General Hospital Recaps: The week of December 25, 2023 on GH

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Esme went to Pentonville to see Heather. Trina and Spencer decided to move to Paris. Lucy hatched a plan to fleece Tracy. Lois figured out Nina tipped off the SEC.
General Hospital Recaps: The week of December 25, 2023 on GH

Esme went to Pentonville to seek guidance from Heather. Trina and Spencer decided to move to Paris, so Trina could study at the Sorbonne. Felicia obtained strands of Cody's hair for testing. Lucy hatched a plan to fleece Tracy with Scott's help. Cyrus urged Nina to confess to Sonny. Lois figured out Nina had tipped off the SEC and decided to tell Sonny. Drew returned home.

General Hospital did not air

General Hospital did not air

Monday, December 25, 2023

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by Soap Central

Due to the Christmas holiday, General Hospital did not air. This was a planned pre-emption and there were no lost episodes as a result of the programming changed.

Regular programming resumed on Tuesday, December 26, and picked up where the Friday, December 22, episode concluded.

Esme gets her memories back

Esme gets her memories back

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

by Marissa PD

In the confessional, Nina admitted that she needed help and didn't know where else to turn. Playing the priest on the other side, Cyrus advised that God was "eager to help all His children." Nina talked about how she'd acted out of spite, and it had spiraled out of control. She hadn't realized how many people her actions would hurt, and she just wanted to turn back the clock and undo all the damage she'd done. She explained that she'd reported a crime to the authorities when she hadn't really had to, and she was letting an innocent man take the blame for reporting the crime.

Cyrus advised Nina to confess to the people she'd hurt, but she didn't think she was strong enough to. "The truth will always set you free," he replied. He instructed her to be courageous and remember that God was always with her. She thanked him and left. A short while later, the priest entered the church and asked Cyrus if he'd seen a woman waiting there. Cyrus answered that he'd seen a woman leave, and the priest regretted that he'd been delayed in talking with the woman.

Cyrus wondered how the priest helped people unburden themselves, and the priest wondered if Cyrus was asking for himself or a friend. Cyrus claimed that a friend was feeling lost and alone that night, and he would appreciate advice. The priest thought the friend was lucky to have someone like Cyrus looking out for them. He thought that confession was good for the soul, and he walked away. Cyrus muttered that if Nina didn't do what was good for her soul, he would have to do it for her. He crossed himself with holy water and left.

Ava arrived at Wyndemere and saw the broken window in the living room. Her phone rang, and she answered it to her security company. They advised her that there had been an alarm signal and that the PCPD were on their way. "It may be too late," she muttered when she hung up, pulling a gun from her purse. Just then, Dante arrived and wondered why she was there. She reminded him that it was still her property, and she wondered if he wanted to arrest her for defending herself in her own home.

At the hospital, Carly and Laura talked about what a great party it was. Sonny approached, and Laura thanked him for funding everything. She added that it was the first year without Bobbie there, and Carly assured her that Bobbie was "making headway" with Luke's affairs. Nina arrived and apologized for missing the party. She confided in Sonny that she'd left church "with a new understanding." Just then, Sonny's phone went off, and he revealed that there was a break-in at Wyndemere, so he was going there to help Ava. Laura wanted to accompany him, since it could relate to Nikolas, so the two left.

Carly was ready to go home with Donna, but Nina had something to say first. She disclosed that she'd gone to church to ask for guidance about Carly. She wanted to ask forgiveness for blaming Carly for Nelle's death and for seeking revenge by not telling her that Sonny had been in Nixon Falls. She continued that she wanted to be a better person, but part of her was still broken. Carly stopped Nina and informed her that Nina would find no redemption with Carly. Carly believed that she'd given enough to Nina, and she refused to provide Nina with forgiveness. "I've had a long day. I just wanted to go home with my family and enjoy what's left of Christmas Eve," Carly said, and she walked away.

As Ava turned the lights on at Wyndemere, there was a knock on the door, and she let Sonny and Laura in. Laura offered to walk through the house, since her familiarity with it would help show Dante around. A reluctant Dante agreed, but only if she stayed behind him, as the house hadn't been cleared yet. When they were gone, Sonny wondered if Ava thought the intruder was the same person who'd sent Ava the pictures of Austin. He also suggested that the person was playing games with her to get to him, and he thought it was possible if the culprit was Cyrus. While Ava would have loved to blame Cyrus, she reminded Sonny that she had enemies of her own, but she could protect herself. Sonny demanded that, until he figured out what was going on, she was going to live with him.

Esme sat on the parapet, and memories of all her misdeeds returned to her. She tearfully took out her phone.

Spencer and Trina emerged from Ace's room, having put him to bed. Spencer was happy to have been able to spend Christmas Eve with both Trina and Ace. He thought that Esme really had tried to turn over a new leaf, but Trina suggested that Esme just had plans. Whatever the reason, Spencer was happy to have the apartment to themselves, and he kissed Trina. Just then, his phone rang.

"Speak of the devil," Spencer said, and he answered it to Esme as Trina went to get them something from the kitchen. He assured Esme that everything with Ace was fine, but Esme revealed that she had something else to talk to him about. Just then, Esme heard Trina in the background, talking about eggnog, and Esme instantly stopped mid-thought. She tersrely informed Spencer that she wouldn't be picking Ace up until the next day, wished him a merry Christmas, and hung up.

Trina had to go home, but Spencer asked her to stay, and he kissed her. Trina pulled away and wondered if he believed that Esme had really had a change of heart. He answered that he wanted to believe it, but they couldn't possibly know. He told Trina to tell her mother that she couldn't get a rideshare, but Trina reminded him that they were trying to get Portia to like him. They shared another kiss until her phone went off, alerting her that her rideshare was there. She promised to see him in the morning and kissed him again.

In the sitting room, a crying Esme chided herself for even thinking about telling Spencer the truth about getting her memories back. She knew that he would never forget about Trina and have a "happily ever after" with Esme and Ace. Just then, she heard footsteps outside the room. She opened the door to the parapet and hid in the opposite direction. Dante and Laura entered the room and went to explore the parapet. When they were gone, Esme ran out of the room and dropped a glove on her way out.

Outside, Dante saw nothing, but he hoped that forensics could find something. They returned inside, and Dante looked around the room. He noticed the glove on the floor and placed it into an evidence bag. Laura didn't recognize it, but she wondered if it could belong to Nikolas. Dante replied that it wasn't a man's glove, and he saw nothing to indicate that Nikolas had been there. Laura, realizing that she was thinking with too much emotion, suggested that it was Ava's.

Esme arrived at Ryan's grave as the snow lightly fell. She didn't know why she was there, as he hadn't been a great dad who had raised her, but she figured that he and Heather were the only ones she could tell about her memories returning. She talked about how she'd had to learn to be a good person all on her own, as he'd never shown her how. She talked about the good life she'd made for herself in Port Charles and how she thought she was happy, but she didn't know because the feeling was so new to her. She wondered if she was supposed to be bad because it was in her DNA, and she regretted that that was the legacy Ryan had left her. She took out her glove and frantically searched for the other, only to become wide-eyed when she realized that she didn't have it.

Lucy hatches a plan to fleece Tracy with Scott

Lucy hatches a plan to fleece Tracy with Scott's help

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

by Elisabeth

At Alexis' house, Alexis welcomed Molly and Kristina. She thanked them each for taking time out of their morning, and she invited her daughters to sit. Molly confessed that she felt like they had been called to the principal's office, but Alexis assured both Molly and Kristina that they were not in trouble. However, Alexis explained that it was important that her daughters made their commitment to the surrogacy legally binding because there was no binding agreement that Kristina could sign that would make the unborn child legally Molly's. Alexis explained that the state's Child-Parent Security Act was new and could easily be challenged because New York only recognized a surrogacy when the egg donor was a third party. Kristina questioned if that would really make a difference, and Molly conceded that it would.

"A big difference, actually," Molly said. Alexis revealed that Kristina would be a genetic surrogate because she would be the surrogate and the egg donor, so a surrogacy contract would not be enforceable in New York. Kristina was confident that she and Molly could find a loophole and work around it, but Alexis disagreed. Kristina turned defensive and angrily accused her mother of trying to protect Molly from her, but Alexis insisted that she was only trying to look out for everyone's best interests. Alexis retrieved a file that was filled with research that she'd done on the subject, but Molly and Kristina weren't interested in hearing any of it. Alexis explained that she only wanted to help them avoid trouble down the road, but Kristina cut Alexis off and reminded her that Molly was the lawyer -- not Alexis.

Alexis was taken aback, but she acknowledged that Kristina was right. Kristina immediately apologized for dismissing Alexis' legal expertise and her concerns. Molly admitted that her surrogacy journey was one of hope, and she had implicit trust in her sister. "The bond between Krissy and me is stronger than all the legal protections in the world," Molly said. "We're sisters," Kristina chimed in. Kristina promised that nothing would make Molly and her forget that. Alexis backed down because it was clear that her concern had been outmatched by their belief in each other.

Alexis promised not to say another word about it, and she assured her daughters that she believed in them with all her heart. Alexis also praised Molly and Kristina for sticking up for each other. After they huddled together for a group hug, Molly and Kristina left arm in arm and smiling.

At Chase and Brook Lynn's apartment, Brook Lynn was late for work and frantically trying to gather her things. Chase sat calmly on the sofa as he quietly told Brook Lynn where to find everything, and he held up a Thermos of fresh-brewed coffee for her. Grateful, Brook Lynn took a moment to thank him and ask what he intended to do on his day off. Her smile fell when he revealed that he was on the hunt for a wedding venue that accommodated disabled guests like his father because he wanted Gregory to have the time of his life at their wedding.

Brook Lynn joined Chase on the sofa and closed his laptop. She recalled Gregory telling her that his Christmas wish was to live long enough to watch Chase marry the love of his life, but she pushed the memory away and carefully told Chase that their wedding would have to happen a little sooner than anticipated. Chase reminded her that they had discussed a summer wedding, and he made it clear that he didn't want to rush her into a quickie wedding. He reminded her of his disastrous wedding to Willow, but Brook Lynn argued that their situation was different.

Chase explained that his wedding to Brook Lynn would be his last, so he wanted it to be special. Sensing she was hiding something, he asked her to tell him what was really going on. Brook Lynn told him about her conversation with Gregory at the hospital. Alarmed, Chase wondered if his father knew something that they didn't, so Brook Lynn offered to call in and stay with Chase so they could figure things out together. Chase assured her that he was fine and sent her on her way to work. Moments later, Finn called to let Chase know that Gregory was in the hospital.

At the hospital, Finn entered an examination room where he found Gregory stretched out on an exam table and hooked up to an I.V. Gregory assured his son that he was fine, but Finn demanded to know what had happened. Gregory downplayed things by claiming that he'd merely gotten overheated during "hot yoga." Finn knew his father wasn't being truthful because patients didn't receive fluids for getting overheated. Just then, a doctor named Matt walked in and greeted Finn. After they exchanged pleasantries and small talk, Matt asked Finn to wait in the hallway while he examined Gregory.

After Finn left, Matt checked Gregory's vital signs and determined that they were good. Gregory assured the doctor that he was feeling better, which pleased Matt. However, he informed Gregory that he wanted to admit Gregory for observation and testing because his collapse could have been from dehydration or a new symptom of the disease. Gregory was not happy, but he agreed to stay for no longer than one night because Gregory had plans for New Year's Eve.

In the hallway, a young woman walked up and asked Finn about Gregory. The young woman introduced herself as a yoga instructor, and she revealed that the incident at her studio had been far more serious than Gregory had implied. A short time later, Chase arrived at the hospital and approached his brother. Finn filled Chase in on what had happened and on his conversation with the yoga instructor. Chase pointed out that the yoga instructor wasn't a doctor, and he suggested that they have some faith in Gregory if he didn't appear concerned about the dizziness. Just then, Matt walked out to fetch Finn and Chase.

Gregory was not happy when he saw Chase because he didn't want his son to worry needlessly. Gregory insisted that he was fine, but he explained that he was being admitted for the night. Chase told Matt to take good care of his father because Gregory had promised Chase's bride a dance at their spring wedding. Gregory perked up at the news. After Matt left, Gregory asked Chase about the wedding date. Chase claimed that he and Brook Lynn didn't want to wait to make it official, so they had settled on a spring wedding. Gregory was delighted.

At Deception, tensions were high between Lucy and Tracy as they waited for Brook Lynn and Sasha to arrive for a meeting. Initially, Maxie tried to play peacemaker when Lucy and Tracy began to trade barbs, but things quickly escalated. Tracy flaunted it in Lucy's face that she owned Deception, and Lucy accused Tracy of trying to distract herself from the fact that Tracy had nothing left to live for since Luke had died. "Don't you say Luke's name ever again," Tracy warned. Completely unapologetic, Lucy cruelly insisted that Tracy had merely been one of Luke's "many, many" women. "You barely cracked the top ten," Lucy added.

Maxie cautioned Lucy not to "go there," but Lucy forged ahead. Lucy insisted that Laura -- not Tracy -- was the love of Luke's life, and that Tracy was an "also-ran" to Holly Sutton. Tracy turned the tables on Lucy by reminding Lucy that Kevin -- the love of Lucy's life -- was married to Laura. Lucy's voice cracked with emotion as she insisted that she was in love with Martin, and she pointed out that Tracy and Luke hadn't even been in the same country when Luke had died. Lucy suddenly demanded to know why Tracy had decided to steal Deception, and she suggested that it was because Tracy had more to look back on than forward to because Tracy's family barely tolerated her.

Brook Lynn walked in as Lucy warned that Tracy would die just as she had lived -- "unloved and completely unlovable." Furious, Brook Lynn blasted Lucy by accusing her of being jealous because Tracy ran Deception better than Lucy had. Brook Lynn also insisted that Lucy was misinformed because Tracy was loved by her family, but Lucy couldn't understand that because she was a gold-digging outsider who had trapped Alan Quartermaine into marriage for "ten seconds" and spent years trading on her single share of ELQ, which Tracy had gotten back. "So, now you are out on the street, exactly where you belong," Brook Lynn said. Lucy started to reply, but Brook Lynn cut her off with a reminder that Tracy had stuck by the man she loved, while Lucy had thrown hers away with both hands.

Shaken, Lucy announced that the meeting could be held without her. After Lucy left, Tracy quietly thanked Brook Lynn for her defense. However, she quickly returned to business and demanded to know why her granddaughter had been late. When Brook Lynn told Tracy that Gregory had been admitted to the hospital, her grandmother's tone softened. Tracy accepted the excuse, but she advised Brook Lynn to follow Tracy's example and act like a leader if Brook Lynn was serious about running Deception. Brook Lynn assured Tracy that she was.

At the Quartermaine stables, Sasha stopped by to warn Cody of Felicia's suspicions that he had lied about the DNA test. Cody didn't appear concerned because he believed that it was only natural for a private investigator who was married to a cop to be suspicious of everything, but Sasha advised him to take it seriously because they both knew that Felicia was right to have questions, since he had lied. "And now, Felicia is wondering why you would pretend to be the son of Leopold Taub," Sasha explained.

Cody insisted that Mac was a good guy and deserved better than to have him for a son. Sasha disagreed, but she warned him that Felicia would not stop digging until she had the answers she was looking for. "The fallout from that could be massive," Sasha said. She reminded him that she spoke from personal experience. The conversation briefly turned to Valentin hiring Sasha to pass herself off as Nina's daughter and how Sasha could have mitigated a lot of the damage if she'd just been honest sooner. Sasha admitted that her silence had made everything much worse.

Cody explained that honesty was not an option for him. "If Felicia finds out that I'm Mac's son, I'm going to Pentonville," Cody said. Sasha doubted that Mac would arrest Cody, but Cody argued that Mac wouldn't have a choice because of the lawsuit that Scott had cooked up. Sasha was confused because she recalled that Cody had told her that he'd dropped the lawsuit to get the Taub necklace back from the WSB. Cody confirmed that he had, but he had also sat for a deposition and signed an affidavit stating that he was Leo Taub's son, so he could go to jail for perjury.

Cody refused to risk the scandal of his arrest hurting Mac's reputation with the Port Charles Police Department. "What do you think Mac would want for your life if he knew that he was your father?" Sasha asked. She was certain that Mac would forgive Cody. Cody reminded her that Robert was not a fan of his, but Sasha insisted that it was because Robert hadn't had the opportunity to see the change in Cody or his friendships with Mac and James. Cody was grateful when she promised to support him either way.

At Kelly's, Scott greeted Beth behind the counter and announced that he intended to eat his feelings away. Beth smiled and handed him a menu, but he returned it and asked her to bring him everything on the left side of the menu and a cup of coffee. Afterwards, Scott walked over to his table to wait for his large order.

Nearby, Felicia told Robert that she had asked him to meet her for breakfast because they had a family matter to discuss, and she needed his help to solve a mystery before Mac returned from his trip. Robert was intrigued until Felicia revealed that she suspected Cody had lied about the DNA test results. Robert accused Cody of being a con man, and he suggested that Mac was better off if Cody had decided to lie about the results. Felicia disagreed. She explained that Cody had grown close to their family, and there was a special bond between Cody, Mac, and James.

Robert questioned why -- if Cody had grown to care about Mac's family -- he would lie about the DNA results. Felicia agreed that it didn't make sense, but she was certain that Robert could help her get to the bottom of things. Robert urged Felicia to drop it, but she made it clear that she wouldn't let it go. Frustrated, Robert admitted that he'd never liked Cody because he'd recognized Cody as a grifter from the start. He reminded Felicia of Cody's early days in Port Charles, and he filled her in about an argument that he had walked in on between Britt and Cody over who had a rightful claim to Leo Taub's Ice Princess necklace.

Felicia wondered if Cody had ever laid claim to Taub's other assets. Robert didn't have an answer, but his glance drifted to Scott. Felicia followed his line of sight and smiled. Moments later, Felicia approached Scott's table and sat down. She struck up a conversation by asking about Liesl and offered a sympathetic ear as he grumbled that Liesl had rejected his latest effort to reconcile, so he was through trying. Eventually, she steered the conversation to Cody, but Scott's mood didn't improve.

"He cost me a big payday," Scott complained. Scott told Felicia about the lawsuit for Cody to claim Taub's valuable necklace and Cody's decision to back out. Felicia realized that Cody had stood to gain a fortune if the lawsuit had gone through. Scott was curious why Felicia had been asking about Cody, but she quickly excused herself and returned to her table. Robert explained that he had to get to the office, so Felicia told him that she was more certain than ever that Cody had lied about the DNA results.

Once again, Robert questioned if Mac needed to know about Cody if Cody had chosen to lie, but Felicia was adamant that Mac had a right to know that Cody was his son.

Meanwhile, Lucy walked in and made a beeline for Scott's table. She proudly informed him that she had found a way for both of them to end up on top. Scott made a comment about it being physically impossible, but Lucy wasn't amused. She explained that she had a plan that would restore what she had lost and earn Scott a big chunk of change. "I'm listening," Scott said. Lucy promised that she and Scott would be big winners in 2024, and Tracy would be a loser. Scott wanted to know how he fit in.

"As a groom," Lucy answered. Lucy explained that Scott would marry Tracy, and afterwards, she and Scott would take everything that Tracy had.

Lucy and Scott plan their next move

Lucy and Scott plan their next move

Thursday, December 28, 2023

by Steve Holley

At the Home & Heart studios, Tracy, Brook Lynn, Maxie, and Sasha met for a planned presentation. Nearby, Lucy told Scott to pretend to pick a fight with her in an attempt to trick Tracy. Scott mentioned Lucy's idea for him to marry Tracy. Lucy said that she planned for her and Scott to take Tracy for everything Tracy was worth.

Felicia stopped by to support Maxie, who exclaimed that Deception was back. Elsewhere on the set, Cody pouted to Sasha that Felicia was suspicious of him. Sasha agreed to help keep the truth about Cody being Mac's son a secret.

After a stylist finished brushing Cody's hair, Felicia produced a bag and used a tissue to swipe some of Cody's hair from the comb. Afterwards, Lucy wanted Cody to wear a cowboy hat for the presentation. Tracy disagreed. Scott pretended that Tracy was right, and he and Lucy began their staged argument. Tracy was taken aback when Lucy said that it was no wonder that Liesl had dumped Scott.

Scott yelled that he was dropping Lucy as a client. Afterwards, Scott apologized to Tracy for having insulted Luke a few nights earlier. Tracy accepted Scott's apology. Scott continued to flatter Tracy with praise. A short distance away, Sasha watched as Felicia handed an envelope to a man. Felicia told the man to make sure the envelope was sent to the DNA lab. "Expedited testing," Felicia insisted.

At the Quartermaine mansion, Olivia asked if she had betrayed Lois by having married Ned. Lois noted that Ned and Olivia had married years earlier, and she asked why Olivia was broaching the subject. Olivia admitted that Tracy had put the thought into Olivia's head.

As Lois and Olivia drank wine, Lois said that Ned had "ratted" Drew out to the SEC for having committed insider trading. Olivia said that Ned hadn't contacted the SEC and that he was only allowing everyone to think the worst of him.

Olivia reminded Lois that Drew and Carly had, in fact, committed a federal crime. Olivia said that she wouldn't tell Lois who had turned Drew and Carly in. She added that the truth about the whistleblower's identity would hurt a lot of people if it were revealed. Olivia pleaded with Lois not to say anything. Lois agreed.

At the hospital, Finn complained about the malpractice lawsuit. Elizabeth continued to assure Finn that he had done nothing wrong. Elizabeth vowed to help prove that another doctor had also missed detecting the dead patient's cancer. Later, Elizabeth said she had spoken to nursing friends in Beechers Corner and that the patient had seen a doctor there a month before he'd seen Finn.

At Sonny's penthouse, Alexis met Sonny to discuss Kristina's plan to be an egg donor for Molly. Alexis was concerned that Kristina didn't understand what she had agreed to. Alexis worried that, without a contract stating that Molly was the baby's mother, everyone would eventually be forced to choose sides. Alexis was on the verge of hysteria when she said that it could tear the family apart.

Alexis asked Sonny to tell her that she was wrong. Sonny admitted to being somewhat concerned, but he said there was nothing he or Alexis could do. Sonny understood Alexis' worries, but he said that it was Kristina's decision. Alexis thanked Sonny for having listened to her vent.

At Kristina's apartment, T.J. and Kristina talked about the surrogacy. T.J. said that he needed to hear from Kristina that he and Molly would be the baby's parents. T.J. was relieved when Kristina reassured him. Kristina said that T.J. would be a "fantastic father." T.J. said that he and Molly admired Kristina for what she was doing for them.

Spencer and Trina celebrate New Year

Spencer and Trina celebrate New Year's Eve in style

Friday, December 29, 2023

by Steve Holley

At the dorm room on New Year's Eve, Spencer appeared in a tuxedo, and he met Trina with plans for the couple to celebrate the New Year. Trina placed her hand on Spencer, and she pulled him in for a steamy kiss. Spencer noticed a letter that was addressed to Trina, who had slipped into a fashionable pink dress.

Trina explained that the letter was from Sorbonne University in Paris and that she had been accepted into an art program at the school. Spencer was excited for Trina, and he told her that she had to take the opportunity. Spencer gushed with excitement for Trina, and he said that every guy would fall head over heels for Trina in Europe. Trina had an idea. "You could come with me," she told Spencer.

Trina admitted that she had been daydreaming about an art adventure. Spencer agreed to go to Paris with Trina, and they kissed. After the couple made love, Spencer cuddled Trina in bed as they talked about their future plans. Spencer said that he wouldn't allow them to talk themselves out of visiting Europe. "I know exactly what I want. I want to be in Paris with you," Spencer said as he kissed Trina.

At Pentonville, Esme visited Heather, who noted that there was something different about Esme. When Esme contemptuously said Trina's name, Heather grew wildly excited when she realized that Esme had regained her memory. Esme smiled, and she said that it was a relief to be able to talk to Heather about something.

Heather learned that no one else knew that Esme's memory had returned. Heather told Esme to continue pretending that she didn't remember anything. Esme admitted that she no longer felt bad about what she had done to Trina, Spencer, and others. Esme said that she considered her actions "justified," and she furthered her contempt when she ranted that Spencer and Trina were living "happily ever after."

Heather told Esme to forget about Spencer and Trina, and she encouraged Esme to visit again. Esme agreed, and as she reached for Heather's hand, Heather said that it had been a pleasure to meet her daughter. "All of her," Heather added.

Later, at the docks on the Waterfront District, Spencer and Trina rang in the New Year by watching fireworks with others. Spencer leaned in close, and he whispered in Trina's ear. "I would follow you anywhere," Spencer said unequivocally before he kissed the back of Trina's head. Trina was aglow as Spencer held her in his arms.

Unbeknownst to Spencer and Trina, Esme lurked in the background after having appeared on the docks. Esme seethed, and she balled her first against her side when she saw Spencer holding Trina.

At a heliport location in Port Charles, Alexis expressed trepidation and second thoughts as she prepared to go skydiving with Gregory on New Year's Eve. As Alexis and Gregory met with instructors, Alexis said that she couldn't go through with their plans. After some convincing by Gregory, Alexis changed her mind.

Alexis and Gregory jumped out of a plane. Afterwards, as Alexis rambled about the thrill she had received from the experience, Gregory interrupted her with a kiss. Alexis and Gregory proceeded to kiss one another. As fireworks rained down from above, Alexis and Gregory smiled as they held one another.

At the Crimson office, Sonny told Nina to meet him at the Savoy for a midnight kiss, and he said that they would have many New Year's Eve kisses in the future. Sonny left, and moments later, Nina was taken aback when Cyrus entered. As Cyrus spoke, Nina flashed back to being in the church confessional several nights earlier. Nina realized that she had given her confession to Cyrus instead of a priest.

Cyrus tried to weaponize Drew's beating at Pentonville months earlier against Nina. Cyrus said that Nina had "sent" Drew to prison when she had tipped off the SEC to the fact that Drew and Carly had committed a federal crime in insider trading. Nina pushed back, and she noted that Cyrus was both a criminal and a blackmailer.

Nina asked what Cyrus intended to do with her confession. Cyrus told Nina to tell the truth. Nina understood Cyrus' words to mean that Cyrus would tell everyone the truth if she didn't. Just then, Nina's phone rang. Nina's face showed a pained expression when she discovered that the call was from Sonny.

Nina said she had prayed that Sonny would never learn the secret. "If anyone tells Sonny, it should be me," Nina said. "New Year, new beginnings. I have faith that you'll do the right thing. Until then, I won't be far," Cyrus said.

At the Savoy, Ned wore a tuxedo as he entered the club with Lois and Olivia. Carly approached Ned, and she began yelling at him over her belief that he had "sent Drew to prison" because Drew had committed insider trading.

Ned reminded Carly that she and Drew had both committed a crime. Carly threatened to sic the Federal Trade Commission on Ned. Michael joined Carly in shouting at Ned. Nearby, Olivia and Lois watched with nervousness.

Carly and Michael continued to loudly berate Ned before Sonny appeared. Sonny joined Carly and Michael in yelling at Ned. Ned said that Sonny had left a "swath of broken lives and destruction" in Sonny's wake. Michael encouraged Sonny and Ned to not cause a scene. Michael left to speak with Ned in private.

Lois wondered aloud to Olivia how another war between the Quartermaine and Corinthos families would be preferable to the truth being revealed. Sonny started to go after Ned. Carly claimed that Ned wasn't worth it. Nevertheless, Sonny approached Ned, and he said that things weren't over between the two men.

Lois soon spotted Ned and Michael having a conversation, and she was taken aback to learn from Olivia that Michael had handed control of ELQ over to Ned. Lois wondered if Michael had only agreed to placate Ned. Lois then believed she'd had a realization. "Did Michael turn his own mother in to the SEC?!" Lois asked.

Olivia was incredulous, and she said that Lois was off base. Despite Olivia repeatedly ordering her to drop the matter. Lois refused. Lois said she believed that Ned had something on Michael -- and that Michael was paying off Ned to keep Ned quiet.

Carly told Sonny that she planned to leave, and she wished him a happy New Year. Sonny found Lois and Olivia, and the three of them greeted one another. Lois encouraged Sonny to call Nina so that he and Nina could kiss at midnight. When Sonny agreed, Lois soon deduced that Carly been the intended "target" of the tip to the SEC.

As Lois continued to ramble, she somehow realized that Nina had been the one that had tipped off the SEC. Ned returned, and he approached Lois and Olivia, who had been pleading for Lois not to say anything about Nina. After Ned and Olivia left, Sonny approached Lois. Sonny asked Lois to join him for fireworks on the pier. "Sorry, my friend, but you are going to miss the fireworks this year," Lois said.

Sonny surmised that Lois had something on her mind. "You have a right to know what's going on... They're lying to you. Your family, they're all lying to you," Lois said to a confused Sonny.

After leaving the Savoy, Carly received a surprise visit from Drew at her mansion. They wished one another a happy New Year. They kissed and started to make love.

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