General Hospital Recaps: The week of June 26, 2023 on GH

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Laura, Kevin, and Valentin left for Chechnya. Anna received a disturbing message. Drew and Carly said goodbye. Diane set boundaries with Robert.
General Hospital Recaps: The week of June 26, 2023 on GH

Laura, Kevin, and Valentin left for Chechnya. Anna received a disturbing message. Lucy asked Felicia to investigate Martin. Brook Lynn gave Tracy a flash drive with information about Deceptor. Drew and Carly said goodbye. Cyrus looked forward to a new arrival. Austin found a way to get Pilar fired. Diane set some boundaries with Robert.

Esme gets between Spencer and Trina

Esme gets between Spencer and Trina

Monday, June 26, 2023

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by Steve Holley

At Anna's house, Anna was burning papers, including commendations awarded to her by the WSB, when Laura, Robert, and Felicia walked in. Laura asked Anna to join the group at the Savoy. Anna said that she wasn't good company. Robert asked why Anna had been reading "trash" about herself in the Sun.

Robert referred to Anna's past mistakes as "ancient history," and Laura and Felicia sought to reassure Anna, too. Anna demurred, and she said that she was a traitor. Laura and Felicia ushered Robert out of the house, and they asked him to reserve a table for them at the Savoy. Afterwards, Laura asked why Anna was shutting her friends out.

Anna said that she no longer felt she had a purpose, and she added that she didn't feel her work was complete. Felicia and Laura shared that they knew what it was like to have to reinvent themselves.

Laura offered to ask Valentin to stay in Port Charles, but Anna insisted that Valentin assist in Laura's business in Chechnya. A short while later, Anna announced that she would accompany Laura and Valentin to Russia.

Laura said that if Anna left, it would look like Anna was running away. "What am I supposed to do? I help people. That is what I do. It's who I am, Laura. And if I'm not an agent for the WSB, who am I?" Anna wondered.

Felicia said that Anna didn't need the WSB to give her purpose. Laura promised that Anna would find a new path. "It may even find you," Laura said.

At Laura and Kevin's house, Esme told Spencer that she had received her first paycheck from her job at the Invader. Spencer was happy for Esme, who said that she wasn't used to Spencer being nice to her. Esme said she worried that Spencer's mood would change once Laura left for Chechnya.

Spencer and Esme heard a knock at the door, and Trina appeared. Spencer was delighted to see Trina, who said she'd hoped to watch a movie with him. Esme asked if Spencer and Trina would mind if she joined them. After an intense moment of awkward silence, Esme said that she would bathe Ace and go to bed.

Esme left the room. Afterwards, Trina said that it was a shock to see Spencer and Esme on the same side. Spencer quickly said that he and Esme weren't on the same side, and he added that he and Esme were only trying to make the best of a bad situation for Ace's sake. Spencer apologized that he and Trina hadn't been able to spend as much time together as they would have liked.

Alone on the sofa, Trina told Spencer about Curtis having upset Portia. Spencer offered to listen to Trina, but Esme returned. Esme cleared her throat, and she said she had gone to get a pacifier. While in the room, Esme copped an attitude with Trina.

After Esme left the room, Spencer was upset about Esme's attitude toward Trina. Spencer and Trina admitted that they didn't like the situation, but the couple agreed to do what was best for Ace. Trina said that she and Spencer had to find a way to get rid of Esme. Spencer flashed back to the evidence he and Trina had found that Victor had possibly manufactured to incriminate Esme.

Esme returned yet again, and she said that Ace couldn't fall asleep. Trina stood up to leave. "It's not going to be like this forever, right? And with Esme's track record, we won't have to wait long," Trina surmised.

Spencer promised to call Trina the following day, and he and Trina kissed in front of Esme. Afterwards, Trina watched as Spencer held Ace and sang a lullaby to him. Esme smiled at Spencer and Ace.

At the hospital, Tracy, Olivia, and Brook Lynn wondered where Ned had disappeared to. Chase learned that Ned had checked himself out of the hospital against medical advice. Brook Lynn received a call from Nina, who said that Ned was at the Savoy.

Earlier at the Savoy, Nina had been taken aback when Ned had told her he'd been looking for Nina. Ned thought that Nina worked at the Savoy, and he asked what type of crowds and music talent the club normally attracted. Ned introduced himself as Eddie Maine, and he added that soon, everyone would know who he was.

Nearby, Sonny told Michael about the history of Ned and Eddie. Just then, the two spotted Ned at the bar. Sonny and Michael approached Ned, who introduced himself as Eddie. Ned told Sonny and Michael that he was looking to form a band. Michael commented that he had been busy with business. Ned playfully slapped Michael on the shoulder, and he said that life was too short to worry about business all the time.

Robert entered, and he asked Sonny for a word in private. Robert asked why Sonny needed someone to fight his battles for him. Robert mentioned Diane, who had entered with Alexis. Diane overheard the end of Robert's conversation. Robert added that he didn't like that Sonny was "using" Diane to get information from Robert.

Just then, Olivia, Brook Lynn, and Tracy rushed toward Sonny to ask where Ned was. Sonny said that Ned had just been nearby. The group was surprised when Ned took the stage to wrestle the microphone away from N'neka. "How are you, Port Charles? How's everyone feeling tonight? Come on! Make some noise!" Ned said enthusiastically.

Ned was ushered off the stage. Afterwards, Brook Lynn thanked Nina for having called Ned's family. Nearby, Michael asked what Sonny thought of Ned's behavior. Sonny said that, regardless of what he thought about Ned, Ned wouldn't deliberately put his family through pain. Sonny caught a glimpse of Nina, who looked regretful.

Backstage, Olivia pleaded with Ned to go home to his family. Ned apologized for causing Olivia pain, but he said that he couldn't be someone he wasn't. Olivia surmised that Ned couldn't love someone he didn't know.

Ned said that he needed to be on his own. Sonny found Olivia, and he said that he would bring Ned home with him. Afterwards, Michael promised Olivia that he would do everything he could to help Ned.

A short while later, Sonny returned to Nina, and he asked if she was okay. Nina said that she couldn't stand to see Ned's family in pain. Sonny replied that the reason he loved Nina was because she had a big heart.

Off to a corner, Robert and Diane started to argue about Diane's work for Sonny. Diane noted that she and Robert didn't have a relationship, and she mentioned Holly. Robert wondered what Holly had to do with anything.

Diane said that Robert had never called her back when Holly had left town, and she accused Robert of having only chosen Diane "by default." Diane said that Robert's behavior wasn't good enough for her, and she walked away.

Anna receives a disturbing message

Anna receives a disturbing message

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

by Elisabeth

At Metro Court's pool, Dex and Josslyn shared a kiss. Afterwards, he asked about Trina, so Josslyn revealed that Trina had gone to grab drinks. Their conversation turned to Drew's impending prison sentence. Josslyn explained that Drew could protect himself, but three years in Pentonville had been "wrong." She also admitted that she felt guilty for spending the day at the pool because she knew that her mother had been putting on a brave front. "I hear that," Trina said.

Trina empathized with Josslyn because Trina knew what it was like to feel helpless watching a loved one go through something difficult. After Trina set the drinks down, she asked about Dex's past. Dex admitted that he had bounced around jobs after leaving the military until he had ended up at Volonino's gym. Surprised, Trina was curious if Josslyn and Dex had met at the gym. Dex and Josslyn exchanged a smile, and Dex revealed that he and Josslyn had met while he'd been working. "For Sonny," Josslyn said.

Dex explained that Josslyn had threatened to call the police, but she had changed her mind when he had asked her to give him a break. Josslyn clarified that she had intended to report Sonny, but she had changed her mind because Dex would have been "collateral damage." Trina told Dex that he had been lucky, but he gave all the credit to Josslyn. After Dex left for work, Trina admitted that Josslyn and Dex looked happy. "We are," Josslyn said.

Trina wondered how Josslyn felt about Dex working for Sonny, so Josslyn admitted that she didn't like it. However, Josslyn insisted that she knew a side of Dex that no one else did. Trina confessed that she felt the same way about Spencer. "Really? Anything specific?" Josslyn asked. Trina opened up to Josslyn about Victor's safe deposit box and the evidence against Esme. Stunned, Josslyn asked why the evidence hadn't been turned over to the police, so Trina explained that Victor might have falsified everything.

Josslyn insisted that Esme had committed the crimes. "So, what's wrong with setting her up to make her pay for them?" Josslyn asked. Josslyn argued that Esme deserved it because of what Esme had put Josslyn and Trina through. Trina reminded Josslyn that the evidence had been fabricated, but Josslyn asked if Trina knew that for certain. Trina explained that it didn't matter because she had asked Spencer to destroy the evidence, which he had done. "Wow. You must be a really good influence on him," Josslyn said.

At Laura's apartment, Spencer offered to take his grandmother to the airport, but she assured him that it wasn't necessary because she had arranged for a driver to pick her up. Spencer warned Laura that the trip to Russia was too risky, and Esme agreed. Laura appreciated Spencer and Esme's concern, but Laura was determined to go to Chechnya. Laura changed the subject by letting Spencer and Esme know that she had arranged for them to have some "backup" while she was out of town.

Spencer and Esme grumbled about being up half the night with Ace, and Laura realized that they had both gotten up with Ace instead of trading off because neither Spencer nor Esme had trusted the other to properly take care of the baby. Spencer and Esme didn't deny it. After Spencer went to fix a cup of coffee, Laura reminded Esme of their previous discussions about Esme accepting Spencer's help. Esme argued that she knew better than Spencer what Ace needed. "Well, good for you," Laura said. Laura explained that Esme needed some rest, and she advised Esme to let Spencer figure things out with Ace.

Laura reminded Esme that Spencer was good with Ace, and Laura was certain that he would meet Esme halfway if Esme would bend a little. Moments later, Martin and Lucy arrived. Laura explained that she had asked her brother to help if Spencer and Esme needed it. Lucy assured Spencer and Esme that she was just a phone call away. Spencer snidely asked if Martin had any experience with children, prompting Laura to scold her grandson for being rude. Lucy assured Spencer that Martin had many talents -- including with skin care.

Martin quickly shut Lucy down by asking where Kevin was. Laura explained that Kevin was at the hospital, wrapping a few things up, but he would meet her at the airport. Lucy smiled at Spencer and Esme as she suggested that time alone caring for the baby might bring Spencer and Esme closer together. Both Spencer and Esme made it clear that their focus would be on Ace. Martin decided to pull his sister aside to make a last-minute plea for her to cancel the trip, but Laura refused. She assured him that she would be in good hands with Kevin and Valentin.

After Martin and Lucy left, Spencer asked about Laura's talk with Esme. She told him that Ace needed Spencer and Esme, but Spencer insisted that his brother would be better off without Esme in the picture. Annoyed, Laura reminded Spencer that Esme and Ace were a package deal. Spencer's thoughts briefly drifted to his talk with Trina when they had found Victor's safe deposit box, but he pushed the memory away. Laura warned Spencer that Esme would not disappear, no matter how much Spencer wanted her to.

Spencer asked how certain Laura was that Nikolas was hiding in Chechnya. Laura conceded that there were no guarantees, but she had hope because Victor had hidden Nikolas in the past. Laura explained that even if she didn't find Nikolas in Chechnya, she might find a clue that would point her in the right direction. Spencer wondered if it was worth the effort. "Yes, he's your father," Laura said. Spencer assured his grandmother that he took full responsibility for his role in Esme's plot to drive Nikolas and Ava apart, but he insisted that his father had done unforgiveable things.

Spencer didn't want to lose Laura on the off chance that Nikolas was in Chechnya. Laura hugged her grandson, and she assured him that he wouldn't lose her. Laura promised that -- as Spencer grew older -- he would see that few things were truly unforgiveable. "People change if you let them," Laura said. Nearby, Esme overheard what Laura had said.

When Laura's driver arrived, Laura grabbed her bags. She quietly assured Esme that everything would be fine, and she reminded Esme not to be afraid to let people in. Spencer told Laura to be safe, or he would be forced to go to Russia to find her. Laura smiled and reminded him to be civil to Esme. "You can count on me," Spencer said. After Laura left, both Esme and Spencer agreed to work together for Ace.

At Metro Court's pool, Lucy flipped through a Crimson magazine, Martin asked if they were okay, because he had the distinct impression that she was upset. Lucy assured him that everything was fine, but he didn't believe her because she hadn't been acting like her usual self. Lucy argued that she could say the same thing about Martin, and she accused him of shutting her down earlier. Martin reminded Lucy that they had already discussed why she couldn't go around telling people that he had helped her design Deceptor.

"Why not?" Lucy asked. Rather than answer, Martin asked Lucy to promise not to tell another soul that they had ever discussed Deceptor. Reluctantly, Lucy agreed. Moments later, Lucy excused herself. Once she was alone, she pulled out her phone and called someone to ask them to meet her at the pool. "I need your help. Something is up with Martin," Lucy said.

At Anna's townhouse, Anna was startled when Valentin barged into her home and asked if she was okay. Confused, Anna asked why she wouldn't be, so Valentin took her outside to look at her front door. In bright red spray-paint, someone had written "Murderer" on the front door. Anna quickly dismissed it as a harmless prank by someone who had read one of the articles in the Sun, but Valentin was certain that the message had been left by someone with nefarious intentions. Valentin pulled out his phone and snapped a few photos of the door, while Anna went inside to fetch something to clean her door.

Valentin feared that the message had been a warning shot, so he decided to cancel his trip to Chechnya. Anna objected. She insisted that it was imperative that he accompany Kevin and Laura on the trip because they needed Valentin's protection. Anna assured him that she could handle things on her own. "I love you," Valentin said. Anna smiled and told him that she loved him, too. She confessed that she also loved that he wanted to protect her.

Valentin and Anna walked over to the foyer's staircase and sat on a step as Anna listed several reasons why she loved him, including that she was able to breathe when she was with him. "I don't have to watch my back, because you're watching it for me," Anna said. She knew that he understood the pain of past mistakes. "Yeah, I do," Valentin said. "Is that what this is? You want me to leave as atonement?" Valentin asked.

Anna told Valentin about Laura, Felicia, and Robert's visit, and how she hadn't been able to get rid of them fast enough. However, once she'd been alone, she had been left with the newspaper's brutal headline. Anna had thought about her entire career and everything that she had done over the years. "The good and the bad," Anna said. She realized that even with her life spread across newspapers, the world hadn't stopped.

Valentin reminded Anna that she had worked hard to make up for the time she had spent working for the DVX. Anna admitted that she had wanted to balance the scales. "You have," Valentin said. She smiled with gratitude and assured him that she would be fine. Anna promised that she would be ready if the vandal returned, and she wouldn't hesitate to show them what she was made of. Anna told Valentin to go find Nikolas. "Then come back here and find me," she said. Valentin kissed her.

In the Quartermaine kitchen, Olivia acknowledged that she had made mistakes with Ned the previous evening. "Ned thinks he's Eddie Maine. Not one of us knows how to deal with that," Tracy said.

On the patio, Chase and Brook Lynn returned from a morning run. Chase praised Brook Lynn for pushing herself, so she admitted that she had nearly forgotten that her father didn't know who she was. Chase walked over and hugged her. Moments later, they entered the kitchen, and Tracy greeted them. Brook Lynn asked if there had been any news about her father, but Tracy reported that Ned was still at Sonny's place.

Tracy revealed that Olivia had taken some clothes and other items to Ned, but Brook Lynn asked why Tracy hadn't stopped her. Brook Lynn feared that Olivia would only end up feeling let down, but Tracy argued that Olivia was Ned's wife. "She's fighting for her husband," Tracy said. To Brook Lynn's surprise, Tracy suggested that Brook Lynn change for work.

Brook Lynn explained that she had taken the day off. Tracy wasn't pleased, but Chase reminded Tracy that Brook Lynn's father had been injured and no longer recognized his daughter. "Give her a break. She needs it," Chase said. Tracy pointedly asked Chase about returning to work. Tracy's attempt to remind Brook Lynn what was at stake was cut short when Tracy's phone rang.

After Tracy stepped outside to take the call, Brook Lynn thanked Chase for his support. She admitted that she was glad there had been security footage of her father's fall, otherwise it would have been Tracy's word against Drew's. Chase confessed that there had been another witness. Brook Lynn was shocked when he revealed that Nina had seen the whole incident. Brook Lynn wondered why Nina had remained silent. "I don't know, but it's weird, right?" Chase asked.

On the patio, Tracy assured a mystery person that she was focused on the mission, but she resented being criticized. She reminded the person that they were partners, so she didn't answer to them. However, she promised to get the information that they needed about Deceptor. After Tracy disconnected the call, she returned to the kitchen and saw Chase and Brook Lynn kissing. "Don't you two ever stop?" Tracy asked. "Only when absolutely necessary," Chase replied.

At Sonny's penthouse, Sonny asked if Nina had seen Ned, but she revealed that Ned was still asleep. She suggested that they check on Ned, but Sonny assured her that the doctors wanted Ned to get plenty of rest. Sonny told Nina that he had checked in with Olivia earlier. Just then, Ned entered the living room.

"Can someone tell me what I'm doing here?" Ned asked. It quickly became clear that Ned had been referring to Sonny's luxurious penthouse and that Ned continued to believe that he was "Eddie Maine." "Eddie" thanked Sonny for giving him a place to spend the night, so Sonny admitted that Olivia was a good friend. "Eddie" assured Sonny that Olivia seemed like a nice lady, but "Eddie" was frustrated because he didn't know how to convince Olivia that he couldn't be the person that she wanted him to be.

"Eddie's" mood didn't improve when Olivia arrived. Olivia was disappointed when she realized that Ned's memories hadn't returned, so she apologized for what had unfolded at the Savoy. Sonny and Nina took Olivia's dessert dish to the kitchen to give Olivia and "Eddie" some privacy. Olivia handed "Eddie" an overnight bag with clothes, but she asked him to give her a few minutes because she wanted to show him a photo album. "Eddie" reluctantly agreed. Olivia was hurt when the photographs of her and Ned's life failed to spark a memory.

However, "Eddie" perked up when he saw a photograph of Ned and Lois Cerullo. Sonny and Nina returned to the living room, and Sonny asked if "Eddie" recognized the woman in the photograph. "Eddie" admitted that the name was on the tip of his tongue, so Sonny revealed that Lois had been Sonny's childhood friend and Ned's music manager. Olivia's eyes welled up with tears, and she flipped through a few more photographs, hoping to trigger a memory. Her temper exploded when "Eddie" recognized one of his guitars in a photograph because he could remember a guitar from the 1990s but not his wife and family.

"Eddie" apologized for upsetting Olivia. "Eddie" decided to step out for some fresh air, so Nina followed him into the hallway. Sonny tried to comfort Olivia, but Olivia confessed that she was terrified that "Eddie" would try to skip town. Sonny told Olivia not to give up. She assured him that she intended to fight "like hell" for her family. When Sonny's phone buzzed, Olivia told him that she would see herself out.

In the hallway, Nina called out to "Eddie." "Eddie" stopped because he appreciated that Nina hadn't pressured him and had referred to him by his name. He was curious why Nina had been the only one. Nina explained that no one should force him to be someone that he was not. "Eddie" agreed, and he suggested that it might be best for everyone if he left town. The conversation abruptly ended when Olivia left the penthouse. Olivia assured "Eddie" that she was leaving, but she told him that Sonny had her number if "Eddie" wanted to call.

After Olivia walked away, "Eddie" admitted that the encounter with Olivia had been brutal. Nina suggested that it might get easier over time, but she warned him that there were a lot of Quartermaines in town. "Eddie" confessed that he preferred life on the road because he could focus on his music, and it was where he felt truly alive. "Eddie" pointed out that there was nothing keeping him in Port Charles.

Moments later, Nina ran into the penthouse and apologized to Sonny. Alarmed, Sonny asked where Ned was. Nina claimed that she hadn't been able to stop Ned. "Ned's gone," Nina said. A short time later, Dex knocked on the door, and Sonny called out for Dex to enter. Dex opened the door and ushered an annoyed "Eddie" in.

In the Quartermaine kitchen, Brook Lynn resented Tracy expecting her to go to work, and she questioned if Ned was important to Tracy. Tracy promised that she cared about Ned, but there was nothing that they could do for him. Brook Lynn disagreed. However, Olivia returned from her visit with Ned and informed both Tracy and Brook Lynn that her efforts had failed. "Your dad doesn't think of us as family anymore," Olivia said.

"Now what?" Brook Lynn asked. Olivia promised that she would not give up, but they had to figure out a new tactic. After Olivia left, Brook Lynn agreed to change for work. Tracy smiled with satisfaction.

In Austin's office, Ava informed Austin that she had changed her mind about getting Pilar fired. Austin urged Ava to reconsider because Mason was an impatient man, and Mason wouldn't hesitate to find a creative way to motivate them. Ava wasn't intimidated because Mason couldn't afford to hurt her. "Who says it's your bones he's going to break?" Austin asked. Austin warned Ava that Mason was ruthless, and no one was off limits to Mason.

Ava agreed to find a way to get Pilar fired. Moments later, Mason arrived. Austin invited Mason to cut to the chase, since Mason had called for the meeting. Mason asked what Ava had for him, but she insisted that she needed more time because she and Sonny had never been friends. Austin promised that he and Ava had a plan in place, but Mason wanted results. Frustrated, Ava asked what exactly Mason was looking for.

"Anything on Pikeman," Mason said. Mason warned Ava to stop stalling, or he would find a way to motivate her. Mason retrieved a small plastic bag from his jacket and handed it to Ava. The bag contained strands of Ava's hair that had been taken from Nikolas' body. Ava wasn't threatened by the DNA evidence, but Mason reminded her that the police knew that Ava had been the last person to see Nikolas before Nikolas had disappeared.

Mason was confident that it wouldn't take the police long to conclude that Ava had murdered Nikolas. Austin assured Mason that he and Ava understood the stakes. After Mason left, Austin suggested that Ava plant drugs on Pilar. Ava balked at taking such a drastic step. She promised to think of something, but first, she intended to spend time with Avery.

A short time later, Ava was walking through the park when Pilar ran up, calling for help. Alarmed, Ava asked where Avery was. "Avery's gone. She disappeared," Pilar said.

Sonny and Ava are frantic when Avery goes missing

Sonny and Ava are frantic when Avery goes missing

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

by Elisabeth

At Deception, Brook Lynn stopped by Maxie's office with lunch. Maxie was surprised to see Brook Lynn at work on her day off, but Maxie was grateful for the lunch because Maxie had been swamped with work, since her assistant had suddenly quit. Brook Lynn claimed that she had wanted to help out with social media. As they chatted about the success of Deceptor, Maxie opened a program on her computer to review a list of products that Deception sold. However, the conversation took a turn when Maxie mentioned that she'd decided to look for a house. Brook Lynn was curious why it had taken so long.

"Because of Nathan," Maxie said. Maxie explained that her apartment held special memories because it was where she had met, fallen in love with, and started a family with Nathan. It was also where Maxie and Nina had planned Nathan's funeral. Maxie was certain that she would make new memories with her children in their new home, but she was afraid to let her apartment go because it had become her "emotional support blanket." Brook Lynn assured Maxie that she didn't have to leave the apartment if she wasn't ready, but Brook Lynn suggested that change could be good.

Maxie agreed, and she pointed to her friendship with Brook Lynn as an example of a positive change. Maxie insisted that Brook Lynn was like a second mother to Bailey, and Maxie trusted Brook Lynn with her life. "You really shouldn't," Brook Lynn said. Brook Lynn admitted that she was no angel. Maxie started to respond, but her phone rang. After a brief exchange on the phone, Maxie excused herself to attend to a problem with the distribution department.

After Maxie left, Brook Lynn plugged a flash drive into Maxie's computer and downloaded the file on Deceptor. A short time later, Maxie returned to her office, but Brook Lynn was gone. Maxie called Brook Lynn's assistant to ask where Brook Lynn was, but the assistant revealed that she hadn't seen Brook Lynn all day.

In the Quartermaine kitchen, Tracy sent Brook Lynn a text message asking Brook Lynn to let her know when she had found something in Maxie's office. Moments later, Dante, Sam, and Scout entered. Scout ran over and greeted her Aunt Tracy with a hug. Tracy told Scout that Olivia had taken Leo to the park, but Scout might find Cody in the stables. Dante explained that they weren't there to visit Olivia or Cody. Just then, Drew walked in and informed Tracy that his daughter was there to see him. After Drew and Scout exchanged a hug, Drew asked Scout to show Dante the fresh blooms in Monica's garden.

When Sam apologized to Drew for not attending his hearing, Tracy realized that something had gone wrong. Drew filled Tracy in about Judge Kim's decision to toss out his plea agreement and sentence him to three years in Pentonville. Tracy was outraged, and she insisted that it was a miscarriage of justice. Tracy acknowledged that she and Drew had had their issues, but she was certain that her brother Alan was turning over in his grave. She urged Drew to change his plea and throw Carly under the bus, but Drew refused to consider it.

To Tracy's surprise, Sam agreed with Tracy. Drew insisted that it was for the best. "For who? For Carly, not for your daughter," Tracy said. Drew argued that Scout had a loving and safe home with Dante and Sam. Drew was adamant that taking the fall would do the most good for the most people, but Sam pushed back because she didn't think it was fair that Drew was a "sacrificial lamb" for the greater good. "Nobody said life was fair, Sam," Drew said.

Tracy argued that being a sacrificial lamb was an overrated virtue, but Drew reminded her that he had broken the law and needed to face the consequences. "What about the consequences for Carly?" Sam asked. Just then, Scout and Dante returned. Scout had heard the raised voices and asked why her parents had been arguing. Drew and Sam quickly assured Scout that they were scared, not mad. Dante and Tracy watched as Drew and Sam sat Scout down and gently broke the news that Drew had to go to jail. Scout recalled visiting Sam in jail years earlier, and she asked if she could visit Drew.

Sam promised that she would take Scout every weekend to see Drew. After Tracy asked Scout to show her the garden, Brook Lynn arrived home. Brook Lynn felt terrible for Drew. Dante promised to help if Drew ran into trouble at Pentonville. Drew thanked Dante, and he asked Dante to continue to be present for Scout.

Later, Brook Lynn was seated in the kitchen when Tracy strolled in. Brook Lynn immediately handed her grandmother the flash drive with all the proprietary information on Deceptor since its first mention the previous fall. Tracy's delight turned to surprise. "That's a lot sooner than we thought," Tracy said. Brook Lynn demanded to know if Tracy had been working with someone else to take down Deception. Tracy advised Brook Lynn to follow orders and not ask questions. "Or else," Tracy warned.

At Metro Court's pool, Martin asked Lucy to take a dip with him in the pool, but Lucy declined. Concerned, Martin admitted that he had the feeling that something was weighing on her mind, but Lucy perked up when she saw Mac and Felicia arrive. Lucy warmly greeted her friends, and Mac explained that it had been a spontaneous decision to spend the day at the pool. After Felicia sent Mac to fetch her a pia colada, Lucy asked Martin to get one for her, too. Martin pointed out that Lucy hadn't finished her first one, so Lucy quickly emptied her glass.

Once Lucy and Felicia were alone, Felicia asked why Lucy had wanted to meet. Lucy revealed that Martin had been acting strange ever since they had left the safe house. Lucy filled Felicia in about Martin's habit of sending calls to voicemail without explanation, the cryptic way he discussed business, and his refusal to take any credit for helping Lucy invent Deceptor. Felicia suggested that Martin might not want to take the spotlight from Lucy, since Lucy had done all the leg work. Lucy conceded that it was possible, but she was certain that something was "very fishy."

Felicia asked if Lucy wanted her to spy on Martin, so Lucy clarified that she wanted Felicia to find out what Martin was hiding. Lucy hoped that it turned out to be a big "nothing burger."

Meanwhile, Martin and Mac settled on lounge chairs with their drinks. Martin started to take off his shirt, but he changed his mind when he noticed how fit and muscular Mac was. Mac suspected that Lucy hoped to force Martin and him into becoming fast friends, and Martin suggested that Lucy wanted to recreate the same couples dynamic that she'd had with Mac and Felicia during her marriage to Kevin. Mac admitted that the four of them had had a lot of fun. Martin started to ask about Lucy and Kevin's split, but Mac burst out laughing when Martin described Lucy as a charitable and forgiving person.

Mac explained that Lucy could be forgiving -- except when someone dismissed her as stupid, easily manipulated, or lacking in agency. Martin recalled the text message that he had received from his third ex-wife, who had warned him that it was a serious mistake to avoid her.

In Carly's kitchen, Carly greeted Josslyn as Josslyn arrived home from the pool. Carly was curious why Josslyn hadn't spent the day with Dex and Trina, so Josslyn admitted that Trina had had things to do, and Josslyn had wanted to check on Carly. Carly assured her daughter that she was fine, but Josslyn didn't believe her because Drew had been sentenced to three years in Pentonville. Josslyn was stunned by the judge's decision. Carly explained that Judge Kim had seen an opportunity to be tough on a privileged defendant, but Josslyn argued that Drew was a decorated Navy SEAL who had helped save a lot of people from Victor's deadly plan.

Carly told Josslyn that the judge hadn't wanted the public to think that Drew could get away with a white-collar crime because he had done a few heroic things, but Josslyn insisted that three years in prison was excessive. Carly knew that Josslyn believed it had been a huge mistake for her not to turn in Sonny, so Josslyn asked if her mother had any regrets. Carly explained that it was a line that she would never cross. Josslyn surprised her mother when she confessed that she'd had a change of heart about Sonny, and she credited Carly with helping her to realize that she'd lost her way because Josslyn had been too focused on defending Carly and protecting Dex.

Josslyn admitted she hadn't completely forgiven Sonny, but she'd been able to let go of her anger for the sake of her sisters. However, Josslyn didn't think it was fair that Sonny -- who had committed countless crimes -- was able to walk around free, while Drew faced three years in prison. Josslyn felt bad for both Scout and Sam, but Carly assured Josslyn that Drew's attorney had filed an appeal. Moments later, Diane entered the kitchen and announced that she had some good news. Diane revealed that Carly's accounts would be unfrozen the follow day. Carly's relief was short-lived because Diane handed her a copy of the plea agreement, including Carly's penalty.

Carly was shocked that she would have to pay a $5,000,000 fine, which would wipe out her entire savings. Josslyn offered to use her trust fund to help Carly, but Carly refused to consider it. When Josslyn suggested that Carly turn to Michael or Sonny for help, Diane warned Carly not to do it because the SEC would put both Carly and Sonny's finances under a forensics microscope. Diane also reminded Carly that Michael had managed to fly under the SEC's radar, but that might change if he paid Carly's fine. Diane assured Carly that -- despite the exorbitant fine -- it was a good deal.

After Diane left to finalize the paperwork with the Feds, Josslyn asked what Carly intended to do. Carly assured her daughter that she would figure something out. Carly reminded Josslyn that Carly knew what it was like to start with nothing and claw her way to the top. "I am Carly Spencer. I will get every single thing back that I lost," Carly said. Josslyn believed her mother. Carly admitted that the world might be kicking her while she was down, but Carly vowed to kick back ten times harder.

Moments later, Drew arrived. After Josslyn and Drew exchanged a hug, Josslyn excused herself to give Drew and Carly some privacy. Drew confessed that he had been looking forward to seeing her, but everything was happening too fast. "This is where we say goodbye," Carly said in a sad tone.

In the park, Ava frantically called out to Avery. When Chase -- flanked by two police officers -- arrived on the scene, Ava told him that someone had kidnapped Avery. Chase questioned Pilar, who claimed that she had only turned her back for a second, and Avery had vanished. Chase asked a police officer to take Pilar's statement, but Ava wanted Chase to do more because she knew that the first 24 hours were critical. Chase suggested that Avery had simply wandered off, but Ava disagreed. "I have every reason in the world to believe someone kidnapped her," Ava said.

Chase asked why Ava was certain that someone had snatched Avery. Ava recalled her conversation with Austin in his office when he had warned her that Mason might use Avery to force Ava's compliance. Ava pushed the memory away. She reminded Chase that Sonny was Avery's father, and Sonny had too many enemies to count. Chase realized that Ava had a point, so he decided to have a missing child alert issued. Ava pulled out her phone and called Sonny.

At Sonny's penthouse, "Eddie" resented that Sonny had sent Dex after him, and he accused Dex of manhandling him. Nina assured "Eddie" that no one had intended to hurt him, but Sonny had been concerned. "Eddie" made it clear that he was no one's problem and announced that he had a train to catch. "You're not going anywhere," Sonny said. "Eddie" admitted that he had done some research on Sonny, so he asked if Sonny intended to break his legs if he refused to stay in town and keep Olivia happy.

"Eddie" revealed that he had also learned that Sonny and Olivia shared a child. Sonny confirmed that it was true and that he would go far for Olivia. Nina's expression filled with concern, but she remained silent. Sonny explained that Olivia would want "Eddie" to remain in one piece, but he conceded that some of the stories about him were true. "On that note, I'm going to make you an offer you can't refuse," Sonny said. Sonny explained that he had connections to every music venue, radio station, and boutique record label in town, and Sonny would introduce "Eddie" to all the right people in exchange for "Eddie" staying in Port Charles.

Nina didn't look happy about the offer, but "Eddie" was tempted. "Eddie" asked how he could be assured that his music would be a priority for the record label he signed with. Sonny promised to make certain of it. The conversation was cut short when Sonny's phone rang. After a brief exchange with Ava, Sonny raced out the door.

A short time later, Sonny arrived at the park. Pilar began to apologize to Sonny, but he was focused on finding Avery. Sonny sent Frank to organize a search, but Chase warned Sonny that Sonny's presence might elevate the situation if "other elements" were at play. "Right now, I'm a parent first," Sonny said. After Chase walked away, Sonny decided to call Dante, but Ava walked over and told Sonny that there was something he needed to know.

"You all looking for someone?" Austin asked. Everyone turned as Austin approached with Avery, who held a pink balloon. Relieved, Sonny and Ava ran over to their daughter. Austin explained that he'd been out for a run, and he'd seen Avery alone at the pond. Ava's eyes narrowed with suspicion, but Avery revealed that she'd gone off in search of balloons when she'd spotted a batch floating in the air. Austin reiterated that he'd been concerned because Avery had been alone, and he said that it had been fortunate that she had recognized him.

Ava glared at Austin, but Sonny was focused on Avery as he sternly reminded his daughter that she was never to run off again. "Yes, Daddy," Avery said. Sonny walked over to Pilar and warned her never to turn her back on his children again. Pilar explained that she had answered a call from a telemarketer who had used her grandmother's phone number as the caller ID and that Avery had disappeared during those few seconds.

When Ava and Avery walked over, Sonny decided to take Avery home. He invited Ava to stop by the penthouse when she had finished up with the police. After Sonny left, Pilar started to apologize, but Ava told Pilar that they would talk the following day. Chase offered to take Pilar home. As soon as Chase and Pilar left, Ava slapped Austin across the face. "You son of a bitch! You set this whole thing up, didn't you?" Ava asked.

At the penthouse, Nina shared the news that Avery had been found. "Eddie" was happy for Sonny and Nina, but he confessed that he had never been interested in being a father because children were too much baggage. Nina assured him that children made life meaningful, but "Eddie" insisted that he needed time and room to follow his passion for music. Nina carefully steered the conversation to Sonny's offer. She pretended to be happy for "Eddie," but she reminded him that he would be a "big fish in a really small pond."

Nina also pointed out that "Eddie" would be able to focus on his music rather than worrying about a national reach, tours, and chasing fame, glory, and attention. "It's not what you want, is it, Eddie?" Nina asked. "Eddie" admitted that she had given him a lot to think about. A short time later, Sonny and Avery arrived home. Nina warmly greeted Avery and whisked her into the kitchen. "Eddie" told Sonny that he had reservations about Sonny's offer, but he had decided to take it. Sonny and "Eddie" shook hands.

Spencer and Dex get into a fight

Spencer and Dex get into a fight

Thursday, June 29, 2023

by Marissa PD

Elizabeth knocked on Finn's door, and he opened it, surprised. He invited her in and wondered what he could do for her. She mentioned the text he'd sent her, and he was confused until Violet ran in and told Elizabeth that she was right on time for the date. She put a bouquet of flowers on the coffee table and explained that she'd ordered them, using Finn's phone. She ran off to retrieve the candles, and Finn took the opportunity to tell Elizabeth that he would be having a long conversation with Violet about boundaries. Violet returned with the candles, which Finn helped her light, and as their server, she set up two place settings.

Violet ran off to get the drinks, and Elizabeth marveled over how long it had been since she and Finn had spent time together outside of work. Violet returned with the drinks just in time to hear a knock on the door, and she announced that dinner was there. She'd also ordered pizza, using Finn's phone. A short while later, Violet cleared away the dirty dishes and left the room to get dessert. She returned with a plate of cupcakes.

Later, Finn asked how Elizabeth was adjusting to being head nurse. Elizabeth replied that she was finding her way, and her teammates were adjusting, as well. Finn thought that Elizabeth was remarkable -- and also a good sport for going along with the date night. They found Violet asleep with a cupcake in her hand, and Elizabeth helped Finn put her to bed. A few minutes later, Finn promised to have a conversation with Violet, as he and Elizabeth couldn't be together just because Violet wanted them to be. Elizabeth said that she had to go, and Finn handed her the bouquet of flowers.

At Wyndemere, Ava sipped a drink and thought back to accusing Austin of setting up Avery's kidnapping. Just then, there was a pounding on the door, and Austin yelled that he needed to talk to her before she got them both killed. She opened the door to him and advised that she didn't want to see him. He entered the house, anyway, and poured himself a drink, believing that it was the least she owed him after what he'd done for her. She shrieked that he'd made her believe that her child had been kidnapped, but he clarified that he'd staged an incident to get the nanny out of the way without getting her killed. He figured that it was better for Pilar to lose her job than her life. "What have you gotten me into?" she asked.

Austin reminded Ava that she was the one who'd killed her husband and gotten Austin involved. Ava demanded to know who was behind Mason, and Austin fearfully told her that it was "like no one you've met before." He warned that they would keep ramping up the pressure until she gave them what they wanted, or they would get rid of her and go at Sonny a different way. She remarked on how his fear seemed real, while everything else about him had been a lie. "Have I been anything to you?" she asked, and he wondered if he had been anything to her other than a patsy. They argued until he exclaimed that he didn't want her to die. She demanded to know why, and in response, he kissed her.

In Carly's bedroom, she couldn't believe that it was her and Drew's last night together for three years. She talked about all her regrets and how she should be the one paying for the crime instead of Drew. Drew thought that him going to jail was the most logical solution with the least amount of collateral damage. She wondered why he should pay for the mess she'd made, and he replied that it was because he loved her. He didn't want to spend his last night rehashing everything they couldn't change and instead talked about whisking her away to someplace romantic and exotic. He promised that they would still have a life together, but it would just be delayed a bit. She promised to wait for him as long as she had to.

Drew put on some music, and he slow danced with Carly. They made their way to the bed, where they undressed and made love. Later, Carly lay on Drew's chest and lamented that nights like that were always over too soon. He assured her that they had a few hours left. She asked him to promise to be careful, keep a low profile, and be a model prisoner so that he could return home to her. He promised and kissed her.

Esme and Ace arrived in Portia's office, and Portia revealed that she wanted to discuss Esme and Spencer's co-parenting plan. Esme commented that they were trying -- but sometimes he was available, and sometimes he wasn't. Portia thought it was a good idea for them to take a parenting class together, but Esme didn't think Spencer would go for it. Portia thought it would be helpful for them and for Ace and that it wouldn't hurt to ask. She suggested that if Esme told Spencer that she would go to the class whether or not he did, Spencer might surprise her. Portia handed a pamphlet to Esme.

Spencer and Trina arrived at the Highsider bar, hoping to find a witness to Oz selling Esme the burner phone. He thought it was a waste of time, since they had the evidence Victor had left him, but Trina needed something real. Spencer didn't think any of the "lowlifes" in the bar would be cooperative. Josslyn and Dex entered to help.

Dante and Sam were sitting at the bar in the Highsider and wondered what the kids were up to. Dante remarked that he didn't care, as he was off-duty and with Sam. He mentioned that she'd done an incredible job officiating Michael and Willow's wedding, and he explained that he was only telling her then because they hadn't had a lot of time lately to sit and connect.

Dex, Josslyn, Trina, and Spencer sat down at a table across the room from Dante and Sam, and Trina hoped to find something real to use against Esme. Spencer countered that they already had what they needed. Trina was surprised that he'd kept it, but he explained that it was a "plan B" in case Esme regained her memories or ran off with Ace. Dex warned that showing up with miraculous evidence would make the cops scrutinize it more, and if one piece of it didn't hold up, Spencer could be arrested for obstruction of justice. Spencer challenged Dex, and Dex got fed up and got up from the table. "There's no helping this jackass," he muttered. Spencer shot back that he didn't want Dex's help, anyway, and punched him in the mouth, sending Dex to the floor.

"Did you see that?" Sam asked Dante. "Damn it, yes," Dante replied. Josslyn and Trina tried to calm their respective boyfriends down, but the two fought until Dex punched Spencer, who ended up on the ground. The bouncer approached to break it up, but Dante showed his badge and offered to take care of it, as he knew the kids. The girls explained to Dante what had happened, and he asked if Dex wanted to press charges, since Spencer had hit him first. Dex declined it, and he and Josslyn left. Dante helped a pained Spencer up and returned to Sam.

Trina yelled at Spencer for turning into the "selfish, entitled jerk" he'd always been. "I can't stand when you do this. Maybe this is who you are," she contemplated. Spencer apologized, but Trina didn't want to hear "another meaningless apology," and she stormed out. Watching from across the room, Dante and Sam observed that that hadn't gone well. "Poor Spencer," Dante said at the same time as Sam said, "Poor Trina." They talked about how grateful they were to never have to deal with any problems like that, and they began to slow dance in the middle of the bar.

Dex and Josslyn returned to Dex's, and she ranted about Spencer's treatment of Dex. He smiled and said that she was beautiful and made him happy. She kissed him and wondered if it hurt. "A little," he replied. She wanted to test it and find out, and she began to undress.

A clearly hurting Spencer undressed in his bedroom, revealing bruises from his fight. Esme knocked on the door and entered, asking what had happened. She was shocked to find him shirtless -- and more shocked to see his bruises. He sternly told her that he was fine, and she didn't need to worry about him. "If you say so," she answered, and she left the room.

Trina found a pleasantly surprised Portia at the hospital and hugged her. Trina explained that she'd been passing by, so she'd figured she would stop by and see how her mother was doing. Portia replied that things were "in limbo," but Trina would be the first to know if it changed. Trina acknowledged how hard it was to have a strong connection with someone but have things happen to make one question it. Portia appreciated the understanding and said she'd thought that Trina would have been out with Spencer that night. Trina answered that she "wasn't feeling it," so she'd said goodnight.

In Pentonville, Cyrus recited a Bible verse. He told a guard that there would be a new prisoner the next day, a friend named Drew Cain.

Zeke wants to talk to Jordan

Zeke wants to talk to Jordan

Friday, June 30, 2023

by Marissa PD

In his bedroom, Spencer called Trina but only got her voicemail. He was in the middle of telling her to call him when Esme entered his room with an ice pack for him. He yelled at her to get out, and she ran out of the room. A few minutes later, she returned to his room and asked him what had happened, as he could be really hurt. They argued when he insisted that he was fine, and she threw the ice pack at him. She stormed out but returned minutes later, reading off of her phone all the bad things that could happen to him after being hit in the stomach.

Spencer insisted that Esme didn't have to worry about him, and she related that he'd been pretty reliable until recently. He finally told her about the fight with Dex, but then realized that she was the last person he wanted to confide in. She assured him that she understood, as she tended to lash out and have others judge her for it. They both said that they were trying to be better people. She handed him the ice pack and asked if they had always been awful people.

Spencer explained how important Esme had been to him when they'd been at school, and he added that she'd been his first love. However, he knew that she'd been manipulating him the whole time. She believed that "old Esme" had truly liked Spencer. Esme offered to take the night shift with Ace so Spencer could get some rest, and he appreciated it. She told him about the parenting class at the hospital, and he promised to be there. She thanked him and left the room, and she smiled to herself on the other side of the door.

In Portia's office, Trina listened to Spencer's message, including his outburst at Esme. Portia returned, and Trina wanted to talk to her mother about Curtis. She thought that Portia was letting Curtis off the hook too easily, but Portia informed Trina that it had nothing to do with Trina. She wanted to figure out her marriage on her own, and she didn't want Trina dealing with the baggage that accompanied the marital issues.

Trina's phone rang, and she told Portia that it was "only Spencer." She told Portia about what had happened at the Highsider, and Portia accused Spencer of being back to his old ways. Portia acknowledged that he was more mature and responsible since they'd met, and it was because of Trina. Trina hated the idea of Spencer spending any time with Esme, and she lamented that Esme could be in her life forever. Portia replied that Trina needed to have to her own life, and she shouldn't make her world smaller for Spencer.

In Jordan's office, her phone rang, and she answered it to Zeke. He wondered if she was free for dinner that night. She replied that she was free, but not for him. He wanted to clear the air, but she was done with him. There was a knock on her door, and Curtis entered. She told Zeke that she couldn't talk and hung up on him. Curtis insisted that he wasn't there to argue, but he wanted to know why she would tell Portia that he and Jordan had kissed. She answered that she hadn't, and she told him about her conversation with Zeke before she'd known who he was. He chided her for telling a stranger something so personal, but she explained that she'd needed someone to confide in and had no one else.

Just then, there was a knock on the door, and Jordan opened the door to Zeke, who was not happy to see Curtis there. The men argued and hurled thinly veiled threats at each other. Curtis advised Zeke to think twice before interfering in his business again, and he left. Zeke wanted to talk to Jordan, but she stated that they had nothing to discuss. "You know the way out," she said, and he left quietly.

Finn handed Elizabeth the vase of flowers, and their hands touched. Just then, Violet ran into the room, screaming that Elizabeth couldn't leave yet. The three sat down, and Violet revealed that she'd had a bad dream, and she was scared to go back to sleep. A few minutes later, Finn promised that both he and Elizabeth would put Violet back to bed. Violet replied that she liked when Elizabeth was there, and Finn agreed. Elizabeth returned with a mug of "sleepy time magic milk" for Violet, and Violet liked it better than Finn's.

A short while later, Finn and Elizabeth had put Violet to bed. As Finn asked if she wanted a cup of tea, Elizabeth figured that it was time for her to go. She expressed how much fun she'd had, and Finn thanked her for going along with Violet's scheme. Elizabeth said goodnight and left, and both smiled on their respective side of the closed door.

Sasha arrived at Sonny's and was curious as to why he wanted to talk to her. He revealed that he knew that Sasha was looking to end her guardianship and that Gladys thought Sasha wasn't ready. Sasha admitted that some days, she felt confident, strong, and healthy, and others were "so-so." She also acknowledged that she had dark days, where the sadness weighed on her heart. Sonny assured her that grief always played mind tricks. Sasha thought that, through that, she was ready. Sonny talked about how no one was ever one hundred percent, but Sasha was on the right track. He believed that she was ready, and he assured her that he and Gladys would always be there for her. "Go live your life," he instructed, and she hugged him appreciatively.

In the Wyndemere living room, Austin kissed Ava, and she pushed him away moments later. After a beat, Ava rushed to him, and the two kissed again. Minutes later, they were undressing in Ava's bed. Later, a robe-clad Ava made up her side of the bed, and Austin reminded her that he was still in it. She gathered up his clothing from the floor and informed him that he would be leaving. She thought that their time together was a mistake, and they could easily pretend that it had never happened. Austin didn't think it had been a mistake, and he related how hard it was for him to let people in.

Ava reminded Austin that he'd lied to her and kidnapped her daughter. She advised him not to pull a stunt like that again, or else the next body she would dump in the stables would be his. A few minutes later in front of the front door, Austin thought it would be better for him to stay the night and not wake "the launch guy," so Ava suggested that he swim. "I'm exhausted, and I'm willing to bet that you'll sleep soundly tonight," he said. She replied by closing the door in his face and smiling to herself.

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