant. Kristina reminded her sister that it would be a few more days before she could take a pregnancy test. Kristina became distracted when she realized that she'd misplaced her phone. As she looked around the sofa, she launched into a story about a customer who had returned for her phone, only to realize that she'd been holding it. However, Molly didn't pay attention because she wanted to know if Kristina was pregnant.

To Kristina's surprise, Molly produced an early pregnancy test and asked if Kristina would take it. Molly admitted that not knowing was driving her crazy. Before Kristina could reply, her phone chimed with a notification from across the room. Kristina walked over to check her phone and smiled when she saw a text message from Blaze checking in. Molly noticed and asked her sister about the text message, but Kristina claimed that it had been a part-timer from Charlie's Pub. As they talked about Kristina's close relationships with the staff at Charlie's Pub, Molly realized that a pregnancy would cause a big disruption to her sister's life.

Kristina decided to take the early pregnancy test. Afterwards, the sisters sat on the sofa and waited. When the timer sounded, Kristina stood up to fetch the test stick, but Molly decided that they should just wait for another few days. "I'm pregnant," Kristina said as she looked at the results. An overjoyed Molly ran over and hugged her sister.

At the Savoy, Trina's loved ones were gathered for a bon voyage party. Trina was impressed that Curtis had pulled the party together on short notice, since he'd only been released from the hospital the previous day. Curtis confessed that he had wanted to send his daughter off in style because she'd been special enough to be accepted to the Sorbonne University for a semester. Trina told him that it helped knowing that he might be walking by the time she returned home. Moments later, Spencer arrived and explained that his grandmother and Kevin were on their way.

After everyone began to mingle, Portia and Ava talked about Trina's trip. Ava pointed out that Portia had a good excuse to take a trip to Paris. Portia admitted that she would miss her daughter, so Ava suggested that she and Portia lean on each other.

Nearby, Marshall and Stella grilled Spencer about his plans while Trina was studying at the Sorbonne. Spencer revealed that he had found a small place near the campus, and he was familiar with Paris. Trina walked over and quickly rescued Spencer, but Marshall and Stella were unapologetic. Spencer and Trina walked over to the bar to ask if Josslyn had seen Laura and Kevin, but Josslyn admitted that she hadn't.

Spencer assured Trina that his grandmother was running late, but Josslyn heard something in his voice that suggested he had his doubts. Spencer admitted that things weren't good between him and his grandmother. "I think that I may have lost her support," Spencer said. When Spencer checked his phone, Trina asked if there had been news about Nikolas. Trina and Josslyn were shocked when Spencer revealed that he had given Ace to Nikolas because he suspected that Esme's memories had returned.

Spencer filled Trina and Josslyn in about what had led to the conclusion that Esme had regained her memories, and why he believed that Ace would be safer with Nikolas. "We all know what the old Esme is capable of," Spencer said. Trina was disappointed that Spencer hadn't said anything sooner, while Josslyn wanted to know what happened next. Spencer reminded them that they would only get one shot at a trial, so they needed to gather proof that Esme's memories had returned. Josslyn told Spencer and Trina to focus on their trip to Paris because she would deal with Esme.

"Do not let Esme take that away from you two," Josslyn said. Spencer warned Josslyn to be careful because Esme would not give up without a fight. He was certain that Esme would plot something. "Like what?" Josslyn asked. "I don't know. Nothing good," Spencer said.

Nearby, Portia and Stella agreed that the past few days had been eventful. Stella asked if Portia was concerned about Spencer going to Paris with Trina, so Portia explained that she couldn't ignore all the turmoil that followed him. "Wouldn't it be better for her to go to Paris without him?" Portia asked.

Near the bar, Marshall checked on Curtis. Curtis admitted that he was glad to be out of the hospital because it had been hard to sleep with the noisy machines and staff monitoring him. Marshall admitted that it seemed like Curtis was on edge, and he invited his son to talk if he needed someone to listen. Curtis confessed that the uncertainty of not knowing if he would walk again was harder than knowing that he would be stuck in the wheelchair. "Hope takes courage," Marshall said. Fortunately, Marshall admitted, Curtis was the most courageous man that Marshall knew.

Later, Curtis told Trina how proud he was of her. He praised her for being a remarkable young woman who deserved to be celebrated. Touched, Trina hugged her father. Afterwards, Trina walked over to Ava. After Trina and Ava shared an affectionate hug, Ava offered Trina some advice about making the most of her trip. Trina insisted that she wouldn't have had an opportunity to study at the Sorbonne if it hadn't been for the internship at Ava's gallery. Ava was flattered, but she was certain that working at "The Chuck" had helped Trina far more.

Trina explained that she hadn't been referring to prestige but, rather, the support that Ava had given. Trina credited Ava with teaching her to trust her instincts regarding art and to be more confident about speaking her mind.

Meanwhile, Spencer thanked Portia for including him in the party. Portia admitted that it had been Curtis' idea. Spencer assured Portia that Trina's happiness was important to him, but Portia explained that she didn't doubt his feelings. However, trouble followed Spencer, and she didn't want it to find Trina in Port Charles or in Paris. After Spencer walked away, Trina found her mother misty-eyed.

Trina reminded her mother that she would only be gone for four months. Portia promised that she would be okay, and she told Trina to have fun in Paris. She admitted that she was in awe of her daughter's strength, beauty, and wisdom. Trina hugged her mother. Later, Curtis offered a toast before dinner was served. He raised his glass and wished both Spencer and Trina much love and the best wishes for their new adventure. As everyone clinked glasses, Spencer told Trina that he was excited to put the past behind them, and he looked forward to their future.

At Pentonville, Heather waved Laura over. Once Laura sat down, Heather offered her condolences on Bobbie's passing, but Laura cut to the chase and asked what information Heather had about Ace. Heather reminded Laura that Ace was Heather's grandson, too, and she knew that Nikolas had taken the baby. Laura demanded to know who had told Heather. She was stunned when Heather admitted that Esme had paid her mother a visit.

Heather shifted gears to ask about Laura's mother, Lesley, but Laura made it clear that she was there to talk about Esme. Laura wanted to know why Esme had turned to Heather, so Heather explained that Esme had been distraught because Laura's son had kidnapped Esme's child. Laura clarified that the police didn't consider it kidnapping because Nikolas was Ace's father. Heather pointed out that it was precisely why Esme only trusted Heather.

Laura was skeptical because Esme had been terrified of Heather because of what had transpired at Wyndemere when Heather and Ryan had escaped from Shadybrook with Esme. Laura revealed that she and Esme had grown close, but Heather explained that Esme's views had changed because Esme remembered all the horrible things that Laura's family had done to Esme. Laura was shocked to learn that Esme's memories had returned on Christmas Eve when Esme had broken into Wyndemere.

Laura couldn't believe that Esme hadn't said anything, but Heather pointed out that the charges related to "the stupid sex tape" were still hanging over Esme's head. Laura questioned why Heather would put Esme at risk by revealing Esme's secrets when Laura might go to the police with the information. Heather admitted that she counted on it because Esme needed to be locked up behind bars with Heather where Esme belonged.

Heather told Laura the truth about urging Esme to leave town, but Esme had been hellbent on revenge. Heather admitted that -- knowing Esme as she did -- Spencer and Trina were at the top of Esme's hit list. Heather explained that she had seen the real Esme. "And she's just like me," Heather said in a sad tone. She acknowledged that Esme had Ryan's stubbornness, so she was worried that Esme would get into worse trouble if she went after Spencer and Trina. "I need to save my daughter from herself," Heather said. She implored Laura to find Esme and stop her before Esme did something terrible.

In Alexis' office at the Invader, Esme riffled through a drawer until she found Alexis' business credit card. She walked over to Alexis' desk, picked up a laptop, and typed in flight information. "Esme?" Kevin asked from the doorway. Startled, Esme slammed the laptop closed and jumped up. Kevin apologized for scaring Esme, but he admitted that she had seemed engrossed in what she was doing. Esme relaxed and explained that she'd been on edge ever since Nikolas had stolen her son.

Kevin sat down then revealed that he had wanted to talk to her about what had happened, but he was surprised to have found her at work. Esme claimed that she needed to stay busy because she was worried about her son. Esme was certain that Ace was scared and confused because he didn't know Nikolas, but Kevin assured her that Nikolas would take care of Ace. Esme questioned why Kevin was there, so he reminded her that she was his niece.

Esme admitted that the relationship felt strange to her. Kevin was curious why Esme hadn't gone to the police or told anyone about what Nikolas had done. She insisted that it would have been pointless because Nikolas was Ace's father. Kevin conceded that the police couldn't have done much to help her. "Why not come to us?" Kevin asked. Esme reminded him that Nikolas was Laura's son, and Spencer was Laura's grandson. Esme doubted that Laura would have sided with her over family.

Esme also reminded Kevin that it wouldn't have mattered because Nikolas had managed to disappear on Laura in the past. Kevin suggested that Esme not underestimate Laura, but he promised to do everything in his power to reunite Esme and Ace because he believed that she was a good mother. He acknowledged that she couldn't change the past, but she could try to do better going forward. Kevin explained that letting people in could be difficult, but it could also be life changing.

"Would you like to change, Esme?" Kevin asked. Esme assured him that she would, and she asked him to help her. She stood up and began to pace as she talked about wanting to raise her son in peace without constantly explaining the past or apologizing for the things she had done. Esme insisted that she needed to focus on the future, her son, and doing whatever it took to keep him with her. As she talked, she picked up a heavy sculpture, walked up behind Kevin, and bashed him over the head.

Kevin fell out of the chair and landed in a heap on the ground. Esme looked down at him without remorse. "No, Uncle Kevin. I'm not falling for that," Esme said. She suggested that he save his pity for Spencer and Trina.

Dante and Chase figure out where Esme went

Dante and Chase figure out where Esme went

Thursday, January 25, 2024

by Marissa PD

In his office, Finn was on the phone, saying goodnight to Violet. He ended the call as Elizabeth entered, and he revealed that Violet had told him to "save a lot of lives." He hoped that he would be able to continue doing that after his trial, and Elizabeth reassured him. Just then, Martin arrived, and Finn and Elizabeth explained about their visit with Dr. Sawyer from Beechers Corners.

Martin thought he could get a private investigator to fill in the holes Dr. Sawyer had left. He warned that Finn's past substance abuse could be asked about, and he reminded Finn to only answer the question that was asked. Martin advised Finn to try to have a relaxing night, and Martin left. Elizabeth suggested that Finn go to her house for dinner, music, and "who knows?" He accepted the invitation and kissed her.

Molly and Kristina were reading about the potential astrological personality of the baby when there was a knock on Kristina's door. Molly let T.J. in, and he wondered what was going on. Molly revealed that Kristina was pregnant, and T.J. was ecstatic. He suddenly became melancholy as he remembered celebrating the last time their surrogate had gotten pregnant. Kristina advised them to have faith and breathe, and she promised that they would handle anything together. "We're a team now," she assured the couple.

Robert set a bouquet down on a table at the Savoy, and N'neka complimented his choices. She assured him that the surprise he'd planned would be ready in 15 minutes. She commented that the woman he'd planned the night for was probably very special, and he agreed. Just then, he spotted Diane arrive, followed by Sonny and Alexis. "You brought backup?" he joked when Diane approached, and Sonny and Alexis went to the bar. Diane was happy with the setup, and he explained that he wanted to show her how much she meant to him.

Just then, the song changed, and Diane revealed that she loved the new song. "Was this your doing?" she wondered, and he confirmed that it was. He asked her to dance, but she declined, as she believed he owed her an apology. He wasn't sure what he was supposed to apologize for, and Diane reminded him of his comments about taking Sonny down. Robert apologized for how harshly he'd said it, but he reminded her that it was his job to "put men like Sonny away." He wondered if Sonny was Diane's client or friend, and she replied that Sonny was one of her best friends. She asked if he could accept the friendship. He suggested that they leave Sonny and other clients in the courtroom, and she agreed.

At the Savoy bar, Sonny and Alexis talked about how neither was in a rush to get home. Sonny wondered if Alexis had talked to Kristina lately, but Alexis revealed that she'd been trying to respect boundaries. Sonny advised her to follow her daughters' leads and enjoy the journey. Just then, both of their phones rang. Sonny got a call from Kristina, and Alexis got a call from Molly.

There was a knock on Jordan's door, and she answered it to Brick, who'd been surprised to get her call. Jordan let him in and explained that she was working on a project "off the books" that she needed help with. A few minutes later, she hung up her phone and regretfully informed Brick that she had to go. She briefly explained that she'd lost touch with a contact who was supposed to have provided Jordan with some information, and she needed Brick to track the contact down.

Brick wanted to know what the project was, but Jordan replied that she was keeping her "circle of trust small for now." If he helped her, she promised to owe him a favor as the deputy mayor, no questions asked. He liked the sound of that, but he wanted to be in the "circle of trust" sooner rather than later. He asked for her number so he could triangulate the contact's whereabouts. She gave it to him and warned him not to abuse. He promised not to and left. "Gotcha now," he muttered to himself in the hall.

Dante and Chase sat at the police station, talking about a trial they'd just testified for. Dante remembered that he had to find Esme for a statement. Just then, Laura arrived and told him that he'd need to do more than that to keep Port Charles safe. Laura told the detectives about her visit with Heather, and she pleaded with them to arrest Esme before she did something terrible. Dante disclosed that an A.D.A. was writing up a warrant for Esme's arrest to reinstate her charges, but they could take her in on false pretenses until the warrant was ready. The three of them left together to find Esme.

At the Invader, Laura, Dante, and Chase had seen no sign of Esme. Dante figured he would ask Alexis and walked into her office. Instead, they found an unconscious Kevin on the floor. Chase went off to call dispatch, and Laura tried to wake Kevin up.

Sonny and Alexis arrived at Kristina's, followed by Jordan. Kristina announced that the procedure had worked, and she was pregnant. There were hugs and "congratulations" all around. T.J. asked everyone to keep the news secret until after the first trimester. Just then, Alexis' phone rang, and she ran off to take the call. Kristina proposed a toast and revealed that she'd gotten some non-alcoholic champagne for the occasion.

Alexis returned and revealed that there had been an incident at work, and she had to go. She told her daughters that she loved them and ran out. A few minutes later, Sonny talked about how incredible having kids was, and how happy he was that Molly and T.J. could share in the joy. "To all of us and the new grandchild," Jordan added, and the group toasted. Sonny told Kristina how proud he was of her, and he insisted that she go to him with anything she needed.

At the Invader, Chase asked Alexis some questions, and she wondered why Esme was the focus of the questions. Before he could answer, an officer approached with an evidence bag containing what looked like a letter. Chase also showed her the sculpture Esme had hit Kevin with and made sure she recognized it. He wondered if anything else had been disturbed, but Alexis couldn't know without looking through things. She wondered if Esme had attacked Kevin. Chase replied that Esme was the prime suspect, and he feared that she wouldn't stop with Kevin.

An unconscious Kevin was in a room at the hospital, and Laura waited outside. When the doctor emerged, he explained that Kevin was stable, but he was being sent for tests. She asked to see him and went into the room. She held Kevin's hand and begged him to return. She promised that she would help Esme face justice. She sobbed that she didn't want to do life without Kevin and that they had so many more things to do together still. A few minutes later, Laura left an urgent voicemail for Spencer and asked him to call her back about Esme.

Out in the hall, Dante was on the phone with Chase, who told Dante about the letter to Esme from Maggie. Chase disclosed that Maggie had invited Esme to visit her in Toronto. Dante was off the phone when Laura emerged from Kevin's room, and she was upset thinking about how long Kevin had been unconscious before they'd found him. Dante assured her that the doctors there were the best. She asked for word on Esme, and he revealed that by tracking her credit card, they'd found that she'd bought a one-way bus ticket to Toronto. Laura wondered who Esme knew up there.

Spencer and Trina make love on their first night in Paris

Spencer and Trina make love on their first night in Paris

Friday, January 26, 2024

by Steve Holley

In Paris, France, Spencer and Trina entered a luxurious hotel room that overlooked the Seine. Trina marveled at the room. Spencer said that he and Trina deserved only the best for the next chapter in their lives. Spencer and Trina kissed. After a hotel clerk left the room with a request from Spencer, Spencer spoke in French to Trina, and he teased that he was happy to give her French lessons. "Yeah? What are you gonna teach me, huh?" Trina whispered as she stared into Spencer's eyes.

Spencer reached for a remote control, and romantic music began to play. As Spencer spoke softly in French, he and Trina placed their arms around one another's waists. Spencer kissed Trina's neck and lips, and they soon began to undress each other. Spencer and Trina moved toward the bed, and they made love.

Afterwards, Spencer proposed a Champagne toast, and the hotel clerk returned unexpectedly. The clerk handed Spencer an electrical converter that Spencer had requested, and he left after apologizing for interrupting. When Trina joked about having almost been caught in the act, Spencer said that he would hang a "do not disturb" sign on the door for "the next time." "Oh, there's gonna be a next time, huh?" Trina teased. "Oh, yeah. Yeah, and a next time, and a next time... and a next time," Spencer said as he cradled and kissed Trina.

Nearby, Spencer spotted Trina's turtle dove. Spencer delighted Trina when he produced his turtle dove, and he admitted that he carried it with him everywhere. Trina was touched when Spencer said that he would place the turtle dove on his bedside table when he found an apartment in Paris. Spencer and Trina kissed again. Spencer's phone chimed. Spencer learned from Laura by phone that the police had tracked Esme to Canada. Laura said she was comforted by the notion of there being an entire ocean separating Spencer and Trina from Esme.

After the call ended, Trina told Spencer to take a flight back to New York to be with his family. Spencer took Trina by the hands, and he sought to assure her that he belonged in Paris with her. "Now, Trina Robinson, are you ready for the best weekend of your life?" Spencer teased as he opened the bottle of Champagne. "So ready," Trina said with a smile. Spencer and Trina kissed as they prepared to spend their first night together in the City of Love.

At the hospital, Laura pleaded with to Anna to return to the PCPD. Anna was firm when she said that she couldn't accept Laura's offer. Portia approached with an update on Kevin. Laura, Anna, and Jordan were relieved when Portia said that doctors were optimistic that Kevin would be fine. Anna and Jordan hugged Laura, and they said that they had to leave for appointments.

A short while later, Laura told Portia that she had known the dangers Esme was capable of. Portia said she had never believed Esme had truly changed, and she added that Esme had never taken accountability for her crimes. Laura finally admitted that Esme needed to be brought to trial.

At the same time, Dante and Chase appeared in the hallway of an apartment complex in Toronto in search of Esme. They were greeted by a Toronto police officer, who shared that someone was inside the apartment. Dante carefully reached for his gun. "Could be trouble," Dante said as the three men prepared to enter.

At the courthouse, Sam told Elizabeth that she had found video surveillance of Muldoon entering a medical pavilion before he had ever met Finn. Sam left to follow up on another lead that could help Finn. Elizabeth, Gregory, and Martin all reassured Finn as he entered the courtroom. A judge called the trial to order.

On the witness stand, Diane questioned Finn, who defended his decisions in treating Muldoon. Finn soon grew irate, and he said that it was "absurd" for a doctor in another field to catch everything wrong with a patient. On cross-examination, Martin asked if Finn had the authority to compel a patient to undergo a test that a patient didn't want to have performed. Finn said he didn't, and he was excused.

When Diane rested the prosecution's case, the judge called for a recess. Sam returned with evidence showing that debt collectors had placed several liens against the Muldoons' properties. Sam said the Muldoon family had been heavily invested in Aurora when Aurora's stocks had plummeted 18 months earlier. Finn said that he'd been the victim of an attempted set-up.

At Sonny's penthouse, Brick met with Sonny and Ava to share that he had traced the gun found at Ava's penthouse to an unmarked set of weapons that had been stolen from the WSB. Sonny believed it was proof that the gun was connected to the rifle used in the Metro Court shooting the previous summer. Ava surmised that whoever had killed Austin had also been the Metro Court shooter.

Sonny asked if Brick believed the shooting had had anything to do with the anonymous bid on Wyndemere. Ava agreed to give Brick the information she had on the shell corporation that had placed a bid on Wyndemere. When Ava stepped out of the room, Sonny told Brick to step up surveillance on Sonny's family. Brick asked if Nina should be added to the list. When Sonny cavalierly said that Nina was "legally" his wife, Brick agreed to include Nina in the security detail.

Ava returned with the information she had about Wyndemere. When Brick left, Ava asked how serious the threat was to her and Sonny's family, and she noted that nothing good could result from her and Sonny living in the penthouse together. "On that note, what do you say we get the hell out of here?" Ava proposed.

At Charlie's Pub, Valentin found Nina alone at a table and asked if she was okay. Valentin managed to make Nina smile, and he proceeded to flatter her when he complimented Nina on her success at Crimson. Valentin offered to create a rival publication for Nina to use to compete with Carly and Drew. Valentin added that he would give Nina the capital to poach every staffer from Crimson.

Nina admitted that she was intrigued by Valentin's offer -- and just then, Sonny and Ava entered. Sonny was icy toward Nina when she tried to ask about Spencer and Ace. Sonny groused that it was none of Nina's business. Nina returned to her table with Valentin, who asked if she wanted to go somewhere else. Nina said that she wouldn't allow herself to be "run off." Valentin said that his financial offer to Nina still stood.

Nina said that she needed to control her impulses if she wanted to salvage any hope of a relationship with Willow. Valentin agreed, but he offered some parting words for Nina. "You and I have a long history of twisting ourselves into knots, pretending we're something we aren't for other people. You don't have to do that with me. I'm on your side -- no matter what," Valentin said.

At the same time, at the bar nearby, Sonny caught sight of Nina slipping her hand over Valentin's. Sonny turned to Ava, and he suggested that they head to Sonny's private island in Puerto Rico to get away from whoever was targeting them. Ava scoffed, and she surmised that Sonny only wanted to leave town to be away from Nina.

After leaving Sonny's penthouse, Brick met Jordan at the hospital. Brick said that he had traced a private number that had attempted to dial Jordan's phone several nights earlier to a cell phone tower near Pentonville. Anna joined Jordan after Brick had left. Jordan wondered who would be a new inmate at Pentonville that would know about a shipment of unmarked guns meant to be in the WSB's possession. Anna and Jordan deduced that the person had to be John Brennan.

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