General Hospital Recaps: The week of July 10, 2023 on GH

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Curtis was shot and rushed into surgery. Sasha began to spiral. Felicia and Lucy met Jackson Montgomery.
General Hospital Recaps: The week of July 10, 2023 on GH

Curtis was shot and rushed into surgery. Sasha began to spiral. Selina caught Cody intentionally losing card games. Felicia and Lucy took a trip to Pine Valley and met legal eagle Jackson Montgomery. Brook Lynn confessed to Chase. Finn and Elizabeth were honest about their feelings. Mac caught Sam spying on Cody.

Curtis is shot at the pool

Curtis is shot at the pool

Monday, July 10, 2023

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by Steve Holley

At the Savoy, Kristina surprised Alexis and Sam when she offered to be a surrogate for Molly and T.J. Kristina told Alexis and Sam that she was in excellent health, and she surmised she was in a "perfect position" to help carry a baby to term. Alexis said she thought that Kristina was getting ahead of herself.

Alexis noted that only months earlier, Molly hadn't even been sure she'd wanted children. Kristina disagreed, and she wondered if Molly might have less time than Molly thought. Kristina wanted to put forth the idea of surrogacy to Molly and T.J. Alexis and Sam cautioned Kristina to think about it first.

Kristina admitted that she hadn't thought things through and that she had been focused on trying to help Molly. Kristina agreed that surrogacy wasn't something she should do on impulse, and she said that it had been a good thing she had only blurted out the idea to Alexis and Sam instead of Molly and T.J.

Unbeknownst to Kristina, Molly had overheard Kristina say that she wanted to be a surrogate. Molly accused Kristina of "throwing it in her face" that Kristina had a healthy uterus when Molly didn't. Molly whined that even the worst thing that had ever happened to her would turn into "the Kristina show."

T.J. agreed with Molly, and he claimed that Kristina, "almost like clockwork," had a "crisis to refocus the family's attention on her" whenever Molly achieved something. T.J. compared Kristina to Jan Brady, and he claimed Kristina had "classic middle-child syndrome" and only wanted attention.

T.J. admitted that he had dreamed of Molly carrying their child, and he said that he would like for the two of them to still have children. Molly said she still wanted to have kids, too, and she begrudgingly admitted that Kristina might be their best choice.

At the Metro Court pool, Dante yelled for everyone to get down as shots were fired into the pool. Sonny and Anna hunkered down together behind the bar. Nearby, Portia panicked when she realized that Curtis had been shot in the back. Finn and Elizabeth examined Curtis. Finn confirmed that the entry wound was in Curtis' back.

Behind the bar, Sonny shouted that he was ending things. Sonny stood up, and he looked upward in the direction of the shooter. "Come on!" Sonny yelled.

Curtis was loaded onto a stretcher that Finn and paramedics helped push away. Portia wanted to ride with Curtis, and she joined him in the ambulance. Afterwards, Dante and Chase said that they had seen the direction the shot had rung out from. Anna and Sonny recalled having heard three shots.

Nearby, Dante thanked Elizabeth and Finn for their help. Elizabeth said that if Curtis survived, Finn would be the main reason Curtis lived. Finn claimed that he couldn't have helped Curtis without Elizabeth. The two left together for the park, where Elizabeth was shaking and acting traumatized by the shooting.

A short while later, Dante told Sonny and Anna that one of them had been the target of the shooter. Chase spoke to Dante in private, and he said that only one room on the eleventh floor -- where the shot had rung out from -- with a pool view had been unoccupied. Dante and Chase left to investigate the room.

Sonny and Anna stayed behind. Anna agreed that Sonny had been the target of the ambush, based on where the bullets had struck. "Have there been any other incidents lately? Is someone trying to kill you?" Anna asked Sonny.

Sonny admitted that he had been experiencing "friction" with a new business associate. Anna offered to have Sonny confide in her, but Sonny noted that someone had recently spray-painted the word "murderer" on the door of Anna's house. Anna asked if Sonny thought the shots weren't aimed at him. "Those bullets... were meant for me?" Anna asked.

Upstairs in a deserted Metro Court suite, Dante and Chase entered the room where the shooter had been. Dante looked behind a sofa, and he spotted a high-powered rifle. Chase called for a forensics team to investigate the rifle found in the suite. Dante said that the gun they had found had been a "ghost gun," and he added that he and Chase wouldn't find anything from the gun.

Chase noted that the shooter had been a pro. "Yeah, maybe a pro, but to tell you the truth, this also feels like it could be an intelligence op," Dante told a surprised Chase.

In the park, Josslyn admitted to Trina that she had handled her breakup with Cameron "poorly." Josslyn claimed that Spencer's reactions to Dex were because Spencer was "intimidated" by Dex. Trina agreed with Josslyn, who mentioned that Spencer was taking a new approach with Esme.

Josslyn recalled that Bobbie had mentioned that Spencer had agreed to a parenting class with Esme at the hospital. Dex appeared, and he brought drinks for Josslyn and Trina. Dex and Josslyn kissed in front of Trina. Trina started to leave, but Josslyn protested that Trina should stay because Josslyn wanted her boyfriend and her best friend to be with her.

Dex's phone rang, and he learned about the shooting at the pool. Afterwards, Dex told Josslyn and Trina about the shooting, and he added that Curtis had been shot.

At the hospital, Curtis was wheeled into a trauma room on a stretcher. Jordan and Zeke appeared, and they asked if Portia had any updates on Curtis. At the same time, Portia received a call from Trina, whose voice broke as she asked if Curtis was okay. Portia shared that Curtis was alive and fighting. Portia wondered how Trina had known that Curtis had been shot.

Back in the park, Josslyn told Dex that Trina needed Spencer. Josslyn pulled out her phone, and she said she had an idea where Spencer was.

Later, Trina rushed into the hospital to hug Portia. Josslyn and Dex had followed Trina to the hospital, and they offered to help if Portia needed anything. Josslyn asked Dex to stay with Trina, and she said that she would be back in a minute.

Nearby, Spencer and Esme had taken a parenting class for Ace. The two had compared notes during the class, and an instructor had complimented Spencer and Esme on having identical answers to the same questions. The instructor quipped that Spencer and Esme made a good team.

As the class ended, Spencer and Esme shared a laugh, and Esme complimented Spencer for being a good brother to Ace. Just then, Josslyn entered, and she spotted Esme with her hand on Spencer's shoulder.

Back in the lobby, Jordan told Zeke that she had to hold a press conference about the shooting. Jordan agreed to let Zeke escort her out, and the two left the hospital together.

Afterwards, a doctor joined Portia and Trina in the lobby, and he said that Curtis would require surgery to remove the bullet in his back. The doctor added that Curtis' surgery was "complicated" because the bullet was lodged near Curtis' spine.

Sonny and Anna discuss their past

Sonny and Anna discuss their past

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

by Steve Holley

In the park, Elizabeth and Finn talked about Curtis' shooting and about witnessing death in their line of work. Finn used Curtis' shooting to say that life was too short and that no one should waste time. Elizabeth said that after Curtis had been shot, all she'd wanted was to be with Finn.

Elizabeth recalled her children learning to swim, and she quipped that it took a lot of courage to "jump in" a second time. Finn asked if Elizabeth was ready to "take the plunge again," and he smiled from ear to ear when Elizabeth asked the same question.

Finn jumped at the chance to get together with Elizabeth, and the two kissed. Finn asked if Elizabeth had plans for the next night. She didn't, and the two agreed to a date.

At the Metro Court pool, Anna believed that she or Sonny had been the intended target of the bullet that had struck Curtis. Anna said that her past had caught up to her. Nina appeared, and she learned about Curtis' shooting from Sonny.

Nina was taken aback, and she wondered who would want to shoot Curtis. Sonny said that Curtis had been in the wrong place at the wrong time. Nina asked if someone had tried to kill Sonny, and she mentioned the prospect of someone "finishing what they had started."

Sonny said there was no way to know who had been the target. Anna offered that it was just as likely that the shooter was someone from her past. Sonny received a call from Dex at the hospital, and he shared an update on Curtis. After Sonny hung up, he gave Anna and Nina an update on Curtis' condition. Nina left for the hospital after Sonny ordered Frank to escort her.

Afterwards, Anna recalled Nina's comment about someone "finishing what they'd started" with Sonny. Sonny said that he and Anna had a rule about not asking one another who might be targeting them. Anna asked if the life that Sonny had chosen had been worth it, and she said that every moment the two had chosen had brought them to the same conclusion: that they always had to watch their backs.

Sonny asked if Anna would do things differently if she could turn back time. Anna she said she wasn't sure, and she posed the same question to Sonny. Sonny said it wasn't his nature to second-guess himself, and he recalled creating a new life for himself when he had been in Nixon Falls.

Sonny added that he still carried a piece of "Mike from Nixon Falls" with him but that, at the end of the day, he was still Sonny. "It's the life I chose, or the life that chose me. Either way, it's my life, and I'm okay with it," Sonny reasoned.

Before Anna left, she told Sonny to take care.

At the hospital, Josslyn interrupted Spencer and Esme to tell Spencer about Curtis' shooting. Spencer ran out of the room in search of Trina. Afterwards, Josslyn yelled at Esme, and she claimed that it was on behalf of Trina. Josslyn said that she was "onto" Esme, and she screamed that Esme had a "debt" to pay her.

Josslyn demanded that Esme turn herself in to the police, and she huffed that when someone hurt her the way that Esme had, people paid for it. Josslyn then did a 180 and claimed that she was only there to "protect" Trina. Esme said that she wasn't the "old Esme." Josslyn threw Ryan and Heather in Esme's face, and she asked "which psychopath" Esme had inherited her personality from.

Just as Esme started to defend herself, Dex appeared with an update on Curtis. Esme asked Dex to tell Trina that she was sending good thoughts to Trina and Curtis. After Esme left, Josslyn claimed she'd caught a glimpse of "the real Esme." Josslyn said that the "jealous, spiteful Esme" was still inside Esme.

By the nurses' station, Portia sought to assure Trina that Curtis would be okay. Portia told a doctor that she had Curtis' family's blessing to give orders on Curtis' behalf. After the doctor left, Trina and Portia admitted they were afraid.

Spencer found Trina, and the two put their arms around one another in front of Portia. Curtis' body appeared on a hospital gurney, and a team of doctors and nurses announced that they were bringing Curtis upstairs to an operating room. After the doctors and nurses left, Trina buried her head in Spencer's arms.

Spencer and Trina sat down in the lobby nearby. Spencer said that both Trina and Curtis were survivors, and he recalled their time together on the Haunted Star.

Nearby, Stella and Marshall appeared. Stella sobbed when she said she hadn't had the chance to tell Curtis how much he had meant to her. Stella then went to Trina, and she ordered Trina to think good thoughts about Trina's father.

Nearby, Nina stepped off the elevator, and she rushed to hug Portia. Nina said that Curtis was a fighter. Stella and Trina grew impatient with the lack of update on Curtis. Portia snapped at Spencer when he offered to help get information by using his family's name, so Spencer resumed holding Trina.

Esme appeared, and she used the words "Spencer and I" repeatedly in front of Trina. Esme finally left, but she looked back over her shoulder as Spencer held Trina closely. Trina told Spencer that she wished she had Stella's faith. "You might not have the same faith in God that she does, but you can, at the very least, trust that I'm not going anywhere," Spencer said warmly to Trina.

Trina smiled, and she hugged Spencer, who run his hand through Trina's hair.

Lucy and Felicia travel to Pine Valley and meet Jackson Montgomery

Lucy and Felicia travel to Pine Valley and meet Jackson Montgomery

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

by Elisabeth

At Metro Court, Anna used a keycard to access the suite that the sniper had used. Moments later, Anna ducked behind the door when she heard someone slide a keycard into the door's lock. When a man entered the suite, Anna used the element of surprise to punch him in the face and knock him to the ground. She was shocked when she realized that the intruder was Martin. Martin rubbed his chin as he grumbled that she packed a ridiculously big punch for "a little thing," but Anna demanded to know what he was doing there.

Martin confessed that Valentin had heard about Anna's trouble, and he had asked Martin to check on her. Martin revealed that he'd been on his way to Anna's place when he had spotted her in the hotel's lobby. Stunned, Anna realized that she hadn't noticed that Martin had followed her. He assured her that she hadn't lost her edge, but he was curious why she was in the suite. Anna explained that she had hoped to use her expertise to find something that the police might have missed.

Martin reminded Anna that Valentin would not want Anna to put herself at risk. At the mention of Valentin, Martin confessed that he missed his friend because he needed a confidant. Concerned, Anna asked if she could help. Martin realized that Anna might be able to offer some insight into Lucy. Anna clarified that she and Lucy were not close, but Martin opened up to Anna about the sudden "chill" between him and Lucy. As Martin talked, Anna realized that he had a mistaken impression about Lucy's view of marriage.

Anna assured Martin that -- despite what Lucy had said -- Lucy was definitely interested in marriage because Lucy was a hopeless romantic. Martin was adamant that Lucy's view of marriage had changed. "And yet, here we are dissecting your relationship," Anna said. Martin argued that it didn't make sense that Lucy would want to stick her head in the "lion's mouth," knowing Martin's terrible track record with marriage. Anna warned Martin that the chill would continue because Lucy wouldn't be able to ignore that Martin had been willing to marry his ex-wives, but he refused to marry Lucy.

Anna urged Martin to be honest with Lucy -- and himself -- about his fears and the real reason that he didn't want to get married. Martin feigned ignorance, but Anna wasn't fooled. She reminded him that his wealthy third ex-wife had been paying him $50,000 in alimony each month, but the payments would end if he remarried. "You can either marry Lucy or you can ride the gravy train, but you can't do both," Anna said. She was certain that Martin had already decided which path to take.

In Pine Valley, Pennsylvania, Lucy and Felicia stood outside the Law Office of Montgomery, Barker, and Brown. Lucy assured Felicia that she would keep the attorney busy while Felicia snooped around. However, Lucy wasn't happy about having to get dressed up to impress an old stodgy lawyer. "The charm offensive is tried and true. Would you rather I be the honey trap?" Felicia asked. Lucy conceded that she was best suited for the job.

After Lucy and Felicia entered the office and introduced themselves, the woman behind the desk notified her boss. Moments later, a tall, distinguished gentleman entered the waiting room and introduced himself as Jackson Montgomery. Lucy pretended to be a widow looking for information about her deceased husband's estate. Jackson led Lucy to his office, but Felica decided to remain in the waiting area. Once they were alone, Felicia assured Cheyenne that Cheyenne could leave for lunch, but Cheyenne admitted that it was too early.

A few minutes later, Jackson returned and asked Cheyenne to make a coffee run for Lucy. Felicia waited until Cheyenne left and Jackson returned to his office before she ran over to the file cabinets, but the cabinets were locked. Felicia searched Cheyenne's desk until she found a set of keys. After Felicia unlocked the cabinets, she flipped through the files until she found one that was labeled "Maquillage." However, the folder was empty.

Felicia returned the file to the cabinet, put the keys back in the desk, and continued to search the office. She was about to go to work on the safe when she heard Lucy and Jackson as they approached. Felicia was surprised when Jackson and Lucy made plans to meet for dinner later that evening. In the hallway, Lucy asked if Felicia had found anything, but Felicia warned Lucy that it was too risky to go out with Jackson because it might open them up to exposure. Lucy was unapologetic, and she asked about Felicia's search. Felicia filled Lucy in about the empty folder that she had found, and she conceded that Lucy's dinner plans would provide Felicia with an opportunity to return to the office and search the safe.

At the Savoy, Gladys and Dr. Montague were in good spirits as they approached the bar. Gladys admitted that she felt energized, despite being up all night, playing cards. Selina and her bodyguard Li walked up to the bar. "Winning will do that," Selina said. Selina offered to buy a round of Champagne to celebrate Gladys and Dr. Montague's good fortune. Gladys acknowledged that she hadn't won enough to settle her debt, but she had enough to give Selina an installment. "Tonight was like lightning in a bottle," Gladys said.

Just then, Cody entered. "Except lightning isn't supposed to strike twice," Selina said as she glared at Cody. Reluctantly, Cody followed Selina to a table. A furious Selina reminded Cody that it was his job to make certain that she pulled in a profit. Cody claimed that he'd had an off night, and he assured Selina that he would understand if she decided to cut ties with him. Selina argued that it wouldn't solve her problems, but Cody insisted that he didn't want to let Selina down again.

"Then don't," Selina said. Selina questioned if Cody had lost intentionally because he had hoped that she would fire him. Cody denied it, and he reminded her that she paid him too much for him to walk away. Selina warned Cody that she would get to the bottom of things, so she sent Li to fetch the deck of cards that had been used during the game.

At the bar, Gladys and Dr. Montague sipped Champagne and chatted about their lucky night. Dr. Montague assured Gladys that her luck would continue because of the medication that he'd prescribed to Sasha, so Gladys asked if the drug was dangerous. "No, not at all," Dr. Montague said. Relieved, Gladys explained that she needed the guardianship to stay in place a little longer, but she genuinely cared about Sasha. Dr. Montague reminded Gladys that the drug was harmless on its own, and it was the interaction with Sasha's antidepressant that would create the behaviors that Gladys had wanted. "None of which are life threatening," Dr. Montague said.

According to the doctor, Sasha would be off-kilter, foggy, and prone to mood swings. "But will that be enough?" Gladys asked. Gladys worried that people might not notice the side effects, but Dr. Montague promised that it would be very apparent.

Meanwhile, Cody watched Gladys and the doctor as they left. Cody muttered that Gladys was up to something, but Selina didn't care because she wanted to know if Cody had let Gladys and Dr. Montague win. Cody denied the allegation until Li returned and handed the deck of cards to Selina. Selina flipped through the cards and quickly found what she was looking for. "White ink," Selina said as she held up a card.

Cody insisted that he could explain, but Selina instructed Li to search Cody. Within seconds, Li found a small bottle of white ink hidden on Cody. Cody started to explain, but Selina cut him off because she knew that he'd intentionally thrown the game.

At Logan's department store, Maxie and Sasha flipped through a rack of clothes. Sasha was full of energy as she urged Maxie to buy the dress that Maxie had tried on. Maxie smiled and complimented the halter top that Sasha had tried on, but Maxie admitted that it hadn't seemed like Sasha's usual style. Sasha beamed with joy as she announced that she intended to celebrate the guardianship ending by getting a new wardrobe. "I need to send a statement to the world. This is Sasha 2.0," Sasha said.

Maxie frowned, but Sasha shifted gears when she revealed that she had picked out a stack of clothes for Willow. Maxie praised Sasha for being a great friend. However, Maxie was a bit taken aback when she noticed the extravagant price of a blouse that Sasha had picked out for Willow. Sasha justified the price because Willow's new DNA meant that Willow had essentially been reborn. Maxie was curious what had inspired Sasha's new philosophical outlook, so Sasha confessed that her court-appointed doctor had prescribed something that had revolutionized Sasha's approach to wellness.

Alarmed, Maxie asked what the doctor had prescribed. "Meditation," Sasha said. Just then, Maxie's phone rang, so she excused herself to talk to Georgie. Sasha took an opportunity to take one of the pills that Dr. Montague had prescribed. Moments later, Maxie returned and asked if Sasha's meditation helped with squabbling children. Maxie admitted that she was eager to find a house, so her children would each have their own bedroom.

"That's the spirit. Lean into possibility," Sasha said. Maxie smiled, but she announced that she had to leave. Sasha assured Maxie that it was fine. Maxie gathered her things and walked away, but she stopped in the doorway and looked back at Sasha. Maxie's expression clouded with concern.

At Metro Court's pool, Chase wrapped things up by asking if the hotel's staff had anything to add about the shooting. He glanced over and noticed that Brook Lynn and Tracy were in a tense conversation.

Meanwhile, Brook Lynn was frustrated that Tracy expected her to continue to spy on Deception. Brook Lynn explained that she had already aroused suspicion by downloading the Deceptor file, but Tracy was undaunted. Tracy advised Brook Lynn to be stealthier. Just then, Chase walked up. "Sorry if I'm interrupting," Chase said.

Chase admitted that he had picked up on the tension between Brook Lynn and Tracy, and it seemed like the two women always had their heads together. Tracy resented Chase's accusation, and she claimed that she'd simply been spending time with her granddaughter. Chase shifted gears because he questioned why Brook Lynn would give up music to return to Deception. Tracy asked if Chase were suggesting that Brook Lynn was not committed to her job at Deception, but Chase ignored the question and asked to speak to Brook Lynn privately.

Reluctantly, Tracy walked away to fetch something to drink. Chase asked Brook Lynn about the tension that he had picked up on. "It's complicated," Brook Lynn said. Chase wasn't satisfied because he suspected that Tracy had pressured Brook Lynn to return to Deception. He urged Brook Lynn not to let Tracy, Linc, or her personal demons doubt her talents. Brook Lynn was grateful for Chase's support, but she assured him that Tracy didn't care if she worked at Deception.

Chase asked why Brook Lynn refused to tell Tracy to back off. "Because she put me up to it," Brook Lynn blurted out. Chase started to question Brook Lynn, but Tracy returned and informed Chase that it was between her and Brook Lynn. To Tracy's surprise, Brook Lynn decided that she was done jumping through hoops for Tracy. "Be careful," Tracy warned Brook Lynn. Brook Lynn took a deep breath and confessed that she had asked Tracy to help with his reinstatement.

Tracy conceded that all she had done was get the review board back into the room, but the board had made their decision based solely on the case that Chase had presented. Chase was livid that Tracy had held it over Brook Lynn's head, but he was forced to excuse himself when his phone rang. After Chase walked away, Tracy confronted Brook Lynn about her recent bouts of honesty. Brook Lynn vowed to continue the trend because she refused to lose Chase again over secrets and lies.

Brook Lynn explained that Chase didn't expect her to be perfect, but he wanted her to be honest. Tracy warned her granddaughter that transparency would lead to questions. As if to prove Tracy right, Chase returned and announced that he wanted answers from Brook Lynn, but it would have to wait because he had to get back to work. Chase made it clear that he and Brook Lynn didn't owe Tracy anything, and he warned Tracy that he would find out if she had been strong-arming Brook Lynn into doing something unethical. Brook Lynn apologized to Chase, and she promised that there would be no more secrets. Chase started to walk away, but he returned to Brook Lynn's side and pulled her in for a passionate kiss.

After Chase left, Tracy suggested that Brook Lynn get back to work, but Brook Lynn announced that she intended to quit Deception. Tracy advised Brook Lynn to reconsider because Tracy doubted that Brook Lynn's "pious policeman" would be happy to learn that Brook Lynn had committed corporate espionage.

At the gatehouse, Michael insisted on taking Willow's temperature before giving her a kiss. Willow was disappointed, but she patiently waited until Michael was reassured that her temperature was normal. After a kiss, Michael handed her a cup of coffee. Willow smiled with gratitude, and she admitted that her long nap had been the best sleep that she'd had in weeks. "Being home is healing," Willow said.

Michael and Willow cuddled on the sofa and kissed. However, Willow pulled away before things went further. She explained that her oncologist's nurse had explained that they would have to refrain from making love a little while longer. Willow worried that Michael was disappointed, but he assured her that he would do whatever was necessary to make certain that she was home to stay. Willow promised that she wanted to be intimate with him, but Michael insisted that it could wait until she was healthy and ready. Willow smiled and kissed her husband.

A short time later, Sasha dropped by for a visit. Michael handed her a mask, and he stepped outside to take a phone call. Sasha happily greeted Willow and showed her all the clothes that she and Maxie had picked up for Willow at Logan's. Willow was touched, but she noticed that the expensive blouse that Sasha had picked up still had a security tag on it. Surprised, Sasha promised to take it back to the store to have the tag removed. Moments later, Michael entered with Chase in tow.

After everyone exchanged greetings, Chase explained that he needed to talk to Sasha. Sasha asked him to wait because she was eager to show Michael the blouse. Chase insisted that it couldn't wait. "Sasha Gilmore, you are under arrest," Chase said as he pulled out a set of handcuffs. Michael and Willow were stunned.

Curtis has a touching encounter with his mother

Curtis has a touching encounter with his mother

Thursday, July 13, 2023

by Elisabeth

At the gatehouse, Chase informed Sasha that she was under arrest. Sasha asked if it was a joke, so he explained that she'd been seen leaving Logan's with merchandise that she hadn't paid for. Sasha denied the accusation, and she insisted that Deception had an account with Logan's and a history of exchanging clothing for free advertising. Chase assured Sasha that they would sort everything out at the police station. After Chase and Sasha left, Michael called Gladys, but the call went to voicemail.

Later, Willow asked Michael if there had been any word about Sasha, but he explained that Gladys hadn't answered his call. However, Michael was certain that Chase would take good care of Sasha. Willow admitted that Sasha had been acting strangely. "She's been doing good lately, but there were bound to be setbacks," Michael said. Willow agreed, but she couldn't see Sasha shoplifting. Michael was confident that everything would work out.

Willow noticed Michael watching her intently, so he admitted that he still couldn't believe that she was home. "There's no place I'd rather be," Willow said. To Willow's surprise, Michael revealed that he and Wiley had arranged a special surprise for her. At Michael's instruction, Willow looked outside. Her expression filled with joy when she saw Wiley standing outside next to a child-sized replica of the Eiffel Tower. Wiley was dressed as a Parisian with a black beret, striped shirt, red scarf tie, and a fake black mustache.

When Willow looked at Michael, he had put on his own black beret. Wiley serenaded his parents with an accordion, while Michael fetched a tray of quiche Lorraine, salad, baguette, and the "Frenchiest" butter that he could find. Willow was touched by the thoughtful surprise, and Michael promised that he would take her to Paris when she was well enough to travel. Willow assured both Michael and Wiley that everything was perfect, and she kissed her husband.

At the hospital, Sonny and Nina arrived to check on Curtis. Molly and Marshall explained that Curtis was still in surgery, so Sonny offered to help the family in any way that he could. Marshall was grateful, but he wanted to know who would shoot his son. After Molly and Nina walked over to the waiting area, Marshall apologized for his outburst, and he assured Sonny that he didn't blame anyone except the shooter. "Don't worry about it," Sonny said. Sonny promised that he wouldn't rest until he found the shooter.

Meanwhile, Portia went to her office to fetch a sweater for Trina. Her thoughts drifted to when Curtis had asked Portia not to give up on them. Portia prayed that Curtis returned to her.

In the waiting area, Stella comforted a distraught Trina. Trina tearfully explained that she felt angry and confused, but Stella promised that Curtis would fight to return to his daughter. "Just like he's fighting to get back to Portia," Stella said. Portia walked up in time to hear what Stella had said. Portia sat down on the sofa next to Trina and hugged her daughter. Trina admitted that she regretted not resolving things with Curtis sooner.

"I know sweetheart. Me, too," Portia said. Moments later, Molly and Nina approached and asked if there had been an update on Curtis, but Stella admitted that there hadn't been any news. Portia was certain that Curtis would be glad that both Molly and Nina were there, and Stella confessed that it was in times of difficulty that a person realized how truly important family was. Stella reminisced about Curtis and Thomas growing up. Marshall walked over as Stella talked about his son's competitive streak.

Portia was surprised by that side of Curtis, but Stella assured everyone that Curtis had been far more protective of Thomas. Curtis had never wanted to be far away from his brother in case Thomas needed help. Portia and Trina conceded that Curtis was still protective of his loved ones.

Later, Nina walked up as Sonny wrapped up a phone call with Brick. Nina was curious if there had been news about the shooting, but Sonny had nothing to report. Moments later, Sonny received a text message from Alexis asking him to meet her. Sonny was reluctant to leave, but Nina assured him that she would call if there was any news about Curtis.

After Sonny left, Nina checked on Portia. Portia admitted that she was terrified because -- as a doctor -- she knew that a long surgery meant trouble, and Curtis' surgery had gone on longer than it should have. Nina promised Portia that Curtis would pull through, but Portia pointed out that Curtis might face life-altering challenges because the bullet had been lodged in Curtis' spine. Portia feared that she might not get a chance to tell Curtis that she loved him.

Meanwhile, T.J. was on hand as a surgeon removed the bullet fragments from Curtis' spine. The surgeon was concerned about Curtis' heart rate as he started to close up the incision. Seconds later, Curtis flatlined, and the surgeon called for a crash cart. After they flipped Curtis over, the doctors raced to save him.

As the doctors worked to resuscitate Curtis, Curtis woke up on a blanket in a park. He sat up and looked around in confusion. Moments later, a woman appeared on the blanket beside him and lovingly scolded him for eating all the potato salad. "Mom?" Curtis tearfully asked. Curtis looked at Irene with disbelief, but she seemed oblivious to his emotional reaction. Irene assured him that she had plenty of food in the basket, and she remarked that it was a beautiful day. "It's just magical," Curtis said.

Irene asked if Curtis would mind checking her car because the engine light was on. Curtis smiled because she hadn't taken the car to a mechanic, but Irene argued there was no need, since she had two strapping sons. "Tommy is working on it now, but I think he can use some help," Irene said. Shocked, Curtis asked if his brother was at the park. Irene revealed that Tommy was in the parking lot. Delighted, Curtis stood up and started to walk to the parking lot, but he stopped when he heard voices in the distance, including T.J.'s as T.J. begged Curtis to stay with them.

Curtis turned to Irene and asked if his mother had heard the voices, so she suggested that it had been Tommy calling for Curtis. Irene reminded Curtis that Tommy needed him, but Curtis was reluctant to leave because he continued to hear T.J.'s voice. Do it for Trina T.J. said. Curtis froze and uttered Trina's name. Irene asked who Trina was, so Curtis revealed that Trina was his daughter. Irene was overjoyed by the news, so she offered to make dinner for her sons once the car was fixed.

Irene confessed that she had missed Curtis, and she was happy to have her family back together. She took his hand and offered to take him to his brother, but Curtis admitted that he couldn't go with her because he was certain that he would never see Trina and Portia again if he left the park. Curtis explained that he had too many people waiting for him. Irene was disappointed, but she accepted Curtis' decision. "Until we meet again," she said in a soft voice. Curtis' eyes welled up with tears as he told his mother that he loved her.

Irene assured Curtis that she loved him, too, and that she was proud of him. After they exchanged a tender hug, Irene faded away.

At Kelly's, Alexis and Kristina exchanged greetings as Alexis sat down. The conversation quickly turned to Kristina's decision to offer Molly help. Alexis was curious if Kristina would go through with the surrogacy if Molly and T.J. asked for Kristina's help. Kristina confirmed that she would, but Alexis worried that Kristina didn't appreciate the huge personal sacrifice. Kristina was confident that she would figure things out because she was young, healthy, and able.

Kristina insisted that Molly and T.J. deserved to be parents, and it would be best to have someone ready and prepared to move forward right away if Molly and T.J. decided to use a surrogate. Alexis argued that no one was truly prepared to be a surrogate. Just then, Maxie walked up. Alexis was happy to see Maxie because Alexis wanted to run a piece in the Invader on the Deceptor. Alexis explained that it would be in the leisure section, and the article would focus on the design process. Maxie agreed to have her people talk to Alexis' reporter.

Kristina surprised both Maxie and Alexis when she asked Maxie about Maxie's surrogacy journey. Alexis glared at Kristina, but she ignored her mother. Kristina praised Maxie for being selfless, and she admitted that she would like to hear more about it. Maxie confessed that she would need time to wrap her head around the request, but she promised to let Kristina know when she was ready to talk.

After Maxie walked to the counter, her phone rang. It was Chase. He told her about Sasha's arrest, so Maxie assured him that she was on her way to the police station.

At the table, Kristina pointed out that Maxie would be able to offer insight into surrogacy, but Alexis told Kristina that it had been insensitive to ask Maxie. Kristina argued that Maxie had seemed fine. Alexis let the matter drop when Kristina announced that she had to get to the hospital. After Kristina left, Alexis sent Sonny a text message asking if he had time to talk to her about Kristina.

A short time later, Sonny joined Alexis. Alexis asked him about his involvement with Kristina's foundation, and she talked about how Kristina needed his guidance because Kristina always listened to him. Sonny realized there was more to Alexis' request, so she conceded that there was.

At the hospital, Kristina greeted Molly. A short time later, T.J. and the surgeon approached Portia.

In Logan's dressing room, Gladys smiled at her reflection as she admired a fur coat that she had tried on. Gladys' smile vanished when she realized that Scout had walked up and stroked the fur. She warned Scout to keep her hands to herself because the coat was couture. "Wow, you have a way with children, don't you?" Sam asked. Sam sent Scout to one of the changing rooms to try on the dresses that Scout had picked out. After Scout left, Sam asked how Gladys' "best friend" Selina Wu was.

Gladys denied that she and Selina were friends, but Sam didn't believe Gladys because Spinelli had seen Gladys, Selina, and Cody cozied up at Metro Court. "That's an interesting trio, don't you think?" Sam asked. Gladys claimed that she had merely bumped into Selina a few times, but Sam wanted to know about Cody's connection to Selina. Gladys advised Sam to talk to Cody.

Sam warned Gladys that she would keep digging until she had answers because Sam was certain that Selina had been the reason for Gladys' change of heart about Cody. "What does that woman have on you?" Sam asked. Offended, Gladys asked if Sam was suggesting that Gladys had done something wrong. "Yeah. I mean, you must have," Sam said. Sam pointed out that Gladys had been out for Cody's blood. "So, the only reason I can think of that you backed off was to save your own skin," Sam said.

When Scout walked out to show her mother one of the dresses, Gladys grabbed her phone and checked her messages. Moments later, Gladys announced that she had to leave. "Family emergency," Gladys said. After Scout changed and returned with her two dresses, Sam asked her to pick one because they had to get to Scout's swim class. Scout confessed that she didn't want to go.

Concerned, Sam asked what was troubling Scout. With a little prodding, Scout opened up about missing her father because he would attend and play an active role in the classes. Sam suggested that they keep a log of Scout's accomplishments so Scout could share the log during visits with Drew. Scout immediately cheered up. Sam decided that she would buy both dresses for Scout because Scout deserved them.

At the police station, Sasha sat in the interrogation room while Chase called and left a message for Gladys. Chase returned to the interrogation room and handed his phone to Sasha because she was entitled to a phone call. He advised her to call an attorney, but she argued that attorneys were for guilty people. Instead, Sasha decided to call someone who would be in her corner and realize that a colossal mistake had been made. Unfortunately for Sasha, the call went to voicemail.

Sasha handed the phone back to Chase, and she accused the store's manager of trying to embarrass her. Chase revealed that he had security footage that he wanted to show her, but Gladys suddenly burst through the door. Sasha ran over and hugged Gladys. Sasha explained that she'd been accused of shoplifting. "It's just like Home & Heart. Someone is out to get me," Sasha said. Chase sat both Gladys and Sasha down and showed them the damaging footage of Sasha shoving several garments into her purse and walking out of the dressing room.

Sasha was stunned by what she saw because she had no recollection of putting the items in her purse. Sasha reminded both Gladys and Chase that she had no reason to steal because she could easily afford the items. Gladys gently explained that the security footage was conclusive. Moments later, Maxie arrived. Sasha started to apologize, but Maxie announced that she had smoothed things over with Sandra, and Sandra had agreed to drop the charges. Chase stepped out to talk to the store manager, while a relieved Sasha thanked Maxie.

Sasha's elation faded when Maxie revealed that Deception would be partnering with Logan's on a cross promotional event featuring the Deceptor. Sasha felt bad, but Maxie conceded that it was actually a good move for the company. Sasha promised to help out with the event, but Maxie reluctantly explained that Sasha would not be welcomed at Logan's. Gladys reminded Sasha that Sasha had been working hard, so Sasha had earned a break. Gladys promised that everything would soon blow over, and Maxie agreed.

Chase returned and informed Sasha that she was free to go. After Gladys and Sasha left, Chase stopped Maxie and asked her to keep an eye on Sasha. She assured him that she would have regardless.

At the Savoy, Selina was furious that Cody had intentionally lost the card game. Cody asked for a chance to explain, but Selina wasn't interested because he had damaged the reputation of her game. Cody foolishly made a sarcastic remark, and Selina slapped him across the face. Li sprang into action and slammed Cody against the bar as he twisted Cody's arm behind Cody's back. Cody cried out in pain, but Selina was unmoved. She sat down and began to play solitaire, while Li continued to keep the pressure on Cody.

When Cody's phone rang, Cody asked if he could answer it. Selina agreed, but she warned Cody that Li would not be pleased. Selina decided to leave, so Li could finish with Cody. Li grabbed a knife off the bar and slammed it down next to Cody's hand. Desperate, Cody pleaded with Selina to wait. Selina explained that there had to be consequences for what he had done.

"No one crosses me. Goodbye, Mr. Bell," Selina said. Cody blurted out that he could make Selina rich. Selina stopped, so Cody revealed that he was about to get a big windfall and that he'd been planning to retire to the Cayman Islands. Selina realized that Cody had been dishonest with her, but Cody quickly explained that the WSB had taken something from him, and they were willing to pay him $10,000,000 for his pain and suffering. "Would you like a cut?" Cody asked. Selina agreed to a 60 percent cut.

Cody objected because he had to pay his attorney, but Selina assured Cody that he would have plenty left over. After Selina told Cody that he was free to leave -- because he couldn't hide from Li -- Cody took his phone and went to the alley. Cody quickly called Sasha, but the call went to voicemail. Moments later, Selina walked out and handed Cody the bottle of paint that he had used to mark the cards. Afterwards, she patted his cheek.

Nearby, Sam snapped photos of the encounter between Selina and Cody, but she was startled when someone walked up behind Sam and touched her shoulder.

Sonny, Anna, and Dante discuss the shooter

Sonny, Anna, and Dante discuss the shooter

Friday, July 14, 2023

by Steve Holley

At Pier 54 on the Waterfront District, Sam fussed at Mac for having scared her. Mac said he believed Cody was in trouble with Selina. Mac added that the police had been running surveillance on Selina for months. Sam asked what had taken the police so long, and she realized that Mac didn't want Cody to be caught up in the investigation.

Mac said the police didn't have enough evidence against Selina, and he added that they needed something bigger than a casino racket if they wanted to bust Selina. Mac admitted that he wanted to protect Cody. Sam and Mac recalled the night Cody had been arrested for attempting to steal a bracelet at the Nurses Ball.

Sam said that while she didn't believe that Cody had tried to steal the bracelet, she thought that Selina had had a role in the charges against Cody being dropped. Mac wondered why Selina would help Cody. Sam hesitated, and she said she was worried that it was too late to save Cody from himself.

At Sasha's apartment, Gladys pushed Sasha to take the medication Dr. Montague had prescribed. After Sasha stepped out of the room, Gladys received a call from an associate at Logan's. Gladys boasted that she wanted a list of expensive items from the store to be delivered as soon as possible.

Gladys was upset to find Cody at the door, and she slammed the door in his face. Sasha said that she had called Cody when she had been in police custody. Gladys feigned outrage that Cody hadn't answered the call. Sasha told Gladys to stop badgering Cody, and she asked to speak to him in private. After Gladys stepped out of the room, Sasha told Cody that she had "screwed up big time."

Sasha told Cody about the shoplifting incident at Logan's, and she profusely apologized for having "bugged" Cody. Cody insisted that Sasha hadn't bothered him. The two heard a knock, and Sasha opened the door to Nina. Nina looked concerned when she saw Sasha and observed her behavior.

Gladys whispered to Nina that Sasha was in trouble, and she claimed that Sasha had deliberately stolen the items from Logan's. Nina was skeptical. Gladys claimed that she was worried Sasha was losing touch with reality again.

Sasha laughed at her own misfortune from the incident at Logan's, and she said that things could have gone much worse. Nina received a text from Ava, and she agreed to check in with Sasha later. Gladys escorted Nina to the door.

Sasha asked Cody if he felt that Nina and Gladys had been acting strangely. Cody said that he believed Nina was concerned about Sasha, and he added that he was worried, too. Sasha was touched that Cody was worried about her. Cody encouraged Sasha to keep his number and to call if she needed anything.

Out in the hallway, Gladys asked Nina if it was Gladys' "legal responsibility" to tell the court that Sasha had been caught shoplifting. Nina vehemently said that Gladys shouldn't tell the court about Sasha, and she ordered Gladys to listen to her.

"You are going to say nothing. Sasha made a mistake. Logan's is not pressing charges. Do you want to go to the court to tell them about this? If you do that, you are just causing trouble. Is that what you want?" Nina asked sharply.

After Nina left, Gladys told Cody to leave. Cody asked Sasha to remember what he had said. After Cody left, Gladys said that Sasha couldn't count on Cody because he could only get her into trouble.

At Kelly's Diner, Alexis wanted Sonny to talk Kristina out of an idea, but she didn't tell Sonny about Kristina's idea to be a surrogate for T.J. and Molly. Sonny asked if Kristina was in any kind of danger. Alexis said that Kristina wasn't in danger.

Sonny received a call from Nina at the hospital. Nina shared an update on Curtis. Sonny then received an alert on his phone, and he said there was something he had to take care of. Alexis left for the hospital to visit Kristina and Molly.

At the hospital, T.J. told Portia, Trina, Stella, and Marshall that the bullet had caused "significant damage" to Curtis. Curtis' family left for a waiting area outside the operating room where Curtis was recuperating. Afterwards, T.J. snapped at Kristina when he accused her of "celebrating" after Kristina had expressed relief that Curtis had made it out of surgery. Kristina tried to apologize, but T.J. stormed off.

After T.J. left, Molly snapped at Kristina, who tried to apologize yet again. Molly harped that not everything was about Kristina. Molly continued to lecture Kristina, and she accused Kristina of wanting to give T.J. a baby because Molly couldn't. Kristina finally spoke long enough to call out Molly for saying that Kristina was being "selfish." Kristina pushed back, and she said that she had only tried to help Molly.

T.J. reappeared, and he complained that he had been able to overhear Kristina and Molly arguing nearby. Alexis appeared just as Kristina walked away. Alexis asked Molly what had happened.

In a waiting area outside Curtis' room, Portia, Stella, Marshall, and Trina joined hands. Stella and Portia insisted that Trina visit Curtis first. Inside Curtis' room, Trina panicked when she saw Curtis hooked up to machines, and she bolted out of the room.

Outside the room, Trina called herself a "scared little girl." Stella continued to remind Trina that Curtis was her father, and she and Marshall tried to reassure Trina. Later, Stella grew lightheaded. Marshall asked Stella to have a doctor examine her. Trina expressed worry that Curtis could be paralyzed.

Back in Curtis' room, Portia told Curtis that his family needed him. Portia said she didn't want to live in a world without Curtis. Portia added that she would stay by Curtis' side, and she apologized for letting "pride get in the way" after Curtis had kissed Jordan. Portia pleaded with Curtis to open his eyes, and she squeezed his hand.

At Anna's house, Anna opened the door and found Dante placing a man under arrest outside. Dante shared that he had been surveilling Anna's home when he had caught the man snooping. Anna said that she knew the man, whom she and Dante identified as Mickey Vasquez -- a man who worked for Sonny.

Dante and Anna guessed that Sonny had sent Mickey to make sure that Anna was safe. Inside the house, Anna shared that she had reason to believe she had been the sniper's target instead of Sonny. Dante said that he had found information about the gun used in the attack, and he added that the gun had been impounded by the WSB in Berlin in 2021. Anna asked if the WSB wanted her dead, but she found it unlikely.

Anna heard a knock, and she opened the door to Sonny. Anna reminded Sonny that she hadn't asked him to assign someone to watch over her. Sonny said that he was only sorry that Mickey had been caught.

Sonny added that he was concerned about the shooter, and he asked who Anna and Dante thought the shooter's target had been. "Happy you brought that up, because I have a question for you... Can you think of any reason why the WSB would want you dead?" Dante asked Sonny.

Sonny said he didn't think he'd be on the WSB's radar. Anna said that it looked increasingly likely that she had been the target, but she added that shooting at her in a public setting was too high-profile for the WSB. Anna posited that any number of people could want her dead, given that she had been the target of a high-profile case. Sonny asked how they could narrow down a list of suspects.

Dante said that he wasn't ready to completely rule Sonny out as a target. Anna said that the shooter had no regard for human life, and she added that she wouldn't allow anyone else to get hurt because of her. Sonny asked Anna what her plan was. "I think we lure my enemy out into the open -- using me as bait," Anna said.

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