Curious Choices Plague Port Charles Women: General Hospital Two Scoops for the week of March 3

General Hospital
General Hospital's Lulu, Brook Lynn, Sasha, and Willow | Image: ABC

What the heck was wrong with the women of Port Charles this week as General Hospital ladies made some seriously baffling decisions that some would say bordered on character assassination? From Willow's continuous wishy-washy ways to Sasha's dangerous decision, it was all we could do not to scream, so let's dig in and see what these ladies were up to.

Willow can't wait to rejoin Dawn of Day

Carly and Nina are all of us when looking at Willow | Image: ABC
Carly and Nina are all of us when looking at Willow | Image: ABC

What happened to Willow not wanting to uproot her two confused kids again by moving them to yet another home? So far, Wiley and Amelia have spent all of 2025 going back and forth between Nina's apartment, the gatehouse, and, we guess, Monica's bedroom since they seem to visit with her so much. Oh, and they were also kidnapped by Yuri, courtesy of Tracy.

We thought turning down Drew's offer to move into the Dawn of Day house...we mean, his new home...was the smartest idea she'd made since she decided to date Chase, but Willow showed her true colors again. Those colors tell us she's just not very smart. Now, she is all gung-ho on taking her two small kids and shacking up with their father's uncle while said father is in a German burn unit. As always, nothing anyone says can change Willow's mind. She will follow her cult leader to the ends of the Earth, even if he sleepwalks her right over the edge.

Also, what is Nina and Carly's plan exactly? To have dinner with Nina and play good cop, bad cop? We still have no idea what they are plotting to do to split Willow and Drew.

Sasha and Sidwell...wait, what?

Tracy gave Sasha advice she did not take | Image: ABC
Tracy gave Sasha advice she did not take | Image: ABC

So, let us get this straight. Sasha feels running cons on men or taking money from dangerous criminals to do their dirty work is justified because the cash has been earned, but taking money from a dangerous criminal just because is charity. Someone explain to us why Sasha would agree to tell the Deception ladies a little white lie about Sidwell for $250,000, but she refused to take Jason's offer to buy her a house? Make it make sense.

This man held her at gunpoint and left her to die in a warehouse that was about to explode, but she thinks taking money from him to make life as a single mom easier is a better idea than just letting the Quartermaines help since she is carrying a Quartermaine child?

Honestly, this has now become the most contrived fake daddy plot we have ever seen. GH wanted Jason to pose as another damsel in distress' baby daddy, so they gave her the stupidest reason for not revealing the truth about who fathered her child. First, the Corinthos clan was too dangerous. Then, the Quartermaines would be too overbearing. Now, it's to make sure Michael doesn't lose his other kids. So, she chooses a Quartermaine as the faux dad, who is also the Corinthos hitman. Then, she goes to work for a known madman who tried to have her killed to give her baby a better future. Let's not forget that she let a dog loose in traffic as part of her paternity cover-up. If GH wants us to suddenly turn against Sasha, it's doing a good job of getting us there.

Loose Lip Lulu's latest obsession

Lulu needs to mind her own business | Image: ABC
Lulu needs to mind her own business | Image: ABC

Lulu sure made a quick switch from her obsession with finding Charlotte to a new obsession with making sure Dante knew he knocked up Brook Lynn while they were in high school. As soon as Lulu saw those notes in Marty's room, it became "Charlotte WHO???? Was I rummaging through my uncle's room to find my daughter? WAIT! I have a daughter?!?!? But Dante has a SON!!! And that is all that matters."

Now, it's like Charlotte doesn't exist, as Lulu has made it her goal to berate and judge Brook Lynn despite even Carly telling her that she had no right to do that. She claims this is all out of concern for Dante, a man she hasn't been married to in years. Watching her trick Cody, who was so proud of keeping a secret for a whole 20 years, was also pretty gross.

Lois told Sonny and not Ned????

Lois has made some unusual choices about Brook Lynn's baby | Image: ABC
Lois has made some unusual choices about Brook Lynn's baby | Image: ABC

It's pretty clear that Sonny knows that Gio is his grandson and that is why he has been paying for his education all these years. We even learned that Sonny would frequently travel to Brooklyn when we weren't looking to see Gio's violin concerts, but Ned doesn't seem to suspect a thing when Gio is his grandson, too.

Why would Lois choose to tell Sonny the truth and not Ned, Brook Lynn's own father? And when did she tell Sonny this? When Gio was conceived, Sonny didn't even know that Dante was his son, so this had to be years later. Yet, Ned was still left in the dark. We can't wait to see Ned let loose when he learns the truth.

Commitment-phobic Carly?

Carly wonders what she just did | Image: ABC
Carly wonders what she just did | Image: ABC

We have no idea who the Carly was that we saw this week. She was the voice of reason with Lulu and now she is running scared of Jack??? Why? She is claiming he is the one with commitment issues, but it sure seems like that is Carly's issue. One woman from his past flirted with Jack for all of 30 seconds, and now Carly feels inadequate? Carly?

Even Jack was giving her the side eye as he made it perfectly clear that he wanted her and would be willing to wait until she was ready to take their relationship further. Wouldn't we all want a man like that before we dump him for no particular reason? When Jack did as she asked and walked out of Bobbie's, Carly seemed butt hurt and surprised. Maybe she is Carly after all and should think before she acts.

Panicked Portia

Portia could just...tell the truth | Image: ABC
Portia could just...tell the truth | Image: ABC

Yes, we are all well aware that Curtis — who is frequently dishonest — values honesty over all else. That's why he divorced Jordan for not telling him TJ was kidnapped. It's also why he walked out on Portia on their wedding night when he learned that Trina was his daughter. So, why wouldn't she have told Curtis that Brad was blackmailing her months ago? She told him she fudged Heather's test results, but not that someone caught her. Again, make it make sense.

At this point, Curtis would welcome having more dirt on Drew, so why not just tell him that the little weasel is blackmailing her? And what is Ric going to do for her? She is being blackmailed for something illegal that she actually did. How is a lawyer going to solve her little Drew problem?

Whiplash Kristina comes roaring in

Kristina came out of nowhere with conflicting opinions | Image: ABC
Kristina came out of nowhere with conflicting opinions | Image: ABC

Thankfully, we didn't have to listen to a week of Kristina talking about Ava murdering her baby because she only appeared in about three scenes, and we still don't even know where she came from. Lucy was showing Sonny around Valentin's old house, and out of nowhere, Kristina appeared. We don't even know where she came from, but she wasn't happy. How dare her dad consider buying Valentin Cassadine's house!?!?! (Did Kristina forget that she happens to be a Cassadine?)

By the next scene, Kristina had fallen in love with the house and told Sonny that he just had to buy it, and we still don't understand what actually happened.

Brook Lynn explains pro-choice

Brook Lynn wins this week's Voice of Reason Award | Image: ABC
Brook Lynn wins this week's Voice of Reason Award | Image: ABC

Perhaps the only woman who made any sense when it came to choices this week was Brook Lynn Ashton Quartermaine Chase, who was the voice of wisdom Lulu needed — even if it did seem to go in one ear and out the other.

As Carly had already told Lulu, she had no right to judge Brook Lynn since she also became pregnant in high school and chose to terminate the pregnancy. Brook Lynn also pointed this out to Lulu and saw nothing wrong with the choice Lulu made for her body, her baby, and her life. But Brook Lynn made a different choice, which she had every right to do.

Lulu admitted that she did what she felt was right at the time, and Brook Lynn did the same. Pregnancy is personal, and nobody has the right to tell a woman what to do and to judge her for her decisions. Brook Lynn knows that, and maybe Lulu will know that someday, too, leading her to make better choices for her life.

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Edited by Erin Goldsby
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