Nina stopped by Ava's place to thank her for putting her in touch with Portia. She was sure that between the two of them they could take care of their little Drew problem. Nina noticed that Ava was in a rush. Ava told her she had to get Avery over to Sonny's place and didn't want to be late.
Nina thought it was odd that Ava cared about being prompt for "a man that clearly hates you." Ava shrugged off Nina's observation and said she just wanted things to remain amicable so that Avery could see her parents getting along. "In fact, Sonny and I had a rather illuminating conversation recently. I'm seeing Sonny with fresh eyes now," Ava said with a smile.
Diane was alarmed when she walked into her shared office with Alexis to find Alexis laying on the floor with her eyes closed. Diane was relieved when Alexis told her that she was just meditating. Alexis admitted she had invited Ric over so she could call a truce but needed to meditate before she could endure the meeting. "Do I have time to make popcorn before he gets here?" Diane asked in earnest.
When Ric arrived, the first words he said were, "Alexis, I owe you an apology." That surprise move threw Alexis off, but Ric continued. "We have had a long and very difficult history. We're always going to have significant differences between the two of us on just about everything but I realize that baiting you into one pointless argument after another is not only unfair to you, it's unfair to our daughter."
Ric admitted that Cody, of all people, helped him see the error of his ways. "I accept your apology," Alexis said. "And I accept yours," Ric replied. Alexis pointed out she didn't give one, but Ric knew she would and should. Diane made sure the two remained civil to one another as Alexis sighed and welcomed a "ceasefire."
When Molly walked in and saw her parents in the same room, she was nervous, but Ric and Alexis assured her that everything was fine and they had called a truce.
Kristina was surprised when she opened the door to Sonny's house to find Molly there. She wanted her sister back and admitted that losing Sam made her realize that she wanted Kristina in her life. Kristina didn't think they could go back to the way things were so easily, so Molly suggested baby steps. Maybe they could even have a movie night with Alexis.
The idea made Kristina smile, so the sisters hugged it out just before Ava arrived with Avery. Ava made sure to mention the incident with Sonny. Kristina told Ava it was none of her business, but Ava begged to differ. "Actually, it is. If Sonny isn't well enough to take care of our daughter, then I should. Full time," she said.
When Ava returned home, she found Ric in her apartment and chastised him for parking in her spot. He claimed all the other spots were taken. Ric said he was in too good a mood to argue after his amazing and peaceful conversation with Alexis. "The last thing I expected happened. Alexis and I made peace. It's a whole new era for me and the Davis clan," he marveled.
Right on cue, Kristina began banging on the door and demanded that Ava open up to "finish this now." Ric and Ava could only roll their eyes.
At the hospital, Felicia put on her patient advocate hat and asked Sasha if she planned to add Jason's information to her medical file. "I appreciate you checking in, but even if everyone knows who my baby's father is, that doesn't mean I want him involved," Sasha said.
Felicia then asked if Sasha planned to put Jason's name on the baby's birth certificate. Sasha admitted she hadn't really thought about it, but Felicia advised her to get all legal matters in order before the baby was born.
In Sonny's office, Jason was furious to hear that Ava kept Sonny's heart meds from him. Sonny still blamed himself for allowing Ava to get to him. Jason encouraged Sonny not to delay the surgery, but Sonny refused. He couldn't do it until he knew who planted the incendiary device in his office.
Like clockwork, Brick walked in and said he had a lead on the person "who almost burned Michael to death." Brick said he learned the man Valentin had mentioned was a former intelligence agent who was in Toronto at the moment. "I can have the plane fueled up and be in Toronto in an hour," Jason announced.
Brick warned Jason that the man was very dangerous, but Sonny assured Brick that he was more dangerous. Jason was alarmed when Sonny announced his intention of joining Jason on this trip. Jason tried to talk Sonny out of the idea. "What if you have an attack and the pills don't work?" Jason wondered. Sonny had to think about that one.
Sonny reasoned that taking down the man who started the fire would be a stress reliever. Jason pointed out that they were only looking for the middleman. They couldn't take him out because they needed to know who hired him. Jason finally agreed to let Sonny tag along.
As they grabbed their guns and got ready to leave, Jason ignored a voicemail from Sasha saying she wanted to talk about the baby. Sonny vowed that he was going to find whoever was after his family. We then saw the camera pan to a photo of Michael and Morgan.
Jordan and Isaiah returned to her apartment after a five-mile recreational hike. Isaiah said that wasn't what he had in mind when they agreed to see one another in secret. Isaiah could tell that Jordan was distracted by something.
She finally admitted that Councilman Boyle had suggested she distance herself from Laura because of Laura's friendship with Sonny. She also told Isaiah that Boyle had suggested taking advantage of the friendship so she could slip into the mayor's position herself. Isaiah found that idea to be "shady."
"The thing that bugs me the most about this is I agree with him," Jordan said, referring to Laura's relationship with Sonny, not about backstabbing Laura. However, Jordan was disappointed that Laura hadn't approved moving the esplanade project to Pier 55. "I'm starting to realize that Laura will never see Sonny as the civic danger that he is," Jordan concluded.
Isaiah, who had grown fond of Sonny, conceded that although Sonny was a criminal, at least he did a lot of good with his money. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Brick was there — and he even brought flowers. When he saw Isaiah, Jordan asked him to keep the fact that she was dating him a secret.
Brick agreed, but not without a warning to Isaiah. "By the way, I've heard some questionable things about your family. I hope for your sake you're not a part of that," Brick said.
Outside Charlie's, Elizabeth spoke with Lucas on the phone and told him that Ric confirmed that whatever Portia did, it was pretty bad. After she had hung up, she walked into the pub only to find Lucky setting up a romantic meal for two. Elizabeth couldn't believe how good the chicken parmesan was. Lucky surprised her when he said it was from Lorenzo's, a New York City Italian restaurant they had been to in the past.
"What do you say? Let me take you back to New York," Lucky said while suggesting they go away for the weekend. That led Elizabeth to reminisce about the trip to New York Lucky and Liz took when they were in high school. We even got all the requisite old 1990s flashbacks. "I had the time of my life," Liz said. Lucky surprised Liz when he told her that he'd even booked a room in the hotel they stayed in back then.
When Liz had to leave for work, Lucky pressed her for an answer. "You knew the answer before you even asked. And this time, neither of us will have to sleep on the floor," she said.
When Chase noticed Brook Lynn working in the solarium, she explained she had a lot of work to do because Lulu had quit. She then informed Chase that his visit to Laura's apartment was the reason Lulu chose unemployment. Chase was immediately annoyed that Lulu had told Brook Lynn what had happened.
"It foesn't matter that it's none of her business. It doesn't matter that her blabbing could upend your entire life. Lulu's just gotta say it, and that's all that matters," Chase said. "That is her way," Brook Lynn pointed out. Brook Lynn was grateful that Chase defended her honor, but threatening to arrest Lulu was not like him.
"Just because I don't show that side of me very often doesn't mean it's not there. Brook Lynn, I will do whatever it takes to keep your secret safe," a loyal Chase told his wife. Brook Lynn knew how hard this was on Chase, but he was taking it all in pride.
"It's not your fault; it's not even a fault thing," Chase said. "You had a baby with my best friend, and knowing that is just something I'd have to get used to. I just never expected it."
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