General Hospital Recaps: The week of October 10, 2005 on GH

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Lucas told Georgie that he was gay
General Hospital Recaps: The week of October 10, 2005 on GH

After overhearing Sonny and Courtney, Emily confronted Courtney about the pregnancy. She threatened to tell Nikolas about the baby if Courtney didn't. Nikolas told Courtney that he cared for her and would love the baby whether he was the father or Jax was. Diego was revealed as the stalker who had been terrorizing the campus girls. Lucas told Georgie that he was gay. More of Jesse's past was revealed when he talked about his abused sister. Dr. Robin Scorpio left the hospital in Paris and called her Uncle Mac. Manny Ruiz woke up from his coma, bent on revenge. He tracked Jason down and stopped just short of killing him, feeling honor-bound, since Jason had spared his brother Javier's life. The police quickly arrested Manny, who vowed to return for Sam. Jason returned to Port Charles just as Javier made his move against Sonny. Durant agreed to look away while Javier eliminated Sonny. Gunfire erupted as Javier's men stormed Sonny's hideout. Sonny and Reese returned fire, but they were woefully outnumbered.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of October 10, 2005 on GH

Monday, October 10, 2005

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Sonny and Emily take Michael to school the night before classes start for orientation. When they get home, they share a laugh as Reese looks on about Emily freaking out when a moth attacked her. Emily takes Michael upstairs to go to bed, while Reese and Sonny talk. Reese feels left out but understands Michael's need for Sonny to be with him right now. Sonny tells her to stay until he's done saying goodnight to Michael, but Reese tells him she will go home tonight but come back tomorrow. Once Michael is asleep, Sonny and Emily talk about their love lives.

Courtney packs things up to get ready for the baby, but is interrupted by Jax. He wants to know if she will help him write thank you notes to return their wedding gifts with. He's curious as to why she's packing things up, and she dismisses his curiosity by telling him it's just time to get rid of some things. Mike knocks on the door and Jax enters. He seems happy the two of them are talking and tells Jax that he and his daughter have a lot to talk about. Jax questions what he's talking about and why his sudden change of heart. Mike replies that he's simply trying to back off of Courtney's love life. When Mike and Jax leaves, Nikolas comes to talk to Courtney. She tells him that their relationship is over. He's upset and wants to know why she's ready to give up on them. He thinks it's because of him spending all that time with Emily in the hospital. She admits that seeing the two of them at the hospital together made her realize they are meant to be together. She asks for some time to think about everything. He agrees and leaves. She then decides to go visit Sonny. She thinks it's time for her to take over Emily's duties as babysitter. Sonny is confused by this, until she admits that she is pregnant.

Lucky surprises Liz with dinner in a closed Kelly's. He holds back ribs from her until she agrees to settle on a wedding date, October 28. They see Emily outside and invite her in. As the three of them laugh together, Nikolas walks in. Liz and Lucky share their news, and Nikolas and Emily ask if there's anything they can do to help. No, just be at the wedding, is Liz's response. As they make a toast with their brownies, Nikolas and Emily share a bittersweet smile.

Luke, Skye, and Alcazar argue in Luke's hotel room over where he obtained the large amount of cash he has. He tells them it's from laundering money, but Alcazar doesn't buy it. Just then, the phone rings and Skye answers it. It's Vinny Blue Eyes asking for a million dollars ransom for Tracy. Luke denies the request and hangs up. Tracy is furious, but offers two million dollars for her release and kidnapping of Luke. After much arguing, Vinny agrees to let Tracy go free of charge. Tracy decides the two of them are going to be business partners. Back in the hotel room, Skye is unaware that Tracy is out of danger and pleads with Luke to rescue Tracy. Luke refuses, but Alcazar steps in to help. Luke believes he's just doing this to get with Skye.

Sam and Jason take Danny back to the home and then go to their newly acquired bar. When they get there, they discover it has been vandalized. The thug that beat up Jason apparently came back and tore up their bar. As they straighten up, Sam fears they will be forced to return to their former lifestyle. Jason assures her they will settle into this life just fine and not have to return to Port Charles. The thug comes back just as Jason comes back into the main room of the bar. He tells the man to step away from Sam. The thug just came back to apologize and offer money to repay the damages. Jason and Sam don't take the money, but do accept the apology. When he leaves, Jason questions why his apology was so easy. Sam tells him since they're leaving their old life behind them, he needs to take more things at face value. Jason's instincts are correct, though. The thug leaves the bar and calls Ruiz to tell him where Jason and Sam are.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of October 10, 2005 on GH

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Emily comes home to Sonny's house and finds Courtney waiting for her. Courtney tells her that she saw her and Nikolas together at the hospital and she believes Nikolas would be happiest with Emily. Courtney tells her she's hiding from Nikolas by staying at Sonny's. Emily says she and Nikolas are over and they are getting divorced. If Sonny wants her to leave, she will leave. Emily goes to the hospital and Courtney waits around for Sonny and the boys to come home. Sonny comes home and asks where Emily was and Courtney tells him about their conversation. He tells her she's trying to use his kids to get Emily and Nikolas back together so she can hide her pregnancy from Nikolas. Emily walks in and overhears their conversation. Courtney has no idea she is there and continues to talk about her baby and the fact that Nikolas doesn't want to be a parent. Before she leaves, Sonny tells her she needs to ultimately tell Nikolas because it's his right to know he's a father. She's waiting until the first trimester is over, since she miscarried her last child. He tells her she's making a bet with God. She will give Nikolas back to Emily if her baby lives. Sonny does tell her that he thinks she will be a good mother, though. When she leaves, Emily comes in and is visibly upset after hearing the news that Courtney is pregnant and Nikolas may be the father. Sonny tells her that being upset is normal since she obviously still has feelings for him. His concern is that Courtney won't tell Nikolas about the baby, and he tells Emily that someone has to tell him.

Georgie and Dillon talk to Lucas and notice he's very edgy. Dillon is joking around with him about being a suspect in the stalker case. Lucas is not amused. When Dillon leaves the two of them alone, Georgie tells Lucas he can tell her anything. Lucas admits that she's his best friend and he's never able to get close to anyone else. Lucas tells her he's gay and Georgie seems relieved. She hugs him as a confused Dillon looks on. Meanwhile, Jesse and Maxie talk with Lainey about what the stalker's profile is. All signs point to Dillon, but Maxie does her best to convince Jesse that Dillon is innocent. Both Lainey and Maxie notice how much Jesse is the victim's advocate.

Brook Lynn invites Diego to a party this weekend, but he turns her down. She goes to Kelly's to distribute more fliers and sees Diego there with another girl. She tells the girl about Diego being a suspect in the stalker case and the girl flees. Diego is upset and yells at Brook Lynn. He grabs her arms just as Jesse and Maxie walk in. Jesse runs over and punches Diego to the ground. When he's pulled off of Diego, Maxie asks Jesse why he punched Diego for no reason. Brook Lynn sees something about Diego's watch that makes her wonder about his innocence.

Lucky asks Nikolas to be his best man at the wedding. Nikolas agrees wholeheartedly. Lucky then drops a bombshell and asks him not to bring Courtney. Nikolas agrees not to bring her, especially since she probably wouldn't want to go anyway. Lucky suggests the wedding would be a perfect time for a reunion. When Nikolas tells Lucky about Courtney trying to get him to go back to Emily, Lucky is happy that she's finally come to her senses. Nikolas questions what she's hiding, though.

Sonny sees Javier Ruiz outside of Kelly's while he's having breakfast with Michael before school. Michael is busy addressing the envelope of a letter to Carly. Sonny promises to mail it when he gets to the warehouse and goes outside to deal with business. Ruiz threatens Sonny, but Sonny tells him if he doesn't leave town soon he'll be leaving in a body bag.

Ruiz goes to the hospital and sees Alexis. He stops her and tells her he's a business associate of Ric's and asks about the prenatal services at the hospital because his family would be expanding soon. Alexis buys into his story and starts to talk about how great the hospital is, but Ric stops them and tells Ruiz to leave his family alone. Ruiz tells him he should have paid attention to his own advice before Manny got hurt. Alexis isn't all that surprised by Ruiz and tells Ric he needs to get used to these kinds of threats if he's going to continue working for Sonny. Ric goes back to Sonny's house and tells him about the conversation he had with Ruiz. Sonny tells him that everyone will have extra bodyguards and he will take care of Ruiz.

Courtney finds Alexis at the hospital and sits down to talk to her. Alexis talks to her about Lamaze and how she'll be bringing her own epidural in case they run out. She then starts talking about falling in love. Alexis tells Courtney that the two of them and Emily were all in a bad situation because they couldn't stop themselves from falling in love. She ends by saying that love is never easy or simple, and Courtney agrees.

Luke finds Tracy instead of Skye in his bed at the hotel. They have breakfast together and Tracy tells him that Skye is now being held hostage and it's his job to convince Alcazar to sign over his ELQ shares. Tracy goes to deliver the news to Skye, while Luke attempts to get Alcazar's shares. Lorenzo is not willing to rescue anyone anymore after Carly. He tells Luke that he enjoys Skye's company, but she's replaceable.

Alcazar goes to visit Manny in the hospital and talks to the unconscious man. After he leaves, Manny awakens from his coma. When one of his goons is summoned, Manny tells him he's going after Sonny, Ric, and Jason.

Jason and Sam have an unwelcome visitor

Jason and Sam have an unwelcome visitor

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

by Elisabeth

Maxie and Jesse exited Kelly's as she questioned his behavior toward Diego, but he reminded her that Diego was a suspect in the "roofie" case. Maxie insisted that it hadn't given Jesse the right to slam Diego around, but Jesse argued that Diego had been going after Brook Lynn. Maxie saw it differently; Diego had been having an argument with an ex-girlfriend, and Jesse had blown things out of proportion and attacked him. "Do you see how I'm concerned?" she asked. Jesse told Maxie to drop it, but she thought Dr. Winters had been right to be concerned that he was too invested in the case.

Jesse couldn't understand why Maxie was determined to make a big deal out of things, but she turned the question around on him. Jesse insisted that he had merely been doing his job, but Maxie didn't believe him. She assured him that he could tell her anything. Maxie wanted Jesse to feel as comfortable talking to her as she was opening up to him. Jesse agreed to tell her what was really troubling him, but he didn't want to do it there.

A short time later, Jesse and Maxie walked through the park as Jesse talked on his cell phone. He told the person that he would be waiting at the gazebo then ended the call. Maxie smiled because she suspected that he'd been speaking to dad. Jesse admitted that Mac hadn't been happy, but Maxie wasn't surprised because she assumed that Mac had heard about the scuffle between Jesse and Diego. Jesse thought it would be best if Maxie left before Mac arrived, but she refused to let Jesse off the hook that easily. She advised him tell what was going on with him before her dad arrived.

Maxie was surprised when Jesse admitted that he had an older sister because it was the first time that he had mentioned her. Jesse explained that it had been a long time ago. However, Mac walked up before Jesse could continue. Mac cut to the chase by demanding that Jesse give him one good reason not to suspend Jesse. Mac's mood darkened when he glanced at Maxie standing next to Jesse. Jesse insisted that Diego had been a suspect in a case, and he accused Diego of being the aggressor, but Mac explained that Jesse had blown the case if Diego was indeed the campus stalker. Jesse claimed that he'd had "justifiable cause," but Mac disagreed.

Maxie wanted to know who had called the incident in, so Mac revealed that it had been the dorm advisor, Seth. Mac warned Jesse that he didn't need a loose cannon who took things personally working for him, but Jesse wondered if Mac was upset because Diego's last name was Alcazar. Mac was offended by the suggestion that he was on the take, and Jesse immediately apologized because he'd been out of line. Mac ignored the apology as he informed Jesse that he was off the case. Mac intended to find someone else to protect his daughter. "Speaking of taking things personally," Jesse muttered.

Mac advised Jesse to tread with caution or Jesse would find himself out of a job. Jesse wisely remained silent as Mac stormed away. Maxie demanded to know what was going on with Jesse, so he opened up about his sister's disastrous relationship with a gang leader who had abused her. Jesse had tried to help his sister, but she had always made excuses for the trips to the hospitals and numerous bruises. Eventually, Jesse had joined a rival gang with the intention of killing the boyfriend, but it was Jesse's brother who had paid with his life. Maxie realized that was when Jesse had decided to become a police officer. Jesse explained that he had wanted to make things right. Maxie assured Jesse that he would, but he had his doubts because it seemed like the bad guys always got away with murder.

At Kelly's, Brook Lynn tearfully confronted Diego about the roofie that she had found in his pocket. Diego tried to snatch it out of her hand, but Brook Lynn held on tight. "Oh, my God," Brook Lynn said as she realized that Diego was the stalker. Diego grabbed Brook Lynn's arm to implore her to hear him out, but she ordered him to let go as she jerked free of his tight grasp. Just then, Mike walked up and asked if there was a problem. Diego took a step back then implored Brook Lynn to sit down with him. Brook Lynn reluctantly followed him to a table, while Mike fetched their drinks.

Diego assured Brook Lynn that he had never meant to hurt her, but she didn't believe him because he had a camera, he had spent time on the campus, and she had found a roofie in his pocket. Diego insisted that it had only been one tablet, but Brook Lynn warned him that she intended to turn the evidence over to the police.

According to Diego, he had bought the tablet from a guy on campus who was a walking pharmacy. Diego figured if the guy wasn't the stalker then he had been supplying the stalker with drugs. Diego claimed that he had hoped to turn the illicit pill over to the police because they might be able to match it to one of the victims and possibly get one step closer to catching the stalker. Brook Lynn was curious how Diego had known about the drug dealer, but Diego deflected by assuring Brook Lynn that he just wanted to help because she had been a victim of a terrible crime. He invited her to go to his dorm to look around and check his cameras if she wanted.

Mike returned with two soft drinks as Diego tenderly wiped away Brook Lynn's tears with a napkin. Brook Lynn smiled reassuringly at Mike. After Mike walked away, Diego offered to walk her home after they had finished their drinks. Brook Lynn remained hesitant, so Diego invited Brook Lynn to give the confiscated pill to Jesse. Brook Lynn stood up to check out the window, but she didn't see Jesse. Diego seized the opportunity to deftly slip a tablet in Brook Lynn's drink then quickly stir it until it dissolved. He smiled innocently when Brook Lynn returned to her seat.

Later, Diego guided a very groggy Brook Lynn into the empty walk-in freezer in the Quartermaine mansion's basement. Brook Lynn frowned as she questioned why Diego had taken her to the freezer, but he assured her that he would explain once she had a seat. With Diego's help, Brook Lynn sat down on a large crate, but she swayed as she tried to remain awake. Diego pulled a small notebook from his backpack as he revealed that it had been his cousin Sage's diary. Diego had found it when he had moved in with his father.

Brook Lynn smiled as she recalled Sage, but Diego quickly clarified that Sage had shared her thoughts with the diary because Sage hadn't had any friends that she trusted. Even Sage's boyfriend, Dillon, had used Sage before dumping her. Diego angrily wondered if Brook Lynn had any idea how much pain she had caused his cousin, but Brook Lynn frowned because she didn't recall hurting Sage. Diego decided to read an entry that Sage had written about one night at rehearsal when Sage had volunteered to sing the solo because Brook Lynn hadn't been interested in it. Sage had been humiliated when Brook Lynn had laughed at the suggestion.

Alarmed, Brook Lynn asked Diego why they were in the freezer. "I brought you back to the scene of the crime," he answered. Brook Lynn tried to leave, but she was too weak to take more than a step. She sat back down as she accused Diego of drugging her. He confirmed that she was right. Horrified, Brook Lynn realized that he truly was the stalker.

Tears filled Brook Lynn's eyes as she accused Diego of taking the inappropriate pictures of her and making the menacing calls. Diego was unapologetic because it hadn't compared to the torment that Sage had suffered each time Brook Lynn had laughed at his cousin. Diego accused Brook Lynn of taking her talent for granted and flaunting it in Sage's face. Diego explained that his cousin had only wanted acceptance and to be loved, but Brook Lynn had taken advantage of that, and she had stood by as Georgie had locked Sage up, which had gotten his cousin murdered. Diego's tone filled with hatred as he reminded Brook Lynn that Sage had been left in the freezer to die.

Across town, Emily greeted Nikolas, but he was curious what had been so urgent. Emily promised to explain, but first she wanted his assurance that he wouldn't tell anyone. Nikolas agreed, but Emily cryptically warned him that before long he wouldn't have any time on his hands. Confused, Nikolas asked what Emily was talking about, prompting her to admit that she wanted them to give Lucky and Elizabeth a fairytale wedding. Emily had been worried about broaching the topic because she worried that Nikolas might find it awkward since they were in the middle of a divorce. However, Emily insisted that Lucky and Elizabeth were their oldest friends and they deserved more than a tiny ceremony in Audrey Hardy's living room.

To Emily's relief, Nikolas liked the idea, especially since Lucky had asked Nikolas to be the best man. Emily was confident that Elizabeth would ask Emily to be the matron of honor, but Nikolas warned Emily that Lucky and Elizabeth might use the wedding as an opportunity to play matchmaker. He admitted that Lucky had already asked that him not to invite Courtney. Nikolas had promised not to, but Emily suggested that he might have a change of heart, and she didn't think it was fair to Courtney. Nikolas assured Emily that Courtney didn't want to cause any trouble.

Emily decided to let the matter drop. She wondered where they should start with the plans for Lucky and Elizabeth's dream wedding. Nikolas thought it was best to keep things quiet because Lucky might opt for a quick wedding behind Kelly's if he got wind of their plans. Emily and Nikolas agreed that Elizabeth would prefer a formal wedding, and it would be best to spring it on the bride and groom at the very last minute, so they couldn't back out of it. Emily and Nikolas agreed to meet at Kelly's in a few hours to strategize.

Meanwhile, Courtney thanked Dr. Meadows for taking time out of her busy day to meet with her. Dr. Meadows confessed that she'd been impressed by what she'd heard about Courtney's project. Courtney appreciated the doctor's support of the foundation, but she had asked to see the doctor about another matter. Courtney was curious if she should cut her work hours. Dr. Meadows explained that it was entirely up to Courtney, but she assured Courtney that Courtney was in good health and the pregnancy had been progressing normally. However, Dr. Meadows did advise Courtney to get plenty of rest and to keep the stress to a minimum.

Courtney confided that she was only stressed about telling the baby's father. Courtney was curious about a paternity test, but Dr. Meadows warned Courtney that it would have to wait a few weeks because anything sooner would put the baby at risk. Their conversation was cut short when Jax walked up. Courtney claimed that she and Dr. Meadows had been discussing the foundation's "Mothers without Means" project. Jax was familiar with the program's objective to help unwed mothers with financial, legal, and medical assistance.

After Dr. Meadows tactfully excused herself, Jax and Courtney discussed the project. She was startled when he offered to underwrite the entire program to honor the child that they had both wanted and lost. Courtney was impressed by Jax's generosity, but he admitted that he wanted to stay busy because he had heard it would help. Jax confided that he had to get a new day planner because he had made notations about pregnancy milestones, jotted down a few baby names, and even circled the date that he thought the baby would have been born. Courtney urged Jax to give it time, but he admitted that he liked to think that he and Courtney would have found a way to be friends, if the baby had lived.

A short time later, Emily approached Courtney to reveal that she knew that Courtney was pregnant. Stunned, Courtney asked if Sonny had shared the news with Emily, but Emily revealed that she had overheard Courtney and Sonny talking in the living room when Emily had returned to fetch her cell phone. Courtney demanded to know why Emily hadn't spoken up then, but Emily admitted that she had needed time to absorb the shocking news. Courtney explained that she had decided to keep quiet about the pregnancy because there was a possibility that Jax was the father. Courtney didn't want to argue with Emily, but she reminded Emily that the matter didn't really concern her.

Emily disagreed, but Courtney pointed out that Emily had eavesdropped on a private conversation. She warned Emily to stay out of it because Emily had no idea what it was like to lose a baby, feel responsible for that loss, and then learn there was another chance to have a child. Courtney insisted that her pregnancy was miracle, and it was up to her to decide what was best for her unborn child. Emily argued that Courtney was not the only person involved.

Emily reminded Courtney that if Emily had told Jason about Courtney's pregnancy sooner things might have turned out differently. Courtney refused to discuss it with Emily, but Emily warned Courtney that keeping secrets from Nikolas had led to the downfall of Emily's marriage. Courtney begged Emily to at least wait until Courtney could arrange a paternity test in a few weeks. Emily agreed.

Later, Courtney called Mike because she had been hoping to talk to him about the baby. She tensed when he carefully explained that it wasn't a good time. "Couldn't get to him fast enough, could you?" Courtney asked her father.

Jax found Alexis packing for the hospital. She wanted to be ready when she went into labor. After he helped her select something to pack for the baby, Alexis realized how insensitive it had been. Jax assured Alexis that losing a baby didn't mean that he couldn't celebrate Alexis' impending birth. Touched, she assured him that he was both a great friend and a wonderful ex-husband. Jax broached the subject of his divorce because he hadn't received the divorce papers, so Alexis conceded that she had temporarily misplaced them under a stack of diapers, but she promised that they had been mailed out.

Alexis suggested that perhaps Jax had lost the papers on purpose because he didn't really want out of his marriage, but he made it clear that he and Courtney were over. Jax added that the marriage had been a mistake, and the sooner he moved on the better. Alexis wondered if that was because he was still angry -- or afraid that he might change his mind. Just then, Nikolas knocked on the door. Nikolas had stopped by because he had received Jax's divorce papers in the mail.

Embarrassed, Alexis explained that she'd had a lot on her mind, but Jax thought it was an odd mistake for her to make. Alexis tried to attribute it to pregnancy hormones, but Nikolas wondered if his aunt had switched the papers to give Nikolas and Emily more time to change their minds about the divorce. Alexis reminded both Jax and Nikolas that she was supposed to be on sabbatical to prepare for the birth of her child, and the only reason that she had agreed to represent them was because she loved her nephew and best friend. Alexis added that they had each assured her their respective divorces had been mutually agreed on and amicable.

"They are," Nikolas replied. "Jax agreed. Alexis decided that it must be in the water because she had been going through a separation too; although, her husband had been too busy risking his life, principals, and law practice to sign the papers. Alexis conceded that she had been vacillating somewhere between fearing for Ric's life and wanting to kill him, so she'd been a bit distracted. Nikolas gently reminded Alexis that she loved Ric, but she argued that it didn't matter because Jax loved Courtney, but they'd fallen apart when the surrogacy hadn't worked out.

Alexis acknowledged that Courtney's mistake might have been worse than Jax's, but it took two to tango. Alexis pointed to Nikolas and Emily who had survived Helena, Emily's cancer, and the rape, yet they were tripping over each other in their rush to get divorced. Nikolas argued that it was more complicated than that. "Of course, it is. You're a Cassadine. Nothing's easy for us." Alexis said. She assured both Jax and Nikolas that they could each get their divorce, but she was still an overworked attorney having a baby, and an irritating husband.

Nikolas delicately asked if there was anything that he could do for Alexis, so she suggested that both men take the time to appreciate the ones that they loved. If they didn't want to fight for their marriages then she would be happy to bill them for her hours. Nikolas and Jax were surprised when she ordered them to leave.

Later, Jax returned to drop off his signed divorce papers. Alexis skimmed document as Jax offered to take her to the hospital when she went into labor. He was also willing to stand in as labor coach or just sit in the waiting room. Alexis appreciated the offer, but she became distracted when she noticed that the papers hadn't been notarized. Jax seemed surprised, but Alexis saw through the faade because she knew Jax was aware that the papers couldn't be filed unless they had been notarized. Jax dropped the act as he asked Alexis to misplace the divorce papers for a little while longer.

At Kelly's, Emily and Nikolas discussed wedding attire and venues. Emily worried that inviting guests would be a difficult process if they hoped to keep the details from the bride and groom. She suggested that they include Audrey in their plans because they only had one month to pull things off. Nikolas told her that they would have to be fast, efficient, and extremely sneaky. He added that it was fortune for them that their families excelled in the latter. Emily smiled then asked if the horse-drawn carriage had been a serious suggestion.

In Hawaii, Jason sat outside the beach house working on part for the ice machine as Sam returned from a dip in the ocean. She secured a wrap around her waist as she assured Jason that the water was perfect, but he was determined to get the ice machine fixed because she needed it to make the drinks for her new dream bar. Sam offered to show him another dream of hers as she reached for his hand then pulled him to his feet for a passionate kiss.

Sam made another attempt to lure Jason into the water, but he stubbornly returned to working on the part. Sam disappeared into the beach house to retrieve the island mask from the desk. She returned and warned him that he was inviting trouble because local superstition required young women who were new to the island to swim with their men before the next full moon or a demon would toss the woman into a volcano. Jason chuckled, but he remained focused on his work, which forced Sam to resort to underhanded tricks. She grabbed a super soaker water gun then drenched Jason.

Jason chased Sam around until he was able to pull the gun away from her. Next, he hoisted over his shoulder then headed to the water vowing to dump her in the ocean. A short time later, the couple were laughing as they returned to the beach house. Sam placed the mask back on its stand, but Jason insisted that the mask face the room because he had read in the book about Hawaii that it promoted good energy and the breath of life. Sam admitted that she was happy, and that Jason seemed more relaxed than he had in a long time.

Jason assured Sam that they had made the right decision, and he had no regrets. Sam glanced at the mask. "Well, I guess we can thank Mr. Chuckles," she said as Jason took her in his arms then made his way to the bedroom.

Later, Jason woke up when he heard the snap of a twig. He called out Sam's name, but she didn't reply, so he made his way to the living room. Jason froze when he saw two gunmen with their laser sights aimed at his chest. Manny Ruiz appeared in the entryway. "You remember me?" Manny asked. Manny accused Jason of leaving Manny to die in the park.

Manny pointedly warned Jason that some people woke up from their comas angry and looking for payback. Jason was unapologetic because Manny had shot up a hospital filled with innocent people. One of the gunmen used the butt of his gun to jab Jason in the ribs. Manny admitted that he wanted to watch Jason die, but Jason had saved Manny's brother's life, which meant that family honor dictated that Manny had to let Jason live unless Jason tried to kill Manny. Jason made it clear that he wouldn't try to kill Manny, but Manny wasn't satisfied. The gunmen knocked Jason to his knees then tossed him into a chair and handcuffed each wrist to the chair's arm rests.

Manny loomed over Jason as he observed that Jason's girlfriend appeared to have left. Jason didn't reply, but Manny admitted that he preferred to keep things between them. Manny explained that he needed to honor the men who had died for him because they had been good men -- much like Jason had once been good to Sonny until Jason had dishonored his boss. Manny put a gun within reach on Jason's lap then invited Jason to take it. Jason refused. Manny signaled to one of the gunmen to strike Jason.

Outside, Sam returned with supplies, but she stopped as she approached the door because she saw Manny and his men hovered around Jason.

In Paris, a doctor invited one of his co-workers to lunch, but she declined because she was expecting a call. A short time later, Robin answered a call from her uncle Mac. She thanked him for sending the cupcake for her birthday and promised to make wish when she blew out the candle.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of October 10, 2005 on GH

Thursday, October 13, 2005

by Mary N.

Luke shows up at his hotel room to show Tracy that he broke into Alcazar's office and forged his signature to show that he has given his ELQ shares to Tracy. Tracy gets a call from Vince, who is holding Skye hostage still. Tracy tells Luke that she is disappointed in his abilities as a con man. She tells him that the forged document won't hold up to any kind of scrutiny. Luke tells Tracy that if she doesn't cooperate with him and have Vince release Skye soon, he is going to make sure that the cops arrest her on kidnapping charges. Tracy tells him that there is no evidence linking her to Vince or Skye's kidnapping. The phone rings again and Luke answers it before she gets a chance to pick up the phone. He demands that Vince tell him where he is keeping Skye. Vince gives him the address and Luke hangs up. Tracy asks him what Vince told him. Luke tells her that he knows where Skye is being held and that she is going to be so grateful to him for rescuing her that she will have open arms for him when he gets there. He opens up the door to leave and is shocked to find Skye making out with Lorenzo Alcazar against the door frame. Skye tells Luke that Lorenzo rescued her and she is showing her appreciation. Luke tells her that Lorenzo didn't do anything at all and that he did all the work in finding her. Lorenzo suggests that Luke go to the Dominican Republic, which is not too far away from there and get a divorce from Tracy. Luke tells him that he isn't going to divorce Tracy until she gives him the $15 million she owes him. Tracy refuses to give him anything. Skye tells Luke she is returning to Port Charles with Lorenzo on his private jet and refuses to let him go with them. Skye leaves. Luke cozies up to Tracy and asks to return home with her. Tracy kisses him on the lips and tells him to take a bus home.

Courtney shows up at Kelly's to see Mike. He warns her that Nikolas is inside Kelly's with Emily. Courtney thinks that Emily is planning to tell Nikolas about her pregnancy. She goes inside Kelly's and accuses Emily of telling Nikolas something important about her before she has a chance. Emily realizes that Courtney thinks she told him already about her pregnancy. Emily keeps her secret and lies to Nikolas and tells him that Courtney told her that she was using Michael and Morgan as an excuse to hide from him and their marriage problems. Emily tells him that she realized Courtney was right to believe that. She apologizes to Courtney for blaming her for how she feels about things. Courtney leaves them to talk. Nikolas senses something else is going on with the two of them and asks her what else she is hiding. Emily doesn't have an answer. Courtney leaves and heads to the park where she runs into Liz, Lucky, and Cameron. Lucky takes Cameron out of his stroller and tells Liz to meet them at Kelly's afterwards so the two women can talk alone. Courtney tells Liz that she took her advice and broke up with Nikolas so he has a chance to patch things up with Emily. Liz apologizes to Courtney for making her think her feelings toward Nikolas don't count at all and tells her that she needs to forget what she said. Liz tells her that she wants Nikolas and Emily to reunite but that she had no right to make Courtney get caught in the middle and suggests that everyone should just be honest about how they feel and that dishonesty is what caused everyone's problems to begin with. Courtney realizes that she should be honest with Nikolas. Liz goes back to Kelly's and shares with Lucky how she feels about being with him and that her dream will have come true after their wedding when she wakes up with him as her husband. Courtney meets with Nikolas at the park. She tells him that she doesn't want him to be with her out of obligation and that if he still loves Emily he should be with her and she would understand. Nikolas notices how nervous she is and asks her what is really going on with her. Courtney tells him that she is pregnant.

Jason is still tied up to the chair in his cottage while Manny Ruiz holds a gun on him with his goons hanging around. Sam returns home to find them beating Jason up. She goes in through the back bedroom window and knocks over a lamp which crashes on the floor. Ruiz and his men hear the noise from the other room and one of his goons goes to investigate. The room is pitch dark inside and Sam hits the goon in the back of the head and knocks him out. She takes his gun. Another man goes to investigate and Sam shoots him as he tries to enter the bedroom. She keeps the gun pointed at Manny Ruiz and orders him to drop the gun he has pointed at Jason. Ruiz orders her to drop her gun or he will kill Jason. Sam lets go of the gun and asks him what he wants from them. Manny surprises her by shooting Jason in the leg. She goes over to Jason and tries to treat his gunshot wound. Manny orders her to come over to him and kiss him or he will shoot Jason in the other leg. Sam follows his orders but insists on taking her shirt off to use to wrap Jason's leg with first. She does it quickly. She notices a screwdriver laying on the floor nearby. Jason sees what she is looking at and motions slightly with his head that she should try to get a hold of it to use as a weapon. She manages to go near her purse and Manny tells her not to go any further. She grabs the screwdriver while he isn't looking and hides behind herself. She goes over to Ruiz and sits partly on his lap as if she is going to comply with his wishes and kiss him. Jason is getting more angry and upset over the thought of her having to give in to Ruiz's demands. Sam takes the screwdriver and points it close to his temple and tells him to drop the gun or she will use it. Ruiz's goons come to and one of them comes up behind Jason and tells her to let go of the screwdriver or he will kill Jason. Sam lets go of the screwdriver and Ruiz tells her to be good now and kiss him like he asked already. Jason tries to get loose from the ties around his hands on the chair. Meanwhile, Sonny makes arrangements to stay at the hotel and use himself as bait to draw in Javier Ruiz when he tries to kill him. He asks Ric to come by and hands him a signed will belonging to him in case he is killed in his war with Javier Ruiz. Ric suggests that he act as his lawyer and try to set a negotiation between Ruiz and him. Sonny tells him he wants him out of danger and he will deal with Ruiz on his own terms. He asks Ric to make sure the will is kept safe in case he doesn't make it out of this alive. Sonny hugs Ric before he leaves. Sonny then talks to Michael to explain that he is going to be gone overnight to do business and will be back soon and to help Emily take care of Morgan. Michael pleads with him not to go but Sonny explains to him that everything will be alright. Emily returns to Sonny's place. Sonny tells her that he wants her to be the boys' legal guardian in case something happens to him. Emily isn't sure she wants that responsibility but finally agrees to take care of the boys just in case something happens to him. Sonny makes her promise not to involve her parents in taking care of Michael since Alan can't be trusted around Michael or he will try to confuse Michael more about AJ Emily agrees not to let Michael near her parents. Sonny leaves to go to the hotel. Meanwhile, Ric goes to Kelly's and Reese shows up. He tells her about the will and what Sonny plans to do. Reese insists on knowing where Sonny is and what the plan is. Ric tells her to stay out of it and let Sonny handle his own business and not make herself a target, which Sonny wouldn't want. Reese refuses to let Sonny do this alone. She goes to the hotel and shows up at his room. Sonny orders his men to be on alert and to try to keep innocent bystanders at the hotel from getting hurt in this. Sonny plans to hole himself up in his hotel room and wait for Javier Ruiz to make a move first. Sonny isn't happy to see Reese there and doesn't want her involved. Reese tells him that she can help him and refuses to leave him alone. She shuts all the window blinds down and makes sure the room is secure. She cuts off Sonny's protests with a kiss and refuses to budge. Ric goes to the hospital for another Lamaze class with Alexis, who is waiting for him. She senses he is agitated by something and asks him what is wrong. He tells her that Sonny is putting himself in a position where he could be killed and that he feels helpless to stop him. Alexis tells him that she rather that he survive and that she doesn't want Kristina and the baby to lose two fathers. Meanwhile, Javier Ruiz hangs out at the hotel and gives his men orders to target Sonny at the hotel when he learns he is in a room there right now.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of October 10, 2005 on GH

Friday, October 14, 2005

by Soap Central

Stunned by Courtney's announcement, Nikolas contemplates the possibility of impending fatherhood. Alan urges his daughter to forgive her straying husband and take him back. Handcuffed to a chair and bleeding profusely, Jason watches helplessly as Manny begins pawing Sam. Alexis begs Ric to follow his brother's instructions and steer clear of the trouble which is about to surround Sonny. Meanwhile, at the Metro Court, Sonny gets nowhere trying to convince Reese to hurry out of harm's way while she still can. Jason wrenches free of his restraints and grabs a gun, then forces Manny to release his grip on Sam. Though Alan appeals to her to leave the Corinthos compound and come home, Emily reminds him how she owes it to Sonny to stay and care for his sons. After the police take Manny into custody, Jason tells Sam why he has to go back to his old way of life. Durant arrives for his meeting with Javier, who reveals how he plans to rub Sonny out that very night. Nikolas confides to Emily how conflicted he is about Courtney's pregnancy. Ric decides to have a face-to-face with the head of the Ruiz family. As they part, Sam tearfully assures Jason she understands his decision. A massive gun battle erupts outside Sonny's hotel suite.

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