General Hospital Recaps: The week of December 18, 2023 on GH

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Kristina offered to be Molly
General Hospital Recaps: The week of December 18, 2023 on GH

Esme's memories began to return. Cyrus overheard Nina and Michael talking. Aiden opened up about his crush on a boy named Tobias. Kristina offered to be Molly's egg donor. Dante and Anna turned the tables on Hume and arrested Brennan. Kevin was troubled when he overheard Charlotte talking about her "first battle wound."

Esme regains a memory

Esme regains a memory

Monday, December 18, 2023

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by Steve Holley

At the Invader, Gregory surprised Alexis when he said that he planned to ask Tracy to go skydiving as part of his bucket list inventory. "You have a better chance of pitching a strikeout against Mickey Mantle," Alexis quipped.

Alexis encouraged Gregory to go skydiving alone. Gregory said that he preferred to have a partner for the expedition so that his grandchildren could learn about his adventures with the people he had experienced them with. Eventually, Alexis agreed to go skydiving with Gregory, who seemed touched by the offer.

In Rice Plaza, Kristina and Blaze told one another about their families. Kristina and Blaze began to hold hands. Brook Lynn and Chase approached with Leo and Violet. To Violet's dismay, Leo said that there was no such thing as Santa Claus. Blaze asked to talk to Violet in private. Chase and Brook Lynn agreed.

Blaze proceeded to tell Violet that Santa was real, and she somehow tied it to Blaze's singing career. Blaze and Violet burst into song. When Chase and Brook Lynn returned, Blaze said that she had agreed to give Violet singing lessons. After Chase left with Brook Lynn, Leo, and Violet, Blaze agreed to buy hot chocolate for her and Kristina, who flashed back to having held hands with Blaze.

At the hospital, Molly and T.J. told Dr. Navarro about Kristina's plans to be their surrogate. Navarro put a damper on their spirits when she said that it could take months for successful implantation.

After Navarro left, Molly and T.J. debated whether they wanted to start over in their journey to be parents. Molly reminded T.J. that Kristina had a life. Molly wondered if she and T.J. were being selfish by asking Kristina to put her life on hold.

At the morgue, Dante told Anna that he had been investigating Forsyth. Dante presented Anna with the classified WSB report he had retrieved from the storage locker at the train station. Anna looked at the report, and her face froze when Dante showed her a photo of Brennan.

Anna said that the man's full name was John Brennan and that he was the current director of the WSB. Anna said that she had kept the classified report through the years to protect herself in case someone decided to pin the failed WSB mission on her. Dante noted the $10 million that had gone missing during the operation.

Anna surmised that Brennan wanted to eliminate any traces of the report, as well as anyone who knew of its existence. Dante phoned Sam to ask for her help in finding general information about Brennan. Afterwards, Dante wondered who he and Anna should give the report to.

Anna said that she and Dante needed to tie Brennan to Forsyth's assassination. Dante showed Anna the battered leather wallet he had found in the storage locker, including a 21-digit number inscribed on the back of the wallet.

Anna noted that 21 digits were the exact number needed for a Swiss bank account. Dante said that he and Anna needed to stash the evidence somewhere that Brennan couldn't access. Anna said she knew someone she and Dante could trust.

At Kelly's Diner, Brennan told Carly that he planned to stay in Port Charles longer than he had initially intended. Brennan smirked when he said that he looked forward to his extended stay in town. "Opportunity abounds in Port Charles, and I intend to jump on every single one of them," Brennan teased to an unsuspecting Carly.

Brennan flirted with Carly, and he said that he would like to get to know her better. Carly reminded Brennan that she was seeing someone. Brennan apologized for being intrusive. Carly asked Brennan to tell her more about himself. Brennan teased that Carly knew he enjoyed her company.

Just then, Brennan's phone rang. Brennan said that he had to take the call, and he promised to see Carly again soon. Carly seemed confused as Brennan grabbed his coat and left the diner in a rush.

After Brennan had left, Sam entered. Sam told Carly that she and Dante were working on something together. Sam used her tablet to pull up a story from a search engine on Brennan being named the new WSB director. Carly returned moments later with coffee for Sam.

Carly spotted Brennan's picture in the article, and she asked if he was the person Sam was investigating. Sam replied that the man was the head of the WSB. Carly was taken aback, and she said that Brennan had told her that he was only a security consultant. "Wait a minute. Do you know him?" Sam asked Carly.

At the docks on the Waterfront District, Brennan met with Hume, who said that he had placed GPS trackers on Anna's phone and that Anna had been traced to the hospital morgue. Brennan learned that Anna was meeting with Dante. Hume said that his people had tracked Dante's movements the previous day to the train station locker. "So, that's where Forsyth stashed the report. Now that Falconeri has it, Anna does, too," Brennan noted.

Nearby, Anna and Dante appeared on the docks. Anna said that a contact of hers from INTERPOL would meet with them shortly to retrieve the report. "And then we go after Brennan himself," Dante said. "Yeah. Wherever he is," Anna said.

Unbeknownst to Anna and Dante, Brennan stood nearby, where he ordered Hume to neutralize Dante and to retrieve the classified report. "Then make sure there are no physical or digital copies," Brennan instructed. Hume asked Brennan what he should do about Anna specifically. Brennan scowled.

At Laura and Kevin's penthouse, Spencer, Trina, and Josslyn met to exchange Christmas gifts. Just then, Esme appeared. Esme asked if she could speak to Trina in private. Trina agreed to accompany Esme to the hallway, and they headed out.

Josslyn laughed when she opened Spencer's Christmas gift and discovered a dartboard with Spencer's face in the middle. Spencer smiled when Josslyn joked that Trina would likely use the dartboard more than Josslyn.

Out in the hallway, Esme said that she was grateful that Trina had encouraged Spencer to accept Esme's decision to find her own place. Trina said that she had only asked Spencer to let go of Ace for Spencer's own good. "I love Spencer, and I intend to have a future with him. But he was trying to be a father to Ace, not a brother. And it was getting in our way," Trina said with conviction.

Esme said that Trina had been patient and polite to her. Trina seemed to scoff at the notion of there being an "old Esme." Esme said that she took responsibility for her actions -- past and present. "Even if I never remember what happened," Esme added.

Esme apologized for everything she had put Trina, Josslyn, and Cameron through. Esme said she hoped that Trina would someday manage to forgive her. When Esme said that perhaps she and Trina could one day be friends, Trina had a quick reply. "Esme... that will never happen," Trina said with a trace of incredulity.

Trina said that she was glad that Esme had changed, but she added that it was perhaps a good thing that Esme didn't remember the cruel things she had done. "But I do remember. There will never be a day where I or Joss or Cam will look at you and not remember. So, we can be cordial, even friendly, but this right here, is as good as it's gonna get," Trina said firmly.

Esme thanked Trina for hearing her out, and she left. Afterwards, Trina rejoined Spencer and Josslyn, who asked what Esme had said. Trina said that it didn't matter. "It only matters what I said," Trina said.

After Josslyn left, Trina confided in Spencer about her conversation with Esme. Trina said that things had gone "surprisingly well." "She apologized for everything that she did before," Trina said. Spencer asked if Trina thought that Esme had been sincere. "I do. But that doesn't mean I trust her," Trina noted.

At the same time, at Esme's new apartment, Esme held Ace in her arms as she prepared to place an ornament on a Christmas tree. As Esme stared at the tree, she froze suddenly. Esme flashed back to the previous year when she had decorated a small Christmas tree with toilet paper while being held captive at Wyndemere.

As the memory returned to Esme, the ornament she had been holding in her hand slowly fell to the floor and shattered. Esme's eyes bulged, and her mouth stood ajar.

Anna and Dante get the drop on Brennan

Anna and Dante get the drop on Brennan

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

by Steve Holley

At the Quartermaine mansion, Ned learned of Brook Lynn's plan to outsmart Tracy and to give control of Deception to Maxie. Lois told Ned that she thought it was a great idea. Ned said that Tracy would never make things easy for Brook Lynn.

Brook Lynn said that she would either convince Tracy to get on board with the plan or find something to blackmail Tracy with. "Spoken like a true Quartermaine," Ned said. Brook Lynn left the room for a bit. Ned and Lois toasted to the daughter they had raised. When Brook Lynn returned, she, Ned, and Lois hugged.

At the Port Charles Grill, Lucy joined Kevin for a scheduled dinner with Laura and Martin. Kevin and Lucy spotted Scott alone at the bar nearby. Lucy told Kevin about Scott's offer to join him in Florida to visit Serena for Christmas.

Kevin sympathized with both Lucy and Scott. Lucy told Kevin that Brook Lynn had returned to work at Deception. Kevin asked if Lucy was more hurt than angry by Brook Lynn's betrayal. Lucy admitted that she had been hurt by Brook Lynn.

Kevin suggested that it was better for Brook Lynn to be in the office every day instead of Lucy having to deal with Tracy. Lucy said that she would make the best of a bad situation, and she admired Kevin for always being a good listener. A short while later, Tracy entered. Scott and Tracy sat across from one another at the bar.

Scott and Tracy traded barbs before Scott recalled that he and Tracy had been lovers in the early '90s. Scott added that Lee and Gail had caught Scott and Tracy having sex on Scott's desk. "The only thing I remember them asking is why I was slumming with you," Tracy said mockingly.

Tracy added that she was trying not to remember the affair. "What's with the high hat all of a sudden? You're the one that was married to Luke, that no-good criminal jackass," Scott said. Tracy threw her drink in Scott's face. Back at their table, Kevin and Lucy observed the spat between Scott and Tracy, who walked out.

At Ava's penthouse, Nina told Ava that Ned was blackmailing her for information about Aurora. Nina lamented that she was trapped in an impossible situation. Ava said that she had her own problems, and she returned moments later with the safe deposit box. Ava recalled the ominous notes she had found.

Ava reaffirmed her belief that Nikolas was behind the ominous messages, but Nina seemed skeptical. When Ava began to ramble, Nina asked Ava to accompany her to Rice Plaza for Christmas festivities.

In Rice Plaza, Donna dressed as a lamb for a nativity scene play. Cyrus said that he was participating in the scene, as well. Sonny said that Cyrus had already been replaced in the play, just as Martin and Laura approached in costume. Laura asked, for her benefit, that Cyrus not cause a scene, and Cyrus agreed before walking away.

A short while later, Ava asked Michael why Cyrus was at the event. Ava told Michael that she didn't believe Cyrus' religious conversion. Ava added that she knew Cyrus was as dangerous as ever. Laura approached, and Ava nervously asked if Laura had any new information about Nikolas' whereabouts.

Laura said she didn't, and she said that Nikolas would only return to Port Charles when he was ready to face the people he had harmed. Soon afterwards, Donna told Sonny that she wanted Ava and Avery to join Donna, Sonny, and Nina for Christmas. Sonny agreed to Donna's request.

Nearby, Nina approached Michael to reveal that Ned knew she had tipped off the SEC over Drew and Carly having committed insider trading. Nina told Michael that Ned wanted inside information on Aurora. Nina asked for Michael's help, and she said that Michael would have nothing to hold over her if Ned exposed the truth. Michael gloated that perhaps it was best to allow the truth to come out.

Nina said that if Michael told Willow the truth, she would tell Carly that Michael had known that Nina had been the informant all along. Nina noted that things didn't have to remain so hostile, and she asked Michael to make up something about Aurora to pass on to Ned. Michael reluctantly agreed. Unbeknownst to Michael and Nina, Cyrus had been lurking nearby. Cyrus grinned widely after overhearing Michael and Nina's conversation.

Back at the Port Charles Grill, Laura joined Kevin and Lucy. Laura told Lucy that Martin was still participating in the festivities in Rice Plaza. Laura added that Martin wouldn't be able to join the three of them for dinner.

At Kelly's Diner, Carly told Sam that she recognized Brennan as one of the establishment's regular customers. Carly said that Brennan had seemed harmless to her. Sam warned Carly to keep her distance from Brennan, and she left to find Dante. Not long after Sam had left, Brennan entered. Carly ignored Sam's warning, and she invited Brennan to stay after noting that everyone had gone home.

Carly left her phone on the table. Brennan picked up the phone, and he saw the article that Carly had been staring at, which revealed that Brennan was the new director of the WSB. Brennan asked to clear the air, and he mentioned Dante.

Carly asked how Brennan knew Dante. "Well, I'm the director of the WSB. If there's something that I want to know, I know it. Just as I made it my business to know all about Sonny Corinthos, his operation, people he holds dear. There's just one thing I don't know: what am I gonna do with you?" Brennan asked a worried Carly.

At the docks on the Waterfront District, Anna and Dante prepared to meet with Anna's contact at INTERPOL. Hume lurked nearby with orders to eliminate Anna and Dante. Hume eavesdropped as Anna spoke about Brennan. Dante received an urgent call from Sam to alert him that Brennan was in Port Charles.

Dante told Sam to phone the PCPD for help. Sam agreed, and she told Dante to be careful. After the phone call ended, Sam headed to the docks. Dante told Anna that they needed to go somewhere with less exposure. Just then, Hume appeared from behind a corner. Hume fired a shot in the direction of Anna and Dante.

Hume yelled that there was no way out for Anna, and he threatened to kill Dante. He asked Anna how many more people had to get hurt "because of something that happened in the 80s." Anna slowly placed her weapon on a crate, and she told Hume that she had the key to the safe deposit box with the evidence Hume was looking for.

As Anna spoke, Dante sneaked up from behind Hume and knocked him to the ground. Dante placed Hume under arrest. Anna said that they needed to find Brennan. Sam had appeared, and she said that she had an idea where Brennan was.

Back at Kelly's, Carly told Brennan that Sonny and Drew would go after him if he harmed her. Brennan scoffed, and he said that he had been starting to like Carly. "Sadly, we seem to be the victims of rotten timing," Brennan said as he removed a weapon from his pocket.

Carly hit Brennan across the face with an object, causing him to drop his weapon. Just then, Anna and Dante entered. Anna ordered Brennan to freeze as she and Dante pointed their guns at him. Brennan smiled when he saw Anna. An officer placed Brennan under arrest. "Long time, huh? You think they'll invite Frisco back to clean up your mess, ex-Director Brennan?" Anna asked.

Brennan taunted that Anna had been exposed as a double agent. Anna said that at least she still had herself. "Good luck then. You'll need it," Brennan told Anna. As he was led away, Brennan stopped to stare at Carly. "Rotten timing," he said again.

After Brennan was escorted out, Anna told Dante that she would have risked her life for his. "Brennan's right about one thing. I won't allow anyone else to get hurt because of my mistakes," Anna vowed.

Aiden opens up to Elizabeth about his crush

Aiden opens up to Elizabeth about his crush

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

by Elisabeth

At Maxie's home, Georgie proudly posed with her gingerbread house in the kitchen while Felicia took a picture, but Maxie appeared to be a million miles away. Maxie snapped out of it when Felicia suggested a video call with Mac, and Georgie decided to change first because she had frosting on her shirt. Maxie asked her daughter to check on Bailey but not to wake the baby up. After Georgie left, Maxie admitted that she couldn't get into the holiday spirit because life changed fast. Maxie reminded her mother that the previous Christmas, she'd been riding high on Deception's success, even though she had ended things with Austin.

Felicia assured Maxie that things would soon look up. Just then, the doorbell rang. Maxie was surprised to find a drenched Spinelli on her doorstep, holding a bag of Christmas presents. A short time later, a freshly showered Spinelli returned to the living room and thanked Felicia for supplying him with spare clothes from a box of Mac's old clothes that had been set aside for the shelter. Spinelli explained that a pipe had burst and flooded his apartment, but he had managed to save his computer equipment. Maxie didn't hesitate to offer him her guest room, but Spinelli was reluctant to accept unless he could pay his way.

Maxie refused to take money from Spinelli, but he insisted. Moments later, Georgie entered the living room and was excited to see her father. She confessed that she wished that her father could spend the night because she wanted him to be there when she opened her Christmas presents in the morning. To Georgie's delight, Spinelli revealed that he might be staying for more than a night, but he and Maxie had to figure out if he would be a guest or a tenant. At Felicia and Georgie's urging, Maxie relented and agreed to accept Spinelli's offer of rent.

After Maxie and Georgie went to ready the guest room, Spinelli smiled victoriously. "I think she bought it, don't you?" he asked. Felicia agreed. Felicia was pleased that they had devised a scheme to help Maxie out financially without making Maxie feel as if she were accepting charity. When Maxie and Georgie returned to the living room, Georgie insisted that it would be the best Christmas ever.

At Elizabeth's house, Aiden was baking in the kitchen when Finn and Violet arrived. Elizabeth quickly realized that something was troubling Violet because she was not in the holiday spirit. Elizabeth tried to coax her out of her mood, but Violet remained subdued and asked if she could color. After Violet walked away, Finn explained that she'd been quiet all day, and he'd been unable to get her to open up. Elizabeth advised him to give Violet some time.

A short time later, Jake sat down with Violet and struck up a conversation with her about Santa. Violet remained downcast, prompting Jake to tell her that it might help if she talked about what was on her mind. "My daddy's going away," Violet said. Jake encouraged Violet to talk to Finn, so she told her father that she'd overheard his conversation with Chase the previous evening about Finn's court case. It quickly became clear that Violet feared that her father would go to jail.

Finn assured his daughter that there was no chance of that. He carefully explained that he was under investigation at work, but he promised that everything would work out. Relieved, Violet hugged her father.

In the kitchen, Aiden asked if Elizabeth was upset that Cam had gone skiing with his new girlfriend instead of spending Christmas with the family. Elizabeth conceded that it hadn't been easy, but she hadn't been surprised by Cam's decision because Cam seemed to really like the girl. She was curious if it had bothered Aiden, so he admitted that it would have been nice to see his brother. Elizabeth shifted gears and asked if Aiden felt left out because both of his brothers had girlfriends. "Actually, there's someone I like, too," Aiden said.

With a little encouragement from Elizabeth, Aiden opened up about his crush -- a boy named Tobias. Aiden explained that he and Tobias enjoyed talking about the science of baking. Elizabeth smiled, and she asked if Tobias was the same boy who had made a wind turbine for the science fair. Aiden lit up as he confirmed that Tobias had because Tobias was into renewable energy and the environment. Elizabeth confessed that Tobias had deserved first place for his project. Aiden agreed, and he hugged his mother.

Afterwards, Aiden thanked Elizabeth. Elizabeth told Aiden that she was grateful that he had trusted her enough to tell her about Tobias. "Love you," she said. Aiden told his mother that he loved her, too.

At Curtis and Portia's house, Curtis took the opportunity to tell his family about the experimental treatment that might restore his ability to walk. Trina, Stella, and Marshall were delighted for Curtis, but he admitted that he wouldn't know if he'd been accepted to the program until January. When the doorbell rang, Portia went to answer it. However, her smile froze when she saw Spencer. After Portia reluctantly invited him inside, Trina ran into his arms and hugged him.

Spencer put his presents under the tree, and he told Curtis and Portia about a broken stand of lights outside. When he admired the Christmas tree, Trina revealed that she had made some of the tree's ornaments. Portia's tension was noticeable, prompting Marshall to suggest that Spencer and Trina put on some Christmas music. After they walked away, Portia asked if Curtis had known that Spencer would be dropping by. Curtis suggested that it had slipped Trina's mind to tell them. He acknowledged that Portia was entitled to how she felt, but he wondered if she wanted to start the New Year at odds with the young man their daughter loved.

Meanwhile, Marshall stepped outside for fresh air. He was soon joined by Stella, who was concerned that he was standing outside in the cold. Marshall chuckled because she sounded just like her sister. He confessed that he had felt a bit overwhelmed because he had been blessed to spend the previous Christmas with his son and grandson, and this year, he got to do it all over again with a brand-new granddaughter. He admitted that he felt undeserving of it because of the way he had walked out on his family.

Stella urged Marshall to let it go because it was in the past, so he opened up to her about his conversation with Irene. To his surprise, she revealed that she talked to her sister all the time, and she had felt Irene's presence around her as much as she had when Irene had been alive. Marshall thanked Stella for everything that she'd done for his sons and for always having his back. He credited her with bridging the gap between him and Curtis, so Stella reminded him that he had helped her when she hadn't told Curtis that Trina might be his daughter. Marshall smiled as he pointed out that he and Stella had always been there for each other.

Stella felt bad that Marshall had lost two women he loved -- Irene and Epiphany. Marshall acknowledged that Stella had given up the man she had intended to marry to help raise Curtis and Thomas, but she assured him that she had done it out of love for her sister and nephews. When they heard Stella's favorite Christmas song playing, Marshall and Stella began to dance, but their easy camaraderie suddenly shifted to something more. After a close moment, Stella pulled out of the embrace. Marshall immediately apologized, but she brushed it off as being caught up in the music and quickly excused herself by claiming that she had left the oven on.

Outside the front of the house, Curtis and Portia were working on the broken strand of lights while Portia complained about Spencer. Moments later, Spencer walked out and offered his assistance. Portia snapped that they were good, but Curtis thanked Spencer for the offer. Spencer started checking the lights as he told both Curtis and Portia that he hoped they would have a chance to get to know each other better. Portia explained that she and Curtis just wanted Trina to be happy.

Spencer insisted that he intended to make Trina happy because he loved her, but Portia asked what Spencer knew about love. She quickly apologized, but Spencer conceded that he wouldn't have been able to answer that question until he'd met Trina. Spencer conceded that he had a way to go in order to prove himself to Curtis and Portia, but he vowed to do it because he loved Trina more than he had ever loved anyone in his life. Spencer explained that Trina made him want to be a better person, and he hoped to earn Curtis and Portia's forgiveness, respect, and trust. Just then, the strand of lights lit up.

"Let there be light," Spencer said. After Spencer went back inside, Curtis was curious if Portia had been moved by anything that Spencer had said.

Inside, Spencer joined Trina on the sofa as he admitted that Portia had been tough on him. "She'll come around," Trina assured him. Spencer was skeptical, but Trina loved him for trying. Spencer gave Trina her Christmas gift -- a set of stunning diamond earrings.

Moments later, Curtis and Portia entered the house. Portia asked if everyone was ready for their family tradition. Trina explained that every year they made a new ornament for the Christmas tree. Spencer decided that it was his cue to leave, but Portia invited him to stay because he would be in charge of the glue gun. Spencer smiled and joined the family at the table.

At Port Charles University, Dex and Josslyn prepared to head to Carly's house for Christmas Eve, but their plans changed when Josslyn saw Adam in the hallway. She asked why he was still in Port Charles instead of on the early flight home to his family, so Adam claimed that he had decided to skip the trip home. Concerned, Josslyn reminded him that the dorms were empty and the dining hall closed, but Adam assured her that he didn't mind the solitude, and he would order takeout. Josslyn wasn't satisfied, and she kept asking questions until he snapped at her that he couldn't go home.

Adam claimed that his parents would ask him a million questions about his grades and his upcoming courses, so he'd made up an excuse to skip returning home. Josslyn pointed out that Adam's lying had become a pattern, but Adam insisted that he'd panicked because he didn't want to disappoint his parents with his grades. Josslyn argued that Adam's grades were great, but he was certain that his parents wouldn't agree. "Trust me, it's better this way," Adam said.

After Adam left, Dex seemed concerned. "What was that about?" he asked. Josslyn didn't want Adam to be alone on Christmas Eve, so she decided to text message her mother. A short time later, Adam returned to Josslyn's dorm room. She explained that he was invited to spend Christmas Eve with her family. "The more, the merrier," Dex said. Adam smiled and told them that he would grab his coat and meet them outside.

At Metro Court, Valentin knocked on Anna's door. After she invited him inside, he admitted that he'd been surprised to receive her call. However, he asked her to make it quick because he was missing Christmas Eve with Charlotte. When Anna asked how Charlotte was doing, his attitude shifted. He explained that Charlotte had a long road ahead of her, and he regretted not telling Anna the truth from the start. "You owed me the truth, but I owe you the same," Anna said.

Anna filled Valentin in about Brennan and Forsyth's plot against her, and she revealed that Forsyth had set the fire at her house. Valentin was relieved that Charlotte hadn't been responsible for the fire, but he regretted not warning Anna about Charlotte. "Maybe then, none of this would have happened," he said. Anna conceded that Charlotte had been collateral damage in the conspiracy against her, but it was behind them.

Valentin questioned if that was true, so Anna reminded Valentin that Brennan was in custody and no longer a danger. However, she told him it would be best for him and his family to keep their distance because she still had enemies. Valentin reminded her that it had never stopped him before because he had enemies, too, and she had always stood by him. Valentin and Anna shared a close moment, but Anna pulled away before they kissed.

Anna admitted that being with Valentin was easy, but she couldn't forget standing in the doorway with her gun in her hand and Charlotte on the ground. Anna insisted that -- as much as she loved him -- she and Valentin couldn't move forward because Charlotte was in pain and needed her father. Valentin wondered how he was expected to let Anna go, because he didn't know where he'd be without her. Anna admitted that she had never felt more seen than when she was with him, and she was grateful for their time together.

"I've loved you my whole life," Valentin said. He confessed that he didn't know how to stop, so she suggested that they both accept that a part of them would always love the other. "If love were enough, then we'd probably be together, wouldn't we?" Anna asked. She reached for his hand and gently kissed the top of it. Valentin looked stricken as she tearfully told him that they needed to end things with as much respect and dignity as possible. Valentin hugged her tightly and confessed that he'd always known that he couldn't keep her.

At Valentin's house, Charlotte was surprised to find Kevin and Laura wrapping presents in the living room. Laura greeted her granddaughter and explained that Valentin had asked them to stop by while he stepped out, because Charlotte had been napping. Charlotte was upset her father had left because it was Christmas Eve, but Laura assured her that he would return soon. Charlotte hoped that Laura was right because Valentin had promised that they would spend Christmas together. "Since last year, he was -- away," Charlotte said.

Laura and Kevin exchanged a worried glance, but Laura smiled at Charlotte and admitted that she was glad to spend some time with her granddaughter. Charlotte cheered up, so Kevin asked for Charlotte's help curling a ribbon. Charlotte happily sat down to help wrap presents. A short time later, Kevin put the last of the presents under the tree, but Charlotte revealed that she had more in her bedroom. They decided to wrap the presents and watch Christina Comes Home for Christmas because it had been Lulu's favorite holiday movie.

After Kevin disappeared into the kitchen for snacks and Charlotte went to her bedroom, Laura pulled out her phone and looked at photos of Lulu. Laura admitted that Charlotte was growing up and needed her mother. Laura promised to get Charlotte through the difficult times, but she wished that Lulu was there to help.

Meanwhile, Charlotte fetched the presents, but a twinge of pain made her set the bag down. Charlotte walked over to her mirror and lifted her shirt to look at the scar. "My first battle wound," she said with pride. She walked over to her jewelry box and picked up a necklace with a large pendant bearing the Cassadine crest. Charlotte put the necklace on and returned to the mirror to admire it. "Anything for family," she said.

Just then, Kevin entered the bedroom. Annoyed, Charlotte asked if he had ever heard of knocking. He pointed out that the door had been open, so he had entered to ask if she wanted regular or peppermint hot chocolate. Charlotte smiled and asked for peppermint hot chocolate. When Kevin asked about the necklace, Charlotte told him that it had been bequeathed to her by her grandfather, and it had once belonged to her grandmother Helena. She claimed that she had been considering wearing it, but she had decided that it didn't have a Christmas vibe.

After Kevin left Charlotte's room, he returned to the living room and told Laura about what he had walked in on. Laura was shocked that Charlotte had been proud of her injury. She wondered if it was a coping mechanism or if Charlotte had felt victorious about breaking up Valentin and Anna. She also couldn't understand why Charlotte would take pride in owning Helena's necklace, knowing what Helena had done. Kevin suggested that Charlotte was looking for a role model of people she thought were powerful and survivors.

Kevin acknowledged that the "darker figures" in the Cassadine family, like Helena and Victor, qualified. "She may be using them as a way to cope with her trauma," he said. Stunned, Laura admitted that she had spent years worrying about Nikolas and trying to save her son from the darkness he had inherited from the Cassadines. She had never dreamed that Charlotte would have to battle the same demons. "I can't bear to lose her, too," Laura said. She insisted that they needed to find a way to get through to Charlotte.

Kristina offers to be Molly and T.J.

Kristina offers to be Molly and T.J.'s egg donor

Thursday, December 21, 2023

by Marissa PD

At the Quartermaine mansion, Olivia, Tracy, and Brook Lynn all expressed sympathy for Monica hurting her ankle slipping on the icy driveway. Willow entered the room in light-up antlers, and a horrified Tracy wondered if she was self-conscious. Lois entered and announced that she had enough antlers for everyone. Olivia and Brook Lynn put them on, but Tracy refused, prompting an argument with Olivia and Lois. Trying to leave the room, Brook Lynn wondered if Willow needed help with the kids, but Willow informed Brook Lynn that she, Michael, and the kids were about to leave for Sonny's.

"You win!" Tracy suddenly shouted, and she put the antlers on. She hoped that everyone would have a peaceful Christmas because of it. Just then, Yuri wheeled Monica in in a wheelchair. Everyone was glad to have Monica home. Tracy suggested that Lois leave while Monica was recuperating, but Monica replied that she liked having a full house, and she offered for Tracy to go elsewhere if she didn't like it. Monica privately offered for Lois to stay as long as she wanted, and she admitted that, while she enjoyed Lois' company, she also enjoyed someone "sticking it to Tracy."

Ned arrived at the stables to meet with Michael. Michael started that they were family, so he wanted a truce. As a "gesture of goodwill," he offered Ned the voting proxy for half of Michael's ELQ shares, contingent on Ned's continuing silence about Nina. Ned didn't trust it, and he wondered why Michael was doing Nina's "dirty work." Willow entered and reminded Michael that they had to go to Sonny's. He promised to be right there, and she left to get the kids ready. Michael continued that he was helping Nina for Sonny and Willow's sakes. He handed Ned an envelope, and Ned tore it open and read the contents. "I hope you know what you're doing. I wouldn't trust Nina if I were you," Ned said, and Michael left.

Tracy apologized to Olivia for the argument, and "in the spirit of Christmas," Olivia accepted. Tracy wondered if Olivia and Lois had ever "hashed out" the fact that Olivia had married Lois' former husband. Just then, Ned arrived and wondered why everyone was wearing antlers. Later, Lois told Olivia about the "nice chat" she'd had with Monica. Lois wanted to stay, but she didn't want to cramp Olivia's style. Olivia insisted that Lois stay. Ned approached with eggnog for the three of them.

Sonny and Avery discussed the present-opening process as Ava looked on. There was a knock on the door, and Nina answered it to Dante, who asked to speak to Sonny in private. In another room, Dante updated Sonny on what had happened with Anna, Brennan, and Hume the night before. Dante believed that Brennan was telling the truth about not being involved with the Metro Court shooting, which meant that the shooter was still out there. Dante had to go, so he hugged his father and left.

Ava observed that Sonny and Dante had been talking for a long time, which made her nervous, since someone was trying to set her up for Austin's murder. Nina ordered Ava to tell Sonny everything because he could help, but Ava insisted that she could handle it herself. "Handle what?" Sonny asked when he returned, and Nina told him about someone sending Ava a gun. Sonny asked for a minute with Ava, so Nina went to help Pilar and Avery in the kitchen. Ava told Sonny about all the notes and pictures she'd gotten and that she had the gun in a lockbox in her apartment. Sonny gruffly demanded that she give it to him the next day so that Brick could trace it.

Michael, Willow, Wiley, and Amelia arrived at Sonny's, and Nina happily let them in. Wiley ran off to the kitchen to help Ava and Sonny, and after warning Nina and Michael to "be nice," Willow went into another room to change Amelia. Michael informed Nina that he'd taken care of their "Ned problem," and she thanked him. He reminded her that he'd done it for Sonny and Willow. "I hope I don't live to regret it," he commented, and he walked away.

Later, Sonny, Michael, Willow, and the kids were talking about all the presents under the tree. Ava wondered what was wrong with Nina, and Nina replied that she'd had another conversation with Michael. Ava admitted that, while she'd always have Nina's back, Michael wasn't wrong to still be upset with Nina for what she'd done.

At Alexis', Kristina left a message for Blaze, wishing her a merry Christmas, and she added that she couldn't wait to see Blaze when she got back. Kristina returned to her family, and Alexis, Molly, Sam, and T.J. were talking about the surrogacy while Scout colored. A short while later, Kristina sat down with Molly and T.J., who explained that things would take longer than they'd originally thought because they had to wait for an egg donor. Kristina insisted that she was still on board. Scout approached and invited Molly to play a game with her, and T.J. and Kristina drifted over, as well. Later, Kristina took Molly and T.J. aside and suggested that she be their egg donor in addition to their surrogate.

Sam saw a brochure and liability waiver for skydiving on Alexis' table and eventually got it out of Alexis that she'd agreed to go skydiving with Gregory. Alexis was clearly nervous, so Sam suggested that Alexis use her osteoporosis as an excuse to get out of it. Dante arrived and spotted the brochure. He enthusiastically talked about how much fun he'd had doing it, which caused Alexis to run off. When she returned, Sam offered to call Gregory and put her foot down as a concerned daughter, despite the fact that it would be a "life-defining experience" that Alexis could look back on in pride. Alexis finally decided to do it, and Dante assured her that she would have the time of her life. "I hope I live to tell about it," she replied.

Sasha and Felicia marveled over how great Maxie's decorations looked. There was a knock on the door, and Maxie answered it to Cody. He handed out gifts for Maxie, Felicia, Mac, and the kids, but he said he would drop Sasha's off later, since he hadn't known she would be there. Cody asked about Mac, and Felicia revealed that he was on a top-secret "fact-finding mission" in Argentina. Maxie decided that the kids had to be up to something, since it was so quiet, so she went to check on them. Just then, Spinelli arrived with his suitcase, and he demanded to know why Cody was there.

Cody explained to a confused Felicia that he wasn't proud of it, but he hadn't been the nicest to Spinelli when Cody had first gotten to town. Cody had thought they'd worked through it while helping Sasha, but he was wrong. Spinelli stated that Christmas Eve was for family, and his family was there. Recognizing what Spinelli was saying, Cody knew that he wasn't part of the family and decided to go. He assured a concerned Sasha that the Quartermaines had invited him over, anyway, and he left. Sasha realized that she and Spinelli didn't know each other very well, but she informed him that he'd been "completely out of line." She added that, if not for Cody, she might not even be alive. She left the room to see if Maxie needed help with the kids.

Felicia assured Spinelli that he was entitled to his opinion, but Cody had also done a lot of things right. Spinelli conceded that he wouldn't forget the past, but he would be more accepting until incriminating evidence proved otherwise. He figured that Maxie would be upset that Cody had left without saying goodbye, so Spinelli left to go after Cody. When Maxie and Sasha returned, Felicia explained what was going on, and she added that she agreed that something was off with Cody. She talked about the paternity test that had proven that Cody wasn't Mac's son. As Sasha thought back to Cody's confession that he was Mac's son, Felicia said that she couldn't stop thinking about it.

Spinelli arrived at the stables and found Cody. He stated that he regretted his behavior at Maxie's, and he promised to "attempt to refrain from outbursts objecting to your presence." Spinelli extended a truce, and Cody gratefully accepted. Spinelli began to yell about what would happen if Cody ever stepped out of line, which agitated Comet directly behind him. Cody warned Spinelli, but Spinelli ignored the warning and ended up getting bitten by Comet. Cody got the first aid kit out, but Spinelli insisted that he was fine. Cody appreciated Spinelli's visit, and he promised that he would never do anything to hurt Maxie or her family. Spinelli replied that Cody's word meant nothing to him, and he warned that he would be watching Cody.

On Christmas Eve, Esme seems to remember everything

On Christmas Eve, Esme seems to remember everything

Friday, December 22, 2023

by Steve Holley

At Curtis and Portia's house, Trina thanked Portia for having included Spencer in the family's Christmas Eve plans. Portia relented as she said that she had invited Spencer in the spirit of the season. When Portia began to smile, Trina and Portia hugged.

Nearby, Curtis asked where Marshall and Stella had disappeared to earlier. Marshall and Stella both flashed back to having almost kissed earlier that day. Stella grew nervous, and she dropped a food tray onto the floor. Curtis whispered to ask if Marshall thought that Stella was behaving strangely. Marshall said that Stella was missing Irene.

Across the room, Stella told Trina stories about Irene. Stella realized that everyone was late for the hospital's annual reading of a Christmas story. As everyone prepared to leave, Stella and Marshall shared an intense look as they headed out.

At Carly's mansion, Carly and Donna wished Bobbie a merry Christmas over the phone. Afterwards, Josslyn entered with Dex and Adam. Carly welcomed Adam into her home, and she said that she was happy Adam could join them for Christmas Eve.

Adam said that he had brought a Christmas present, and he left with Dex and Donna to retrieve it. Afterwards, Carly whispered to Josslyn to ask if Adam should be with his family at Christmas. Carly mentioned Adam's fears about facing his parents, and she wondered if Josslyn was inadvertently enabling his fears.

When Dex, Adam, and Donna returned, Adam played a song for Donna on his guitar. As Carly and Donna prepared to leave for the hospital, Josslyn said that she would stay at the mansion with Dex and Adam. Afterwards, Dex agreed to step outside to find wood for the fireplace.

Josslyn said that she had an idea for a present for Adam, and she said that she had found a flight that could arrange for Adam to be home before midnight. Adam grew agitated, and he yelled that he didn't want to fly home.

Adam said that Josslyn didn't understand his situation, and he said that he had to leave. Dex returned afterwards with firewood as he caught sight of Adam leaving. "What was that about?" Dex asked. "I don't even know," Josslyn said.

At Alexis' house, Alexis surmised that something was wrong with Scout. Sam and Dante told Alexis that Scout didn't want to attend the private school that Drew had foisted on her. Sam said that Drew had "selfishly" decided that Scout would attend the school without having consulted her.

Sam added that Drew had been acting out of character. Dante suggested that Drew's behavior was part of a "new normal" for Drew. Sam said she wished that Drew was home so that they could talk about Scout together.

Nearby, Molly, T.J., and Kristina talked about Kristina's offer to be an egg donor. T.J. and Molly thanked Kristina, and they said they were grateful for the offer. After mulling it over, T.J. and Molly accepted Kristina's offer. Kristina and Molly hugged.

At the hospital, Elizabeth reassured Finn before Brook Lynn, Chase, Gregory, Leo, and Violet met them by the nurses' station. Violet ordered Chase and Brook Lynn to set a wedding date soon. Elizabeth escorted Leo and Violet to get candy canes.

Gregory asked for a moment alone with Brook Lynn as Chase and Finn left to get coffee. Afterwards, Gregory also pressured Brook Lynn and Chase to set a wedding date soon, and he cited his failing health. Brook Lynn agreed to Gregory's request.

Also at the hospital, Jordan was irate to find Cyrus wandering the halls. Cyrus said that he had forgiven Jordan for having fabricated evidence to send him to prison, and he asked Jordan for her forgiveness in kind.

Jordan had harsh words for Cyrus. "I will never forgive you. There may not be a way to prove that you ordered T.J.'s kidnapping... but one day, you'll slip up. And when you do, I'll send you right back where you belong," Jordan vowed before sarcastically wishing Cyrus a merry Christmas.

At Laura and Kevin's penthouse, Spencer answered a knock at the door from Esme, who said that she had decided to leave Ace in Spencer's care for Christmas Eve. Spencer asked where Esme planned to spend the night. Esme claimed that she needed some time alone.

As Esme stared at Laura and Kevin's Christmas tree, she flashed back to having decorated a small tree at Wyndemere the previous Christmas when she had been held captive by Nikolas. Esme said that she would pick Ace up later.

After Esme left, Spencer asked if Kevin and Laura thought that Esme had seemed "weird." Spencer found it suspicious that Esme wouldn't want to spend Christmas Eve with Ace. Just then, everyone heard a knock at the door. Laura opened the door to Cyrus, who presented Laura with a Christmas present for Ace. Cyrus left peacefully and without any confrontation or unpleasantness.

After leaving Laura and Kevin's penthouse, Esme stood outside Wyndemere. Esme used a heavy object to break into the deserted living room of the mansion. Using a flashlight while wearing a black cloak, Esme slowly began to regain more memories from her time being at Wyndemere. Soon afterwards, Esme realized that she was standing outside the door where she had been held captive.

In All Saints Chapel, Sonny was joined by Nina, Michael, Wiley, and Willow. Sonny presented a priest with an envelope that contained a generous holiday donation to the church. The priest remarked that Sonny had a beautiful family. Sonny said that his family was truly blessed.

Sonny explained to Wiley the importance of lighting candles at Christmas, and he said that it was to honor loved ones who were no longer there. "Like your Uncle Morgan," Sonny said wistfully. "And... Uncle Jason," Michael said somberly.

Sonny and Michael spoke of the tension between them over the past year and a half, and they said they hoped that things were behind them. Sonny noted that he, Michael, and Wiley still had one more candle to light. "(For) Grandpa Mike," Sonny said. Michael put his hand on Sonny's shoulder as Sonny lit a candle for Mike.

As Sonny, Michael, Willow, and Wiley prepared to leave for the hospital, Nina asked Willow to tell Sonny that she would meet him there later. Moments later, Nina lit a candle in memory of Nelle. The priest asked if Nina was okay. Nina asked if it was too late to make a confession. The priest replied that it was never too late, and he told Nina to give him a few minutes to prepare.

When Nina turned her back to head to the confessional, Cyrus quietly sneaked inside. Moments later, Nina sat in the confessional. "Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned," Nina said. Unbeknownst to Nina, Cyrus quietly sat in the other side of the confessional. Cyrus grinned widely after hearing Nina speak.

Back at the hospital, Laura, Kevin, and Spencer appeared at the same time as Sonny, Michael, and Willow. Trina entered with Portia, Stella, Marshall, and Curtis. Trina spotted Spencer and Ace. Spencer said that Trina looked fantastic, and they coddled Ace. "I thought you were gonna be at Esme's tonight," Trina realized. "Yeah, so did I," Spencer said with a trace of uncertainty in his voice.

Back at Wyndemere, Esme stood on the parapet of the castle. Esme remembered the night she had recorded Cameron and Josslyn having sex at the cabin almost two years earlier, as well as Trina and Spencer confronting Esme for framing Trina for revenge porn. Esme also remembered having caused Elizabeth to lose consciousness on the docks.

Esme continued regaining her memories as she approached the edge of the parapet, including the memory of having deliberately leaped into the frozen waters below. As the memories returned, Esme fell backward onto the ground in shock.

Moments later, Laura and Finn proceeded to give the hospital's annual reading of The Night Before Christmas. Leo, Donna, Wiley, and other children listened intently as Laura and Finn took turns reading the story.

"But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight, 'Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night,'" Laura finished. Afterwards, Port Charles residents smiled and applauded. As everyone gathered celebrated Christmas Eve night, "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing" played in the background.

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