General Hospital Recaps: The week of August 23, 2004 on GH

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Jason and Sam met when they were both arrested
General Hospital Recaps: The week of August 23, 2004 on GH

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General Hospital Recaps: The week of August 23, 2004 on GH

Monday, August 23, 2004

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The teens sensed someone in the room during the sance. The channeling board warned them that someone would die that night. The doors sprung open and Heather, who sat outside, was almost struck by lightning. Edward came into the room and admitted he believed that Lila was back to stop him from cheating on her with Heather. Trent and Sage left the room and she tried to convince him that she was not responsible for what happened. Brooke did not believe that Lila would come back as a vengeful spirit. Heather and Edward were left alone. He told her it was too soon after Lila's death to be with another woman. She told him that guilt was natural but that Lila would want him to be happy. Edward brought Heather to the room across from his room to spend the night. They kissed.

Monica told Alan that she should get the backup generator working, only to discover that it was broken. They flirted and headed upstairs. Meanwhile, Georgie told everyone that she was frightened and wanted to leave. Brooke tried to convince them that it may not be Lila, but rather an evil spirit that was masquerading as her great-grandmother. Lucas tried to be very logical, finding a rational excuse for everything that had occurred up to that point. He told Brooke that maybe she was influencing the board subconsciously. A wheelchair came flying down the stairs, and everyone screamed. Monica and Alan passed by and believed this was a prank by the teens. Alan warned them not play with his mother's things. Alan and Monica went upstairs and Alan pulled her into one of the empty rooms for an "elicit tryst."

Georgie continued to tell everyone she wanted to go home. Alice declared there had been an accident and no one could leave because the road was blocked all night. Brooke tried to convince them to start the sance again, in order to find out who the spirit was. She argued that it was a good way to clear Lila's name and to kick the bad spirit back to the afterworld. Sage and Trent backed out of the sance. Dillon wanted to figure out what was happening, and Lucas teased him about hurting Georgie until Dillon finally admitted that he was still in love with Georgie. He apologized to her again, they made up and both decided to rejoin the sance. Outside the room, Sage and Trent discussed that they sent the wheelchair down the stairs. They discussed their plans on how to scare Georgie some more. In the living room, the Ouija board told the teens that there was jealousy in the house.

After having made love, Justus told Faith that their relationship was rooted in betrayal and that he would not restart things like that again. Faith told him to take a chance on them again. She made plans to leave with Justus and start a new life. Justus questioned her reasons. She convinced him that it was a good idea to start fresh in a place where no one knew them. Justus left and when he came back, Faith was gone.

Emily mentioned things that Nikolas would know, in order to convince herself that his memory was really back. He told her that happiest moment of his life was when they had first made love. She told him that Mary was not just a misguided soul, and Nikolas told her that Helena was a much bigger threat. A shadow lurked outside. Emily told Nikolas that she was accepting the new him, and now that he was really back, she would never take him for granted again. He apologized for being mean to her, and for punishing her for loving him. He promised to spend his life making it up to her. They made love. Nikolas asked Emily where her engagement ring was, and that he wanted her to put it back on. She told him she took it off before his memorial service and that she had promised it Lulu. Emily told him she had to run to the house to get supplies. Nikolas heard the sirens (from the accident near the house), and fearing the worst, left the boathouse. He snuck into the house and ducked so that Alice would not see him. She warned whoever it was to come out. Meanwhile, Emily was in her room gathering her things, and someone stared at her from the closet.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of August 23, 2004 on GH

Tuesday, August 24, 2004


Alice warned Nikolas to come out. Nikolas managed to run into Emily's room, just as the stranger was about to come out of the closet. Emily told Nikolas her fantasy from back when she had a crush on him. They made love. Just as the stranger was about to exit the closet again, Sage walked into the room, but left after Nikolas and Emily threatened they would catch her for trespassing if she told anyone she had seen them. Emily left to get food and came back with a picnic. She went to the closet, looking for a corkscrew. The stranger looked on.

Justus walked in on an empty freezer. He went looking for Faith only to find her in the hall. He told her he cared about her and that he was willing to give up a lot for her.

Heather and Edward, kissing, fell on to the bed, only to find Monica and Alan there, fooling around. Alan accused Edward of betraying Lila's memory. They told him that Heather was just after his money. Tracy walked in and continued the accusations against both Edward and Heather. She insisted that Edward should be eliminated for showing no virtue at all. They all headed downstairs. Faith hid as the Quartermaines showed up. Felicia showed up, after having been called in on an emergency by Tracy. She insisted on hearing Edward's side of the story before eliminating him from the competition. Justus reluctantly defended Edward, leaving Faith outside. Edward was questioned by Felicia. Heather asked to speak. They all bickered in front of Felicia. Justus got fed up and left. Felicia announced that she had rendered a decision as to who would be eliminated next. Faith waited at the freezer, gun in hand.

Sage accused Georgie that she was jealous of her, but Brooke insisted that the spirit was saying it was Lila who was jealous of Heather. Sage then accused both Georgie and Sage of being jealous of her, Georgie because of Dillon and Brooke because of her singing. She teased Georgie about sex and Georgie stormed out. Dillon followed her. Brooke was upset that Georgie and Dillon walked out on the sance. She convinced Lucas to start over. Meanwhile, Sage complained to Trent about what Dillon did to her and that she wanted to traumatize both Georgie and Dillon for life. In the boathouse, Georgie admitted she was jealous of Sage and that was why she had done the things she had. Dillon told her she was the most important thing to him. They kissed. He told her she was never the problem, and that he regretted sleeping with Sage more than anything else in his life. Sage listened. Crying, she told Trent to scare them to death. Trent made noises outside the boathouse and Dillon and Georgie got scared and ran to the house.

Brooke insisted she wanted to talk to Lila. Lucas once again tried to be the voice of reason, but after some convincing, he agreed to start the sance again. Sage asked the spirit different obvious questions. Lucas was shocked to see that it seemed to be working and that Brooke was not controlling it. When Brooke asked who her father was, the answer was "N-E-D." As Lucas was about to say that just about anyone knew the answer to that question, the board continued with the letters "N-O-T." She took that to mean that Ned was not in danger. Georgie and Dillon ran into the house. Sage came in a little later and Georgie accused Sage of staging the whole thing in order to scare them. Sage left, upset. Trent defended her in front of the teens. He told them she was misunderstood. He left, looking for Sage. They all followed, feeling bad. Reaching the boathouse, they called for Sage to forgive them. They opened the door to the boathouse to find Sage on the ground, stabbed in the stomach.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of August 23, 2004 on GH

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

by Irene

Inside the darkened Quartermaine Mansion, Faith grabs her gun when she hears Alice searching for her. At the same time, in Emily's room, Emily and Nikolas pack a picnic for their getaway and Emily goes to the closet to look for a corkscrew for their wine. As Emily and Nikolas continue to make romantic plans, the intruder spies on them from a hiding place. At the same time, a well-armed Faith ducks into Emily's room to hide and frightens Nikolas and Emily when Faith waves her gun in their faces. Faith reminds Nikolas and Emily that, since it would be VERY unhealthy for Faith if Jason discovered where Faith was hiding, Nikolas and Emily will NOT be leaving the room alive. Emily offers to help Faith leave the country, but Faith refuses to believe any of Emily's statements. Emily suddenly pretends to see Jason at the window and Nikolas grabs Faith's gun while the mob princess is distracted. Emily is terrified when the gun goes off but Faith drops her weapon and runs away, with Nikolas and Emily in pursuit. Later, Nikolas and Emily discover Faith's hiding place in the freezer. Emily leaves to warn the family that Faith has been hiding in the house. However, after Emily leaves, the sinister figure in black creeps up behind Nikolas and knocks him out.

Lucas, Dillon, Georgie, Brook Lynn and Trent go to the Boat house, searching for Sage. The teens are spooked when they believe that they have discovered Sage's dead body, but Sage gleefully reveals that she was playing a practical joke. Sage later admits that it was Sage who pushed Lila's wheelchair down the back stairs in order to spook the other teens. However, when Trent congratulates Sage for her 'crazy woman act' in the hallway, Sage suddenly insists that it was NOT Sage whom Trent saw in the hallway! The teens are unimpressed by Sage's sudden protest of 'innocence' and they all accuse Sage of playing another prank on them. As the others leave the boat house, Brook Lynn warns Sage that her pranks may have caused a REAL evil presence to gravitate toward Sage! After the rest of the teens leave, Sage again insists to Trent that it was NOT Sage whom Trent saw, dressed all in black, in the hallway. Sage and Trent finally follow the rest of the teens back to the house, but they are all shocked when they discover that a large knife has been planted in the middle of the Ouija Board! Trent and Sage accuse the other teens of knifing the Board to get even with Sage and Trent. However, the other teens accuse Sage and Trent of being responsible for the sinister-looking board. Georgie accuses Sage of calling Felicia in the hope that Georgie's mother would catch Georgie and Dillon in a romantic moment at the boathouse, but Sage denies the charge. The teens decide to lock Sage in the freezer. When Trent insists that he should accompany Sage, Georgie has a melt-down and blasts Dillon for always trying to defend Sage. Even after the rest of the teens have changed their mind about Sage, Georgie grabs Sage and hustles her unwilling 'prisoner' away toward the freezer. Later, Trent tries to convince Dillon to check on Sage and Georgie, but Dillon refuses, insisting that Georgie and Sage need to settle their differences alone.

Amidst flickering candles in the sitting room, as Edward, Alan, Monica, Heather, Justus and Alice look on, Tracy tries to persuade Felicia to disqualify Edward because of Edward's dalliance with Heather. But Justus argues that Lila would have WANTED Edward to move on with his life. Felicia announces that she has decided, instead, to eliminate Tracy from the competition. Meanwhile, Justus slips away and calls in a big favor, then begins to make arrangements to leave the country secretly with Faith. In the meantime, back in the sitting room, Tracy vows to have Lila's will invalidated and sue Felicia for fraud. The group is surprised when Heather suddenly appears to be "channeling" Lila's spirit! Everyone presumes that Heather is running a con until "Lila" reminds Felicia about "Scarlet Ribbons." Felicia explains that Scarlet Ribbons was the name of the first rose planted in Lila's first rose garden -- and that Lila had told Felicia that IF Lila ever made an attempt to contact Felicia, Lila would use the code word "Scarlet Ribbons." Tracy suggests that Felicia and Heather are in cahoots and demands that the two conspirators leave the house immediately. However, Edward and Felicia convince the group that Heather SHOULD try again to "reach" Lila, and Heather agrees. While Heather begins to warn them all of danger, Alice searches the adjoining room, after hearing Faith moving around there. But Emily suddenly arrives and sends Alice to investigate near Emily's room. After Alice leaves, Faith makes a mad dash toward the front door, but Justus suddenly arrives and grabs Faith before the mob princess can make good with her getaway. Meanwhile, Emily arrives in the sitting room and, before Emily can take Alan and Monica aside to warn them about Faith, Tracy suddenly demands that "Lila" should tell them who "Lila" believes SHOULD inherit Lila's fortune. As Tracy makes her demands, lightning flashes, thunder crashes outside, a wind blows out all of the candles and the back-up generator suddenly quits! When the candles are lighted again, Heather is missing! Tracy continues to argue that it is all an act being put on by Heather to manipulate the disbursement of Lila's fortune. Later, Emily finally gets Monica alone long enough to fill Monica in about Faith, but Emily urges Monica NOT to tell the police that Nikolas is ALSO at the mansion. Meanwhile, Justus informs Faith that he has made arrangements to get them out of the country and urges the mob princess to stay calm. Justus leaves Faith in a nearby bedroom and leaves to complete his plans. At the same time, Felicia discovers Dillon, Trent, Brook Lynn and Lucas gathered around the Ouija Board. The teens quickly explain to an appalled Felicia that Georgie took Sage to the freezer to lock Sage in. Meanwhile, Georgie arrives at the freezer with Sage in tow and locks her nemesis in! In the meantime, the black-clad intruder arrives in Emily's room and grabs the gun that Faith left lying on Emily's bed. When Georgie returns to her assembled friends, and confirms that Sage has been locked in the freezer, Felicia insists that ALL of the teens go with her to liberate Sage! In the meantime, as Alan and Tracy search for Heather, they come across Alice, who insists that she has NOT seen Heather. However, after Alan and Tracy leave, Heather comes out of hiding and Heather thanks Alice for telling her about overhearing Felicia and Lila talking about "Scarlet Ribbons" so that Alice and Heather can make sure that it is EDWARD who inherits Lila's fortune! Later, when Felicia and the teens arrive at the freezer, they are all stunned when they discover Sage lying lifeless on the freezer floor. Felicia confirms that Sage really IS dead this time! At the same time, Emily arrives at the Boat house and finds Nikolas, who quickly explains that he was hit over the head but found the freezer door unlocked when he regained consciousness, so he immediately returned to the Boat house. Emily informs Nikolas that she believed that she saw someone walking around outside the house and Nikolas suggests that Emily MIGHT have seen Helena! As Nikolas and Emily huddle together against the cold, Faith walks toward the Boat house, carrying a knife. When Faith arrives outside the Boat house, Faith stands at the window, peering in at Nikolas and Emily.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of August 23, 2004 on GH

Thursday, August 26, 2004

by MARY N.

Felicia, Dillon, Georgie, Brook Lynn, and Trent head down to the basement walk-in freezer to let Sage out. Brook Lynn sees Sage laying on the floor face down and thinks Sage is playing around like she did before. She tells Sage that they aren't going to buy her playing dead and tells her to get up. Felicia notices the blood first and leans down to check her pulse. She turns to Georgie and tells her that Sage is really dead. Georgie screams and cries in horror and blames herself for locking Sage in the freezer alone. Felicia tries to comfort her and reassure her that Sage's murder isn't her fault. Georgie feels responsible for Sage's death anyway and tells everyone she basically killed her. Tracy walks in with a candle and overhears Georgie. Tracy tells Georgie that she heard her confess to killing Sage as well as the other witnesses to her "confession." Dillon tells his mother to leave Georgie alone and leave them alone. Tracy refuses to leave and tells them that the cops will be arriving soon. Felicia tells Tracy to leave Georgie alone and tells her she didn't do it. They all go upstairs to the atrium. Meanwhile, Heather tells Alice that lying to Edward about not seeing her will help Edward in the long run because it will help him to eventually inherit Lila's money and thanks her for telling her about what she overheard Lila tell Felicia one time about a secret code of "scarlet ribbons" for them to use. Edward shows up and overhears part of the conversation. He asks Alice why she lied to him about not seeing Heather when she did. Heather sticks up for Alice and tells Edward that Alice just found her in the room. Edward dismisses Alice so he can talk to Heather alone. He asks Heather why she went hiding from him. She tells him she was scared of Lila's spirit. She explains that she doesn't understand how she could have been possessed by Lila's spirit when she doesn't remember it at all. Edward comforts Heather and hugs her. Alan and Monica walk in and are disgusted by Edward's belief that Heather is innocent of any wrongdoing and believes Lila's spirit was channeled through Heather. They tell Edward that there has been a murder on the premises and that Sage was the murder victim. They look at Heather in accusation. Edward and Heather join them downstairs in the atrium. Tracy continues to harass Georgie and accuse her of killing Sage out of jealousy and hatred because Sage slept with Dillon. Felicia tells Tracy to leave Georgie alone. Brook Lynn tells Tracy off for accusing Georgie of cold-blooded murder. Mac shows up and goes over to Georgie to comfort her. Tracy is disgusted when Mac insists on seeing Sage's body and the murder scene and being comforting to Georgie. Mac tells Tracy to leave Georgie alone. He checks Sage over and the crime scene with Felicia there with him. He tells Felicia there is no way Georgie would kill Sage but needs to question her about what she may have seen after locking Sage up in the room.

Meanwhile, Dillon, Lucas, Brook Lynn, and Trent are told by Mac not to leave the premises. Trent gets upset with Lucas, Brook Lynn, and Dillon for defending Georgie. Trent thinks Georgie could have lost it and accidentally killed Sage. Dillon refuses to believe it and tells Trent to leave her alone. Mac brings Georgie into the other room to question her about what happened. Georgie tells him that she got so fed up with Sage for scheming with Trent and playing games to scare all of them that she dragged her down to the freezer room and locked her in there to teach her a lesson and then went upstairs. Tracy listens at the door to try to overhear what Mac is saying to Georgie. She accuses Mac and Felicia of tampering with the evidence and manufacturing an alibi to help get their daughter off. Edward, Alan, and Monica tell Tracy to back off and stop berating an innocent young girl like Georgie. Meanwhile, Brook Lynn thinks the teens should try to bring up Lila's spirit again with the Ouija board and ask her who killed Sage. Dillon, Trent, and Lucas reluctantly agree and use it. The Ouija board starts to spell out Emily's name. Trent starts to interrupt their little sance and go off about how they don't want to believe anyone could have killed Sage even someone like Emily because she is Dillon and Brook Lynn's cousin. Brook Lynn notices the board is moving again with their fingers on it and they spell out the rest, "EMILY WARN." Brook Lynn and Dillon believe that Lila is trying to reach out to them to help warn Emily of danger.

Nikolas decides he should turn himself in after hearing about Sage's murder and that Faith is still on the loose. Emily is against the idea at first but after listening to his reasoning about how Monica will start to worry about her if she doesn't show up soon and think he kidnapped her and will call the cops on him. Emily and Nikolas show up. They tell Mac that Faith showed up and pulled a gun on them and they also tell Mac that Sage walked in on them in Emily's room but agreed to pretend she didn't see them. Mac doesn't know who to believe and accuses Nikolas of killing Sage and goes so far as to accuse Emily of killing Sage after Nikolas tells him that someone hit him over the head in the basement when he was checking out the freezer room. Mac accuses Emily of killing Sage to protect Nikolas after he was hit on the head. Alan and Monica resent Mac's accusations and tell him his accusations are absurd. Mac tells them that everyone is a suspect at this point and asks about Heather. They get into the whole Heather being channeled by Lila's spirit which no one believes. Mac suggests that maybe Heather went down to the basement to find more papers of Lila's and came upon Sage who Heather may have killed to keep her from telling the family her scheme. Meanwhile, Justus wonders if he can trust Faith when she insists she didn't kill Sage Alcazar and that she stumbled upon her body when she went down to her hiding place in the old freezer room. He asks her why she is carrying a butcher knife for. Faith tells him there is a killer loose and is afraid of storms as well. Justus tells her he has to go make an appearance or the cops will get suspicious of him after awhile. Faith pleads with him not to go downstairs and leave her alone in the room with a storm still going on. He tells her that if they are planning on being together they need to learn to trust each other and promises to be right back. Justus shows up and asks Mac what is going on. Justus pretends he didn't know about Sage's murder. Emily and Nikolas tell him that Faith is around there somewhere and pulled a gun on them. Mac asks Justus if he knows where Faith is. Justus lies and tells him he hasn't seen her since he visited her at G.H. before her escape. Mac looks at him suspiciously. Upstairs the real killer, dressed in black clothes and wearing a Halloween mask enters Emily's room and tears a picture of Emily and Nikolas in half and smashes the frame. The killer hears a noise outside the room. Brook Lynn heads upstairs toward Emily's bedroom to find her to warn her. The killer readies his/her to strike if someone comes inside the room. Everyone downstairs hears someone scream bloody murder. Justus recognizes Faith's scream. Justus goes upstairs and finds Faith bleeding from being attacked by the killer, but not dead. He carries her downstairs so she can be checked by either Alan or Monica. Everyone wonders where Brook Lynn went and worries she will be the next victim.

General Hospital Recaps: The week of August 23, 2004 on GH

Friday, August 27, 2004


Justus brought Faith down to the foyer. She had suffered minor injuries from the masked killer and the gardening claw. Meanwhile, Brook Lynn was upstairs, being watched by the killer, when Trent, Lucas and Dillon arrived to take her downstairs. Dillon stayed behind a moment and was attacked; he was not injured, and the killer fled. Dillon returned downstairs and announced the incident. Mac told Felicia to keep everybody in one room while he searched the mansion. Felicia begged him to let her help him as backup, but he insisted that she stay. She gave him a kiss before he left the scene. Speaking to Emily, Nikolas wondered why the killer spared him, simply knocking him out. They thought perhaps Helena could be involved. Nikolas decided to aid Mac and was able to talk Felicia into allowing him to go. Upstairs, Mac found a torn photograph of Nikolas and Emily. Meanwhile Tracy, Monica and Alan suggested that everyone try to get away by boat, but Felicia insisted that they follow Mac's orders by staying. Thinking each other was the killer, Mac shot at Nikolas but missed. Felicia ran to them, and Mac ordered Nik back downstairs with Felicia. Heather told Edward she was comforted by his presence. Dillon continued to comfort Georgie. Tracy and Felicia argued about Georgie and Dillon. Tracy even tried to blackmail Felicia, saying she wouldn't tell Alcazar that Georgie had locked Sage in the freezer prior to the murder, if Felicia would award Lila's inheritance money to her. This caused the family to turn on Tracy. Felicia swore to Tracy that if another threat against Georgie was made that she herself would dig up something so horrible out of Tracy's past that it would send Tracy to prison. When Edward mentioned that Tracy had dumped Dillon on the family, Tracy threw Felicia's year-long absence into her face. The killer overheard Mac calling for backup, as soon as weather would allow. A little later, Alice was startled to find a bloodied badge outside the front door. Felicia realized it was Mac's! Everybody decided to grab something to use as a weapon; Heather's choice was an ice pick, and the group broke up. Faith suggested to Justus that this was their chance to get away. Brook Lynn and Lucas searched a room and had Trent stand guard in the corridor. Brook and Lucas were bonding when Trent stumbled into the room, with the gardening claw in his back. He fell to the floor, dead! Felicia showed up, followed by Mac, who had not been hurt at all. Mac guessed that the killer had placed the badge outside as a trick to scare and divide the group. With the weapon in Trent's back, Brook wondered if the killer was now weaponless. Outside, the killer found a knife near the boathouse and grabbed it. Soon, Nikolas and Emily were told that the killer was trapped in the boathouse. Nikolas told Emily to stay in her room, while he went outside to help. Thinking she was alone, Emily was actually being watched by the killer from the closet. The others learned that it was actually Faith in the boathouse. Alice, Edward and Heather were wandering the mansion together. Suddenly, Heather again seemed to be possessed by Lila's spirit, warning that Emily was in danger. Edward raced away. Alice was impressed by Heather's "act", but Heather swore she wasn't pretending this time. In her room, Emily came face to face with the masked killer. They fought, with the killer trying to stab Emily. Finally, Emily was able to grab the mask and pull it off the killer's face. It was Mary!

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