Lulu and Lucky sat down for a chat at Charlie's. Lulu was surprised to hear that Lucky planned a weekend away with Elizabeth in New York City. Lulu agreed to keep an eye on Aiden, but she had a pointed question for Lucky. "Are you sure you want to do this?" she asked.
Lulu thought it was risky to go back to a place that meant so much to them because so much had changed during the last 25 years. "You have spent more time apart than you spent together, and you both picked up a lot of emotional baggage on the way," she said.
Lucky tried to remain optimistic that the trip would be perfect. "Going back to a place that was so important to's not about reclaiming the past. It's about considering a future," he said. Lulu finally came around to Lucky's way of thinking.
Ava and Ric sighed when they heard Kristina banging on the door, shouting for Ava to let her in. "Oh, listen to that. The sounds of Kristina Corinthos-Davis becoming more unhinged," Ava said. Ric rushed into another room so Kristina didn't see him and blow his truce with Alexis sky high.
Ava let Kristina in so she could say her piece. "But please, stay away from the window. Wouldn't want a repeat of the last time you barged in on me," Ava foolishly said. Kristina was incensed. "Did you just make a joke about my baby dying?" Kristina asked. "I would never make a joke about Baby Irene," Ava replied. That set Kristina off even more, as she insisted the baby's name was Adela.
Kristina once again accused Ava of killing her baby. Ava quickly had enough and suggested that she and Kristina avoid one another. She opened the door for Kristina to leave, but Kristina kept shouting. "Where the hell do you get off thinking you could drag my father back to court?" she yelled. That got Ava's attention, causing the situation to devolve.
"As a mother, I would do anything to protect my child, something you obviously cannot understand. Since you're not a mother," Ava said. She even threatened to expose Sonny's health issues if it meant that she could keep custody of Avery. Kristina finally lost it.
"You took my brother. You took Adela. You will not take my father. I will stop you, Ava. I will," Kristina warned before walking out. Ric then emerged from the other room and commented, "Judging by Kristina's reaction, Sonny's health issue might be serious." Ric warned Ava to tread carefully with her threats.
Just then, Elizabeth called with the info about Portia that he'd requested. She offered to drop the envelope off at Ava's. When Ric hung up, he reluctantly admitted to Ava that he had told Liz a few vague things about Portia's case and that Liz was just trying to help. Ava didn't think Liz was being altruistic.
"She's snooping for the hospital, and she's using you to do it," Ava accused. Ric laughed her accusations off, but Ava was angry because she was the one who had referred Ric to Portia. "You have gone against the attorney-client privilege you have with Portia," Ava said. Ric was hurt by Ava's words and told Ava he truly believed Elizabeth wanted to help him.
Elizabeth soon arrived and heard Ric and Ava arguing through the door. Ric let her in, but then offered to give Liz a ride home since she had taken a ride share. All Ava could do was roll her eyes.
In the parking garage, a hysterical Kristina eyed the car in Ava's spot. Amazingly, a bag of tools with a wire cutter was right there in the garage. Kristina grabbed the wire cutter, but the next moment we saw her, she was at Charlie's. As soon as she walked in, Lucky could see that Kristina was out of sorts.
Kristina began telling Lucky what happened, but as soon as she said, "I lost it," Kristina realized she'd really lost it. "I made a mistake, but I'm gonna fix it. I can fix it," she said before bolting. An alarmed Lucky grabbed his car keys and chased after her.
Kristina drove towards Ava's place while trying to call her, but Ava ignored the calls. Meanwhile, Ric and Liz argued in the car as he wondered if Ava was right — was she using him? Suddenly, Liz asked Ric to slow down, but when he hit the brakes, the car refused to stop. The car careened off the road as the screen went black.
Earlier, Tracy found Elizabeth in the hospital halls to see if Stella was still around. Liz told Tracy that Stella had just left but asked how Monica was doing. Tracy reported that Monica was having one of her good days. "Let's hope she doesn't find out that Drew is trying to dig up her late husband," Tracy remarked.
Liz was taken aback to hear about Drew's plans for the crypt because that didn't sound like the Drew she had nearly married a decade ago. Tracy said she was doing her best to shield Monica from the situation because "she's already furious with Drew for multiple reasons."
At the Q crypt, Trina was alarmed when she heard bulldozers outside the crypt and demanded to know what was going on. Councilman Boyle appeared and told her that he had a signed demolition order. Emma and Gio were right behind Boyle, determined to put a stop to things.
Boyle was disappointed to learn the demolition couldn't begin until the property's owner — Monica — was served. The sheriff went up to the house to serve the papers. The chaos prompted Yuri to call Tracy and tell her to get home right away.
The sheriff returned and warned Boyle not to order the demolition because of the legalities of serving the papers to a domestic employee. Boyle didn't see the problem, but Emma did, so she said she had a plan and walked away for a bit. Like Emma had done two weeks ago, Trina took out her phone to record everything.
When the bulldozer operator realized what this job was all about, he walked away, saying, "I don't deal in bodies." An angry Boyle ordered him back to no avail before ordering Trina to put the phone down. Trina said she was exercising her First Amendment rights and continued recording. The next thing they knew, Emma had chained herself to the building.
Gio and Trina joined Emma in front of the building to record Boyle's reaction. When Tracy arrived, there was hell to pay as she ordered the men off the Q property. She also asked what Boyle planned to do about Emma. An alarmed Emma had Gio call Anna so she could help with the situation.
Tracy was so impressed with Emma that she sat down next to her and used the chain from her purse to bind them in solidarity. Tracy then gave a speech for Trina's phone. "This isn't about protecting the environment. This is about Congressman Cain using city resources to wage a personal war against his former family," she pronounced.
When Anna arrived, she was stunned to see Emma, but after reading the order, she refused to help. "I'm sorry. The law's the law," Anna said.
Kai met with Drew in his congressional office, where they discussed the hospital sports project and Kai's football career. Kai was sure his career was over, but Drew had doubts. He suggested that Kai see a specialist for a second opinion. He even knew of a few doing experimental treatments. Drew even offered to pay for his surgery.
Kai was stunned by that offer and assumed that Drew wanted something in return. Drew realized Kai had heard negative things about him from Trina and Curtis. Drew took the opportunity to defend himself. Drew tried to make what he did to Curtis seem innocent, but Kai didn't buy it 100 percent. Instead, he realized that it would look good if Drew mentored someone who made it into the NFL.
Sonny and Jason discussed their latest mission on the plane to Toronto. Sonny vowed to make whoever hired Selitski pay, but they had to find Selitski first. "We need the client's name, so we can't go in there guns blazing," Sonny warned. He also admitted that he wasn't sure what he would do when she saw the man who set his son on fire.
The next thing we knew, Sonny was sitting in a chair in what looked like Maxie's old apartment when Selitski walked in. The first thing he saw was Sonny pointing a gun at him. "I made myself comfortable in your home just like you made yourself comfortable in mine. You planted an incendiary device. You got sloppy. You didn't get me. You got my son instead," Sonny accused.
Sonny demanded to know who hired the man, but Selitski claimed he did not know. Sonny didn't buy it. The man tried to make a run for it, but Jason was on the other side of the door with a gun.
Sasha and Maxie met up for coffee and dessert, where Sasha showed Maxie an ultrasound photo that made her gush. Sasha also announced her intention of staying on as the Q cook for now. Sasha assured Maxie she had the money to take care of her baby, which helped her segue to the next topic.
She was sorry for saying that Sidwell had kidnapped her and wanted the Deception ladies to work with him. Maxie was surprised by the move, but Sasha was insistent.
Next on General Hospital
Lucky fears for Elizabeth.
Sonny and Jason hit a wall.
Drew feels betrayed.
Catch all-new episodes of General Hospital weekdays on ABC and Hulu.

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