General Hospital Recaps: The week of August 21, 2023 on GH

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Cyrus was revealed to be Austin and Mason
General Hospital Recaps: The week of August 21, 2023 on GH

Cyrus was revealed to be Austin and Mason's mystery boss. Montague demanded $50,000 from Gladys. Lucy announced that Deception was under attack. Felicia was inspired by Stella. Anna suspected that Valentin was being blackmailed. Cody asked for Sam's help. Marshall booted Selina from the Savoy.

Sonny and Valentin square off about Pikeman

Sonny and Valentin square off about Pikeman

Monday, August 21, 2023

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by Steve Holley

In the kitchen at the Quartermaine mansion, Ned told Olivia that he had been writing a song the previous night. Ned said that his musical inspiration was Elvis Presley, and he explained how much Elvis had influenced him. Olivia was touched when Ned asked if she wanted to hear the song he had been writing.

Ned left to retrieve his guitar. While she waited for Ned to return, Olivia answered a call from Monica. Monica revealed that she was still under the weather. Olivia said that she hoped Monica was taking care of herself. "It's a lot less stressful than dealing with Tracy. Is she behaving?" Monica asked. "Barely, and I wish you were here to referee," Olivia said warmly.

Monica said that she had called to check on Ned and Olivia. Monica overheard Ned say that he was ready to "serenade" Olivia. Monica said that she had hoped Ned's condition would improve. "Goodbye, Olivia. I love you. Take care," Monica said. Olivia told Monica that she loved her, too.

After the call ended, Ned sang that he felt torn between two worlds. Olivia grew emotional as Ned sang. Ned stopped, and he said that he hadn't figured out how to finish the lyrics to the song.

Olivia told Ned that the lyrics were beautiful, and she thanked him for sharing the song with her. As Ned resumed strumming, Olivia slipped out of sight nearby. Olivia put her hand to her face as she fought back tears.

At the courthouse, Robert and Diane waited for a judge to appear. As they waited, Robert and Diane chatted. Robert received a call that alerted him to the fire at Anna's house. Diane agreed to tell the judge that Robert had had to leave.

In Valentin's suite at Metro Court, Anna awoke to find that Valentin had left. Anna asked herself what had been so urgent that Martin had stopped by so late the previous night. Anna spotted Valentin's suitcase, and she picked the lock. Anna looked inside the suitcase, and she spotted the envelope with the Pikeman logo on it.

Anna heard the sound of approaching footsteps out in the hallway, and she rushed to put the suitcase away, just as Valentin entered. Anna claimed that she had lost her phone. Valentin handed the phone to Anna, who asked where Valentin had been. Valentin said that he had been at ELQ, and he mentioned the waterline break again.

Anna, who knew that there hadn't been a waterline break, was suspicious of Valentin. Valentin said that he and Anna had to prepare themselves for not having any easy answers about the shooter's identity. Anna told Valentin that she needed to shower, and a noticeable tension filled the air around them.

Valentin received a text from Sonny, who demanded a meeting as soon as possible. A short while later, Anna returned to find that Valentin had left. Anna stared at the armchair where Valentin's suitcase had been. The suitcase was nowhere in sight.

Anna had unfolded a crumpled piece of paper when she heard Robert knocking at the door. Anna opened the door, and she began to weep as she and Robert hugged. Anna sat on the bed as she recalled some of the things that had been lost forever in the fire. Robert sat next to Anna, and he put his arm around her.

Anna asked Robert to stay with her while she told Robin about the fire. Robert held Anna's hand as he agreed to her request. After the call to Robin ended, Robert told Anna that both of them were in danger. Anna said that she had to figure out who was after her. "And then piece together what's left of my life," Anna added.

Anna turned her attention back to the crumpled piece of paper that rested on the bed. "Which includes figuring out who I can and cannot trust," Anna said.

In the kitchen at Carly's mansion, Carly received a collect call from Drew at Pentonville. Drew revealed that he was no longer in solitary confinement. Carly said that Sonny had arranged for Drew to be released from solitary.

Drew recalled that he had been sent to solitary only after defending a fellow inmate. Carly was surprised when Drew said that the inmate was Cyrus. A guard appeared, and he said that Drew's phone privileges were about to expire for the day. Before the call ended, Carly promised that she would visit Drew later in the day.

After the call ended, Diane visited Carly. Carly thought that Diane had bad news to share. Diane said that her news was only personal. Diane wondered where she stood with Robert. Carly told Diane not to give up or back down.

In the library at Pentonville, Cyrus greeted Drew. Cyrus said that he would never forget that Drew had saved his life. Drew seemed skeptical, and he said that Cyrus didn't owe him anything. Cyrus referred to Drew as a friend. Drew said that he and Cyrus weren't friends. Cyrus walked away after vowing to find a way to "repay" Drew.

At Sonny's penthouse, Sonny told Betty that Avery wasn't feeling well. Betty left after Sonny handed her an envelope with cash inside. Afterwards, Dex stepped into the room from behind a wall where he had been lurking. Dex left to follow Betty.

At the Metro Court pool, Josslyn watched as Betty treated herself to breakfast with the money Sonny had handed her. Josslyn and Betty traded barbs. Dex appeared, and he kissed Josslyn in an effort to stop Betty from believing that he was following Betty. Dex and Josslyn sat across from one another on beach chairs.

Nearby, Betty texted Mason to say that she was taking the day off because Avery was sick. Betty received a call, and Dex tried to be covert as he attempted to spy on Betty's phone conversation. Betty left, and Dex rushed to follow her.

Back at Sonny's penthouse, Valentin appeared for a meeting with Sonny. Sonny asked Valentin about the message that Valentin had had Anna deliver to Sonny. Valentin said that a contact who had once worked for Pikeman had given him a heads-up that there might be personnel changes within the company.

Valentin said that he felt the information was something that Sonny needed to know. Sonny asked if there was trouble in the Pikeman organization, and he pressed Valentin for details. Valentin said that there were people in the Pikeman organization that had grown frustrated with Sonny's "lack of cooperation."

"My lack of cooperation? You know what? You can tell your friend to tell Pikeman to take their frustration and shove it! I told them months ago that I'm not going to lift a finger until they give me answers on the warehouse shooting!" Sonny thundered.

Valentin disagreed with Sonny's approach to Pikeman. Sonny grew even more agitated, and he threatened to call off his business arrangement with Pikeman. Valentin warned Sonny that Pikeman was a "ruthless organization" that had infiltrated multiple countries' institutions and governments.

Valentin tried to insist that he was only looking out for Sonny. Sonny was dismissive, despite Valentin's pleas for Sonny not to "provoke" Pikeman. Sonny screamed that he didn't need Valentin to take care of him. "Unless you know something that I should be aware of," Sonny said sharply as he gazed directly into Valentin's eyes. Valentin shook his head and said no. Sonny replied, "I didn't think so." Afterwards, Sonny told Valentin to go, and Valentin left.

Later, Dex sat behind the wheel of a dark SUV. Dex gave Sonny an update on Betty's whereabouts over the phone. Sonny said that he wanted Dex to follow someone else. "Someone we have to pay close attention to," Sonny added.

At the same time that Sonny gave orders to Dex, Valentin spoke with someone over the phone. "Okay, I tried to tell you that rushing things was a mistake. Now, we're going to pay for it," Valentin told the person.

T.J. believes that he

T.J. believes that he's met Mason before

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

by Steve Holley

In a conference room at the hospital, Finn attended an A.A. meeting. Finn told the group that he was having a difficult time processing something in his personal life -- an indirect reference to Gregory's ALS diagnosis. Finn added that he was bothered that a friend had kept the truth about Gregory's condition to herself.

Unbeknownst to Finn, Alexis had entered the room and overheard Finn. Alexis listened as Finn said that he wanted to focus on Gregory. Finn expressed regrets about not having spent more time with Gregory.

After Finn thanked those gathered for having listened to him, Finn led everyone in the Serenity Prayer. As the group dispersed, Finn stood alone in the room with Alexis, who apologized for having not told Finn about Gregory's condition. Finn blamed himself for not having noticed Gregory's symptoms.

Alexis comforted Finn, and she asked him to stop being so hard on himself. Finn recalled that he and Gregory had been estranged for many years. Alexis said there was no value in dwelling on the past, and she encouraged Finn to focus on the present. Finn said that he was lucky to have a friend like Alexis. Finn and Alexis shared a warm hug. Finn added that he was glad that Gregory could trust Alexis.

Elsewhere at the hospital, T.J. and a distinguished hospital fellow performed an examination on Gregory after Gregory told them he had been diagnosed with ALS. A doctor cautioned that Gregory should stop driving. Gregory agreed.

By the nurses' station, Elizabeth was happy to receive a surprise visit from Jake. Elizabeth paged Austin. Austin appeared, and Elizabeth explained that Jake and Wyatt had been skateboarding and that Wyatt needed to be examined after suffering an injury. Elizabeth escorted Wyatt and Jake into an exam room.

Austin diagnosed Wyatt with a sprained wrist. Jake apologized for having talked Wyatt into going skateboarding. Later, Elizabeth and Finn watched as, nearby, Gregory gave Jake and Wyatt an encouraging pep talk about enjoying life. Wyatt thanked Gregory for his kind words.

In Austin's office at the hospital, Austin received another unwanted visit from Mason. T.J. soon entered, and he was handed a patient's chart that he had gone to retrieve. Mason introduced himself to T.J. T.J. seemed suspicious of Mason, and he asked if the two men had met before.

Mason feigned that he had a familiar face, but T.J. insisted that he had seen Mason previously. T.J. thanked Austin for the file, and he left. Afterwards, Mason implied to Austin that he and T.J. had crossed paths. Mason said that it was time for the "big finale" of his plan. Mason told Austin to deliver the flash drive with the information about Pikeman to their boss.

In the showers at Pentonville, Cyrus maintained a grin as he thanked God for having granted him another day. Alone in the room, Cyrus reached into his sock and produced a knife. Cyrus proceeded to use the knife to give himself a full haircut and shave. Cyrus stared at himself in the mirror, and he smirked when he said that God worked in mysterious ways.

Also at Pentonville, Carly visited Drew. Carly and Drew said that they loved one another, and they held hands. Drew surprised Carly when he said that he had saved Cyrus' life. Carly was worried that Drew could become a target of other inmates if they thought that Drew had allied himself with Cyrus.

Just then, Carly and Drew were surprised when they saw Austin pass by. Austin was escorted by a guard to visit an inmate. "What's he doing here?" Carly wondered. Drew seemed equally puzzled.

A moment later, a guard escorted Austin into the hospital infirmary. "Here's your patient, Doctor," the guard said. Austin stared ahead. Cyrus turned, and he smiled widely at Austin. "It's so nice to see you again," a clean-shaven Cyrus told Austin.

At Kelly's Diner, Nina and Willow sat down at a table after Carly had left to visit Drew. Willow said that it was an "outrage" that Drew had been sent to prison. Willow heaped praise on Drew. Willow reasoned that she and Nina would be seeing a lot of each other, given that Sonny and Nina planned to marry.

Willow added that she didn't want things to be strained between her and Nina. Willow and Nina soon started to smile and laugh together. Ava entered. Nina thanked Willow for her conversation. Willow left to spend time with Wiley.

Nina was delighted when she shared with Ava that she felt there had been progress in Nina and Willow's relationship. Ava mentioned that Nina had tipped off the SEC over Drew and Carly having committed insider trading. Nina whispered that no one would learn that she had had Martin phone the SEC -- as long as Ava stayed quiet.

At the Port Charles Police Station, Dante told Anna that Valentin had lied about having been at ELQ when Anna's house had been set on fire. Anna asked to see Dante's proof that Valentin had never been at ELQ. Dante presented the evidence by showing Anna security footage from the ELQ parking lot on the night of the fire.

Anna acknowledged that Valentin could have lied, but she said that it didn't mean he had set her house on fire. Dante said that the person targeting Anna wanted to take away everything from her. Dante added that he felt the person was Valentin.

Anna accused Dante of having more than a professional interest in Valentin, and she adamantly denied that Valentin had changed. Dante wondered why Valentin had lied if Valentin truly hadn't changed.

Anna said she felt that Valentin's lie had something to do with Pikeman. Anna recalled that she had recently found an envelope with the Pikeman logo in Valentine's possession. Dante asked if Valentin could still be involved with Pikeman -- and if Pikeman could have been behind the attempt on Anna's life.

Anna theorized that Valentin could have been blackmailed by Pikeman. Dante suggested it was possible that Pikeman had threatened Charlotte. Dante added that he and Anna knew Valentin would do anything to protect Charlotte. Anna said that she and Dante needed to follow the truth. "No matter where it leads us," Anna added.


Austin's connection to Cyrus is revealed

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

by Elisabeth

At the Jerome Gallery, Ava was startled when she heard a noise. She grabbed a stapler to defend herself, but the intruder turned out to be Trina. Trina was equally surprised to see Ava because she had assumed that Ava was with Avery. "What's wrong with Avery?" Ava asked with alarm. Trina quickly explained that Josslyn had had an encounter with Betty, and Betty had said that Avery was sick. At the mention of Betty, Ava confessed that she might have made a mistake letting Pilar go.

Ava quickly changed the subject because she was curious how things were going with Spencer. "I don't really know. You'd have to ask Esme," Trina said. Ava empathized because she realized that it hadn't been easy for Trina to watch Spencer and Esme play house with Ace. Trina promised that she didn't blame Spencer for standing by his little brother because family was important, but Trina acknowledged that the situation with Esme bothered her. Meanwhile, Spencer arrived, and he overheard Trina and Ava talking.

Spencer quickly made his presence known, so Ava excused herself to give Spencer and Trina privacy. After Ava left, Spencer looked at the new artwork on the walls and asked Trina about the upcoming show, but she suggested that they had better things to do than talk about the exhibit. "Like what?" Spencer asked in a flirtatious tone as he wrapped his arms around Trina's waist and pulled her close. Trina linked her arms behind his neck and kissed him.

After Spencer and Trina's kiss ended, Spencer acknowledged that his living situation wasn't ideal, but he hoped it would improve once his grandmother and Kevin returned from their trip. When Spencer mentioned Trina moving back home, she confessed that her heart broke for her mother because Curtis continued to shut Portia out. Spencer pulled Trina into his arms and held her. After a few minutes, Spencer gently reminded Trina that Portia and Curtis had to work out their own problems, and all Trina could do was stand by her parents because that was what family did.

Spencer was delighted that he saw Trina smile. She credited him for reminding her that she couldn't help anyone if she was busy feeling sorry for herself. "Speaking of family, how's your little family with Esme?" Trina asked. Spencer chuckled awkwardly, and he asked what she had meant by that. Trina admitted that she was curious if Spencer intended to keep living at his grandmother's place with Esme and Ace once Laura and Kevin returned.

At Pozzulo's, Sonny and Anna exchanged greetings. Anna apologized for being in jeans, but Sonny assured her that she would look great wearing a burlap sack. He shifted gears and asked if she was hungry, because he'd been cooking for hours in the kitchen. A short time later, Sonny and Anna were seated in a booth as they each enjoyed a pasta dinner. Anna was impressed with Sonny's culinary skills, so he admitted that he was self-taught and that cooking helped him to relax.

The conversation turned to the fire at Anna's house. Anna admitted that losing her home had been harder than she would have expected, but Sonny pointed out that it had been her sanctuary. Anna explained that she hadn't been shaken by the loss of the material things, but she couldn't stop thinking about what might have happened if Robin and the kids had been visiting or if Charlotte had stopped by. Sonny reminded Anna that no one had been hurt. However, Sonny offered to have his men guard her because it was possible that the fire and the shooting at Metro Court's pool had been connected.

Anna admitted that Dante had made a similar offer, but she had turned him down. Anna assured Sonny that she appreciated his friendship, but she also treasured her privacy and her autonomy. She pointed out that having Sonny's men watching over her would make it harder for her to catch any bad guys following her. Sonny conceded that she had a point, but he assured her that the offer would remain open.

After Anna left, Ava stopped by to find out if Sonny had had any success figuring out who Mason's mystery boss was. Sonny assured Ava that he was working on it, but he asked if she had made any progress on her end. Ava promised that she had done as Sonny had asked, and Austin was confident that the flash drive would satisfy Mason's boss and secure the release of Nikolas' body. Sonny was surprised that Ava thought that Mason and Mason's boss would just hand Nikolas' body over to her and lose whatever leverage they had over Ava. Ava confessed that she wasn't sure from one day to the next if Austin was being honest or manipulative.

Ava assured Sonny that Austin had seemed to genuinely want to help her the night that Nikolas had died, but Sonny didn't care because, at the end of the day, they had to get Nikolas' body back. Sonny explained that their only hope of securing Nikolas' body was to figure out who Austin and Mason were working for. Ava was curious what Sonny planned to do when the mystery boss was found. Sonny slammed his hand on a table. "I'll deal with him," he said.

At Ferncliff, Sasha sat on her bed curled into a ball as she rocked back and forth. Nurse Janet opened the door and softly asked if Sasha was up for visitors, but Gladys pushed her way past Janet. Sasha was incoherent as she began to shake and mutter to herself. Horrified, Gladys demanded to know what was wrong with Sasha. Janet explained that Sasha was going through drug withdrawal. Gladys argued that it didn't make sense, but Janet assured Gladys that she would be surprised what an addict would do to get their hands on what they wanted.

After Janet left, Gladys sat down on the bed and managed to get through to Sasha. Sasha tearfully confessed that she didn't know what was happening to her, and she asked when Brando would get there. "Sweetheart, we lost Brando. He's not coming," Gladys said. Distraught, Sasha insisted that she needed her husband. "Everything hurts," Sasha cried. Just then, Dr. Montague entered the room.

A furious Gladys confronted the doctor. "What have you done to my daughter-in-law?" Gladys asked. She demanded that Sasha be discharged from Ferncliff immediately, but Montague argued that Sasha was a mess and in no shape to leave. "Because of you!" Gladys said in an accusatory tone. Unbothered, Montague reminded Gladys that Sasha would be sent straight to jail, but Gladys told him that she wanted it to stop. "Sure, Gladys, anything you want," Montague said in an agreeable tone.

Gladys was surprised until Montague revealed that he wanted $50,000 for his trouble. Stunned, Gladys explained that Sasha didn't have that kind of money sitting in her bank account, but Montague advised Gladys to figure it out because Sasha would not be leaving Ferncliff until he had his money.

After Gladys left, Montague looked at Sasha. He claimed to have sympathy for her because she was confused. However, Sasha had a brief moment of clarity as she suddenly recalled Gladys being there. Montague confirmed that Sasha was right, but he revealed that Gladys had needed to leave. "She went to save you, Sasha. And for your sake, you better hope she comes through," Montague said.

At the hospital, Deanna and Stella exchanged a warm hug as Deanna welcomed Stella back. Stella confessed that she intended to stick around Port Charles as long as her family needed her. A short time later, Stella picked up a file at the nurses' station and approached a young woman seated on a bench. After Stella introduced herself, she gently explained that the young woman's mother had been put on a ventilator because of a collapsed lung. Stella asked if there was anyone that the woman could call. The young woman explained that it was just her and her mother, and she introduced herself as "Joni." Stella promised to help Joni make sense of everything.

Nearby, Felicia watched at Stella talked to Joni. Deanna walked up and stopped beside Felicia. "She's pretty amazing, isn't she?" Deanna asked. "She knows exactly what to say," Felicia said with admiration. Deanna explained that Stella was the hospital's best patient advocate. "If anything ever happened to me, I'd want her in my corner," Deanna said.

Later, Felicia continued to watch as Stella shared an update with Joni. Joni was overjoyed when Stella revealed that the doctor anticipated that Joni's mother would make a full recovery. Moments later, a nurse walked up to fetch Joni because Joni's mother had been asking for her. Joni hugged and thanked Stella. After Joni and the nurse left, Felicia approached Stella and asked about Stella's job. Stella perked up when Felicia revealed that she was interested in following a similar path to help her community.

Stella explained that she was a social worker, but she assured Felicia it was not a requirement for the job. Stella admitted that it was a rewarding job, but she warned Felicia that some days were hard because not all patients recovered. A short time later, Felicia sat on a bench and filled out paperwork. She looked up and saw Deanna smiling at her.

At Metro Court's pool, Selina ran into Marshall, but he told her that he was waiting for his sister-in-law. Selina sat down, anyway, because she decided that it was a good time to revisit her offer to buy the Savoy. Marshall made it clear that the Savoy was not for sale, but Selina argued that it was time for Marshall to face reality. "Either sell the club to me or -- simply put -- the Savoy will go under," Selina said. Marshall asked if it had been a threat, but Selina pointed out that Curtis was not physically capable of running the nightclub, and Marshall was not qualified.

Marshall informed Selina that he knew about her illegal card games in the back room. He vowed that his first act as the new manager would be to shut the games down because she would no longer be welcome at the Savoy. Marshall explained that Selina's agreement with Curtis was over because she had nothing to hold over Marshall's head. Selina smiled. "You've lived long enough to know how life works. Everyone has something that can be used against them," Selina said. Selina was confident that she would find Marshall's weakness.

Marshall wasn't intimidated because he had nothing to hide. He warned Selina that he would do whatever it took to protect Curtis and Curtis' interests, which included the Savoy. He reminded her that her illegal card games were finished. "Now, this conversation is over," Marshall said. He reminded Selina that he needed her chair for his sister-in-law. "Goodbye, Miss Wu," Marshall pointedly said. Selina smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes.

After Selina left Marshall's table, she ran into Gladys. Gladys claimed that she had been looking for Selina, so Selina assumed that Gladys had a payment for her. Gladys admitted that a hold had been put on Deception's stock, but Selina wasn't interested in hearing about Gladys' problems. Selina explained that the card games were over, which meant that the books would be closed. Selina wanted the money owed her. "No more extensions. No more credit. Payment in full," Selina said.

Nearby, Stella apologized to Marshall for being late. He assured her that it wasn't necessary because her work at General Hospital was important. Stella agreed, and she told him about her talk with Felicia. Stella was certain that she had recruited a new patient advocate. "I believe I changed somebody's life today," Stella said with pride. Marshall raised his glass to her.

Across the way, Anna met up with Jordan. When Jordan asked about lunch, Anna admitted that she'd had lunch with Sonny. Jordan was surprised that Anna and Sonny were open about their friendship. Anna pointed out that she was no longer in law enforcement, so the conflict of interest was gone. "Kinda like my house," Anna said. Concerned, Jordan assured her friend that she had been monitoring Anna's case, but there was little that Jordan could do -- as vice mayor -- to help the investigation.

Anna was grateful for Jordan's support, but Anna confessed that she found it interesting that there hadn't been any leads. Jordan was curious if the arson had been connected to the shooting. Anna admitted that her theory was that the incidents were not related. Jordan was disappointed because -- even though Curtis had not been the target -- she was certain that it would help him to know who had been responsible for leaving him paralyzed.

In Pentonville's visitors' area, Drew and Carly discussed Austin's appearance at the prison. Drew had noticed Austin's medical bag, so he suggested that Austin had been checking on a patient or the visit was a form of community service. Carly admitted that she hadn't liked Austin since Austin had manipulated Chase into spying on the Quartermaine family. "I can't figure out what his deal is. Something about him I don't trust," Carly said. However, Carly quickly shifted gears because she didn't want to waste her visit by talking about Austin.

Carly explained that she was worried about Cyrus' enemies assuming that Drew and Cyrus were allies because Drew had saved Cyrus' life. Drew pointed out that it was out of his control, so Carly suggested that they focus on getting Drew out of jail. Drew reminded her that it was not possible because of his guilty plea. Carly disagreed because the sentence imposed had been unfair and wrong. She was certain there was a way to appeal it, and she wanted to hire Diane to take over Drew's case.

Drew confessed that just hoping for an early release was its own form of torture, but Carly vowed to keep fighting for Drew's release. She reminded him that Diane was the best. Eventually, Drew relented, but he warned Carly not to get her hopes up because he would likely have to serve the full three years of his sentence.

Meanwhile, Dex met with Book to pass along a message from Sonny. Dex explained that Sonny wanted Drew to be left alone. Book clarified that he'd been going after Cyrus, but Dex told Book that Sonny wasn't interested in explanations or excuses -- only compliance. Dex made it clear that even if Drew spent all of his time with Cyrus, Book was not to go near Drew. Dex suggested that Book could get on Sonny's good side by watching over Drew. "Got it," Book said.

Book assured Dex that Drew was pretty good at taking care of himself, but Dex warned Book to tread with caution because Dex intended to monitor Book. After Book left, Dex caught Carly watching him.

In the infirmary, a guard left Austin alone with Cyrus. Cyrus smiled and said it was nice to see Austin, and it was good to know that some doctors still made house calls. Austin remained professional as he quickly checked Cyrus' vitals. Austin admitted that Cyrus was a lucky man that Drew had been on hand to save Cyrus, but Cyrus credited God for putting Drew in Cyrus' path on the fateful day. Cyrus confessed that the whole experience had been enlightening in many ways.

Austin was happy for Cyrus, but Austin admitted that he was a man of science and believed in medicine. He handed a vial of pills to Cyrus as he instructed Cyrus to take the cholesterol-lowering medication daily along with a low-dose aspirin. "Really, doc? That's it? No lollipop?" Cyrus asked. Cyrus removed the cap from the prescription bottle and smiled when he saw something taped to the bottom of the cap. "God certainly works in mysterious ways," Cyrus said with satisfaction.

"I have done everything that you have asked me to do," Austin said. He insisted that it was time for Cyrus to return the favor. Austin informed Cyrus that he was done cleaning up Cyrus and Mason's messes, and he was through putting the integrity of the hospital and innocent people at risk. "I have more than paid off my debt, and I want out," Austin said. "Oh, do you now?" Cyrus asked. Austin admitted that he had hoped that Cyrus would be open to the idea because of their history.

Austin recalled Cyrus' visits throughout Austin's childhood and how it had always been like Christmas morning. "It was the only time in my childhood that I can remember that my mom stopped crying," Austin said. Austin had cherished those visits because the brief moments were the only times that he could remember that he didn't have to be perfect for his mother. Austin assured Cyrus that he was grateful for Cyrus paying for Austin's education and for always checking on him, but Austin had had enough.

Austin insisted that Cyrus and Mason had slowly roped Austin into a world that Austin had never belonged in. Austin accused Cyrus of manipulation and of twisting any love that Austin might have had for Cyrus. Austin was disgusted that he'd been forced to lie to Ava by telling her that her husband had died. "Who does that?" Austin asked. Austin admitted that Ava deserved to know that Nikolas was alive and that Austin had saved his life.

"We're even now," Austin said. "Go in peace," Cyrus replied. Austin was surprised, but he asked what Cyrus intended to do with the information that Austin had given him. "I'll do what I should have been doing all along. God's work," Cyrus said. After Austin left, Cyrus looked at the prescription bottle and smiled.

Meanwhile, Austin walked through the visitors' area, unaware that both Carly and Dex had seen him.

Cody turns to Sam for help

Cody turns to Sam for help

Thursday, August 24, 2023

by Steve Holley

At Kelly's Diner, Sonny asked if Carly had seen Austin with anyone when she had visited Drew at Pentonville. Sonny said that he didn't trust Austin. Carly agreed with Sonny, and she added that Ava was a "magnet for trouble." Sonny said that he wasn't interested in Ava's love life.

Sonny asked how Drew had been confined to solitary. Carly shared that Drew had been defending Cyrus. Carly said that she and Sonny had to "get Drew out of prison" because she feared Cyrus' enemies would line up to retaliate against Drew. Sonny assured Carly that no one would bother Drew.

Carly realized that Sonny had ordered Dex to tell an inmate to leave Drew alone. Carly asked about Dex. Sonny said that Dex was smart and that Dex wouldn't allow anything to happen to Josslyn. Sonny asked Carly to let him know if she learned anything else about Austin. "He gets under my skin, and I'm gonna find out why," Sonny said of Austin.

In Portia's office at the hospital, Ava brought iced coffee to Portia. Ava asked if there was anything she could do for Portia. Portia asked Ava to tell her how Trina was handling everything. Ava shared that she was happy that Trina had Spencer. Ava noted that Trina had "lit up" when Trina had seen Spencer earlier. "I think you should give Spencer a chance -- for Trina's sake," Ava told Portia.

Portia claimed that she would only interfere in Spencer and Trina's relationship if Spencer wasn't making Trina happy. Ava shifted the conversation to Curtis. Portia said she didn't know where she stood with Curtis. Portia shared that Curtis had shut her out. Ava said that Curtis needed Portia, even if he couldn't admit it.

At the Jerome Gallery, Spencer told Trina that he wasn't sure where he would be living once Laura returned home. Spencer said that he wished he could give Trina a straightforward answer, but Trina said that there wasn't one. Spencer said that he didn't want Ace to feel the same abandonment that Spencer had felt from Nikolas.

Spencer recalled that when he'd been eight years old, his best friend had been his chauffeur. Spencer added that all he had wanted had been to be part of a "real family." Trina expressed empathy for Spencer. Spencer accused Nikolas of having abandoned Spencer and Ace, and he said that he wished he knew where Nikolas was.

Spencer added that part of him wanted to believe that Nikolas had been forced to leave Port Charles. "Maybe he was," Trina said. When Spencer insisted otherwise, Trina asked why Spencer always believed the worst in Nikolas. Trina said that she didn't buy Spencer's assessments of Nikolas, and she recalled that Spencer had also shared happy stories from his childhood with her.

Spencer smiled warmly at Trina, and he asked how she always managed to talk him off a ledge. The two held hands, and they started to laugh together. Spencer said that Trina was right, and he admitted that he loved Nikolas. "And what if something bad did happen to him?" Spencer asked Trina.

Trina said that Spencer had to hope that nothing bad had happened to Nikolas, and she told him to wait for Laura to return with answers. Spencer wanted to help Trina hang some paintings ahead of a scheduled showing that was planned for later that night. Trina grew excited as she started to tell Spencer about what her job at the gallery entailed. Spencer received a text from Esme, who asked if Spencer would be home for dinner.

Spencer said that he would rather spend time with Trina. Just then, Portia surprised Trina with a visit, and her face froze when she saw Spencer with Trina. Portia centered the topic of conversation around Spencer's living situation with Esme and Ace. Spencer left to allow Trina to spend time with Portia.

Portia told Trina that she hadn't been able to make it out of the parking lot when she had gone to visit Curtis. Portia broke down when she said that Curtis had pushed her away. Trina reasoned that Curtis needed space and that he would eventually welcome Portia back into his life. Portia said that she didn't know what to do about Curtis. Trina said there were no easy answers, and she and Portia hugged.

At a rehab facility, a physical therapist named Brent complimented Curtis for having made strides. Jordan appeared, and she and Brent introduced themselves to one another. Jordan complimented Brent for the work he was doing to help Curtis. Brent thanked Jordan, and he stepped away momentarily.

Jordan proceeded to tell Curtis about the fire at Anna's townhouse, and she added that it had been the work of an arsonist. Curtis said that he had a theory, and he posited that perhaps both the arsonist and the shooter at the Metro Court pool had only been trying to send a message.

Jordan left, and a short while later, Brent told Curtis that Jordan was an attractive woman. Brent asked if Jordan was single. Curtis said that Jordan's personal life wasn't Curtis' business, but he added that Jordan was a great person.

Soon afterwards, a middle-aged man with prosthetic legs entered the facility. Curtis stared at the man and said that he admired him for his determination. The man approached Curtis, and he encouraged Curtis to live his life to the fullest.

At the Deception office, Lucy told Maxie that someone was out to bring down Deception. Gladys burst in, and she demanded that she be allowed to sell Sasha's stock in Deception. Lucy said that no one could sell their stock because the company was being sued for intellectual property theft. Maxie added that someone was claiming that Deception had stolen the idea for the Deceptor.

Gladys demanded to know who was suing Deception. Maxie said that no one in the room knew who had filed the lawsuit. Gladys continued to insist that the freeze on Sasha's assets be lifted, and she yelled that she needed "the damn money." Lucy, Brook Lynn, and Maxie all stared suspiciously at Gladys. Lucy warned Gladys to calm down. Maxie firmly added that Gladys had no choice but to be patient.

At Sam and Dante's penthouse, Dante asked Sam to check on Cody at the Quartermaine estate. Dante said that Cody was trying to convince people that Cody was crazy in an effort to be committed to Ferncliff in order to check on Sasha. Dante shared that he had spoken to Mac about Cody.

Dante shared that Mac had sympathized with Cody and that Mac had once broken into a mental facility to try to help Dominique many years earlier. "My concern is that this guy is gonna get in there, and he's not going to be able to get out," Dante said about Cody.

Sam left to visit Cody. A short while later, Valentin stopped by the penthouse to pick up Charlotte. While Valentin waited for Charlotte, Dante referenced the fire at Anna's townhouse, and he said that the timing of the fire had been suspicious. Dante mentioned Valentin's false claim about having been at ELQ when the fire had started.

Before Dante could press Valentin on the lie, Charlotte greeted Valentin with a hug. Charlotte told Valentin that it was hard to see her friends being picked up from school by their mothers. Charlotte recalled that Dante had recently taken her to visit Lulu, and she said that she was sad that there was no change in Lulu's condition.

In an effort to cheer Charlotte up, Valentin said that he would take her to lunch. Charlotte ran upstairs momentarily. Valentin then asked Dante to let him know the next time Dante planned to visit Lulu. Valentin added that visiting Lulu was upsetting to Charlotte. Dante said that he would never ask for Valentin's permission to bring Charlotte to see Lulu. Charlotte returned, and she and Valentin left. Afterwards, Dante seemed more suspicious of Valentin than before.

In the stables at the Quartermaine estate, Cody feigned outrage and hostility toward Mac. Mac said that he knew Cody had a good heart because of Dominique. As Mac fondly recalled Dominique, Cody said that Dominique had sounded like Sasha. Mac noted that Dominique, like Sasha, had also spent time in a mental institution.

Mac said that he had to look out for Cody because he had once thought that Cody was his son. Mac pleaded for Cody to let Mac help him. Just then, Sam entered. Cody pretended to be angry that Sam had stopped by, and he stormed off. Mac told Sam that he was worried about Cody. Sam promised to keep Mac apprised if Cody needed anything. Cody returned after Mac had left, and he yelled at Sam.

Sam ordered Cody to "drop the act," and she demanded that he tell her what was going on. "You can't con a con. I know a play when I see one," Sam noted. "Then help me pull it off," Cody said. Cody worked to enlist Sam's help in getting him committed to Ferncliff. "Yeah, no way," Sam said as she chuckled.

Sonny and Nina have a romantic date

Sonny and Nina have a romantic date

Friday, August 25, 2023

by Steve Holley

At the Metro Court pool, Molly introduced Alexis to Andrea, a surrogate. Kristina had been walking nearby, and she left after seeing the three together. Andrea said that there was no better joy than being a mom. After Andrea left, Alexis told Molly that she liked Andrea. Alexis said that Molly and T.J. would be fantastic parents.

At the hospital, Elizabeth was excited to see Willow. Willow said that she wanted to return to work, and she asked if Elizabeth had room for another nurse. Elizabeth said that she would need Willow's doctors' approval. Elizabeth and Willow were excited about the possibility of Willow returning to work.

Gregory entered, and he asked if he could speak to Elizabeth in private. On a bench nearby, Gregory told Elizabeth that he had ALS. Elizabeth said that she was sorry to hear about Gregory's diagnosis. Gregory told Elizabeth that Finn would need her. Gregory said that he had less dread about what was next for him, given that Finn would have Elizabeth to comfort him. Elizabeth vowed that she would do everything to support the entire Chase family. Gregory grew emotional when he said that he was going to die. "But there are still good days ahead, and I'm going to help you enjoy them," Elizabeth said empathetically before she and Gregory hugged.

Elsewhere at the hospital, Kristina was happy to see Willow out and about. Willow said that she was "almost fully recovered" from having stage four cancer three months earlier. Willow asked if Kristina was okay. Kristina said that she wasn't in the right head space for a scheduled meeting with Terry. Willow encouraged Kristina to open up to her.

Kristina told Willow about Molly having rejected Kristina as a surrogate. Willow said that babies were "great bridge-builders" and that a baby would soothe the wounds between Molly and Kristina. Kristina mentioned Nina, and she said that Nina was a good person who Sonny adored. Kristina added that she hoped Willow and Nina's relationship would only improve. "I like the sound of that," Willow said cheerfully.

At the Quartermaine mansion, Tracy and Finn played backgammon. Tracy recalled that she'd recently had dinner with Gregory at Metro Court. Finn asked how bad the dinner had been. "Actually, the food was much improved now that Carly Spencer is no longer running the show," Tracy quipped.

Finn surprised Tracy when he brought up Luke. Tracy grew sentimental, and she said that she found it impossible to believe that Luke was dead. Just then, Tracy was startled when Brook Lynn entered the room in a fury. Brook Lynn cleared the table, and the backgammon board crashed to the floor. Finn left.

Brook Lynn confronted Tracy for having targeted Lucy and Maxie at Deception. Tracy said that she was working for another company that had invented the product that Deception was marketing as the Deceptor. Brook Lynn yelled that Tracy had changed and that Luke's death had hardened Tracy's heart.

Brook Lynn worried that Deception would be vulnerable to bankruptcy or a hostile takeover. "That's the plan," Tracy told a surprised Brook Lynn. Brook Lynn accused Tracy of having set out to ruin people's lives. "No wonder my dad woke up as someone else. He didn't want to be your kid," Brook Lynn told Tracy before leaving.

In the stables at the Quartermaine estate, Cody asked Sam to be his power of attorney so that Sam could commit Cody to Ferncliff. Sam called it a bad idea, and she added that she wouldn't do anything to make Sasha's situation worse. Cody pleaded with Sam to hear him out.

Cody said that the only reason that Sasha was at Ferncliff was because Gladys wanted Sasha's assets. Cody added that Gladys was a gambling addict who had incurred a large debt. After an emotional plea from Cody, Sam agreed to help. "Okay, I'll do it. I'll have you committed," Sam said.

At the Crimson office, Nina was delighted to receive a surprise visit from Sonny. Sonny and Nina shared a warm hug, and he presented her with a jewelry box. Nina opened the box to find a necklace inside. Sonny placed the necklace around Nina's neck.

Nina recalled that she had felt excluded when Sonny had shut her out a few nights earlier after she had found him with Ava. Sonny took Nina by the hand, and he said that the reason he didn't let Nina in on things was because it would put her at risk.

Nina said that she knew what she had been getting into when she had fallen in love with Sonny. Nina and Sonny said that they loved one another. The two sat down to dinner after Nina ordered room service. Sonny and Nina talked about setting a wedding date. Nina spoke about having a winter wedding. Sonny said that he liked the idea.

Nina said that the reason she wanted to wait until winter was to make sure that Willow was fully recovered. Nina added that she hoped Willow would be part of the wedding. Sonny encouraged Nina to keep a positive thought about Willow. Sonny added that he was happy that he and Michael were on better terms.

Sonny said that things were looking up for him and Nina. The two kissed before Sonny received a call from Brick. Sonny left after Nina encouraged him to take the call. "What's the update? "Sonny asked Brick as Nina stared at Sonny.

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