General Hospital Recaps: The week of July 17, 2023 on GH

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Lucy and Felicia didn
General Hospital Recaps: The week of July 17, 2023 on GH

Lucy and Felicia didn't leave Pine Valley empty-handed. Sonny's suspicions about Austin were aroused. Sasha was arrested for stabbing Cody and sent to Ferncliff. Heather hinted that Esme had had a hand in the deaths of Esme's adoptive parents. Curtis woke up but was horrified to discover that he was paralyzed. Carly paid Drew a visit. Taggert turned to alcohol to ease his troubles.

Tracy pleads with Ned to return home

Tracy pleads with Ned to return home

Monday, July 17, 2023

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by Steve Holley

At a restaurant in Pine Valley, Felicia joined Lucy, who prepared to meet Jackson Montgomery for dinner. Jack appeared, and he asked if Felicia wanted to join him and Lucy for dinner. Lucy quickly dismissed Felicia.

Felicia left, and Lucy and Jack joined each other at a table. Jack surprised Lucy when he said that he had friends in Port Charles. Jack mentioned his friendship with Anna, and he said that he knew who Lucy was and why she had gone to Pine Valley.

Jack marveled that he was with the "infamous Lucy Coe" of Deception. Jack added that he had been married to Erica Kane, who had owned Enchantment Cosmetics. Jack recalled that he and Erica had divorced years earlier and that Erica had been divested from Enchantment for a "long, long time."

Lucy said that she hadn't gone to Pine Valley on work business. Jack received an alert on his phone, and he said that he would have to cut dinner short. Lucy rubbed her foot against Jack's leg, and she tried to talk him out of leaving. "I just feel like something a little sweet, and it would definitely be worth your while," Lucy cooed.

Jack agreed to stay, and he joked that Lucy was "bad." Lucy noticed that the restaurant advertised hummingbird cake on its menu. Jack said that he didn't like hummingbird cake. Lucy gave a vivid description of the cake, and she gave Jack a recipe that she claimed had been her aunt's. Jack guessed that a secret ingredient used in the recipe was bourbon. Lucy asked how Jack had known.

Elsewhere in Pine Valley, Felicia broke into Jack's office. Felicia spotted a safe, and she managed to open it. Felicia reached inside, and she spotted a file titled Maquillage. "Let's see what Martin has been hiding," Felicia said.

Felicia spotted something in the file, and she exclaimed that she had found the "jackpot." Just then, a security guard ordered Felicia to put her hands up. Felicia turned, and she spotted the guard with Jack and Lucy. Lucy had been placed in handcuffs.

At Anna's house, Dante tried to talk Anna out of her plan to lure the shooter out into the open. Sonny said he believed Anna's plan was the only way to take down the shooter. Anna said that she wouldn't be talked out of her plan.

Sonny told Anna to let him know if she needed anything, and he left to meet Nina. Afterwards, Anna asked why Dante was fighting her plan. Dante said that he cared about Anna. Dante added that if Anna insisted on carrying out her plan, he would help her.

Anna said that no one told her how to run an operation, but Dante was adamant that Anna needed backup. Anna was leery to accept Dante's help, and she noted that it had taken Dante a long time to recover from his PTSD years earlier. Dante admitted that Anna was right, but he remained adamant that he help her.

Anna admitted that it would be good to have Dante's experience on her side, but she said she still had reservations about his offer. Dante threatened to tell Robert and Mac about Anna's plan. Anna asked if Dante was blackmailing her. Dante admitted that he was, but he said that it was out of "concern."

Dante added that he knew Robert and Mac wouldn't want Anna to act on her own. "So, what do you say? Partners?" Dante asked. "Yeah. Partners," Anna agreed, and she smiled at Dante.

At the Port Charles Grill, Nina joined Ava for martinis. Ava told Nina that she had had sex with Austin. Nina asked Ava for details. Just then, Austin appeared, and he awkwardly joined Ava and Nina at their table. Nina said she needed to use the ladies' room. Afterwards, Austin told Ava that he had heard from Mason.

Austin said that Mason wanted a woman named Betty Rutherford to pose as a nanny and to spy on Sonny. Ava tried to protest, but Austin shared that Mason had warned him about what to say in case Ava refused. "He said to tell you that Ryan's Bar is a wonderful place," Austin said.

Ava sighed as she realized that Mason was threatening her mother, Delia Ryan. Austin called Mason's actions a "real low blow," but he said that he and Ava should play along with the hope that things would be over soon.

Sonny entered, and he spotted Ava and Austin at a table. Austin asked if Sonny wanted to join them, but he quickly realized that Sonny had no interest. Ava mentioned Pillar, and she said that she wanted to hire her own nanny to take care of Avery. "That's not going to work for me," Sonny said firmly.

Sonny added that he would have to personally approve of whoever was in Avery's life. Ava said that she agreed to Sonny's demand. Sonny and Nina left together. Outside, Sonny stared in at Ava and Austin. Sonny asked what Nina knew about Austin. Nina recalled that Austin had helped save Maxie and Bailey and that he had also found Avery in the park.

Sonny asked when Ava and Austin had started seeing one another. Nina asked why Sonny cared. Sonny said that he would have to get to know Austin better, if Austin was going to be around Avery.

At the Quartermaine mansion, Tracy and Brook Lynn heard loud noises in the living room. The two found Olivia throwing things and yelling about Ned. Olivia cried as she lamented how much she needed and missed Ned.

Olivia was taken aback when Cody told Olivia that Leo had fallen during a ride with Comet. Tracy said that Comet was dangerous, and she quipped that someone should "give a call to the good people at Elmer's."

Tracy scolded Leo for riding Comet. Leo shot back that Tracy couldn't tell him what to do because she wasn't his dad. Olivia left the room to tend to Leo. Afterwards, Tracy bemoaned that Ned was "off busking" as Eddie Maine. Cody asked if there was anything he could do. "No, because, as usual, there's only one person who can put things to right: me," Tracy exclaimed, and she left.

In Rice Plaza, Ned strummed his guitar as Eddie Maine. Nearby, Chase told Gregory that he had agreed to watch Ned for Brook Lynn. Gregory recalled that Brook Lynn had seemed tense the previous night. Chase blamed Tracy. Gregory called Tracy a "harpy."

Chase thought that Gregory's tone and use of the word "harpy" was excessive, and he admitted that Tracy had used her connections to get Chase reinstated to the police force. Chase and Gregory were interrupted by a young man in a beanie cap and a flannel shirt. The man introduced himself as Seth Krueger, and he ordered Chase to arrest Ned for performing in Seth's "territory."

Ned and Seth started to argue when Tracy interrupted them. Tracy yelled that things had gone on long enough, and she said that she was putting a stop to them. Ned snapped that Tracy wasn't his mother and that he wasn't her son. Tracy noted that Eddie Maine was a "fake name to go with a fake life" that Ned had created.

Tracy recalled Ned's life as a Quartermaine, and she told Ned to "fake it." Ned said that Tracy was asking him to be someone he wasn't. Tracy gave an impassioned speech in which she implored Ned to rejoin his family.

"You are my son! My annoying, stubborn, smart, beautiful boy. And if you don't remember that, I can get you the help that you need. And until then, allow me to fill in the gaps. You have a wife who loves you. You have a daughter who needs you.

"And you have a little boy who got hurt today, because he was acting out because he misses you so much! Look at me! You have a wonderful life. Just come back to it. Please, come back to it!" Tracy pleaded

"I'm sorry. I can't," Ned said softly, and he walked away. Afterwards, Tracy spotted Gregory, and she asked what he wanted. Gregory said that he wanted to talk to Tracy about how she had meddled in Chase's life. Tracy rolled her eyes.

Sometime later, back at the Quartermaine mansion, Cody tried to reassure Olivia that she was doing everything right as it pertained to Leo. Olivia said that she was finished throwing a pity party, and she announced that she would make dinner. Olivia, Brook Lynn, and Cody turned, and they were surprised when Ned entered the mansion with Chase.

Lucy and Felicia receive welcome news

Lucy and Felicia receive welcome news

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

by Steve Holley

In Rice Plaza, Tracy said she had "less than zero interest" in anything Gregory had to say to her. Gregory surprised Tracy when he thanked her for having helped with Chase's reinstatement to the Port Charles Police Department.

Gregory mentioned Ned, and he said that Tracy had done her best for Ned. Tracy reiterated that she wasn't interested in anything Gregory had to say. "You can abandon your son. Go ahead. But I'm not going to abandon mine," Tracy yelled.

Gregory yelled that Tracy didn't have a right to judge him, and he added that Tracy didn't even know him. Gregory said he had only tried to help Tracy. Tracy recalled that Finn had gone years without speaking to Gregory. Gregory grew upset, and he started to leave. Before he could leave, Gregory's hands started to shake, and he fumbled his keys. Gregory tried to pick up his keys, but his hand couldn't grip them.

Alexis appeared, and she took Gregory by the hand to help and comfort him. Gregory was grateful that Alexis had found him. Tracy asked what had just happened. Alexis said that she was helping a friend and that no one deserved to face Tracy alone. "What nerve," Tracy scoffed to herself.

At a park bench nearby, Alexis asked if Gregory would be okay to drive home. Gregory insisted that he was fine, but Alexis asked if Gregory would mind if she joined him. Alexis then joined Gregory on the bench.

At the Quartermaine mansion, Ned told Olivia, Brook Lynn, and Cody that he didn't intend to move back in. Olivia said that she didn't want Ned to keep dropping in and out of Leo's life. Cody asked to speak to Olivia in private. Out in the foyer, Cody offered to give up his room above the stables to Ned. Olivia graciously thanked Cody, and she said that he was a good man.

On the patio outside the mansion, Chase assured Brook Lynn that they were fine after Chase had learned of Tracy's role in Chase's reinstatement. Chase said that his and Brook Lynn's differences were what made them a good team, and he added that he didn't want Brook Lynn to feel that he was constantly judging her. Chase and Brook Lynn said they loved one another, and the two kissed.

Back in the living room, Leo spotted Ned, and he raced down the stairs to greet him. A jubilant Leo exclaimed that his dad was home. Leo asked Ned a question about an octopus. Ned didn't have the answer Leo wanted. Leo said that Ned wasn't really his father, and he asked who Ned was. Ned said that he was Eddie Maine.

Leo began to call Ned "Eddie." Ned was gentle with Leo, who asked what things "Eddie" liked. Ned replied that he liked music, and he picked up his guitar. Ned played a brief guitar solo. Leo suggested that "Eddie" play the guitar until Leo's dad returned. Olivia told Leo that it was time for bed. Leo asked if Ned would stay. Ned shared that he was staying with Sonny, and he thanked Leo for having spent time with him.

After Leo left the room, Olivia offered the room above the stables to Ned. Ned said that he would continue to stay with Sonny because he wanted to live his life. A tearful Olivia said that she wanted her husband back. Chase offered to drive Ned back to Sonny's, and the two left. Brook Lynn and Cody put their arms around Olivia, who had started to sob.

Tracy appeared, and she was baffled as to why Olivia had allowed Ned to leave the mansion. Olivia said that she couldn't keep Ned a prisoner. Tracy quipped that Olivia lacked imagination. Olivia grew frustrated, and she left the room.

Afterwards, Brook Lynn said that she would no longer be a spy for Tracy at Deception. Tracy threatened to tell Chase that Brook Lynn had committed corporate espionage. Brook Lynn said that Tracy couldn't go to the police without incriminating herself.

"If you take me down, I will take you down with me. Face it: you need to find another way to get info on Deception," Brook Lynn said. Tracy poured herself a drink. "Good thing I have one," Tracy beamed after Brook Lynn left the room.

At Sam and Dante's apartment, Alexis was worried about Kristina and Molly's latest argument. Dante entered, and he surmised that he had walked in on something after Alexis left abruptly. Dante asked about Sam's day. Sam told Dante about her suspicions that Cody was mixed up with Selina and her organization.

Sam added that Mac knew about Selina's illegal poker room at the Savoy. Sam said that Selina's people had likely been the ones that had had Cody beaten not long after he'd first arrived in Port Charles the previous summer. Sam added that it was troubling to think that Cody had grown even more connected to Selina since then. Dante wondered what Cody was up to.

Dante expressed his surprise that Mac had shared police business with Sam. Sam shared that she didn't think Mac wanted Cody to be arrested as part of the police's sting operation. Dante agreed that Mac didn't want Cody to take the fall with Selina. Sam recalled that Mac had said he cared about Cody because of Dominique.

Sam felt that Mac had been disappointed when the paternity test had revealed that Mac wasn't Cody's father. Sam added that she believed Mac had tipped her off about the police investigation into Selina in an effort to have Sam try to dissuade Cody from appearing in Selina's poker games. Sam wondered if she should do what Mac had asked -- warn Cody before it was too late.

At Anna's house, Anna opened her door to Mac, who shared that he was worried about Felicia. Just then, Anna received a call from Felicia in Pine Valley. Felicia tried to hide that she and Lucy had been detained. Lucy spoke up while on speakerphone, and she pleaded with Felicia to tell Mac the truth.

Anna was surprised to hear Jack's voice, and the two old friends exchanged a warm greeting. Jack said that, years earlier, he'd had a client that had tried to divulge a recipe for hummingbird cake to the Little Debbie corporation for mass production. Anna guessed correctly that the husband of Jack's former client had been Martin.

Jack said that he had connected Lucy to Martin by using Lucy's references to the cake. Anna apologized that Jack had been caught in Lucy and Felicia's shenanigans, but she asked him to see his way into not pressing charges. Anna told Jack that she would forever be in his debt if Jack agreed to her request.

A short time later, Jack told an officer to remove the cuffs from Lucy and Felicia, and he announced that he wouldn't press charges. Lucy and Felicia thanked Jack, who shared that he knew that love could make people do crazy things. Jack warmly bade Lucy and Felicia a good night, and he wished them both well.

Outside Jack's office, Felicia shared that she had found who was responsible for depositing $50,000 into Martin's bank account each month. Felicia revealed that a shell corporation was responsible for the payments. Lucy realized that Martin was receiving monthly alimony payments. Felicia nodded in agreement.

Back inside Jack's office, Jack placed a call to someone. Jack told the person that someone had been in his office to ask questions about Martin and Maquillage.

Gladys sets Sasha up for disaster

Gladys sets Sasha up for disaster

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

by Elisabeth

At Sonny's penthouse, Kristina thanked her father for reaching out to her because she needed some advice. "I applied for the wrong building permit," Kristina said. She admitted that she felt as if the foundation had been ripped from under her because no one had bothered to let her know that she was in violation of the law. Sonny assured Kristina that no one expected her to be perfect. "You're learning on the job," Sonny said.

Sonny offered to make some phone calls, but Kristina insisted that it was her mistake to fix. She was grateful for her father's support, but her mood quickly soured when he mentioned that Alexis had talked to him. Sonny rushed to assure Kristina that Alexis hadn't betrayed her confidence, but Alexis had been worried. Kristina complained that no one trusted her to make decisions about her own life, so Sonny asked his daughter what was going on. Kristina explained that she'd had an idea to help Molly and T.J., but Sam and Alexis had shot her down and accused her of not having any idea what she would be getting herself into. Sonny asked if they'd been wrong.

"No, but I would have figured it out," Kristina said. Sonny wanted more details, but she claimed it didn't matter because Molly had rejected the idea. Sonny suggested that Kristina have a talk with her sister, but she argued that it wouldn't change anything. "To Molly and T.J., it's like doctor and lawyer versus the college dropout," Kristina said. Kristina claimed that her mother and sisters thought that she was irresponsible, self-serving, and fundamentally untrustworthy.

Sonny assured his daughter that she was wrong about her mother and sisters, but he advised Kristina to figure out why she was so determined to help Molly. He reminded Kristina that her reasons for starting the foundation had changed because it had started out as a desire to make a difference in Port Charles, then transitioned to taking charge of a project of her own and the freedom of flexibility, and finally to having a creative outlet. "It wasn't totally self-sacrificing" Sonny said. He realized that her heart was in the right place, but he urged her to figure things out and have a talk with Molly because their relationship was too important.

Grateful, Kristina thanked Sonny. He walked her to the door, and they hugged. Kristina admitted that she sometimes felt alone, but he assured her that she wasn't.

Meanwhile, Molly stopped by Sam's place to vent to her sister. Molly was upset because Kristina had shown up at the hospital and made everything harder than it had needed to be. "Kristina has decided she's going to be the surrogate for T.J. and my baby," Molly said. Molly's mood didn't improve when Sam told her about Alexis' visit after leaving the hospital. Sam explained that she and Alexis had had no idea that Molly had overheard Kristina at the Savoy, and she promised that they had tried to talk Kristina out of approaching Molly with the idea.

Molly revealed that T.J. had been furious, but Sam explained that Kristina had only wanted to help. Molly was curious if Sam would have made the offer. "No," Sam admitted. Molly smiled with satisfaction because Sam understood that Molly and T.J.'s fertility issues were a private matter. "It's our problem to figure out, not hers," Molly said. To Sam's surprise, Molly confessed that she didn't know if her relationship with Kristina would ever be the same. Molly explained that she had always made allowances for Kristina, and she had been careful not to let her own achievements overshadow Kristina to spare Kristina from feeling "less than."

Molly resented that she was dealing with something potentially life-changing, but Kristina had made it all about Kristina by making everyone tiptoe around Kristina's feelings. Sam admitted that she had never thought of it that way, but Molly insisted that Kristina always made it about herself. Sam suggested that Molly's anger was about more than Kristina because Molly had described a family dynamic that seemed to have bothered Molly for a while. Sam suspected that Molly resented being taken for granted while Sam and Alexis focused their attention on Kristina. "Any chance that's what's making you so upset?" Sam asked.

Molly clarified that her issue was with Kristina because Kristina believed that solving Molly and T.J.'s problem would make everyone grateful to Kristina for being the savior. "And once again, Kristina is the center of attention," Molly said. Sam promised that Kristina's focus had been to help Molly and T.J. become parents. Sam conceded that it had been an impulsive idea, but Kristina's intentions had been good. Molly was hurt that Sam would take Kristina's side, but Sam confessed that she was surprised that all of Molly's anger was directed at Kristina.

Molly explained that having a baby was not a big deal to Kristina, but Molly wanted one and couldn't have one. "But she can. In what world is that fair?" Molly asked. Sam hugged Molly. Molly admitted that Kristina was clueless how the news had impacted her, so Sam asked if Molly had talked to Kristina about it. Molly revealed that she had tried, but the topic had made Kristina uncomfortable, so Kristina had talked about the foundation. Molly decided that she and Kristina needed some time apart, but Kristina chose that moment to stop by Sam's place.

At Kelly's, Taggert looked at a photograph of him and Trina. He quickly put his phone away when Trina arrived for breakfast. She warned him that she couldn't stay long because she had to get back to the hospital. Taggert assured her that he knew it was important for Trina to be at the hospital, but he insisted that she needed to eat. Trina admitted that she felt guilty being away from the hospital because her mother and Curtis needed her support. Taggert offered Trina words of encouragement, so Trina opened up about her frustrations.

Trina admitted that since returning from her ordeal in Greenland, she had put all of her energy into figuring out her relationship with Curtis, and since receiving the DNA results, she and Taggert hadn't been connecting as they once had. She reminded him that they had promised that nothing would change. "And I just think we need to be honest. We're struggling with this, aren't we?" Trina asked. Taggert acknowledged that he'd been holding back because he hadn't wanted to be a burden, so Trina assured him that it was not what she wanted. Trina explained that she was trying to figure out who she was, so Taggert suggested that Curtis might be able to help her.

Taggert assured Trina that Curtis would pull through. She hoped that he was right because she wanted an opportunity to get to know Curtis. Trina glanced at her phone and announced that she had to get back to the hospital. "I love you, Dad," Trina said. After she gave him a hug and left, Taggert's expression turned troubled. He sat down, looked around, and pulled a small flask from his pocket. He quickly poured the contents of the flask into his coffee and took a drink.

At the hospital, Portia sat at Curtis' beside and implored her husband to wake up because everyone was waiting for him. She assured Curtis that he was loved and missed. Moments later, she looked up and saw Spencer standing in the doorway. She coldly informed him that Trina was having breakfast with Taggert, so Spencer apologized for intruding, and he left. Portia turned back to Curtis until Marshall arrived. She told him about Spencer's visit, and he revealed that Spencer was in the waiting room.

Portia excused herself and went to talk to Spencer. He offered to leave, but Portia admitted that she had something to say to him. Spencer claimed that he had kept his distance because he wanted to respect Trina's boundaries, but Portia suspected the real reason for Spencer's absence was his "extremely complicated" home life. Portia said it was one thing to live with Esme when Laura and Kevin had been around to supervise, but Spencer quickly clarified that he was only at his grandmother's to help take care of his brother.

Portia told Spencer that he was lucky that Trina was patient and supportive because Trina always saw the best in people. Spencer agreed, but he promised that - regardless of what happened with Ace -- he would never hurt Trina because she was the best thing to ever happen to him. Portia wondered if the same was true for Trina. Spencer advised Portia to ask Trina, but he assured her that he was not the worst thing. "Really?" Portia asked. She reminded him that the worst moments in Trina's life had one common denominator.

"They all happened because of you," Portia said. Portia pointed out that Spencer had brought Esme to town. Spencer agreed, but he insisted that he and Trina had worked past it. Portia reminded Spencer that Trina had ended up in Greenland because of Spencer, and that it was Curtis -- not Spencer -- who had saved Trina. Spencer acknowledged that Portia was right, but he argued that Trina had stood by his side.

"And I think that we're good for each other," Spencer said. Portia disagreed because Spencer had moved in with the woman who had caused Trina endless pain. "I don't think that you make Trina happy at all," Portia said. Spencer explained that he couldn't turn his back on his brother. Portia understood Spencer's concern for his brother, but she argued that -- if he truly cared about Trina -- he would spare Trina from having to continually see Esme. "Wouldn't the selfless, mature thing to do be to just let Trina go?" Portia asked.

Before Spencer could reply, Trina walked up and happily greeted Spencer. Trina seemed unaware of the tension between her mother and Spencer.

Meanwhile, Marshall noticed that Curtis' fingers were moving. He ran into the hallway and called for Portia and Trina. Portia and Trina ran into Curtis' hospital room while Spencer watched from the hallway. Moments later, Curtis' eyes fluttered open.

At the Invader, Esme was in Alexis' office, digging through two file boxes. She froze when Alexis suddenly appeared in the doorway. "What are you doing?" Alexis asked. Esme claimed that she'd been returning the boxes to Alexis' office, but one had fallen. "I was not asking you for an excuse. I was asking you for an explanation," Alexis said. Esme insisted that she had been trying to be proactive, but Alexis asked if that was why she had caught Esme combing through Alexis' boxes.

Esme claimed that she wouldn't have looked if she hadn't noticed that the files had been about her. Esme asked if Alexis had been researching her, but Alexis reminded Esme that she didn't owe Esme any explanations. Alexis informed Esme that it didn't matter if Esme's interest had been piqued; it hadn't given Esme the right to rummage through the boxes. However, Alexis revealed that a reporter had approached her about doing a retrospective on Heather Webber and Ryan Chamberlain's reign of terror, so the boxes had been research for a potential article.

Horrified, Esme begged Alexis not to run the story on Esme's parents. Esme thought that Alexis -- a Cassadine -- would know what it was like to do nothing wrong yet be judged by her relatives. Offended, Alexis told Esme that the comparison was inappropriate, false, and "really irritating." Alexis explained that she was a Cassadine, and her family was complicated, but Alexis had worked hard to confront her past and establish herself as her own person. Alexis insisted that she was not defined by the Cassadines.

"But you -- on the other hand -- you claim that you don't remember your past," Alexis said. "I don't," Esme replied. "Which doesn't mean that you don't have one. You do," Alexis said. Alexis pointed out that Esme had done nothing to earn a clean slate, so a story about Heather and Ryan frightened Esme. Alexis admitted that she tried hard to be civil to Esme, but she didn't trust her. "And nor does anyone else," Alexis said.

Alexis advised Esme to take a really hard look at herself and her past, and to face what Esme had done. Alexis explained that Esme might not remember the past, but Esme couldn't pretend it hadn't happened because it would eventually find Esme. Moments later, Alexis' phone rang, so she told Esme to leave. When Alexis turned her back, Esme snatched a piece of paper out of one of the boxes and shoved it down her shirt. "Esme? Why are you still here?" Alexis asked in an irritated tone.

After Esme left the office, she pulled out the paper. It was a copy of an Invader article about Heather being moved to Pentonville.

At Metro Court's pool, Sasha, Gladys, and Maxie walked over to a table. Maxie explained that she had spoken to a good friend and reporter from Crimson, who had agreed to do an interview with Sasha about the incident at Logan's. Maxie assured Sasha that Elyse was sympathetic and loved a good sob story. Maxie quickly assured Sasha that Sasha was not a sob story. "Nope. I'm just a thief," Sasha said. Maxie disagreed, but she conceded that Sasha had had a couple of rough years. Maxie reminded Sasha that the interview would give Sasha an opportunity to tell her side of the story.

"I like it," Gladys said. Maxie immediately had second thoughts about the interview, since the blind piece hadn't mentioned the name of the model who had shoplifted at Logan's. Gladys argued that she trusted Sasha's instinct to get ahead of the story. Resigned, Maxie promised to be right by Sasha's side during the interview. Gladys' smile vanished when she noticed a shirtless Cody make himself comfortable on a lounge chair. Gladys feared that Cody would be a distraction, so Maxie decided to deal with Cody herself.

After Maxie walked away, Gladys feigned concern for Sasha. She asked if Sasha had taken her medication. Grateful for the reminder, Sasha reached into her purse for her pills. After Sasha took the medication, Gladys began to undermine her by questioning if the interview had been a wise decision. "What do I know about publicity?" Gladys asked. Before Sasha could pull out her phone and cancel the interview, Elyse walked up and introduced herself.

Nearby, Maxie greeted Cody. She cut to the chase, told him about the interview, and warned him not to cause any trouble for Sasha. Cody promised not to interfere, but he questioned if it was a good idea for Sasha to talk to a reporter. Maxie defended Sasha's decision, but she quickly excused herself when she saw Elyse. Before Maxie walked away, she asked Cody to put on a shirt.

At the table, Sasha was nervous as Elyse sat down. "Don't mind Sasha. She's just a little out of practice," Gladys said. Elyse offered to push back the interview, but Sasha assured the reporter that she was ready. "I'm an open book," Sasha said. Luckily for Sasha, Maxie returned to the table and quickly took charge. Maxie told Elyse that Deception and Logan's had had an agreement, but Sasha had been out of the loop, and it had resulted in a misunderstanding. "So, actually, this whole thing is just some big nonstory," Maxie said.

Elyse admitted that she had hoped that Sasha would speak for herself because readers were interested in knowing how Sasha had managed to keep going despite all the challenges that she had faced. Sasha credited the support of her friends and family for getting her through the troubling times.

Meanwhile, Gladys decided to stir up trouble by confronting Cody. She marched over to his lounge chair, where he was reading a magazine. "Beat it, Cody," Gladys said. She claimed that Sasha didn't need to be distracted, but Cody refused to leave. Cody was curious when Sasha had gone from being well to being troubled.

At the table, Elyse asked Sasha about her relationship with Cyrus Renault, but Maxie cut off that line of questioning because it was the past. Sasha became distracted when she noticed the heated argument between Gladys and Cody. As she watched, Sasha began to hallucinate that Cody was Cyrus. Maxie noticed that something seemed wrong with Sasha, so she asked if Sasha was okay. Sasha blinked, and the vision of Cyrus vanished.

Sasha brushed it off, but both Maxie and Elyse looked at Sasha with concern. Sasha's glance strayed back to Gladys and Cody as Gladys began to poke Cody in the chest. Once again, Sasha hallucinated that Gladys was in an argument with Cyrus. Sasha jumped out of her seat when she saw Cyrus smile menacingly at her. Seconds later, Sasha raced over to the bar and grabbed a knife.

Meanwhile, the argument between Cody and Gladys turned violent when Gladys began to shove Cody. Cody warned Gladys not to touch him, but she ignored him. Cody grabbed Gladys' wrist. Seconds later, Sasha ran up behind Cody and stabbed him in the side. Stunned, Cody touched his side and looked at his bloody hand. "Sasha -- why?" Cody asked. Sasha seemed lost in her hallucination as Cody collapsed.

Sasha is horrified by her actions

Sasha is horrified by her actions

Thursday, July 20, 2023

by Steve Holley

At the Port Charles Grill, Nina and Sonny met Ava and Austin for a double date. Austin quickly surmised that Sonny didn't trust him. Sonny said that his only concern was for Avery. Nina said that she and Sonny would love an opportunity to get to know Austin.

A middle-aged man named Gordon appeared, and he said that he had once been a patient of Austin's. Ava chastised the man for interrupting, but Austin agreed to speak to the man in private. Sonny found it strange that Austin had received a visitor. Sonny stood up, and he said that he would be back.

Outside the restaurant, Gordon told Austin that Mason owed him money. Gordon started to yell at Austin. Gordon grabbed Austin, and he threatened to break Austin's arm. Just then, Sonny appeared. "You break him... I break you," Sonny threatened.

Gordon apologized to Austin and Sonny, and he left. Afterwards, Austin tried to downplay Gordon's threats. Back inside the restaurant, Nina said that she was glad she and Sonny had agreed to the double date with Ava and Austin.

Just then, Sonny had a flashback in which it was revealed that he had overheard Gordon tell Austin that Austin and Mason were working together. "Yeah, I feel like I know a lot more about you now, Austin," Sonny said.

At Pentonville, Esme was greeted in the prison lobby by Cyrus. Cyrus surprised Esme when he said that her child was a part of his family. Esme thought that Cyrus was a Cassadine, but Cyrus clarified that he was Laura's brother.

Cyrus said that having Laura as a sister made Ace his family. Esme and Cyrus were surprised when Heather appeared. "Never say that name again, Renault. I'm all the family that my daughter and my grandson need," Heather said adamantly.

After Cyrus left, Esme said that she had gone to see Heather for information about why Heather had abandoned her years earlier. Heather said that she had left Esme because of the mistakes Heather had already made when Esme had been born.

Esme protested that she was nothing like Heather. Heather said that Esme had only gone to Pentonville because she had realized how much she and Heather had in common. Esme said that Ace would never know Heather.

Heather startled Esme when she asked how Esme's "fairytale ending" would happen once Spencer learned what had happened to Esme's adoptive parents. Esme recalled that her adoptive parents had died in an accident. Heather blithely replied that "accidents happen." Esme asked if she had been responsible for her adoptive parents' deaths.

Esme said that Heather had merely tried to get in her head, and she stood up to leave. Before Esme left, Heather said that people in Port Charles didn't forget or forgive. Heather added that she loved and accepted Esme for who she was.

At the Metro Court pool, Sasha wielded a knife, and she ordered everyone to stay away from her. Sasha continued to hallucinate that she was seeing Cyrus instead of Cody, and she stabbed Cody a second time. Maxie pleaded with Sasha to drop the knife. Sasha panicked when she realized she had stabbed Cody and not Cyrus.

Nearby, someone was making a video of the incident and Sasha's reaction to it. Sasha started to sob, and she asked what was wrong with her. Gladys claimed that she would help Sasha "fix everything." Detective Bennett appeared, and he said that Sasha would be charged with assault with a deadly weapon.

Maxie told Bennett that Sasha had been taking antidepressants. Maxie recalled Sasha's recent hardships, including Brando's death. Bennett said that Sasha would need a psychiatric evaluation. The police escorted Sasha to the hospital.

At Sam and Dante's apartment, Sam ordered Kristina and Molly to clear the air. Sam said that the three of them would always love one another because they were sisters. Kristina said that she had only wanted to help Molly and T.J. Molly admitted that she might have overreacted to Kristina's offer to be a surrogate.

Sam received a call from Maxie about Sasha and Cody, and she rushed to the hospital. After Sam left, Kristina said that Molly should know better than to think Kristina would ever try to "play hero" to Molly. Molly said that Kristina had a big heart, and she added that the kids at Kristina's shelter were lucky to have Kristina.

Kristina credited Molly for always having her life together. Kristina added that she had only hoped to help Molly for a change. Molly said that all she needed was Kristina as a big sister. Kristina agreed not to make assumptions about Molly in the future. Molly promised to lean on Kristina more often.

In a hospital room, Sam visited Cody. Sam was surprised to learn that Sasha had called out Cyrus' name when she had stabbed Cody. Cody told Sam about Sasha having recently been accused of shoplifting. Cody wanted to leave to check on Sasha, but Sam ordered Cody to stay in bed and take care of himself. Outside Cody's room, Sam and Cody caught sight of Sasha, who was handcuffed to a wheelchair.

At the hospital, Trina fretted about Curtis. A nurse appeared, and she said that Curtis was no longer on a ventilator. Portia told Trina and Marshall to visit Curtis first.

In Curtis' room, Curtis said that he didn't remember what had happened to him. Marshall told Curtis to rest and to not ask questions, but Curtis told Marshall that he had been with Thomas and Irene. Marshall was touched by Curtis' "dream."

Curtis said that his vision had felt more realistic than a dream. Marshall's voice broke when he noted that Curtis had returned to his family. Curtis said he had returned for the same reason Marshall had. "I came back for my child," Curtis said.

Portia rushed in, and she was relieved to see Curtis awake. A doctor said that he needed to do some routine tests on Curtis. The doctor used a paperclip and asked Curtis to respond whenever Curtis felt a sensation.

As the doctor ran the paperclip down Curtis' leg, Curtis remained motionless. T.J. asked what Curtis felt. "I don't feel anything. I can't feel anything," Curtis said. T.J. and Portia looked at one another with concern.

In the hospital lobby, Trina saw Spencer, and she thanked him for waiting for her. Trina said that she had seen Spencer and Portia having a conversation earlier. Trina asked what Spencer and Portia had talked about. Spencer flashed back to Portia having harped at him. Spencer said that he and Portia had talked about putting family first. Trina and Spencer walked arm in arm together.

Spencer said that he felt he continued to disappoint Trina, and he asked if he made Trina's life better or worse. Before Trina could answer, Spencer received a call from Esme, who asked if Spencer remembered anything about Esme's adoptive parents. "I'm not doing this with you right now," Spencer said firmly, and he hung up.

Trina asked if everything was okay with Spencer. Spencer said that he only cared if he and Trina were okay. Trina admitted that things hadn't been easy for either her or Spencer. "Maybe things will be a little easier for us for a while," Trina hoped. Spencer put his arms around Trina, and he vowed that they would face everything together.

Sasha is remanded to Ferncliff

Sasha is remanded to Ferncliff

Friday, July 21, 2023

by Steve Holley

At Pentonville, Drew was excited to receive a visit from Carly. Carly surmised that something was wrong with Drew. Drew told Carly about his run-in with Cyrus. Carly thought that Drew should tell the guards about Cyrus. Drew said that Sonny was providing him with protection.

Carly was grateful for Sonny's actions. Drew lashed out about the heavy fine levied against Carly by the SEC. Carly said that she had "resources," and she said that she was open to selling her mansion. Drew tried to discourage Carly, to no avail.

Carly mentioned Curtis' shooting, and she said that no one knew who the shooter was. Carly added that the police didn't believe that Curtis had been the shooter's target. Carly promised to keep Drew updated on the police investigation. A guard appeared, and he said that Drew and Carly's time was up. Carly and Drew said they loved one another, and Carly stood up to leave.

At the Metro Court pool, Josslyn blamed Sonny for Curtis' shooting. Dex said that he had never loved anyone as much as he loved Josslyn. Dex and Josslyn made out in public, and the two rubbed lotion on one another. Dex received a call from Sonny, who said that he needed Dex's help with surveillance on Austin.

After Dex left, Josslyn received a call from someone. "Who's this? Excuse me? What are you talking about?" Josslyn asked the person.

At the Port Charles Grill, Sonny proposed a toast to "protecting our own." Austin didn't raise his glass, and Sonny asked if Austin had a problem with the toast. Ava and Nina noticed the tension between Austin and Sonny.

Austin received a call, and he stepped outside to answer it. When Austin was away, Nina told Ava that she didn't see Ava and Austin as a couple. Nina asked Sonny what had happened earlier when Sonny had followed Austin outside. Sonny said vaguely that he was sure Austin's "patient" had "understood the situation."

After Austin returned, Sonny received a call from Gladys about Sasha. Sonny agreed to leave for the hospital, and Nina said that she would go with Sonny. Afterwards, Ava said that she and Austin had "diverted disaster." Austin said he didn't know if Sonny liked him or hated him.

Ava and Austin disagreed over whether they were lovers. Ava accused Austin of having an inflated ego. Austin put his hand on Ava's leg. Ava responded by playfully clutching a knife. Ava and Austin started to laugh.

Austin asked what Ava believed Sonny's feelings about him were. Ava said that she thought Austin had convinced Sonny that he was safe to spend time around Avery. Austin said he felt that Sonny was onto them. Unbeknownst to either Ava or Austin, Dex stared at the pair from a table nearby.

At the hospital, Curtis panicked when he couldn't feel his legs. T.J. and Portia tried to calm Curtis, who yelled for both to stop talking down to him. Dr. Barnstall told Curtis how close the bullet had been to Curtis' spine, and he said that there were more tests the hospital needed to run.

T.J. received a page, and he left the room. Portia held Curtis' hand as she sought to reassure him. Portia instructed Curtis to rest, but Curtis said he had something to tell Portia. Curtis recalled that Sam had reminded him that people never had enough time with their loved ones. Portia grew emotional, and she said that she had to check on a patient. Portia promised to return soon.

After Portia left, Curtis tried to move his legs, to no avail. Nearby, Barnstall gave T.J. bad news about Curtis. T.J. screamed. Portia entered, and she started to sob when she realized T.J. had received bad news from Barnstall.

Later, Portia reentered Curtis' room. Portia tried to hide her pain when Curtis said that he would walk again. Curtis mentioned dancing with Portia, whose voice broke. Portia told Curtis through tears that none of the doctors believed he would ever walk again.

Portia noted that doctors had been wrong before. Curtis interrupted Portia when she said that Curtis could live a normal life. Curtis said that he needed some time alone. Portia said she understood, and she left the room with tears in her eyes. Outside Curtis' room, Portia and T.J. both had tears in their eyes.

Also at the hospital, Diane told Robert that she was representing Sasha in Martin's absence. Robert surprised Diane when he said that he'd received a call from Maxie asking him to look out for Sasha. Robert and Diane appeared outside Sasha's room. Gladys ordered Robert and Diane to leave. Gladys tried to threaten Diane, who warned Gladys to never threaten her.

In an exam room, Dr. Montague lied to Sasha when he said that Sasha had taken more pills than he had prescribed. Montague flashed a creepy smile, and he injected Sasha with a syringe. Montague set his phone to record his conversation with Sasha, and he asked her what had happened at the pool.

Sasha said that she was certain she had seen Cyrus. As Sasha spoke, Diane entered, and she spotted the recording device. Diane ordered Montague to turn off the device. Montague told Diane to leave, but Diane stood her ground. Diane told Sasha to trust her and to not say another word. Montague gloated that Sasha had already told him everything.

Outside Sasha's room, Sonny and Nina asked Gladys what had made Sasha stab Cody. Sonny recalled having told Sasha that he felt she was ready to end her guardianship, and he demanded that Gladys tell him what had changed.

Diane and Robert stepped out of the exam room. Diane announced that Sasha would have to go to Ferncliff. Diane promised that she would fight for Sasha "tooth and nail." Before Sasha was escorted out in a wheelchair, Sonny told Sasha that she wasn't alone. After Sasha left, Sonny looked concerned.

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