General Hospital Recaps: The week of March 14, 2022 on GH

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Esme took steps to frame Trina, Victor sought information about Project Demeter, and Jake revealed he had been talking to Elizabeth
General Hospital Recaps: The week of March 14, 2022 on GH

Trina gave Spencer an ultimatum. Esme took steps to frame Trina for posting "revenge porn." Victor revealed that he was looking for information about Project Demeter. Michael and Willow weren't interested in working with Nina. Elizabeth was stunned to learn that Jake had been talking to her parents. Anna and Felicia found proof that Luke had been murdered. Michael was arrested. Willow fainted.

Selina has an offer for Curtis

Selina has an offer for Curtis

Monday, March 14, 2022

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by CherylPD

As Carly and Josslyn arrived at the Metro Court restaurant, they spotted Esme sitting at a table. Esme oozed sympathy for Josslyn's plight, but Josslyn replied to her comments with sarcasm. Esme stood up to leave because she had plans, but Carly ordered her to sit down. "Whose life are you planning on ruining now?" Carly asked. Esme denied that she would ruin anyone's life, although she confessed to feeling guilty because she'd brought up painful things to Trina at the cabin. She had had no idea that Trina "would lash out."

Carly made it clear that she believed Esme to be the one behind the sex tape, and she retorted that Esme needed help. She added that mothers of wronged individuals wouldn't keep it simple, and Carly planned on finding proof that Esme had committed the deed. Carly had resources, and she would make Esme sorry. Esme accused Carly of having "misplaced" anger, and she snapped that Carly's bed wouldn't be cold for long. "Like mother, like daughter," she hissed as she spotted Nikolas nearby.

Carly grabbed Esme's arm and began to twist. She spat that Esme was messing with the wrong people. Esme began to sob loudly and cry out until Nikolas rushed over to rescue her. Carly shoved Esme away as Nikolas threatened to call the police. Carly urged him to do so. Esme cried that Josslyn was wrong about her. Nikolas suggested that he get Esme's arm checked out. Josslyn was horrified and announced that she could fight her own battles.

Carly apologized and admitted that she had been pretty angry. Josslyn hoped that Esme wouldn't try to blame Carly for something. They sat at a table, but Josslyn wasn't hungry. She was in tears. Carly explained that the tape had been meant to hurt Josslyn, but the pain would eventually go away. She thought that Josslyn should be with Cameron and supportive of Trina. Josslyn confessed that she'd turned her phone off because of the extreme number of text messages she'd received.

As soon as Josslyn turned the phone on, the text messages began to chime loudly. Carly called Esme's act criminal. "And the viper who's responsible is gonna pay," she said. Josslyn cried that her life had been destroyed, although Carly disagreed. When Josslyn headed to the ladies' room, Carly placed a call to Diane. She wanted to see her about Josslyn.

At the Quartermaine house, Brook Lynn debated about phoning Chase and was surprised when he walked in. He wondered if she'd received an award for the "World's Fastest Getaway." He lectured her for leaving all of her boxes behind for him and Michael to move, especially since Michael hadn't been as much fun. Brook Lynn apologized and explained that her leaving hadn't been about him. Chase reminded her that it had happened right after he'd kissed her.

Brook Lynn stated that it hadn't been personal, and she had been a mess, although she knew that he was still hurting, too. Chase replied that he had missed his friend, and Brook Lynn inquired if she had had a reason to stick around. "I guess we'll never know," Chase replied. Brook Lynn admitted that it was nice to be back in Port Charles, and Chase was glad. He noted that she had returned at the same time the previous year with her fake baby bump.

Chase pulled a book out of one of Brook Lynn's boxes, and Brook Lynn quickly grabbed it out of his hand. She shouted that it was private. She was upset that Chase might have looked at her songbook, and he admitted that he had. He had also sung one of her songs. Brook Lynn was embarrassed, and she thought the book should go into the trash. Chase suggested that a song-writing career could be in the cards. He took the book and looked at one of the songs. He began to sing.

"Wow!" Brook Lynn proclaimed. Chase listed Brook Lynn's finest qualities, and he told her that if she needed reminding, she knew where to find him. They agreed that the beach house had felt like home. Chase departed.

As Spencer worked on a crossword puzzle at Spring Ridge, Cameron arrived with a belated birthday cupcake that Aiden had baked. Spencer ordered him to "go to hell." Spencer was angry about the sex tape that he believed Cameron had filmed, and the boys began to argue. Spencer suggested that Cameron had wanted a memento. "You can't drag me down with you," Cameron professed. He noted that only Trina or Esme could have made the tape.

Cameron declared that Spencer's feelings for Trina had set things in motion. Spencer pointed out that he and Esme had left the cabin, but Cameron spoke of the many ways that the tape could have been set up beforehand. He said he knew that Esme was responsible and that Spencer knew what she was capable of. Cameron thought that Spencer wanted it to be Cameron, but he swore on everyone he knew that he hadn't done it, and the tape was humiliating. He related how he and Josslyn had been receiving "so many" random text messages, and Josslyn had been called awful names.

As they sat down, Spencer apologized for thinking the worst of Cameron. Spencer suggested that they split the cupcake. He admitted that he knew that Trina wasn't responsible, and he flashed back to their meeting at the cemetery. He still didn't think that Esme had been behind it, but Cameron pointed out that Esme was jealous. He also wondered if Spencer's friendship with Trina would be more if Esme wasn't around. He couldn't believe that Spencer had never suspected Esme.

Again, Spencer noted that he and Esme had been gone from the cabin, and again, Cameron pointed out that there could have been timers, sensors, and cameras being set up ahead of time. He urged Spencer not to lose the people he cared about in the process of defending Esme. He left.

As Curtis worked on the books at the Savoy, Selina Wu arrived to see him. She thought they could help each other, and she suggested he partner with her. Curtis declined and made it clear that his club was a legitimate business. Selina assured him that her offer was legal. She wanted to use his club for twice-monthly social events. When Curtis pressed her, she clarified that they would be high-stakes poker games.

Curtis gave Selina an emphatic no, but she continued. She noted that the club was popular, and he was well respected and had ties to the police commissioner. She pleaded her case. Her players were all legitimate and from various backgrounds with connections. She also planned on having an actual relative of hers oversee the operation, not a mob figure, as Curtis intimated. That relative was "as far from a boss as you can imagine," Selina clarified. She noted that it would be her nephew Brad, who had turned over a new leaf. She said he would be on a tight leash.

Curtis continued to decline. He said he also didn't need the money. Selina urged him not to make a decision he'd regret, and Curtis quickly assumed that she had threatened him. She told him an old story about a money tree and suggested that he not act in haste. She told him to keep his mind open to possibilities and said she could prove to be a valuable friend.

Later, Curtis received a plant delivery from Selina. A poker chip was attached with a red ribbon.

Britt and Brad sat at a table at the Port Charles Grill for brunch. They shared a bottle of Champagne as they spoke about Peter. Britt noted that there had been damage in Peter's wake, and Maxie had spoken about letting go of the past and embracing the future. Brad hoped it would work for him. Britt asked about Selina, and Brad noted that she was still out of town. Britt thought it was a good idea to move to a more casual place in case they were spotted by Selina's people, but Brad refused. He announced that he wanted to celebrate a new job.

Brad poured the Champagne and confessed that he hoped that Britt would be able to get him back into General Hospital. Britt thought it would be difficult for some people to accept him, like Lucas' friends, but she promised to try. Brad didn't want to live off of his aunt, and he was worried about what she'd make him do, especially after the last time. They called out to the waiter for another bottle of Champagne.

Britt suggested that Brad join the match-making service that she had a membership to, and they joked about the regift that Liesl had purchased. They toasted to being friends. "Champagne for my real friends, real pain for my sham friends," Brad said. He and Britt began to laugh as, unbeknownst to them, Selina looked on.

At General Hospital, Nikolas knocked on the door and walked into Esme's examination room. She told him that she would be getting a prescription for her painful, bruised arm. She raised her sleeve to show him the heavy bruise. She thought that Josslyn had been lucky to have a mother to defend her, and she told Nikolas that she was the resident Port Charles scapegoat. She added that she took responsibility for her mistakes but had been called insincere and manipulative. She had been blamed for the trouble among Trina, Josslyn, and Cameron. "And are they right?" Nikolas asked.

Esme insisted that she had been nowhere near the cabin, but Nikolas reminded her that she didn't have a good track record. He also thought that Esme didn't seem like the type to give up. She replied that it had been difficult being on her own with Spencer in jail, although Nikolas reminded her that it was only for a month. He wondered if his family had made things difficult for Esme. Nikolas offered to be around if Esme needed someone to talk to.

Esme announced that she would have Spencer attend Nikolas' wedding vow renewal, and she planned to make sure that he would restore his relationship with Nikolas. She knew that Spencer missed their closeness. She grabbed Nikolas' hands and thanked Mr. Cassadine for the talk. "Call me Nikolas," he replied.

Anna and Felicia

Anna and Felicia's investigation turns dangerous

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

by Steve Holley

Outside the Port Charles Grill, Victor met with Johann and said he had found the tarot card Victor had been searching for to manipulate access to Drew's memories. Johann cautioned Victor that an attempt to activate Drew's conditioning could be costly, since Victor had already tried and failed once before. If Victor were to fail again, Johann reasoned, Victor would have no deniability. Victor conceded that Johann had a point and added that if Drew's conditioning failed to activate in a second attempt, Victor would have to eliminate Drew altogether.

Inside the Port Charles Grill, Nina and Ava had lunch and discussed Nina's hope to gain visitation rights to see Wiley. Nina informed Ava that her plan was to avoid court and to let Sonny argue to Michael and Willow on Nina's behalf. Ava was skeptical and said that Sonny's only motivation was to impress Nina. With Sonny divorced from Carly, Ava reminded Nina that Carly was no longer an obstacle. "You do want Sonny, don't you?" Ava asked.

Nina confided to Ava that Sonny was still the man Nina had fallen in love with in Nixon Falls, but Nina worried that she might repeat the self-destructive patterns of her past. As Ava and Nina talked, Victor walked in from outside the Grill to greet Ava and introduced himself to Nina, who promptly rejected Victor's charm.

Ava pretended to scold Nina for her rude behavior toward Victor, but Victor shrugged off Nina's criticisms and said there would be no need to try to escape his past. Victor boasted that he was trying to give back to the world after all he had once taken from it. Nina asked if that meant charity. "Something like that," Victor replied vaguely.

Victor received a phone call and excused himself. Nina asked Ava what her friend's interaction with Victor had really been about, but Ava pretended to have no idea what Nina meant. In an attempt to drop the matter, Ava explained that the Cassadines were complicated and that it was best for everyone if they all got along.

At the Quartermaine mansion, Willow showed Michael the passport she had acquired so that the two of them could proceed with their planned trip to Paris. Sonny walked in and told Michael that the three of them needed to get on the same page about Nina in regard to her visitation rights. Sonny argued that grandparents had rights according to New York State law and that Wiley and Nina were blood family.

Michael corrected Sonny and noted that grandparents could only file a petition and said that visitation rights weren't guaranteed. Sonny said that he believed he could convince Nina not to file the petition. Michael reiterated that neither he nor Willow wanted to permit Nina visitation rights at all. Sonny reasoned that if Michael were to involve the courts, a judge could rule against Michael and set visitation rights for Nina. Sonny suggested Michael avoid the courts so that Michael and Willow alone, instead of the court, could dictate the terms of Nina's visitation rights.

Michael recalled the times Nina had lied to Sonny and their family in the past year when Nina had kept Sonny's identity in Nixon Falls a secret. Sonny started to leave and said that it had been a mistake to stop by to discuss Nina's situation. As Sonny walked away, Michael scolded his father and said that Sonny was again making a choice to side with Nina over his family. Sonny denied that he had continued to choose Nina over his family and asked Michael to remember that Sonny was his father, and as such, he would always do what he thought was best for Michael. "Don't you ever forget that," Sonny said.

At the hospital, Monica invited Finn to join her and some work colleagues for a dinner party to let off steam and to get to know one another better. Monica was disappointed when Finn told her that Elizabeth wouldn't attend the dinner with him as a date, since Finn and Elizabeth had hit pause on their relationship.

Monica admitted that she was fond of Finn and that she had always had a soft spot in her heart for Elizabeth, too. Monica recalled that she had known Elizabeth since Elizabeth had been a teenager and that Monica's connection with Elizabeth went back even further because she had once been married to Elizabeth's father, Jeff Webber. Jeff's name piqued Finn's curiosity and caused Finn to ask about Jeff.

Monica explained that although her marriage to Jeff had ended badly, Jeff had still lived a life of great service as a doctor; however, Monica regretted that Jeff hadn't had an active role in Elizabeth's life. "I always wondered what happened there, but I guess you never know what goes on between families, do you?" Monica said. Just then, the elevator door opened, and Jake stood in front of Monica and Finn.

Finn asked Monica for a moment alone with Jake. In a separate hospital room, Jake admitted to Finn that he had had an appointment with Dr. Massey, a psychiatrist, that morning and had fled the appointment. Finn asked Jake to confide in him, and Jake admitted that he was sick of being blamed for the fire that had destroyed Franco's art studio. Finn assured Jake that no one believed him to be crazy or disturbed just because Jake had had a traumatic early childhood.

Jake insisted that he was fine with Finn dating Elizabeth and that he would never do anything to hurt his mom. Finn said that he believed Jake but reminded Jake that no one could account for Jake's whereabouts when Franco's painting of Elizabeth had shown up at her house. Jake confided to Finn that he couldn't tell Finn where he really had been when Franco's painting had shown up. "If my mom finds out what I did, she'll never forgive me," Jake said.

By the vending machines at the hospital, Elizabeth ran into Drew, who helped her retrieve a bag of chips that had become stuck. Drew surmised that Elizabeth was upset and offered to listen to her unload whatever was on her mind. Elizabeth told Drew about all the strange events that had happened recently and how they had all been connected to Franco. Elizabeth said that while she hated to admit it, all the signs pointed to Jake being the culprit behind the events.

Elizabeth brought up Jake's dark past as a child, but Drew found it hard to believe that Jake could be the one behind the events Elizabeth described. Monica arrived to tell Elizabeth that Jake had left his appointment with Dr. Massey, but before Elizabeth could rush to find Jake, Monica stopped her and said that Finn had asked to speak to Jake. "What is going on with my grandson?" Monica asked Elizabeth.

Elizabeth responded that she was worried that Jake had some behavioral issues he needed to sort out. Monica suspected the circumstances that surrounded Jason's death hadn't helped Jake in dealing with his behavioral patterns, and she offered to stick around for support. Elizabeth declined. Monica left for the Quartermaine mansion, and Drew stuck around to assure Elizabeth that his shoulder was always there for Elizabeth to lean on. After the two hugged, Drew left and received a call from Victor, who told Drew that it was important that the two of them meet in person.

Later, as Sonny prepared to leave the Quartermaine mansion, Monica walked in and informed Sonny, Michael, and Willow that she planned to petition the court to have Jason declared legally dead because she didn't think it was good for Jason's children to be kept in limbo.

At Charlie's Pub, Laura was met by her deputy mayor, Eileen. Laura explained that she was at Charlie's to grab lunch with friends. When Laura went inside, Eileen flashed back to her conversation with Victor in which she had informed him that Laura, Sam, and Robert had gotten too close to uncovering Victor's plans.

Once Laura was inside, she discussed the group's plan to have Drew pretend to be conditioned by the tarot card they had planted among Peter's remains. Laura wanted to know what the Ice Princess diamond had to do with Drew's past if the diamond had indeed been the reason Luke had been killed, as they suspected.

Dante reminded everyone that the Ice Princess diamond was worth the GDP of an entire small country, and he wondered if Victor was merely after the money the diamond could get. Robert and Laura recalled that both of them had dealt with Victor for decades, and Victor had always been motivated by lust, greed, and the finer things in life. Laura said she had noticed, since his return to Port Charles, that Victor liked to play God. She referenced the Ice Princess, Luke's death, and the fact that Drew was suspected of having memories that Victor wanted to possess, and she linked Victor to all three incidents. "They all add up to something," Laura said.

Eileen entered the pub and scolded Laura for not having disclosed Laura's meeting to Eileen. She told Laura that, as mayor, Laura needed to stick to scheduled meetings only. Laura reminded Eileen that, as mayor, Laura was Eileen's employer and not the other way around, and she refused to submit to Eileen's interrogation.

Eileen told Laura that given Mayor Lomax's resignation in disgrace, government oversight required Eileen to keep tabs on Laura, who apologized and said she hadn't realized that she had put Eileen in a difficult position. Laura then told Eileen that she had reason to believe Luke had been murdered in Austria.

In Innsbruck, Austria, Anna and Felicia arrived at the site of a government facility in an attempt to learn whether the cable crash that had killed Luke had really been an accident. They went inside, and Felicia posed as the grief-stricken widow of a man believed to have been killed in the crash. Anna posed as Felicia's friend and claimed to be an attorney who represented the deceased man's estate. Anna asked the record keeper at the facility for help and eventually procured a file copy of the passenger manifest, where she searched for more evidence of the crash.

As Anna browsed the file, she noted that the cable car had been twelve minutes late when it was supposed to have left the dock, but the delay had never been noted in any of the official records. "There's no engine trouble. There's no weather issues, no staffing issues," Anna said. Felicia thought the car might have been held back to make certain Luke had been on it, and Anna agreed that it was a good theory.

After the record keeper had stepped outside, he bumped into a sinister-looking coworker named Kurt from the records office. The record keeper told Kurt that two women were inside the office and that one of them had asked about the cable crash. Kurt phoned Victor back in Port Charles and told Victor that two women were at the facility and that they had sought information about the cable crash. Victor quickly surmised from the pair's description that they were Anna and Felicia. Kurt remarked that he had worked the inspection site on the day of the crash, and he warned that Anna could uncover what had really happened. Victor ordered Kurt to handle Anna and Felicia. "By any means necessary," Victor said gravely.

Back inside the records room, Felicia stepped out into the hallway as Kurt stood hidden nearby to make sure Felicia was out of sight. Kurt entered the records office and pointed at gun at Anna, whose back was to him.

Jake drops a bombshell about Elizabeth

Jake drops a bombshell about Elizabeth's parents

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

by Elisabeth

At the hospital, Drew was on the phone with Victor. Drew admitted that he couldn't think of a single reason for him to meet with Victor. Victor understood Drew's reluctance, but Victor explained that he wanted to talk to Drew about ELQ's voting shares because Valentin was on the board of ELQ. Victor suggested that Drew meet him on pier 54, but Drew arranged to meet Victor on the footbridge over Blackstone Canyon. Afterwards, Drew called to alert his cohorts that Victor had taken the bait.

Elsewhere in the hospital, Carly called out to Cameron when she saw him by the elevator. Cameron tensed when Carly approached him and revealed that she knew about the video of him and Josslyn. Cameron was apologetic, but Carly assured him that she didn't blame him. Relieved, Cameron asked about Josslyn. He admitted that it had felt as if Josslyn had been avoiding him, so Carly urged him to reach out to Josslyn because both Cameron and Josslyn needed to lean on each other to get through the ordeal.

Later, Carly stood at the nurses' station and left a message for Kevin to call her. Drew saw Carly and stopped to chat with her, but he noticed that she seemed troubled. Carly confided that Josslyn was hurting, and Carly had no idea how to help her daughter. Drew led Carly to a nearby bench for privacy, and he offered to help. Carly told him about the video of Josslyn and that it had been shared with everyone on campus. She explained that Spinelli had scrubbed the video from the Internet, but Drew was curious if Carly knew who had been behind it.

Carly admitted that she knew who the culprit was, but she didn't have any proof -- yet. Drew assured Carly that Josslyn was lucky to have Carly in her corner. Carly appreciated Drew's support because he always made her feel better. She started to open up about signing her divorce papers, but Drew's cell phone rang. Drew ignored it, but moments later, his phone pinged with a text message. Drew apologized, and he explained that he had been working on something.

Carly assumed that it had to do with Aurora Media, but Drew admitted that it was a "need-to-know" situation. Carly grew alarmed because she quickly deduced that it involved Victor. She reminded Drew that Victor was dangerous, and she urged Drew not to do anything that might take him away from Scout again. Drew confessed that he was certain that Victor was up to something, but Carly implored Drew to let Anna and the WSB handle Victor. Drew promised that he would be careful. "That's what Jason used to say," Carly quietly said as she watched Drew walk away.

At a government facility in Innsbruck, Austria, Anna was unaware as Victor's henchman slowly crept up behind her. He raised his gun and fired at Anna, but she managed to duck behind a counter in the nick of time. Anna pulled out her own gun as she prepared to confront the man, but Felicia suddenly appeared in the doorway and tossed the contents of her hot cup of coffee in his face. Anna jumped up and bashed the man in the head with the butt of her gun while Felicia retrieved his gun that had fallen to the ground.

Later, a WSB agent collected evidence while Anna questioned Kurt Markovic -- the man who had tried to kill her. Anna wanted to know what had caused the delay before the cable car crash, but Kurt refused to cooperate. The WSB agent handed Anna a cell phone that had been found, prompting Anna to question why Kurt had needed two cell phones. Kurt refused to answer. Anna warned Kurt that her team had found evidence that the cable car had been sabotaged, and they would soon link it to Kurt.

Kurt insisted that the lives lost in the cable car crash were nothing compared to the lives that would be lost. Anna demanded an explanation, but Kurt claimed that he was a soldier for a noble cause. Anna and Felicia were startled when Kurt bit down on something that had been hidden in his mouth, and he died within seconds. Anna decided to call the number on the second cell phone. A woman with a German accent answered the call, but the line suddenly went dead.

Anna and Felicia suspected that Kurt had been in contact with one of Victor's minions. Felicia was curious what their next step would be. Anna revealed that the WSB would make an effort to trace the call, but she didn't hold out hope that it would lead anywhere. Anna pointed out that Kurt had been willing to die for a cause, which suggested that whatever Victor was involved in was a lot bigger than a personal vendetta against Luke Spencer.

On the footbridge over Blackstone Canyon, Eileen met with Victor. She revealed that Laura had decided to investigate Luke's death. Eileen warned Victor that Laura suspected foul play, and Victor was the prime suspect. Victor was curious if Laura had mentioned him by name, so Eileen conceded that she hadn't. However, Eileen was certain that Victor's name would eventually pop up during the investigation. Victor revealed that Anna and Felicia had been on a similar mission, but he'd taken steps to eliminate the threat.

A short time later, Victor's burner phone rang. He had Eileen answer it. Eileen adopted a German accent as she pretended to be a receptionist. Victor disconnected the call the instant he heard Anna's voice on the other end. Afterwards, he tossed the phone over the footbridge. Victor realized that Kurt had failed, but he assured Eileen that he had another plan to deal with Anna -- one that Anna would not see until it was too late.

After Eileen left, Victor pulled out the three of cups tarot card. He quickly slipped it into his pocket when he heard Drew approach. Drew asked what was so important that they had to meet in person.

At Charlie's Pub, Josslyn sat alone at a table. Her laptop, notebook, and schoolbook littered the table. She appeared tense as she looked around at the patrons, but she relaxed when she realized that no one had been watching her. Moments later, a young man entered and greeted Josslyn as he sat down at her table. Josslyn smiled and explained to Adam that she had invited him to study because midterms were around the corner, and she needed help with chemistry. Adam admitted that he'd been thinking a lot about chemistry since seeing her naked.

Josslyn's shock turned to fury, but Adam seemed oblivious as he told her that he hadn't thought that she was the type to post a video like that. Josslyn made it clear that she hadn't posted the video, prompting Adam to ask if the guy in the video had. Josslyn defended Cameron, but Adam assured her there was no reason to be angry because he had merely been trying to pay Josslyn a compliment. Josslyn ordered Adam to leave, but he reminded her that it was a public place. Adam had a change of heart when Josslyn threatened to punch him.

Adam made a hasty exit just as Cameron arrived. Cameron noticed that Josslyn was upset. He offered to leave, but she threw her arms around him and hugged him. Afterwards, Cameron and Josslyn sat down and talked. Josslyn told Cameron about her encounter with Adam. Cameron was livid, but Josslyn stopped him from going after Adam. She admitted that things were a lot worse because she had been getting propositioned by complete strangers who assumed, because of the video, that she was promiscuous.

Josslyn wondered if she should transfer to another school, but Cameron objected because he knew that she loved Port Charles University. He assured her that she was not alone. Cameron confided that he'd been struggling, too, because people had been critiquing his technique online, and one of Jake's friends had sent the video to Jake. Horrified, Josslyn was certain that there were laws against that. Cameron and Josslyn looked up when another young man entered the pub and looked at them.

Cameron asked if Josslyn had been dealing with similar unwanted scrutiny all day, but she admitted that she hadn't. She suspected that she and Cameron were more recognizable when they were together. Cameron pulled his hand away from Josslyn's as he suggested that they stop hanging out in public together, but Josslyn asked if it was what Cameron wanted. "No," Cameron answered. However, he thought it might make things easier for Josslyn.

Josslyn reached for Cameron's hand as she assured him that she didn't care if people recognized them. Smiling, Cameron suggested that he and Josslyn stay in more. Josslyn liked the idea. Cameron promised Josslyn that they would get through it together, but they both appeared unsure as they each glanced around to make certain that no one had been watching them.

Meanwhile, Trina entered her mother's office. Portia explained that she had asked Trina to stop by because Portia had wanted to share the news that Portia and Curtis had decided to buy Jasper Jacks's house. Trina was happy for her mother, but Portia sensed that something was troubling her daughter. Trina told her mother about the video that had been taken of Cameron and Josslyn and how it had been sent to everyone on PCU's campus. Portia was shocked. Trina admitted that she hadn't talked to Josslyn since it had happened, in part because Josslyn had been staying with Carly but also because Trina had no idea what to say.

Trina revealed that she hadn't heard from Cameron, either, so she assumed that both Cameron and Josslyn needed some space and that they would reach out to Trina when they were ready. Portia urged Trina to talk to Josslyn because Josslyn needed her friends more than ever. Trina explained that things were complicated because Esme had accused Trina of making the illicit recording. Infuriated, Portia made it clear that she was done with Esme. Trina wished that Spencer could see Esme for who Esme really was.

Portia made it clear that Spencer was responsible for his own choices, and she reminded Trina of all the ways that Spencer had terrorized Ava, including threatening a child. Portia also pointed out that Esme had set fire to Ava's car and even used Kiki's memory to hurt Ava, but Trina reminded her mother that Esme had insisted that it had been Spencer's idea. Portia warned Trina that if Spencer hadn't been able to see through Esme after all of that, then he never would. Portia advised Trina to put some distance between herself and Spencer, but Trina refused to abandon a friend.

Trina believed that Esme had been behind all of it because Esme brought out the worst in Spencer. Portia questioned why Trina would allow toxic people like Spencer and Esme to remain a part of her life.

At Spring Ridge, Spencer recalled his conversation with Cameron when Cameron had denied making the recording of Cameron and Josslyn's first time being intimate. Cameron had been adamant that only two people could have done it: the girl that Spencer had been crushing on or Spencer's girlfriend. Just then, Esme arrived. She glanced at Ryan, who was seated in a wheelchair a short distance behind Spencer. Ryan winked at his daughter as she approached Spencer.

Esme greeted Spencer, and she announced that she had news to share about Nikolas and Ava before her shift started. Spencer admitted that he had something that he wanted to discuss with Esme. He cut to the chase by confronting her about the video of Cameron and Josslyn. Esme immediately accused Trina of making the video, but Spencer revealed that Cameron didn't believe it -- and neither did Spencer. Esme turned defensive as she asked who else could have done it. "You," Spencer answered.

Esme played the victim as she pretended to be hurt by the accusation because Spencer should have known her better than that. Spencer admitted that he had defended her to Cameron. Pleased, Esme made another attempt to point to Trina as the culprit, but Spencer refused to believe that Trina had done it. Esme resented that Spencer continually protected Trina. According to Esme, Trina had been jealous that Josslyn had ended up with Cameron and that everyone had been "coupled up" during the getaway except for Trina. Esme insisted that Trina had fooled everyone.

Spencer shifted gears by reminding Esme that the video had made Cameron and Josslyn's life "hell." Esme pretended to feel bad for his friends, and she expressed regret that she hadn't been more forgiving of them under the circumstances. She thanked Spencer for defending her to Cameron, and she assured Spencer that he was her knight in shining armor. Esme shifted gears by revealing that Nikolas and Ava had decided to postpone their vow renewal until Spencer was released from jail because Nikolas and Ava wanted close family -- including Spencer -- to attend the ceremony.

As Esme talked, she glanced at her father. Ryan's expression appeared stormy. She turned her attention back to Spencer, but he had other things on his mind. Spencer asked if Esme really believed that Trina had made the video. "Unbelievable," Esme said. Spencer apologized, but Esme complained that she'd had an awful day. She told Spencer about her encounter with Carly and Josslyn, and she showed Spencer her bruised wrist as proof that Carly had assaulted her.

Spencer was shocked, but Esme assured him that Nikolas had intervened. Esme claimed that she'd had a glimpse of the father that Spencer had described from his childhood, and Nikolas had saved the day. Spencer assured Esme that he would be out of Spring Ridge soon. Esme assured Spencer that it was all that she had ever wanted. Spencer assured her that he wouldn't take any more risks that might jeopardize his freedom.

Esme was not happy when Spencer told her that he had slipped out of Spring Ridge to visit his mother's grave. Her mood didn't improve when he revealed that he had bumped into Trina. Spencer assured Esme that it had been a coincidence that Trina had been at the cemetery, but he had been grateful because Trina had intervened when Jordan Ashford had nearly caught him. Esme pointed out that Trina had put herself on the line for Spencer, but Spencer insisted that Trina was just a friend. "I'll say," Esme replied.

Esme announced that it was time for her to start her shift, but she asked Spencer not to do anything else that might get him into trouble. Spencer promised that those days were over. After Esme walked away, Spencer's thoughts returned to his conversation with Cameron and Cameron's suggestion that Esme had used a timer or motion sensor on the camera that had recorded Cameron and Josslyn. The memory evaporated when he heard his name. Spencer looked up and saw Trina.

In an exam room at the hospital, Finn assured Jake that there was nothing that Jake could do that Elizabeth wouldn't forgive, but Jake was skeptical. Finn insisted that Elizabeth loved her sons more than anything, and she would want to help Jake. Just then, Elizabeth entered. She asked why Jake had skipped out on his therapist. Jake explained that he'd been at the library, using the computer, the night of the fire at Franco's studio, and the library's records would prove it. Elizabeth believed her son, but she was curious why he hadn't used the computer at home.

Jake reluctantly admitted that he'd been talking to "Grandma Carolyn and Grandpa Jeff." Both Finn and Elizabeth were shocked by the revelation. Elizabeth asked how Jake had connected with her parents, so Jake explained that his grandparents had left a message on his social media wall when Jason had died. Elizabeth was taken aback because it had been several months since Jake's father had died. Elizabeth was curious if her parents had asked Jake to keep their communications a secret, but Jake shook his head. Elizabeth's anger mounted, but Finn gently explained that Jake had been worried about upsetting her.

Elizabeth assured Jake that she was not mad at him, but she was curious what her parents had wanted with Jake. Jake insisted that his grandparents had only been interested in getting to know Jake, and they had mostly talked about Jake's art. Elizabeth reminded Jake that he could talk to Scott, but Jake admitted that Scott wasn't really interested in art. Elizabeth questioned her parents' motives, but Jake asked if she hated her parents so much that she wanted Jake to hate them, too. Elizabeth assured Jake that she didn't want her son to hate anyone, but she thought it best for them to continue their conversation later.

Elizabeth instructed Jake to stop by the therapist's office and apologize for leaving. After Jake left, Finn stood up for Jake. Finn knew that Elizabeth's parents weren't her first choice for Jake to turn to, but Jake had been looking for a sense of connection. Elizabeth assured Finn that she was not angry at Jake, but she was furious that her parents had gone behind her back. Elizabeth reminded Finn that she had been radio silent ever since her father had asked Terry to pass along a message, and that should have been the end of it. Instead of accepting Elizabeth's decision, her parents had gone straight to Jake, which she said was completely unacceptable.

Finn agreed that Elizabeth's parents should have respected her boundaries, but he pointed out that there was another pressing matter to deal with. Elizabeth agreed. She was relieved that Jake hadn't been responsible for the unsettling occurrences, but it also meant that they were back at square one and no closer to figuring out who had been behind the strange incidents.

Esme takes her scheme a step further

Esme takes her scheme a step further

Thursday, March 17, 2022

by Marissa PD

Spencer was happy to see Trina at Spring Ridge, but she solemnly informed him that it would be her only visit. She informed him that as long as Esme was in his life, Trina couldn't be. He whispered that it wasn't a good time to discuss it, as Esme was there at work. Just then, Esme entered the room, but she stopped before she was seen so she could listen as Trina trash-talked her. She took out the phone that had Josslyn and Cameron's video on it.

Trina gave the book Spencer had gotten her back to him, as she didn't want it anymore. She'd thought that they were friends, but he'd asked her to lie for him again at the cemetery. She added that his family had enough money to get him out of trouble if he'd gotten caught. As an unseen Esme put the phone into Trina's unattended purse, Trina chided Spencer for continuing to defend Esme through all the horrible things she'd done, including filming Josslyn and Cameron.

Spencer wondered what Trina had thought of the book. She replied that she'd been inspired and then let down. She explained that the book included professional criticism that made good points about the artist not living up to his potential. "What if he wants to do better but needs more time?" Spencer wondered, but Trina replied that people were sometimes incapable of changing. Spencer said that he couldn't leave Esme, as he was all she had. However, Trina informed him that if he didn't leave Esme, Esme would be all that he had. He begged Trina not to walk out of his life, but she told him that she had no choice.

Outside the visiting room, Esme put in a call to the PCPD tip line. She revealed that she was calling to report a case of revenge porn and that she knew who'd uploaded the video. When she was done with the call, she angrily approached Trina about what Trina had done to Josslyn and Cameron. "I hope you live up to your potential," Trina said to Spencer, ignoring Esme. She grabbed her purse and left. "Is Trina out of your life?" a smiling Esme asked Spencer.

Portia bumped into Jordan at the hospital and made sure that Jordan was all right. Jordan assured Portia that she was just there for a routine checkup and that she felt good. While Jordan was there, Portia asked her opinion on whether or not Jordan thought that Spencer was dangerous. Jordan didn't think so, so Portia asked about Esme and why she hadn't been charged for setting Ava's car on fire. Jordan answered that it was complicated.

Curtis got off the elevator and asked Portia and Jordan what was going on. Portia briefly told him, and he figured that Jordan could help if Portia was that concerned. Portia didn't want Jordan to look into it, as Trina didn't need any more drama at that moment. Jordan's phone went off, and she saw that her appointment had been pushed back. She excused herself to go to the cafeteria.

Curtis and Portia went to her office, and Portia laid out all the concerns she had about Trina associating with Spencer and Esme. Curtis talked about how he'd fallen in with a bad crowd, and Stella hadn't been shy about voicing her opinion. He explained that he hadn't listened until he'd learned after taking some "hard knocks." Portia agreed to keep her opinion to herself, but her "mother's intuition" told her that Trina was already in trouble.

Britt saw Carly at the hospital and made sure that she was all right. Carly replied that she had a lot going on, and Britt figured part of it had to do with Jason. Britt filled a clueless Carly in on Monica wanting to have Jason legally declared dead. Carly was shocked and commented that it felt like they were giving up on him. Britt replied that they had to accept that all they had were memories. Carly shot back that Britt and Jason had been a memory before they'd even gone to Greece, but she immediately apologized.

Jordan approached and expressed her condolences to Carly over Jason. Carly thanked her and left. Britt was happy to hear that Jordan had gotten a clean bill of health. Jordan related that she'd also gotten a reminder that life wasn't promised to everyone. "Don't I know it?" Britt replied while stretching her hand. A short while later, Jordan was gone, and Britt put in a call to the matchmaking service. She told them that she'd accidentally deleted her introductory questionnaire. She asked for it to be resent, as she was ready to move forward.

Jordan was waiting for the elevator when a man approached her and asked for a comment on the revenge porn story out of PCU. He asked if it was true that high-profile individuals had asked that the case be taken over by the PCPD and if it was true that the victim was Sonny's stepdaughter. Jordan got into the elevator, and the man followed her in while asking more questions.

There was a knock on Sonny's door, and he opened the door to Nina. He knew that she was there about Wiley, so he broke the news that Michael and Willow absolutely didn't want Nina to have contact with Wiley. She thanked him for trying and figured that she would call Martin to start her paperwork. Sonny suddenly threw a tray across the room and yelled that he'd said he would fix things. Nina was upset and turned to leave, since he seemed to be drunk and angry. He insisted that she knew him, so she knew that he wouldn't hurt her. "No, I knew 'Mike,'" she said.

Sonny realized that Nina was right. He admitted that he missed Mike, as he'd had none of the problems that Sonny had. He talked about how awful Deke had been and how he'd never wanted to be like Deke. Nina figured that the alcohol wasn't helping, and Sonny knew that he could no longer use it as a crutch. She suggested that he pour the rest down the sink, so they did it together. Later, he insisted that he wasn't an alcoholic and that he would still drink socially, but he didn't want it in his house. He urged her not to give up on Wiley, as Wiley was lucky to have her, and she left.

On the footbridge, Victor held on to the three of cups tarot card, but he put it into his pocket when he saw Drew approaching. Drew demanded to know why Victor had wanted to meet in person and why he needed an "attack dog." Victor called Johann out and explained that he was Victor's "insurance policy." He thought back to telling Johann that, if the activation didn't work on Drew for the second time, Drew would have to be "eliminated."

In a nearby police van, Sam and Dante scrambled, trying to figure out why they couldn't hear Drew. Dante eventually figured out that recent bad weather had messed with the Wi-Fi signal, so he decided to move the van a little closer. After the move, Sam told Drew to cough if he could hear them, and they were happy to hear him cough.

Victor talked about how Valentin was running ELQ, but he wondered what kind of schemes the Quartermaines were up to in order to get their shares back. Drew replied that, even if he knew anything, he certainly wouldn't tell Victor. Victor took the tarot card out of his pocket, and Drew scoffed at the second try. Victor flipped the card over and said, "You are active." "Reporting for duty," Drew said stoically. To be sure that it had worked, Victor ordered Drew to throw Johann over the side of the bridge. In the van, Dante refused to let it happen, but Sam was sure that Drew would be able to sell it.

Drew and Johann struggled on the side of the bridge, and Johann yelled out for Victor to stop Drew. Victor eventually decided that Drew had proven himself, so Victor ordered Drew to stop. Next, Victor said that he needed some information from Drew's SEAL days about Operation Demeter. Just then, Carly entered while recording on her phone, and she warned Victor to let Drew go or she would livestream her video. Sam and Dante heard Carly's voice and booked it out of the van.

Victor told Johann to take Carly's phone, but Drew put himself in front of her. A surprised Victor realized that Drew had never been activated. "Until next time," Victor said, and he and Johann left. "You have no idea what you've done," Drew told Carly. Sam and Dante, annoyed at Carly's "perfect timing," arrived, and Carly asked what was going on. "Our best chance to find out what Victor is really up to," Drew replied. Carly apologized profusely. Drew was encouraged by the "hint" that they'd gotten from Victor, and Sam hoped it was enough to stop him.

Spencer has it out with Esme

Spencer has it out with Esme

Friday, March 18, 2022

by Steve Holley

At Dante's place, Dante and Sam regretted that Carly had interrupted their plan to find out what memories Victor had wanted out of Drew. They discussed Operation Demeter and wondered what it meant. Sam wanted to use Spinelli to try to find out more information on the Navy SEAL information, which was what they suspected Demeter was. Sam argued that it would be a mistake to not involve Spinelli. "All because your ego can't take it," Sam said told.

Dante admitted to a startled Sam that she was right. Dante said he should have let Sam call Spinelli and that if they had done so, perhaps their mission wouldn't have failed. Sam said that the real reason the plan had gone sideways hadn't been because of Dante but because Carly had shown up at the footbridge. Sam told Dante that he was doing a great job, and she kissed him.

After the kiss, Dante joked that he still had "skills." Sam jokingly asked if Dante had any skills she was aware of and asked if they were current. Sam asked if Dante felt like sharing his skills and suggested they see if anything was happening at her place. "Well, here's a preview," Dante said, and he kissed Sam again.

At Alexis' office at the Intruder, Shawn walked in and told Alexis that he needed to talk to her about Harmony. Shawn told Alexis that he had seen Harmony with Bucky, a forging specialist from Shawn's past. Shawn quickly surmised that Alexis wasn't surprised by the news. Alexis admitted that Harmony had confided in her about her attempt to find someone who could forge Willow's birth certificate. Shawn asked Alexis if Alexis was sure Harmony had been thinking of Willow or if Harmony had only been thinking about herself.

Alexis said that Shawn's reason for a visit hadn't been about Harmony at all. Shawn accused Alexis of having avoided him since he had asked Alexis if he had a reason to move his company's offices back to Port Charles full-time once his business on the West Coast wrapped. Alexis admitted that she had, in fact, been avoiding Shawn. "You want to talk about us? If there even is an us." Alexis said. "And is there?" Shawn asked.

Alexis proceeded to tell Shawn all the ways she appreciated what he had done for her over the past year and that she wouldn't even have a job without Shawn's help. Shawn said he hadn't stopped by in search of gratitude and that he wanted a real answer about Alexis' feelings and whether Alexis wanted to give their relationship another try.

Alexis told him the answer was no. She mentioned that she still mourned Neil and that both she and Shawn had changed since they had last dated, among other things. "You deserve better than that. We both do," Alexis told him. Shawn and Alexis wished each other good luck and bid each other a bittersweet farewell. Before Shawn left, Alexis rushed to hug him goodbye. "You take care," Shawn said.

At Charlie's Pub, Nina met with Harmony. Nina said that a meeting between the two had been overdue, since the two women shared something in common -- their grandson Wiley. Willow was cautious about Nina, but Nina put her at ease and proposed that she and Harmony team up and force Michael and Willow to give the two grandparents what Nina said was rightfully theirs.

Nina explained that in New York State, grandparents were legally guaranteed access to their grandchildren. Nina proposed that she and Harmony present a united front to garner visitation rights for both women to see Wiley.

After Harmony agreed to Nina's plan, a startled Phyllis walked up to their table. Phyllis looked at Harmony and remarked, "Lorraine Miller! As I live and breathe!" Nina looked on as a stunned Harmony sat speechless.

On the footbridge, Carly apologized to Drew for having interrupted his attempt to fool Victor. Carly assured Drew that she would never let anything happen to him without having fought for him first. Drew told Carly that she had taken a risk by having interrupted the meeting on the footbridge. Carly said she hadn't felt Drew would have harmed her, whether he had been conditioned or not.

Drew said he knew which tarot cards worked on him and that the Chariot card activated his conditioning while the Tower card deactivated it. Carly joked that she should invest in some tarot cards in case she needed to use Drew to help destroy Nina. Although Carly fantasized about driving Nina out of town, Carly said that she would never take away Drew's free will just to torture Nina. Carly then turned to the subject of Jason and lamented Jason's death. Carly said she felt that she'd had no choice but to leave Sonny because of all the anger she had felt. Carly confided in Drew that she would miss Avery, but she would eventually reach a point where she would be okay with the divorce.

Carly asked about Drew's life, and Drew said the upside to him having been gone for two years was that it had given him a clean slate and a chance to set his priorities and choose what he would want to do with his life. Drew told Carly that it was time for him to let go of all the time he had lost and start over.

Drew offered to give Carly a ride back to Metro Court, but she told him that she had gotten the Corinthos compound in the divorce. Carly was conflicted about what to do with the house and whether to keep all the guards around that had always been posted for hers and Sonny's safety, since they were divorced. Drew mentioned his Navy SEAL training and offered to give the house a surveillance check. Carly agreed and bid Drew a good night.

At the hospital, Smoltz, a sleazy young reporter with a camera phone, cornered Jordan near the elevator and demanded to know more about the sex tape that involved Josslyn and Cameron. Jordan snapped at the reporter and said that he would have to wait to read a press release if the Port Charles Police Department had anything to say about the tape. The reporter told Jordan that if someone had targeted Sonny Corinthos' stepdaughter, the reporter would find out who it was, with or without Jordan's help. As Jordan walked away, the sleazy reporter spotted Michael and Willow. "Pay dirt," he said to himself.

Michael met Willow at the hospital just as her shift wound down. They discussed their trip to Paris, and Willow asked who would take care of Wiley while they were away. Willow mentioned the idea of Harmony looking after Wiley, since her mother would jump at the opportunity, and Willow noted how much Harmony had done to make up for her past mistakes. Michael said it still was hard for him to trust Harmony because of everything that Harmony had done to Willow in the past. Michael told Willow that he needed more time to think about Harmony and that he would call Monica to see if she would babysit Wiley instead.

With Willow's shift having just ended, she and Michael were on their way out of the hospital when the sleazy reporter stopped them as they stepped into the elevator. When Smoltz mentioned Josslyn's name, Michael asked if his sister was okay, unaware that Josslyn had been the subject and target of a sex tape.

The reporter gleefully told Michael about the tape and gloated that since no one had taken credit for having published the video, perhaps Josslyn had purposefully leaked the video for the attention. "Maybe she wanted the whole world to rate her performance. She is quite the athlete," the reporter smugly boasted. Michael then punched the goading reporter in the face.

Jordan scolded Michael as Smoltz claimed that he had been assaulted and that Michael had tried to break his face. Willow begged Michael to leave the hospital with her, but as Michael stepped on the elevator, Jordan informed him that he was going nowhere. "You're under arrest," Jordan told Michael.

Willow tried to talk Jordan out of arresting Michael for assault and asked Jordan if she hadn't heard what Smoltz had said and suggested about Josslyn. Smoltz claimed Michael had committed an attack on the First Amendment and free speech, but Jordan reminded Smoltz not to push his luck and said that he had spoken enough. "Whoever did this to my sister is going to pay," Michael said to Willow as the elevator door closed shut. The grinning reporter repeated Michael's line and ran off, happy to have gotten what he wanted.

After Michael was led away, Willow stepped into a private room at the hospital and reached for her phone. Willow breathed heavily, felt her chest, and managed to phone Carly. "Willow? Willow, are you there?" Carly asked repeatedly on the other end. Willow was facedown and passed out on the floor at the hospital.

At Spring Ridge, Spencer informed Esme that Trina wanted nothing more to do with him. Esme offered that perhaps it was better if Trina was out of his life because of all the things Trina had done. "Better for who?" Spencer asked. Esme remarked to Spencer that Trina had finally succeeded in making him believe Esme was the one who had made the sex video of Josslyn and Cameron. "Aren't you?" Spencer asked.

Esme claimed the accusation that she was behind the sex tape was baseless and that she had been miles away when the video had been recorded, but Spencer reminded Esme that she had also been miles away when Esme had managed to torch Ava's car. When Esme told Spencer that she had torched Ava's car for him, Spencer asked if she had also recorded the sex tape for his benefit, as well. Esme claimed that Spencer's friends had finally succeeded in turning him against her. "They didn't have to, Esme. Not if you did it all for them," Spencer said.

Spencer wanted Esme to look him in the eye and swear to him that she had had nothing to with the sex tape. Esme said that it wouldn't matter because Spencer wouldn't believe her, anyway. The two continued to argue about Trina, the sex tape, and Spencer's friends. As they did, Esme lit into Spencer about how she had always been the only friend who had ever cared about him. Esme told Spencer that everyone, even Spencer's own father, had turned their backs on him while she had remained loyal. "And this is what I get. I won't be making that mistake again," Esme said.

Esme got up and started to walk away from Spencer, but he tried to stop her. Spencer demanded to know why everyone blamed Esme for the sex tape and asked who he was supposed to believe. Esme told Spencer that he was supposed to believe her. "Because that's what love is, Spence, putting one person before everyone else. Either you can do that, or you can't!" Esme said.

Spencer told Esme that he had always put her first -- ahead of his friends and even family. Esme then found the book that Trina had returned. She saw an inscription that Spencer had written. "To Trina and our shared passion, Spencer," Esme read aloud. Esme demanded to know if Spencer would have kissed Trina to demonstrate his passion if Esme hadn't returned to Spring Ridge when she had.

Spencer accused Esme of taking what he'd written out of context and said the passion he spoke of in his inscription had been about his and Trina's shared love and passion of art history. Esme accused Spencer of having stolen moments with Trina that he could have spent with Esme, and she asked what made Spencer think he knew Trina so well. Esme then asked whether Spencer had slept with Trina. "No, of course. Because Trina's not like that," Spencer said. "But I am?" Esme said.

Esme said that in Spencer's eyes, she was capable of anything and that nothing was too low for her. She compared that to Trina, who Esme claimed was innocent and could do no wrong. Spencer accused Esme of having overreacted, but Esme told him that she had merely called out the truth. Esme shoved the book at Spencer. "You want boring and basic? Have at it," Esme said and turned to walk away.

Before Esme left Spring Ridge, Spencer stopped her and said he wanted an answer as to whether Esme had been the one that had filmed Josslyn and Cameron having sex. "You don't always get what you want," Esme told Spencer as she left.

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