General Hospital Recaps: The week of March 21, 2022 on GH

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Ryan threatened Harmony, Selina approached Sonny with a business proposition, and Esme claimed she might be pregnant
General Hospital Recaps: The week of March 21, 2022 on GH

Spencer returned home, and he found a pregnancy test. Esme turned to Nikolas for help. Trina landed in legal hot water. Curtis uncovered information that suggested Marshall hadn't been in the Witness Protection Program. Ryan threatened Harmony. Selina threw cold water on Brad's plans. Epiphany decided to become a doctor. Finn and Liz rekindled their romance.

Michael is jailed and Willow receives medical attention

Michael is jailed and Willow receives medical attention

Monday, March 21, 2022

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by CherylPD

While standing on the footbridge, Carly received a phone call from Willow. After saying hello several times, Carly hung up after not receiving a response. Seconds later, she received a phone call from Diane, who told her that Michael had been arrested for punching a reporter in front of Jordan. Carly told Diane that she would head to the police station right away.

At the hospital, Willow lay on the floor, unconscious. As T.J. strolled by, he spotted her and rushed to her aid. After he managed to awaken her, Willow confessed that she didn't remember anything. T.J. announced that he wanted to have her admitted, and Willow urged him to call Harmony. Epiphany declared that she would put Willow into an examination room. Willow revealed that she had just learned of Michael's arrest and had to leave, but Epiphany and T.J. made it clear that Willow had to look after herself.

Shortly after, Epiphany checked Willow's vitals and stated that her blood pressure was low, and her respiration was shallow and rapid. Willow confessed that she hadn't eaten that day and was stressed, but Epiphany lectured her. Willow was embarrassed, but Epiphany made her feel at ease by telling her about a similar instance when she'd been in nursing school herself.

Nina and Harmony sat at a table at Charlie's Pub. They greeted Phyllis, and Phyllis called Harmony by her real name, Lorraine. Phyllis revealed that she and Harmony knew each other from when they had worked in New York City during the time that Phyllis had tended to Nina. The women were interrupted when Harmony received a phone call regarding Willow, and Harmony announced that she had to leave. She stated that she would think about Nina's proposal.

Nina explained to Phyllis that she had planned to sue in order to see Wiley, although she didn't really want to do so. She didn't trust Michael, though, and she had asked Harmony to speak to Willow, who would in turn talk to Michael. She thought that Harmony had seemed "noncommittal." Phyllis thought that Harmony needed time to think, but she agreed that Wiley needed all his grandmothers. Nina wished that Michael and Willow could see that.

Nina and Phyllis chatted about the old days, and Nina admitted she was glad that she'd had closure regarding Nelle. Phyllis confessed that she still felt guilty about her role in keeping Nelle from her mother, but Nina felt that Phyllis had always been honest. Nina recounted all that had happened with Willow and Michael. Phyllis believed that people were capable of exhibiting forgiveness, and she thought that Harmony could be the answer. Nina didn't expect to receive any help from Harmony, and she asked if Phyllis would talk to Harmony on her behalf.

Phyllis was reluctant, but Nina pleaded that everybody listened to what Phyllis had to say. Phyllis finally gave in and agreed to talk to Harmony about the Nina she knew and loved. The women shared a hug; Nina was ecstatic.

Diane joined Michael in the interrogation room at the police station. She maintained that she was in the process of pursuing justice for Josslyn, and she informed Michael that due to the hour, he would probably be stuck in confinement overnight. Michael noted that it wasn't the first time, and Diane proclaimed that he sounded like Jason. Jordan walked in and announced that Michael would be transferred to holding. Michael wanted to know what she had been doing to catch the person responsible for Josslyn's grief.

Diane told Michael that she wanted to handle it, and Jordan emphasized that she would let Josslyn know when she was able to get something concrete. Carly rushed in, and Jordan explained that the reporter who had created the incident was freelance and was from the "pre-Shawn" ownership of the Invader. Carly hoped that Alexis would shut the reporter down, and she left the interrogation room in a hurry.

Sonny spotted Shawn sitting at a table at Metro Court, and they greeted each other with a hug. Sonny sat down as Shawn revealed that he was waiting for Jordan, T.J., and Molly. They chatted about Shawn's hiring of Alexis, and Shawn noted that he thought they made a good team. He added that Alexis didn't need him to run the paper any longer, and he was headed to San Francisco after acquiring another paper. He wanted a fresh start. Sonny noted that that didn't happen for everyone.

Sonny and Shawn spoke of Sonny's divorce until T.J. and Molly arrived. There were hugs all around. Molly asked Sonny to join them, but he declined. He left the group and received a phone call about Michael from a police officer. T.J., Molly, and Shawn studied their menus until Jordan arrived. There were more hugs and a group chat that included talk of Jordan's return and Shawn's leaving.

Jordan and Molly headed to the ladies' room, and T.J. promised Shawn that he would keep an eye on Alexis. Shawn admitted that he was still worried about Alexis' involvement with Harmony, and he added that he and Alexis were just friends. When the ladies returned, Molly and T.J. mysteriously departed, and Jordan and Shawn spoke of the young couple's lasting relationship and their wonderful son. The young couple returned with a bottle of Champagne in order to celebrate family.

As Alexis sat at her desk at the Invader, she looked over a welcome note that she'd received from Shawn. There was a knock at the door, and the reporter, Smoltz, rushed in. He announced that he had a story. After he filled Alexis in, she reminded him that the paper was no longer a tabloid. Smoltz disagreed and indicated that the story fit the new parameters for the paper. He explained.

Alexis listened and agreed, although she wanted to know why Michael had hit Smoltz. Smoltz confessed that he had provoked Michael, and Alexis doubted that the reporter would be able to complete the story with total accuracy. Smoltz began to plead his case. "I'd think twice about that," Carly called out as she walked in. She announced that she planned to sue. Alexis ordered Smoltz to leave the office, and she expressed her sympathy to Carly, who asked that Alexis not publish the story. Alexis thought that would be a mistake.

Carly was angry, but Alexis explained that she should run the story because of her own daughters and how women bore the brunt of the situation. She added that it was a big story that she would make respectful and sensitive. She stated that Josslyn and Cameron could talk to her if they wanted to. Carly didn't want things to get worse, but Alexis told her that if she didn't do the story, someone else would. She thought it might be empowering for the teens to talk. Carly maintained that it would be up to Josslyn, and Alexis urged her to be quick with the decision before another newspaper published a less than sensitive piece.

Sonny walked into the police interrogation room, and Michael angrily asked why he was there. Diane departed to try to work some magic, and Michael refused to discuss anything with Sonny, who sat down. Michael made it clear that it didn't concern Sonny because Sonny always put Nina first, and Michael added that Josslyn was no longer Sonny's family. Sonny was not familiar with what had transpired, but he replied that Josslyn would always be his daughter. They argued, and again, Michael accused Sonny of putting Nina first. Sonny lost his temper and yelled, "What do you want from me?"

Sonny exclaimed that he would not have Nina be used against him, and he had been trying to keep the peace. He and Michael continued to argue. Michael insisted that Nina was unbalanced and prone to do hateful things, just like Nelle had. He said that he and Josslyn did not want any help from Sonny. He thought that Josslyn would prefer to advertise her problem on a billboard in Times Square rather than get help from Sonny, who had caused the family pain. He continued that family had not been Sonny's first choice. Sonny hoped that Michael would understand one day.

Harmony found Willow in the examination room and voiced her fear over losing her daughter. She rushed out to look for a doctor and encountered Epiphany at the nurses' station. Harmony was short with the nurse and demanded that a doctor see Willow right away. Epiphany tried to explain that there were lots of patients, and they were seen according to urgency. Epiphany finally relented as a mother.

As Epiphany checked on Willow's vitals again, Willow sent Harmony to fetch her a sandwich. Epiphany thanked Willow, who stressed that her mother meant well. Dr. Nelson arrived soon after, and he asked to speak to Epiphany privately. They stepped into the corridor, and the doctor berated the nurse for getting him to give Willow special treatment. They returned to Willow, and, after hearing that T.J. had tended to Willow, the doctor ordered Epiphany to continue with the treatment that had been started.

Willow apologized to Epiphany, who thought that the doctor should have trusted her after her 20 years of being a nurse. She told Willow how she longed for a more active role in patient care decisions. Willow suggested that a change and new job might be in order.

As a song that spoke of keeping hope alive played in the background, Nina left Charlie's, donned her coat, and sat on a bench to look at photos of Wiley on her phone. She looked hopeful as she smiled. Harmony returned to Willow's room and handed her a bag. She hugged her daughter profusely. Epiphany sat at a computer and spotted registration for something that interested her. Alexis sat at her desk at the Invader and typed away. Carly stood outside and sent Josslyn a text message that said, "I love you." Jordan and Molly conversed nonstop at Metro Court as T.J. and Shawn looked on and laughed. T.J. finally got up and kissed Molly. Sonny gave Michael one last look through the window of the interrogation room as he left the police station.

This episode featured the song "Hope Alive" by ITG Studios featuring Becky Shaheen.

Selina makes plans and demands

Selina makes plans and demands

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

by Steve Holley

At the Crimson office, Brook Lynn visited Maxie and initially pretended that she had been fine with everything in her life, but Maxie saw through her and told Brook Lynn that she didn't have to pretend because Maxie was her friend. Maxie noticed that Brook Lynn had brought her songbook with her and asked if Brook Lynn had been writing new material. Brook Lynn said that Chase had thought other people might want to see her songs. Maxie discerned that Chase had been very noble and friendly to Brook Lynn.

Brook Lynn said that she was glad to have Chase as a friend, but Maxie asked if Brook Lynn wanted more than just a friendship. Brook Lynn closed her eyes and recalled her passionate kiss with Chase at the hospital. Brook Lynn managed to change the subject to an upcoming launch party that Deception had planned. Brook Lynn and Maxie started the meeting without Sasha. Lucy came in and informed them that Sasha and Brando had gotten married.

Lucy and Brook Lynn both felt that perhaps Sasha and Brando had rushed into marriage, but Maxie reminded them that sometimes an intense and emotional experience brought people together -- a thinly veiled observation about Brook Lynn and Chase that Brook Lynn picked up right away. Maxie said she trusted Sasha and Brando's bond and felt their relationship would only improve.

The three ladies discussed what type of launch party to throw. Maxie suggested they do an original song from Brook Lynn's songbook catalog. Lucy agreed but was worried about Brook Lynn perhaps making an attempt at another lip-synced performance. Brook Lynn said she was at peace with being a songwriter and never performing as a singer. Maxie smiled and looked at Brook Lynn with pride. After Lucy, Maxie, and Brook Lynn picked out what they thought would be a perfect song for the launch party, Brook Lynn informed them that it was a duet and asked who would sing the male part. As she did, Chase knocked and entered the room. "Look who it is: Detective Chase!" Maxie said as she smiled at Brook Lynn.

Earlier at the hospital, Chase visited Finn again, and Finn disclosed to Chase that Jake had had an alibi for the night of the break-in at Elizabeth's house. Chase asked if Finn and Elizabeth had decided to rethink the pause in their relationship. Finn felt that Elizabeth was still struggling with Franco, since it had only been a year since Franco had been killed. Finn added that he wasn't giving up on his relationship with Elizabeth without a fight.

Chase encouraged Finn to fight for his relationship with Elizabeth. Finn took Chase's words and turned them around on his brother's relationship with Brook Lynn. Chase tried to imply that he and Brook Lynn had never been more than friends that had gone through a difficult time together. Finn asked Chase if Chase was really okay with staying friends with Brook Lynn. "Totally. Why wouldn't I be? I think it's time I get back to living my own life," Chase said.

After Chase left, Elizabeth dropped by Finn's office and informed him that she regretted her belief that Jake might have been behind the break-in at her house as well as all the mysterious occurrences related to Franco. Finn told Elizabeth that whatever the two of them were as a couple and whatever they might become, he wanted to be there for her. Finn started to ramble about his feelings, but Elizabeth stopped him. "Kiss me," she said. Finn rushed to Elizabeth and kissed her.

When Finn and Elizabeth's kiss ended, Elizabeth admitted that she had gone there to tell Finn that she thought the two of them were better together. "Whatever happens from here, we face it together," Finn told Elizabeth.

At Metro Court, Curtis and Portia signed the final paperwork on their new beach home in front of Lucy, who brought over mimosas for Curtis and Portia to celebrate. Lucy handed the happy couple the first set of keys to their new home. When Lucy left, Portia admitted that she still wished Trina lived with her and that she missed being able to knock on her daughter's door and go into her room at any time. "No matter the age, parenting is hard," Portia said as Curtis stared at Marshall at a nearby table.

Epiphany had greeted Marshall earlier, and the two joined one another for lunch. Epiphany confided to Marshall that she had decided to take the MCAT exam to become a doctor. An overjoyed Marshall was delighted and told Epiphany that Curtis and Portia weren't the only ones who had something to celebrate. Curtis stopped by Marshall and Epiphany's table and shared the news that Curtis and Portia had just closed on their new home. Epiphany hugged Curtis then left to extend her congratulations to Portia. Portia said that she would be happy to mentor Epiphany for her MCAT exam. Epiphany happily agreed to accept Portia's help.

When Curtis asked about Marshall's budding relationship with Epiphany, Marshall initially seemed cocky then confided to Curtis that he felt overwhelmed and wasn't sure what he was doing. Curtis found it hard to believe Marshall lacked confidence, given his standing as a musician. Marshall admitted that he had once been a player, but he wanted more for Epiphany because he truly liked and respected her. Marshall observed how happy Curtis was with Portia and said he wished he had something like what his son had in a relationship. Curtis encouraged Marshall to show Epiphany who he really was.

Marshall recalled one of his first dates with Curtis' mother, Irene, and mentioned that he had taken her to a skating rink. Marshall and Curtis laughed heartily as Marshall told the story of how he had split his pants while trying to impress Curtis' mom on the ice. Once the laughing stopped, a pained Marshall told Curtis that he had truly loved Irene.

Marshall told Curtis it had been a long time since he had felt anything close to what he had felt with Irene. Marshall glowed when he spoke to Curtis about Epiphany, especially her ability to take people just as they were. "All the more reason you should be real with her," Curtis said. Marshall told Curtis he was glad to see Curtis so happy.

After Curtis rejoined Portia at their table, he bragged that he felt he was really beginning to get to know his father. Curtis' phone rang. Curtis listened then got off the phone and told Portia that Drew had just called to say he had found some inconsistencies in Marshall's past.

Sonny greeted Selina at his penthouse for an impromptu face-to-face visit. Sonny was surprised to see Selina because everything had been going well in their collaboration, as far as he knew. When Sonny asked if anything was urgent, Selina informed him that there had once been five heads of crime families in and around Port Charles, and there were only two remaining -- the Corinthos family and the Wu family. Sonny told Selina to cut to the chase and asked her what she really wanted.

Selina said she wanted use of the Port Charles harbor and that Sonny would get a percentage from her due to the fact that the harbor was Sonny's territory. Sonny said he would agree to the deal so long as Selina agreed to play by his rules. Selina agreed to all of Sonny's demands and told him that she would make sure there would be no disruptions on her end. Selina brought up Michael's arrest, and Sonny abruptly told her that Michael was his problem. "You take care of your family. I'll take care of mine," Sonny said. "Oh, I do. I promise. I keep a very close eye on my family," Selina said to Sonny as their eyes met.

After Selina left, Dante arrived to talk with Sonny about Michael's arrest. Because Michael had refused to divulge the full details of the arrest to Sonny, Dante informed Sonny that there was a video of Josslyn with Cameron and that the video had caused an Intruder reporter to goad Michael into a punch. Sonny demanded to know the reporter's name and where he could be found, but Dante refused to answer and told Sonny to stand down.

Dante was shocked that Michael hadn't told Sonny about what had happened to Josslyn or about the tape. Sonny recalled that Michael had coldly told him that Josslyn was not family to Sonny anymore. Sonny then confided to Dante that he hadn't seen Michael so angry since Michael had gone after custody of Avery. "Michael thinks I'm choosing Nina over my family," Sonny told Dante. "Are you?" Dante asked.

Dante wanted to know what had really been going on with Sonny, because Michael had spurned their father in jail. Sonny tried to explain that he wanted Nina to be able to visit with Wiley because she was the child's grandmother. Dante said it wasn't that simple and that Sonny, of all people, should know because of how hard it was to forgive someone for their past mistakes. "Where do you think Michael got that from?" Dante asked.

Sonny regretted that Michael was angry at him and said he hated being at odds with Michael. Dante understood and told Sonny that Michael didn't like being angry at Sonny, either. Dante cautioned that a reconciliation wouldn't happen overnight and that Sonny had to put in the work. Sonny said that he had picked the wrong time to stop drinking. Dante wanted to know why Sonny had stopped, and Sonny told him that he had started drinking more after his divorce from Carly. Sonny recalled that Nina had encouraged him to stop. "Are you saying there might be an actual future between you and Nina?" Dante asked.

Sonny said he hadn't planned anything with Nina, and he denied making a choice between Nina and his family. "Maybe you have to accept that, right now, the way things stand, maybe you can't have both Nina and Michael in your life," Dante told Sonny, who seemed to mull over what his eldest son had said.

At the hospital, Brad had helped Britt complete her matchmaker profile before he turned to the subject of Britt being able to find Brad a job at General Hospital. Britt handed Brad a list of job options, and he quickly noticed that none of them were lab positions. Britt told Brad that because of his history of having tampered with lab results, neither she nor Terry could give him anything close to his former job. Britt offered him a compromise as a clinical patient advocate, where Brad could explain lab results to patients. Britt informed Brad that he had the job as long as Terry approved it as co-chief of staff. The two hugged, and Brad asked Britt, "What would I do without you?" Just then, Selina walked in. "Interesting question," Selina said.

Selina announced that since her nephew insisted on Britt being a part of his life, Selina wanted to get to know Britt better. Selina asked if Britt was free for lunch, but Britt refused due to her schedule as co-chief of staff. After some tense moments, Brad told Selina that Britt had offered him a job at the hospital. "That's kind of you, but unnecessary. My nephew is working for me," Selina announced. Brad thought there had been a misunderstanding between him and his aunt. "I'm working at GH," he said. "You should have checked with me first," Selina said curtly.

Selina reminded Brad that she had made an understanding with him: Brad would work for her in exchange for a rent-free apartment. Selina went to leave and informed Britt that her assistant would contact Britt about setting up a lunch date. "Should I be worried that she'll try to poison me?" an uneasy Britt asked. "No... probably not. Just don't let her take you to a second location," Brad replied.

Ryan issues an ominous threat to Harmony

Ryan issues an ominous threat to Harmony

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

by Elisabeth

At Metro Court's bar, Drew joined Curtis. Curtis revealed that he and Portia had closed on a house, so Drew ordered a beer to toast his friend's new home. Curtis admitted that it was hard to focus on his future when Marshall's past refused to leave Curtis alone. Drew glanced at a large envelope that he had set down on the bar as he asked if Curtis wanted to know what Drew's team had uncovered. Drew assured his friend that it wasn't bad, but Drew sensed that Curtis wanted to focus on the present rather than Marshall's past.

Drew admitted that if Alan Quartermaine were to step off the elevator, Drew might be content to focus on the "here and now" instead of demanding full disclosure from his father. Curtis explained that he needed answers for Portia, Trina, T.J., and Stella. Curtis couldn't, in good conscience, open the door to his father without knowing what would follow Marshall inside. Drew slid the envelope to Curtis, and Curtis pulled out a rental agreement. Drew explained that the initial background check hadn't uncovered anything, but Aurora Media's team checked internationally when they vetted potential employees.

Drew hadn't been shocked that Marshall had lived in Buenos Aires, but Drew had been surprised that Marshall hadn't used an alias. Curtis saw that the rental agreement had been in Marshall's name, which wouldn't have been the case if Marshall had been in the Witness Protection Program.

At General Hospital, Marshall explained to Deanna that he had issues with his medication, and he couldn't reach his doctor. Marshall admitted that his doctor was in another city, but he had seen Dr. Rose a few months earlier. Deanna picked up the phone to check with Dr. Rose, but Marshall became distracted when he saw Sonny pass the nurses' station. Marshall's eyes narrowed, and his expression filled with fury as Sonny stopped to talk to T.J.

Meanwhile, Ava told Sonny that Avery had been hurt in a fall at the playground. T.J. assured the little girl that everything would be fine, and Sonny promised that Avery could trust T.J. Avery cradled her arm as she and her parents followed T.J. into an examination room. At the nurses' station, Marshall's eyes shot daggers at Sonny.

In the exam room, T.J. explained that he would need to take an x-ray of Avery's arm as a precaution, but he was confident that she had merely sprained her wrist. Avery perked up when Sonny promised to get her a lollipop from the gift shop.

Sonny left the room, but Marshall was lying in wait. "I finally figured you out," Marshall said. Sonny asked if there was a problem. Marshall accused Sonny of being the type of person who only learned a lesson the second time around, and he reminded Sonny that Sonny had been warned to stay away from Marshall's family. Sonny calmly informed Marshall that Marshall had had the wrong idea at the Savoy, and Marshall was wrong about the situation at hand because Sonny's daughter had been injured on the playground.

Marshall argued that the hospital was full of doctors, and he demanded that Sonny find another doctor because Marshall didn't want his grandson associating with the likes of Sonny. Unimpressed, Sonny asked how Marshall intended to enforce the threat. Sonny walked away without bothering to wait for Marshall's answer. Neither Marshall nor Sonny was aware that T.J. had witnessed the exchange.

A short time later, Sonny returned to the exam room with a watermelon lollipop, which was Avery's favorite flavor. T.J. revealed that Avery had suffered a mild sprain, and Deanna would be in to bandage the arm. Sonny thanked T.J., but T.J. asked for a word with Sonny. In the hallway, T.J. admitted that he'd seen Sonny and Marshall earlier, and T.J. was curious if everything was okay. Sonny assured T.J. that he didn't have a problem with Marshall, and T.J. let it drop. When Sonny closed the door, Ava suggested that she and Sonny take Avery to Kelly's for ice cream.

Avery wanted "Mama Carly" to join the party. Ava agreed to call Carly, but she warned Avery that Carly might be busy because it was short notice. Sonny promised to set up a playdate with Carly for Avery. He acknowledged that there had been a lot of changes in Avery's life, but he assured Avery that "all three" of Avery's parents -- and Avery's siblings -- loved Avery "to the end of the galaxy."

At the nurses' station, Deanna offered to set up an appointment with Dr. Rose for Marshall, but Marshall asked if there was someone else that Marshall could see. "Someone like me?" T.J. asked. Marshall smiled when he saw his grandson. However, Marshall declined the offer. After Deanna left to bandage Avery's arm, Marshall apologized for snapping at his grandson, prompting T.J. to ask Marshall about the encounter with Sonny. Marshall warned T.J. to stay away from Sonny and to let Marshall know if Sonny started "sniffing around."

T.J. assured Marshall that Sonny wasn't a problem, but he agreed to let Marshall know if things changed. After T.J. walked away, Avery darted out of the exam room and ran into Marshall. Marshall's prescription bottle fell to the ground and rolled toward Sonny, but Sonny stopped it with his foot. Sonny noticed the label on the prescription bottle, and he bent down to pick it up. When Marshall noticed, he demanded that Sonny return it. "See you soon," Sonny said as he handed the bottle to Marshall.

Outside Alexis' office at the Invader, Carly assured Josslyn that Alexis wanted to help, but Carly made it clear that it was okay if Josslyn wasn't ready, especially since Josslyn had a meeting with a detective later that afternoon. Josslyn promised that she had given it thought, and she was prepared to take the next step. Satisfied, Carly entered the office with Josslyn. Elizabeth and Cameron were waiting.

Alexis explained that she wanted to give Cameron and Josslyn the opportunity to take control of the situation and frame the narrative. Alexis assured the teens that she would understand if they wanted to back out of the story, and she offered to answer any questions that the teens and their mothers might have about the process. Both Carly and Elizabeth had questions, but Alexis promised to answer them once Alexis had talked to the teens privately.

Alexis waited until the mothers had left before she invited Cameron and Josslyn to tell their side of the story. Cameron let Josslyn take the lead. After Josslyn filled Alexis in about the shocking video, Alexis assured both Cameron and Josslyn that recording someone without consent and posting "revenge porn" had been criminal acts. Josslyn asked if Esme's name would appear in the article, so Alexis admitted that naming Esme would be libelous, so the newspaper could only make general references to Esme as someone "unnamed." Alexis added that respectable newspapers typically used pseudonyms to protect the privacy of the victims, but it wouldn't stop the tabloids from publishing Cameron and Josslyn's names.

Cameron realized that Josslyn's connection to Sonny made it a big story, but Josslyn didn't think it mattered because their names would get out regardless. Cameron suggested that he and Josslyn scrap the story because it might blow over if they stayed quiet and put their heads down. Josslyn thought it was easy for Cameron to say because he was considered a big man on campus, while Josslyn had been called vile names. Alexis made it clear that it was up to the teens, and she excused herself to give them time to discuss things and make a decision.

Cameron admitted that he felt overwhelmed by everything that had happened, but Josslyn reminded him that it had been criminal. She explained that sitting in the dark and hoping for things to go away made her feel more like a victim. She didn't want people to think that she felt ashamed, because she and Cameron hadn't done anything wrong. Josslyn assured Cameron that she loved him, but she refused to let Esme and the Internet "creepers" turn what they had shared into something ugly. Cameron explained that he didn't want Josslyn to get hurt, but she insisted that it would hurt more if she didn't stand up for herself.

Just then, Alexis returned with a reporter. Alexis introduced Alicia Gallego, one of the best reporters on staff. Alexis didn't want to pressure the teens, but Alexis explained that there was a deadline for the article.

In the restaurant, Elizabeth asked if Carly served "head on a platter." Carly promised it would be an option as soon as they proved that Esme had been responsible for the video of Cameron and Josslyn. Elizabeth admitted that Cameron had been mortified, furious, and completely and utter shaken. Carly said she felt the same as Cameron. Elizabeth admitted that Josslyn had been holding up well, but Carly feared that it was just a front.

Carly said she didn't care how tough a person was; when someone was called a "tramp" and a "slut," it took a toll. Carly hated that her daughter had endured the horrible names, but Elizabeth promised that Josslyn would get through it because Josslyn had Carly in her corner. Elizabeth confided that she had always considered herself lucky to have only had boys because the thought of having a girl had terrified Elizabeth. Elizabeth admitted that she would have built walls to keep her daughter from being hurt.

Carly said she knew it was because of Elizabeth's rape. Elizabeth confessed that the rape had changed everything. However, having Violet in Elizabeth's life had made Elizabeth realized that Elizabeth had had it all wrong. Elizabeth wanted Violet to be strong and fierce like Josslyn. Carly was stunned by the compliment. Elizabeth conceded that she and Carly had had their differences over the years, but Elizabeth insisted that Carly had done a "hell of a job" raising Josslyn.

Elizabeth confessed that there had been a time that she had hoped that Cameron would date Trina. Carly suspected that it was because Elizabeth had been afraid that Josslyn had been like Carly. Elizabeth admitted that Josslyn was exactly who she wanted for Cameron because Josslyn was smart, independent, and fiercely loyal. Carly pointed out that Cameron was not afraid of Josslyn's fierceness. Elizabeth agreed; her son was drawn to it -- and he respected it. Carly offered her own praise because Elizabeth had taught Cameron to respect women.

Elizabeth acknowledged that respect hadn't always been her "thing," which Carly knew better than anyone. Carly recalled a long-before bitter argument between her and Elizabeth about Jason when the two women had said terrible things to each other, and how it had turned violent. Elizabeth admitted that it had been hypocritical of her to judge Carly, especially since Elizabeth hadn't been a saint, either. Carly conceded that there had been times when she should have taken the high road, but she warned Elizabeth not to expect it in the future.

Elizabeth laughed along with Carly just as Cameron and Josslyn approached the table. The teens revealed that they had just finished the interview. Carly and Elizabeth were pleased. Moments later, a woman walked up and introduced herself as Detective Lopez. Cameron and Josslyn followed the detective to give their statements. Carly and Elizabeth exchanged a smile.

In Alexis' office, Alexis praised Alicia's work. Alexis was also proud of Cameron and Josslyn, and she made it clear that it was important that the teens not regret their decision.

At Laura's apartment, Laura greeted her Nikolas. Nikolas explained that he had stopped by to help Laura with Spencer's homecoming, but she admitted that there hadn't been much to do. Spencer's bedroom was ready, and she had stopped by Eckert's to pick up Spencer's favorite pastries -- madeleines. Nikolas was certain that Spencer would appreciate it, but Laura confessed that Spencer should be going home to Wyndemere. Nikolas doubted that Spencer would agree, but Laura urged Nikolas to broach the subject with Spencer to see where it would lead.

Laura explained that Spencer couldn't live with her indefinitely. Nikolas and Laura turned when Esme entered the living room in time to agree with Laura. Nikolas and Laura were shocked when Esme announced that she was moving out. Esme's tone was subdued as she promised that she had vacuumed, made the bed, and scrubbed the bathroom spotless. Nikolas was certain that Spencer would be heartbroken to return home and find that Esme had left, so Esme explained that the decision had broken her heart, too.

Nikolas advised Esme to stay and try to work things out with Spencer when he arrived home, but Laura gently suggested that Nikolas head to Spring Ridge without her because Laura wanted to talk to Esme alone. After Nikolas left, Laura did a quick inspection of the bedroom and bathroom. Laura was impressed with Esme's work. Esme admitted that it sounded as if Laura was disappointed. Laura confessed that she thought that she had figured Esme out, but Laura had been wrong.

Laura acknowledged that Spencer and Esme had grown closer, and Esme had been supportive of Spencer reconciling with his father. Laura was willing to reconsider her initial evaluation, but Esme argued that it was too late because Spencer had moved on. Laura was skeptical because she had seen the way that Spencer looked at Esme, but Esme was curious if Laura had seen the way that he looked at Trina. Esme's tone was despondent as she described first finding Spencer and Trina together on Wyndemere's parapet.

Esme insisted that it was impossible to stay with Spencer because his friends believed that she was toxic, and they had turned Spencer against her. Esme refused to be a scapegoat, even if it meant that she had to give up Spencer. Esme wondered what Laura would do if their roles had been reversed. Laura admitted that she would have to think twice. Esme continued to play the victim. Laura asked if Esme was certain about leaving, but Esme was curious why it mattered. Laura admitted that she didn't usually interfere, but Laura had concerns about Victor.

At Spring Ridge, Nikolas was playing cards with the guard on Victor's payroll when Harmony approached the table to ask if Spencer could spare some time for a fellow inmate. Spencer was startled when he realized that Harmony had been referring to Ryan. Harmony explained that Ryan had invited Spencer to a game of chess. Spencer agreed, and he followed Harmony over to Ryan's table.

Ryan stared intently at Spencer as Spencer sat down across from him. Harmony moved the chess pieces as Ryan instructed with his eyes, and she referred to notes that Ryan had dictated earlier. She explained that Ryan was upset because Spencer and Spencer's girlfriend had exploited Ryan's name and reputation when they had targeted Ava. Ryan wanted gratitude because he hadn't stopped Spencer. Spencer pointed out that Ryan's name had entered the public domain "ten murders ago."

Reluctantly, Harmony continued to refer to the notes as she expressed Ryan's frustration over Spencer's scheme because Nikolas and Ava were still together. However, Ryan wanted Spencer to know that Spencer still had a friend -- Ryan. According to Ryan, he and Spencer were on the same team because neither of them wanted Nikolas and Ava to stay together, but only one of them had the power to act. Harmony moved a chess piece for Ryan.

"Checkmate," Harmony said. Nearby, Nikolas arrived to pick up Spencer. He stopped short when he saw Spencer and Ryan together. Spencer jumped up when he saw his father. Nikolas questioned Spencer about Ryan, but Spencer downplayed things by claiming that they had simply been killing time. Nikolas warned Spencer that things were never that simple with Ryan. Spencer admitted that Ryan had tried to get inside his head, but he assured Nikolas that Ryan hadn't succeeded. Spencer changed the subject by asking about Ava, so Nikolas told Spencer about Avery's fall on the playground.

Meanwhile, Harmony warned Ryan that she was done being his "lackey" because she had enough trouble in her own life to deal with. Ryan blinked at Harmony, so she sat down and transcribed his blinks. Ryan promised to release Harmony from his service one day. 'The only way I know how," Harmony read aloud.

At Laura's apartment, Laura told Esme that Spencer would need everyone in his corner because of the danger that Victor posed. Esme realized that Laura wanted her to keep Spencer away from Victor in exchange for a second chance. However, Esme wondered what would happen if Esme couldn't get past Spencer's issues. Just then, Nikolas returned with Spencer.

Spencer makes a surprise discovery

Spencer makes a surprise discovery

Thursday, March 24, 2022

by Marissa PD

At the Port Charles Police Station, Jordan asked an officer to keep an eye on Michael while he waited for his release paperwork. She advised Michael to walk away if the reporter got in his face again, and she walked away. She noticed Curtis waiting for her, and he asked for her help. They went into the interrogation room, and he asked for her help shedding some light on Marshall's past. He explained that Marshall had sealed arrest records, and he asked if she could let him know what they were about. "No way," she replied.

Jordan reminded Curtis that unsealing arrest records without a court order was illegal and unethical. "When has that stopped you?" he asked, and he mentioned how she'd done it for Cyrus. She replied that T.J.'s life had been in danger, so she'd had no choice. He figured that she wouldn't do it because they were no longer family. She said she'd thought that they were in a good place, but she felt that he was destroying any good will between them. She offered to help him in any other way. "Don't bother," he growled, and he stormed out.

Willow arrived at the police station and hugged Michael. He said that his night in prison had been worth it because the reporter had gotten what he'd deserved. He only regretted that Nina would probably use it against him if they went to court. She apologized for not being there for him, and she admitted that she'd fainted at work. She assured him that she was all right and that Harmony had shown up for her like "the mother I always hoped for." Jordan returned and informed Michael that he was good to go, and she reminded him to make his court date. Her phone rang, and she walked off. Michael proposed a candlelight dinner that night, and he kissed Willow.

Jordan returned to the interrogation room to take her phone call. She informed Robert that a trial date had been set and that Diane was "gearing up for a fight." She promised to keep him posted.

Harmony arrived at Alexis' office and asked to pick Alexis' brain about Nina. She told Alexis about Nina's proposal regarding visitation of Wiley, and Alexis advised Harmony to stay out of it. Harmony asked if Shawn was around so she could avoid him, but Alexis answered that he'd gone to San Francisco with no immediate plans to return.

Alexis declared the workday over, and she was looking forward to the dinner Molly and T.J. were going to make her that night as a thank-you for letting them stay at her house. Harmony thought a home-cooked meal sounded nice, as her motel room didn't have a kitchen. Alexis was appalled that Harmony had been staying at a motel since her release from prison a year prior, but Harmony replied that it was tough to save on what she made. Alexis offered to co-sign on a lease or give Harmony a loan, but Harmony declined. With Molly and T.J. moving out, Alexis decided that Harmony would move in with her for a few weeks while she saved money.

Nina arrived at Charlie's and saw that Sonny was there. He explained that he was covering for Phyllis while she was meeting with a distributor. He wondered if she needed help with something, and she asked if he'd talked to Michael. Sonny thought back to his argument with Michael at the police station, and he told Nina that Michael was stubborn. Nina assured Sonny that, if the case went to court, she would understand him having to choose Michael's side. He hoped that it wouldn't get to that, but she reminded him that she would do anything necessary to have a relationship with her grandson.

Nina spotted some records sitting on the bar. Sonny explained that Phyllis had wanted to put a vintage jukebox in, but she'd realized that it would block the walkway in the bar. She picked one up and tried to sing the song. Sonny used his phone to play the song , and the two walked to the middle of the floor to dance. They got closer and flirtier as the song went on -- until Curtis arrived. Nina excused herself and left, and Sonny asked what he could do for Curtis. Curtis replied that he needed a favor.

Nikolas and Spencer arrived at Laura's, and Laura gave Spencer a big hug. Nikolas revealed that he'd made dinner reservations at the Metro Court restaurant to celebrate Spencer's homecoming. Esme chimed in that she was just leaving, as she was no longer a part of Spencer's life. Laura insisted that Esme join them, and Nikolas added that Ava and Victor would be there, too, shocking Laura. Just then, her phone went off, and she remembered that she had a meeting that she couldn't reschedule again. She promised to meet them at the restaurant, and she left.

Spencer wanted to talk to Esme in private, and Nikolas wondered if they would be at dinner. Spencer shrugged. Nikolas hoped for the best, and he left. Spencer acknowledged how much they'd left unsaid, and Esme agreed. She thanked him for realizing that she hadn't been the one to film and post the video of Josslyn and Cameron, but Spencer replied that he'd never said that. She said that Spencer had also had the motive and opportunity to commit the crime, but she had faith in him, which he obviously didn't have in her. She decided that there was nothing more to say, and she grabbed her stuff. Her purse spilled over, and Spencer went to clean it up for her. Shocked, he picked up a pregnancy test.

At the Metro Court restaurant, Victor instructed Johann that they had to act like they'd done nothing wrong if they wanted people to believe it. He also believed that Eileen's warning about Laura had merit, but he was confident that Luke's accident couldn't be traced back to him. He revealed that he had something in mind to take the fall. Just then, Ava approached, and Victor informed her that he'd just been catching up on business. Johann left, and Ava sat down with Victor.

Ava made small talk by asking what Victor was doing for work. He wondered if she was playing him because she wanted something. She replied that she always wanted something, and she usually got it. She figured that they should be allies, since she was family, anyway. Nikolas arrived, and he disclosed that Spencer had stayed behind to talk to Esme, so he wasn't sure if Spencer was going to make it to dinner. "Absolutely unacceptable!" Victor exploded.

Victor went on about how he needed the family to "come together while we can," and Nikolas wondered what that meant. Victor suddenly regained his composure and apologized for projecting his own issues with Valentin on Nikolas and Spencer. Nikolas said that it wasn't the first time Victor has alluded to something eating him up inside. Ava urged Victor to share with them and help ease his burden. Nikolas thought it was time for Victor to tell them what he was planning. "Maybe you're right," Victor said as he stroked his ring.

Anna arrived at Sam's and found that Drew was already there. She sat with Drew and Sam and revealed that Luke's death had been no accident, and she told them about her and Felicia's trip. Anna thought that if they wanted to expose Victor as the culprit, Drew was their best chance. Drew admitted that they'd hit a snag, and he told her about Carly interrupting their scheme. He also mentioned "Operation Demeter," and Anna didn't find anything about it in a quick search of the WSB files she had access to.

A few minutes later, Laura arrived, and Anna gave Laura the bad news about Luke. Anna added that there was no connection to Victor. "Not yet, but we're off to a good start," a tearful Laura said. Anna stated that Tracy and Bobbie would also be informed, but Drew thought that they would be safer if they knew less, and Sam and Laura agreed. Drew reminded them that Victor knew that people were working against him, and Laura added that anyone working to expose Victor would be in "grave danger."

Spencer frets that Esme might be pregnant

Spencer frets that Esme might be pregnant

Friday, March 25, 2022

by Steve Holley

At Charlie's Pub, Curtis asked Sonny for help in getting Marshall's sealed arrest record. Sonny said that everyone had a past, and he asked why Curtis wanted to involve Sonny. Curtis said that several things about Marshall's past didn't up, and he recalled that he'd had Drew run a background check on Marshall. The background check revealed that Marshall had lied. Sonny flashed back to his run-in with Marshall at the hospital and how he had picked up a bottle of pills that Marshall had dropped on the floor. Sonny said that he couldn't help Curtis. "Clarify this for me: you can't help me, or you won't?" Curtis demanded.

Sonny said he didn't want to get involved and felt Curtis should get the truth from Marshall himself. Sonny told Curtis about the run-in with Marshall at the hospital then recalled that he and Mike had spent years without speaking to one another. Sonny didn't want what had happened between him and Mike to happen to Curtis and his father. Marshall entered and was unhappy to see Sonny with Curtis. When Sonny left, Marshall wanted to know why Curtis had been with Sonny. Curtis told Marshall that Sonny had mentioned the run-in at the hospital. "Care to explain?" Curtis asked.

At Metro Court, Trina met Taggert and Portia. Trina mentioned that she'd told Spencer she refused to have anything to do with him as long as he was with Esme. Portia encouraged Trina to reach out to Josslyn. Portia reasoned that if she were in Josslyn's shoes, she'd want to hear from her best friend. Trina left to find Josslyn. Taggert received a phone call and excused himself.

Ava found Portia and told her that Ava was at Metro Court to celebrate Spencer's release from Spring Ridge. Ava confided that it would be difficult to be around Spencer while he worked at the art gallery but said she was comforted that Trina would be there to serve as a buffer. Portia told Ava that Spencer was a bad influence on Trina, and she asked Ava to reconsider having Trina serve as Spencer's supervisor at the art gallery.

Taggert rejoined Portia and asked about her and Curtis' new home. Taggert was happy for Portia and said it was time for everyone to move forward. Taggert spoke about Trina's relationship with Josslyn and surmised the two still had some speed bumps to get past. When Portia said that Trina and Josslyn were more like sisters than friends, Taggert recalled how he and his sister, Gia, had had some nasty fights "back in the day." Portia reminded Taggert that he and Gia had always loved one another and that the same held for Trina and Josslyn.

Earlier at Metro Court, Nikolas and Ava urged Victor to finally reveal his plans. Victor asked to speak with Nikolas alone and said he wouldn't divulge information to anyone who wasn't immediate family. Alone with Nikolas, Victor recalled the Cassadine family's powerful past and how heads of state would line up to do business with the family. "We were true power players on the international stage. And it is high time this family reclaimed that influence." Victor told Nikolas.

Victor mentioned a merger with a company called Bronze Hill Holdings and said the merger would be a step toward the Cassadines reclaiming their former power. When Nikolas said he expected something more sinister from his uncle, Victor scoffed at the notion that he was interested in things like world domination, as that was what the family had wanted in the past. Victor added that he wasn't as "out there" as his brother Mikkos had been, and he was focused merely on building a power base. Victor asked if he had Nikolas' support.

After Ava came back to where Nikolas and Victor were, she informed Nikolas she had to leave because Avery needed her. Victor offered to leave with Ava, since Spencer was a no-show to the celebratory dinner. The two stepped onto the elevator. Esme, who had come from seeing Spencer, watched them leave, and she saw Nikolas alone at the table. Esme told Nikolas that she had nowhere to go because she and Spencer had broken up, and her credit card had been declined at Metro Court. Esme begged Nikolas to let her stay at Wyndemere.

Earlier, at Laura and Kevin's house, Spencer confronted Esme about the pregnancy test that fell from Esme's purse. Esme told Spencer that she hadn't taken the test but added that she'd spent the past week wondering if she were pregnant. Esme told Spencer she was leaving and that she couldn't stand the sight of him. Spencer pleaded with Esme to stay and take the pregnancy test. Cameron knocked and entered. Spencer asked Esme to stay again, but she left along with the pregnancy test. "My body, my choice," Esme flatly told Spencer as she left.

Cameron asked Spencer if he'd heard Esme correctly when he'd walked in. Spencer confirmed that there was a chance Esme could be pregnant. Spencer confided to Cameron that he and Esme had broken up after Spencer had accused Esme of being the one responsible for the sex tape. Cameron mentioned that whoever had recorded the sex tape could face up to a year in prison. Spencer thought about the possibility of his firstborn child being born in prison. Cameron told Spencer that instead of getting ahead of himself, he should find out if Esme was really pregnant first. Spencer hoped that Esme wasn't pregnant because if she were, he would be tied to her for life.

At the Port Charles Police Station, Dante asked Jordan for an update on the investigation into the sex tape. Dante reminded Jordan that revenge porn was a crime in the state of New York. Jordan said she refused to discuss the case with him and cited the fact that Dante was Josslyn's stepbrother. Because of that, Jordan told Dante he couldn't be the lead investigator because she didn't want to cast doubt on the integrity of the investigation. She insisted that everything had to be "by the book."

Dante said he only wanted to help and didn't want the case to slip through the cracks, but Jordan assured him it would be handled properly. Jordan received a file with information on the sex tape from the university's anonymous tip line. Dante asked Jordan what kind of information the file included. "The damning kind. An eyewitness account and a potential perp," Jordan said.

Dante couldn't believe the person mentioned in the file would commit revenge porn, least of all against Cameron and Josslyn. Dante offered to go with Jordan. She told him that she'd handle the file personally, and she left.

At Port Charles University, Trina arrived and found Cameron and Josslyn alone in Professor Khan's class. The three made small talk for a bit before Trina told Josslyn and Cameron that she needed to get to her next class. Josslyn stopped her and told Trina how much they had missed her. Trina told Josslyn and Cameron that she'd missed them, too, and the three joined together for a group hug.

Cameron left to visit Spencer. Josslyn and Trina each asked how the other had been then asked whether they'd gotten each other's text messages. Trina figured that when Josslyn hadn't responded to her text on the day the video had been uploaded, Josslyn had needed space and hadn't wanted to hear from Trina. Josslyn asked why Trina would feel that way. "You know how my brain works. When I don't get information, my brain makes up crazy scenarios. The longer the silence was, the crazier the scenarios got," Trina said.

Trina confided that she'd thought Esme had gotten Josslyn to believe that Trina had been the one behind the video. Josslyn told Trina that they both knew Esme was the one who'd uploaded the video. Josslyn surmised that Esme had hated her since they'd met because Josslyn had been onto Esme from the start. "It was Nelle 2.0 waiting to happen," Josslyn said to Trina about Esme.

Trina offered an apology to Josslyn and confided that she hadn't wanted to make Josslyn and Cameron feel uncomfortable. Trina said she wasn't sure how she really felt about Spencer but surmised that Esme was a "wack job," whereas Spencer was merely a liar. Trina wondered if Esme had always meant to hurt Josslyn and Cameron. Josslyn felt that Esme had always meant to hurt her and Trina.

Josslyn expressed her regret that she hadn't reached out to Trina and said the only reason she hadn't was because the situation with the tape had been overwhelming. Josslyn brought up the nasty comments she'd received from anonymous people online and wondered what had happened to common decency.

Josslyn confided that when she hadn't heard from Trina, she'd worried Trina might have been too embarrassed to be her friend. "Never in a million years," Trina said and wrapped Josslyn in a hug.

Josslyn told Trina that it was nice to have her back and have things back to normal. Just then, Jordan interrupted and told Trina that she would need Trina to go to the police station and answer questions about the anonymous tip.

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