General Hospital Recaps: The week of June 19, 2023 on GH

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Drew was sentenced to three years in prison. Portia learned of Curtis and Jordan
General Hospital Recaps: The week of June 19, 2023 on GH

Drew was sentenced to three years in Pentonville. Portia learned about the kiss between Curtis and Jordan. Jordan chose a new career path. Nina had a change of heart about confessing to Sonny. Selina ordered Gladys to help Cody. Austin offered Ava advice about spying on Sonny. Molly received some bad news.

Portia learns about Curtis and Jordan

Portia learns about Curtis and Jordan's kiss

Monday, June 19, 2023

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by Steve Holley

At Sonny's penthouse, Ava was searching for information about Pikeman when she heard the sound of keys rattling. Pilar appeared, and Ava nervously left. Afterwards, Pilar seemed suspicious of Ava.

At the hospital, Austin escorted Laura to a bench. Laura shared that she felt lightheaded after having donated blood. Laura told Austin that she planned to visit Chechnya because she felt that Nikolas was there.

Austin gave his opinion, both as a doctor and as a "concerned citizen," that it was in Laura's best interest not to go to Chechnya. Laura thanked Austin for his advice, and she left. Afterwards, Ava texted to tell Austin to meet her in his office.

Later, in Austin's office, Austin told Ava that he'd tried his best to dissuade Laura from searching for Nikolas. Ava shared that she hadn't found anything about Pikeman that Mason could use against Sonny when she had been in Sonny's penthouse. Austin suggested there might be another way into Sonny's office.

Austin said that Ava needed to find a way to have Sonny fire Pilar. Ava protested, but Austin was persistent. Ava eventually agreed to find a way to have Pilar fired. "You can get this done," Austin said. "In my sleep," Ava said with assurance.

Also at the hospital, Nina said she had something important to tell Sonny, but the two were interrupted by a surprise visit from Leo. Dante shared the update on Ned, with Sonny and Nina. Sonny stepped away to visit Leo. By the stairs, Sonny told Leo that Ned would fight to get better. Brook Lynn approached, and she shared that Ned was "confused." Dante left with Leo to meet with Olivia and Tracy.

After Dante and Leo left, Brook Lynn told Sonny and Nina that Ned believed he was Eddie Maine. Sonny recalled that Eddie Maine had been Ned's stage name many years before in the 1990s. Nina was relieved when Brook Lynn said that Ned didn't remember his fall or anything that had happened moments before the incident.

Brook Lynn left to join others from her family outside Ned's room. Afterwards, Nina smiled as she quipped that her problems didn't seem so bad compared to what the Quartermaines were going through.

Sonny reminded Nina that she had had something to tell him. Nina rambled nervously about a new facial mask from Deception having caused her to drop her engagement ring down a drain. Sonny told Nina that the ring wasn't the problem, and he said that he was concerned about Nina, given how she was acting.

Sonny added that he had felt that Nina had been on the verge of telling him something worse than Nina losing her engagement ring. Nina said that her engagement ring meant a lot to her. "As long as I'm with you, that's all I care about," Sonny said before hugging Nina.

In Ned's room at the hospital, Tracy and Olivia were stunned when Ned said his name was Eddie Maine and that he had no idea who any of his family were. Ned screamed at Olivia that he wasn't her husband. T.J. asked to examine Ned in private. Out in the lobby, Brook Lynn tried to stop a frantic Olivia from jumping to the worst-case scenario about Ned. Just then, Dante and Leo appeared.

T.J. shared that Ned's memory impairment and changes to his personality indicated that Ned was suffering from a traumatic brain injury. T.J. added that Ned's family should prepare for the possibility of a "challenging" recovery for Ned.

T.J. listed memory lapses and a lack of impulse control as side effects to Ned's brain injury, and he warned that symptoms might affect Ned for a while. Unbeknownst to everyone, Leo had entered Ned's room. Leo called Ned his "dad." Ned replied that he was no one's dad. Leo swore that Ned had adopted him. Brook Lynn rushed in to get Leo. An angry Ned shouted that he was neither Brook Lynn nor Leo's dad.

Brook Lynn rushed out of the room with Leo, who ran off. Tracy left to search for Leo, and she found him sitting on a table near the nurses' station. Tracy asked what Leo knew about her, and she laughed when Leo replied that he knew Tracy was "mean."

"Maybe, but I'm direct. And I'm gonna tell you the truth. Your dad fell, and he hit his head so hard that he's confused. He's so confused, he doesn't recognize his family. That hurts my feelings, and I imagine it hurts yours, too. But I know that somewhere, deep inside, your dad knows exactly who we are. He just can't remember it now.

"But we know it. Because the man in that bed, he is your dad. He will always be your dad. Got it?" Tracy said as she pulled Leo close to her for a hug.

Back in the hallway outside Ned's room, T.J. said that it was too soon to tell how long Ned would suffer memory loss. Olivia wondered what would happen if Ned never regained his memory. Dante put his arms around Olivia, and he consoled her while encouraging Olivia to give Ned time. Nearby, with concern, Brook Lynn stared in at Ned from outside his room.

In Jordan's office at the Port Charles Police Station, Laura surprised Jordan when she asked for Jordan's resignation. Laura clarified that she only wanted Jordan to step down as police commissioner so that Jordan could serve as deputy mayor.

Jordan said she didn't feel she was the right person for the job. Laura pleaded with Jordan to reconsider, and she offered that it might be time for a new challenge for Jordan. Jordan eventually accepted Laura's offer. "Welcome aboard, Deputy Mayor Ashford!" Laura exclaimed.

At Metro Court, Zeke tried to walk back what he'd said about having an issue with Curtis, but Portia said she knew Zeke well enough to know that he was keeping something from her. Zeke stunned Portia when he said that Curtis had kissed Jordan.

Zeke revealed that Jordan had told him about the kiss, and he added he and Jordan had had a one-night stand. Zeke added that he was sorry that Portia had to learn the truth. Trina and Curtis appeared, and Trina observed that something was bothering Portia. Zeke asked Trina to join him outside by the pool.

At a table by the pool, Trina asked Zeke to tell her what was bothering Portia. Zeke said that Portia would tell Trina when Portia was ready. Trina agreed to let things go. Zeke teased Trina about her childhood. Trina shared that she was still angry with Portia about her lies, but she said she would always love Portia.

Trina mentioned Curtis, which caused Zeke to scowl. Trina asked what Zeke wasn't telling her. "Maybe you should keep your distance... from Curtis," Zeke told Trina.

Back inside the restaurant, Portia asked if Curtis had kissed Jordan. Curtis said that the kiss had been "a few weeks ago." Portia noted that the kiss had been around the same time that Curtis had decided to give his marriage to Portia another chance.

Curtis said that Jordan had made him realize that he wanted to give his marriage a second chance. "Oh, my goodness! Lucky me! Oh, wait. No, let me send her a card and thank her," Portia said sarcastically and with tears in her eyes.

Portia scoffed that Curtis had preached about loyalty and honesty when he had failed to tell her about having kissed Jordan. Curtis shot back that his and Jordan's kiss paled in comparison to Portia's 20-year lie about Trina's paternity.

Portia deduced that Curtis had been thinking of Jordan and that he had sought Jordan out. Portia accused Jordan of having purposefully "comforted" Curtis, who tried to claim that it was only because he and Jordan had a history. Portia said that Curtis' history with Jordan seemed current. "And we both know that Jordan has been harboring feelings for you. I just never knew that you felt the same way," Portia said.

Curtis said that Jordan was his past and that Portia was his future. Portia said she wished things were as simple as Curtis had described them. With tears in her eyes, Portia turned, and she walked away from Curtis.

Sam and Drew argue over his decision

Sam and Drew argue over his decision

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

by Steve Holley

In Jordan's office at the Port Charles Police Station, Taggert told Jordan that he needed a job, and he asked if there was room for another detective. Jordan was surprised by Taggert's request, but Taggert shared that he wanted to stay in Port Charles. Jordan deduced that Taggert's decision was motivated by Trina.

Taggert said that he didn't want to talk about his situation in regard to Trina and Curtis, and he asked Jordan to change the subject. Jordan shifted the conversation back to work, and she said that she had a job for Taggert. "Mine," Jordan added.

Jordan shared the news that she was the new acting deputy mayor, and she added that she needed to find her replacement as police commissioner. Jordan offered to volunteer Taggert's name for consideration as the new commissioner.

At the hospital, Elizabeth stared at the portrait of Epiphany that was affixed to the hospital's memorial wall. Elizabeth admitted that she was nervous about her first day as the hospital's new head nurse. "And when I doubt myself, which is more often than I care to admit, I remember that I was taught by the best. So, I've got this. I won't let you down," Elizabeth said to the portrait of Epiphany.

Elizabeth met with Amy, who said that Portia had spent the previous night at the hospital. After telling Amy to check on a patient, Elizabeth asked Portia why she had spent the night at the hospital instead of at home with Curtis. Portia shared that she had feared she and Curtis might say things neither could take back.

Elizabeth surmised that Portia still wanted a life together with Curtis, but Portia said that Curtis hadn't been thinking about his marriage or about Portia. Elizabeth countered that Curtis wouldn't have moved back in with Portia if he had truly given up on his marriage. Portia agreed with Elizabeth, but she said that she wasn't ready to talk to Curtis.

Elizabeth received an influx of alerts on her phone. Portia encouraged Elizabeth to tend to work, and she noted that the alerts were the result of being the head of nursing. Elizabeth asked if she and Portia could continue their conversation over lunch. Portia thanked Elizabeth for the offer, but she politely declined. "I think you've helped me realize who I really need to be talking to," Portia said.

A short while later, Elizabeth scolded Amy for having blabbed about a patient's confidentiality after Amy had told Alexis that Ned believed he was Eddie Maine. Amy said that it wouldn't happen again. Elizabeth asked if Amy had seen Portia. Amy said that Portia had left. At the same time, back at the police station, Jordan heard a knock on her door. Portia appeared, and she stared in at Jordan.

In Dr. Navarro's office at the hospital, T.J. and Molly shared that they had decided to harvest Molly's eggs. Dr. Navarro said that a technician would take Molly for an ultrasound. After Dr. Navarro left, Molly brought up the possibility of using a surrogate mother to have a baby, and she asked if T.J. would be okay with it. T.J. indicated that he would be fine with a surrogate, and he and Molly kissed.

Later, T.J. and Molly were about to leave the hospital when Dr. Navarro stopped the couple to say that she had Molly's test results from the ultrasound.

Outdoors, Nina met Ava in the park. Nina shared that Ned only remembered his life as Eddie Maine instead of his life as a Quartermaine. Nina said that she had started to tell Sonny the truth about having tipped off the SEC. Ava said Nina's situation was not "sustainable" and that Ned would eventually regain his full memory.

Ava encouraged Nina to "confess" everything to Sonny, but Nina said that she would lose both Sonny and Willow forever if she followed Ava's advice. The two left the park to get coffee.

At Sonny's penthouse, Carly visited Sonny to tell him that Drew was prepared to go to prison for Drew and Carly's role in having committed insider trading. Sonny quipped that Drew's action were "honorable." Carly vented that she couldn't believe that Ned had turned her and Drew in to the SEC.

Sonny and Carly talked about Ned's condition, and Sonny confirmed that Ned believed he was Eddie Maine -- just as Ava and Nina entered the penthouse. Carly left after acknowledging Ava. Afterwards, Ava asked if Sonny had any news about the SEC investigation. Sonny said that Drew had decided to accept a plea deal and a prison sentence at Spring Ridge so that Carly could avoid prison.

Sonny turned his attention to Nina, and he said that the plumber had found Nina's engagement ring. Ava started to leave, but Nina agreed to walk Ava out. In the hallway, Nina complained that Carly had gotten off "scot-free again." "Carly is the one who bought the damn stock. She's the one that acted on the information that she wasn't supposed to have. Carly should go to prison. Not Drew. It's not fair," Nina said.

Back inside the penthouse, Sonny slipped the engagement ring back onto Nina's finger. Sonny told Nina to never take the ring off again. Nina agreed, and she and Sonny kissed.

At Sam and Dante's penthouse, Drew told Sam, Dante, and Alexis that he had offered a plea deal to the SEC. Drew said that he would have to pay a fine and serve time in prison. He added that his lawyer had proposed a six-month prison sentence.

Dante asked if Diane had made a similar offer to have Carly go to prison, and Drew said that Diane hadn't. "No, of course she didn't. So... you're going to prison so Carly doesn't have to," Sam marveled.

Drew said that he had stopped by to enlist Sam's help to deliver the news to Scout. "What -- what would be our approach to that conversation? Because I don't know how we would explain to our six-year-old daughter that you are not only leaving her again... but this time, it's your choice," Sam said with astonishment.

Sam encouraged Drew to fight the charges, and she noted that Drew had deserved a lesser sentence than Carly, given that Carly had bought Aurora shares. Drew whined that Sam was making things harder than they had to be. Sam shot back that she "damn sure" wouldn't make it easier. Dante left to give Sam and Drew privacy.

Drew claimed that his decision was the "best way out of a bad situation." "The best for who? Not for you. Not for our daughter, right? So, I guess it's best for Carly, right?" Sam said angrily.

Drew said that it broke his heart to be away from Scout. Sam grew emotional as she spoke of Scout's love for Drew. The two heard a knock at the door, and Dante returned to open the door to Carly. Carly said that she had stopped by because she thought that Sam might have some things to say to Carly.

Instead, Sam said that she "respected" Drew's decision. Sam asked if Drew had figured out how to tell Scout the news. Drew said that he thought it was better to wait until he had an exact date for when he was sentenced.

Drew then asked Dante to be present when Drew and Sam delivered the news to Scout. Dante agreed, and Drew said that he was "grateful" that Scout would have both Dante and Sam while he was away. Drew and Carly left.

Afterwards, Sam told Dante that she wanted to make a treasure chest for Scout so that Scout and Drew could go through it together after Drew was released. Dante said he liked the idea, and Sam and Dante cuddled on the couch.

Later, in the park outdoors, Carly remarked that Sam had taken the news better than she'd expected. Drew gushed that he was "so happy" that Carly and Sam were friends, and he said that Carly would share a "solid support system" with Sam while he was in Spring Ridge.

Drew tried to downplay his expected prison stay. Carly asked how she was supposed to be okay knowing that Drew would go to prison. Drew vowed that he and Carly would get through it together, and the two kissed.

Portia confronts Jordan about kissing Curtis

Portia confronts Jordan about kissing Curtis

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

by Elisabeth

In the park, Spinelli was not pleased when he saw Cody waiting with Sam. Spinelli turned to leave, but Sam explained that she needed Spinelli's help. Spinelli was curious what had changed Sam's mind about Cody because there had been a time when she hadn't trusted Cody. Cody argued that Spinelli didn't have any room to point fingers, since Spinelli had made questionable choices, too. Frustrated, Sam informed both men that they needed to focus on catching a bigger criminal mastermind than Cody and Spinelli combined.

Sam and Cody told Spinelli that they suspected that Gladys had framed Cody for stealing the diamond bracelet. Spinelli wasn't surprised, since Gladys had a long list of transgressions since arriving in Port Charles. Shocked by Gladys' extensive history of misdeeds, Cody admitted that he feared the worst for Sasha. Sam suggested that they put aside their differences and work together, but Spinelli wanted to know why Cody cared about Sasha. Cody explained that Sasha was a good person, and he begged Spinelli not to let Sasha pay for Cody's mistakes.

Cody apologized to Spinelli, and he admitted that they wouldn't be able to expose Gladys without Spinelli's help. Spinelli agreed to help as a favor to "fair Samantha" and Sasha.

In Metro Court's garden restaurant, Sasha, Gladys, Maxie, and Lucy were gathered for a morning meeting. When Sasha mentioned Brook Lynn's absence and family crisis, Maxie conceded that Brook Lynn had been a dedicated employee since Lucy had re-hired her. Lucy quickly clarified that she had not been responsible for Brook Lynn's return to Deception, but Sasha reminded both Maxie and Lucy that all that mattered was Ned's speedy recovery, especially since Leo had been struggling.

Sasha credited Cody with having a calming influence on Leo, which Sasha suspected was connected to Cody's affinity for horses. "Please. The only thing worse than horse crap is the person who shovels it," Gladys said. Sasha warned Gladys to give it a rest, but Gladys argued that Cody was a thief. Lucy reminded Gladys that people were "innocent until proven guilty." Maxie admitted that she had warmed up to Cody because of his "low-key self-confidence," and she said he was great with kids. Gladys complained that no one seemed bothered by the crimes that Cody had committed against Gladys and Sasha.

Sasha tactfully steered the conversation back to the business meeting, prompting Maxie to inform the group that they needed to find a supplier that could keep up with the demand for Deceptor before they launched their new product. "New product?" Gladys asked. Lucy made it clear that the information was top secret and none of Gladys' business. Offended, Gladys announced that she had to leave for an important meeting. "With a cocktail," Gladys said.

After Gladys left, Sasha apologized to Lucy and Maxie for Gladys' rudeness. Lucy had been surprised that Gladys had been quick to get her feelings hurt. Maxie agreed. Sasha confessed that it had seemed as if Gladys had disliked Cody even before the incident with the bracelet, so Lucy confessed that she believed Cody over Gladys. Maxie was also certain of Cody's innocence.

Sasha suggested that perhaps both Gladys and Cody had been victims and that someone had stolen the bracelet from Gladys and dropped the bracelet in the nearest jacket pocket without realizing who the jacket had belonged to. Maxie assured Sasha that the friction between Cody and Gladys didn't have to affect Sasha's relationship with Cody. "It already has," Sasha said. Maxie reminded Sasha that Cody hadn't hesitated to help Sasha on the Home and Heart Network.

Lucy asked if Cody expected Sasha to turn her back on Gladys, even though Gladys was in charge of Sasha's money. Sasha admitted that Gladys would always be family, but Sasha confessed that she had taken the first steps to end the guardianship. Maxie and Lucy were happy for Sasha, so she filled them in about her session with Dr. Montague, and Nina's offer to write a letter of recommendation to the judge. Maxie and Lucy each promised to write a letter in support of Sasha, too. Touched, Sasha admitted that she felt lucky to work with people who were also her friends.

After Sasha stepped away to fetch Lucy a cup of coffee, Lucy asked what Maxie thought was really going on between Sasha and Cody. Sasha returned in time to overhear Maxie admit that Cody felt more for Sasha than friendship.

Meanwhile, Gladys stood next to the hotel's pool as she answered a call from Cody. "There's no escaping you today," Gladys said in a surly tone. Cody explained that he wanted to meet up with Gladys, but she wasn't interested because she wanted to enjoy a daiquiri, poolside. Cody warned Gladys that he would take what he had learned about Gladys to Sasha. Gladys asked what Cody was talking about, but he abruptly disconnected the call.

In the park, Sam and Spinelli listened to Cody's exchange with Gladys on speakerphone. After Cody ended the call, Sam asked if he was ready to make a splash at Metro Court's pool. "Maybe without a parachute this time," Spinelli said.

A short time later, Sam entered the pool area, sat down a table, and opened a magazine as she covertly watched Gladys. Gladys was reclining on a lounge chair when Cody and Spinelli walked up and greeted Gladys. Cody cut to the chase as he informed Gladys that he and Spinelli knew that Gladys had planted the bracelet on Cody. "Now, I have the evidence to prove it," Cody said. Gladys told Cody that he was delusional, but Cody insisted that she would not get away with framing him.

At the table, Sam slid a small black device between the pages of the magazine. Unfortunately for Sam, Kristina appeared out of nowhere. After Kristina greeted her sister, she sat down and started to tell Sam about plans for the foundation. Kristina was certain that Sam would be proud that Kristina had been doing her due diligence with the project plans, but Sam changed the subject when she asked that Kristina grab two mimosas for them. Kristina agreed, so Sam asked Kristina to fetch the drinks from a bar on another floor because the service was slow at the pool's bar.

Kristina suspected that Sam was trying to get rid of her. Sam admitted that Kristina was right. "Beat it," Sam said.

Meanwhile, Cody vowed to show everyone the proof that Gladys had set him up, but Gladys was certain that Cody was bluffing. She reminded him that both the police and the insurance company had investigated the theft, and neither had turned up evidence against her. Spinelli found it telling that Gladys hadn't professed her innocence. Gladys assured Spinelli that she was innocent, but Cody revealed that Spinelli had uncovered security footage that had narrowed down the timeframe of when the bracelet had been "stolen."

Gladys was not impressed, but Spinelli advised Gladys to recant. Cody reminded Gladys that it was a crime to falsely report a crime. Spinelli pointed out that Gladys already had a history of making false accusations because she'd lied about seeing Jason Morgan disposing of a murder weapon. Spinelli was confident that the police wouldn't have any trouble believing that Gladys had lied again. "It's the truth," Gladys said.

Gladys argued that even Spinelli couldn't pinpoint her exact location by room when the theft had occurred. Spinelli explained that he could with the right tracking app. Horrified, Gladys asked if Spinelli had installed a tracking app on her phone, so he revealed that it hadn't been necessary because Gladys had downloaded an app to track her steps, and the app had recorded Gladys' movement during the Nurses Ball. Spinelli explained that the app also had advanced "geospatial metadata," which had provided him with Gladys' exact location during the theft, complete with a timestamp. "That's nerd for gotcha," Cody said.

In Dr. Navarro's office, Molly and T.J. waited for the doctor to join them. Molly was nervous about the results of the ultrasound, but T.J. urged her not to read into things. He assured Molly that she was young and healthy, and the chances were good that her ovarian reserve was high. Moments later, Dr. Navarro entered the office. Molly was eager for answers, so Dr. Navarro revealed that Molly's ovarian reserve was normal. Molly breathed a sigh of relief, but Dr. Navarro carefully explained that it was only one of the factors in determining a woman's fertility.

Dr. Navarro gently broke the news that -- based on the blood work and the number of follicles that she had counted in Molly's ovaries -- Molly's endometriosis had had an adverse effect on the quality of Molly's eggs. "What does that mean?" Molly asked. Dr. Navarro revealed that the chances were "extremely low" that Molly's eggs were viable enough to create an embryo. T.J. asked about fertility medications, but Dr. Navarro reminded him that she would have to run more tests. Dr. Navarro suggested that Molly needed time to process everything.

After Dr. Navarro left, T.J. assured Molly that the news had merely been a setback. Molly disagreed because T.J. could still have a biological child, but she could not. T.J. insisted that they didn't know that for certain, and he pointed out that biology wasn't everything because there were all kinds of ways to create a family. T.J. promised Molly that -- whether they fostered or adopted -- their child would be remarkable because she would be their mother. Molly appreciated T.J.'s support, but she admitted that she needed time to let things sink in.

Molly confessed that she needed a break because the whole process had been overwhelming. T.J. agreed, and he promised there was no pressure for them to start a family. Pleased, Molly suggested that they try to get back to their old life for a while. T.J. told her to take all the time she needed. After they shared a tender kiss, they decided to grab a coffee.

At the Savoy, Curtis took a break from his work as his thoughts drifted to the previous day when Portia had confronted him about his kiss with Jordan. Curtis recalled telling Portia that the kiss had made him realize that he had wanted to work on his marriage, but Portia had wanted to know if he had ever intended to tell her about the kiss. He pushed the memory away when he heard a noise, so he called out that the bar was closed. Curtis' annoyance turned to delight when Trina greeted him. Trina admitted that she had stopped by to find out what had upset her mother during Curtis' birthday party.

Curtis explained that it was complicated, but he assured Trina that it had nothing to do with her. "It has everything to do with me," Trina said. Trina insisted that both Portia and Curtis' feelings were important to her, but she couldn't help them if they didn't tell her what was going on. "Hasn't there been enough of that in this family already?" Trina asked. Curtis explained that he was not comfortable discussing it with Trina until she had talked to her mother, but Trina admitted that Portia hadn't returned her calls. Surprised, Curtis revealed that Portia hadn't returned home after the party.

Curtis rushed to assure Trina that Portia had called to let him know that she was at the hospital, but Trina decided to check on Portia for herself. Curtis advised Trina against bothering Portia at work, so Trina told him that she needed answers. Trina mentioned talking to Zeke, and Zeke's advice had been for Trina to keep her distance from Curtis. Curtis resented Zeke interfering in his relationship with Trina, but Trina accused Curtis of keeping secrets from her.

Curtis realized that Portia had confided in her brother about the kiss, so Curtis decided to be honest with Trina. Curtis told Trina about the kiss, but he promised that his future was with Portia. "If she'll have you," Trina said. Curtis assured Trina that he had planned to tell Portia. Trina opened up to Curtis about Spencer's plan to pretend to believe Esme's lies in order to find proof of Esme's crimes. Trina admitted that Spencer could have spared her a lot of heartache if he had been honest with her from the start.

Curtis praised Portia and Taggert for raising Trina right. Trina acknowledged that everyone made mistakes, but -- out of her three parents -- only one parent had kept their marriage vows. "My dad -- Marcus Taggert," Trina said. Trina realized that Taggert wasn't perfect, but he had been a great example of fidelity and forgiveness. Curtis confessed that he wanted to be that for Trina, too. Trina pointed out that he was not off to a great start.

At the police station, Jordan was surprised when Portia entered her office and promptly confronted Jordan about the kiss with Curtis. Jordan assured Portia that it had been one kiss. "That's all," Jordan said. Portia refused to let Jordan downplay things because Portia was certain that there had been feelings involved. Jordan agreed. "Confusion, history, and unresolved emotion," Jordan said. However, Jordan insisted that everything had been resolved, and Jordan had no intention of interfering in Curtis and Portia's lives again.

"Aside from sleeping with my brother," Portia said. Jordan was surprised that Zeke had told Portia about their night together, so Portia revealed that she had pressed Zeke for answers. Portia wondered if Jordan was disappointed that Zeke had said something because Jordan had designs on Portia's husband. Jordan explained that she was disappointed in her own recent choices with men. "I wish I hadn't kissed Curtis," Jordan said.

Portia argued that it had been more than just a kiss that had cropped up out of nowhere. Portia demanded to know what Curtis and Jordan had talked about behind Portia's back. "You're torturing yourself for no good reason, Portia," Jordan said. Jordan reminded Portia that Curtis and Portia had gotten back together. Portia admitted that her future with Curtis was uncertain, and Jordan might get what she had wanted, "free and clear." Jordan was adamant that she didn't want Curtis, but Portia didn't believe her.

Jordan acknowledged there had been a time when she had fantasized about a reconciliation with Curtis, but even then, Jordan had never wanted to disrupt what Curtis and Portia had had. "Not until you found an opening," Portia said. Portia couldn't believe that she had thanked and praised Jordan for looking out for Trina, not knowing that Jordan had just kissed Trina's father. "The father you never intended to tell her about?" Jordan asked. Portia accused "Saint Jordan" of never letting Portia forget, but Jordan insisted that she wanted Portia to be happy.

"At the expense of your own happiness?" Portia asked. Portia acknowledged that she had made mistakes with Taggert and Curtis, but Portia had been hurt that she hadn't heard about the kiss from Jordan or Curtis. Jordan explained that she had intended to tell Portia the truth, but Curtis had asked Jordan not to say anything because Curtis had wanted to protect Portia while he'd been sorting out his feelings. Portia was stunned that Curtis had been torn between her and Jordan. "That's not what I said," Jordan said. "You didn't have to," Portia replied.

Jordan argued that it didn't matter because Jordan was no longer in the picture, but Portia wanted to know whose choice it had been. "Who walked away? Was it you, or was it Curtis?" Portia asked. Jordan advised Portia not to overanalyze what had happened during Portia's separation from Curtis because Portia would end up driving herself crazy. Portia accused Jordan of still pining for Curtis. Frustrated, Jordan suggested that Curtis wouldn't have kissed her if Portia had taken Jordan's advice and told Curtis the truth about Trina before the wedding.

Jordan was curious who Portia was really mad at. "Me? Curtis? Or are you mad at yourself?" Jordan asked. Rather than reply, Portia stormed out of Jordan's office.

Drew has his day in court

Drew has his day in court

Thursday, June 22, 2023

by Marissa PD

At the Metro Court restaurant patio, Sasha returned to Lucy and Maxie and overheard them saying that Cody was more than a friend to Sasha. Sasha denied it and insisted that he was just a good friend. "For now!" Lucy chimed in, and she was scolded by a unison "Lucy!" from Maxie and Sasha. Sasha wondered if it was weird that she hadn't yet moved on from Brando, but Lucy and Maxie assured her that there was no timetable on grief, and she was doing great. Lucy excused herself to go to the bathroom, and Maxie got up to take a call from Georgie.

Sasha looked at a picture of Brando on her phone. She knew that she had gone a long way, but she wasn't yet over Brando. She looked up and saw Dr. Montague in front of her, and she hoped he hadn't heard her. He sat down and replied that he had, but he thought that she was getting her feelings out in a healthy way. He told her that he was looking forward to their next session, and he left. Lucy and Maxie returned, and Sasha revealed that Cody's presence in her life complicated things, especially with Gladys. She vowed to focus on ending her guardianship and maintaining a relationship with Gladys.

At the Metro Court pool, Cody and Spinelli told Gladys that they had evidence that she'd planted the bracelet on Cody, so she either needed to recant her statement or be sent to jail. She called their bluff, as their "evidence" hinged on her phone proving her whereabouts the night of the ball, but she hadn't taken her phone to the ball. Sam was listening in but was interrupted by Kristina, who demanded to know what was going on. Sam decided to get Kristina out of there, and she nodded to Spinelli on her way out.

Just then, an employee cleared off the table where Sam had been sitting and knocked the microphone off the table. Selina picked it up and approached the trio, sensing tension. She ordered Cody and Gladys to go sit at a table so she could resolve their issue. Before joining them, she looked into Spinelli's eyes as she dropped the microphone in the pool.

Li gave money to an employee to see to it that they weren't disturbed, and the employee cleared the pool area for a private function. Selina refused to have both of her favorite players at odds, so she demanded that they make peace. She ordered Gladys to see to it that the charges against Cody were dropped. She advised Gladys to amend her statement to say that the clasp on the bracelet was loose. She continued that a waiter would come forward to say that he'd found the bracelet on the floor near Cody's things, he'd assumed it had belonged to Cody, and he'd put it into the jacket pocket for safekeeping. Selina also demanded that Cody drop whatever problem he had with Gladys, as she couldn't have any unnecessary conflict in her games.

Selina asked Li to take Gladys to the bar, and they walked away. Selina told Cody that no one could know that he worked for her. She advised him to keep his mouth shut, or she would shut it for him permanently. Selina approached Gladys, who gave Selina an envelope as her "first installment," as she had to break it into chunks so that Sasha wouldn't notice. Dr. Montague appeared as Selina reminded her of the interest owed. Selina promised to be right with Dr. Montague, and she left. The doctor said he had observed the "tough spot" Gladys seemed to be in with Selina. He confided that he would be happy to settle Gladys' debt for a favor in return.

At the Metro Court restaurant patio, Kristina wanted Sam to fill her in on the case Sam was working, but Sam reminded her that it was private. Kristina accepted that and revealed that she had actually been seeking out Sam to talk about Molly, who had been distant since her diagnosis. Sam didn't think there was anything they could do but love and support Molly. Kristina hoped that T.J. and Molly had kids somehow, and Sam thought that they would.

A soaked Spinelli approached, and he revealed to Sam that he'd had to fish the microphone out of the pool. Sam sent Kristina off to get food, so she left. Spinelli filled Sam in on what had happened, and the two wondered what the relationship was between Selina, Cody, and Gladys.

Finn was on the phone in his office when Gregory arrived. When he got off the phone, he hugged his father. He talked about how busy he'd been and how it was a good thing he was getting out of Port Charles. He assured his confused father that he'd been referencing Gregory's vacation idea. Gregory broke it to Finn that things had changed, and he told his son about the job on the Invader's editorial board. He insisted that they had to do the trip soon, though.

Gregory continued that he and Alexis had worked things out and that she was a good friend, unlike some other people. Finn knew that he was talking about Tracy, and he insisted that there was more to Tracy than her "prickly exterior." Gregory promised to give her another chance, especially since he'd pushed back hard at her. He thought he should clear the air with her, but Finn warned that it would get Gregory nowhere with Tracy. Gregory took that as a challenge.

At the hospital, Alexis saw Tracy sitting on a bench and asked about Ned. "You mean Eddie Maine?" Tracy clarified. Tracy admitted that seeing Ned like that was more than she could handle, and it was very traumatic for Leo. She continued that Ned had created the persona to escape his real life, and she thought that, deep down, he relished the idea of "getting away from it all." She wanted a doctor to do the medical equivalent of "shaking him until he snaps," but Alexis suggested a "gentler route." She thought that going along with it would help Ned work it out on his own. As Gregory listened in unseen, Tracy snarkily asked if Alexis had gotten her therapist certification with her last sobriety chip. Alexis called Tracy impossible, and Tracy shot back that Alexis was an idiot. Gregory cringed.

In the courtroom, Drew sadly looked at a notification on his phone for Scout's swimming lesson. Carly arrived and wondered if he was ready. He replied that he knew it was the right thing to do, but it was still hard. Carly reminded him that he didn't have to it, but he didn't think there was another way. Michael arrived, and Carly asked about Ned. Michael felt terrible for what his family was going through, but he couldn't ignore that Drew was in his situation because of Ned. Carly added that they were in the situation for many reasons other than Ned, as well.

Zeke arrived, and Drew introduced him to Carly and Michael. Zeke revealed that Drew's deal proposal had been accepted, so they only needed the judge to sign off on it. Zeke's phone rang, and he walked away to answer it. Michael thanked Drew profusely for his sacrifice and assured him that he didn't have to worry about anything while he was gone. The bailiff called the court in session, and Judge Kim arrived.

Drew put in his guilty plea. Judge Kim thought the six-month prison sentence was too lenient, and he didn't know why Drew couldn't face the maximum penalty. Zeke arose and argued that 20 years was too harsh for a man who had never made a misstep in his business and who hadn't even seen any benefit of the insider trading. The judge agreed that 20 years was too harsh, but he maintained that six months was too lenient. He sentenced Drew to three years in prison.

The Quartermaines argue over Ned

The Quartermaines argue over Ned's condition

Friday, June 23, 2023

by Steve Holley

At the Metro Court gardens, Martin surprised Lucy with a bouquet of daisies. Lucy and Sasha boasted about Deceptor, and Lucy said she owed the product's success to Martin. Martin refused to take credit for the idea, but Lucy shared that the idea for Deceptor had formed after an evening together. Martin and Lucy kissed.

Sasha noted that all Lucy and Martin needed was a "fairytale ending," and she suggested that the two should be married. "Never," Lucy and Martin said at the same time.

Martin left to attend a conference call. Afterwards, Lucy shared that she was surprised that Martin had said "never" to the idea of marriage. Sasha noted that Martin had three ex-wives and that Martin had helped Lucy's dream for Deceptor become a reality. Lucy quipped that Martin hadn't asked for any share of the profit of Deceptor. "Not one penny," Lucy emphasized.

At the same time, by the Metro Court pool, Martin stared at a text that read, "An electronic deposit of $50,000 was credited to your account." Martin looked up from his phone screen, and he raised a glass. "Yep. Every month like clockwork. Trust me, Lucy. Marriage would only spoil everything," Martin said as he sipped his drink.

Back at their table, Lucy suggested that she "plant wedding bells in Martin's head." Martin's phone chimed at the pool, and he received a separate text from a sender he had saved to his phone under the contact "Ex #3." "Oh, God," Martin said as he stared at the text. "You've been avoiding me. That's a serious mistake," the text read.

As Martin complained about his ex-wives, his phone started to slip from his hands. Martin attempted to keep his phone from falling into the pool, but he lost his balance. Martin fell into the pool himself along with his phone.

In the courtroom, Carly was angry that Judge Kim had sentenced Drew to three years at Pentonville. Judge Kim ordered Carly to be quiet. Zeke tried to plead on Drew's behalf, and he referenced Drew's past as a Navy SEAL as well as Drew's attempts to rescue hostages from Victor in Greenland.

"It's because of all of those things that I cannot look the other way. Look, there aren't two sets of laws in this community -- one for the privileged, and one for the rest. No one is above the law," Judge Kim said.

Zeke asked for Judge Kim to give Drew time to get Drew's affairs in order, and he said that Drew was not a flight risk. Judge Kim agreed to give Drew one week, and he warned that Drew would be treated as a fugitive if Drew failed to appear for transport. After Judge Kim adjourned court, Carly put her arms around Drew.

A short while later, Zeke said that Judge Kim had agreed to "a meeting," but only after Drew had been remanded to Pentonville. Drew thanked Zeke, and Zeke left. Drew noted that Carly would face a heavy financial penalty for her role in the insider trading scandal, and he suggested that he put Aurora up for sale to help pay the fine the SEC had imposed on Carly.

Carly refused, and she said that she would figure out how to pay the penalty herself. Carly added that she wanted to make the most of whatever time she and Drew had left before his prison transport. Drew suggested that he and Carly not spend another second in the courtroom. Carly agreed, and she and Drew left together.

At the hospital, Gregory overheard Tracy and Alexis arguing. Gregory yelled for Tracy to "back the hell off." Alexis said she didn't need Gregory's help. Gregory said that he had initially planned to clear the air with Tracy, but he said that he had changed his mind. Gregory added that he would "teach" Tracy a lesson in etiquette.

Alexis soon yelled for Tracy and Gregory to stop arguing. Gregory told Tracy to stay away from Chase. "If you're as smart as your son -- and I mean Finn, not the other one -- you will stay the hell away from me," Tracy said while pointing a finger at Gregory.

After Tracy left, Gregory learned that there was history between Alexis and Tracy. Alexis recalled that Tracy had once framed her. Gregory said that Tracy's attempt to frame Alexis could have ended differently. Alexis told Gregory to let the matter go. Alexis suggested that she and Gregory have dinner later. Gregory continued to ramble about Tracy. Alexis pleaded with Gregory not to sink to Tracy's level.

In Ned's room at the hospital, Ned yelled at Deanna that there was nothing wrong with him. Deanna slipped a sedative into Ned's I.V. Brook Lynn and Chase entered Ned's room. Brook Lynn whispered that Ned looked peaceful, and she noted that it was as if all of Ned's problems were a thing of the past.

Brook Lynn was startled when Ned grabbed her wrist as his eyes flashed open. "You want to solve my problems? Bust me out of here. Now," Ned ordered.

Brook Lynn wanted Ned to return to the Quartermaine mansion, but Ned said he needed to get to Las Vegas. Ned scoffed at the idea of living a corporate lifestyle, and he said it wasn't the life he wanted.

In the waiting area of the hospital, Kevin explained to Ned's family that there was more to Ned's condition than just memory loss. Kevin said that Ned's brain had "superimposed" the thoughts and feelings of Ned Quartermaine with the feelings of Eddie Maine. Kevin added that Ned "wanted" to be Eddie.

Tracy said that what Ned needed was a "cold splash of water." After the family started arguing with one another, Brook Lynn said that it was no wonder that Ned wanted to be Eddie because, she reasoned, he needed a break from his family.

Tracy announced that she was going to visit Ned, but Olivia ordered Tracy to "sit down and shut up." Olivia said the last thing Ned needed was "some horrendous, bitchy monologue" from Tracy. Kevin quipped that he'd just witnessed a window into why Ned might prefer to be Eddie. Kevin encouraged Tracy and Olivia to look at Ned's condition as a journey for Ned to find himself.

Kevin noted that while Eddie Maine might only be a stage name to Tracy and Olivia, the name represented freedom to Ned. Olivia started to cry as she said that she needed her husband back. Olivia asked if there was a way to coax Ned back. Tracy remained adamant that all Ned needed was "another bump on the head."

Kevin said that Ned's case was in unchartered territory, and he suggested that Ned begin therapy. Kevin added that denying Ned's "reality" as Eddie was the last thing that Tracy and Olivia should do, and he encouraged the two women to give Ned space.

Just then, Brook Lynn and Chase returned from Ned's room. Brook Lynn said that Ned wanted more than his space, and she added that Ned wanted a one-way ticket to Las Vegas. Tracy scoffed that Ned believed he was a "Vegas lounge lizard," and she vowed that she would "knock some sense" into Ned. Tracy left for Ned's room.

Moments later, Tracy stormed into Ned's room, with Brook Lynn, Chase, and Olivia all following her. The four were alarmed to find no sign of Ned.

At the Savoy, Sonny and Nina were drinking Champagne when Dex and Josslyn approached. Josslyn asked to speak with Sonny in private. Dex sat across the table from Nina, who remarked that she and Dex hadn't gotten a chance to know one another.

Nina recalled that Dex had taken a bullet for Sonny, and she surmised that the two of them both loved Sonny. Nina asked Dex to reserve judgment of her until Dex could realize that Nina wanted to keep Sonny safe. Nina added that a good relationship between her and Josslyn would also be good for Sonny.

Dex demurred, but he said he would think about it. Dex added that he would never let anything happen to Sonny, Josslyn, or Nina -- as long as Nina was important to Sonny. Nearby, Sonny told Josslyn that Dex had made peace with Sonny, and he asked if Josslyn had, too.

Josslyn admitted that she had been wrong to go behind Dex's back to ask Sonny to fire Dex, and she said that she had made her peace with Dex working for Sonny. "That's not the question I asked. Have you made your peace with me?" Sonny asked.

Josslyn claimed that she was working toward acceptance. "You are who you are and you did what you did, and I don't have the power to change that," Josslyn said flatly. Josslyn said that while she was angry with Sonny, she had ended up hurting some of the people that she loved -- people, she noted, who also happened to love Sonny. Sonny said he hoped that someday, he and Josslyn could both "do better," and he said that he accepted Josslyn's answer.

Just then, Michael appeared. Michael told Sonny, Nina, Josslyn, and Dex that Drew had been sentenced to three years in Pentonville. Nina complained that the sentence "wasn't supposed to be that way." Josslyn asked how Nina thought things should have gone.

Nina recalled that a deal had been in place between Drew and the SEC. Nina's phone rang, and she wandered away from the others to answer a call from Ava in private. Nina told Ava that she hadn't planned for the possibility that Drew could go to prison. Nina admitted that a part of her felt sorry for Carly, and she wondered what Carly would do without Drew.

As Nina spoke to Ava, Ned had quietly entered the Savoy. An unshaven Ned stared at Nina, whose back was turned to him.

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