General Hospital Recaps: The week of February 7, 2022 on GH

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Carly caught Sonny in bed with Nina, Peter offered Maxie a deal, and Elizabeth
General Hospital Recaps: The week of February 7, 2022 on GH

Carly caught Sonny in bed with Nina. Carly and Drew shared a close moment. Word spread that "Bailey" was really Louise. Charlotte was rescued, and Valentin resurfaced. Peter offered Maxie a deal. Dante and Sam admitted that they were in love with each other. Terry had a Valentine's Day date with a familiar face.

Maxie reveals "Bailey

Maxie reveals "Bailey's" true identity

Monday, February 7, 2022

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by CherylPD

Pulled over on the side of the road to rest, Peter told Louise that they needed some "down time." He promised that he wouldn't allow the authorities to get her. They hit the road again, and Peter announced that everyone else was a liar; he was not a monster. He wanted to be the father she deserved, not like the "poor excuse" of a father that he'd had. He realized that he would have to get rid of the car because he'd left too many "loose ends." He feared that he would have to make another "deal with the devil," because he would do anything for Louise.

At the pier, Victor was annoyed when one of his men showed up alone. He asked the man about Peter, and the man related all that had happened with the van that Peter had been in. The man added that he'd played dead, and Peter had taken off. Victor gloated that Peter would think he'd outsmarted Victor, but he would be wrong. Victor said there was a GPS in the car he'd taken, and they would catch him.

Just then, Victor received a phone call from Peter. He was calling on Victor's employee's burner phone. Peter wanted one more favor from Victor, and he would tell Victor everything about Drew. Victor insisted that Peter was of no further use to him, but Peter announced that he'd tossed the GPS into a ditch. Victor was ready to deal. Peter asked for safe passage for himself and Louise.

Sonny was surprised to see Nina board the Haunted Star, and she admitted that Liesl had overheard Kristina's conversation at Charlie's. She was glad to see that he was okay. Sonny explained that he had planned a special evening for Carly, who had been distancing herself from him. He had wanted to show her that he was committed to her without any expectations from her. He had been trying to save his marriage, but it was over. There had been no sign of Carly, and he was done. He threw his phone.

Nina was sorry about all of it, and Sonny replied that he believed her. Nina exclaimed that she only wanted Sonny to be safe and happy. He told her that Carly had been angry over his constant defense of Nina. He hadn't believed it, but he thought maybe it was true. Nina reassured Sonny that he had been doing the best that he could, and she blamed herself for complicating his life. Sonny admitted that a part of him had cared for Nina, but he had lost the person he loved the most.

Nina confessed that she would have done things differently if she could change it. She had stopped in Nixon Falls on a whim, and it had healed her. She had developed real feelings for "Mike," and Sonny admitted that "Mike" had felt the same. Sonny stated that the past couldn't be changed, and they had to live with the consequences. Nina straightened his tie and caressed his cheek. She leaned over to kiss Sonny, and he responded in kind. Nina quickly apologized, but Sonny hushed her, and they returned to their kiss. They moved inside and began to remove each other's clothing as they fell to the bed.

At Brook Lynn and Chase's house, they frantically searched for "Bailey." Chase quickly made a phone call to the police and declared that Peter had the baby. His car had been broken into, and the baby's seat had been taken. He wanted to call Dante, and he suggested that Brook Lynn phone Maxie. Brook Lynn insisted that she couldn't call Maxie, but Chase proclaimed that Maxie had to be told. Brook Lynn grew hysterical and began to have a panic attack. Chase calmed her down, and they worked through it. Brook Lynn blamed herself, but he assured her it wasn't her fault. He handed her the phone.

Carly arrived at the hospital and asked about Dante. He was in an exam room with Sam, who held on to his hand tightly. The doctor arrived with test results and informed Dante that he was fine. There was no concussion or other injury, but she wanted to keep him overnight for observation. Carly rushed in and found Sam and Dante smiling. She was surprised that Sonny wasn't there.

Carly explained that she had been with Drew when he'd received word about the police incident, but she needed to let Sonny know. Just then, Dante received a call from Chase, who filled him in and asked for Dante to get to the house. Dante agreed, and he and Sam wondered why Peter would take "Bailey." Sam tried to prevent Dante from leaving, to no avail. Carly stepped out to leave Sonny a message about Dante. She asked that they do their special evening another time, and she hoped that together, they would be able to get the man who had killed Jason.

Felicia and Maxie sat in the waiting area for word on Mac's condition. Nearby, Anna found Robert, who wanted details from her, as she'd been at the scene. Anna told him that Mac had looked bad, and there had been lots of blood. She wouldn't count him out. Robert asked her to sit with him, and she comforted him as he lamented about all the recent deaths they'd endured. He felt as though the "bad guys are always winning." They took a walk and found Felicia and Maxie. Anna reassured a crying Felicia.

Shortly after, Carly found Maxie sitting alone and hugged her. Austin walked over and announced that there was no word yet on Mac. Carly walked away, and Maxie and the doctor sat down. She was glad that Louise had been in a safe place, and she planned on continuing her lie until Peter was caught or dead. Maxie was surprised to receive a phone call from Brook Lynn. "'Bailey's' gone," Brook Lynn said somberly. She filled Maxie in. Maxie was sure Peter had taken the baby. Austin hugged Maxie.

As Dante got dressed against doctor's orders, he told Anna about the baby's kidnapping when Anna stopped into the room. He agreed with the nurse who suggested he take it slow. Once she was gone, Dante muttered, "Not a chance." Anna thought they should join forces, and as they left the room, they ran into Carly. They told her what had happened. Carly began to shout and blame Anna for not taking Jason's advice regarding Peter. Anna promised to stop Peter for good.

Austin urged Maxie to get to Brook Lynn's place, and he said he would look out for Felicia. Robert and Felicia returned from the chapel at that moment, and Austin announced that Mac had come through his initial surgery, and the staff was optimistic for recovery. Felicia corrected Maxie, who noted that her daughter needed her, and Maxie was forced to tell the truth. Felicia was understanding and hugged Maxie. Austin promised to relate the story to Felicia and Robert. He declared that it was a "hell of a story."

When Austin had finished regaling Felicia and Robert about the baby, Felicia proclaimed that she was glad her granddaughter had been nearby and safe. She felt bad that Robert had been trying to track down a fake nurse Chloe, but he was delighted. He thought that Maxie had been brilliant. Felicia appreciated Austin's telling them. Robert assured her that they would get "the bastard" if Robert didn't shoot him first. Felicia grabbed Austin and Robert's hands for a quiet moment.

Carly ran into Sam and told her that she hadn't been able to reach Sonny, who was probably still on the boat. She explained that Drew had helped her to see that she should try for Sonny's sake, and she did think they could have a fresh start. She was willing to meet him halfway as long as he met her on the other side.

Ned arrived at Brook Lynn's beach house and shouted that he knew it was a mistake. He believed that Brook Lynn should have stayed at the Quartermaines', and he blamed Chase. Brook Lynn stopped him from yelling at Chase and made it clear that she trusted the cop. She didn't think that Ned could make her feel worse. Ned apologized and admitted that he was scared.

Anna and Dante showed up, and they questioned Brook Lynn. Chase informed Dante that it had nothing to do with revenge against Valentin, and he told Brook Lynn that they couldn't remain quiet any longer. Maxie arrived as Brook Lynn announced that it wasn't her secret to tell. "She's right. It's mine," Maxie stated. Chase agreed that there was no point in keeping the secret. "'Bailey' is Louise," a crying Maxie announced. Everyone looked at her in shock.

Carly arrived at theHaunted Star and smiled as she looked around at Sonny's preparations. She followed the path of the strewn rose petals and walked into the bedroom, where she found Nina and Sonny in bed.

Peter engages in one last act of villainy

Peter engages in one last act of villainy

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

by Tracey Corder

At the beach house, Chase declared there was "nothing to be gained" by keeping secrets. Looking at Anna, Dante, and Ned, Maxie announced that "Bailey" was Louise. Ned attempted to calm Maxie and offered her water. Ned told Maxie that she did not have to be brave on their account. Ned sympathized, "Peter's lies, his crimes, losing your daughter, your father in the hospital... It's enough to break the strongest of us." Brook Lynn confirmed to Ned that Maxie was telling the truth; "Bailey" was Maxie's daughter.

In disbelief, Ned exclaimed that Maxie's daughter had been "lost in the woods." Maxie filled everyone in on her plan to have had Bobbie help her give birth to Louise in Beechers Corners before later handing the baby off to Brook Lynn. Maxie continued, explaining that she would have returned to Port Charles and said that she'd lost her baby, a story she would have maintained until Peter was in prison. Anna and Dante realized that Maxie's plan had been thwarted by Peter's plan. Brook Lynn and Maxie shared that they'd thought their plan had worked, but Peter "got Louise, anyway," Chase added.

Maxie apologized for deceiving everyone and reminded them that Peter had stolen her daughter. Anna attempted to comfort her with a hug. Dante confirmed that Peter had entered the house through the breezeway between the garage and the kitchen. Brook Lynn tearfully expressed regret that Louise was missing. Maxie assured her it was not her fault that Peter had escaped; Maxie urged everyone to focus on Louise.

As Dante and Chase discussed how they could confirm that it was, in fact, Peter who had kidnapped Louise, Maxie became agitated. Maxie pushed back, "We don't need confirmation. Peter is the one who took her. We need to find him." Anna and Dante countered that they needed to do everything by the book, so Peter didn't get off on a technicality. Anna suggested that Maxie could be a faster way to find Peter.

Maxie paced and tried to figure out if she knew any clues about Peter's whereabouts based on the years she had "wasted" with him. Anna encouraged Maxie to allow them to help with "fresh eyes." Anna asked who else knew about the plan involving the baby. Maxie confirmed that Britt had known but had dropped out of the plan early on. Chase said that he'd found out around the time that Valentin had realized he wasn't "Bailey's" father.

Both Dante and Anna were shocked to find out that Nina knew. Anna suggested they go to GH to check on Mac and do more brainstorming in the car. Brook Lynn gave Louise's "lovie" to Maxie so that Maxie would have it on hand when Louise was found.

Outside of the house, Anna and Dante discussed the case. They agreed someone else had to know the truth about the baby -- and that that person would lead them to Peter.

Ned asked Brook Lynn to speak with her alone. Chase stepped in and said, "with all due respect sir, I prefer to stay right here." Brook Lynn told Chase that she would be fine talking to her father, but she asked that Chase not go too far. A flabbergasted Ned said that Chase had "really put himself on the line" for her. Ned noted that Brook Lynn had opened herself up to major repercussions for her part in "Maxie's scheme." She assured him that it had been worth it to protect Louise.

Brook Lynn told Ned that she had never been pregnant. Frustrated, Ned sat down and exclaimed, "You made me believe I was a grandfather just to get those damn shares back." Brook Lynn denied it had only been for the shares, sharing that she had also used it as a way to rebuild her relationship with Ned and the family.

Ned told Brook Lynn that the "charade went on too long." Brook Lynn worried out loud that Ned hated her. He told her that he could never hate her. Ned admitted that he was "disappointed and hurt" that he had fallen in love with a granddaughter that he'd never had. Ned took his daughter's hand and told her that he was prouder of her than he'd ever been.

Brook Lynn was in disbelief and acknowledged that she hadn't started the baby swap for altruistic reasons. Ned reminded Brook Lynn that she had protected Louise at "great personal risk." Ned understood that Brook Lynn had fallen in love with the baby. Ned was sure that Louise would return home safely because the baby had "the strength of two mothers" behind her. Brook Lynn sobbed and declared, "If anything happens to her, I will kill Peter with my bare hands."

Nurse Deanna Sirtis emerged from Mac's hospital room to questions from Robert and Felicia. They were relieved when Nurse Sirtis told them that Mac was "resting comfortably." They were informed that they could not see him yet because he had just gotten out of recovery. Robert reminded Felicia that Mac was getting the best possible care and had another good reason to hate Peter August. "That grudge alone is enough to light a fire under Mac," Felicia agreed.

Later, Felicia asked Nurse Sirtis if they could see Mac. The nurse said they would be allowed in, but he could only have one visitor at a time. Robert told Felicia to go first. "He might see me and have a heart attack," Robert half-joked. Felicia tearfully entered the room and saw Mac hooked up to machines. As Robert looked through the window, Laura tapped Robert on the back and offered him a consoling hug. Felicia told Mac that Robert was there, and Robin was trying to get a flight to Port Charles. Felicia softly asked, "Can you feel my hand, Mac? I'm not letting go."

Laura updated Robert and told him that the PCPD's resources were split because "someone kidnapped Ned Quartermaine's granddaughter." Robert shocked Laura with the news that the baby had probably been kidnapped by Peter because "Bailey" was actually Peter and Maxie's daughter, Louise.

On the road, Peter talked to Victor on the phone. Peter asked when Victor would make arrangements for him and Louise to get out of Port Charles. In exchange, Peter said that he would give Victor the secret to controlling Drew Cain. Victor pointed out that Peter's demands kept "multiplying." Peter explained to Victor that that was how economics worked. "You have the demand, and I control the supply," Peter said smugly, to Victor's annoyance.

Peter taunted Victor by saying if Victor didn't help him, he would go to D.A. Scorpio, who might want to cut a deal with him, based on his knowledge of Victor and Drew. Upset, Victor told Peter to meet him at Pier 55, and he would get Peter "out of Port Charles, undetected." Victor hung up and told his guard that Peter was "wasted carbon" that had outlived his usefulness.

Peter turned to the backseat to talk to Louise. He contemplated if he could trust "Old Victor." He voiced that Victor had been "treacherous in the past," and he would be again.

On the dock, Victor's bodyguard informed Victor that all escape routes had been blocked. Victor remained skeptical because Peter had "a talent for escape." "Either I get my way, or Peter August dies," Victor threatened. He paused for a moment, adding, "No, correction. I get my way and Peter August dies."

Hand on heart, Carly noticed the flower petals on the floor of the Haunted Star. She smiled and followed the trail to one of the state rooms. Carly pushed open the door and walked in on Sonny and Nina in bed.

Nina and Sonny scrambled to cover themselves while Carly said, "I knew it." Sonny attempted to explain that Kristina had told him that Carly was not going to show up. Carly shot back that Peter had escaped, Dante was hurt, and Mac had been shot. Carly turned and walked off.

In shock, Nina whispered an apology to Sonny and said she had not meant for it to happen. Sonny scrambled to get dressed to follow Carly. Nina told Sonny that there was nothing to say, but he disagreed. Sonny told Nina that he needed to see things through with Carly.

Outside on the deck, Carly gasped for breath. She saw the wedding rings that Sonny had left behind and cried. As Carly held the rings, she thought back to the Metro Court hostage crisis when Sonny had asked her to marry him. As she returned to the present, Sonny stepped out onto the deck.

Sonny approached Carly and told her that he'd waited for her. Frustrated, Carly replied "I went to the hospital to make sure your son wasn't dead. He's okay, by the way." Sonny repeated that Kristina had told him that Carly had not intended to show up at the Haunted Star. He snapped that if Carly had truly wanted to work on their marriage, she would have come earlier. Carly retorted that she could not fix a marriage that had three people in it.

Carly questioned how many times Sonny had been with Nina. He told her that night was the only time. Carly asked how many times Sonny had wanted it to happen. "Maybe as many times as you wanted it to happen with Jason," Sonny told her dismissively. Carly accused Sonny of deflecting the conversation away from him cheating on her. "[Jason] saved my life while Nina played you like a marionette in her land of make-believe," Carly said in defense of her love for Jason. Sonny shot back that Carly had been stringing him along and hoping that he would sleep with Nina because she loved Jason.

After Carly accused Sonny of not holding Nina accountable for hurting their family, tempers flared. Sonny blamed Carly for wanting to "wallow in your misery and pine for Jason's ghost." Carly, in turn, told Sonny to "go to hell." Furious, Carly growled, "You can rewrite this story any way you want, but the ending is the same. We are over, and this is on you."

Shocked, Sonny asked Carly if she was just going to walk. Carly fired back that Sonny was the one who had walked out when he'd slept with Nina. Sonny said that Avery and Donna were a reason to save their marriage. Carly said she did not want the kids to see them fight and hate one another. Sonny told Carly that he didn't hate her -- he missed her. He called having sex with Nina "a mistake" and said he was trying to get past his feelings for Nina but could not just "wish them out of existence."

Exasperated, Carly replied, "So, you want me to give you the time that you refused to give me." Sonny told Carly that he'd replaced the rings he'd lost in Nixon Falls, and they could start over. Carly declined and told him the rings didn't change anything. "If this is love, you need to save it for Nina" Carly replied.

Carly explained that since Sonny wanted both her and Nina, no amount of time could change that. Carly told Sonny that she was making the decision for him and choosing for herself. She said goodbye and left. Alone, Sonny cried as he put the rings into his palm. He sighed as he gently dropped the rings into the water.

At Laura and Kevin's home, Charlotte expressed to Kevin that she was worried about Valentin because he had not called her like he'd always done in the past. Kevin did not have any news but encouraged Charlotte to go to the hospital with him to talk to Dante. Charlotte didn't want to go anywhere in case Valentin dropped by to pick her up.

Kevin hesitated, but Charlotte insisted that she was old enough to be left at home alone. For additional persuasion, she told Kevin that Esme would be home soon and reminded him that they had a doorman. Kevin finally agreed and told her that she was not to set foot outside the apartment unless she heard from him or Laura. Charlotte easily agreed and said she would order a pizza.

From Laura and Kevin's house, Charlotte called Nina to voice her concerns about Valentin having gone missing. Nina directed Charlotte to phone Anna. There was a knock on the door, Charlotte realized that her pizza had arrived. She told Nina it was her pizza. Nina promised Charlotte that she would check in with Anna and get back to her.

Charlotte opened the door and saw Peter with a pizza in hand. She attempted to close the door, but Peter overpowered her. When Peter stepped into the apartment, a pizza delivery person was seen unconscious on the floor.

Back at General Hospital, Felicia pleaded with Mac at his bedside. She flashed back to her proposal to him and cried, "The honor has been all mine, partner."

Kevin arrived and greeted Laura and Robert. He confirmed that Charlotte was still worried about Valentin, and Laura replied that it was unlike Valentin to not get in contact with Charlotte. Kevin suggested that he would pull rank as a doctor in order to speak to Mac.

Elsewhere in the hospital, Sam told Danny over the phone to give Scout two big hugs, one from her and one from her dad. Drew entered, and they shared a smile.

Sam asked Drew if he had heard about Peter's escape. He confirmed that Anna had already told him. He inquired about Dante, and Sam told him that Dante's injuries weren't that serious. When Drew asked how she was doing, she replied, "Nothing that an ID bracelet on Peter's corpse won't fix."

Sam pleaded with Drew not to put himself in harm's way with an attempt to capture Peter. Drew explained that because he had been separated from Scout and his family, he would only go after Peter if it were a "sure bet." Drew asked if Sam had a moment to talk. Sam agreed and tried to go somewhere private. Drew hesitantly explained that he didn't know if they had time to relocate with what he had to say.

Drew claimed that he had thought about their relationship while he'd been in a cell for two years. He had made peace with the fact that they weren't together and that Sam was with Jason. It was the hope that he would see his family that had kept him going. Sam agreed that they were family. Drew stared at Sam longingly and asked, "What kind of family are we?"

Before Sam could answer, Nina approached. She asked Sam about Mac and Dante. Sam said that Mac was out of surgery, and Dante was doing fine. Nina surmised that Sam had to have "been a wreck," worried about Dante. Drew overheard Sam casually admit that she loved Dante. Sam stopped in her tracks when she realized what she had said out loud.

Nina noticed the tension and left to get an update on Mac. Sam asked Drew if he wanted to finish their conversation. Drew told her that it was his fault if things felt "confused or undefined" since his return. He shared his sadness that once all the feelings regarding his return had faded, he'd realized that everyone in his life had moved on, and he was "grasping at something familiar, except she's out of reach." Drew apologized if he had "muddied up" Sam's relationship with Dante. Sam thanked him and promised that they still were family. "You can count on that," he replied.

Maxie, Anna, and Dante emerged from the hospital elevators. Maxie and Anna continued on to see Mac. Dante hung back to check in when he saw Sam talking to Drew.

Drew noticed Dante, asked him if he was okay, and said that Sam needed Dante. Once Drew walked off, Dante playfully told Sam he knew she wanted to ask if he was fine, and she acknowledged that he was right. Dante asked about her and Drew, Sam said that everything between her and Drew had been cleared up.

Outside of Mac's room, Maxie asked Laura for an update on Mac. Laura told Maxie that Mac had not regained consciousness yet, but Kevin, Robert, and Felicia were in the room. Maxie joined them while Anna and Laura spoke in the hallway. Anna wanted to talk to Laura about Peter but also wanted Dante to be a part of the conversation.

A short time later, Anna explained to Laura and Dante that Peter would need help getting away and knowingly concluded he would turn to Victor.

At Mac's bedside, Maxie tearfully recalled all the times that Mac had been there for her. Maxie cried, "You were my hero the whole time. We need you to come back to us." Mac slowly opened his eyes and looked at Felicia.

Kevin and Robert joined Felicia and Maxie at Mac's bedside. Everyone was excited to see Mac awake, while Robert and Kevin joked at his expense. "I believe the psychiatric term is drama queen," Kevin teased. Robert told Mac that there was a manhunt for Peter.

Elsewhere in the hospital, Nina tried unsuccessfully to reach Britt and left a voice message for her. As she prepared to leave, Sonny arrived.

At the Quartermaine gatehouse, Carly called out for Michael. "Sorry to disappoint," Drew replied.

Peter arrived at Pier 55, and Victor said that he had arranged for Peter's "final withdrawal from Port Charles." Victor asked Peter to uphold his end of the bargain, but Peter said that he wanted safe passage out of town before he told Victor anything. "Terms are set by the party in control," Victor asserted. Peter countered by threatening to leave with "Drew's secrets." As Peter started to walk off, the red light of a rifle trained on his chest.

Peter insisted that Victor had gotten everything he'd wanted. Victor's guard clobbered Peter over the head, and Peter dropped to his knees. "Here's to Port Charles's first good night's sleep in four long years," Victor said with a cackle. As Victor prepared for Peter to die, Peter said that killing him would be a bad idea. "You kill me, and your granddaughter, Charlotte, dies, too," Peter sneered.

Charlotte is rescued, and Peter offers Maxie a deal

Charlotte is rescued, and Peter offers Maxie a deal

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

by Elisabeth

In the alley behind Beradino's restaurant, a woman tossed a bag of garbage into a Dumpster as car tires squealed nearby. She turned and saw a car speed off. Afterwards, she returned to the back door, but she stopped when she heard a man groan in pain. The woman looked around, and she gasped when she saw a disheveled Valentin laying on a heap of garbage bags. Valentin was battered and drifted in and out of consciousness, but he managed to ask the woman to call Anna.

On pier 55, Peter knelt as a red dot from a sniper's rifle hovered over his heart. Victor loomed over Peter, demanding to know where Charlotte was. Peter remained calm because he had expected the double-cross, which was why Peter had taken Charlotte as an insurance policy. Victor grabbed the gun from Johann and aimed it at Peter, but Peter accused Victor of being predictable because family was Victor's weakness. Victor was not amused, so Peter revealed that Charlotte had been locked in an abandoned warehouse.

Victor ordered Johann to begin the search, but Peter warned Victor that the door had been rigged with explosives. Frustrated, Victor asked what Peter wanted. Peter explained that he expected Victor to honor their original arrangement. Peter agreed to provide Victor with an approximate location of Charlotte's whereabouts, and once the ship had docked, Peter would send Victor the exact address. Shortly after Victor and Johann left, a ship horn blared as it approached the pier. As Peter waited to board the ship with Louise, he reached out to Maxie.

At the hospital, Austin asked where Maxie was headed when he bumped into her at the elevator. She admitted that she had to keep moving, or she would start thinking about everything that had happened and lose her mind. Austin deftly distracted Maxie by asking about Felicia and Mac. Maxie slowly began to relax as she revealed that Mac was expected to make a full recovery. Austin smiled, and he assured Maxie that Louise would be found soon.

Maxie appreciated Austin's positive attitude, and she promised that she had been doing her best to lean into hope. Austin knew it was difficult for Maxie, but he assured her that it would be worth it in the end. Moments later, Britt and Liesl arrived. Maxie was surprised to see them, so Austin explained that he had called Britt and Liesl to give Maxie extra moral support. Liesl assured Maxie that Peter would not remain free for long. Britt hoped that whoever found Peter would give him the slow and painful death that Peter deserved.

When Liesl mentioned Louise, Maxie decided that it was time to tell Britt and Liesl the truth about "Bailey" and about Louise's kidnapping. Maxie admitted that she hadn't told anyone -- not even Felicia and Mac -- to reduce the risk of Peter finding out. It was the reason that Maxie couldn't figure out how Peter had learned the truth about Louise. Britt asked if it was possible that someone besides Nina and Chase had known. Liesl believed that Victor was exactly the type that would uncover the truth and help Peter.

"Oh, God," Austin said. Austin realized that he might have unwittingly helped Victor unravel the mystery. Austin told Maxie about the sonogram image that Victor had questioned Austin about. Maxie was furious when she realized that Austin was the reason her daughter was in Peter's hands. After Maxie stormed off, her phone rang. It was Peter.

Peter invited Maxie to meet him -- and Louise -- on pier 55. However, he warned Maxie to tell no one and to leave her phone behind. Peter instructed Maxie to send the phone's pin to the number he had called from, so he could make certain that she had complied with his demands. He vowed to vanish into thin air with Louise if anyone followed Maxie, and he reminded Maxie that he had eyes everywhere.

Maxie raced to the elevator, but Austin spotted her. Britt and Liesl were hot on his heels. Austin wanted to talk to Maxie, but Maxie angrily accused him of being unable to let go of his "petty revenge." Britt and Liesl offered to help Maxie in any way, but Maxie insisted that she needed some time alone. As Maxie entered the elevator, Austin asked where she was going. "To find my daughter," Maxie answered.

After Maxie left, Austin admitted that he had never imagined that things would end as they had when he'd gone after Brook Lynn. Britt assured Austin that he couldn't have known, especially since Austin hadn't been privy to the secret that "Bailey" was Louise. Britt was confident that Maxie would be more understanding once everything had settled down. Liesl had no sympathy for Austin because they had to clean up his mess. Liesl warned Austin that he would eventually have to answer to her.

Elsewhere, Anna, Dante, and Laura discussed the possibility that Victor had been helping Peter. They agreed that Victor would risk jeopardizing his immunity deal with the WSB if Victor thought it was beneficial to him to help Peter. Laura admitted that it tracked with another theory that she had about Victor. Rather than elaborate, Laura decided to first check in with Kevin. After Laura walked away, Anna wondered how Victor had discovered that "Bailey" was Maxie's daughter.

Near the elevator, Nina left Britt a voicemail message asking her cousin to return the call. As Nina rounded the corner, she stopped short when she saw Sonny. Sonny explained that he was there to check on his son, but Sam walked up. Sam assured Sonny that Dante was okay, and she gave him a quick update on Peter's escape and the injuries that Dante had sustained.

Just then, Dante and Anna walked up. Sonny was relieved when he saw his son, but the conversation quickly turned to Peter and to "Bailey's" kidnapping. Nina realized that Peter had found out that "Bailey" was really Louise. Sonny was shocked, but Anna pointed out that the deception had worked for months, and Nina had been one of the few people who had known the truth. Nina confirmed that it was true and that she had tried to persuade Maxie to be honest with Valentin, but Maxie had refused.

Nina admitted that the most important thing had been to protect Louise. Sonny asked if Nina had known the truth about Louise in Nixon Falls. Nina nodded. Sonny decided to call Michael and Kristina with an update on their brother, and he walked away. Dante and Sam walked away to call Olivia. Nina offered to help in any way, prompting Anna to ask if Nina had heard from Valentin.

Seconds later, Anna's phone rang. It was the woman who had found Valentin. Anna heard Valentin call out her name as the woman spoke. The woman revealed that Valentin had been hurt, but he had been adamant that she call Anna rather than 9-1-1.

Elsewhere, Dante asked Sam about her talk with Drew. However, before Sam could answer, Anna approached and reported that Valentin had been found. Anna promised to keep Dante updated, and she left to meet the ambulance transporting Valentin to the hospital. Dante and Sam agreed that Peter needed to be caught soon. Dante changed the subject because he felt bad that he had asked Sam about Drew when it hadn't concerned him.

Sam acknowledged that things had been a bit "wonky" since Drew's return. She admitted that she would always care for Drew because he was Scout's father, but Dante's injury had put everything into perspective. Sam had realized that her future was with Dante. "I love you," Sam said. She rushed to explain that it was still new to her, and she assured him that she didn't expect him to say it back. Dante smiled because he'd been wanting to tell Sam for a while.

"I love you," Dante said. Sam smiled, and they shared a passionate kiss.

Meanwhile, Laura was surprised when she bumped into Kevin at the elevator. Kevin put his phone away as he explained that he had been trying to reach Charlotte since he had left her alone at the apartment, but Charlotte hadn't answered any of the calls. Laura called Charlotte, but her granddaughter's voicemail picked up. Kevin felt guilty that he had left Charlotte alone. Laura reminded him that Charlotte was thirteen, and it hadn't been the first time. Laura was certain that everything was fine, especially since Charlotte had a habit of getting wrapped up in movies.

Laura decided to call Esme. Esme was close to home, and she promised to call when she got to the apartment. A short time later, Laura's worst fears were realized when Esme reported that she had found the pizza delivery person unconscious in the hallway and the apartment door open. Laura instructed Esme to get inside the apartment, lock the door, and call the police. Laura promised that she and Kevin were on their way. After she ended the call, she told Kevin that Charlotte was missing.

In Valentin's hospital room, Valentin kept muttering that someone should have told him. Anna asked if Valentin had been drinking. Deanna suspected that he had been on a bender, but he had been lucky that he had been found. Anna explained that she was Valentin's emergency contact, so she wanted to be notified of his test results. After Deanna left with the vials of blood that she had collected from Valentin, Anna offered Valentin words of assurance. Valentin warned Anna that "Bailey" was in danger.

A short time later, Deanna informed Anna that there hadn't been any alcohol in Valentin's bloodstream. Anna wasn't surprised because she had suspected that someone had wanted to make it appear that Valentin had been intoxicated. After Deanna left, Anna questioned Valentin about what he remembered, but he only managed to tell her that "Bailey" was Maxie's daughter. Anna was certain that Valentin's disappearance had been tied to Louise. Moments later, Kevin and Laura entered.

Laura revealed that something had happened to Charlotte. Valentin became agitated, while Anna pulled out her phone to make some calls. However, everyone was startled when Charlotte suddenly burst through the door and ran into her grandmother's waiting arms. Charlotte tearfully revealed that she had been locked in a warehouse, but her "Grandpa Victor" had rescued her. Valentin sat up and reached for his daughter. Charlotte happily embraced her father as Victor appeared in the doorway.

In the hospital's chapel, Sonny looked up when he heard Nina enter. She admitted that she'd had a feeling that she would find him there. She didn't want to intrude, but she wanted to make certain that everything was okay. Sonny admitted that he couldn't worry about his marriage at that moment because he was too glad that Dante was okay. He also hoped that Maxie's daughter was safely returned home. Nina started to leave, but Sonny asked if she had really known the truth about Louise as far back as Nixon Falls.

Nina explained that she had known early on. Sonny realized that Peter had used the information to blackmail Nina, and Nina had played Peter to protect the baby. Nina clarified that her actions had been purely out of desperation. "I'm not a saint," Nina said. Sonny pointed out that things hadn't been black or white.

Nina assured Sonny that no matter how angry she had been at Carly, Nina had never intended for things to turn out as they had, especially since she saw how much pain it had caused Sonny. Sonny didn't blame Nina, but Nina argued that she was responsible for her own actions, and she hated that she had made it more difficult for Sonny to salvage his marriage. Sonny feared that his marriage could not be saved.

Sonny had a lot of regrets about the night, but he realized that Carly had made a valid point. Sonny conceded that what had transpired between him and Nina in Nixon Falls hadn't stayed in the past. "It's here and now. No matter how much I try to deny it," Sonny said. Nina remained silent as Sonny left to check on Dante.

On pier 55, Maxie approached Peter and Louise. Peter picked up Louise's baby carrier, and he stopped Maxie from checking on their daughter. Peter informed Maxie that she would only have access to Louise under his terms. Peter intended to leave the country, so he offered to let Maxie say goodbye to their daughter -- and never see her again -- or Maxie could leave with Peter and Louise.

At the Quartermaine estate, Drew was surprised when he encountered Carly outside the boathouse. Carly revealed that she had been on her way to the main house to see if Michael was there because no one had been home at the gatehouse. It was clear that Carly was upset, so Drew asked how things had gone at the Haunted Star. Carly admitted that she had walked in on Sonny and Nina in bed together. Stunned, Drew ushered Carly into the boathouse, where it was warm and they could talk.

Drew felt bad for encouraging Carly to meet Sonny, and he was shocked at how quickly Sonny had given up. Carly knew there had been more to Sonny's "bizarre sympathy" for Nina, but Carly had been too grateful that Sonny had returned home to listen to her instincts. Carly couldn't believe that she had been played, and she considered both Sonny and Nina the villain in what had transpired. Drew wondered if Sonny and Nina had been having an affair since their return from Nixon Falls, but Carly didn't know. Carly was furious that Sonny had arranged a grand gesture and pressured her to meet him, and when Carly hadn't shown up on Sonny's timetable, he had called his "backup."

Carly admitted that it didn't matter if Sonny had called Nina or if Nina had shown up of her own accord because he'd been in bed with Nina when Carly had arrived. Drew suggested that Sonny had assumed that Carly had given up on their marriage when she hadn't shown up, but Carly argued that those had been Sonny's "ridiculous terms." She resented that Sonny had expected her to get past her pain on his timetable, and she insisted that it hadn't given him the right to jump into bed with the woman who had caused all of Carly's pain.

"What the hell does that say about Sonny?" Carly asked. Carly admitted that she had thought that she and Sonny could get past Sonny defending and protecting Nina, but everything had changed. Drew pointed out that some marriages survived infidelity, but Carly explained that she saw Sonny and Nina in bed together whenever she closed her eyes. It was the point of no return for Carly. Carly revealed that Sonny had also thrown Jason into her face. Drew knew the official story behind Jason and Carly's marriage, but he suspected there had been more.

Carly admitted that she and Jason had been in love, but it would never have happened if Nina had done the right thing. Carly said she had worked hard to put her marriage back together, but she had felt as if she had been doing it alone. Carly believed that finding Sonny and Nina in bed had been the smack in the face that she had needed to realize that perhaps her marriage had died when Sonny had been swept away in the bridge collapse. Drew empathized. "You can't go home again," Drew said.

Carly realized that she wasn't the only person troubled, and she invited Drew to open up to her because she needed a distraction. Drew talked about what it had been like during his two years as Victor's prisoner and how he had dealt with the monotony by focusing on Scout -- and Sam. Drew confessed that it had messed with his head when he had learned that Sam had ended things with Jason. It had taken some time, but Drew had eventually accepted that Sam was no longer the person she'd once been. Sam was stronger, and she was over Jason -- and Drew. Carly felt bad for Drew, but he admitted that the writing had been on the wall.

The mood shifted between Drew and Carly, and sexual tension flared to life. Drew slowly closed the distance between them as he started to kiss Carly, but she stopped him just before their lips touched. Carly assured him that she wanted the kiss, but for all the wrong reasons. Carly wanted to hurt Sonny, and she suspected that Drew wanted to hurt Sam. Drew clarified that he might have been looking for something to help him forget Sam. Carly pointed out that they were both vulnerable, and she valued their friendship too much. Carly admitted that Drew's connection to Jason also complicated things.

Drew was grateful for Carly's clear thinking. Carly decided to leave, but she thanked Drew for talking to her. "Anytime," Drew said. Carly promised to hold him to it.

Maxie convinces Peter to leave Louise behind

Maxie convinces Peter to leave Louise behind

Thursday, February 10, 2022

by Marissa PD

On the pier, Peter informed Maxie that she needed to say goodbye to Louise and never see them again, or else she needed to join them. He warned her that he wouldn't let her stall until reinforcements arrived. Just then, a ship blew its horn, and she asked where he was taking them. He ignored the question and demanded a decision. She didn't want to say goodbye to Louise again, and she claimed to want to be a family like they were supposed to have been. He asked what the catch was. Maxie said that she couldn't just flip a switch, but she knew that if they left Port Charles, he would become the man she'd fallen in love with. He swore on Louise's life that he would be the best father and husband. However, she continued that, if he loved Louise as much as he said, he would understand why they needed to leave her behind.

Maxie explained to a confused Peter that, because he was wanted by every law enforcement agency, they would constantly be on guard. She didn't think that would make for a stable enough home for Louise, and she reminded him of his life with Faison. Peter didn't want to leave Louise with her family, who despised him. Maxie wanted to start over with him, and she suggested the possibility of having another baby one day. She was willing to take the second chance and wondered if he was. "Of course," he replied, and he hugged her. Maxie asked for his phone and insisted that Brook Lynn would take Louise and look the other way while Maxie and Peter left. Peter refused and stated that he knew what to do.

A few minutes later, Maxie and Peter stood in front of the firehouse where the "safe place" drop-off was. He explained that there were no cameras or questions, so it was anonymous. He opened the small door and went on that closing the door triggered a silent alarm to let the firefighters know that there was a baby there. Maxie shook her head, but Peter insisted that she had to. Maxie reluctantly placed Louise, who was inside her carrier, inside the door. She apologized to Louise for having to say goodbye again, and she hoped that Louise would one day forgive her and understand. She expressed her love for the baby and promised that they would be together again one day, and Peter closed the door.

Chase got off the phone and reported to Brook Lynn that there was still no news. The doorbell rang, and Chase answered it to Finn and Elizabeth. They showered Chase and Brook Lynn with comforting words but noticed a look between the two. Chase told them the truth about "Bailey," and Brook Lynn took over telling the entire story. Elizabeth called her amazing, and Finn observed that she'd really gone above and beyond. Elizabeth wondered if Valentin knew, as he'd been found passed out behind a Dumpster. She added that there'd been no alcohol in his system. Brook Lynn decided that she needed to see him, so she ran out of the house.

Finn wondered if Chase had given any thought to how the news about the baby would affect his life and career. Chase related that he'd already gotten an earful from Ned. He continued to blame himself for the kidnapping. He screamed that he was a cop, and it was his job to protect people. He cried into Finn's arms. Finn urged Chase not to let Peter take Chase to the dark side, as Peter was real evil. Chase realized it was a good thing that he hadn't told his parents about "Bailey," but Finn needed to figure out how to tell Violet.

In Valentin's hospital room, Valentin wanted to know everything about Charlotte's abduction. She said that she'd opened the door for the pizza delivery man, but it had been Peter at the door. She continued that he'd grabbed her and blindfolded her, and he'd taken her somewhere in the car. She went on that he'd locked her in somewhere, and when he'd gone, she'd taken off her blindfold to see that she was in a warehouse. She concluded that she'd been trying to figure a way out when Victor had found her. Laura volunteered to let the PCPD know that Charlotte had been found. She thanked Victor for somehow being in the right place at the right time, and she left the room.

Anna added that it was almost as if Victor had known where to find Charlotte. Victor chimed in that they would discuss it later, but Peter would be very sorry for what he'd done. Charlotte hugged Victor and left the room with Anna to give Victor and Valentin some time. Valentin peppered Victor with questions about Peter and about Charlotte's abduction, but Victor insisted that he knew nothing. Valentin also asked about his own blackout, and he suggested that Victor had entered into a deal with Peter. Victor commented that Valentin had a "vivid imagination."

Just then, Brook Lynn burst into Valentin's room, so Victor left. Brook Lynn profusely apologized for putting Valentin on Peter's radar. Valentin revealed that he knew about Louise, and Brook Lynn apologized again for lying. Valentin glumly commended her on the creative ruse -- and for protecting an innocent child. Brook Lynn mentioned that there had been times that she, Valentin, "Bailey," and Charlotte had been together that had felt like a real family. Valentin agreed, and Brook Lynn was sorry that she'd taken that away from him. "Me, too," he replied sadly.

Out in the hall, on the phone, Laura updated Dante about Charlotte. Austin emerged from the nearby elevator and overheard her talking about Mac, Maxie, and Louise. When she was off the phone, Austin asked if she knew that "Bailey" was Louise. She replied that Mac had filled her in, and she had every available officer looking for the baby. Austin revealed that he might have been responsible for the kidnapping. He told her the entire story about Victor and the sonogram, and Laura vowed to find out what Victor had been up to. Austin commented that he could tell why Jimmy Lee had admired Laura.

Austin went on that he'd told Maxie the truth, and she wanted nothing to do with him. He wondered how he was supposed to make things right when she wouldn't respond to his calls or texts. Laura was showing Austin something on her phone as Anna and Charlotte approached. Anna sensed that something was off and made sure that everything was all right. Laura replied that Maxie wasn't answering her phone, and Anna remarked that it had to be something important to tear her away from Mac. Austin told Charlotte that she was very brave. He thanked Laura and ran off.

As Charlotte got comfortable on a bench, Laura pulled Anna aside and told her that the PCPD was stretched thin. Anna asked what Laura had shown Austin on her phone. Laura divulged that she'd given Austin the information of someone who could help locate Maxie. While they continued to talk, Victor approached and covered a sleeping Charlotte. Laura returned to Charlotte, and Victor commented that Charlotte was supposed to have gone home already. Laura coldly replied that she had a job to do, as there were evil people in her city. "Unless you haven't noticed?" she questioned.

Just then, Laura got an alert on her phone and showed Anna. "Got it," Anna said, and she purposefully walked away. Victor wondered if there was anything he could do, but Laura assured him that he'd done enough. Laura gently woke Charlotte up so they could go home. Victor offered them a ride, but Laura informed him that they had a police escort, as they wouldn't be taking any chances. He gave his granddaughter a hug, and then Laura asked for one. As they embraced, she whispered to Victor, "If I can prove you aided and abetted Peter August, you'll share his fate." When they broke apart, Laura said a cheerful goodnight, and she and Charlotte left.

Chase's phone rang, and he answered it to Anna, who wondered if he was interested in some "freelancing." He figured that he was already in hot water with the department, so "why not?" Anna sent him directions to where she wanted him to meet her, and she advised him to "come prepared." When he hung up, Finn asked what was going on, but Chase ran up the stairs. Elizabeth entered the room and assured Finn that their kids were fine. Chase returned downstairs with his gun and revealed that Anna needed a favor. Chase told Finn to lock up when he left, and Chase ran out of the house.

Finn decided to go after Chase, as he was worried, but Elizabeth convinced him not to. Finn knew she was right, so he suggested that he take her home and pick Violet up. Elizabeth proposed that they put Violet to bed in the guest room and they both spend the night. As they put their coats on, Finn figured that he would probably be sleeping on the sofa. Elizabeth assured him that the pull-out bed was surprisingly comfortable, and they left.

Anna and Chase met up at the firehouse, and she explained that a baby fitting Louise's description had been dropped off. A firefighter emerged, and Anna, who had texted ahead, identified herself as WSB, and Chase identified himself as PCPD. He went back in to grab the baby, but Chase wasn't optimistic that it was Louise. The firefighter returned with the carrier, and Chase was astounded that it was Louise. Anna asked the firefighter if anyone had seen who'd left the baby, but he answered that all drop-offs were anonymous.

When the firefighter was gone, Anna and Chase tried to figure out why Peter would give Louise up. Anna thought that the only explanation that made sense was that Maxie had convinced Peter to give Louise up. She tearfully observed that Maxie had made the ultimate sacrifice. She pulled an earring out of the carrier and identified it as one that Maxie had been wearing that night. She knew that Maxie had left it as a clue, so they needed to find out where Maxie and Peter had gone.

At the hospital, Austin called Spinelli and explained that Maxie had gone "radio silent," and Laura thought that Spinelli was the best chance of finding Maxie. A few minutes later, Austin thanked Spinelli for locating Maxie's car as he ran through the hospital. He said that he would be on his way and asked Spinelli to call the cops.

A short while later, Austin arrived at the pier, calling out for Maxie. He heard the ship's horn and screamed her name. He pulled out his phone and called the cops. He informed them that there had been a kidnapping, so he needed the cops and the Coast Guard as soon as possible, before the boat got into international waters.

In the car, Maxie asked Peter why they weren't heading back to the pier and the ship. Peter replied that the cops would be checking every ship between there and Canada. He assured her that Port Charles and their past would soon be behind them. Maxie opened her hand to reveal her other earring.


Valentine's Day arrives in Port Charles

Friday, February 11, 2022

by Dan J Kroll

Nina, completely unaware that it was Valentine's Day, dropped by Wyndemere to visit Ava. Ava worried that "something big must have gone down" to make Nina forget what day it was. Nina briefed Ava on the latest news about Peter. Ava wondered if there was anything new between Nina and Sonny. "Why? What have you heard?" Nina asked in somewhat of a panic. Ava chuckled, sipped from her martini, and remarked that there had to have been some new development.

Nina tried unsuccessfully to convince Ava that she had simply dropped by because she enjoyed Ava's company. "Sonny and I slept together, and Carly walked in on us," Nina blurted out. Once the initial shock had worn off, Ava relished the visual of Carly stumbling upon Sonny and Nina in bed. Nina insisted the situation was "100% horrible," but Ava urged her friend to think to the future.

Nina admitted that she wasn't sure that she wanted Sonny's marriage to be over. She also shared that the only reason she and Sonny had had sex was because they had both had believed that Sonny's marriage had been over. Ava instructed Nina to "forget about morality" and make a move on Sonny. Nina insisted that she would not do that and would take time to figure out what was best for Sonny. Ava explained that if the man in question were anyone other than Sonny, she would tell Nina to give the man space. However, Ava noted that Sonny and Carly had survived a lot in their relationship and, in time, could also get past the apparent threat Nina posed.

"I'm in love with a man who I cause nothing but trouble for," Nina grumbled. Ava said that Sonny was probably somewhere nursing his wounds. She urged Nina to be there for him and support him. Nina said she was going to do the right thing, and that was not seeking out Sonny.

At General Hospital, Terry gleefully told Elizabeth that she had a date with a guy she had met on a dating app. While Terry worried that a first date on Valentine's Day was "aggressive," Elizabeth countered that it could also be seen as "insanely romantic." Elizabeth pressed for details, but Terry was called away to check on a patient.

Shortly after Terry left, Finn strolled up to the nurses' station and joked about how uncomfortable it had been to sleep on Elizabeth's couch, a couch he referred to as "a bench." Elizabeth assured Finn that he would not have to sleep on the couch again because it appeared that Peter had skipped town.

Elizabeth admitted to being a bit in a fog. Finn said it was understandable because not only was Elizabeth worried about Maxie, but it was also Valentine's Day and Elizabeth and Franco's anniversary. Elizabeth shared that it meant a lot to her that Finn remembered it was her anniversary.

Amy and Chet approached Elizabeth and Finn to ask if there was any update on Maxie. Chet explained that he had dropped by to help Amy with the clothing donations for veterans in need that had been collected at the hospital. Chet added that he had decided to oversee the donation process because, after the Floating Rib explosion, he was "back down to one job," manager of Volonino's Gym.

When Elizabeth stepped away to check on a patient, Amy wasted no time in asking Finn how things were going between him and Elizabeth. Finn was shocked that Amy knew there was anything going on between him and Elizabeth. Amy smiled and told Finn that everyone in the hospital knew. Chet apologized for his sister's prying, claiming Amy had a "Valentine's bug." Amy said that since she did not have her own romance, she felt compelled to help others with theirs.

Amy expressed her concern that Chet had not been seeing anyone since he'd broken up with his last girlfriend. She insisted that she could find him his soul mate if given the chance. Finn looked around nervously, wished Chet luck, and quickly walked away. "You know I only meddle because I love you, right?" Amy asked perkily.

Elizabeth walked into the locker room and found Terry getting ready for her date. Elizabeth told Terry that she looked beautiful. After a moment of thought, Elizabeth asked Terry how she would know who her date was if she had never seen a photo of the mystery man. Terry explained that the man would be wearing a teal shirt. Terry admitted that she did not have high expectations because "blind dates are statistically disastrous." Elizabeth assured Terry that things would go well.

Terry took a look through a box of things that Elizabeth was planning to donate. She found a blueish-green dress torn to shreds. Elizabeth's eyes widened as she stated that the dress was the one she had worn when she had married Franco. Elizabeth said that she had not looked at the dress in months and had had no idea that it had been destroyed. Terry meekly suggested that moths -- perhaps "razor-toothed moths" -- could have ruined the garment.

Elizabeth wondered if the shredded dress was some sort of omen. Terry offered to cancel her date, but Elizabeth refused to allow her to do that. Elizabeth claimed to have suddenly remembered that she'd noticed a tear in the dress after she'd had it dry cleaned, and she suggested that she just had not noticed the extent of the damage. Terry said that she loved Elizabeth and headed off for her date. Alone, Elizabeth held the torn dressed close to her chest.

Finn entered the locker room and told Elizabeth that he was heading out. He wished her a happy Valentine's Day and walked toward the exit. Elizabeth called out to Finn and asked him to stop. She told him that she thought a quiet pizza night at home with him, the boys, and Violet was just what she needed. "That sounds... perfect," Finn said with a smile. Once Finn had left, Elizabeth once again turned her attention back to the dress.

Taggert met up with Portia in the dining room of the Metro Court so they could discuss Trina's unusual behavior since her return from the weekend getaway. Trina joined her parents a short time later. Taggert proposed a toast to all of Trina's successes. Things were going well until Taggert announced that it was Spencer's loss if he could not see how special Trina was. Portia explained that Trina seemed a bit down since returning from the ski trip. Trina sighed deeply and lamented that her own parents thought she was "pathetic."

Portia and Taggert insisted nothing could be further from the truth. Trina told her parents that they could have asked her how she was feeling rather than arranging a dinner under false pretense. Trina explained that Esme had "pulled a mean girl stunt at the cabin" but that things were better. Portia proffered that Esme felt threatened by Trina.

When Trina stepped away for a moment, Taggert observed that Portia was different and seemed "lighter." Portia said that she believed seeing Curtis had made her a happier person. Portia encouraged Taggert to start dating. Taggert was resistant to the idea, but fortunately, he did not have to object for too long. Portia received a message calling her to the hospital. Portia handed Taggert a card and asked him to give it to Trina for her.

On her way to the elevator, Portia called Curtis to tell him that she had been summoned to the hospital and needed to cancel their date.

When Trina returned, she mused that the only good thing about Portia being called to the hospital was that it had "brought the parental pep talk to an early close." Taggert assured his daughter that he and Portia had meant well. Joanne appeared at the table and dropped off some chocolates. Taggert told Trina that he always had her back -- no matter what. He joked that he also still had a lot of friends at the police department, just in case anyone wronged her.

At the bar of the Metro Court, Carly marveled at how busy things were. Before Joanne could head to the office to do some work, Carly said that she needed a favor. Later, Sam took a seat at the bar, and she and Carly took a few moments to badmouth Peter August.

Sam sensed that Carly wasn't exactly in a Valentine's state of mind and asked her how her evening with Sonny had gone. "I walked in on him in bed with Nina," Carly replied flatly. Sam offered her sympathy, but Carly insisted there was no need for sorrow. Seeing Sonny and Nina together, Carly explained, had given her the "clarity" she'd needed to move forward with her life. Carly said that she would be consulting a divorce attorney as soon as possible. Sam worried that Carly was making a reactionary decision.

"The sooner I put this mess behind me, the better. I really need to get on with my life," Carly snapped as she rose from her chair and started to walk away. Sam understood Carly's feelings, but she repeated her belief that Carly should not be making serious decisions in her state of mind. Sam stepped away when Joanne returned with news that she had been able to get Carly an appointment with a divorce attorney.

Sam eventually returned and warned Carly that Sonny would be hurt when he learned how quickly Carly had decided to pursue a divorce. Sam made it clear that she was indifferent to whether Sonny and Carly stayed together or divorced. Carly insisted that she needed to end her marriage in order to "reclaim" her life. Sam urged Carly to go into her meeting with the attorney with an open mind.

Sam put a wad of cash on the bar to pay for her tab. Carly pushed it away and said that the drinks were on her. Carly admitted that Sam was right about needing to keep an open mind.

Sonny dropped by Charlie's Pub with a bouquet of flowers so that he could check on how Phyllis was doing on the first Valentine's Day since Lenny's death. Phyllis shared that every year, Lenny would give her chocolates, flowers, and a rant about how he did not need "some greeting card company telling him how and when to express his love."

Phyllis asked Sonny if he was still on his meds and how things were going with Carly. Sonny confirmed that he was taking his medicine as instructed, but he and Carly were "as far apart as [they've] ever been." As they sat down at a table, Phyllis tried her best to offer Sonny hope that things between him and Carly could get better. Sonny told Phyllis of the "grand gesture" he had made to show Carly that he cared. Sonny explained that it was difficult for him to shut down the feelings that he had for Nina.

Phyllis inferred that Carly was not okay with Sonny having those feelings. Sonny nodded and wondered if it was time to accept that his marriage was over. Phyllis firmly told Sonny that he had not done everything he could to save his marriage. She pointed out that Sonny had not told Carly that he had gone off his meds. Phyllis told Sonny that marriages were both easy and hard and that someone should not simply throw in the towel when things got difficult.

Sonny's cell phone began to beep. He read the screen and dropped the phone on the tabletop. He told Phyllis that Carly had arranged a meeting with a divorce attorney. Phyllis begged Sonny not to jump to conclusions. Sonny looked at his phone again and realized that Carly had inadvertently scheduled her meeting with the attorney on a shared family calendar. Phyllis offered some encouraging words before getting back to work. Moments later, Nina walked into the pub. She and Sonny locked eyes.

Elsewhere in the pub, Terry looked nervously at the time on her phone as she waited for her date. Moments later, Chet approached and asked if it was okay if he sat at the bar next to Terry. She politely agreed. When Chet unzipped his jacket, Terry noticed that he was wearing a teal shirt.

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