General Hospital Recaps: The week of September 8, 2008 on GH

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General Hospital Recaps: The week of September 8, 2008 on GH

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General Hospital Recaps: The week of September 8, 2008 on GH

Monday, September 8, 2008

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by Boone

At the hospital, Robin started having contractions. While Liz and Patrick got Robin settled in a wheelchair, Mac fretted to Anna. He worried that Patrick was stressing Robin out by pressuring her to get married. Mac had a pessimistic attitude and feared Robin would lose the baby or that it would be born with HIV. Anna comforted him.

Robin and Patrick made a plan about what they would do for their daughter if she were born early, but they were relieved when Kelly told them that Robin was not in labor but having Braxton-Hicks contractions, which, Kelly pointed out, were perfectly natural. She told Robin that as long as she relaxed and avoided unnecessary stress, there was no reason that she could not carry her baby to term.

After Patrick and Kelly went back to work, Anna visited. She, too, was relieved that Robin was not in labor. Robin told Anna that she was treating the incident like practice for the real thing. Robin said she was overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support she had. A tearful Anna apologized for being an overbearing mother who always knew what was right for her child. She told Robin that she would stop pressuring Robin to marry Patrick, but she would reserve the right to hover. Robin told Anna that she hoped she could be even half as good a mother to her child as Anna had been to her.

Later, when Patrick checked on Robin, he told her that he loved her and he did not want to apply any more pressure on her. He told her that he would stop his campaign to get her to agree to marriage and that he would be content to raise their child and be with her in any way she chose. Robin told Patrick that she loved him, too. And when he told her again that he would not suggest marriage again, a look that might have been regret flashed across her face.

Jax confronted Carly, who admitted that she had slept with Sonny. As Jax paced the living room enumerating her betrayals, Carly tried to explain. She answered all of his questions honestly. Jax figured out that the reason that Carly had not been excited about her potential pregnancy a few months earlier was because the child could have been Sonny's.

Carly kept telling Jax that she loved him and Jax told her that he felt like a jackass. Carly said that since the day that Jax had told her that he loved her, her greatest fear was that she would do something so horrible that he would stop loving her. She begged him to give her another chance. She promised that she and Sonny were over. Jax did not see it that way. When Jax admitted that he still loved Carly and always would, he asked what she wanted of him. She told him she wanted his forgiveness and his agreement that they could get past the hurt. She begged him to be the one not to leave, the one who could love her despite her flaws and weaknesses.

A tight-lipped Kate bearded Sonny in his den. In a very quiet voice, she demanded to know if Sonny had slept with Carly. Sonny blanched, but admitted that he had. As Sonny tried to explain that it would never happen again, Kate told Sonny about all the people who had warned her that Sonny shared a bond with Carly that could not be broken.

Sonny responded that his relationship to Carly was unhealthy and brought out the worst in him. Kate, on the other hand, brought out the best. He said that he realized that after having grief sex with Carly. He also told Kate that he had signed away the rights to his children that night. Though Sonny denied it, Kate assumed the worst about Carly, that she had used sex to get Sonny to give up his kids.

Sonny begged Kate to forgive him. Kate asked Sonny to look her in the eyes and swear that he would never go back to Carly. Sonny did and it appeared at first that Kate would forgive him. Instead she said she could never trust him and left him alone at home.

Sonny went driving and became distracted. He smashed head-on into another car. When he extricated himself from the crash, he saw that the other driver was a woman, who was either dead or unconscious.

Jason walked into his penthouse to find Maxie embroiled in an escalating battle of words with Karpov's lawyer, Sasha. Spinelli looked on from the couch. Before Jason could say anything, Sasha told him that "his associate," indicating Maxie, had made threats that could start a mob war. Spinelli tried to defend Maxie, and Maxie wanted to know if one of Karpov's cars was responsible for Spinelli's accident.

Jason ordered them all to be quiet. He told Sasha that Maxie did not speak for him. He told Sasha that he had an agreement with Karpov and that he would not hurt any of Karpov's men as long as Karpov did not hurt any of his. Sasha assured Jason that none of Karpov's people had hurt Spinelli. Jason seemed to accept that. When Sasha tried to get friendlier, Jason coldly showed her the door. While Maxie was fussing over Spinelli, Jason got a phone call from someone whom he told that he would "handle it himself." He immediately bundled Spinelli up and sent him to bed for a nap.

Maxie went with Spinelli to his room. She thanked him for saving her. He tried to impress on her the danger that surrounded him. She told him that he had saved her life long before he pushed her out of the way of the car. She said that she would have self-destructed after the loss of her sister and Coop if Spinelli had not stood by her.

Spinelli was dozing when a news bulletin announced that two men with Russian passports had been found in an alley, badly beaten. Maxie had a speculative look in her eyes. Maxie waited up for Jason, who did not turn on the lights as he put his gun away on the top shelf of the closet. Maxie crept down the stairs and saw him leave the closet and head to the kitchen. As he passed, by he flexed the knuckles of his right hand as though they were injured. Maxie tiptoed to the closet and was stretching to reach the box when Jason stopped her.

Lucky and Sam met at the clinic. As they waited to hear from Nikolas and Nadine, they hugged, kissed, and talked about the counterfeit drugs. Sam was more convinced that ever that Jerry was the middleman, but Lucky wanted proof. While they were talking, they heard a hubbub in the waiting room where Matt was treating folks who were apparently being poisoned by drugs they had obtained at the Mercy ER. While Matt took care of the patients and got the drugs tested, Sam and Lucky agreed that it was more important than ever to stop the drug ring. Lucky said the police could get involved because people were being poisoned.

Jerry met with Sasha in the park. She asked for good news. He told her that Dr. Matt from the clinic was hot on the trail of the counterfeit drugs and had a lead. When she asked how that was good news, he said that there were others at the clinic who could cause trouble, so he would see to it that the clinic became the site of a tragic and fatal accident. Later, Jerry broke into the clinic and planted a bomb. Sam walked in and caught him in the clinic and wanted to know why he was there.

Outside the interrogation room, Claudia worried that her testimony might have hurt Johnny, but Ric assured her that it had not. Ric had concerns about the case and offered to step down, but Claudia wanted him to stay on.

Claudia visited Johnny and tried to persuade him to tell the truth about Logan's killing. Johnny refused to do anything that would put Lulu in harm's way. Claudia begged him to think of her. She told Johnny that that she did not know what would become of her if anything happened to him. She told Johnny that he was what kept her from being dragged under and becoming as bad a person as their dad.

Nikolas went to see Nadine, who was in jail for contempt of court. Nadine was furious with Scott Baldwin, whom she said had tried to twist her words and make her admit that she would tell a lie to protect Nikolas' sister. Nadine blurted out that even if she were in love with Nikolas, she would not lie to protect his sister. Then she realized what she had said and tried to explain. Nikolas smiled and told her that he was not done with her, then walked away.

Nikolas paid Nadine's bail, but as they tried to leave the jail, Scott confronted them and told the detectives to put her back in her cell. When Nikolas tried to calm things down, Scott turned on Nikolas and threatened Lulu. That was too much for Nikolas, who decked Scott. A few minutes later, Nikolas and Nadine were both behind bars.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of September 8, 2008 on GH

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

by LoraLu

Outside the clinic, Jerry slipped the remote detonator to the bomb he planted into his jacket pocket as Matt approached him. Jerry distracted Matt from asking questions by warning Matt not to manhandle another woman in Jerry's presence again. Matt didn't comment about the incident with Maxie but, instead, asked Jerry why he was at the clinic. Jerry said that he had stopped by to see a friend, but she wasn't there. Jerry issued a warning about Matt mistreating women, and then walked away.

At Shadybrook, Jason was surprised to learn that Lulu had been handed over to the authorities and taken to court to testify. Liz walked out to the back patio and was startled to see Jason. She asked him what he was doing at Shadybrook and then wondered if he knew where Lulu was. Jason filled her in on what he had just learned before he called Nikolas to let him know.

After Jason ended the call, Liz broached the subject of their relationship. She told Jason that she had let go of her dream of a white picket fence, and wanted to find a way to make things work between them. Liz said that she was willing to settle for whatever Jason could give her. Jason insisted that, in the end, their attempt at happiness would end badly. Before Liz could say anything further, Jason turned and left.

Robin walked into Claudia's room at the hospital, and quickly realized what Claudia was up to. Patrick was relieved that Robin had not misread things between him and Claudia. Patrick warned Claudia that she was leaving the hospital against his orders then washed his hands of her. While Claudia prepared to leave, Patrick and Robin stepped out into the hallway. Robin appeared to want to talk to Patrick about where they stood, but Patrick's pager went off and his immediate attention was required.

After her testimony, Maxie went to General Hospital to talk to her cousin, Robin. She told Robin about the brutal questions regarding her sordid affair with Logan, and the humiliating answers she had been forced to give. Maxie was embarrassed that Spinelli heard every ugly detail. Robin was sympathetic and tried to offer advice, but Maxie was still troubled when she left.

Later, Robin tried to apologize to Patrick for how she had been treating him. Patrick brushed off her concerns and told her that she had nothing to apologize for. He reassured Robin that they were in a good place and he was content with their relationship.

Kate instructed Clarice to cancel the wedding photographer, caterer, and florist. As Kate announced that the wedding was off, Sonny walked into Kate's office. He quickly made his intentions clear; Sonny was there to win Kate back. He told Kate that he didn't want to lose Kate over a misunderstanding. Kate pointed out that there hadn't been a misunderstanding-Sonny had slept with Carly. Kate was hurt that Sonny had lied for months about it, and would have kept on lying, had Clarice not told Kate about the tryst. Sonny insisted that what had happened between him and Carly meant nothing to him; he loved Kate. Sonny was also certain that Kate returned that love. Kate told Sonny that loving him was not the issue. The issue was Sonny and Carly. Kate was convinced that if she married Sonny, it would end in disaster. Sonny refused to believe that they were over as long as Kate continued to wear his ring.

Shortly after Sonny left, Clarice told Kate alarming news. Clarice had learned that the printers' union had threatened to strike over contract disputes. If the printers went on strike, it could be disastrous for Crimson's launch.

Sonny returned home to find his father, Mike, waiting for him. Mike was concerned after hearing from Clarice that Sonny and Kate's wedding had been called off. Mike wasn't surprised when Carly's name was mentioned. He was surprised, however, when Sonny suggested that the rift between him and Kate was only temporary. Mike wondered what made Sonny think that Kate would want him back after what he had done. Everyone had warned Kate that Sonny would eventually sleep with Carly and Sonny knew the consequences if he did. Mike reminded Sonny that Kate had warned him that if Sonny slept with his ex-wife, Kate would leave him.

Things took an unexpected turn when Kate stormed into Sonny's living room. She was furious, convinced that Sonny had been behind the threat of a printers' union strike. Kate believed that it was a stunt orchestrated by Sonny to manipulate her into running to him for help. Sonny denied the accusation but Kate didn't believe him. She warned Sonny to stay out of her business and then marched out.

Later, after Kate returned to Crimson, Clarice came into Kate's office with wonderful news. The strike had been averted and a contract had been successfully negotiated. Kate was suspicious and ordered Clarice to dig up the details on how the strike was settled. Just then Sonny strolled in and offered to answer any questions that Kate had. Sonny denied having any involvement with the dispute but he did admit that he had a hand in the settlement. Kate was not impressed. She took off her engagement ring, handed it to Sonny, and told him that they were over.

Lucky and Sam were in her apartment discussing Jerry Jax. Lucky did not want Sam getting involved with the man because Lucky didn't trust the way Jerry behaved around Sam. They were soon interrupted when Jerry knocked on the door. While Lucky hid, Sam invited Jerry in. Jerry told Sam that he had recently acquired some real estate, which he wanted to show her. It was clear that Jerry intended to do more than show Sam his new property. When Sam declined the offer, Jerry became suspicious. When he suggested that he might call Alexis, Sam made it clear that Jerry would have to choose: Sam or Alexis.

After Jerry left, Sam was more determined than ever to expose Jerry for a fraud. She wanted her mother to see what kind of man Jerry truly was. Eventually, Sam was able to convince Lucky to go along with her plan. He was somewhat reluctant but ultimately he trusted her judgment. Sam quickly called Jerry and arranged to have dinner with him in her apartment later that evening.

Tracy was outraged when Lulu was ordered to take the stand. Edward chimed in, equally furious. The judge listened while Edward and Tracy bickered back and forth, revealing their connection to each other and to Lulu. The judge was apparently unconcerned about any potential conflict of interest. She ordered the court to order before proceeding with the trial. Lulu was sworn in and Scott began to question her.

Things did not go well for Lulu. Scott fired questions at Lulu until she became confused and began making conflicting statements. Johnny stood up and tried to stop the trial but the judge refused to call an end to the proceedings. Despite Lulu's fragile state, the judge ordered Johnny to be seated and then allowed Scott to continue questioning Lulu.

Lulu unraveled quickly under the barrage of questions. Agitated and distraught, Lulu confessed to killing Logan. The courtroom was stunned into silence for a moment before Scott began dismissing Lulu's confession as a desperate attempt to save her lover. Lulu tried to convince everyone that she was telling to the truth, to no avail. By the time Ric finished questioning Lulu, her testimony had been completely discredited. Thanks to Edward, the jury felt compassion and pity for Lulu's sad mental state.

Nikolas soon arrived and begged the judge to allow him to return Lulu to Shadybrook. The judge agreed and granted a short recess. As Lulu was taken away, Nadine approached Nikolas. Claudia was right behind her. When Claudia heard about Lulu's confession and the aftermath, she convinced Ric that she could help with damage control.

While Claudia was called to the stand, Nikolas remained in the hallway with Nadine. Nikolas admitted that he was worried that Lulu could end up institutionalized for the rest of her life.

Jason returned to his office and found Spinelli waiting. Jason realized almost immediately that something was wrong. When he asked Spinelli what was bothering him, Spinelli told Jason about Maxie's testimony. Spinelli feared that his presence in the courtroom had been a mistake. Spinelli was convinced that Maxie could no longer bear the sight of him as a result. Jason listened as Spinelli went on to say that his feelings for Maxie had not changed because of what she had said on the stand. Jason suggested that perhaps Maxie was humiliated and needed some time.

Spinelli returned to the penthouse a short time later. He walked in with a beautiful bouquet of flowers for Maxie. To Spinelli's great disappointment, Maxie had packed her bags.

Jason was unprepared when Liz suddenly walked into his office and closed the door. Jason tried to get her to leave, but Liz dug in her heels. She was determined to talk things out with Jason. She told him that when she first came to Port Charles, she was fearless and went after what she wanted. She liked that about herself and intended to embrace that philosophy again, starting with Jason. Liz was tired of being miserable all of the time.

They were interrupted by a knock from Cody, who told Jason that Karpov wanted to see him. Jason to convince Liz to leave through the back door, but Liz refused to budge. She compromised by slipping into the next room before Karpov was shown in.

Karpov didn't waste time with idle chitchat. He accused Jason of ordering an assault on two of his men. Jason corrected Karpov. Jason didn't order the assault; he took care of it himself. Jason knew that Liz was nearby and had heard the entire exchange.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of September 8, 2008 on GH

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

by Boone

Despite assurances from Jason and Spinelli that she looked fine, Maxie worried about what she should wear for her appearance on the witness stand. When Jason told her it did not matter what she wore, Maxie said it did. She said that her wardrobe choice would have a big influence on the jury and whether or not they believed her. Both Spinelli and Jason assured her that she had the talent to outwit Scott Baldwin. As she left the penthouse for court, Maxie told Spinelli that it was selfish of her to wish that he could be there to support her.

Claudia woke up in the hospital and was surprised to find Ric at her bedside. She wanted to get out of bed so that she could testify for Johnny. Ric told her that her health was more important. When Patrick arrived to examine her, Ric left for the trial. Claudia wanted to leave the hospital, but Patrick told Claudia that she had to stay in the hospital for at least two days, because she might have life-threatening head trauma as a result of the accident.

Before the trial, Anthony met Scott in the hall and threatened Scott's daughter, Serena. Scott scoffed that Serena was out of Anthony's reach, but his smirk faded quickly when Anthony reeled off Serena's Paris address and mentioned that she lived alone.

Lulu and Laura talked in the garden. Lulu told Laura how much she valued Laura's love and support. She asked Laura what to do about Johnny. Lulu told Laura that she wanted to get on the stand and tell the truth, that she had killed Logan. Laura pointed out that Lulu's credibility was seriously damaged, not only because she was in Shadybrook, but also because of her relationship to Johnny. She told Lulu that she thought that Johnny was very similar to Luke, who sometimes made romantic rescue decisions that did not turn out well. She said that if Johnny were anything like Luke, he would have a plan.

Lulu was trying to assimilate what Laura was saying, but before they could talk further, Laura said she had to rest and left hurriedly. Nikolas arrived immediately after. He told Lulu that he wanted to take her out of the country. She protested that she needed to be in the clinic, but Nikolas said that there were clinics in Switzerland. He told her that Johnny had spoken to him and asked him to take her away so that she could not testify.

After Nikolas left, Laura rejoined Lulu. When Lulu wanted to tell Nikolas about Laura's recovery, Laura told Lulu that she did not want to burden Nikolas, in case she relapsed. Lulu told Laura about Nikolas' plan to take Lulu out of the country. Laura approved the idea and advised Lulu not to testify.

Sam got a call from Lucky, who thought he had discovered a clue to Karpov's involvement in the drug trade. Sam met him in an alley on the docks and confirmed that a carton Lucky found looked like one that had gotten smashed in the shipment that she had brought in for Karpov. The invoice inside the box showed a delivery to Mercy Hospital. Sam said neither the box nor the invoice was linked directly to either Jerry or Karpov. However, said Lucky, it was enough to send the cops to Mercy.

Sam and Lucky were sharing a victory kiss when Jerry happened on them and expressed suspicions about their supposed break-up. They recovered quickly. Sam accused Lucky of stalking her and not taking "no" for an answer and said Lucky played the part of rejected lover. When Jerry threatened to report Lucky's behavior, Lucky left. Sam expressed her gratitude to Jerry, who seemed to accept her explanation.

In the courtroom, Edward complained about the lunch choices and Epiphany accepted a lunch invitation from the juror on her left. The judge order quiet in the courtroom as Scott called Maxie to the stand. As he did so, Spinelli slipped into the courtroom to give Maxie moral support.

When Maxie was sworn in, Tracy left the courtroom. Alan was waiting for her. He told her that Scott would use Maxie's testimony to justify putting Lulu on the stand. Tracy agreed. She told Alan that she did not know how to stop it and walked away. Inside the courtroom, Trevor told Anthony to stop glaring at Maxie. Anthony said that if Maxie said anything to hurt Johnny, he would hurt her.

Maxie told the truth as Scott brought out her twisted relationship with Logan and Lulu. She was uncomfortable, but unflinching, as she detailed her sordid history with Logan. She kept glancing at Spinelli as she answered questions about the sexual favors she gave Logan as part of a bet. When Ric cross-examined, she was able to tell the truth about Logan's violent behavior in the face of Lulu's rejection. The jury looked thoughtful when she finished. Spinelli tried to talk to Maxie as she left the courtroom, but she ran away from him.

At the nurses' station, Patrick asked Robin for a consult. She said yes and went on rounds. Liz asked Patrick if he was happy with how things were working out. He said no, but he did not want to stress Robin, so he would accept her decision and live down to Robin's expectations of him.

Nadine dropped a pen and when she bent over to retrieve it, she almost spotted the bomb, but Jerry came into the clinic and diverted her attention. He asked for Nikolas, but Nadine said Nikolas was not there. Jerry ask her to tell Nikolas that he had heard that a counterfeit drug shipment had landed in Port Charles and he wanted Nikolas to be warned. Nadine wanted to know why. Jerry said that he wanted to score points with Alexis, and he thought helping out her cousin, Nikolas, was a good way to gain her favor. Nadine accepted his story.

Later, Jerry met Sasha in front of Karpov's warehouse. She told him that their drug ring might have been compromised. Jerry said that he had the situation in hand. Sasha told him that whatever plan he had to curtail the investigation of their drug organization needed to be implemented immediately.

Nikolas went to Jason and asked for his help to get Lulu out of the country. Jason readily agreed. Nikolas realized that Jason also knew the truth about Logan's death. Jason said that he had not told Nikolas because Lulu had asked him not to and he had kept his word. He explained that even though in hindsight it appeared that it was not a good idea for Johnny to cover up the crime and take the blame, he had done it for Lulu. Johnny genuinely believed that Scott would be vindictive against Lulu if she told the truth.

Robin approached Liz and wondered what Patrick had said. Liz did not say and Robin admitted that since Patrick had done what she had asked and had stopped proposing marriage, she wanted him to start asking again. Liz said that maybe Robin was ambivalent to marriage and that there was nothing wrong with that. Besides, Liz went on, making a commitment to one person was pretty scary, especially if you were not absolutely certain. Robin responded that no one could ever be absolutely certain. Liz said that was her point. Robin smiled.

Robin said that what she knew for certain was that she loved Patrick and Patrick loved her. She knew that Patrick was the one who was brave enough to put his heart on the line and she had not even been willing to meet him halfway. Robin feared that worst of all, she had really hurt Patrick with her refusal to get married.

Sam and Lucky met up again at Lucky's place. Sam told him that she was sure that she could work her wiles on Jerry to get the proof they needed. Lucky told her that if her plan included a fake romance with Jerry, he was not okay with that.

Patrick caught Claudia putting on her clothes. She told him that she was checking herself out. Patrick protested releasing her without further tests, so she started putting seductive moves on him. Patrick told her he was only interested in her health, but Claudia kept up the pressure. Robin walked in on them. Patrick immediately told her it was not what it looked like. Robin responded that she knew exactly what was going on.

At the clinic, Nikolas made final arrangements to get Lulu out of the country. Nadine was nosy and when he told her what he was up to, she tried to stop him from taking Lulu away with out giving Lulu a choice. While Nadine delayed Nikolas from leaving, Jerry lurked outside fingering a detonator.

Jason went to Shadybrook to get Lulu, but an Assistant District Attorney had already picked her up. In the courtroom, Scott called Leslie "Lulu" Spencer to the stand.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of September 8, 2008 on GH

Thursday, September 11, 2008

by Elisabeth

Outside the clinic, Jerry slipped the remote detonator, to the bomb he planted, into his jacket pocket as Matt approached him. Jerry distracted Matt from asking questions by warning Matt not to manhandle another woman in Jerry's presence again. Matt didn't comment about the incident with Maxie but, instead, asked Jerry why he was at the clinic. Jerry said that he had stopped by to see a friend, but she wasn't there. Jerry issued a warning, about Matt mistreating women, and then walked away.

At Shadybrook, Jason was surprised to learn that Lulu had been handed over to the authorities and taken to court to testify. Liz walked out to the back patio and was startled to see Jason. She asked him what he was doing at Shadybrook and then wondered if he knew where Lulu was. Jason filled her in on what he had just learned before he called Nikolas to let him know.

After Jason ended the call, Liz broached the subject of their relationship. She told Jason that she had let go of her dream, of a white picket fence, and wanted to find a way to make things work between them. Liz said that she was willing to settle for whatever Jason could give her. Jason insisted that, in the end, their attempt at happiness would end badly. Before Liz could say anything further, Jason turned and left.

Robin walked into Claudia's room, at the hospital, and quickly realized what Claudia was up to. Patrick was relieved that Robin had not misread things between him and Claudia. Patrick warned Claudia that she was leaving the hospital against his orders then washed his hands of her. While Claudia prepared to leave, Patrick and Robin stepped out into the hallway. Robin appeared to want to talk to Patrick about where they stood but Patrick's pager when off and his immediate attention was required.

After her testimony, Maxie went to General Hospital to talk to her cousin, Robin. She told Robin about the brutal questions, regarding her sordid affair with Logan, and the humiliating answers she had been forced to give. Maxie was embarrassed that Spinelli heard every ugly detail. Robin was sympathetic and tried to offer advice but Maxie was still troubled when she left.

Later, Robin tried to apologize to Patrick for how she had been treating him recently. Patrick brushed off her concerns and told her that she had nothing to apologize for. He reassured Robin that they were in a good place and he was content with their relationship.

Kate instructed Clarice to cancel the wedding photographer, caterer and florist. As Kate announced that the wedding was off, Sonny walked into Kate's office. He quickly made his intentions clear; Sonny was there to win Kate back. He told Kate that he didn't want to lose Kate over a misunderstanding. Kate pointed out that there hadn't been a misunderstanding; Sonny had slept with Carly. Kate was hurt that Sonny had lied for months about it, and would have kept on lying, had Clarice not told Kate about the tryst. Sonny insisted that what had happened between him and Carly meant nothing to him; he loved Kate. Sonny was also certain that Kate returned that love. Kate told Sonny that loving him was not the issue. The issue was Sonny and Carly. Kate was convinced that if she married Sonny, it would end in disaster. Sonny refused to believe that they were over as long as Kate continued to wear his ring.

Shortly after Sonny left, Clarice told Kate alarming news. Clarice had learned that the printers' union had threatened to strike over contract disputes. If the printers went on strike, it could be disastrous for Crimson's launch.

Sonny returned home to find his father, Mike, waiting for him. Mike was concerned after hearing, from Clarice, that Sonny and Kate's wedding had been called off. Mike wasn't surprised when Carly's name was mentioned. He was surprised, however, when Sonny suggested that rift between him and Kate was only temporary. Mike wondered what made Sonny think that Kate would want him back after what he had done. Everyone had warned Kate that Sonny would eventually sleep with Carly and Sonny knew the consequences if he did. Mike reminded Sonny that Kate had warned him that if Sonny slept with his ex-wife, Kate would leave him.

Things took an unexpected turn when Kate stormed into Sonny's living room. She was furious, convinced that Sonny had been behind the threat of a printers union strike. Kate believed that it was a stunt orchestrated by Sonny to manipulate her into running to him for help. Sonny denied the accusation but Kate didn't believe him. She warned Sonny to stay out of her business and then marched out.

Later, after Kate returned to Crimson, Clarice came into Kate's office with wonderful news. The strike had been averted and a contract had been successfully negotiated. Kate was suspicious and ordered Clarice to dig up the details on how the strike was settled. Just then Sonny strolled in and offered to answer any questions that Kate had. Sonny denied having any involvement with the dispute but he did admit that he had a hand in the settlement. Kate was not impressed. She took off her engagement ring, handed it to Sonny and told him that they were over.

Lucky and Sam were in her apartment discussing Jerry Jax. Lucky did not want Sam getting involved with the man because Lucky didn't trust the way Jerry behaved around Sam. They were soon interrupted when Jerry knocked on the door. While Lucky hid, Sam invited Jerry in. Jerry told Sam that he had recently acquired some real estate which he wanted to show her. It was clear that Jerry intended to do more than show Sam his new property. When Sam declined the offer, Jerry became suspicious. When he suggested that he might call Alexis, Sam made it clear that Jerry would have to choose: Sam or Alexis.

After Jerry left, Sam was more determined than ever to expose Jerry for a fraud. She wanted her mother to see what kind of man Jerry truly was. Eventually, Sam was able to convince Lucky to go along with her plan. He was somewhat reluctant but ultimately he trusted her judgement. Sam quickly called Jerry and arranged to have dinner with him, in her apartment, later that evening.

Tracy was outraged when Lulu was ordered to take the stand. Edward chimed in, equally furious. The judge listened while Edward and Tracy bickered back and forth, revealing their connection to eachother and to Lulu. The judge was apparently unconcerned about any potential conflict of interest. She ordered the court to order before proceeding with the trial. Lulu was sworn in and Scott began to question her.

Things did not go well for Lulu. Scott fired questions at Lulu until she became confused and began making conflicting statements. Johnny stood up and tried to stop the trial but the judge refused to call an end to the proceedings. Despite Lulu's fragile state, the judge ordered Johnny to be seated and then allowed Scott to continue questioning Lulu.

Lulu unraveled quickly under the barrage of questions. Agitated and distraught, Lulu confessed to killing Logan. The courtroom was stunned into silence for a moment before Scott began dismissing Lulu's confession as a desperate attempt to save her lover. Lulu tried to convince everyone that she was telling to the truth but to no avail. By the time Ric finished questioning Lulu, her testimony had been completely discredited. Thanks to Edward, the jury felt compassion and pity for Lulu's sad mental state.

Nikolas soon arrived and begged the judge to allow him to return Lulu to Shadybrook. The judge agreed and granted a short recess. As Lulu was taken away, Nadine approached Nikolas. Claudia was right behind her. When Claudia heard about Lulu's confession and the aftermath, she convinced Ric that she could help with damage control.

While Claudia was called to the stand, Nikolas remained in the hallway with Nadine. Nikolas admitted that he was worried that Lulu could end up institutionalized for the rest of her life.

Jason returned to his office and found Spinelli waiting. Jason realized almost immediately that something was wrong. When he asked Spinelli what was bothering him, Spinelli told Jason about Maxie's testimony. Spinelli feared that his presence in the courtroom been a mistake. Spinelli was convinced that Maxie could no longer bear the sight of him as a result. Jason listened as Spinelli went on to say that his feelings for Maxie had not changed because of what she had said on the stand. Jason suggested that perhaps Maxie was humiliated and needed some time.

Spinelli returned to the penthouse a short time later. He walked in with a beautiful bouquet of flowers for Maxie. To Spinelli's great disappointment, Maxie had packed her bags.

Jason was unprepared when Liz suddenly walked into his office and closed the door. Jason tried to get her to leave but Liz dug in her heels. She was determined to talk things out with Jason. She told him that when she first came to Port Charles, she was fearless and went after what she wanted. She liked that about herself and intended to embrace that philosophy again, starting with Jason. Liz was tired of being miserable all of the time.

They were interrupted by a knock from Cody who told Jason that Karpov wanted to see him. Jason to convince Liz to leave through the back door but Liz refused to budge. She compromised by slipping into the next room before Karpov was shown in.

Karpov didn't waste time with idle chitchat. He accused Jason of ordering an assault on two of his men. Jason corrected Karpov. Jason didn't order the assault; he took care of it himself. Jason knew that Liz was nearby and had heard the entire exchange.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of September 8, 2008 on GH

Friday, September 12, 2008

by LoraLu

Sonny told Kate he would give her time to realize that they were good together and should stay together. Kate said Sonny wouldn't be able to charm his way out of this one. She wanted him to take his ring back and leave. Kate thought Sonny would have married her and never told her the truth about the night with Carly. They would have lived their lives happily ever after until the next time Sonny was alone with Carly and cheated on Kate. Sonny was shocked that Kate thought he would cheat on her. He told her she knew he did not love easily, and he was upset that she didn't trust him. Sonny asked Kate if she thought he lied when he told her he loved her. Kate said she thought he loved her. Sonny said she just needed to get past the hurt and marry him. Kate asked to be left alone to get back to her life. Sonny asked if she wanted to get back to the life where she put up walls and tried to be someone she wasn't. Kate said it was better than hurting the way she was with him.

With Liz hiding, Jason told Andre Karpov that he let the guard live in order to give Andre a warning. If Andre touched another person under Jason's protection, Andre would be the next person headed to the hospital. Andre said he didn't need to be warned again and left. Once the coast was clear, Liz came out of hiding. Jason told her she needed to leave, but Liz wasn't deterred. She said she could still separate the mobster from the man she loved. They were interrupted when Cody barged in. He overheard Andre making a call as he was leaving, so Cody put a tail on Mr. Karpov and was headed that way to follow him. Jason decided he wanted to be a part of it, also. He walked past Liz and left her standing alone in his office.

Jerry was furious when Andre asked him to meet in front of the Emily Quartermaine Clinic. The clinic was about to be a crime scene and they shouldn't be there. Andre told Jerry that they needed to take care of their problem and soon.

After Andre and Jerry were gone, Cody and Jason showed up at the clinic. Cody assured Jason that Andre and another man had met at the clinic. They couldn't figure out what interest Andre Karpov had in the free clinic. Meanwhile, Leyla pushed the cart into a back room, unaware there was a bomb attached to it.

Later, Dr. Hunter walked into the back room to work on some paperwork that had been left with the bomb and cart. Jerry walked in behind Matt and knocked him unconscious. Jerry walked out of the clinic and turned off the lights. Once outside, Jerry triggered the device, which started spraying accelerant into a trash can inside the clinic and soon caught fire.

Claudia told the courtroom that she saw Johnny kill Logan in self-defense. Ric asked why Claudia hadn't told that to the jury when she was testifying earlier, but Claudia retorted that no one had asked her that question. Ric walked over to the defense table and Johnny whispered to him that Claudia was lying and she needed to get off the stand quickly. Claudia said she had started sleeping with Logan soon after he began working for her father. Claudia had been banished from the family business but she still wanted inside information. Logan could provide that to her, so she slept with him in exchange for information. Things went bad when Lulu caught them having sex in the garden shed. Logan became enraged and said Claudia and Johnny were trying to ruin any chance that he had with Lulu. Claudia said Logan was soon fired from her father's employment after he attacked Johnny at the MetroCourt. Scott stood up to object, saying that he and others had witnessed Johnny attacking Logan.

While Scott and Ric were called up to the bench to be reprimanded, Nadine asked Nikolas if she thought Claudia was telling the truth. Nikolas said Claudia would do anything to protect her brother. The testimony resumed, and Claudia said Logan had broken down her door with an axe that fateful night. She had tried to scare him off with the knife, but when he attacked her, the knife went flying. Logan pinned her down on the ground and started to unbuckle his pants to rape her when Johnny walked in. He grabbed the knife and was going to protect his sister when Logan ran towards Johnny and impaled himself on the knife. After everything calmed down that night, Johnny wanted to call the police and take Claudia to the hospital. Claudia insisted on covering up the crime to avoid Johnny being railroaded by Scott Baldwin.

Ric brought into evidence a sheet of paper with the names and contact information of the individuals Claudia had contacted to repair the door and replace the bloody carpet. Ric also brought forth another document for evidence. It was the Army's report of when Logan had stabbed another soldier. Scott tried to object, but Ric said he was trying to show the victim's state of mind when the murder occurred. Ric was done with his witness, but Scott was anxious to cross-examine. Scott asked Claudia if she had any proof or any physical evidence. He told her she could step down when she said she had no evidence. A tearful Claudia walked out of the courtroom, while Anthony and Trevor smiled.

Scott and Ric both gave their closing arguments before the judge dismissed the jury for deliberation. The judge warned the jury to deliberate carefully. This was a death penalty case, after all.

Laura told Lulu that even if the worst happened, she would still survive. Lulu said she didn't know if she wanted to survive without Johnny, though. Laura asked if Lulu remembered what she told her daughter before Laura got sick. Lulu said it was to live life fully and to the best that she could. Laura said Lulu was more of a survivor than she realized. Suddenly, Lulu realized how tired her mother was. She offered to go back to her mother's room with her, but Laura knew how unsettling it was for Lulu to watch her mother fall asleep. Laura promised to rest and be back to see her daughter soon.

After Laura was gone, Nikolas soon arrived to see Lulu. She asked how the trial went and if he had been able to convince the jury she had told the truth about being the one who killed Logan. Nikolas told Lulu about Claudia lying and saying Johnny had been protecting her when he killed Logan. Nikolas said he hadn't believed a word Claudia said, but it was one of the most believable testimonies he had ever heard.

Spinelli tried to take Maxie's bags back upstairs, but he didn't have the strength to carry her bags. Maxie tried to tell Spinelli that she was a tramp and an all-around bad person. She wanted to leave before she disappointed him and took advantage of him. Maxie reminded Spinelli of all the terrible things she did, but Spinelli could not be swayed. He told her that even after everything he knew about Maximista, he had never seen her look more beautiful than when she was on the stand. Spinelli told Maxie she was like a work of art. She was much more dynamic and complex than the boring women in Crimson. Maxie asked if there was any mistake he wouldn't forgive, but Spinelli said they all learned from their mistakes and regretted the pain they caused. He would never ask Maxie to be anything else than what she was. Maxie said Spinelli was truly the most wonderful man ever and that she could not leave him. A very relieved Spinelli hugged Maxie.

Maxie walked into Kate's office, unaware that Sonny was there. She quickly tried to run out, saying she and Spinelli would work on their computer problem. Unfortunately, Spinelli also rushed in and apologized for Kate's broken heart. He stuck his foot in his mouth, though, because he was unaware Sonny was in the office.

Nadine walked into the clinic and saw smoke. She ran into the back room and found Matt, unconscious on the floor. She tried to wake him, but time was running out as smoke filled the room.

Liz knocked on Jason's door and wanted to finish their conversation from earlier. Jason said he needed to go. He had a meeting with the city council about permits, and he couldn't keep them waiting. Liz asked if Jason was deliberately trying to ignore her and not finish their conversation. Jason reminded her that what she had overheard and witnessed was the way Jason lived his life. She couldn't ignore that people shot at him and he shot people back, sometimes killing them. Liz said she knew she couldn't have a future with Jason, but she wanted them to live in the moment. Jason appeared to give in as he walked over and pulled her into an embrace and kissed her.

Johnny and Claudia met in the interrogation room while they waited for the jury to deliberate. Johnny thanked his sister for her testimony and told her he loved her no matter what the outcome was. Claudia said she loved him, too. He was the only person she had ever loved.

Anthony and Trevor talked about the wonderful testimony Claudia had provided. Anthony was very proud of his daughter's lying capability. It had given the jury something solid. They couldn't convict Johnny with that testimony. Meanwhile, in the jury room, Edward told his peers that no one was guiltier than Johnny Zacchara. An older woman on the jury said Johnny had no choice but to defend his sister. Epiphany said they needed to appoint a jury foreperson before they got ahead of themselves.

Kate told Maxie they wouldn't need Spinelli's assistance and they should leave. Kate said it was a good thing Maxie and Spinelli barged in, because she was getting ready to cave in. Kate knew she would regret that decision, though. Sonny told her not to let Spinelli and Maxie sway her. Kate asked what they would do next if she did decide to forgive him.

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