General Hospital Recaps: The week of March 6, 2023 on GH

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Esme returned to Spring Ridge with her son. Marshall received some shocking news. Eileen revealed her secrets about Victor. Willow extended an olive branch to Nina.
General Hospital Recaps: The week of March 6, 2023 on GH

Esme returned to Spring Ridge with her son. Marshall received some shocking news. Dex saved Sonny. Eileen revealed her secrets about Victor. Mason gave Austin a warning. Molly and T.J. made an important decision. Cameron decided to attend Stanford in the spring. Willow extended an olive branch to Nina.

Elizabeth stands up to Victor

Elizabeth stands up to Victor

Monday, March 6, 2023

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by Steve Holley

In her office at the Invader, Alexis told Gregory that she had learned he hadn't worked at Port Charles University all semester. Alexis asked why Gregory had lied to her, and she asked him to confide what had happened so that she could help him. "Unfortunately, you can't. No one can," Gregory said direly.

Gregory asked Alexis to let things go and to respect his privacy. Alexis was surprised when Gregory said he hadn't told Chase or Finn, and she said she hoped Gregory would confide in someone. Alexis apologized for having upset Gregory, but she said she wasn't sorry for being concerned about him as a friend.

At Metro Court, Sonny assured Nina that Liesl had done everything she could to be a bone marrow match for Willow. Sonny said that Nina needed a distraction, but Nina spotted Ava at the bar nearby, and she left to check on her. Sonny joined them, and he asked if Ava was waiting for Nikolas.

Sonny bragged that Ava had helped capture the Hook and played a hand in Ryan's death, and that Nikolas was nowhere to be found. Nina agreed with Sonny about Heather and Ryan, but she sympathized with Ava's love for Nikolas, and she encouraged Ava not to give up on Nikolas. Nina said that Nikolas could return. Sonny's eyes widened when Ava said she doubted Nikolas would ever return.

Sonny encouraged Nina to leave for the hospital. After Nina left the table, Sonny remarked that Ava had seemed afraid that Nikolas might return. Sonny added that he found it strange that Nikolas wouldn't contact Ava, especially after her encounter with Ryan.

"Say what you want about the guy, 'cause I don't like him. But between the birth of his new kid and finding out that Ryan Chamberlain ended his marriage, you would think that he would come back running to you. But he hasn't. So, I'm gonna ask you: what's stopping him?" Sonny asked.

Sonny asked if Nikolas had threatened Ava, and Ava admitted that Nikolas had threatened Avery. Ava tried to downplay what Nikolas had said, and she called it an empty threat. Ava asked Sonny to let things go. "Ava, it's one thing to threaten me or you, but if he threatens our daughter, in any way, I will find him. I don't care where he's hiding! If he's got anything over you, I can help," Sonny said.

Also at Metro Court, Mason told Austin that he had followed Austin to Spoon Island on the night of Nikolas' disappearance and that he had witnessed everything. Austin protested that neither he nor Ava had done anything wrong. Mason mentioned the stables at Wyndemere, and he said that Austin should remember where he had "come from." Mason added that he was certain Austin would do the "right thing."

Austin left the table, and he spotted Nina. Nina remarked that Austin and Ava had seemed inseparable in recent weeks, and she wondered what had brought them together. Austin joked that there was nothing like a near-death experience at the hands of two sociopaths to jumpstart a friendship.

Nina said that she thought it was great that Ava had found a friend in Austin. Before she left for the hospital, Nina told Austin that Ava might act tough but that she was vulnerable on the inside.

At the hospital, Liesl told Willow that she was happy to try to help save Willow's life. Terry appeared, and she escorted Willow, Liesl, and Michael into her office. Later, in Terry's office, Michael asked Liesl what she hoped to gain by helping Willow. Liesl said that Nathan and Britt's deaths had shaped her forever.

Michael suspected Liesl of having an ulterior motive. Liesl admitted that Michael was right, and she tried to appeal to Willow to imagine a time when Nina hadn't been her sworn enemy. Willow refused to back down from her grudge against Nina.

Liesl expressed her disappointment, and she noted that Britt had once viewed her in a manner similar to the way Willow viewed Nina. Liesl added that she and Britt had grown close, and she wished the same for Willow and Nina. Terry reappeared, and she escorted Liesl for more tests.

In the hallway, Willow admitted that she had thought about what Liesl had said. Willow added that if she received a "second chance" in life, she needed to think about how she wanted to spend it -- and if Nina should have any part of it. Just then, Nina stepped off the elevator doors, and she and Willow locked eyes.

Also at the hospital, Diane introduced a lady named Janet Kershaw from Child Services. Janet told Spencer, Laura, and Victor that Esme had filed a motion to maintain custody of her baby once she was transferred back to Spring Ridge.

Spencer tried to appeal to Victor for help, but Diane and Janet rebuffed Victor. Laura asked what would happen next, and Janet replied that the baby would stay at the hospital nursery until Esme was transferred to Spring Ridge. Laura and Victor encouraged Spencer not to argue with Janet, and Spencer reluctantly agreed.

Spencer handed the baby to Janet. Afterwards, Laura assured Spencer that she would do everything in her power to make sure the baby had the best possible care. Victor added that he would do the same, even if it meant doing things outside the law. Laura apologized to Spencer, who said that things weren't over.

Later, Diane rejoined Laura, and she said that there was nothing to prevent Esme from taking the baby to Spring Ridge for the short term.

In Esme's room at the hospital, Elizabeth told Esme how she had ended up at the hospital. Elizabeth recalled that everyone had thought Esme had been the Hook, and she admitted that she had helped Nikolas keep Esme prisoner on Spoon Island.

Esme was stunned when Elizabeth said that Esme had jumped from the parapet. Esme started to lash out at Elizabeth, but Elizabeth shut her down. "If you think that I owe you an apology, you couldn't be more wrong," Elizabeth deadpanned.

Elizabeth started to leave, but Esme asked if Elizabeth thought Esme had wanted the baby. Elizabeth said she couldn't know what had been in Esme's heart, but she remarked that Esme had left her "old self" behind when she had resurfaced.

Elizabeth added that Esme had been given a fresh slate and that it was up to her to determine what she wanted to do with it. Spencer entered the room, and he said that Elizabeth was right. Elizabeth left the room to allow Spencer and Esme to talk in private, and she said she hoped that the two of them would put the baby first.

Esme told Spencer that the baby was hers and not Spencer's, and she mentioned that she had learned that Nikolas had held her captive at Wyndemere. Spencer swore that it was news to him that Esme had been held at Wyndemere. Spencer said that Esme wouldn't want her child raised in prison if she truly loved him. Esme said that it was because she loved her son that she wouldn't let Spencer near him.

Later, Elizabeth started to leave the hospital when Victor approached her. Victor said he had evidence that Elizabeth had helped Nikolas keep Esme prisoner, and he added that he would send it to the authorities if Elizabeth didn't tell him where Nikolas was. Elizabeth scoffed at Victor's threats. "If that's the way you want to play it, don't say I didn't warn you," Victor said.

"No, Victor, I'm warning you. And in a very short time, your so-called evidence will be worthless. And you'll have no power over me. But best of luck in finding Nikolas," Elizabeth said defiantly.

Willow opens up to Nina

Willow opens up to Nina

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

by Steve Holley

At Charlie's Pub, Molly told T.J. that she wasn't pregnant. Molly asked if she and T.J. were relieved by the test results, but T.J. said the two needed to have talk about whether they wanted children. Alexis and Curtis appeared, and Alexis wished Molly and T.J. a happy anniversary.

T.J. joined Curtis at the bar. T.J. shared that Molly had thought she was pregnant. Curtis said that it was great news that T.J. wanted to be a dad, but T.J. said he should keep his feelings to himself. Curtis received a call from Marshall, who asked Curtis to meet him at the hospital.

Back at the table, Molly told Alexis that she had thought she might be pregnant. Alexis rambled about how much work babies required, recalling that infant Molly had been "a cross between an octopus and a Dustbuster." Seeing Molly's distraught face, Alexis quickly pivoted and called parenting the best thing that could ever happen to someone. Alexis tried to assure Molly that she and T.J. would be good parents. Alexis asked if Molly and T.J. were on the same page about having kids. Molly said she wasn't sure.

Alexis stepped away to call Gregory. In a voice message, Alexis said that she hadn't liked the way she and Gregory had left things, and she asked if they could talk. T.J. rejoined Molly at their table, and the two excitedly blurted out that they both wanted to have a baby. Molly and T.J. smiled at one another, and they held hands.

At Portia's office at the hospital, Marshall asked for a moment of Portia's time. Marshall said that he was troubled by the rift in their family after the wedding. Marshall added that he wouldn't have the relationship he had with Curtis if not for Portia, and he added that Portia didn't have to justify her actions with him.

Portia said that her relationship with Marshall had grown to mean a lot to her. Marshall said that he had gone to the hospital in part to thank Portia for having encouraged him to undergo genetic counseling. Portia assured Marshall that she would be there for him, regardless of what the tests revealed, and she added that Curtis would want to be there for Marshall, too.

By the nurses' station, Marshall and Portia shared that they had enjoyed their talk. Portia asked if Marshall thought there was any hope for her and Curtis. Just then, Curtis stepped through the elevator doors, and he spotted Portia.

In the kitchen at Carly's mansion, Drew told Carly that he wanted to go public with their relationship. Carly mentioned the threat of exposure due to insider trading, but Drew tried to downplay the situation. Carly said that no one who knew about their relationship would say anything.

Drew said that since Valentin was dead, it was a perfect opportunity to regain control of Valentin's shares. Drew added that Ned wouldn't go to the SEC if Drew bowed out and Ned stayed in control of ELQ.

Carly said that Drew shouldn't have to give up ELQ just to be with her, and she teased that he needed to work on being romantic. Drew surprised Carly when he scattered dishes across the floor and then proceeded to kiss Carly in a moment of passion. Later, Drew and Carly made love in her bed. Drew said they would soon be able to spend as many nights together as possible.

At the hospital, Nina was surprised when Willow asked Michael to give the two women a moment alone. Michael agreed, and he left for another secret meeting with Dex.

On the roof of the hospital, Dex told Michael that he thought Sonny might be onto Dex. Dex was panicked when he recalled that Sonny had shut him out of a meeting concerning Pikeman the previous night. Dex recalled that Sonny had mentioned Gloria Cerullo, whose recipe Dex had used to prepare dinner. Michael said that Dex had nothing to worry about as long as Sonny was talking about members of Sonny's family.

Michael relished in the notion that Sonny wanted to be a father figure, and he told Dex to "just keep doing what you're doing." Michael asked Dex not to push the matter with Pikeman because it would make Sonny suspicious.

Back in the hospital, Willow told Nina that Wiley and Amelia were off-limits for conversation. Nina agreed to the request. Willow said there were concerns about Liesl's fitness as a donor because of her age and medical history. "You know, Willow, you've been talking about my Aunt Liesl. How are you?" Nina asked softly.

Willow told Nina that she often felt sleepy and didn't have much of an appetite anymore. Willow remarked that her nails had grown brittle. Nina sympathized, and she said that she had received a sample of nail-strengthening varnish through Crimson. Nina handed Willow a vial of the varnish, and Willow thanked her.

Willow remarked that she hadn't wanted to confide in Nina and that Liesl had asked her to give Nina a chance. Nina said that it meant a lot to her that Willow had confided in her. Michael rejoined them, and he prepared to take Willow home. As Nina left, she thanked Willow again. Afterwards, Willow admitted to Michael that things had gone surprisingly well with Nina. Willow then said she wouldn't forget what Nina had done to her and Michael.

At Metro Court, Ava tried to assure Sonny that Nikolas' threat to take Avery had been an empty gesture. Austin approached, and Ava left with Austin. Olivia saw Sonny, and she asked what he and Ava had been discussing. Sonny said that Ava hadn't told him, but he added that she would.

Olivia groused at Sonny for showing concern for Ava's business, and she said that Sonny had enough going on in his life. Sonny asked Olivia for help. Olivia groaned as soon as Sonny mentioned Nina. Sonny asked Olivia if she would keep him posted on Willow's health, given that Olivia lived at the Quartermaine mansion.

Olivia blamed Sonny for the rift in his relationship with Michael, and she told him to do something about it. Olivia started to leave in a huff, but Sonny asked Olivia to be more compassionate to Nina, given what Nina was going through with Willow.

Olivia remarked that her "first loyalty will always be to Carly," and she said she would try to be decent toward Nina. Olivia bragged that Carly seemed happy. Sonny said that he had noticed, and Olivia grew skeptical as she asked what Sonny had seen. Sonny remarked that it was too bad that Drew and Carly had to be so discreet about their relationship. "Now, how would you know about that?" Olivia asked.

Sonny admitted that he knew why Carly and Drew had to remain quiet about their relationship. "Because if certain people find out how long they've been together and what they have discussed, they'd have to deal with the consequences," Sonny said.

Olivia bemoaned that Ned had threatened to go to the SEC with the insider-trading charge, and she walked away just as Nina appeared.

Nearby, Ava and Austin had gone to a private corner to talk. Austin warned Ava not to tell Sonny what had really happened to Nikolas. Unbeknownst to Austin, Mason had hidden nearby, and he smiled as he overheard the two talking.

Ava implied that Sonny would have Nikolas killed if she were to go to Sonny for help. Mason appeared, and he said that both Ava and Austin were in trouble if Ava was "begging" Sonny for help.

Mason said that Wyndemere had impressive stables, and he vaguely quipped that it was "calming" for a person to be around horses -- particularly an animal that had been left behind "to rot." Ava's face grew concerned by Mason's thinly veiled remarks. Mason wanted to use Ava's phone under the guise of keeping in contact with her. Ava gave Austin the phone, and he grinned.

Mason handed the phone back to Ava, and he said that Ava would answer whenever he called. After Mason left, Ava was visibly concerned about what had just happened.

Eileen shares her secrets about Victor

Eileen shares her secrets about Victor

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

by Elisabeth

At Elizabeth's house, Elizabeth sat up when she heard Cameron arrive home. Concerned that Elizabeth might be sleepwalking again, Cameron asked if everything was okay. She assured him that she was fine, and she promised that she was no longer in "that dark place." Elizabeth admitted that she had fallen asleep waiting up for him. Relieved, Cameron shifted gears and told his mother that he had news. "I'm going to play soccer for Stanford," Cameron said.

Cameron explained that he had received an email about the scholarship that morning and that he would start the spring semester so that he could be ready to play with the team in the fall. Elizabeth was overjoyed. She hugged Cameron and told him how proud she was. Cameron thanked his mother, but he was curious why she had waited up for him. Elizabeth's smile faded as she told him that Nikolas had imprisoned Esme in Wyndemere's north tower -- and she had helped. Cameron demanded to know why his mother hadn't gone to the police right away.

Elizabeth shared that Nikolas had convinced her that it had been the only way to protect the baby because they had been certain that Esme had been responsible for the hook attacks. However, Elizabeth revealed that she had had a change of heart when Esme had turned up with amnesia. Cameron was shocked when Elizabeth told him about her confession to the police the previous day. Elizabeth asked if Cameron could forgive her, but he admitted that he needed time to process everything.

Cameron was surprised that he hadn't noticed anything amiss, but Elizabeth explained that she had worked hard to hide things from him. She apologized for letting Cameron down, especially on such an important day. Cameron decided that he needed some time alone. He started to go to his bedroom, but he turned and assured Elizabeth that he loved her and was proud of the courage she had shown by going to the police. "You are a good person," Cameron said. Elizabeth was moved to tears, and she admitted that she was lucky to have him for a son.

In Metro Court's restaurant, Victor was pleasantly surprised when he ran into Liesl. Liesl told Victor to leave her alone, but he ignored her and sat down. He admitted that he knew how much she enjoyed telling him off. "So, have at it," Victor said. Liesl made it clear that she wasn't interested in playing Victor's games, but he assured her that it wasn't a game. "You know how better you feel after cussing me out," Victor said.

Liesl didn't take the bait, so Victor offered Liesl his condolences on the loss of her daughter. He told her that she had been blessed because Liesl had enjoyed the love of her children. Victor reminded her that his relationship with Valentin had been strained, and he had never had an opportunity to repair things before his son had died. Liesl softened, and she told Victor that she was sorry for his loss. Victor offered to stay with Liesl until Scott joined her, but she revealed that she and Scott were over.

Victor admitted that the news had cheered him up considerably. Liesl was not surprised. "Sadistic narcissists are always amused by other people's suffering," Liesl said. Liesl warned Victor that she would not put her pain on display for his pleasure, but he just grinned at her. "Why are you grinning like an idiot?" Liesl asked. Victor explained that he was happy to see the feisty woman that he knew and admired; she spit fire and didn't back down.

Victor was certain that Liesl would agree it was better than sinking into the pits of despair. Liesl agreed, and she told him that she was sorry that he'd never had an opportunity to repair his relationship with his son. Liesl was curious if Valentin's body had been found. Victor explained that the French police had been reluctant to release his son's body, but Victor would not rest until he brought his son home. Victor turned the conversation back to Liesl's breakup, and he suggested that he and Liesl take comfort in each other's arms.

Disgusted, Liesl stood up, and she assured Victor that Scott's misstep could never compare to what Victor had done to her. "You'll never touch me again, Victor," Liesl said. Victor watched as Liesl stormed off.

At Anna and Valentin's hideout, Robert and Anna led a blindfolded Eileen into the cabin. Robert removed the blindfold, and Eileen was startled when she saw Valentin standing next to Anna. Eileen asked why Anna hadn't told her that Valentin was alive, but Anna argued that Eileen couldn't be trusted not to tell Victor. "You needn't worry. I know better," Eileen said. Eileen was certain that Victor would decide she was a liability if he learned about the incriminating recording that Anna had.

"It's good that you're clear on that," Robert said. Eileen asked if Lucy Coe was alive, but Anna and Valentin reminded Eileen that Eileen was there to provide information. Eileen warned everyone that she didn't know much, but Anna wanted to hear everything. According to Eileen, in the beginning, she had been asked to keep an eye on Laura. Eileen explained that Victor had wanted to keep Laura distracted from investigating him. "He told me to undermine her whenever possible," Eileen said.

Eileen also revealed that Victor had been concerned about the Port Charles police launching an investigation, but she had no idea why. Anna and Valentin wanted to know how Eileen had ended up working for Victor, so she told them that Victor had promised to back Eileen's political ambitions. She was adamant that she'd had no idea that Victor would end up killing anyone who got in his way. Robert pointed out that Eileen had been shortsighted, but Anna accused Eileen of being lured by the promise of power and money.

Eileen denied that money had been a factor. "Victor said he believed in me," Eileen said. Anna asked if Eileen knew who had really shot Lucy. "Holly Sutton," Eileen answered. Robert questioned Eileen about Victor and Holly's association, but Eileen confessed that she knew nothing except that Victor had liked the idea of using Holly against Robert and Anna. Anna questioned the nature of Eileen's relationship with Victor.

Reluctantly, Eileen revealed that she and Victor had been casual lovers. Valentin was skeptical because nothing was casual for Victor. "Everything is strategic," Valentin said. Eileen admitted that Victor had been distant lately, so Anna was curious when things had changed. Eileen explained that there had been a shift in Victor after the explosion that had destroyed the necklace that Victor had searched for. Eileen revealed that she had never seen Victor so angry, but Valentin wanted to know why his father had been interested in the necklace.

Eileen explained that Victor had been searching for a place, but she had no idea why or where the mystery place was. According to Eileen, Victor had spent years looking for it, and without the necklace, Victor had to start over. Valentin suggested that Eileen use her intimate relationship with Victor to her advantage, but Eileen was offended at the suggestion that she sleep with Victor to uncover his secrets. Anna assured Eileen there was another way.

After Robert and Eileen left, Valentin and Anna discussed Luke's murder. Anna was certain that Victor hadn't known that Luke had started to cut the Ice Princess diamond up and sell off key pieces. They both agreed that Victor was after a set of coordinates that would lead Victor to the mystery place. Valentin was confident that they would crack the code.

Meanwhile, Eileen greeted Victor as she sat down at his table. "Sorry we quarreled," she said as she slid a key card to the center of the table. "Want to make up?" she asked. Victor took the key card and smiled.

At the hospital, Portia called out to Marshall as she ran up to him. "Tell me the truth. Do you think there is any hope for me and Curtis?" Portia asked. Before Marshall could reply, the elevator door opened, and Curtis stepped out. Marshall tried to excuse himself to give Curtis and Portia privacy to talk, but Curtis objected. "Not here, not now," Curtis told Portia. Curtis started to walk away, but Portia begged Curtis not to go.

Marshall told Curtis that he would wait for his son in Dr. Samuels' office. After Marshall left, Portia asked where Curtis had been staying. He reluctantly revealed that he had a room at Metro Court. "Come home, Curtis," Portia said. She offered to stay in the guest room, but Curtis was unmoved. "I'm sorry, Portia. I'm just not ready," Curtis said.

Portia insisted that they couldn't keep avoiding each other, but Curtis wasn't ready to talk. Frustrated, Portia asked about Trina because she was desperate to know how her daughter was and if Trina had decided to take a DNA test. Curtis relented. He refused to share details about his conversation with Trina, but he reminded Portia that Trina was strong and had supportive people around her. Portia was relieved that Trina didn't need her mother, but Curtis assured Portia that Trina would always need Portia.

Portia was grateful for the kind words, but Curtis told her that he had to go. However, he agreed to think about returning home. Portia assured Curtis that she would do anything to fix things between them.

A short time later, Curtis and Marshall discussed the results of Marshall's genetic testing with Dr. Samuels. Dr. Samuels revealed that Marshall had none of the gene mutations that would indicate schizophrenia. Curtis was stunned, and he asked how that was possible. Dr. Samuels reminded Curtis and Marshall that she was not a psychiatrist, but Marshall's tests indicated that Marshall was at no greater risk for schizophrenia than anyone else.

After Curtis and Marshall left Dr. Samuels' office, Marshall took a moment to let the news sink in. "Maybe Portia was right," Marshall said. He wondered if it was possible that he had been misdiagnosed all those years ago. "If so, why?" Marshall asked.

In Esme's hospital room, Laura asked if Esme was up for a visit. "No," Esme said. Esme revealed that Elizabeth had confessed everything, so Esme knew the truth about Nikolas. Esme was certain that Laura had never cared about her. "And I'm done listening to your lies," Esme said. Esme insisted that she had been forced to risk her life and her son's life when she had jumped off a turret to get away from Nikolas.

Esme was furious that Laura hadn't told her, but Laura explained that she had only recently learned about it. Esme wondered why she should believe Laura. Esme admitted that she didn't trust anyone, especially the Cassadines, who were all trying to take her son from her. Laura pointed out that she was not a Cassadine, and she was the baby's grandmother. Laura assured Esme that she was on Ace's side. Esme conceded that Laura had been good to her, and Esme would not have gotten through the baby's birth without her.

Laura promised that she wanted to make certain that Esme was treated fairly. Esme questioned why Laura was nice to her, since it had been made clear that Esme had been a horrible person before the amnesia. Laura reminded Esme that Esme was also the mother of Laura's grandson. "And sweetheart, I think I have a pretty good idea what you might be feeling right now," Laura said. Laura explained that she had been Esme's age when her first child had been born, and Laura had been surrounded by enemies.

"What happened?" Esme asked. Laura admitted that she had ended up separated from her son for many years. Esme feared the same would happen to her, but Laura argued that Esme hadn't stood trial yet. "So much can change between now and then," Laura said. Esme insisted that Ace belonged with her because she was his mother. Laura agreed, but she urged Esme to do what was best for the baby. "Ask yourself -- is prison really the best spot for a baby?" Laura asked.

Moments later, a police guard entered the room and announced that Esme would be transferred to Spring Ridge that evening. Alarmed, Esme asked about her baby. The guard looked at his orders. "The infant is going with you," he said. Esme was relieved.

In the hallway, Trina greeted Spencer. Spencer thought about the passionate kiss that he and Trina had shared on Valentine's Day, but he pushed the memory away and hugged Trina. Spencer worried about Trina running into her mother, but Trina assured him that she wasn't concerned. Trina handed him a gift bag with a present for his baby brother. Spencer was touched, but he admitted that he had no idea when he would be able to see his brother again. "Trina, things have gone from bad to worse," Spencer said.

Trina and Spencer sat down as he told her that Nikolas had imprisoned Esme at Wyndemere. Nikolas also revealed that Esme's lawyer had filed a petition for Esme to take the baby to Spring Ridge. Trina was shocked, but she was curious how long Esme had known that Ryan and Heather were her parents. Spencer told Trina about Ryan and Esme's scheme to use him to drive Nikolas and Ava apart. Just then, Portia walked up.

Portia asked if Trina had been looking for her. "No, I'm here for Spencer," Trina said. Portia congratulated Spencer on his new brother, but Spencer became distracted when he saw his grandmother leave Esme's room. Trina urged him to go to Laura because Laura looked troubled. After Spencer walked away, Trina and Portia sat down to talk. Trina revealed that she had talked to her father -- Taggert. Portia assured Trina that Taggert would always be her father.

Trina admitted that Taggert had been amazing, and she was surprised that he hadn't been more upset. Portia agreed that Taggert was a good man. Portia confessed that she had talked to Curtis about Trina, but Curtis hadn't shared any details about their talk. It was clear that Trina didn't want to discuss Curtis, so Portia tried to lighten the mood by asking about Trina's slideshow for the impressionists. "Mom, we're not there yet," Trina said.

Portia apologized, but she was hopeful because Trina had said "yet." "We'll see," Trina said. Pleased, Portia admitted that she had to get back to work, but she was glad that she had gotten to see Trina. Trina said that she missed Portia, too.

Nearby, Laura told Spencer that she hadn't been able to persuade Esme not to take the baby to Spring Ridge. Laura explained that Elizabeth's confession had made Esme wary of all the Cassadines. Spencer was upset because he wanted what was best for his little brother, so Laura assured him that she had managed to convince Esme to trust her. Spencer was not satisfied because he doubted that Esme would ever be okay with leaving the baby in his care. Spencer insisted that he had to take Esme to court, but Laura was not pleased.

Laura refused to stop looking for an amicable solution. Spencer warned his grandmother that it would never happen, and he was prepared to fight Esme in court, if necessary. Spencer was about to go to the nursery to spend time with his brother, but a nurse arrived with the baby in a bassinette. He watched as Portia followed the nurse into Esme's room.

In Esme's room, Esme greeted her baby and picked him up. Portia urged Esme to ask for help if she needed it, and Esme thanked Portia for being kind. Esme acknowledged that she had done horrible things to Portia's daughter, but it was clear that Portia was a kind person. Esme was certain that Portia was also a great mother. Portia smiled uncomfortably, and she excused herself to go check on the release papers. Esme sat down with her son, and she promised to protect him with her life.

In the hallway, Laura warned Spencer to proceed with caution because his choices would impact his brother's childhood, and alienating Esme would trigger a cycle of hearings in family court. When Trina approached, Spencer told her about Esme's transfer to Spring Ridge. Moments later, the guard pushed Esme's wheelchair to the elevator as Esme cooed to her son. Laura, Spencer, and Trina approached Esme. Spencer worried about the cold weather when he noticed that his brother was dressed in a T-shirt with only a thin blanket.

Laura assured Spencer that the baby would be fine because the van was in the parking garage, but Spencer pulled out a blanket from Trina's gift bag and handed it to Esme. Esme declined the gift, but Laura took it from Spencer and placed the blanket on Esme's lap. Laura reminded Esme that it wouldn't hurt to have a spare blanket. As the guard pushed Esme's wheelchair into the elevator, Laura promised to visit soon.

After the elevator door closed, Spencer vowed that the baby wouldn't stay at Spring Ridge for long. "I will do everything in my power to keep that kid away from that lunatic," Spencer declared.

Maxie decides to resurrect the Nurses Ball

Maxie decides to resurrect the Nurses Ball

Thursday, March 9, 2023

by Marissa PD

At Charlie's, Bobbie told Felicia and Maxie about how the hospital was having its 60th anniversary soon, but there were no plans to mark it. Maxie was horrified, and she insisted that the town needed to celebrate after all the turmoil in recent years. She decided that they would have the biggest and best Nurses Ball the town had ever seen.

A short while later, Felicia was gone, and Maxie continued to plan. She read off a list of potential business sponsors and figured that Ned could cover the rest. Bobbie reminded her that they would need to pitch it to the hospital board, but Maxie wasn't worried. She knew of a handful of people who could help, including her co-chair, Bobbie. Bobbie wasn't sure; however, Maxie eventually wore her down, and she agreed. Bobbie intended to do Lucy proud -- without losing clothes in the process.

Ava left a message for Austin that he needed to call her back immediately to talk about Mason. When she was off the phone, Trina entered the gallery, as she'd gotten a notification that new artwork had arrived. She admitted that she'd been looking for a reason to go to her "second home," which felt more important to her than her first home. Trina explained to Ava what had happened after Curtis and Portia's wedding.

Ava reminded Trina that there were always shades of gray. She agreed that what Portia had done was wrong, but a mother would do anything to protect her children. Trina continued that she wasn't sure about taking a DNA test. Ava thought it was a good idea, but she promised to support Trina, no matter what. Trina appreciated Ava never being dishonest with her, "unlike my mom."

Selina followed Curtis into the Metro Court elevator. She congratulated him on his marriage and asked if he'd received her gift, as she'd been surprised to not hear from him about it. He admitted that there had been other things on his mind, so sending thank you notes wasn't high on his list. She decided to "ignore the oversight." When the elevator doors opened, he excused himself and walked away.

At the Metro Court bar, Nina asked the bartender, who was in business school, why someone would be investigated by the SEC. Sonny approached and wondered why she wanted to know, and she claimed that she asked the bartender business questions all the time. Nina updated him on her "shaky truce" with Willow, and Sonny wondered if Ava had said anything to Nina about Nikolas threatening Avery.

Just then, Curtis approached to talk to Nina. He handed her a check to reimburse her for the honeymoon suite she'd gifted Curtis and Portia, and he commented that Portia might not be his wife for much longer. Nina and Curtis sat down at a table, and Curtis told her what had happened. Nina didn't want to defend Portia, but she couldn't condemn her, either, since Nina had also withheld information out of fear of losing someone. However, she insisted that she would always be on Curtis' side. She urged Curtis not to push Trina, which Nina was learning with Willow. She wondered what would happen if Trina turned out to be his daughter.

Gladys was playing a card game on her phone in a secluded corner of the Metro Court restaurant when Selina approached. "Is that what I think it is?" Selina wondered, referring to the envelope on the table. Gladys confirmed that it was the deed to Brando's garage, and she made sure that it would make them "square." Selina confirmed it and took the envelope. She advised that the remaining funds would be deposited into an account for Gladys.

A few minutes later, Selina found Sonny and inquired why her shipment the day before had been rerouted. As an unseen Gladys listened in, Sonny reminded Selina that she was using his docks at his discretion, and it had only been a minor inconvenience. She accepted the answer and went to the bar. Sonny found Gladys and demanded to know why she'd been with Selina. Gladys admitted that she'd sold the garage to Selina, who valued its worth. Sonny thought it sounded a like a good business deal, as long as Sasha was all right with it.

While looking for a specific invoice in the stables, Cody dropped a big pile of papers just as Sasha arrived. She helped him pick them up, and they both missed one paper under a chair. She handed him a box as a thank you for what he'd done the day she'd confronted Heather. He commented that he knew Dante would take care of her. A confused Sasha was thanking him for not giving her up to the desk sergeant when she'd claimed to be a lawyer.

Cody was delighted to find biscotti in the box. He double-checked that she wasn't angry at him, but she knew that he'd just been trying to save her from herself. He didn't think she needed saving, and he admired her for her restraint in not attacking Heather. She figured Brando wouldn't want Sasha to compromise her future. Cody observed that she seemed better than the last time he'd seen her, and she confirmed that a weight had lifted after seeing Heather.

Cody related that he was just letting everyone around him down. Sasha advised him to extend some grace to himself. She got up to pet Comet and commented that it had been a while since she'd ridden. He invited her to come over and ride the horses there. She wished she had something to give him in return, like makeup from Deception or work on his car at the garage. Cody replied that she no longer had the garage, and he thought back to when he'd overheard Gladys bartering over the garage with Selina. Sasha demanded to know who he'd heard that from.

At the safe house, Lucy complained to Anna about how much she missed things from home, and Valentin in turn complained about Lucy. "I miss Paris," Valentin said wistfully, and he and Anna reminisced. Watching Anna and Valentin getting close, Lucy griped about the fact that Martin couldn't be there with her. Anna assured Lucy that her life would be waiting for her when Lucy got back. Lucy said she was sick of waiting.

In a room at the Metro Court hotel, Eileen woke up as Victor got dressed. She wondered if he was upset about the night before, and he demanded that she not mention it again. She assured him that neither of them had been at their best. He said he had a busy day planned, and she asked if it had anything to do with the next phase of his plan. As she got up and dressed, Eileen assured him that he didn't have to do it alone and that she would do whatever it took for him. "You really want to help? Only come when I call," he spat. Eileen informed him that she'd requested the original unredacted file on Holly, and she hoped that there would be useful information on the necklace inside.

Outside of the room a few minutes later, Eileen called Anna, who was distracted by Lucy and Valentin's bickering. She advised Eileen to meet Anna's contact, as she couldn't leave. When she was off the phone, she joined in the bickering until Lucy walked off. Valentin cracked that if they weren't out soon, he would kill Lucy himself.

A short while later, Felicia arrived at the safe house with some much-need provisions. She talked about their plan with Anna, Valentin, and Lucy. Lucy hoped it worked because she was going "stir crazy." Felicia talked about the Nurses Ball that Maxie was planning for a few weeks away, and Lucy was horrified that it was happening without her. Felicia reassured Lucy that Maxie was trying to honor Lucy's legacy and that Maxie had help, especially from her co-chair, Bobbie. "Bobbie will not take what's mine again," Lucy grumbled, and she stormed off. Anna figured that the temporary inconvenience would be worth it in the end.

Eileen sat in Haven Bistro, waiting for Anna's contact, and she was shocked when Laura arrived. Laura sat down and questioned what information Eileen had gotten. Eileen admitted that she'd thought getting physical would "loosen lips," but Victor had had an "off night" in the bedroom. Laura decided they needed to think up another way to get information out of Victor. Eileen mentioned how the file on Holly had piqued Victor's interest, and Laura said that they would have to give him exactly what he wanted.

Selina was sitting at the Metro Court bar when Victor sat down. She asked the bartender to put whatever Victor wanted on her tab, as he looked like he needed a pick-me-up. "What do you know about it?" he snapped, and she turned and pulled out her phone, obviously offended. He apologized, as he hadn't been feeling like himself. Selina remembered putting something into his drink months before. She got up and left a message for Holly, updating her on Victor's situation, and she got into the elevator.

Sonny and Dex come under fire

Sonny and Dex come under fire

Friday, March 10, 2023

by Steve Holley

At Carly's mansion, Drew and Carly gushed about having spent the entire night in bed together. Drew said that with Valentin dead, he planned to obtain Charlotte's ELQ shares and to step away from the company as a means to pacify Ned. Carly said that Ned was the only person they had to worry about turning them in to the SEC for insider trading. Josslyn interrupted, and Drew left for the Quartermaine mansion.

At the Quartermaine mansion, Maxie told Mac, Ned, Michael, and Willow that the Nurses Ball was returning to the hospital. Ned said he didn't like the idea of a Nurses Ball without Lucy, but he added that celebrating 60 years of the hospital's presence in the community was too big an event to ignore.

Maxie asked Ned and Michael to help with financing the Nurses Ball. Ned and Michael agreed, and Maxie thanked them both. Maxie then asked Michael to join the Nurses Ball's planning committee. Willow encouraged Michael to accept Maxie's offer. Michael said that he was hesitant because of his and Willow's upcoming wedding and their newborn baby, but Willow pleaded for Michael to accept.

Michael agreed to Maxie's request. Maxie grew excited, and she said she would meet with Michael again soon to go over the details.

Nearby, Drew entered the Quartermaine mansion after having left Carly's mansion. Drew said he had a proposal to make their family's tension over ELQ a thing of the past, and he added that Valentin's death had opened up the possibility for the family to regain majority ownership of ELQ, given that Valentin's stock had gone to Charlotte.

Ned recalled that Drew and Michael had already attempted to freeze him out of ELQ once before. Drew said it was a chance for the family to start over, and he added that he was willing to step away from ELQ entirely. Ned was surprised by Drew's offer, and he said that he would think about it.

In the stables at the Quartermaine mansion, Cody told Sasha that he had overheard Gladys say she might sell Brando's garage. Sasha was outraged, and she asked Cody who Gladys planned to sell the garage to. Cody said that Sasha should ask Gladys. Before she left, Sasha told Cody that she appreciated him being honest with her.

After Sasha left, Cody found the piece of paper with the results of his DNA test on the floor of the stables. Just then, Mac entered. Mac said that he owed Cody a visit because he hadn't had time to answer Cody's missed calls. Cody said that he had thought Mac might want to talk after what Mac had gone through with Ryan.

Mac and Cody agreed that they weren't good at talking about their emotions, and the two turned their discussion to horseback riding. Mac fondly recalled having spent time riding horses in Australia years earlier. Mac and Cody were surprised that both of them knew about an Australian beer that was hard to find in the US. Cody said that he'd had the beer delivered recently, and he and Mac drank a bottle.

Mac opened up to Cody about how Ryan had terrorized his family for years. Mac added that Ryan had impersonated Kevin years earlier. Mac said he felt bad for Kevin because Kevin had never given up hope for Ryan. Cody said that Mac had only killed Ryan to save Felicia, Ava, and others. Mac noted that he had still killed his best friend's twin brother, and he said he hated that he had caused Kevin any pain.

Mac and Cody said they were glad they were getting to know each other. Mac asked if Cody wanted another beer, and Cody stood up to grab a bottle. As Cody stood up, Mac spotted the paper with Cody's DNA results that had fallen on the floor again. Mac told Cody that he had dropped something, and he started to open the folded paper.

At Metro Court, Sonny wanted answers from Gladys about the sale of Brando's garage. Sonny surmised that Selina wanted the garage, and he said that he could help Gladys if Selina was pressuring her. Gladys downplayed Selina's presence, and she said she only had Sasha's best interests at heart. Dex approached, and Sonny said he had other business to tend to.

Moments later, Sasha confronted Gladys for having sold the garage. Gladys quipped that Sasha didn't have the final say in Sasha's business agreements. Sasha said that Gladys had no right to sell the garage. Gladys claimed that she had been receiving expensive bills each month regarding the garage.

Gladys teared up when she said that she faced daily reminders that Brando wasn't alive anymore. Gladys claimed she had sold the garage to "protect" Sasha and to help them get on with their lives. Sasha said that she didn't like that Gladys had gone behind her back, but she added that she understood Gladys' reasoning. Sasha said that with the garage gone, she and Gladys were forced to move on.

Gladys replied that she could see why Brando had fallen in love with Sasha. Sasha grew emotional, and she said through tears that she missed Brando. Gladys said that she missed Brando, too, and she and Sasha hugged.

Nearby at Metro Court, Sonny told Dex that he had only shut Dex out of the Pikeman meeting earlier because the Pikeman deal was a "snake pit." Sonny added that the less Dex knew, the less Sonny could blame Dex if the Pikeman deal went sideways.

Sonny added that he wanted to move Dex up in the organization. Sonny said that he wanted to take Dex to the warehouse where the Pikeman shipment would be stored because he wanted to see how good Dex was at identifying vulnerabilities. Sonny encouraged Dex to think of it as "training."

Also at Metro Court, Ava joined Nina at a table. Ava said that even with Ryan dead, she didn't feel safe at Wyndemere. Nina offered to have Ava stay with her for as long as Ava wanted. Ava asked how things had gone between Nina and Willow the previous night. Nina shared that her conversation with Willow had gone surprisingly well and that she was hopeful.

Ava asked how things were between Nina and Sonny. Nina hesitated, and Ava asked if there was trouble in paradise. Nina replied that there was only trouble in Carly's paradise. Nina said she had overheard Drew and Carly whisper that they couldn't show their feelings for one another in public, and she added that it raised more questions than answers.

Nina said that she had overheard Sonny tell Olivia that if people knew how long Carly and Drew had been seeing each other and what they had discussed, there would be serious consequences. Nina added that Olivia had said that Ned had threatened to turn Drew and Carly in to the SEC.

Ava proposed that she and Nina figure out what information Ned had on Carly and Drew. Nina said that everyone had known that Carly and Drew had grown closer during the failed Aurora-ELQ merger. Ava's eyes grew wide. "That's it! I know what Carly and Drew are so afraid of," Ava said.

Ava said that if Carly had bought stock in Aurora while believing that a merger with ELQ had been on the horizon, it would be considered insider trading. Nina said that Ava's reasoning would explain why Drew and Carly would have had to keep their relationship hidden. "Otherwise, they're facing jail time," Nina realized.

Nina said that Ava's theory was good but that it was still only a theory. Ava surmised that Nina had information that could turn the tables on Carly. "Now, you have important information about Carly. Just like she had important information about you. The question is, what are you gonna do with it?" Ava asked.

Back at Carly's mansion, Carly told Josslyn that being in a secret relationship with someone carried a lot of baggage -- a reference to Josslyn's relationship with Dex. Josslyn told Carly that Dex planned to leave Sonny's organization, and she flashed back to Dex saying that he planned to send Sonny to prison. Carly asked for details.

Josslyn said only that she knew Dex would leave Sonny's organization for good. Carly cautioned that once someone was in the line of work that Sonny and Dex were in, it was hard to leave. "But it is possible," Josslyn said. "It is, but the way out is usually death," Carly warned Josslyn.

At the same time Carly had warned Josslyn, Sonny and Dex walked into a warehouse. Unbeknownst to both men, someone inside the warehouse peered at Sonny and Dex through a sniper's rifle. Dex looked up just in time to spot the sniper. "Sonny! Get down!" Dex yelled, and he jumped on top of Sonny in an attempt to save both men.

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