General Hospital Recaps: The week of January 15, 2024 on GH

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Spencer let Nikolas take Ace. Blaze learned Kristina might be pregnant. Drew replaced Nina with Carly at Crimson.
General Hospital Recaps: The week of January 15, 2024 on GH

Esme was horrified when she learned that Spencer had let Nikolas take Ace. Finn discovered that Muldoon had been referred to an oncologist prior to seeing him. Blaze learned that Kristina might be pregnant. Adam attempted suicide. Drew took the bold step of replacing Nina with Carly at Crimson. Jordan's investigation took an ominous turn.

Nikolas and Spencer have a heart to heart talk

Nikolas and Spencer have a heart to heart talk

Monday, January 15, 2024

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by Steve Holley

In Rice Plaza, Josslyn found Adam alone on a bench with his guitar. Adam was standoffish, and he sipped from a large bottle of hard liquor. When Adam asked her to leave, Josslyn refused. Adam said that Josslyn didn't care about him. Josslyn grabbed the bottle from Adam, and she said that he needed help. "Nothing matters. I'm miserable. All the time. You can't change that," Adam said.

Adam soon grew weak, and he collapsed in Josslyn's lap. Josslyn noticed an empty package of pills that had been in Adam's possession, and she frantically pleaded for Adam to wake up before phoning 9-1-1 for help. A team of medics arrived soon afterwards to escort Adam to the hospital.

in Sonny's office at Pozzulo's, Kristina checked on Sonny, who insisted that he was fine. Kristina said that Sonny had always been her "rock," and she cringed at the thought of Sonny being sent to prison for assaulting Cyrus. Sonny flashed back to ordering Dex to kill Cyrus earlier that day. Sonny insisted that he wouldn't go to prison. Kristina said that she was still worried about Sonny.

Kristina mentioned Nina, and she blamed Nina for having been "vindictive" for tipping off the SEC to the fact that Carly and Drew had committed insider trading. Sonny flashed back to beating Cyrus, and he said that people were often victims of their own pain.

At the hospital, Dex lurked out of sight as he watched Nina enter Cyrus' room. Nina soon confronted Cyrus for tricking her into confessing to him. Nina said that Cyrus had used her to hurt Sonny. Cyrus claimed that he had no ill will toward Nina. Nina said that if Cyrus was truly sorry, he should prove it. "Drop the charges against Sonny," Nina said.

Cyrus claimed that he had no power over law enforcement. Nina continued to lean on Cyrus to drop the charges, and she said that she could offer Cyrus something he wanted more than justice for the attack. Cyrus was curious to hear Nina's offer, and he mentioned a "tithing."

Nearby, at the nurses' station, Dex donned hospital scrubs as he texted someone. "On my way," the text read. A short while later, Dex observed Nina leaving Cyrus' room. At the same time, Sonny placed a call to Dex that went straight to voicemail. "I need you to call it off. Don't do it," Sonny instructed from his office at Pozzulo's.

At the courthouse, Laura told Ava to drop the charges against Esme. Ava refused, and she noted that Esme deserved worse charges for framing Trina for revenge porn in 2022. Ava stepped away to take a phone call. Inside the courtroom, Esme looked around nervously when Laura approached. Laura calmed Esme and, after Esme asked where Spencer was, told her to focus on herself.

Martin entered, and he leaned on Molly to reach a deal with him over Esme's sentencing. Laura stood directly behind Martin when he pressed Molly for the deal. Laura claimed that her status as mayor should have no bearing on the case. Molly said that her case against Esme was "open and shut." Laura continued to protest.

Outside the courtroom, Trina met with Ava, who was ecstatic to learn about Trina's plans to visit Paris with Spencer. Ava said that she had decided to press charges against Esme to help Trina close a chapter in her life. Trina said that she wasn't sure how to feel about Ava's decision, but Ava said that Esme was still the same "conniving manipulator" she had always been.

Ava added that she wanted Trina to move on without the burden of Esme. Ava and Trina entered the courtroom after a judge called the case to order. When the judge asked for a plea, Esme pleaded guilty. Ava was outraged when Molly then recommended six months of probation with no jail time. Ava demanded that Laura tell her what had happened. Laura huffed that she had "advocated for justice."

Esme breathed a sigh of relief when the judge accepted Molly's proposed sentence and proceeded to gavel the case closed. Afterwards, Ava confronted Molly for offering Esme probation. Molly blithely claimed that justice had been served. Ava and Trina stood together after Molly left. "This isn't over. Not by a long shot," Ava vowed.

Nearby, Esme thanked Martin, who said that Laura had convinced him to approach Molly with a deal. Esme thanked Laura for having "saved" her. Laura told Esme to leave the past behind her to focus on the future. Laura received a text, and she prepared to leave. Laura was gleeful when she said that Esme would be returning home that night. After Laura left, Esme turned around. Esme froze when she saw Trina standing alone in the back of the courtroom. Trina glared sharply at Esme.

At Laura and Kevin's penthouse, Spencer invited Nikolas inside. Spencer was surprised to learn that Nikolas had been keeping tabs on Spencer and Ace. Nikolas said that he had never stopped caring about Spencer, and he playfully quipped that it had been "very Cassadine" of Spencer to blackmail Nikolas a year earlier. Spencer said that he hadn't been sure he would ever see Nikolas again.

Nikolas assumed that Spencer hated him for deserting Spencer and Ace. Spencer caught Nikolas by surprise when he apologized to his father. Spencer noted that Esme had conspired with Ryan to tear their family apart. "And I'm sorry," Spencer reiterated. Spencer added that he had been so blinded by his need to get back at Nikolas that he hadn't seen that Esme had been playing him and Nikolas.

Nikolas took responsibility, and he said that he had still knowingly had sex with Esme and later kept her prisoner at Wyndemere. Nikolas admitted that he had abandoned Ace, and he said that he regretted not being a better father to Spencer.

Nikolas then flashed back to 2006. "When I learned you were my son and not Jax's, I swore that I would be the best dad anyone has ever had. That you would have the most normal childhood I could give you and that you'd always know how much I loved you. But I failed at all of that. You can't change the past, no matter how much you want to," Nikolas said.

Nikolas paused. "It wasn't all bad, though, right? We had our moments. Some of my favorite memories are of you and I when you were very young," Nikolas said. Spencer nodded his head in agreement as tears began to form in his eyes. "You were my whole world. I loved you so much," Spencer said. "I loved you, too. I still do. Fiercely. And no matter what else has happened between us, Spencer, I want you to know that will never change," Nikolas said solemnly.

When Ace began to cry in the next room, Nikolas asked if he could meet Ace. Spencer brought Ace to Nikolas, whose face filled with tears as he held his son for the first time. Nikolas quipped that Ace looked like a Cassadine. "Hey. Hey, Ace. Hello there, buddy. God, look at you," Nikolas said in amazement.

Nikolas said that he was a lucky man, and he added that Spencer was the best part of him. "Father? Stay," Spencer said softly to Nikolas. Spencer said that he knew Nikolas faced legal trouble over keeping Esme prisoner over a year earlier, but he encouraged Nikolas to stay and to fight the charges.

Spencer noted that Elizabeth had been able to cut a deal with the district attorney's office for her role in Esme's kidnapping, and he suggested that Nikolas hire Diane to represent him. When Nikolas appeared apprehensive, Spencer surmised that Nikolas had no intention of staying in Port Charles. "I should have known that you were just passing through," Spencer said.

Nikolas said that he deserved Spencer's remark, but he added that things were different. "How so?" Spencer asked. "Because this time... I'm taking my sons with me," Nikolas told a confused Spencer.

Spencer lets Nikolas take Ace

Spencer lets Nikolas take Ace

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

by Marissa PD

At the hospital, Nina was talking through a negotiation on her phone when she spotted Sonny step off the elevator. She watched as he went up to the nurses' station and asked which room Cyrus was in.

In Cyrus' room, Dex inserted a syringe into a sleeping Cyrus' I.V. He was interrupted by Sonny knocking on the window of the room and telling Dex to stop. Dex took the syringe out and turned to leave, but Cyrus grabbed Dex's arm and demanded to know what he'd been trying to do to Cyrus. Sonny entered the room and asked for a word with Cyrus. Cyrus said that he had good news for Sonny, so he let Dex leave. Cyrus revealed that he'd decided to drop the charges against Sonny, and Sonny wondered why. Cyrus claimed that he would like to keep living and enjoying his freedom. He did admit that someone had helped him see the error of his ways, but he'd been asked to keep quiet about it.

Outside Cyrus' room, Dex bumped into Nina, who wondered why he was dressed in scrubs and if Sonny was in Cyrus' room. Dex told her that she shouldn't be there, and she couldn't go into the room. He added that if Sonny wanted her to know anything, he'd tell her himself. She refused to give up on Sonny, and she vowed to do anything for the man she loved.

A short while later, Dex had changed back into his suit, and he threw his gloves and the syringe into a trash can. Sonny emerged from Cyrus' room and updated Dex on his conversation with Cyrus. Dex admitted that he "might know" who'd convinced Cyrus to drop the charges, and they spotted Nina down the hall on the phone. She had just gotten off the phone when Sonny approached. He demanded to know what she'd promised Cyrus. "Nothing I couldn't afford to part with," she replied. She explained that she was trying to clean up the mess she'd made. "Next time you get the urge to help me, don't," he grumbled. He demanded that she stay away from him and his business, and he stormed off.

Sonny and Dex got into the elevator a few minutes later, and Sonny divulged that Dex had impressed him. He wondered if Dex had any questions for him. Dex asked what they were going to do about Cyrus. Sonny replied that they would make Cyrus wish that Sonny hadn't stopped Dex from putting him out of his misery.

Nina returned to Cyrus' room and informed him that she'd talked to "the station," and he would have a time slot as soon as Sonny's case was thrown out. "Then you can start spreading the good word," Nina added sarcastically. "Praise the Lord," Cyrus replied with a smile. "Whatever you say," she stated in disgust.

At the courthouse, Esme and Trina discussed the fairness of Esme's sentence, and Esme was surprised to learn that Trina agreed with it. Trina casually mentioned that she was leaving town soon and didn't want her "very justified anger" to hold her back. She told Esme about studying at the Sorbonne, and Esme figured that Spencer would miss her very much. "He would...if he wasn't coming with me," Trina told a visibly horrified Esme.

Esme gave Trina all the reasons why Spencer couldn't leave, mostly including Ace. Trina promised that Spencer wasn't going to abandon his brother, but Esme called Trina selfish for taking Spencer with her. Trina revealed that she and Spencer were always thinking of Ace, and they didn't think about Esme at all. She congratulated Esme on being a free woman and left.

Josslyn arrived at the hospital and asked Willow where Adam was. Willow directed her to the room, but she said Josslyn would not be allowed in. Josslyn went toward the room, and Willow put in a call to Carly. She advised Carly that Josslyn needed her at the hospital.

Finn, Elizabeth, and another nurse worked on Adam as Josslyn watched through the window. They talked about his medical history, and Elizabeth left the room to find out if Josslyn knew anything. Josslyn told Elizabeth what had happened and that she only knew about Adam drinking. Elizabeth went back into the room, and Willow approached Josslyn, who blamed herself for not seeing how much pain Adam had been in. She told Willow about calling the RA at school. Willow insisted that it wasn't Josslyn's fault and that she'd done the right thing. Just then, Carly arrived, and Josslyn hugged her.

In Adam's room, Finn decided that they needed to pump Adam's stomach. The nurse asked if they should get approval from a co-chief of staff, but Elizabeth insisted that it was the right decision. A short while later, Finn and Elizabeth emerged from the room and told Josslyn that Adam would make a full recovery. Finn said he needed to talk to Adam's parents, but Josslyn informed them that Adam's parents were the reason that Adam had tried to kill himself. She begged them to wait until he woke up to ask him, but Finn explained that it was hospital policy and a legal issue. When they were gone, Josslyn wished she'd done something for Adam sooner, but Carly was proud of her daughter for saving Adam's life.

Willow informed Finn that she had a call in to PCU for Adam's parents' contact information. Finn added that he would order a psychiatric consult, which would probably put Adam in a 72-hour hold. Finn thanked Elizabeth for backing him up, and he talked about how saving Adam's life had reminded him of why he loved being a doctor. A short while later, Elizabeth told Finn that the doctor Mr. Muldoon had seen in Beechers Corners was in town and willing to meet with them. She thought that it was his best chance to beat the malpractice suit.

Later, Willow informed Josslyn that Adam was stable if she wanted to see him. Josslyn said that she needed to grab something from her car first, and she ran out. Carly was proud of Josslyn, but she hated how responsible Josslyn felt for Adam. Josslyn returned with Adam's guitar and said that she preferred to go in alone. When she was gone, Carly hoped that Adam's parents really did want the best for him. Willow added that parents could have good intentions but still let their kids down.

Josslyn entered an unconscious Adam's room, and she sat down next to the bed. She took his hand and told him that she'd gotten his guitar from the park. She promised to stay until he woke up, so he knew that he wasn't alone. A few minutes later, Trina arrived and asked about Adam. Josslyn explained that he would be all right, but she had no idea what to say to him when he woke up.

Spencer informed Nikolas that he couldn't go with his father, as his life was in Port Charles. Nikolas thought it was the only way they could be together as a family, and he thought that Ace was in danger if he stayed. Nikolas believed that Esme was still playing a part. Spencer suggested that Nikolas stay and square away his legal issues while Esme was in prison for breaking and entering into Wyndemere. Just then, Spencer's phone rang, and he answered it to Laura. He listened for a minute and thanked her for the update. He revealed that Esme had only gotten six months of probation, and he didn't understand it.

Spencer thought back to his recent conversations with Esme, and Nikolas wondered what his son was thinking. Spencer explained that Esme had called him "Spence" a couple times for the first time since her memory loss -- with the same tone and inflection as before. Nikolas took that as proof that Esme was lying about her memory loss, and he wasn't willing to risk Ace's life. He begged Spencer to let him take Ace. Spencer talked about how he'd wanted Ace to have a stable childhood, but Nikolas insisted that it was the right thing to do. He begged Spencer to let him be a father and save his son. "His bag is in his room," Spencer directed, and Nikolas went off to get it.

Spencer told Ace that he only wanted happiness, safety, and love for his brother, and he hoped to see Ace again. Nikolas listened in as Spencer hoped he was making the right decision. Spencer urged Ace to remember that he had an older brother who loved him very much. Nikolas returned, and Spencer warned that if Nikolas ever hurt or abandoned Ace, Spencer would find him and make him pay. Nikolas again begged Spencer to join them, but Spencer couldn't, as his life was with Trina.

Nikolas promised to be back one day, but Spencer asked him not to make promises he couldn't keep. Spencer gave Ace to Nikolas, and Nikolas left with the baby. A few minutes later, Spencer spotted one of Ace's toys on the floor and ran to the door. When he opened it, Esme was there.

Nina drops a bombshell on Carly in front of Willow

Nina drops a bombshell on Carly in front of Willow

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

by Elisabeth

In Finn's office, Finn assured Elizabeth that he appreciated her support, but he suggested that it might be best if she wasn't involved when he spoke to Dr. Sawyer about Dennis Muldoon's case. Elizabeth thanked Finn for his concern, but she made it clear that she had no intention of leaving. Moments later, Dr. Sawyer arrived. After introductions were made, Finn explained that he wanted to discuss Muldoon's case because he was being sued for malpractice by the family, but Dr. Sawyer had concerns because doctor/patient privilege applied, even for dead patients. She offered to testify at a deposition or at trial, but she advised Finn to have his attorney reach out to her.

Dr. Sawyer started to leave, but Elizabeth pleaded with the doctor to hear her out. She reminded the doctor that Finn was a great doctor who had developed the cure for Blackwood's syndrome, and he'd given the patent to the hospital to save General Hospital from financial ruin. Finn promised to keep everything off the record and in hypotheticals, so Dr. Sawyer sat back down. As they discussed Muldoon's initial symptoms and the steps that Dr. Sawyer had taken to make a diagnosis, it was revealed that Dr. Sawyer had run a cancer screening and referred Muldoon to an oncologist prior to him seeing Finn. After Dr. Sawyer left, Finn confessed that he'd been surprised by Elizabeth's high praise, but she assured him that he was well respected.

Elizabeth was curious why Muldoon hadn't mentioned seeing an oncologist, and why the family hadn't said anything. Finn suspected that Muldoon's hadn't told his wife, but Elizabeth wondered why he would hide it. Finn didn't have an answer, but he was determined to track down the oncologist.

At the Collins apartment, Esme arrived to pick up Spencer. She grumbled about him not showing up at the hearing with Ace, but he told her that they needed to talk. Esme insisted that she had nothing to say to him, and she wanted her son. Spencer claimed that Ace was asleep, and he quickly shifted gears to ask how she had ended up walking out of court. Esme pointed out that he would know if he'd kept his word, prompting Spencer to ask if she had wanted Ace at court to score points with the judge. Offended, Esme told him that she had wanted to have an opportunity to kiss her son one last time in the event that she was sent to jail.

However, Esme conceded that it would have been a nice bonus if seeing Ace had softened up the judge. "Yeah, there she is," Spencer said. He continued to watch her closely as she told him that she had pleaded guilty because her attorney had worked out a deal. When she went to get Ace, Spencer told her that he had something to tell her. Esme assured him that Trina had already told her about the trip to Paris, and she suggested that Ace wasn't a priority to Spencer.

Esme was eager to take Ace home, but Spencer informed her that Ace would not be going home with her. "Not anymore," Spencer said. Confused, Esme reminded him that she was Ace's mother and that Spencer was Ace's brother. Spencer agreed, and he told her that he loved Ace very much. "Then prove it. Don't go to Paris. Stay here with him," Esme pleaded. Spencer clarified that Ace couldn't go home with Esme because Ace was gone.

"Gone where?" Esme asked with trepidation. "With our father," Spencer answered. Distraught, Esme accused Nikolas of kidnapping her son, and she pulled out her phone to call the police. Spencer calmly advised Esme to put the phone away because he knew that her old memories had returned. Esme tried to deny it, but she suddenly recalled slipping up in the interrogation room when she had called him "Spence."

Spencer insisted that Esme had nearly destroyed his life, but she suggested that he was being "melodramatic." She continued to claim that her memory hadn't returned. Spencer didn't believe her, and he reminded her of the terrible things that she had done at her father's behest. Spencer was certain that she was back to being a puppet for her psychotic father. "That is the Esme Prince that I'm talking to right now, isn't it?" Spencer asked. Esme was horrified when she suddenly realized that Spencer had given Ace to Nikolas.

Spencer was unapologetic because he believed that Ace would be happier with Nikolas than with the daughter of Ryan Chamberlain. Esme vowed to send both Spencer and Nikolas back to jail where they belonged, but Spencer cautioned Esme about going to the police because he wouldn't hesitate to reveal her secret and make certain that she was held accountable for her crimes. Spencer asked if she was willing to risk it. Rather than reply, Esme stormed out.

In the hospital's chapel, Carly lit a candle and sat down. Her eyes filled with tears as she looked up. "I miss you, Mom. I miss you so much," she said in a sad voice. Moments later, Drew walked in. He sat down beside Carly and pulled her into a hug. Afterwards, he asked about Josslyn, so Carly filled him in about Adam's suicide attempt. Drew was shocked to learn about the pressure that Adam's parents had put on their son, and he admitted that he wanted Scout to succeed in life but not at any cost.

Carly acknowledged that both Michael and Josslyn were overachievers, but she described Morgan as someone who had dreamed bigger than his follow-through. When she expressed concern about messing things up with Donna, Drew assured Carly that Donna wouldn't hesitate to speak up and let Carly know. He pointed out that Donna had incredible role models with both Michael and Josslyn. Carly admitted that Michael was her rock, and she couldn't ask for a better son. "And I couldn't ask for a better friend," Drew said.

At the nurse's station, Willow looked at her phone when it buzzed. It was Michael. Her thoughts turned to their argument on the pier when she had learned about his role in keeping Nina's secret. She pushed the memory away and answered the phone. Michael explained that he had called her at work because he was certain that she would want to know that Wiley had put on a puppet show for Amelia. "That's our boy," Willow said in a careful tone.

Michael told Willow to keep an eye out for the video. He shifted gears and told Willow that he and the children missed her, and he asked if they could talk when she got home from work. "Tonight won't work. Maybe tomorrow," Willow said. Just then, Nina stepped off the elevator and approached Willow, so she ended the call with Michael. Before Nina could say anything, Willow pointed out that she was working and couldn't talk.

Nina explained that she only wanted a few minutes of Willow's time because they hadn't seen each other since New Year's Eve, and there was still a lot that needed to be said. Willow asked if Nina expected her gratitude for Nina stabbing Carly and Drew in the back and striking a deal with Willow's husband to keep Nina's secret. Nina promised that she wouldn't justify her actions, but she wanted an opportunity to explain. She implored Willow to name a day and time, but Willow insisted that she had nothing to say to Nina.

Nina disagreed, and she reminded Willow that they both had had a lifetime of pain that they could share with each other, and perhaps they could reach a new understanding. Just then, Carly and Drew walked up. "Nina, haven't you done enough damage?" Carly asked. Nina resented Carly asking if Willow was okay because Willow was a grown woman. "Believe me, she has no trouble telling me to get lost," Nina said. "Yeah, but you never go away," Carly replied.

The conversation quickly turned to Nina's role in tipping off the SEC. Nina was quick to remind both Carly and Drew that they had been guilty of the crime, but Carly pointed out the hypocrisy. "Really? You're married to Sonny Corinthos. You came at me out of spite, and others had to suffer," Carly shot back. Nina quickly turned the tables by revealing that Michael had known the truth, and he'd kept Nina's secret. "Wow! There really is no rock bottom with you," Carly said.

Drew was curious why Michael would protect Nina, so Nina clarified that Michael had been blackmailing her and using his silence as leverage. "To force me to keep my distance from my daughter," Nina said as she looked at Willow. Willow glared at Nina. Carly decided to talk to Michael, but she asked if Willow was okay. "No, but I will be," Willow promised. After Carly and Drew left, Willow didn't mince words. "If you hadn't lost me before, Nina, you have now," Willow said.

A short time later, Nina followed Willow into an examination room. Willow was furious, but she invited Nina to say her peace. Nina explained that reporting Carly and Drew had been an impulsive decision because she had been upset at the thought of losing Willow. Nina acknowledged that she had lashed out, but Willow wasn't moved. "Lashed out? You are a wrecking ball," Willow said. Nina deflected by accusing Carly of keeping her from both of her daughters.

Willow was quick to remind Nina that Nelle had been dead when Carly had figured out that she'd been Nina's daughter. "I only have Carly's word for that," Nina argued. Willow assured Nina that she could take Willow's word for the fact that Carly hadn't told Nina about Willow because Willow had told Carly after the visitation hearing that she had stopped the search for her mother out of fear that she might turn out to be as awful as Nina. "The joke's on me because here you are -- my mother. Petty, vindictive, and selfish to the core," Willow said.

Nina admitted that she had made mistakes, but Willow argued that Nina's actions had been deliberate, and that Nina had enjoyed causing a rift between Carly and Michael. Nina denied it, but Willow had seen how eager Nina had been to drop the bombshell about Michael on Carly. Nina insisted that Michael had blackmailed her and that she had agreed to Michael's terms because it had been easier to lose a little time with Willow rather than losing Willow all at once. "That's what's happening now," Nina tearfully said. "Wow. Carly was right. All you do is lie to everyone," Willow said.

Willow suggested that -- most of all -- Nina lied to herself. Nina explained that her confession in church had been a turning point for her, and she had realized that she had blamed Carly for everything because Carly had kept her daughters from her. However, Nina assured Willow that she intended to stop blaming Carly -- and beating herself up for her mistakes. Willow reminded Nina that Drew had been nearly beaten to death in prison. Nina assured her that she had felt terrible, but Willow was unmoved. Willow accused Nina of making the deal with Michael because she had been desperate to keep the secret.

Nina denied it, and she insisted that she had agreed to Michael's terms because she had hoped to spare Willow from finding out that Michael had been willing to blackmail her. Nina claimed that she hadn't wanted Willow and the children to pay the price because she loved them and wanted them to be happy. Willow told Nina that she might have convinced herself that she'd had noble reasons, but all Nina had done had been to hurt Michael, Willow, the children, Carly, and Drew -- the man who had saved Willow's life. "It's enough, Nina. I want nothing more to do with you," Willow said.

Nina was devastated, but she told Willow that she would never stop hoping that Willow would one day forgive her. "Maybe we can start over as mother and daughter," Nina said. Willow walked to the door, but Nina assured Willow that she would always be there if Willow needed anything. Rather than reply, Willow walked out.

At the Quartermaine mansion, Wiley helped Michael pick up while Melanie the nanny held Amelia. Afterwards, Michael sent the children to the nursery with the nanny and a promise that he would follow shortly and tuck Wiley in. Wiley asked about his mother, so Michael assured Wiley that Willow would give him a goodnight kiss when she got home from work. Moments later, Tracy and Ned entered the living room, and Tracy asked if Michael intended to join them for dinner. Michael explained that he had to run out, but he asked Ned to return the proxy that Michael had given him.

Tracy objected because Ned had held up his end of the bargain, but Michael made it clear that he would fight for the proxy. Ned assured his cousin that it would be on Michael's desk in the morning. However, Ned advised Michael not to interpret it as a victory. Michael was quick to remind Ned that the proxy had only been lent to him. Tracy was surprised when Ned revealed that Michael had given him the proxy to keep Ned from exposing Nina. "I was protecting my family," Michael insisted. Ned admitted that Michael sounded like Edward Quartermaine -- at his worst.

To Ned's chagrin, Tracy told Michael to ignore Ned because Ned only had a noble streak when he wanted to take the moral high ground. Tracy admitted that she was impressed, and she'd never been prouder of Michael as a Quartermaine. She conceded that under Michael's mild-mannered "baby face" beat the heart of a true Quartermaine. Michael reiterated that he'd given his silence to Nina for the sake of Willow and the children because they were his priority above anyone and anything else. Just then, he heard a noise and turned. Drew and Carly stood in the doorway.

After Tracy and Ned excused themselves and went to the kitchen, Drew demanded to know why Michael had remained silent. Michael clarified that he'd done it for his family, not for Nina. Michael explained that the damage had already been done to Drew and that he'd been focused on protecting his family from being exposed to Nina's vindictiveness because she had no regard for people. Drew insisted that Michael should have let Drew and Carly know because it had been their choice to make.

Michael admitted that he had gone to Sonny, but he hadn't been able to destroy Sonny's happiness. "So, you put Sonny's happiness ahead of our friendship?" Drew asked. Drew reminded Michael that they were also family, but Michael admitted that he hadn't seen it that way. Drew was angry because both he and Carly had trusted Michael, and Michael had betrayed them. Drew turned to leave, but Carly told Drew that she wanted to speak to her son alone.

After Drew left, Michael looked at his mother. "So, where do we go from here?" he asked.

In the kitchen, Tracy was disappointed that she hadn't been able to hear raised voices. Ned was miffed because Tracy had applauded Michael. He wondered if she even cared that Michael had played fast and loose with her son. Tracy assured Ned that she didn't care about Michael, but she was always pleased when a Quartermaine acted like one. Tracy pointed out that the tension between Drew and Michael would buy Ned some time before Michael turned his attention back to ELQ, so Ned needed be prepared. She explained that Ned and Dillon were all that she cared about, but she acknowledged that Dillon didn't have a head for business.

Tracy praised Brook Lynn's for having the Quartermaine instinct for business, but not the family's priorities. Ned smiled when she added that Leo might not have Quartermaine blood, but he was her grandson -- and she adored him. "You and yours, that's all I care about. Above all else," Tracy said. She reiterated that with Drew and Michael at each other's throats, Ned's position was strengthened. Ned conceded that she was right.

Blaze learns that Kristina might be pregnant

Blaze learns that Kristina might be pregnant

Thursday, January 18, 2024

by Elisabeth

At the Port Charles Grill, T.J. and Jordan agreed that their dinner had been long overdue because of their busy schedules. To Jordan's surprise, T.J. announced that Kristina had undergone the procedure to fertilize her egg earlier that day. He conceded that he'd initially had concerns about Kristina being his and Molly's surrogate, but his talk with Kristina had changed things. Jordan was curious why T.J. and Molly had changed their minds after putting a pause on their plans following the miscarriage, so he explained that it hadn't been fair to ask Kristina to put her life on hold until the perfect time presented itself because it might never happen.

T.J. assured his mother that he and Molly were confident that they had made the right decision. Pleased, Jordan promised that she would love her grandchild regardless of how they entered the world. Jordan praised T.J. as a thoughtful person who had been doing a fine job of determining his own destiny, and she said she couldn't be prouder of him. When Jordan's phone kept chiming with notifications, T.J. asked who was blowing up her phone. Jordan explained that she and Curtis were unofficially investigating a shooting, but she didn't elaborate.

T.J. had some concerns, but Jordan assured him that she would turn the investigation over to the police if things took a dangerous turn. Her phone continued to chime with notifications, so T.J. assured his mother that it was fine for her to leave and take care of business. After Jordan left the restaurant, she ducked into an alley to arrange a meeting with someone on the phone. However, things took an ominous turn when she ended the call and a man wearing a suit approached her. Moments later, he was joined by another man. Jordan demanded to know who they were and what they wanted, but each man grabbed an arm and marched her away.

At the Quartermaine mansion, Carly conceded that she and Michael were in familiar territory because a year earlier, he had accused her of playing God with Willow's life when she'd kept the secret that Nina was Willow's biological mother. Michael regretted his harsh words to his mother, but she admitted that he'd been right when he'd told her that she'd made a crucial decision without considering the consequences for anyone. Michael acknowledged that he should have realized that things would blow up and that he'd chosen his father's happiness over his mother's. "I'm also a giant hypocrite," he admitted.

Michael explained that cutting off Nina would have made Willow suspicious, so he had decided to contain the damage. "Blackmail for the greater good?" Carly asked. Michael realized that it was hypocritical, but he'd been called worse. "I think that makes you your mother's son," Carly said. Carly assured him that she understood his reasons for keeping Nina's secret, but it had hurt. Michael admitted that he had told himself that Sonny was happy and that both Carly and Drew had moved on.

Carly pointed out that Michael had forgotten the valuable lesson they had learned from her own poor choices the previous year. "Even with the best of intentions, keeping things buried have unintended consequences," she said. Michael agreed because nothing ever stayed buried. He regretted how he had handled the information that he'd uncovered about Nina because he had ended up hurting the two most important women in his life. Michael was filled with remorse for not treating his mother better, but she assured him that she loved him unconditionally. "Even if the man you love doesn't feel the same way?" Michael asked.

Michael realized that he had put his mother in a tough spot with Drew, but Carly shared that Drew had been struggling since the attack at Pentonville. Michael nodded in understanding because no one left Pentonville the same as they went in. Carly squeezed her son's arm as they both silently acknowledged Michael's time in Pentonville. Michael was touched when Carly assured him that she would talk to Drew. He appreciated her forgiveness, but she insisted that she would always love and forgive him.

However, Carly warned Michael that his apology tour wasn't over because he needed to make things right with Willow. "There's nothing more important than your wife and your children," she said. Carly urged Michael not to let Nina damage his family more than she already had. Before Michael could reply, Melanie appeared in the doorway to let Michael know that Wiley had been asking for his father. After the nanny left, Michael explained that the kids were in the nursery because Willow was working a late shift. Carly asked Michael to give Wiley a hug for her.

After Michael left, Carly pulled out her phone. A short time later, she left Drew a voicemail message as Michael returned. He admitted that Wiley was playing with a truck that Nina had given him, and it had taken everything in Michael not to chuck it out the window. Carly reminded Michael that Nina was no longer a part of the children's lives, and she only had herself to blame. Michael wondered if that was justice. Carly pointed out that everyone knew what Nina had done, and Carly no longer had to bite her tongue or make an effort to coexist with her.

Carly assured Michael that she hated Nina for what she had put Drew through, but Michael was curious if Carly wanted payback. Carly admitted that she wanted peace of mind more because she had realized since her mother's passing that closure was a result of letting go. "And I am ready to move on. I suggest you do the same," Carly said.

Later, Michael entered the foyer as Willow arrived home. He was surprised to see her and offered to get out of her way. Michael went to the living room. Willow followed him because she knew that he'd had some difficult conversations that day, and she wanted to check on him. Michael conceded that Drew had been justifiably furious, but his mother had given him grace and understanding. Willow revealed that Nina had dropped the bombshell on Carly and Drew, and she'd been eager to do it.

The conversation quickly turned to Michael's decision to protect Willow from Nina. Willow acknowledged that Nina could be vindictive and envious and that Nina had wanted to send Carly to prison to get Carly out of Wiley, Amelia, and Sonny's lives. Willow also admitted that Nina was manipulative, insecure, and a liar, but that was precisely why Willow had been entitled to know the truth. Willow explained that she didn't want Michael's protection; she wanted the truth from him -- always. Willow added that Nina being an awful person hadn't absolved Michael of wrongdoing.

Michael clarified that he was not seeking absolution, but rather, he hoped for Willow's forgiveness. Willow warned him that it wouldn't happen overnight, but Michael argued that keeping their distance from each other wouldn't help, either. Suddenly, Wiley appeared in the doorway and asked his parents if they could all go home. Michael glanced at Willow, but she remained silent, so Michael tactfully offered to carry Wiley and Amelia to the gatehouse, tuck them in, and read a bedtime story. Wiley wasn't happy when he realized that Michael wouldn't be spending the night, and he asked his parents when they would all be together again.

At Charlie's Pub, Drew took a seat next to Anna at the bar and ordered a drink. Anna closed the book that she'd been reading as she greeted Drew. When Drew grumbled about the universe always knocking him down, Anna confessed that she could relate. Drew and Anna commiserated about their feelings of anger and their recent troubles. Anna admitted that shooting Charlotte had been the worst moment of her life and that she'd been cycling through a lot of emotions. Drew empathized because he knew it could be exhausting.

Anna shared that her book suggested that anger was a biproduct of fear, but she acknowledged that she was only on the first chapter because she couldn't focus. Anna glanced the door and explained that she'd been waiting for a friend to arrive. They continued to talk, and Drew admitted that her company had helped him realize that he needed to get the toxicity out of his life. "You let me know how that goes," Anna said.

Anna confessed that she didn't know what life looked like after the WSB, but Drew reminded her that she had plenty of time to figure things out. When Drew's phone rang, he mentioned that it was Carly, but he didn't answer it. Anna shared that she had learned from experience that it got easier to ignore calls after the first time. She pointed out that they both had a lot of questions, but Drew had someone who loved him and wanted to support him.

A short time later, Carly approached the bar and greeted Drew and Anna. Anna told Carly that Bobbie's service had been beautiful, and they would all miss her. Touched, Carly thanked her. After Anna walked away to make a call, Carly sat down and thanked Drew for calling her. She acknowledged that Michael should have told them about Nina, but she understood what it was like to make missteps in the name of protecting her family from Nina. Drew was confident that he and Michael would work things out because the bulk of his anger was reserved for Nina.

"Join the club," Carly replied. Drew explained that the failed merger and Carly's investment would not have been on the SEC's radar but for Nina; her actions had left him at the mercy of the judge and violent prisoners, and they had taken him away from his only child. Carly empathized, but she reminded him that they no longer had to pretend to play nice with Nina. "We can put Nina in the rearview," Carly said. "Not me," Drew admitted.

Drew explained that Nina needed to pay for the damage that she had caused both him and Carly -- and their families. Carly agreed, and she hoped that someday that would happen. Drew wasn't willing to wait because he knew exactly what to do.

Nearby, Anna left a voicemail message for Jordan to call her back if Jordan couldn't make it because Anna had been waiting.

At Kristina's apartment, Kristina lounged on her sofa until she heard a knock at her door. It was Blaze. Kristina was surprised that Blaze was in town, so Blaze explained that her show had been canceled because the venue had a power outage. She wondered if Kristina wanted to go out "and play," but Kristina declined because she had planned to spend a quiet evening at home. When Blaze asked if Kristina wanted company, Kristina invited Blaze inside.

After polite but stilted conversation, Blaze admitted that she felt as if Kristina had pulled away. Kristina explained that she had pulled away because Blaze had. Blaze was confused, so Kristina reminded Blaze of their last outing and how Blaze had held Kristina's hand until Chase and Brook Lynn had walked up. Kristina assured Blaze that she appreciated that Blaze wasn't ready for her family to know about her sexuality, but Kristina had worked hard to live her life authentically. Blaze admitted that she wasn't comfortable with public displays of affection because she shared so much of herself with the public through her music.

Blaze promised to make more of an effort, but Kristina confessed that it might not be easy to pick up where they had left off because she'd had the IUI (intrauterine insemination) procedure and might be pregnant. She showed Blaze the paperwork. Blaze suddenly realized why Kristina hadn't been interested in going out. After a brief discussion, they agreed that it might not be a good time to pursue a romantic relationship. Blaze admitted that if she had to do it over, she would hold Kristina's hand and never let go.

Later, Kristina grabbed an apple and sat down. She didn't know if she was pregnant, but she introduced herself to the baby as her "crazy" Aunty Kristina. Kristina wondered if she had done the right thing earlier with Blaze. Just then, there was a knock on the door. Blaze had returned, and she was holding a bag. Blaze explained that she wasn't a quitter, and if they didn't try, then they would never know if things would work out. Kristina smiled and asked what was in the bag. Blaze had picked ingredients for a dinner and a non-alcoholic coquito cocktail that she intended to make for Kristina while Kristina rested. Blaze had made certain to research the foods to avoid after an IUI procedure.

In Cyrus' hospital room, Esme shouted for Cyrus to wake up. Startled, Cyrus asked what Esme was doing in his room. She explained that she needed his help because Nikolas had kidnapped her son with Spencer's help. Cyrus was skeptical, but Esme insisted that he didn't know the real Spencer or Nikolas. Cyrus was curious why she hadn't gone to the police, so she admitted that she couldn't because Spencer had threatened to have the charges against her reinstated. Cyrus pointed out that it wasn't up to Spencer and that she would likely win over the jury because of her amnesia.

Cyrus noticed Esme's guilty expression. "Has something changed?" Cyrus asked. Rather than answer, Esme told him that she refused to put her faith in the police when the mayor's son was involved. Cyrus was surprised by Esme's attitude, but Esme blamed Laura for her troubles because Laura had been the one to persuade Esme to confess. Cyrus advised Esme to call his brother, but she revealed that Martin had represented her in court. She doubted that Martin would be able to find Nikolas, and she pointed out that it wouldn't matter if she was locked up behind bars.

Cyrus realized that Esme wasn't concerned about Ace's safety; it was a matter of possession for her. Esme resented being lectured by an ex-convict, but he pointed out that she had sought him out. Esme explained that she had hoped to appeal to his better angels. "What makes you think you can trust me?" he asked. Esme reminded Cyrus of their encounter in the Pentonville visitors' room when he had told her that he cared about family. "Were those just empty words?" Esme asked.

After more prodding from Esme -- and a reminder that Ace was his family, too -- Cyrus agreed to make some discreet inquiries. Esme was delighted until she realized that he'd been referring to making some phone calls. Cyrus offered to pray with her, but Esme declined because she preferred to take action. After Esme left, Cyrus called someone and asked them to pay him a visit about a matter of vital importance.

Spencer tells Laura that Nikolas took Ace

Spencer tells Laura that Nikolas took Ace

Friday, January 19, 2024

by Steve Holley

In Cyrus' room at the hospital, Cyrus summoned Laura and Spencer to share that Esme had visited him the previous night. When Laura demanded to know what was going on, Spencer revealed that he had seen Nikolas. Spencer added that Nikolas had returned to Port Charles to take Ace. "And I let him," Spencer whispered.

Laura yelled at Spencer, who said that he wouldn't allow Ace to be raised by a "psychopath" like Esme. Laura accused Spencer of weaponizing Esme's past whenever it was convenient for him, and she claimed that Esme had worked hard to be a better person. Spencer said that Laura didn't understand. "I know the truth now. She's been lying. She remembers. She remembers everything," Spencer said.

Spencer recalled having learned that Esme had regained her memories. Laura continued to vigorously defend Esme, and she said that Spencer had no concrete evidence that Esme's memories had returned. Spencer asked why Laura still believed in Esme. Laura yelled that Ace should be with her and Esme. Laura continued to scold Spencer for allowing Nikolas to take Ace. Moments later, outside Cyrus' room, Laura called Dante to say that Ace had been taken.

At the Jerome Gallery, Ava was furious to receive an unannounced visit from Esme, who asked if Ava had seen Nikolas. Esme said that Nikolas had kidnapped Ace. Ava listend as Esme rambled hysterically about being separated from Ace. Ava asked why Esme had gone to see her. Esme surmised that Ava had seen Nikolas. Ava then said that Esme would never find Ace.

Ava scoffed when Esme asked if Ava had helped Nikolas take Ace. Esme said that she wouldn't give up, and she claimed she had "resources" to find Ace. When asked to clarify, Esme mentioned her encounter with Cyrus. When Ava asked why Cyrus would help Esme, rather than answer, Esme stormed out.

In Adam's room at the hospital, Willow told Adam that he'd had to have his stomach pumped the previous night as a result of his overdose. Portia entered, and she said that Adam would have to be evaluated by a psychiatrist. Adam yelled in protest when Portia said that the hospital had contacted his parents.

Portia patiently explained that the hospital couldn't share information with Adam's parents because he was over 18. Portia pleaded with Adam to be honest with the doctors, with his parents, and with himself. Josslyn and Dex were standing by the nurses' station. Moments later, Adam's father appeared. He demanded to see Adam.

Adam's father and Josslyn soon began arguing over Adam's care. Josslyn said that Adam was having panic attacks. Adam's father yelled that Josslyn shouldn't concern herself with Adam. "It should concern you that your son tried to kill himself last night," Josslyn said. Adam's father accused Josslyn of lying, and he screamed for her to be escorted out. Portia asked Josslyn to leave, and she asked Adam's father to join her in Adam's room.

At Bobbie's Diner, Sam asked if Carly had noticed that Drew had changed since his release from Pentonville. Carly vented about Nina. Sam agreed with Carly, who claimed that she was trying to be a better person. Sam held Carly's hand and said that Bobbie would be proud of Carly. Sam asked if Carly had any advice on how to help Drew. Carly claimed she would do everything to help Drew.

At the Crimson office, Nina was startled by the sight of her belongings being boxed up and escorted out by movers. Nina asked what was happening. Drew appeared, and he facetiously gloated that he was firing Nina. Nina protested, and she said that she had run a profitable magazine for years.

Nina continued. "It is Aurora's flagship, and it is my baby! Speaking of... what kind of father tanks his company and destroys his child's legacy? Isn't Scout a major shareholder?" Nina asked. Drew then walked toward Nina, and he stood in her face. He yelled for Nina to never mention Scout's name again.

Drew proceeded to berate and scream at Nina. He accused her of being "insecure" regarding Carly's presence in the lives of Willow and Sonny. Nina was visibly disgusted by Drew, and she reminded him that he was responsible for putting himself at risk in Pentonville when he had committed insider trading.

Drew said that he wanted to "take (Nina) out." Nina yelled that Drew couldn't fire her -- or there would be no magazine. Drew said that he would do anything to make Nina "pay" for having tipped off the SEC. Drew then ordered Nina to sign a termination agreement. He threatened that all of Crimson's staff would be unemployed and that the magazine would go out of business if she refused.

Nina stared into a box where she had tossed the agreement, and she found a boxed-up portrait of Willow, Wiley, and Amelia. Drew told Nina that her time was up, and he demanded a decision from her. Nina signed the agreement as Drew continued to gloat. Drew claimed that he wouldn't have sabotaged Crimson to spite Nina.

Drew accused Nina of "playing martyr." Nina boldly proclaimed that the magazine was nothing without her, and she said that the staff would quit without her. "I made this magazine! This is my magazine! I'm irreplaceable!" Nina yelled. Drew gloated that he had already replaced Nina. Just then, Carly entered. "Nina, meet Crimson's new editor in chief," Drew said. Carly smirked.

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