General Hospital Recaps: The week of November 8, 2021 on GH

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Brook Lynn got Gladys to back down, Peter made a mistake, and Ms. Wu called in a favor
General Hospital Recaps: The week of November 8, 2021 on GH

The mystery man spying on Curtis stepped out of the shadows. Austin gave Valentin a warning. Alexis left Spring Ridge. Peter made a mistake. Phyllis agreed to manage Charlie's Pub. Nina Wu asked for Sonny's help. Cam and Josslyn made an important decision. Esme tried to set boundaries with Trina.

Alexis is pardoned; Wu wants the same for her nephew

Alexis is pardoned; Wu wants the same for her nephew

Monday, November 8, 2021

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by CherylPD

Alexis greeted Sam and Diane as they rushed into the all-purpose room at Spring Ridge. Diane announced that Alexis would be going home. Alexis, who had been conversing with Harmony, turned to look at Harmony skeptically. Alexis confirmed that she'd really been pardoned, and Harmony was happy for her. Sam asked if Alexis and Harmony were friends, and Harmony replied that she thought they were. Harmony was aware of what Sam thought of her, and she walked away.

Diane admitted that she couldn't take the credit for the pardon, as it had been all Nikolas' doing. Alexis noted that he had threatened to withhold the pardon if she wouldn't do his bidding. Nikolas arrived, and Alexis continued that he had had Hayden shot. Nikolas argued that it was only Alexis' theory, and she had no proof. He added that Hayden was still alive. Alexis noted that she had refused Nikolas' deal, and she and Sam began to argue with Nikolas. He explained that he had tried to help himself and asked if that had been wrong. "Yes!" exclaimed Alexis and Sam in unison.

Nikolas insisted that he had done a good thing by getting Alexis out of prison, but Alexis retorted that she didn't like the way he had handled it. They continued to argue, and Nikolas revealed that even Spencer didn't want anything to do with him or his money. He blamed Alexis, but she stated that she had merely encouraged Spencer to discover the man that he wanted to be. She had told him to cut out the bad influences from his life.

Nikolas accused Alexis of being sanctimonious, and he walked out. Sam ran after him. Alexis apologized for Sam's cold attitude toward Harmony, but Harmony congratulated Alexis on her release. Alexis admitted that she had a mix of emotions; she was happy but fearful of decisions that she would have to make. She also confessed that she would miss her talks with Harmony. Harmony suggested that Alexis call her, and they could meet for coffee or to talk.

Sam thanked Nikolas for getting Alexis the pardon. The warden arrived and announced that Alexis was free to go.

At Kelly's, Esme continued to talk to Cameron about getting away for a weekend. He suggested Josslyn's family cabin because the price was right, and Esme noted that Spencer was off making things right with his father. Cameron expected Spencer to show up late for work, but Spencer stopped outside and peered through the window. He thought about the conversation he'd had with Nikolas; he had cried that he was no longer Nikolas' son or a Cassadine. He knew that Esme wouldn't be happy to hear it.

Spencer went inside, and Cameron was surprised to see him. Spencer was annoyed that Cameron always expected the worst from him. Esme announced that she and Cameron had been talking about the weekend getaway, and Cameron reiterated that it was okay if it wasn't pricey. Esme received a phone call from Spring Ridge, and she excused herself in order to take it. She mentioned that she had suggested separate rooms for Josslyn and Cameron. Spencer couldn't believe the couple hadn't had sex yet.

Cameron declared that it was none of Spencer's business, although he noted that he and Josslyn had had lots on their plate to deal with. He accused Spencer of judging him, which Spencer denied. He related that things had been very different at boarding school, but he knew that Josslyn wouldn't take something like that lightly. He was only trying to be a friend. Cameron acknowledged that it hadn't happened yet. Esme returned and asked what they were talking about.

Cameron quickly covered and explained that he and Josslyn hadn't been away in a long time. He proceeded to talk about their trip to Niagara Falls that hadn't ended well. Esme asked if he and Trina had been a couple, since Josslyn had been with Oscar. Cameron acknowledged that they were only friends but had gotten close. Esme continued to push for details.

Cameron asked Spencer what had happened with his father, and Spencer revealed that he hadn't apologized. He didn't want any part of Nikolas' money. Esme looked shocked, and Spencer admitted that he had spoken to Trina, who had set him straight. Cameron thought Spencer was crazy, and while Trina usually gave good advice, he didn't agree with her this time. Spencer stressed that he was getting better at his job, but Cameron maintained that the waiter's job would not be enough to support Spencer. He thought that Spencer should beg for Nikolas' forgiveness.

Esme claimed to be supportive of Spencer's decision, and Spencer was surprised. Esme wondered why he'd gone to Trina for advice when Esme was more important to him. Spencer agreed that she was, and he walked to the back to get ready to start work. Cameron acknowledged that Trina was good to talk to, and Esme noted how persuasive she had to have been. She made it her mission to get to know Trina better -- as soon as possible.

Sonny and Carly sat at a table at Metro Court. She was enjoying spending the time together that she'd missed. Sonny made sure to tell her that she was his number one priority. Nina Wu arrived to speak to Sonny. He thanked her for saving Carly and Jason and noted that he wanted to discuss moving forward. He and Ms. Wu went off to a private table, and Sonny told her that she was a trusted ally. Ms. Wu admitted that she had been tired of Novak and Buscema's greed. She also confessed that she had had nothing to do with Joey Novak's beating.

Sonny revealed that Joey wanted out of the mob business, and Sonny intended to take over. He wanted to give Ms. Wu half of the assets as a thank you, and she accepted. Sonny told her to contact him if she ever needed help, but she replied that she considered his debt to be paid. She confessed that she had a favor to ask him. Wu revealed that her nephew was up for parole, and she wanted Sonny to convince the board to grant him the release. She noted that her brother's son had been adopted by the Coopers, but Brad was still her family.

Warily, Sonny closed his eyes and sighed. He noted that Brad had kidnapped his grandson, and his son had grieved. Wu was sorry, and she declared that Brad was, too. He regretted his actions. She wanted Sonny to find it in his heart to grant her and Brad the favor. Sonny stood up and began to pace. He announced that he could not grant the favor because Brad had hurt a lot of people and had had a year to tell the truth. Wu stood and announced that there was nothing more to discuss.

Sonny offered to do something else instead. He wouldn't stop the parole, and he would make sure that Michael didn't pull any strings, either. They would not retaliate if Brad was free, but Brad would have to stay away from Michael and Wiley. Wu wondered if Sonny was speaking for himself or the entire family, and Sonny made it clear that he was in charge. He was speaking for everyone.

Diane joined Carly and mentioned that she was looking for Sonny. Carly explained that he was with Ms. Wu, and they were discussing things "above my pay grade." She noted that Nixon Falls "did a number on us," and she and Sonny knew a lot less about each other than before. They talked about Nina and the charges against her, thanks to Michael, and Carly revealed that she had kept her mouth shut at Sonny's request. Carly grew weepy and spoke of Sonny having a difficult time after learning that she and Jason had almost been together.

Carly went on to say that she no longer had Jason to turn to, and their friendship was on hold. She thought that he had left town not only to help Britt locate Liesl but also to give Carly and Sonny some space. Diane needed to tend to another client, and she noted that she would reschedule time to see Sonny. She told Carly to call her if she wanted to vent.

Carly approached Wu and Sonny as they concluded their conversation. She looked at Sonny questioningly.

On Cassadine Island, Britt asked Peter where Liesl was. Peter noted that she was comfortable and that Jason was alive but not as comfortable. Britt wanted to see her mother, but Peter wanted to reach an understanding. He added that Britt would have to earn the visit, and he reminded Britt that they were family. He thought that Britt should understand him, and he told her that the only way off the island was for her to be by his side.

Peter didn't think that Britt had anything to go back to in Port Charles, but she replied that she was the chief of staff and had friends like Maxie. Peter noted that Maxie had accepted him, also, but Britt snapped that Maxie hated his guts. Her baby had been kidnapped. Peter acknowledged that he was worried about his baby, too. He insisted that Britt would have to be part of his plan, or she would be collateral damage.

Jason and Drew were in chains in a wine cellar. Jason tried to wake Drew up and finally called him to attention. Drew awoke slowly and looked around. "What did I do?" he asked. The last thing that Drew recalled was being in his cell. Jason told him what had happened since then. He explained that Peter had shot Drew three times, and Drew had fallen into the water. Drew noted that he only had one graze wound on his arm, and Jason surmised that Drew had been wearing a bulletproof vest.

Jason guessed that Peter still needed Drew for something. Jason confessed that he had been working with Britt, and Sam had also been in Crete but had returned home with Dante. He divulged that Sam and Dante were together. He filled Drew in on Anna, Robert, and Valentin's presence, also. He added that Drew had had Britt at gunpoint. "You should have just shot me," Drew said. He asked why Jason hadn't done so. Jason explained that Drew's family wanted him back, but Drew proclaimed that Peter was able to activate his conditioning. Jason suggested that they get rid of Peter in order to end that.

Jason continued that Peter had made mistakes, and one was putting the two of them together. Peter had activated Drew when he'd been in his cell alone, but with Jason and Drew together, they could see to it that Peter wasn't in control.

Britt walked in, followed by Peter, who held a gun on her. Drew threatened to kill him, but Peter disagreed that that would happen, though he added that Drew would be killing someone.

Brook Lynn puts her plan to get Gladys to back down in motion

Brook Lynn puts her plan to get Gladys to back down in motion

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

by Dan J Kroll

Maxie and Brook Lynn held a secret meeting at the Quartermaine mansion to discuss their next steps. Brook Lynn motioned for someone to join them. A man, later identified as an actor named Kip, gushed over the "authentic, old-school luxury" of the manse. Kip talked up the acting work had had done previously for Nina and inquired about what the two women needed him to do.

Brook Lynn said that she needed Kip to play her "baby daddy," which meant he needed to act tough and pretend to be madly in love with her. She instructed Kip that he should leave all the talking to her. Kip cleared his throat and repeatedly said "I'll be back" in an accent reminiscent of Arnold Schwarzenegger. Brook Lynn's eyes widened as she told him that he was not to do any accents.

Brook Lynn explained that Kip would only have an audience of one -- Gladys. She said she was confident that Gladys would "fold like a discount lawn chair" after their performance. Kip shared that he was a "method actor" and wanted to know what his motivation was. He leaned in to kiss Brook Lynn, who stepped away from him and demanded to know what he was doing.

Kip was pleased with Brook Lynn's reaction and suggested that they act like a couple that argued and then had "really hot make-up sex." Brook Lynn repeated that she only needed Kip to act like he was trouble for anyone who crossed her. Brook Lynn and Maxie stepped out of the room to discuss whether Kip would help or hurt their plan.

Michael, Willow, and Wiley paid Carly a surprise visit at the Metro Court. Willow suggested that Michael join Carly and Sonny for a private discussion in Carly's office.

In Carly's office, Sonny explained how he preferred to keep Michael separated from his "business" dealings. He stated that he needed to make an exception because Ms. Wu had called in a personal favor. Sonny mentioned that had it not been for Ms. Wu, he would have returned to Port Charles and found that his wife and best friend had been killed in an explosion. Sonny shared that Ms. Wu wanted "some consideration" for one of her family members: Brad Cooper.

Sonny explained that Brad was Ms. Wu's brother's son who had been given up for adoption. Michael stated that Brad would be having a parole hearing soon. He also stated that, as a victim, he intended to speak out against Brad being granted parole. Sonny stated that he had already conveyed that probability to Ms. Wu. However, Sonny said that Michael could not use his influence behind the scenes to block Brad's parole.

Michael was not receptive to the idea, but Sonny reminded Michael that Carly would be dead if Ms. Wu had not intervened. Michael reluctantly agreed. Sonny added that he had also promised Ms. Wu that if Brad were to be granted parole, there would be no retribution against Brad, provided that Brad stayed away from Corinthos family. Michael wasn't pleased that Sonny had made the deal without consulting him, but he begrudgingly agreed to abide by it.

Back in the dining area, Willow and Wiley were seated at a table when Harmony approached them. Willow claimed that her mom was the last person she had expected to see at the Metro Court. Harmony apologized for unexpectedly crossing paths with her daughter and offered to go somewhere else. Harmony was caught off guard when Willow asked her to join Willow and Wiley. Willow briefly filled Harmony in on the changes in her life -- including how she and Chase had parted ways and her reunion with Michael.

Harmony and Willow told Wiley stories about whales, as he had apparently developed an interest in whales after a trip to the aquarium. Harmony reached into her purse and found a piece of candy for Wiley, but Wiley replied that he was not supposed to take candy from strangers. Willow leaned over to her son and explained that "this lady" wasn't a stranger -- she was Willow's mom. Harmony acknowledged that she had not always been a good mom and told Wiley how lucky he was to have two parents that always put him first.

Harmony was on her way out as Michael returned from his meeting. Willow reported that Harmony had been on her best behavior. Asked about his meeting with Sonny and Carly, Michael said that he would tell her all about it later.

Back in Carly's office, Sonny stated that it had been a long time since he had seen "that side" of Michael. Carly said that she was proud of Michael. "He finds an opponent's weakness, and he exploits it," Carly said proudly. Sonny remarked that it was his responsibility to protect the family, not Michael's. Carly shared that things had changed while Sonny had been away. Going back to normal, she added, would be hard because "once the genie is out of the bottle, it's really hard to put it back in."

Gladys gave Austin a bamboo plant as a thank you gift for lifting her spirits after her encounter with Joey Novak at the Savoy. Gladys stated that Joey had "none of the charms of his Uncle Vincent" and expressed her disappointment that Joey was expected to survive the injuries he'd sustained.

Austin downplayed the kindness he had shown Gladys, saying that his small-town upbringing had taught him to be nice to everyone. Gladys told Austin that he did not deserve what Brook Lynn had done to him, but she assured the newly reinstated doctor that Brook Lynn would soon "learn her lesson the hard way [that] you reap what you sow."

After Austin and Gladys had gotten coffee, he led her to a quiet corridor within the hospital that he called his "safe and quiet place." Austin asked Gladys what Brook Lynn had done to her. Gladys replied that she was angry with the way that Brook Lynn was treating "a dear, kind, extremely handsome friend." Austin correctly guessed that Glady was referring to Valentin Cassadine. Austin told Gladys that Brook Lynn had flipped out the other day when he'd told her that Gladys had been visiting Valentin. Gladys asked Austin to join her for drinks at the Metro Court, but Austin explained that he was working. Gladys made Austin promise to give her a rain check.

Brook Lynn arrived at the Metro Court bar just as Gladys was starting a tab, using Brook Lynn's credit card. Gladys said she wanted to discuss the terms of their agreement, but Brook Lynn replied that "Paulie" wouldn't like that. As Gladys was asking who Paulie was, Kip appeared at the bar and snatched the credit card out of Gladys' hand. "Paulie" looked at Gladys, called her blondie, and said that he'd heard Gladys was Brook Lynn's "go-fer." Gladys snapped that she was Brook Lynn's "executive assistant." "Paulie" said that he had heard Gladys had been shaking Brook Lynn for "perks." Brook Lynn repeated that she had advised Gladys to walk away.

As Gladys was preparing to leave, "Paulie" barked for her to sit down. He snarled that Gladys had become a problem for Brook Lynn... which made Gladys a problem for him. "Paulie" then revealed that he was the father of Brook Lynn's baby. Gladys questioned why Brook Lynn would choose a "Jersey Shore wannabe" when she could have her choice of any man. "Paulie" pulled his suit jacket away from his side and revealed a handgun.

Gladys asked "Paulie" if he knew who he was talking to. He replied that he did and asked Gladys if she planned to tell Brook Lynn's Uncle Sonny that she was blackmailing Brook Lynn. "Paulie" slammed his hand down on the marble bar top as he told Gladys that Sonny would squash her like a bug. His hand in obvious pain, "Paulie" stepped away and said that he'd see Brook Lynn later. After he left, Brook Lynn told Gladys to take out her cell phone because she had some deleting to do.

Gladys deleted the audio file from her phone and confessed that she had never made any other copies. She said she'd only claimed to have made copies because that was what happened in the movies. Before leaving, Brook Lynn told Gladys to report for work the next day. Alone at the bar, Gladys guzzled her drink and reached over for the drink that Brook Lynn had left behind.

At General Hospital, Austin bumped into Maxie, who was on her way to the hospital's milk bank to make a donation. Austin expressed his desire to get to know Maxie better, but Maxie rejected the idea and said she would prefer to keep things the way they had been when they'd met in the woods. Austin worried that he might be a "trigger" that reminded Maxie of losing her daughter. Austin suggested that Maxie attend a support group for parents who had lost children. He was confused when Maxie stated that her daughter wasn't lost. Maxie quickly backtracked and said that support groups were typically for parents whose children had died, and she felt it wasn't appropriate for her to attend when Louise was more than likely still alive somewhere.

Later, Maxie found the injured Kip seeking medical assistance. Austin rounded the corner as Maxie was handing Kip a wad of cash to pay for his medical bills.

Peter ushered Britt into the wine cellar where Drew and Jason were being held. Upon seeing Peter, Drew growled that he would kill Peter. Peter laughed evilly and agreed that Drew would be killing someone -- but Peter said it would not be him. Peter then turned his attention to Jason, musing that he and Jason could have been in-laws had Jason not chosen to marry Carly instead of Britt. "Oh, well," Peter said, musing, "At least this way, you won't be making my sister a widow."

Peter's guards entered the room and placed duct tape over Jason's mouth. Peter then instructed the guards to free Drew. Britt asked what Peter was doing, but he replied by telling her to "watch and learn." Peter held up "The Tower" card and told Drew that he was "active."

Peter ordered one of the guards to hold on to Britt. Peter then gave a knife from another guard to Drew and instructed Drew to hold the knife to Jason's throat and await additional orders. Drew complied. When Britt pleaded with Peter not to harm Jason, Peter told Drew to "stand back." Peter smiled sinisterly as he instructed Drew to cut his own arm. Britt cried out in horror as Drew followed orders.

Once Drew was shackled to the wall, Peter flashed "The Chariot" card and instructed Drew to stand down. Peter ordered Britt to patch up Drew's wound. When Britt finished, Peter grabbed her by the arm and led her to the door. Jason barked out that he would find Peter and that their next encounter would end much differently for Peter.

Peter took Britt back to her room. There, Britt congratulated Peter on becoming the man that their father had never thought Peter could be. "I finally stopped running from his legacy and embraced it," Peter declared as he grinned. Peter bragged that it would only be a matter of time before he was reunited with Maxie and the two of them began searching for their daughter together. Britt asked Peter to be realistic, but Peter countered that he was being realistic. He added that he had "other ways" of getting what he wanted.

Back in the wine cellar, Drew realized that he had to have cut himself. Jason told Drew that he knew it would only be a matter of time before Peter tripped up -- and demonstrating how he controlled Drew was just the mistake Jason had been waiting for. Drew told Jason that he would rather "die at [Jason's] hands than have to carry out another of [Peter's] orders." Jason told Drew that it would not come to that because Britt knew what card Peter used to bring Drew out of his altered state.

Curtis averts a crisis -- with some help

Curtis averts a crisis -- with some help

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

by Elisabeth

At Kelly's, Josslyn thanked Trina for dropping off Josslyn's backpack because volleyball practice had run late, and Josslyn hadn't had time to stop off at the dorm. Trina apologized that their dorm was cluttered with photographs for the upcoming exhibit at the gallery, but Josslyn assured her roommate that it was fine because Trina needed a place to focus on her work. Trina was surprised when Josslyn warned that she would be home late, because Trina had assumed that Josslyn intended to spend the night at Sonny and Carly's place. Josslyn clarified that she had plans to hang out with Cam, but Trina didn't understand why Josslyn had asked Trina to pack Josslyn's toothbrush, deodorant, favorite soap, and a sexy pair of underwear -- unless Josslyn and Cam had plans for doing more than studying for midterms.

Josslyn confided that she had plans to lose her virginity to Cam. Trina said she knew it would eventually happen, but she had been under the impression that Josslyn and Cam had wanted to take things slow. It was the not the reaction that Josslyn had expected. Josslyn explained that she and Cam had been letting life dictate their relationship, but Josslyn had suddenly realized that it was time to commit because she and Cam had been missing out on something special. Trina sensed that something else had forced Josslyn's decision because it seemed impulsive. Josslyn told Trina about Esme's suggestion for a weekend getaway and Esme's assumption that Josslyn and Cam would want separate rooms.

Trina was disappointed that Josslyn would lose her virginity because of something that Esme had said. Josslyn insisted that it was about Josslyn and Cam, but Esme had made Josslyn realize that they had waited too long. Trina was skeptical because it seemed more like Josslyn was checking something off a bucket list rather than making an emotional and physical commitment to Cam. Trina wanted Josslyn to focus on what felt right, and to use the things in the backpack only if it was what Josslyn wanted. Josslyn realized the time, and she quickly gathered her things to leave. Josslyn admitted she had asked Trina to drop the backpack off because Josslyn had hoped to talk to her friend.

Josslyn was grateful that she had a friend like Trina. Trina felt the same about Josslyn. Smiling, the two friends exchanged a warm hug.

At the Webber house, Elizabeth arrived home, turned on the lights, and stopped short when Finn, Cam, Aiden, and Violet shouted, "Surprise!" The group wore party hats, and a homemade banner stretched above the mantel reading, "Happy Birthday, Mom." Elizabeth was touched when Cam told her that Jake had taken time out of his trip to Washington to collaborate on the banner. Elizabeth took in the decorations and balloons as she admitted that she couldn't recall the last time her home had looked so festive. Aiden volunteered that it had been when Franco and Elizabeth had celebrated their first wedding anniversary.

Elizabeth's smile faltered, but she quickly recovered when Finn told her that it had been the children's idea to throw a party. Shortly afterwards, Nikolas arrived, followed by Scott. Scott was pleased to see Finn because he had hoped that Finn might persuade his "girlfriend" to give Scott an update on the search for Liesl. Finn quickly clarified that he and Anna were no longer a couple. Scott made an appeal to Nikolas for help, but Nikolas apologized because his contacts in Greece hadn't panned out.

Finn tactfully reminded Scott that it was Elizabeth's birthday party, prompting Scott to apologize for putting a damper on things. Scott admitted that it had been bad enough that he'd parachuted in on her camping trip. Finn smiled as he recalled the near kiss that he had shared with Elizabeth before Scott's unexpected landing. Moments later, Elizabeth's sons carried in the cake that Aiden had baked, and they led the chorus of "Happy Birthday." After Elizabeth blew out the candles, Scott followed Cam to the kitchen. Cam appeared dejected when he overheard Elizabeth ask Finn for a rain check for the concert at the Savoy because Elizabeth was enjoying her birthday party.

When Cam checked his phone, Scott asked if Cam had somewhere to be. Cam confided that he'd been expecting company. Scott quickly figured out what Cam had been planning. Scott knew that losing Franco had forced Cam to grow up faster than most. Cam admitted that it didn't feel right not to have Franco with them. Scott suspected that Cam could use Franco's advice, earning a nod from Cam because Franco had always been good at that. Scott knew that he couldn't replace his son, but he promised to be there for Cam and listen if Cam needed someone to talk to. Unbeknownst to both, Elizabeth stood near the kitchen doorway.

Later, Finn was delighted when Elizabeth announced that she had decided to attend the concert. Nikolas wished his friend a happy birthday as she walked him to the door. As Nikolas left, Josslyn arrived. Elizabeth slipped upstairs to change while Aiden left for a sleepover at a friend's house. When Elizabeth returned to the living room, Violet decided that her father needed to dress up when he dropped her off at home with the babysitter. Scott followed Elizabeth, Finn, and Violet out the door, but he stopped to say Franco would be proud of Cam. Scott shook Cam's hand, passing the young man a condom as he advised Cam to be patient.

At Kelly's, Nikolas found Trina seated at the counter, working on her project for the gallery. They talked about the upcoming exhibit, and Nikolas shared that Ava was proud of Trina. Trina smiled because Ava was a great boss and mentor. The conversation turned to Spencer when Nikolas asked if Trina had convinced his son to relinquish the Cassadine fortune. Trina admitted that she had told Spencer to be his own man rather than a "money-grubbing little phony." Nikolas smiled. "Good for you," Nikolas said.

Nikolas suspected that Trina was the only person who might be able to get through to Spencer, but she made it clear that she was not equipped to take on that task. Nikolas disagreed because she had already been a positive influence on Spencer. Nikolas blamed himself for Spencer's bad choices, but Trina argued that Spencer was responsible for his own choices. Nikolas disagreed because Nikolas hadn't always treated his friends and family well. Nikolas appreciated that Spencer had Trina, and he hoped that Spencer continued to listen to Trina's advice.

At the Savoy, N'Neka restocked the shelves behind the bar with a new shipment of liquor as Curtis stepped out of his office. Curtis broke the news that the band from Detroit had canceled because their booking agent had double-booked them. Worse, every band in a 50-mile radius was unavailable, so there would be no live music that night. Curtis was frustrated because it meant that his customers would be denied great music. Curtis also worried that the nightclub would get a reputation for doing a bait-and-switch.

Just then, Portia arrived, and she had good news. Portia had called in a favor with a patient who was the bass player for a band named "Punchdrunk." Curtis had heard of the band, and he was thrilled that they had agreed to perform at the last minute. Curtis pulled Portia into his arms and kissed her. Curtis and Portia returned to the bar as a customer walked in and ordered a bourbon. It was Linc Brown, Brook Lynn's sleazy ex-music producer. Linc looked forward to Downtown's concert, so Curtis explained that there had been a mix-up, and Punchdrunk would be performing.

Curtis instructed N'Neka to give Linc a drink on the house. Linc thanked Curtis and walked over to a table, while Portia answered her phone. After she ended the call, she broke the news to Curtis that Punchdrunk had canceled because some of the band members had seen online chatter that the Savoy had trouble with the mob. Curtis' frustration resurfaced, especially since he had dealt with the situation between Joey Novak and Carly. Overhearing the exchange, Linc admitted that he had a solution to Curtis' problem because Linc had been traveling with a performer who had intended to attend the concert.

Curtis was skeptical because he worried that the performer might not be the right fit for the Savoy, but Linc suggested that Curtis check out the man's website and listen to the music. Linc offered to accept whatever payment Curtis had intended to pay the original band. Curtis, N'Neka, and Portia listened to a sample of the music and agreed that the performer was up to Curtis' standards.

Later, Linc met with the Black mystery man in an alley. Linc assured the mystery man that the crisis at the Savoy had been averted just as the mystery man had asked. "Are we settled up?" Linc asked.

At General Hospital, Maxie called out a greeting when she saw Sam seated near the nurses' station. Maxie was curious what Sam was doing at the hospital, so Sam explained that Alexis had been released from prison. Maxie was happy for Sam, and the conversation quickly shifted to Sam's trip. Maxie was surprised when Sam revealed that Dante had accompanied Sam, especially since Greece was outside of Dante's jurisdiction. Maxie wondered if Sam and Dante were friends -- or an item.

Sam admitted that she and Dante cared about each other and might have a future together, but it was still very early in the relationship. Maxie said she would never have predicted sparks would fly between Sam and Dante, but then again, Maxie hadn't seen that Peter was a monster or that Maxie would be separated from Louise. Sam thought it had been an interesting comparison to make, lumping Sam dating Dante in with two negative things. Sam asked if Maxie had a problem with Sam dating Dante because Dante had been married to one of Maxie's best friends.

Maxie promised that she had merely been trying to make a point that life could be unexpected and hard, so it was nice that Sam had someone there to help her through the rough patches. Maxie insisted that she would never begrudge Sam of someone like that. Grateful, Sam thanked and hugged Maxie. Suddenly, Maxie recalled Sam confiding about a guy who had kissed Sam. Maxie wondered if Dante had been the man, but Sam decided to go find her mother.

Elsewhere in the hospital, Dante was startled when he bumped into Alexis. Alexis revealed that she had been at an A.A. meeting, but Dante was confused because she wasn't at Spring Ridge. Alexis explained that she'd been granted a pardon by the governor, but she assured Dante that she had not petitioned for it. Alexis filled him in about Nikolas' efforts to secure her release, even though Alexis believed that she should have served her full sentence. Dante reminded Alexis that when he had testified at her hearing, he had only asked for her to take responsibility for what she had done.

Alexis promised that she had tried, but Dante insisted that she had succeeded because she had pleaded guilty, accepted her sentence, and helped out several prisoners, including Shawn. Alexis argued that she hadn't served out her full sentence, but Dante pointed out that it had been out of her hands. Dante wondered when Alexis would stop carrying around the burden of guilt on her back.

Later, Maxie ran into Dante. She told him about her talk with Sam, and she asked how things were going with him. Dante conceded that it was still early in the relationship, but it hadn't been easy. Maxie reminded him that making the decision to move on never was, but she pointedly assured him that anyone who loved him would be happy for him.

At Charlie's Pub, Nina approached the bar and ordered a drink. Shawn smiled when he saw Nina, and the two struck up a conversation. Shawn was surprised to see the editor-in-chief of Crimson at the pub, so she admitted that she was persona non grata at Metro Court and a pariah everywhere else. It was the price that she had to pay for choosing to remain in Port Charles. When Nina asked about Shawn, he assured her that his family was fine, but it had been tough for him, trying to figure out his future. Nina empathized, so Shawn reminded her that there was no rule that said what had been lost was lost forever.

Outside, Phyllis asked what she and Sonny were doing at the bar. Sonny promised that Phyllis would soon find out as he escorted his friend inside, but their smiles faded when they saw Nina and Shawn at the bar. Phyllis asked if Sonny wanted to leave, but he told her that he was fine and switched gears by asking what Phyllis thought of the place. Phyllis liked the energy, which pleased Sonny. He announced that he had bought the bar.

Phyllis congratulated Sonny, but she worried that Sonny might be trying to recreate his experience at the Tan-O. Sonny assured her that she was wrong because the Tan-O had been irreplaceable. However, he hoped that she saw the potential in the pub, because he wanted Phyllis to manage the place. Sonny insisted that Phyllis was a miracle worker with a bar. Phyllis knew exactly what Sonny was up to; he hoped to distract Phyllis and offer her an opportunity to feel vital again.

Sonny assured Phyllis that she had always been vital, but she admitted that she had felt disconnected ever since Lenny had died, even when the Tan-O had burned down. Sonny thought it was normal for Phyllis to feel like that. Phyllis realized that both she and Sonny were navigating new lives, but he reminded her that his new life had been his old life. Phyllis wondered how he had been handling the transition, so Sonny admitted that it would be better if she would accept his offer. Phyllis decided to freshen up and see if the bartender was as good at the one at the Tan-O had been.

At the bar, Nina lamented that she had lost the love, trust, and friendship of someone she had cared deeply about, and she didn't see that changing anytime soon. Shawn cautioned Nina to never say never, but he could always use a friend. Nina advised him to reconsider because he was connected to one of the people that she had wronged. Her eyes slid to Sonny. Moments later, she excused herself to use the restroom.

Sonny seized the opportunity to greet Shawn. The two men exchanged pleasantries, and Sonny invited Shawn to ask Sonny if there was anything that Shawn needed. Shawn appreciated the offer, but he had a few good prospects.

Meanwhile, Nina greeted Phyllis, and Phyllis told Nina about Sonny's offer. Nina hoped that Phyllis decided to take Sonny up on managing the bar because Nina wanted Phyllis to remain in Port Charles. Nina admitted that Phyllis made everything better with sheer faith and tenacity. Phyllis knew that Nina was facing daunting challenges, and she encouraged Nina to keep putting one foot in front of the other. Phyllis promised that one day, Nina would look up and realize how far she'd gone.

Sonny joined the ladies as Nina asked if Phyllis intended to take Sonny up on the offer. Phyllis smiled at Sonny. "The answer is -- yes," Phyllis said. Sonny and Nina were overjoyed, and Sonny was eager for Phyllis to start. Phyllis needed some time alone to share the news with Lenny. After Phyllis left, Nina praised Sonny for making the right decision. Sonny appreciated Nina's insight because Phyllis would not have accepted a gift on the magnitude of a bar.

Nina realized that Sonny cared as much about the people he loved as "Mike" had. Just then, Shawn stopped to give Nina his phone number if she needed someone to talk to and to say goodbye to Sonny. After Shawn left, Nina admitted that the Tan-O had been magical. Sonny was confident that the same magic would strike Charlie's Pub. Nina smiled wistfully as she confessed that she missed the Tan-O. "The best place on earth," Sonny said.

Cam and Josslyn make an important decision

Cam and Josslyn make an important decision

Thursday, November 11, 2021

by Elisabeth

In Valentin's hospital room, Valentin noticed that Austin was in a cheerful mood for someone who had lost his shares of the Quartermaine fortune. Austin recalled that his father had warned him not to tangle with the Quartermaines, but Austin didn't have any regrets except that he had nearly lost his medical license. As Austin closed the door for privacy, he asked if Valentin's eyes were open. Valentin frowned, but he assured Austin that nothing the Quartermaines did surprised him. Austin pointed out that Brook Lynn had managed to blackmail Valentin in exchange for access with "Bailey." Valentin agreed, but he had no regrets.

Austin admitted that he was mystified how Valentin could claim that he was wise to the Quartermaines' ways. Austin explained that he suspected that Brook Lynn had played Valentin. Valentin wanted details, but Austin advised Valentin to talk to Gladys because she had all the answers that Valentin needed. Valentin recalled Gladys' recent visit and how Brook Lynn had chased the woman out of his hospital room. Austin was curious if Valentin had asked himself what Gladys had wanted to tell Valentin. Valentin pointed out that he'd been headed into surgery at the time, but Austin had piqued Valentin's interest.

Austin revealed that Gladys had been running around town, using Brook Lynn's corporate credit card for "decidedly un-corporate" things including buying Austin drinks. Austin confided that Gladys had let it slip that Brook Lynn had been pulling a scam on Valentin, but Gladys hadn't elaborated. However, she had invited Austin out for drinks. Austin had needed to turn Gladys down because he'd been working, but all his calls to Gladys since had gone unanswered. Austin suspected that Brook Lynn had either terrified "the poor woman," or Brook Lynn had paid Gladys to keep her mouth shut.

Valentin was curious what Austin hoped to gain. Austin admitted that Brook Lynn's misery would be a joy to watch. If Valentin wanted to pay Austin back, Austin asked that right after Valentin gave Brook Lynn what she richly deserved, Valentin let her know that Austin had sent his regards.

At the Webber house, Cam was in the kitchen, listing the different types of salt available to him and Josslyn. He assured Josslyn that he was prepared. His smile faded when he looked at the condom packet that Scott had given him earlier.

In the living room, Josslyn was on the phone with Trina. She made it clear that she hadn't changed her mind about sleeping with Cam, but she couldn't find her favorite lip gloss. Josslyn walked over to her purse to check, but instead, she pulled out several packets of condoms. Josslyn quickly told Trina that she had found what she had been looking for and ended the call.

Back in the kitchen, Cam grew frustrated when he realized that he had burned the popcorn. After he tossed the popcorn into the garbage, he looked around for something else to serve to Josslyn. His eyes landed on a bag of pretzels. Moments later, he entered the living room with the bowl of pretzels while Josslyn applied lip gloss. He hoped that Josslyn didn't mind, but she thought popcorn was overrated. The two settled on the sofa and snuggled.

A short time later, Cam's phone chimed with a text message. Cam ignored it, but Josslyn checked to see who had sent him a text message. It was Spencer asking for help with the register. Annoyed, Cam grumbled that Spencer was too focused on Esme. He turned off the phone. Josslyn took the opportunity to ask if Cam liked Esme. Cam didn't have a strong opinion about Esme one way or another, which surprised Josslyn. She thought that Cam had picked up on Esme's "I'm from Europe, I'm worldly" attitude.

Josslyn accused Esme of being a complete fake, and she questioned why she would want to go on a weekend getaway with someone condescending like Esme. Cam assured Josslyn that they didn't have to go, but Josslyn disagreed because she was certain that Esme wouldn't leave them alone if they stayed home. Cam admitted that he didn't really think about Esme -- or what she thought of them. Cam only thought of Josslyn. Smiling, Josslyn kissed him.

Cam and Josslyn stretched out on the sofa as the kiss turned to passion. Josslyn jumped when Cam's hand slid to her waist because it was cold. Cam apologized, and he offered to stop. Josslyn kissed him, but she soon began to squirm when she felt something poke her. It was a wooden spoon that had been wedged between the cushions. Cam apologized and suggested that they take things to the bedroom. Josslyn agreed, but they froze in their tracks when they saw headlights pull into the driveway. It was someone turning around.

Cam asked if Josslyn was okay because he sensed that something was off. Josslyn tried to dismiss it, but Cam refused to let her. He assured Josslyn that he wanted to be with her, but he didn't think she was ready. Josslyn was embarrassed because she had been the one to push for their night together, only to put the brakes on. She didn't want to disappoint him, but Cam reminded her that she was allowed to change her mind.

Josslyn blamed it on being in college and Esme -- who had never missed an opportunity to flaunt how advanced she was compared to Josslyn. Josslyn admitted that her competitive nature had kicked in, and a part of her had wanted to keep up, while another part had just wanted to "get it out of the way." She promised Cam that she understood that it wasn't about winning, and she didn't want her first time to be about Esme or any of the girls at Port Charles University who were having sex. She wanted it to be about her and Cam. Cam assured Josslyn that she was the only girl he wanted. He had waited years to hold her hand, so he could wait a little longer for their first time because it would be worth it.

At the Jerome Gallery, Ava wrapped up a call with the photographer who had agreed to an exhibit at her gallery. Ava's good mood turned to horror when she saw Scott adjust one of the paintings on the wall. She quickly realized that he was drunk, so she guided him to a chair and offered to fetch a bottle of water to help Scott sober up. Scott complained that nothing could help him, not even his "so-called" friends. Hurt, Ava promised that she was his friend.

"How are you going to help me bring Liesl home?" Scott asked. Ava fetched Scott a cup of coffee. Scott declined the coffee because he had no desire to be sober, but Ava argued that he would be of no use to Liesl if his mind was like Swiss cheese. Scott grumbled that he was useless because he hadn't been able to keep Liesl from being whisked off to parts unknown. Ava insisted that none of it had been Scott's fault, and he should be glad that he was alive because it meant that he could work to bring Liesl home.

Scott argued that all of his efforts had failed, even the reward he had put up. The only thing that Scott had succeeded in doing was losing Britt, just as he had lost Liesl. Scott regretted enlisting Jason's help. Ava assured Scott that there could be any number of reasons that both Jason and Britt had dropped off the radar. Scott agreed, but none of the reasons were good. Scott was certain that if Liesl returned, she would be furious with him for letting something happen to Britt.

Ava reminded Scott that Britt was a grown woman, but Scott argued that Ava didn't get it because Liesl and Scott were in love with each other. His one job had been to protect Britt, but he had failed. Ava took pity on Scott. She confided that the WSB knew more than they had let on to the public because they had captured a man who had information on Peter. Stunned, Scott wondered why he hadn't been told. Ava explained that the man was dangerous and had committed acts of espionage, but he wanted to cut a deal in exchange for the information on Peter.

Ava revealed that the WSB preferred to prosecute their prisoner rather than work with him. Scott begged Ava to help him, and he reminded her that Liesl's life was at stake. Ava relented. She revealed that the prisoner was Nikolas' uncle -- Victor Cassadine. Scott realized Nikolas hadn't helped because Nikolas had been protecting Victor. When Scott angrily accused Ava of protecting Nikolas, Ava realized that she had been played. Scott had not been drunk.

Scott didn't regret deceiving Ava because it had been necessary to get to the truth. Furious, Ava ordered Scott to leave. Scott admitted that if the shoe had been on the other foot, he would have done exactly what Ava had. "Isn't life -- and love -- all grand?" Scott asked.

At Charlie's Pub, Sonny stood behind the bar while Nina was perched on a stool and sipping a glass of wine. Sonny asked about Nina and Shawn, but she insisted that she and Shawn barely knew each other. Nina explained that she and Shawn had been chatting because they had something in common. Shawn had gone to prison for Sonny, and she might go to prison for what she had done to Sonny. Sonny told Nina that she was getting ahead of herself because she hadn't even gone to trial, much less been convicted.

Nina wondered what would have happened if her brother hadn't died, if her child hadn't been taken, or if she had been able to find Nelle before Nelle had spiraled out of control and it had been too late to save her. Nina also wondered what might have been if she had told the truth when she had first found Sonny in Nixon Falls or if "'Mike' and I had..." Sonny warned Nina that it was a waste of time to speculate because the past could not be changed. However, a lot could happen before Nina's trial. Sonny suggested that the district attorney might decide the case was not worth prosecuting or the conviction would not give him the headlines he hoped for.

Sonny believed there was also a possibility that the charges could be dropped. Nina advised Sonny to stop because he might make her feel better, but Sonny didn't think she needed his help because she was perfectly capable of doing that for herself. Nina smiled because some things never changed. "Mike" had always been full of advice, whether she had wanted to hear it or not. Sonny looked uncomfortable, prompting Nina to change the subject to Phyllis managing Charlie's Pub and staying in town.

Nina was disappointed that she would have to find a new watering hole because she had promised to stay out of Sonny's life. Sonny decided to amend the rules because Phyllis belonged in Port Charles and should feel free to see whoever she wanted. "Even if that means you have to breathe the same air as me?" Nina asked. Sonny reiterated that he expected Nina to stay away from Carly and to abide by Michael's wishes in regard to Wiley. Nina assured Sonny that she understood his terms, but she hadn't expected that the rules would be changed so quickly or in her favor. Sonny insisted that he had done it for Phyllis.

After Sonny left, Scott entered and apologized to Nina for being late. He confided that he had a lead on Liesl, but Nina worried that Scott would take matters into his own hands like Britt had done. She urged Scott to go to the WSB. Scott explained that he would, but he couldn't afford to make any mistakes. Scott shifted gears to strategize on Nina's case because he believed the best defense was a good offense. He suggested that Nina assert her legal rights to Wiley to force Sonny and Michael to back off. Nina refused, and she pointed out that Michael -- not Sonny -- had persuaded the district attorney to file charges.

Scott argued that Michael took his cues from "Don Vito." Nina conceded that it had been true at one time, but Nixon Falls had changed Sonny.

At the Savoy, Curtis was pleased with the turnout, and he thanked Linc for the save. When Portia arrived, she happily reported that there was a line wrapped around the block. Portia was certain that Curtis had a hit on his hands.

Nearby, Elizabeth appreciated that Finn had gone all out for her birthday. Finn smiled and told her that she deserved it and much more. Touched, Elizabeth admitted that it was nice to be an adult and out of the house. It was also good for Cam because he and Josslyn could study for midterms and have the place to themselves. After Finn stepped away, Portia stopped by the table to check on her friend.

Elizabeth happily filled Portia in about the surprise birthday party, and she gushed that Finn had topped things off with a concert that she was excited to see. Still, Portia imagined that it took getting used to going out without Franco and being out with Finn instead. Elizabeth explained that Finn was a really good friend, but Portia had seen Elizabeth and Finn together at the hospital. According to Portia, Elizabeth smiled and seemed happy, but there were times when Elizabeth looked hesitant and not ready to move on. Elizabeth recalled the near kiss that she had shared with Finn during their camping trip.

Elizabeth confessed there were times when she felt overwhelmed. Portia told Elizabeth that if it didn't feel right to be out -- with or without Finn -- then Elizabeth should go home. Portia was certain that Finn would understand better than anyone that there was no timetable for grief. Portia wanted Elizabeth to do what was best for Elizabeth, even if that meant leaving. Much later, Curtis promised to send over a bottle of Champagne to the table to celebrate Elizabeth's birthday. Elizabeth was hesitant, but Finn insisted that Elizabeth deserved it.

At another table, Michael, Willow, and Carly looked forward to the show. Carly thanked her son for scoring the tickets. Michael revealed that Aurora had given Curtis a discount on advertising when he had opened the Savoy, and in return, Curtis had given Michael the tickets. Willow was excited to hear "Phideaux" perform. When Michael wondered why Sonny and Carly hadn't gotten tickets, Carly admitted that she had been reluctant to ask Curtis because of the fiasco with Joey Novak.

Later, Carly pulled Curtis aside to clear the air. Curtis assured Carly that she was welcome at the Savoy. Pleased, Carly promised Curtis that Sonny had handled things with Joey, and there wouldn't be any more problems.

Meanwhile, Willow offered to shout from the top of the table that she loved Michael. Michael appreciated the gesture, but he assured her that it wasn't necessary. Willow conceded that she and Michael might not always agree, but she would always love him. She promised that she was there for the long haul. Michael liked the sound of that. Moments later, Carly returned. Carly hadn't been able to reach Sonny, but she was confident that he would join them soon.

Sometime later, Sonny arrived. He apologized to his wife for being late. Carly asked if everything was okay, but Curtis took to the stage to introduce Phideaux.

Elsewhere, Brook Lynn was surprised when she saw Chase and noticed his black T-shirt and jeans. She joked that he was wearing the Jason Morgan fall line, so Chase explained that he was working private security to make up for the overtime pay he had been missing by playing "desk jokey." Chase took the opportunity to ask Brook Lynn to stop being Maxie's guard dog because he needed help persuading Maxie to cooperate. Chase explained that Maxie might have a key bit of evidence and not even realize it. He feared that Louise might never return home if Maxie continued to avoid his questions. Brook Lynn agreed to talk to Maxie, but she couldn't make any promises.

The conversation shifted when Chase pointed out that Brook Lynn was more powerful than she gave herself credit for because she had once enjoyed a girls' night out and later that night given birth to Bailey. Brook Lynn became uncomfortable with the direction of the conversation when Chase recalled bonding with Yuri as they had put the crib together. Brook Lynn remembered sabotaging the crib to keep Yuri distracted while she had slipped out. Chase frowned when Brook Lynn turned defensive and complained about Yuri stepping out of line if he had suggested that it had been her fault that the crib had been missing some of its parts.

Brook Lynn's mood darkened when Linc approached her. Chase recognized Brook Lynn's ex-music producer because he had arrested him. She demanded to know what Linc was doing there, so Linc revealed that he was there for the show. Chase warned Linc to stay away from Brook Lynn. Nearby, Curtis saw the tense encounter. Curtis waited until Chase was alone to ask about Linc. Chase revealed that Linc and Brook Lynn had history.

Curtis made a point of seeking out Brook Lynn. He admitted that he had seen the tense encounter, and he apologized if Linc had bothered her. Curtis offered to refund Brook Lynn's ticket, but she assured Curtis that it was fine.

At Finn and Elizabeth's table, he checked to make certain that she was having a good time. He knew that it had been a difficult birthday for her. Elizabeth assured Finn that he had made it special for her.

Nearby, Carly asked Sonny how things had gone with Phyllis. Sonny filled her in. Carly looked forward to getting to know Phyllis.

At the bar, Portia was amazed by Phideaux's performance, and she noticed that everyone had been having a good time. Curtis admitted that he was troubled. He told Portia about Brook Lynn's encounter with Linc. Curtis suspected that Linc's appearance at the Savoy had not been a coincidence.

Chase voices his suspicions of Brook Lynn

Chase voices his suspicions of Brook Lynn

Friday, November 12, 2021

by CherylPD

At Kelly's, Sonny congratulated Spencer on his new job, although Spencer proceeded to put himself down. They sat down at a table, and Sonny made it clear that he was proud of Spencer for having renounced his inheritance and all things Cassadine. Spencer confessed that a friend of his had called him out after he had almost changed his mind and apologized.

Sonny maintained that Spencer's life was at Kelly's because of the decisions he'd made. He wanted Spencer to own up and then think about his future. Spencer acknowledged that he'd made a mistake, and he had been "manning up" to it. Sonny pointed out that Spencer had broken Sonny's trust, and he wanted the teen to stop looking for shortcuts. He wanted Spencer to get used to the idea of working hard. Sonny suggested that Spencer apologize to Ava because he'd hurt a lot of people, and Spencer couldn't "excuse it away." He couldn't help if Spencer didn't realize that.

Maxie stopped by to say hello to Austin at the hospital, but he was short with her and indicated that he'd had a bad night. Chase approached them and asked to talk to them about Louise. He wanted to speak to the people who had been present the night of Louise's birth. Maxie was rude to Chase and accused him of allowing his personal feelings toward Austin to get in the way. She threatened to complain to Mac. Austin was ready to talk to Chase, who insisted that he'd just thought it would be a good idea. Maxie indicated that she would stay by Austin's side during questioning in order to keep Chase in line.

As Valentin lay in bed and recalled his conversation with Austin regarding Gladys, she walked in and complimented Valentin. He returned the favor and urged her to stay and entertain him. Gladys closed the door and sat down. Valentin wanted a story, and when Gladys began to talk about co-workers of hers, Valentin interrupted. He wanted something different, and he assumed that she knew "where all the bodies are buried."

Gladys laughed and agreed that she was privy to sensitive information. She suggested that Valentin look for a new assistant if he was not well informed. Valentin reminded her that she had had something to tell him on her last visit until Brook Lynn had interrupted her. Gladys insisted that it hadn't been important, and she couldn't tell him because someone would be hurt. Valentin continued to press, but Gladys refused to answer. Valentin told her that he could be a generous person -- or uncharitable if someone crossed him.

Gladys accused Valentin of threatening her. He replied that he didn't want to, but it was her last chance. Gladys urged him not to trust Brook Lynn. Valentin was disappointed, but they were interrupted when Chase appeared. Gladys took the opportunity to flee. Chase asked Valentin how well he knew Austin, but Valentin replied that Austin had been genuinely concerned about Louise's disappearance. He didn't know a lot about him.

Chase knew that Brook Lynn had missed Valentin at home, but Valentin responded that she had seemed "frazzled" to him. Chase thought she had been stressed out, even more so after she'd seen Linc the previous evening. Chase remarked that he'd had to run interference. Valentin mentioned the night that Brook Lynn had given Yuri the slip and had given birth in a hotel room. She had made sure to be alone.

Austin berated Maxie for giving Chase a hard time, but she exclaimed that she was tired of people not trusting Austin. He appreciated it and called after Gladys when they spotted her by the elevator. Gladys gruffly replied that she had had a bad morning, and Austin offered to help. Maxie wondered if Brook Lynn was aware that Gladys wasn't at the office, and Gladys told Maxie off before stepping onto the elevator. Maxie hadn't been aware that Austin knew Gladys, and he explained how they'd met at the bar. Gladys had appeared to have a need to talk to someone.

Maxie warned Austin to "steer clear" of Gladys, but Austin thought it was ironic that Maxie was friends with Brook Lynn. He hadn't said anything about that, and he wanted the same courtesy. Maxie insisted that Gladys was "shady," but Austin snapped that at least she was "up-front" about it.

Portia arrived at the Savoy and greeted Curtis with a kiss. They talked about the previous evening's entertainment, although Curtis disclosed that he believed he had some unwanted help to get rid of. He thought that Linc had been sent as a "front" and that someone wanted him to owe Linc a favor. He was worried that it could be the mob. Portia pointed out that the club had been a new start for Curtis, but it was worrisome if there could be danger back in his life. Curtis mentioned that he'd left a message for Linc.

Portia noted that Curtis couldn't have protection from Jason and Sonny because that would still be mob-connected. Curtis called Portia his biggest cheerleader, and he vowed to stop anyone who might be trying to take what was his. Portia spotted the drawing of the mystery man and revealed that she had a feeling about him. Curtis didn't know if the man was related to the mob in some way. Portia received a reminder that it was time to leave for work, and she warned Curtis to be careful. He helped her with her coat, and they kissed goodbye.

Linc returned Curtis' call and congratulated him on the previous evening. Curtis invited Linc to stop by to discuss a future partnership. When Linc arrived, Curtis explained that he wanted his club to be number one for live music, and he wondered if Linc could be trusted. He wanted to know who Linc did business with. Linc retorted that he couldn't do business with someone who didn't trust him, but he admitted that he had owed an anonymous party a favor.

Curtis wondered if it was the mob, but Linc quickly replied that it wasn't. Curtis showed him the drawing and asked if Linc knew the man. Linc looked at him without responding. "I'll take that as a yes," Curtis said. Curtis grabbed Linc's coat and angrily demanded information. "Let him be!" the mystery man shouted loudly. He ordered Linc to leave. "I'm the one you want, my man," the man told Curtis.

Trina and Ned discussed the Project Ark exhibit at the art gallery. Ned was proud that ELQ was involved, and Trina assumed that Olivia would be thrilled about what Ned had done. After Ned departed, Esme showed up to announce that she and Spencer would be there for the opening. She and Trina discussed the rest of their plans for the evening, and Esme wanted to know what was going on between Trina and Spencer. Trina said nothing, but Esme pointed out that Spencer had given up his trust fund because of Trina.

Trina maintained that Spencer made his own decisions, and she had merely given him advice. "Are you trying to steal my boyfriend?" Esme demanded to know. Trina insisted they were friends, but Esme felt that a discussion with Spencer about his inheritance and father had been too intimate. She coolly suggested that next time, Trina would have to remind Spencer that certain topics were off-limits for friends of opposite sexes. Trina retorted that she would have to "agree to disagree" because she would always help a friend.

Trina excused herself to go into the back for work, but when she returned, Esme was still there. Esme hoped that Trina would think about what she'd said, and she wished Trina well for the exhibit's opening. After she walked out, Esme opened her hand and looked down. Her clenched fist had drawn blood from her fingernails.

Ned and Brook Lynn sat at a table at the bistro. Brook Lynn wanted to talk about ELQ business, and she remarked that with Austin out of the picture, Valentin remained a major threat. Ned remarked that the man was still in the hospital, but Ned would contact Michael. He revealed that he'd seen Olivia and Robert kissing. He had reacted jealously, and he'd punched Robert. His marriage was over.

Brook Lynn didn't sympathize but reminded Ned that all relationships had problems. Ned stated that he'd suggested a specialist for Leo, but Olivia had shut him out. He loved the little boy, and he was trying to help. Brook Lynn thought that any mother's first reaction would be to be scared, and she thought that Ned should try listening. When Ned remarked that Olivia had run off to Robert, Brook Lynn replied that Olivia was Ned's wife, not Robert's. Ned didn't think he had a chance if he and Olivia couldn't agree. He wondered if Olivia no longer had the heart to try to save their marriage.

At the Quartermaine mansion, Robert arrived as Olivia was eyeing the new painting from Ned. She hugged Robert hello, and he proclaimed that their kiss had been anything but meaningless. Olivia eyed his bruise, courtesy of Ned, as Robert continued that they were good friends, although there had been an attraction that couldn't be denied. He noted that Olivia had always seemed to be drawn to him whenever she and Ned had been having issues.

Olivia declared that she was tired of fighting, and she only wanted to be happy. They sat on the sofa, and Robert assured her that she wouldn't find what she was looking for with him. He felt that Olivia was only drawn to his career's adventure and danger, and she saw him as a hero. Olivia disagreed and insisted that she saw him as a real person. She wanted a partner by her side, and she couldn't rely on Ned.

Olivia went on to recite all the times that she'd felt alone, and she accused Ned of not being able to take her side with Leo. Robert thought that Olivia was scared about Leo, and he wondered if Ned had been thinking the same thing. He asked what would happen if Ned had been right about Leo. If Ned had been wrong, then he would back off. Olivia replied that she would do anything for Leo, and Robert asked what she would do if she'd been the one who'd been wrong. He thought that she could look like a hero. Olivia agreed it no longer sounded threatening.

Robert promised to always be there for Olivia, and he embraced her as Ned walked in. Robert hastily took his leave, and Olivia remarked that they had just been "clearing the air." Ned showed her some material from the gallery exhibit, and he invited her to the opening. Olivia perked up when she saw that ELQ had been involved in matching donations to the animal shelter. Ned had known the animals were important to Olivia, and she was touched.

Sonny left Kelly's and ran into Brook Lynn. They made small talk about "Bailey" as Gladys observed unseen. Gladys smiled broadly when Brook Lynn spotted her. Sonny invited Brook Lynn to visit the house with the baby. Gladys revealed herself to Sonny excitedly and accused him of avoiding her. Sonny wanted to know why she'd told Cyrus about Dev, and she replied that it had come up in conversation. Sonny took off. "Did you really think Sonny would side with you over me?" Brook Lynn asked.

Gladys announced that she had not revealed any secret, and Brook Lynn reminded her that Paulie would be "pissed" if she did. Chase appeared and asked who Paulie was. Gladys headed into Kelly's, and Brook Lynn replied that she and Gladys had been discussing Deception business. She berated Chase for sneaking up on her. Chase demanded to know why she had been lying about the night of "Bailey's" birth.

Back at the hospital, Valentin placed a call to Yuri. He claimed that Brook Lynn needed to be protected from Peter, and he wanted Yuri to keep an eye on her. He wanted every detail of Brook Lynn's comings and goings.

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